Exemple #1
def serviceStatus(serviceFullName,smallKey, smallKeyFolder, server, port,geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs):
    """Check the status of a pubilshed service.

        smallKey: Small key of current payload.
        SmallKeyFolder: folder of current payload
        serviceFullName: Name of the service.
        server: Domain of server to connect to.
        port: Port of server to connect to.
        geocatUrl: geocat Url
        geocatUsername: geocat user name
        geocatPassword: geocat password
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication
        A string - 'ERROR' or 'SUCCESS'.
    status = 'SUCCESS'
    baseUrl = "http://{}:{}/arcgis/rest/services".format(server, port)
    response = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(baseUrl + '/' + serviceFullName + '/' + 'MapServer' + "?f=json"))
    if "error" in response:
        status = 'ERROR'
        #check further if there is any records returned
        queryUrl = baseUrl + '/' + serviceFullName + '/' + 'MapServer'
        queryUrl= queryUrl + "/0/query?where=1%3D1&text=&objectIds=&time=&geometry=&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&relationParam=&outFields=&returnGeometry=true&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=true&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&gdbVersion=&returnDistinctValues=false&f=json"
        response= json.load(urllib2.urlopen(queryUrl))
        if "error" in response:
            status ="ERROR"
            checkError.printLog(logs,"Service " + smallKey + " returns error.")
            onlineResources.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, smallKeyFolder, RESTENDPOINTNOTFOUND['code'],  geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword)
    return status
Exemple #2
def sendEmail(server, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey, workspace, logs):
    """send email
        server: smtp server
        fromaddr: sender email address
        toaddrs: receriver email addresses
        smallKey: smallKey
        worksapce: playload folder
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication

        #Get the UUID from the supplied JSON file
            jsonPath = os.path.join(workspace, smallKey + '.json')
            jsonData = open(jsonPath)
            jsonObj = json.load(jsonData)
        except IOError:
            checkError.printLog(logs, "Json file is not found")

        uuid = jsonObj['config']['UUID']

        errorInfo = '\n'.join([str(i) for i in logs])

        subject = "Error publishing data for UUID [{0}]".format(uuid)

        body = """Hello,

        This email is to inform you of a potential problem in the PAGER (Publication to ArcGIS Environments and RAMP) workflow that has returned a status code requiring your attention.


        Please get in touch with the BASD development team if you believe this error requires their attention.

        msg = MIMEText(body)
        msg['Subject'] = subject
        msg['From'] = fromaddr
        msg['To'] = toaddrs

        # sending
        toaddrs = toaddrs.split(',')
        session = smtplib.SMTP(server)

            session.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

    except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror,
            smtplib.SMTPException), e:
        checkError.printLog(logs, str(e.errno) + ":" + e.strerror)
Exemple #3
def sendEmail(server, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey, workspace, logs):
    """send email
        server: smtp server
        fromaddr: sender email address
        toaddrs: receriver email addresses
        smallKey: smallKey
        worksapce: playload folder
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication

        #Get the UUID from the supplied JSON file
            jsonPath = os.path.join(workspace, smallKey + '.json')
            jsonData = open(jsonPath)
            jsonObj = json.load(jsonData)
        except IOError:
            checkError.printLog(logs,"Json file is not found")

        uuid = jsonObj['config']['UUID']

        errorInfo = '\n'.join([str(i) for i in logs])

        subject ="Error publishing data for UUID [{0}]".format(uuid)

        body= """Hello,

        This email is to inform you of a potential problem in the PAGER (Publication to ArcGIS Environments and RAMP) workflow that has returned a status code requiring your attention.


        Please get in touch with the BASD development team if you believe this error requires their attention.

        msg = MIMEText(body)
        msg['Subject'] = subject
        msg['From'] = fromaddr
        msg['To'] = toaddrs

        # sending
        toaddrs= toaddrs.split(',')
        session = smtplib.SMTP(server)

            session.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

    except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), e:
        checkError.printLog(logs,str(e.errno) + ":"+ e.strerror)
Exemple #4
def makeDescriptor(smallkey, baseUrl,logs):
    """Use the makeDescriptor service to create a JSON descriptor file.

    Assumption: The JSON file exists in a folder.

        smallKey: Small key of current payload.
        baseUrl: Base URL of makeDescriptor service.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication

    makeDescriptorUrl = baseUrl + '/' + smallkey
    print "make descriptorUrl:"+ makeDescriptorUrl
    response = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(makeDescriptorUrl + "?f=json"))

    if 'Error' in response:
Exemple #5
def cleanUp(workspace, smallKey,logs):
    """Clean up the workspace by removing smallkey folder and zip file.

        workspace: ArcPy workspace environment setting (folder path).
        smallKey: ID of shapefile.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workspace, topdown=False):
            for f in files:
                print f
                os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f))
            for d in dirs:
                print d
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d),ignore_errors=True)

        checkError.printLog(logs,workspace + " workspace cleaned up")

    except OSError as e:
        checkError.printLog(logs,"Folder clean up Failed with: "+ e.strerror)
Exemple #6
def cleanUp(workspace, smallKey, logs):
    """Clean up the workspace by removing smallkey folder and zip file.

        workspace: ArcPy workspace environment setting (folder path).
        smallKey: ID of shapefile.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workspace, topdown=False):
            for f in files:
                print f
                os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f))
            for d in dirs:
                print d
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d), ignore_errors=True)

        checkError.printLog(logs, workspace + " workspace cleaned up")

    except OSError as e:
        checkError.printLog(logs, "Folder clean up Failed with: " + e.strerror)
Exemple #7
def createMXD(inFolder, template,logs):
    """Create MXD from the layers in the folder.

        inFolder: Path of folder to work from.
        template: Template MXD file.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication
        A new MXD file.

    checkError.printLog(logs,"Creating MXD...")
    arcpy.env.workspace = inFolder

    #Open the template
    mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(template)
    #Save the template to a new MXD, specific for this data
    mxd.saveACopy(inFolder + "\\" + "publishMXD.mxd")

    #Reopen the new file
    mxd = None
    mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(inFolder + "\\" + "publishMXD.mxd")

    #Add layer
    shps = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("*.shp", "")
    dataFrame = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "*")[0]
    if shps:
        for shp in shps:
            newLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(inFolder + "\\" + shp)
            arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(dataFrame, newLayer, "BOTTOM")

            applyRandomSymbology(mxd, dataFrame, 0,logs)
            del newLayer

        checkError.printLog(logs,"Publishing MXD created")
    else:   #If there's no shapefile
        checkError.printLog(logs,"No shapefile. Check payload folder")

    return mxd
Exemple #8
def main():

    #Parameters retrieved by FileSystemWatcher from

    #logs to hold all log information for current smallkey publication
    logs =[]

    #Parameters retrieved by FileSystemWatcher from

    smallKey = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    smallKeyFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    server = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
    port = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
    pubTemplate = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
    connPath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)
    publishStatus = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)
    folder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7)
    geocatUrl = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8)
    geocatUsername = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9)
    geocatPassword = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10)
    agsUser = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11)
    agsPassword = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12)
    smtpserver = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13)
    fromaddr = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(14)
    toaddrs = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(15)
    metaDataUrl = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(16)
    webAdaptorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(17)

##    print("smallKey ="+ smallKey)
##    print("smallKeyFolder="+ smallKeyFolder)
##    print("server ="+ server)
##    print("port ="+ port)
##    print("pubTemplate ="+ pubTemplate)
##    print("connPath ="+ connPath)
##    print("publishStatus="+ publishStatus)
##    print("folder ="+folder)
##    print("geocatUrl ="+ geocatUrl)
##    print("geocatUsername ="******"geocatPassword ="******"agsUser ="******"agsPassword ="******"smtpserver ="+smtpserver)
##    print("fromaddr="+ fromaddr)
##    print("toaddrs ="+ toaddrs)
##    print("metaDataUrl ="+metaDataUrl)


        serviceName = smallKey
        mapServiceFullName = folder + "/" + serviceName
        serviceNameDelete = serviceName + ".MapServer"

        #Folder to move payload zip files to after they are published
        (payloadFolder, sk) = os.path.split(smallKeyFolder)
        payloadZip = os.path.join(payloadFolder, smallKey + ".zip")

        publishedFolderName = "Published"
        publishedFolderPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder, publishedFolderName)

        badLoadsFolderName = "Bad_Payloads"
        badLoadsFolderPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder, badLoadsFolderName)

        #check error

        errReturns= checkError.errorValidation(smallKey,smallKeyFolder,publishStatus,geocatUrl, geocatUsername,geocatPassword,metaDataUrl,logs)
        if errReturns == 1:  #fatal error

        serviceExists = False

        #Get the list of existing map service
        agsServiceList = publishService.getCatalog(server, port,logs)

        #Check if the map service already exists
        if mapServiceFullName in agsServiceList:
            serviceExists = True

        if publishStatus in ("1", "2"):   #NEW or UPDATE

            if publishStatus == "1":    #NEW
                if serviceExists:
                    checkError.printLog(logs,mapServiceFullName + " already exists. System exit.")
                    moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath,logs)
            else:   #UPDATE
                checkError.printLog(logs,"Attempting to update the service: " + mapServiceFullName)

                if not serviceExists:
                    checkError.printLog(logs,"Service does not exist. Publishing as new service.")
                    deleteService.deleteService(server, serviceNameDelete, agsUser, agsPassword, folder, port)

            #Publish the new service
            shpFolder = os.path.join(smallKeyFolder, smallKey)
            pMXD = publishService.createMXD(shpFolder, pubTemplate,logs)

                publishService.publishMXD(shpFolder, pMXD, connPath, serviceName, folder,logs)
                del pMXD

            #Check publishing status
            status = publishService.serviceStatus(mapServiceFullName, smallKey, smallKeyFolder,server, port,geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)

            #If the service is published successfully, make the
            #descriptor file, otherwise exit
            if status == 'SUCCESS':

                publishService.addFileSizeToJson(smallKey, smallKeyFolder, shpFolder)
                moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, publishedFolderPath,logs)

                if onlineResources.updateOnlineResources(smallKey, smallKeyFolder, webAdaptorName, folder, geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)==1:
            elif status == 'ERROR':

            ##cleanUp(smallKeyFolder, smallKey,logs)

        elif publishStatus == "0":  #NOTHING

            checkError.printLog(logs,"Status code 0 ignored.")

        elif publishStatus == "3":  #DELETE

            checkError.printLog(logs,"Attempting to delete the service: " + mapServiceFullName)

            if serviceExists:
                deleteService.deleteService(server, serviceNameDelete, agsUser, agsPassword, folder, port)

                checkError.printLog(logs,mapServiceFullName + " map service has been deleted")

                publishedZipPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder, publishedFolderName, smallKey + ".zip")
                checkError.printLog(logs,"Deleted: " + publishedZipPath)

                if os.path.isfile(publishedZipPath):
                    checkError.printLog(logs,"Deleted: " + payloadZip)
                if os.path.isfile(payloadZip):
                checkError.printLog(logs,"Service does not exist. Exiting.")
            checkError.printLog(logs,"Unknown publish status: " + publishStatus)

        if errReturns == 2:  #warning error   #add at last to avoid duplicated emails
            sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey, smallKeyFolder, logs)


        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
        pymsg = "\n\nERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n    " + \
                str(sys.exc_type) + ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + "\n"

        if hasattr(sys.exc_value, 'code'):
           if sys.exc_value.code !=0:  #only for un-normal exit
                moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath,logs)
                sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey, smallKeyFolder, logs)
            moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath,logs)
            sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey, smallKeyFolder, logs)
def updateOnlineResources(smallKey, workspace, server, serviceFolder, geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs):
    """Update OnlineResources in the Data Catalogue with the appropriate endpoint URLs.

        smallKey: ID of shapefile.
        workspace: Folder in which data is unzipped to.
        server: Domain of server to connect to.
        serviceFolder: Folder containing map services.
        geocatUrl: URL of GeoCat's metadata.addmapresources call.
        geocatUsername: GeoCat username with administrator privileges.
        geocatPassword: Password for matching GeoCat admin account.
        0: no error
        1: fatal error


    servicesPath = 'arcgis/services'
    restServicesPath = 'arcgis/rest/services'

    #URLs of all services to add
    wms = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS' % (server, servicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    wfs = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/WFSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS' % (server, servicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    rest = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/0' % (server, restServicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    geoJson = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/exts/GeoJSONServer/GeoJSON?query=true&layer=0&f=pjson' % (server, restServicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    kml = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/generateKml?docName=Output&l:0=on&layers=0&layerOptions=nonComposite' % (server, restServicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)

    #Get the UUID from the supplied JSON file
    jsonPath = os.path.join(workspace, smallKey + '.json')
    jsonData = open(jsonPath)
    jsonObj = json.load(jsonData)
    uuid = jsonObj['config']['UUID']

    #SOAP request body
    #CDATA used to send raw URLs without escaping characters (required for GeoJSON query)
    soapBody = """<request>
    <endPoint protocol="REST"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="WMS"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="WFS"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="KML"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="GeoJSON"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    </request>""" % (uuid, smallKey, rest, wms, wfs, kml, geoJson)

    base64string = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (geocatUsername, geocatPassword)).replace('\n', '')
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/soap+xml+x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
               'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64string}

    #Build our Request object (POST)
    request = urllib2.Request(geocatUrl, soapBody, headers)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    except IOError, e:
        if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
            checkError.printLog(logs,'OnlineResources: We failed to reach a server.')
            checkError.printLog(logs,'Reason: %s' % e.reason)
            checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'], geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
        elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
            #Contains HTTP error codes and responses
            #Error code list: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#error-codes
            responses = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
            checkError.printLog(logs,'OnlineResources: The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
            checkError.printLog(logs,'Error code: %s - %s: %s' % (e.code, responses[e.code][0], responses[e.code][1]))
            if e.code ==404:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'],  geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            elif e.code ==401:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATAUSERNORIGHT['code'], geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            elif e.code==500:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.OTHERGENERICERROR['code'],  geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            result =1
        return result
Exemple #10
    #Build our Request object (POST)
    request = urllib2.Request(geocatUrl, soapBody, headers)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    except IOError, e:
        if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
            checkError.printLog(logs,'OnlineResources: We failed to reach a server.')
            checkError.printLog(logs,'Reason: %s' % e.reason)
            checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'], geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
        elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
            #Contains HTTP error codes and responses
            #Error code list: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#error-codes
            responses = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
            checkError.printLog(logs,'OnlineResources: The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
            checkError.printLog(logs,'Error code: %s - %s: %s' % (e.code, responses[e.code][0], responses[e.code][1]))
            if e.code ==404:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'],  geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            elif e.code ==401:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATAUSERNORIGHT['code'], geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            elif e.code==500:
                checkError.updateErrorStatus(smallKey, workspace, checkError.OTHERGENERICERROR['code'],  geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword,logs)
            result =1
        return result
    checkError.printLog(logs,'OnlineResources update successful')
    return result

Exemple #11
def publishMXD(inFolder, mxd, connPath, serviceName, folder, logs, summary=None, tags=None):
    """Publish the service.

        inFolder: Absolute path of workspace folder.
        mxd: MXD file to publish.
        connPath: Path to connection file that is used to connect to a GIS Server.
        serviceName: Name of the service.
        folder: Name of the folder to publish in.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication
        summary (optional): A string that represents the Item Description Summary (default=None).
        tags (optional): A string that represents the Item Description Tags (default=None).

    workspace = inFolder
    checkError.printLog(logs,"Publishing MXD in: " + workspace)

    # Provide other service details
    service = serviceName
    sddraft = workspace + "/" + service + '.sddraft'
    sd = workspace + "/" + service + '.sd'
    folderName = folder
    checkError.printLog(logs, "  Service: " + service)
    checkError.printLog(logs, "  Folder: " + folderName)
    checkError.printLog(logs, "  SD Draft: " + sddraft)
    checkError.printLog(logs, "  SD path: " + sd)

    # make sure the folder is registered with the server, if not, add it to the
    # datastore
    #if workspace not in [i[2] for i in arcpy.ListDataStoreItems(connPath, 'FOLDER')]:
    #    # both the client and server paths are the same
    #    dsStatus = arcpy.AddDataStoreItem(connPath, "FOLDER", "Workspace for " + service, workspace, workspace)
    #    print "Data store: " + str(dsStatus)

    # Create service definition draft
    # Data will be copied to server
    # Syntax: CreateMapSDDraft(map_document, out_sddraft, service_name, {server_type}, {connection_file_path}, {copy_data_to_server}, {folder_name}, {summary}, {tags})
    arcpy.mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(mxd, sddraft, service, 'ARCGIS_SERVER', connPath, True, folderName, summary, tags)

    #Modify the sd to enable wms, wfs, and then wcs capabilities on the service
    soeType = ['WMSServer', 'WFSServer', 'GeoJSONServer']
    ogcSDDraft = enableCapabilities(soeType, sddraft, service, workspace, logs)  # THIS IS THE LINE CAUSING PROBLEMS!!!!
    # Analyze the service definition draft
    analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForSD(ogcSDDraft)

    # Print errors, warnings, and messages returned from the analysis
    checkError.printLog(logs,"The following information was returned during analysis of the MXD:")

    for key in ('messages', 'warnings', 'errors'):
        checkError.printLog(logs,'----' + key.upper() + '---')
        vars = analysis[key]
        errorList =""
        if not vars:
            checkError.printLog(logs,'     None')
            for ((message, code), layerlist) in vars.iteritems():
                errorList= '    '+ message+ ' CODE %i' % code
                errorList =  errorList+ '       applies to:'
                for layer in layerlist:
                     errorList= errorList+ layer.name,

    # Stage and upload the service if the sddraft analysis did not contain
    # errors
    if analysis['errors'] == {}:
        # Execute StageService.  This creates the service definition.
        arcpy.StageService_server(ogcSDDraft, sd)

        # Execute UploadServiceDefinition.  This uploads the service definition
        # and publishes the service.
        arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(sd, connPath)
        checkError.printLog(logs, "Service successfully published")

        del ogcSDDraft
       checkError.printLog(logs,"Service could not be published because errors were found during analysis.")
Exemple #12
def enableCapabilities(soeType, sddraft, smallKey, workspace, logs):
    """Enable capabilities for the service and set maxRecordCount.

        soeType: List of capabilities.
        sddraft: Path to Service Definition Draft file.
        smallKey: Small key of current payload.
        workspace: Absolute path of workspace folder.
        logs: log list holds all log items for current publication
        Path to output .sddraft file.
    #Properties dictionary for WMS/WFS Service
    propList = getMetadata(workspace, smallKey, logs)  #THIS IS THE LINE CAUSING PROBLEMS
    propList = escapeSpecialCharacters(propList)

    #New maxRecordCount to set for publishing services (default: 1000)
    maxRecordCount = 10000

    #New maxInstances to set for publishing services (default: 2)
    maxInstances = 1

    #Read the sddraft xml.
    doc = DOM.parse(sddraft)
    #Find all elements named TypeName.  This is where the server object
    #extension (SOE) names are defined.
    typeNames = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName')

    for typeName in typeNames:
        #Get the TypeName whose properties we want to modify.
        if typeName.firstChild.data in soeType:
            extension = typeName.parentNode
            for extElement in extension.childNodes:
                #Enabled SOE.
                if extElement.tagName == 'Enabled':
                    extElement.firstChild.data = 'true'

            #Set WMS/WFS service properties
            if typeName.firstChild.data == "WMSServer" or typeName.firstChild.data == "WFSServer":
                svcExtension = typeName.parentNode
                for extElement in svcExtension.childNodes:
                    if extElement.tagName == "Props":
                        for propArray in extElement.childNodes:
                            for propSetProperty in propArray.childNodes:
                                for prop in propSetProperty.childNodes:
                                    if prop.nodeType == 1 and prop.tagName == "Key":
                                        setServiceProperties(prop, doc, propList)

        #Set maxRecordCount for MapServer services
        elif typeName.firstChild.data == "MapServer":
            svcConfiguration = typeName.parentNode
            for svcConfigElement in svcConfiguration.childNodes:
                if svcConfigElement.tagName == "Definition":
                    for definitionElement in svcConfigElement.childNodes:
                        if definitionElement.tagName == "ConfigurationProperties":
                            for propArray in definitionElement.childNodes:
                                for propSet in propArray.childNodes:
                                    for prop in propSet.childNodes:
                                        if prop.tagName == "Key":
                                            if prop.firstChild.data == "maxRecordCount":
                                                prop.nextSibling.firstChild.data = maxRecordCount
                                                print "maxRecordCount set to: %s" % str(maxRecordCount)
                        if definitionElement.tagName == "Props":
                            for propArray in definitionElement.childNodes:
                                for propSet in propArray.childNodes:
                                    for prop in propSet.childNodes:
                                        if prop.tagName == "Key":
                                            if prop.firstChild.data == "MaxInstances":
                                                prop.nextSibling.firstChild.data = maxInstances
                                                print "maxInstances set to: %s" % str(maxInstances)

    print "WMS/WFS service properties set"

    #Output to a new sddraft
    outXML = os.path.join(workspace, "ogcEnabledSDDraft.sddraft")
    if os.path.exists(outXML):
    f = open(outXML, 'w')
    checkError.printLog(logs,"Service definition created with %s enabled" % ", ".join(map(str, soeType)))

    del f, doc
    return outXML
def updateOnlineResources(smallKey, workspace, server, serviceFolder,
                          geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs):
    """Update OnlineResources in the Data Catalogue with the appropriate endpoint URLs.

        smallKey: ID of shapefile.
        workspace: Folder in which data is unzipped to.
        server: Domain of server to connect to.
        serviceFolder: Folder containing map services.
        geocatUrl: URL of GeoCat's metadata.addmapresources call.
        geocatUsername: GeoCat username with administrator privileges.
        geocatPassword: Password for matching GeoCat admin account.
        0: no error
        1: fatal error

    result = 0

    servicesPath = 'arcgis/services'
    restServicesPath = 'arcgis/rest/services'

    #URLs of all services to add
    wms = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS' % (
        server, servicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    wfs = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/WFSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WFS' % (
        server, servicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    rest = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/0' % (server, restServicesPath,
                                               serviceFolder, smallKey)
    geoJson = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/exts/GeoJSONServer/GeoJSON?query=true&layer=0&f=pjson' % (
        server, restServicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)
    kml = 'http://%s/%s/%s/%s/MapServer/generateKml?docName=Output&l:0=on&layers=0&layerOptions=nonComposite' % (
        server, restServicesPath, serviceFolder, smallKey)

    #Get the UUID from the supplied JSON file
    jsonPath = os.path.join(workspace, smallKey + '.json')
    jsonData = open(jsonPath)
    jsonObj = json.load(jsonData)
    uuid = jsonObj['config']['UUID']

    #SOAP request body
    #CDATA used to send raw URLs without escaping characters (required for GeoJSON query)
    soapBody = """<request>
    <endPoint protocol="REST"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="WMS"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="WFS"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="KML"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    <endPoint protocol="GeoJSON"><![CDATA[%s]]></endPoint>
    </request>""" % (uuid, smallKey, rest, wms, wfs, kml, geoJson)

    base64string = base64.b64encode(
        '%s:%s' % (geocatUsername, geocatPassword)).replace('\n', '')
    headers = {
        'application/soap+xml+x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
        'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64string

    #Build our Request object (POST)
    request = urllib2.Request(geocatUrl, soapBody, headers)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    except IOError, e:
        if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
                logs, 'OnlineResources: We failed to reach a server.')
            checkError.printLog(logs, 'Reason: %s' % e.reason)
                smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'],
                geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
        elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
            #Contains HTTP error codes and responses
            #Error code list: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#error-codes
            responses = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
                'OnlineResources: The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
                logs, 'Error code: %s - %s: %s' %
                (e.code, responses[e.code][0], responses[e.code][1]))
            if e.code == 404:
                    smallKey, workspace,
                    checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'], geocatUrl,
                    geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            elif e.code == 401:
                    smallKey, workspace,
                    checkError.METADATAUSERNORIGHT['code'], geocatUrl,
                    geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            elif e.code == 500:
                    smallKey, workspace, checkError.OTHERGENERICERROR['code'],
                    geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            result = 1
        return result
                smallKey, workspace, checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'],
                geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
        elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
            #Contains HTTP error codes and responses
            #Error code list: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#error-codes
            responses = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
                'OnlineResources: The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.')
                logs, 'Error code: %s - %s: %s' %
                (e.code, responses[e.code][0], responses[e.code][1]))
            if e.code == 404:
                    smallKey, workspace,
                    checkError.METADATADOESNOTEXIST['code'], geocatUrl,
                    geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            elif e.code == 401:
                    smallKey, workspace,
                    checkError.METADATAUSERNORIGHT['code'], geocatUrl,
                    geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            elif e.code == 500:
                    smallKey, workspace, checkError.OTHERGENERICERROR['code'],
                    geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs)
            result = 1
        return result
    checkError.printLog(logs, 'OnlineResources update successful')
    return result
Exemple #15
        body= """Hello,

        This email is to inform you of a potential problem in the PAGER (Publication to ArcGIS Environments and RAMP) workflow that has returned a status code requiring your attention.


        Please get in touch with the BASD development team if you believe this error requires their attention.

        msg = MIMEText(body)
        msg['Subject'] = subject
        msg['From'] = fromaddr
        msg['To'] = toaddrs

        # sending
        toaddrs= toaddrs.split(',')
        session = smtplib.SMTP(server)

            session.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

    except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), e:
        checkError.printLog(logs,str(e.errno) + ":"+ e.strerror)
       checkError.printLog(logs,"Mail successfully sent.")

Exemple #16
def main():

    #Parameters retrieved by FileSystemWatcher from

    #logs to hold all log information for current smallkey publication
    logs = []

    #Parameters retrieved by FileSystemWatcher from

    smallKey = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    smallKeyFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    server = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
    port = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
    pubTemplate = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4)
    connPath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5)
    publishStatus = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6)
    folder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7)
    geocatUrl = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8)
    geocatUsername = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9)
    geocatPassword = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10)
    agsUser = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11)
    agsPassword = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12)
    smtpserver = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13)
    fromaddr = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(14)
    toaddrs = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(15)
    metaDataUrl = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(16)
    webAdaptorName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(17)

    ##    print("smallKey ="+ smallKey)
    ##    print("smallKeyFolder="+ smallKeyFolder)
    ##    print("server ="+ server)
    ##    print("port ="+ port)
    ##    print("pubTemplate ="+ pubTemplate)
    ##    print("connPath ="+ connPath)
    ##    print("publishStatus="+ publishStatus)
    ##    print("folder ="+folder)
    ##    print("geocatUrl ="+ geocatUrl)
    ##    print("geocatUsername ="******"geocatPassword ="******"agsUser ="******"agsPassword ="******"smtpserver ="+smtpserver)
    ##    print("fromaddr="+ fromaddr)
    ##    print("toaddrs ="+ toaddrs)
    ##    print("metaDataUrl ="+metaDataUrl)


        serviceName = smallKey
        mapServiceFullName = folder + "/" + serviceName
        serviceNameDelete = serviceName + ".MapServer"

        #Folder to move payload zip files to after they are published
        (payloadFolder, sk) = os.path.split(smallKeyFolder)
        payloadZip = os.path.join(payloadFolder, smallKey + ".zip")

        publishedFolderName = "Published"
        publishedFolderPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder, publishedFolderName)

        badLoadsFolderName = "Bad_Payloads"
        badLoadsFolderPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder, badLoadsFolderName)

        #check error

        errReturns = checkError.errorValidation(smallKey, smallKeyFolder,
                                                publishStatus, geocatUrl,
                                                geocatUsername, geocatPassword,
                                                metaDataUrl, logs)
        if errReturns == 1:  #fatal error

        serviceExists = False

        #Get the list of existing map service
        agsServiceList = publishService.getCatalog(server, port, logs)

        #Check if the map service already exists
        if mapServiceFullName in agsServiceList:
            serviceExists = True

        if publishStatus in ("1", "2"):  #NEW or UPDATE

            if publishStatus == "1":  #NEW
                if serviceExists:
                    checkError.printLog(logs, "")
                        mapServiceFullName + " already exists. System exit.")
                    moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath, logs)
            else:  #UPDATE
                checkError.printLog(logs, "")
                    "Attempting to update the service: " + mapServiceFullName)

                if not serviceExists:
                        "Service does not exist. Publishing as new service.")
                    checkError.printLog(logs, "")
                    deleteService.deleteService(server, serviceNameDelete,
                                                agsUser, agsPassword, folder,

            #Publish the new service
            shpFolder = os.path.join(smallKeyFolder, smallKey)
            pMXD = publishService.createMXD(shpFolder, pubTemplate, logs)

                publishService.publishMXD(shpFolder, pMXD, connPath,
                                          serviceName, folder, logs)
                del pMXD

            #Check publishing status
            status = publishService.serviceStatus(mapServiceFullName, smallKey,
                                                  smallKeyFolder, server, port,
                                                  geocatUrl, geocatUsername,
                                                  geocatPassword, logs)

            #If the service is published successfully, make the
            #descriptor file, otherwise exit
            if status == 'SUCCESS':

                publishService.addFileSizeToJson(smallKey, smallKeyFolder,
                moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, publishedFolderPath, logs)

                if onlineResources.updateOnlineResources(
                        smallKey, smallKeyFolder, webAdaptorName, folder,
                        geocatUrl, geocatUsername, geocatPassword, logs) == 1:
            elif status == 'ERROR':

            ##cleanUp(smallKeyFolder, smallKey,logs)

        elif publishStatus == "0":  #NOTHING

            checkError.printLog(logs, "")
            checkError.printLog(logs, "Status code 0 ignored.")

        elif publishStatus == "3":  #DELETE

            checkError.printLog(logs, "")
                "Attempting to delete the service: " + mapServiceFullName)

            if serviceExists:
                deleteService.deleteService(server, serviceNameDelete, agsUser,
                                            agsPassword, folder, port)

                    logs, mapServiceFullName + " map service has been deleted")

                publishedZipPath = os.path.join(payloadFolder,
                                                smallKey + ".zip")
                checkError.printLog(logs, "Deleted: " + publishedZipPath)

                if os.path.isfile(publishedZipPath):
                    checkError.printLog(logs, "Deleted: " + payloadZip)
                if os.path.isfile(payloadZip):
                checkError.printLog(logs, "Service does not exist. Exiting.")
                                "Unknown publish status: " + publishStatus)

        if errReturns == 2:  #warning error   #add at last to avoid duplicated emails
            sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey,
                                smallKeyFolder, logs)


        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
        pymsg = "\n\nERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n    " + \
                str(sys.exc_type) + ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + "\n"

        if hasattr(sys.exc_value, 'code'):
            if sys.exc_value.code != 0:  #only for un-normal exit
                moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath, logs)
                checkError.printLog(logs, pymsg)
                sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey,
                                    smallKeyFolder, logs)
            moveFileToFolder(payloadZip, badLoadsFolderPath, logs)
            checkError.printLog(logs, pymsg)
            sendEmail.sendEmail(smtpserver, fromaddr, toaddrs, smallKey,
                                smallKeyFolder, logs)
Exemple #17
        body = """Hello,

        This email is to inform you of a potential problem in the PAGER (Publication to ArcGIS Environments and RAMP) workflow that has returned a status code requiring your attention.


        Please get in touch with the BASD development team if you believe this error requires their attention.

        msg = MIMEText(body)
        msg['Subject'] = subject
        msg['From'] = fromaddr
        msg['To'] = toaddrs

        # sending
        toaddrs = toaddrs.split(',')
        session = smtplib.SMTP(server)

            session.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg.as_string())

    except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror,
            smtplib.SMTPException), e:
        checkError.printLog(logs, str(e.errno) + ":" + e.strerror)
        checkError.printLog(logs, "Mail successfully sent.")