Exemple #1
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, Comment) :
            comment = obj
            #replies = list(comment.comment_set.order_by('created'))
            replies = get_viewable_comments(self.request, comment.comment_set.all(), text)
            # can_view == true because of get_viewable_comments filter
            can_moderate = has_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment', text)   
            can_edit = has_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment', text) or has_own_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment_own', text, comment)  
            can_delete = has_perm(self.request, 'can_delete_comment', text) or has_own_perm(self.request, 'can_delete_comment_own', text, comment)
            return {'id' : comment.id, 
                    'key' : comment.key,
                    'id_key' : comment.id_key,
                   'created_user_str' : datetime_to_user_str(request_tz_convert(comment.created, self.request)),
                   'modified_user_str' : datetime_to_user_str(request_tz_convert(comment.modified, self.request)),
#                   'created_str' : datetime_to_str(comment.created), # TODO change to a simple number as modified if possible
                   'created' : datetime_to_epoch(comment.created), # TODO change to a simple number as modified if possible
                   'modified' : datetime_to_epoch(comment.modified),  
#                   'modified' : time.mktime(comment.modified.timetuple()),  
#                   'created' : datetime_to_js_date_str(comment.created),
                   'reply_to_id' : comment.reply_to_id,
                   'replies' : replies,
                   'name' : comment.get_name(), 
                   'email' : comment.get_email(), 
                   'logged_author' : (comment.user != None), 
                   'tags': ', '.join(parse_tag_input(comment.tags)), 
                   'format': comment.format, 
                   'start_wrapper' : comment.start_wrapper, 
                   'end_wrapper' : comment.end_wrapper,
                   'start_offset' : comment.start_offset, 
                   'end_offset' : comment.end_offset,
                   'url': comment.url,
                   'state' : comment.state,
                   'permalink' : reverse('text-view-show-comment', args=[text.key, comment.id_key]),
                   # permission
                   'can_edit' : can_edit,
                   'can_delete' : can_delete,
                   'can_moderate' : can_moderate,
        if isinstance(obj, Tag) :
            tag = obj
            # RBE each time issuing a db request to find comments related to this tag !!! TODO  
            return { 'ids' : [t.id for t in tag.items.all()], 'name' : tag.name, 'font_size' : tag.font_size}            

        return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Exemple #2
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, Comment) :
            comment = obj
            #replies = list(comment.comment_set.order_by('created'))
            replies = get_viewable_comments(self.request, comment.comment_set.all(), text)
            # can_view == true because of get_viewable_comments filter
            can_moderate = has_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment', text)   
            can_edit = has_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment', text) or has_own_perm(self.request, 'can_edit_comment_own', text, comment)  
            can_delete = has_perm(self.request, 'can_delete_comment', text) or has_own_perm(self.request, 'can_delete_comment_own', text, comment)
            return {'id' : comment.id, 
                    'key' : comment.key,
                    'id_key' : comment.id_key,
                   'created_user_str' : datetime_to_user_str(request_tz_convert(comment.created, self.request)),
                   'modified_user_str' : datetime_to_user_str(request_tz_convert(comment.modified, self.request)),
#                   'created_str' : datetime_to_str(comment.created), # TODO change to a simple number as modified if possible
                   'created' : datetime_to_epoch(comment.created), # TODO change to a simple number as modified if possible
                   'modified' : datetime_to_epoch(comment.modified),  
#                   'modified' : time.mktime(comment.modified.timetuple()),  
#                   'created' : datetime_to_js_date_str(comment.created),
                   'reply_to_id' : comment.reply_to_id,
                   'replies' : replies,
                   'name' : comment.get_name(), 
                   'email' : comment.get_email(), 
                   'logged_author' : (comment.user != None), 
                   'tags': ', '.join(parse_tag_input(comment.tags)), 
                   'category': comment.category,
                   'format': comment.format, 
                   'start_wrapper' : comment.start_wrapper, 
                   'end_wrapper' : comment.end_wrapper,
                   'start_offset' : comment.start_offset, 
                   'end_offset' : comment.end_offset,
                   'state' : comment.state,
                   'permalink' : reverse('text-view-show-comment', args=[text.key, comment.id_key]),
                   # permission
                   'can_edit' : can_edit,
                   'can_delete' : can_delete,
                   'can_moderate' : can_moderate,
        if isinstance(obj, Tag) :
            tag = obj
            # RBE each time issuing a db request to find comments related to this tag !!! TODO  
            return { 'ids' : [t.id for t in tag.items.all()], 'name' : tag.name, 'font_size' : tag.font_size}            

        return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Exemple #3
 def printable_metadata_absolute(self, html=True):
     ret = []
     if self.type == 'user_activated':
         ret.append(_(u'by "%(username)s"') % {'username' : self.originator_user.username})
         ret.append(u' ')
     return u''.join(ret)
Exemple #4
 def printable_metadata_absolute(self, html=True):
     ret = []
     if self.type == 'user_activated':
             _(u'by "%(username)s"') %
             {'username': self.originator_user.username})
         ret.append(u' ')
     return u''.join(ret)