def index(request): '''index view''' pfix = "index" WEIGHT_KEYS = WEIGHT.keys() WEIGHT_KEYS.sort() icon_guide_html = "" for key in WEIGHT_KEYS: icon_guide_html += '''<i class="item ''' + key + '''"> </i>''' + WEIGHT[key] allProjects = sm.Project.objects.all().order_by("-id") allTasks = sm.Task.objects.all().order_by("-id") allUsers = sm.User.objects.all().order_by("department") session = request.session uid = request.session.get("uid",None) try: cuser = sm.User.objects.get(id = uid) except sm.User.DoesNotExist: cuser = None return render_to_response("system/index.html",locals())
def v(request,t = "", tid = ""): '''user view''' uid = request.session.get("uid",0) if uid: cuser = sm.User.objects.get(id = uid) else: cuser = None WEIGHT_KEYS = WEIGHT.keys() WEIGHT_KEYS.sort() icon_guide_html = "" for key in WEIGHT_KEYS: icon_guide_html += '''<i class="item ''' + key + '''"> </i>''' + WEIGHT[key] if t == "user" and tid == str(uid): pfix = "gallery" uname = u"我" else: pfix = t try: uname = sm.User.objects.get(id = tid).name_zh except sm.User.DoesNotExist: pass if t: try: model = sm.__dict__[t.capitalize()] except KeyError: return HttpResponse(u"404 page") allProjects = sm.Project.objects.all() allUsers = sm.User.objects.all() allTasks = sm.Task.objects.all() allGroups = sm.Group.objects.all() allRights = sm.Rights.objects.all() if not t and not tid: return HttpResponseRedirect("/") elif t and not tid: templates = "system/list_" + t + ".html" return render_to_response(templates,locals()) else: templates = "system/details_" + t + ".html" obj = model.objects.get(id = tid) if t == "project": related_tasks = sm.Task.objects.filter(pid = tid).order_by("-id") related_users = sm.User_Project.objects.filter(pid = tid).order_by("-id") pattern = "\.pyc$|^\.|\.py$|_import.html|.*footer.*" path = sc.P_PROJECT_PATH + "/" + obj.name_en dirHtml = dirTree(path, "/p/", pattern) static_dir = sc.P_STATIC_PATH + "/" + obj.name_en psd_dir = sc.P_STATIC_PATH + "/" + obj.name_en + "/_psd" try: psd_prefix_file = open(psd_dir + "/.filelist") psd_prefix = cp.load(psd_prefix_file).get("prefix","") psd_prefix_file.close() except: psd_prefix = "" staticHtml = dirTree(sc.P_STATIC_PATH + "/" + obj.name_en,'/s/static/',"\.pyc$|^\.|\.py$|^font$|^_psd$",tid = "J_static_dir") #----ry code dirHtml = dirHtml #----ry code elif t == "task": related_users = sm.User_Task.objects.filter(tid = tid).order_by("-id") elif t == "user": related_tasks = sm.User_Task.objects.filter(uid = tid).order_by("-id") related_projects = sm.User_Project.objects.filter(uid = tid).order_by("-id") return render_to_response(templates,locals())