Exemple #1
 def enterRead_config_call(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Read_config_callContext):
     #print('enterRead_config_call: ')
     readType = ctx.getChild(2).getText()
     readPath = ctx.path().getText()
     readVar = ctx.id_str().getText()
     #print(' ' + readType + ' ' + readPath + ' ' + readVar)
     rNode = Cm.CfgReadNode(readPath, readType, None)
     #print('enterRead_config_call: findVar name=' + readVar + ", ret=" + str(Cm.BaseCfgNode.peekNode().findVar(readVar, True)))
     rVar = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveLhsExpression(
         readVar, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # read return variable
     Cm.CfgAssign(rVar, Cm.ConfigAssignType.EQ, rNode)
Exemple #2
 def enterPoll_config_call(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Poll_config_callContext):
     #print('enterPoll_config_call: ')
     readType = ctx.getChild(0).getText()
     readPath = ctx.path().getText()
     pollOp = ctx.compare_op().getText()
     pollVal = ctx.value(0).getText()
     #print(' ' + readType + ' ' + readPath + ' ' + pollOp + ' ' + pollVal)
     rtype = Cm.CfgPathHierType.resolve(
         readType)  # poll is compare of read value, so explicitly set type
     rNode = Cm.CfgReadNode(readPath, rtype, None)
     pVal = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveRhsExpression(
         Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # read compares to a numeric var or instance
     whileCompare = Cm.CfgCompare(rNode, pollOp, pVal)
 def pyF1ToCfgData(pyNd):
     ''' convert a py node to appropriate config model data type - returns None on no match 
         form match is checked in following order: int, path w/ read, path only '''
     s = __class__.getSourceString(pyNd)  # convert py node to a string
     data = Cm.CfgNumDataType(s)  # try converting to int
     if data.isValid():
         return data
     hstr = __class__.getHierString(s)
     if hstr:
         path = Cm.CfgPathDataType(hstr)  # try converting to path
         if path.isValid():
             if path.hasCall():
                 if path.call == '__get__':
                     return Cm.CfgReadNode(path, pyNd)
                 if path.call == '__read__':
                     return Cm.CfgReadNode(path, pyNd)
                 print('invalid call in strToCfgDataType path.val=' +
                       path.val + ', path.call=' + path.call)
                 return None  # invalid call found
                 return path
     return None