def setUp(self):

        # Cleanup

        self.goog_provider = namedtuple("resp",['headers'])({'Location':'google'})
        self.oauth_response = {
            'access_token': 'access_token'
        module.google_remote_app = Mock(
                                    ['authorize', 'authorized_response'])
            (authorize=lambda **kwargs: self.goog_provider,
             authorized_response=lambda **kwargs: self.oauth_response)
        module.get_user = Mock(
        module.get_user_profile = Mock(
                'id': 'userid',
                'idhash': self.IDHASH,
                'name': 'Moshe',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'picture': ''
Exemple #2
    def test_propset_dict_simple(self):
        ObjectContent = collections.namedtuple("ObjectContent", ["propSet"])
        DynamicProperty = collections.namedtuple("Property", ["name", "val"])

        object = ObjectContent(propSet=[DynamicProperty(name="foo", val="bar")])
        propdict = vm_util.propset_dict(object.propSet)
        self.assertEqual("bar", propdict["foo"])
def test_area_area2rect():
    Rect = namedtuple('Rect', 'width height x y')
    Area = namedtuple('Area', 'width height x')
    test_rect = Rect(width=15, height=15, x=0, y=0)
    assert (area(test_rect) == 15 * 15)
    test_area = Area(width=15, height=15, x=0)
    assert (area2rect(test_area, 14) == test_rect)
Exemple #4
    def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(self):
        Test for ensuring nested udts are inserted correctly when the
        created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type.

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        # create the schema
        self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udts = []
        udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('level_{0}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_{0}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # insert udts and verify inserts with reads
        self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts)

 def test_new_request_event_no_profile_id(self):
     Event = namedtuple('Event', ['request', 'response'])
     Registry = namedtuple('Registry', ['settings'])
     request = self.mk_request()
     request.registry = Registry(settings={})
     new_request(Event(request=request, response=None))
     self.assertEqual(request.google_analytics, {})
Exemple #6
def benchmark_complex_object_loading(iterations=1000):
    Foo = namedtuple('Foo', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
    Bar = namedtuple('Bar', ['x', 'y', 'foo', 'foos'])

    FOO = lt.Object({
        'a': lt.Integer(),
        'b': lt.FunctionField(lt.Integer(), lambda o: o.b + 10),
        'c': lt.String(),
        'd': lt.Integer(),

    BAR = lt.Object({
        'x': lt.String(),
        'y': lt.Integer(),
        'foo': FOO,
        'foos': lt.List(FOO),

    data = {
        'x': 'bar', 'y': 123,
        'foo': {'a': 123, 'b': 456, 'c': 'foo', 'd': 789},
        'foos': [{'a': 123+i, 'b': 456+i, 'c': 'foo', 'd': 789+i}
                 for i in xrange(10)],

    BAR.load(data)  # warmup
    time = timeit.timeit(lambda: BAR.load(data), number=iterations)
    print 'Complex object loading: %s' % time
Exemple #7
def benchmark_complex_object_dumping(iterations=1000):
    Foo = namedtuple('Foo', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
    Bar = namedtuple('Bar', ['x', 'y', 'foo', 'foos'])

    FOO = lt.Object({
        'a': lt.Integer(),
        'b': lt.FunctionField(lt.Integer(), lambda o: o.b + 10),
        'c': lt.String(),
        'd': lt.Integer(),

    BAR = lt.Object({
        'x': lt.String(),
        'y': lt.Integer(),
        'foo': FOO,
        'foos': lt.List(FOO),

    bar = Bar(
        'bar', 123,
        Foo(123, 456, 'foo', 789),
        [Foo(123+i, 456+i, 'foo', 789+i) for i in xrange(10)]

    BAR.dump(bar)  # warmup
    time = timeit.timeit(lambda: BAR.dump(bar), number=iterations)
    print 'Complex object dumping: %s' % time
Exemple #8
 def test_30_to_namedtuple(self):
     _point = collections.namedtuple("Point", "x y")
     _triangle = collections.namedtuple("Triangle", "p0 p1 p2")
     itpl = _triangle(_point(0, 0), _point(1, 0), _point(0, 1))
     md0 = TT.make(itpl)
     otpl = TT.convert_to(md0, to_namedtuple=True)
     self.assertEqual(otpl, itpl)
Exemple #9
    def test_functionality(self):
        Nested named tuples work more or less as expected.  Lower-level
        tuples must be built first, because the tuples are immutable.

        # creation of lower-level tuple
        two_pair = namedtuple('TwoPair', ['c__', 'd__'])
        duo = two_pair(13, 'dddD')

        # create upper-level tuple
        threesome = namedtuple('Threesome', ['a__', 'b__', 'e__'])
        trio = threesome(a__='val0', b__=duo, e__=42)

        # attribute notation
        self.assertEqual(trio.a__, 'val0')
        self.assertEqual(trio.b__.c__, 13)
        self.assertEqual(trio.b__.d__, 'dddD')
        self.assertEqual(trio.e__, 42)

        # indexed access
        self.assertEqual(trio[0], 'val0')
        self.assertEqual(trio[1][0], 13)
        self.assertEqual(trio[1][1], 'dddD')
        self.assertEqual(trio[2], 42)

        # Immutability, attribute access.
            trio.a__ = 997
  "trio.a__ isn't immutable")        # pragma: no cover
        except AttributeError:
            self.assertEqual(trio.a__, 'val0')

            trio.b__ = 'happiness'
  "trio.b__ isn't immutable")        # pragma: no cover
        except AttributeError:
            # __eq__ works too
            self.assertEqual(trio.b__, duo)

            trio.b__.c__ = 'foo'
  "trio.b__.c__ isn't immutable")      # pragma: no cover
        except AttributeError:
            self.assertEqual(trio.b__.c__, 13)

        # Immutability, indexed assignment: we get a TypeError:
        #   "object does not support item assignment"
            trio[1][1] = 1942
  "trio[1][1] isn't immutable")    # pragma: no cover
        except TypeError:
            self.assertEqual(trio[1][1], 'dddD')

            # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
            trio[2] = 'baz'
  "trio[2] isn't immutable")       # pragma: no cover
        except TypeError:
            self.assertEqual(trio[2], 42)
def login_user_by_private_id(private_id, idporten_parameters):
    dict_user = user_service_proxy.create_or_update_user(
    dict_person = get_person_by_nin(dict_user, private_id)
    if not dict_person:
        # create person
        dict_person = organisations_service_proxy.create_person(

    misc = {"misc": idporten_parameters}
    data = {'person_id': dict_person["id"]}
    dict_user = user_service_proxy.update_user(

    # everything has been saved, we can login with flask-login

    user_struct = namedtuple('UserStruct', ' '.join(dict_user.keys()))
    user = user_struct(**dict_user)

    dict_person = get_person_by_nin(dict_user, private_id)

    person_struct = namedtuple('PersonStruct', ' '.join(dict_person.keys()))
    person = person_struct(**dict_person)
    auth_user = AuthUser(user, person)
    login_user(auth_user, remember=True)
    return auth_user
Exemple #11
    def get_leader_stats(self):
        """Returns leader and follower information.

        :returns: Tuple of leader name and follower dictionary
        :rtype: namedtuple
        r = self.client.send(2, 'get', '/stats/leader', return_raw=True)
        data = r.json()

        F = namedtuple('LStatFollower', ['counts', 'latency'])
        C = namedtuple('LStatCounts', ['fail', 'success'])
        L = namedtuple('LStatLatency', 
                       ['average', 'current', 'maximum', 'minimum', 

        followers = {}
        for name, block in data['followers'].iteritems():
            counts_raw = block['counts']
            counts = C(fail=counts_raw['fail'], 

            latency_raw = block['latency']
            latency = L(average=latency_raw['average'],

            followers[name] = F(counts=counts, latency=latency)

        return (data['leader'], followers)
Exemple #12
    def update(self):

        c = {
            "cms": namedtuple("CMS", ["name", "version"]),
            "platform": namedtuple("Platform", ["name", "version"]),
            "js": namedtuple("JavaScript", ["name", "version"]),
            "os": namedtuple("OS", ["name", "version"]),

        for category in self.scores:
            # loop over the entries for the category
            for name in sorted(self.scores[category]):

                # get the versions and remove the ones that are most unlikely
                v = self.scores[category][name]
                versions = sorted(v.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

                # if the highest rated version is blank, move it to the end of the list
                if versions[0][0] == "":
                    versions = versions[1:] + [versions[0]]

                relevant = sorted(i[0] for i in versions if i[1] == versions[0][1])
                for version in relevant:
                    self.results.append(c[category](name, version))

                    # check if there are multiple precise version detection of the same platform
        platforms = self.platform_observations
        for platform in platforms:
            versions = platforms[platform]
            if len(versions) > 1:
                for version in versions:
                    urls = list(versions[version])
                    self.add_platform_note(platform + " " + version, sorted(urls, key=lambda x: len(x))[0])
Exemple #13
    def compare_statistics(self, **kwargs):

        @type kwargs: object

        curr_values = self.unset_attributes.intersection(set(kwargs.keys()))
        changed_value = namedtuple('changed_value', 'previous, current')
        Ps = namedtuple('Ps', curr_values)
        self.logger.debug("Interface: moving {} attributes to previous".format(str(curr_values)))
        self.previous_statistics = Ps(**{eval("'{}'".format(value)):eval("self.{}".format(value)) for value in curr_values})
        self.logger.debug("Interface: updating values {}".format(kwargs))

        changed_values = {}

        for value in curr_values:
            if int(kwargs[value]) != int(eval('self.previous_statistics.{}'.format(value))):
                changed_values[value] = changed_value(int(eval('self.previous_statistics.{}'.format(value))), int(kwargs[value]))
                self.logger.debug("Interface: {} has changed from {} to {}".format(value, changed_values[value].previous,changed_values[value].current ))

        self.logger.debug("Interface: changed_values is {}".format(changed_values))
        return changed_values
Exemple #14
def gpapoints(letter, weight):
    #Defining how we are naming the elements in our named tuples
    ugpa = namedtuple('ugpa', ['grade','points'])
    wgpa = namedtuple('wgpa', ['grade','points'])
    #actually creating our tuples with the naming schemes defined above
    gradea = ugpa('a', 4) #named based on 'ugpa' scheme
    gradeb = ugpa('b', 3)
    gradec = ugpa('c', 2)
    graded = ugpa('d', 1)
    gradef = ugpa('f', 0)
    gradewa = wgpa('a', 5)#named based on the 'wgpa' scheme
    gradewb = wgpa('b', 4)
    gradewc = wgpa('c', 3)
    gradewd = wgpa('d', 1)
    gradewf = wgpa('f', 0)

    #creating lists of our tuples for later for loops
    wgrades = [gradewa, gradewb, gradewc, gradewd, gradewf]
    grades = [gradea, gradeb, gradec, graded, gradef]

    if weight == 'y':
        for grade in wgrades:
            if letter == grade.grade:
                gpa = grade.points
                gpa = 0
    if weight == 'n':
        for grade in grades:
            if letter == grade.grade:
                gpa = grade.points
                gpa = 0
    return gpa
Exemple #15
def test_stateful_validator():
    Locked = namedtuple('Locked', '')
    Unlocked = namedtuple('Unlocked', '')

    validator = StatefulStreamValidator({
        Unlocked: {
            'coin': lambda state, event: Unlocked(),
            'push': lambda state, event: Locked(),
        Locked: {
            'coin': lambda state, event: Unlocked(),
            'push': lambda state, event: Locked(),
    }, start=Locked())

    assertions = (
        ('push', Locked()),
        ('coin', Unlocked()),
        ('coin', Unlocked()),
        ('push', Locked()),
        ('push', Locked()),

    inputs = (i[0] for i in assertions)
    validated = validator(i[0] for i in assertions)
    expected = (i[1] for i in assertions)
    for input, (state, event), expected in itertools.izip(inputs, validated, expected):
        assert input == event
        assert state == expected

    with pytest.raises(InvalidEventError):
Exemple #16
def pixel(xp, yp, channel_is_used, min_equ_ref, mean_equ_ref, eof, max_usable_eof, ss, ms, r):

    from constant import R17600, COMPONENT_PARTICLE

    channel_is_used_p = np.transpose(channel_is_used[xp, yp, :, :]).astype(bool)
    min_equ_ref_p = np.transpose(min_equ_ref[xp, yp, :, :])
    mean_equ_ref_p = np.transpose(mean_equ_ref[xp, yp, :, :])

    reg_scale = R17600 / r

    if r > 1100:
        eof_p = eof[xp, yp, :, :, :]
        max_usable_eof_p = max_usable_eof[xp, yp, :]
        eof_p = eof[xp, yp, :, :]
        max_usable_eof_p = max_usable_eof[xp, yp]

    tau_cam_ss = np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(ss[:, math.ceil(xp/reg_scale), math.ceil(yp/reg_scale), COMPONENT_PARTICLE, :, :], [0, 3, 1, 2]))
    tau_cam_ms = np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(ms[:, math.ceil(xp/reg_scale), math.ceil(yp/reg_scale), COMPONENT_PARTICLE, :, :], [0, 3, 1, 2]))

    reg = collections.namedtuple('reg', 'channel_is_used min_equ_ref mean_equ_ref eof max_usable_eof')
    smart = collections.namedtuple('smart', 'ss ms')

    reg_p = reg(channel_is_used_p, min_equ_ref_p, mean_equ_ref_p, eof_p, max_usable_eof_p)
    smart_p = smart(tau_cam_ss, tau_cam_ms)

    return reg_p, smart_p
def main(argv):

    path = PARAM.path_to_expmap

    with open(path) as fh:
        KeyCoords, ValCoords = [namedtuple(n, c)
                                for n, c in zip(('KeyCoords', 'ValCoords'),

        _ii = set([KeyCoords._fields.index('ligand_name'),
        _is = [i for i in range(len(KeyCoords._fields)) if i not in _ii]
        _j = ValCoords._fields.index('plate')
        _k = ValCoords._fields.index('well')
        del _ii
        def _reduced_kv(key, val):
            return tuple([key[i] for i in _is] + [val[_j], val[_k][1:]])

        def _delete_field(tuple_, _i=ValCoords._fields.index('field')):
            return tuple_[:_i] + tuple_[_i + 1:]

        control_conc = mkd(len(_reduced_kv(KeyCoords._fields,
                                           ValCoords._fields)), noclobber=True)

        OutputValCoords = namedtuple('OutputValCoords',

        print_record([nt._fields for nt in KeyCoords, OutputValCoords])
Exemple #18
def _one_scatterplot(cl_metadata, xy_data, xy_metadata,
                     lims=None, specs=None,

                                         CellLineMetadata._fields +
                                         ('x', 'y')),
                                            'coords annotation')):
    if specs is None:
        specs = get_specs(cl_metadata)

    readouts = zip(*xy_data)
    if lims is None and WITHLIMITS:
        lims = limits(readouts)

    points = tuple(_spd(*(k + (x, y))) for k, x, y in zip(specs, *xy_data))

    fig = sp.scatterplot(points, xy_metadata, lims=lims, outpath=output)
    pixels = sp.pixels(points, fig)

    annotations = tuple(_anno(*(m + r))
                        for m, r in zip(cl_metadata, readouts))

    return tuple(sorted([_annopxl(p, a) for p, a in zip(pixels, annotations)],
                        key=lambda r: (r.coords.y, r.coords.x,
def createParams(type_Experiment):
    if type_Experiment == 'scoreRandomFrames':
        params = namedtuple('Params_scoreRandomFrames',list_params);
    elif type_Experiment == 'testNpzScoreAccuracy':
        params = namedtuple('Params_testNpzSchoreAccuracy',list_params);
    elif type_Experiment == 'saveNpzScorePerShot':
        params = namedtuple('Params_saveNpzScorePerShot',list_params);
    elif type_Experiment == 'visualizeBestTubeRank':
        params = namedtuple('Params_visualizeBestTubeRank',list_params);
    elif type_Experiment =='verifyRecordedScoreMatchesDBScore':
        params = namedtuple('Params_verifyRecordedScoreMatchesDBScore',list_params);

    return params
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, filenames, debugger):
        self.source = None #sources
        self.filenames = filenames
            self.source = open(self.filenames) # or "a+", whatever you need
        except IOError:
            print "Could not open file!"
            #mandar llamar instancia de error y terminar

        self.line = 0
        self.status = ""
        self.flags = {}
        self.debugger = debugger
        self.terminals = []
        self.nonterminals = []
        self.parsing_table = []
        TokenWithDelimiter = namedtuple('Token', ('name', 'regexp', 'regexp_at_start', ))
        Token = namedtuple('Token', ('name', 'regexp', ))

        self.tokens = [Token(
                            re.compile(token[1])) for token in util.TOKENS]

        self.tokens_with_del = [TokenWithDelimiter(
                                    re.compile(token[2])) for token in util.TOKENS_WITH_DELIMITERS]
        self.t = []
        self.d = []
Exemple #21
    def test_get_dynamic_properties_with_token(self):
        ObjectContent = collections.namedtuple('ObjectContent', ['propSet'])
        DynamicProperty = collections.namedtuple('Property', ['name', 'val'])

        # Add a token to our results, indicating that more are available
        result = fake.FakeRetrieveResult(token='fake_token')

        # We expect these properties to be returned
            DynamicProperty(name='name1', val='value1'),
            DynamicProperty(name='name2', val='value2')

        # These properties should be ignored
            DynamicProperty(name='name3', val='value3')

        retrievePropertiesEx = mock.MagicMock(name='RetrievePropertiesEx')
        retrievePropertiesEx.return_value = result

        calls = {'RetrievePropertiesEx': retrievePropertiesEx}

        with stubs.fake_suds_context(calls):
            session = driver.VMwareAPISession()

            service_content = session.vim.get_service_content()
            props = session._call_method(vim_util, "get_dynamic_properties",
                                        'fake_type', None)

            self.assertEqual(props, {
                'name1': 'value1',
                'name2': 'value2'
Exemple #22
 def get_all_valid_reqs(cls, requirements, requirements_txt):
   from collections import namedtuple
   from pkg_resources import Requirement
   import re
   numbered_item = namedtuple("numbered_item", ["position", "data"])
   numbered_list = lambda dataset: [numbered_item(*ni) for ni in enumerate(dataset)]
   named_dataset = namedtuple("named_dataset", ["name", "dataset"])
   inputs = [
     named_dataset(name="command line", dataset=numbered_list(requirements)),
   if requirements_txt is not None:
     file_lines = re.split("[\n\r]", open(requirements_txt).read())
       name="file: {0}".format(requirements_txt), dataset=numbered_list(file_lines)
   valid_reqs = []
   whitespace = re.compile("^\s*$")
   for name, dataset in inputs:
     for position, req in dataset:
       except ValueError:
         if whitespace.match(req) is None: # Don't warn if empty string or whitespace
           cls.logger.warn("Invalid requirement \"{0}\" at " \
                       "position {1} from {2}\n".format(req, position + 1, name))
   return valid_reqs
Exemple #23
	def see(self):
		Marker=collections.namedtuple("MarkerBasis", "info dist rot_y");
		MarkerInfo=collections.namedtuple("MarkerInfo", "code marker_type");	
		i=random.randint(0, 5)
		dist=random.randint(0, 8)
		if i == 0:
			return []
			global inf
			if i == 1:
				inf = MarkerInfo(random.randint(0, 27), 0)
			elif i == 2:
				inf = MarkerInfo(random.randint(28, 31), 1)
			elif i == 3:
				inf = MarkerInfo(random.randint(32, 40), 2)
			elif i == 4:
				inf = MarkerInfo(random.randint(41, 64), 3)
			marker = Marker(inf, dist, random.randint(-180, 180))
			return [marker]
Exemple #24
    def search(self, x, quota=10, with_dists=False):
        Return euclidean distance ranked results, along with the number of cells
        traversed to fill the quota.

        :param ndarray x:
            a query vector
        :param int quota:
            the number of desired results
        :param bool with_dists:
            boolean indicating whether result items should be returned with their distance

        :returns list results:
            the list of ranked results
        :returns int visited:
            the number of cells visited in the query
        # Retrieve results with multi-index
        retrieved, visited = self.get_result_quota(x, quota)

        # Compute distance for results
        results = self.compute_distances(x, retrieved)

        # Sort by distance
        results = sorted(results, key=lambda d: d[0])

        if with_dists:
            Result = namedtuple('Result', ['id', 'code', 'dist'])
            results = map(lambda d: Result(d[1][0], d[1][1], d[0]), results)
            Result = namedtuple('Result', ['id', 'code'])
            results = map(lambda d: Result(d[1][0], d[1]), results)

        return results, visited
def test_extract_cite_history():
    FakeRevision = namedtuple("Revision", ['id', 'timestamp', 'text'])

    FakeExtractor = namedtuple("Extractor", ['extract'])

    class FakePage:
        def __init__(self, id, title):
   = id
            self.title = title
        def __iter__(self):
            return iter([
                FakeRevision(1, Timestamp(1), "id1 id2"),
                FakeRevision(2, Timestamp(2), "id1 id3"),
                FakeRevision(3, Timestamp(3), "id1 id2 id3"),
                FakeRevision(4, Timestamp(4), "id1 id2 id4"),
                FakeRevision(5, Timestamp(5), "id1 id2 id4"),

    fake_page = FakePage(1, "Title")

    def extract(text):
        return (Identifier('fake', id) for id in text.split(" "))
    extractor = FakeExtractor(extract)

    expected = [(1, "Title", 1, Timestamp(1), "fake", "id1"),
                (1, "Title", 1, Timestamp(1), "fake", "id2"),
                (1, "Title", 4, Timestamp(4), "fake", "id4")]

    citations = list(extract_cite_history(fake_page, [extractor]))
    eq_(len(citations), len(expected))
    for cite in extract_cite_history(fake_page, [extractor]):
        assert cite in expected
Exemple #26
def get_thermo_data(output):
    """ traverse output of runs and extract thermo data columns """
    if isinstance(output, str):
        lines = output.splitlines()
        lines = output

    runs = []
    columns = []
    in_run = False

    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("Memory usage per processor"):
            in_run = True
        elif in_run and len(columns) == 0:
            # first line after memory usage are column names
            columns = line.split()

            current_run = {}

            for col in columns:
                current_run[col] = []

        elif line.startswith("Loop time of "):
            in_run = False
            columns = None
            thermo_data = namedtuple('ThermoData', list(current_run.keys()))(*list(current_run.values()))
            r = {'thermo' : thermo_data }
            runs.append(namedtuple('Run', list(r.keys()))(*list(r.values())))
        elif in_run and len(columns) > 0:
            values = [float(x) for x in line.split()]

            for i, col in enumerate(columns):
    return runs
Exemple #27
def parse_code_listing_file(group_filename):
    Parse file and return list of named tuples and flag indicating if alternate id is included
        true: list of tuples is (code_id, max_number_plants, alternate_id)
        false: list of tuples is (code_id, max_number_plants)
    code_listings = []
    alternate_ids_included = False
    CodeListing = namedtuple('CodeListing', 'id max_plants')
    CodeListingAlternate = namedtuple('CodeListingAlternate', 'id max_plants alternate_id')
    with open(group_filename, 'r') as group_file:
        lines = group_file.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line.isspace():
            fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split(',')]
            if len(fields) == 0:
                code_id = fields[0]
                max_plants = int(fields[1])
                if len(fields) > 2 and fields[2] != '':
                    alternate_id = fields[2]
                    alternate_ids_included = True
                    new_listing = CodeListingAlternate(code_id, max_plants, alternate_id)
                    new_listing = CodeListing(code_id, max_plants)
            except (IndexError, ValueError):
                print 'Bad line: {0}'.format(line) 
    return code_listings, alternate_ids_included
def build_diet_model(**kwargs):
    # Create tuples with named fields for foods and nutrients
    Food = namedtuple("Food", ["name", "unit_cost", "qmin", "qmax"])
    food = [Food(*f) for f in FOODS]

    Nutrient = namedtuple("Nutrient", ["name", "qmin", "qmax"])
    nutrients = [Nutrient(*row) for row in NUTRIENTS]

    food_nutrients = {(fn[0], nutrients[n].name):
                      fn[1 + n] for fn in FOOD_NUTRIENTS for n in range(len(NUTRIENTS))}

    # Model
    mdl = Model("diet", **kwargs)

    # Decision variables, limited to be >= Food.qmin and <= Food.qmax
    qty = dict((f, mdl.continuous_var(f.qmin, f.qmax, for f in food)

    # Limit range of nutrients, and mark them as KPIs
    for n in nutrients:
        amount = mdl.sum(qty[f] * food_nutrients[,] for f in food)
        mdl.add_range(n.qmin, amount, n.qmax)
        mdl.add_kpi(amount, publish_name="Total %s" %

    # Minimize cost
    mdl.minimize(mdl.sum(qty[f] * f.unit_cost for f in food))

    return mdl
Exemple #29
    def test_alter_udt(self):
        Test to ensure that altered UDT's are properly surfaced without needing to restart the underlying session.

        @since 3.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-226
        @expected_result UDT's will reflect added columns without a session restart.

        @test_category data_types, udt

        # Create udt ensure it has the proper column names.
        self.session.execute("CREATE TYPE typetoalter (a int)")
        typetoalter = namedtuple('typetoalter', ('a'))
        self.session.execute("CREATE TABLE {0} (pk int primary key, typetoalter frozen<typetoalter>)".format(self.function_table_name))
        insert_statement = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO {0} (pk, typetoalter) VALUES (?, ?)".format(self.function_table_name))
        self.session.execute(insert_statement, [1, typetoalter(1)])
        results = self.session.execute("SELECT * from {0}".format(self.function_table_name))
        for result in results:
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(result.typetoalter, 'a'))
            self.assertFalse(hasattr(result.typetoalter, 'b'))

        # Alter UDT and ensure the alter is honored in results
        self.session.execute("ALTER TYPE typetoalter add b int")
        typetoalter = namedtuple('typetoalter', ('a', 'b'))
        self.session.execute(insert_statement, [2, typetoalter(2, 2)])
        results = self.session.execute("SELECT * from {0}".format(self.function_table_name))
        for result in results:
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(result.typetoalter, 'a'))
            self.assertTrue(hasattr(result.typetoalter, 'b'))
def userInterface4():

	master = Tk()
	dialog = MyDialog2(master)
	print dialog.result[0]
	selectOS = dialog.result[0]
	hostIPAdd = dialog.result[1]
	hostUserID = dialog.result[2]
	hostPassword = dialog.result[3]
	macAddress = dialog.result[4]
	OSID = dialog.result[5]
	selectDevice = dialog.result[6]
	sAnotherOS = dialog.result[7]
	if sAnotherOS == 1:
		if selectOS == 1:
			WinXP = collections.namedtuple('WinXP', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
			WinXPData = WinXP(selectOS, hostIPAdd, hostUserID, hostPassword, macAddress, OSID, selectDevice)
		elif selectOS == 2:
			WinVista = collections.namedtuple('WinVista', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
			WinVistaData = WinVista(selectOS, hostIPAdd, hostUserID, hostPassword, macAddress, OSID, selectDevice)
		elif selectOS == 3:
			Win7 = collections.namedtuple('Win7', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
			Win7Data = Win7(selectOS, hostIPAdd, hostUserID, hostPassword, macAddress, OSID, selectDevice)
		elif selectOS == 4:
			Win8 = collections.namedtuple('Win8', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
			Win8Data = Win8(selectOS, hostIPAdd, hostUserID, hostPassword, macAddress, OSID, selectDevice)
	#Data = collections.namedtuple('Data', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
	#testdata = Data(selectOS, hostIPAdd, hostUserID, hostPassword, macAddress, OSID, selectDevice)
	return WinXPData, WinVistaData, Win7Data, Win8Data
Exemple #31
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Efficient serialization of Django Models for use in Celery that ensure the state of the world."""
# :copyright: (c) 2015 Alex Hayes and individual contributors,
#                 All rights reserved.
# :license:   MIT License, see LICENSE for more details.

from collections import namedtuple

version_info_t = namedtuple(
    ('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'releaselevel', 'serial'),

VERSION = version_info_t(0, 2, 1, '', '')
__version__ = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}{0.releaselevel}'.format(VERSION)
__author__ = 'Alex Hayes'
__contact__ = '*****@*****.**'
__homepage__ = ''
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

# -eof meta-
Exemple #32
    def __init__(self): = {}

        self.item_type = namedtuple('PkTuple', 'pk resource_obj')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019 tribe29 GmbH - License: GNU General Public License v2
# This file is part of Checkmk ( It is subject to the terms and
# conditions defined in the file COPYING, which is part of this source code package.

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
# flake8: noqa

import logging
import collections
import pytest  # type: ignore[import]

from testlib.utils import api_str_type
from testlib.fixtures import web  # pylint: disable=unused-import

DefaultConfig = collections.namedtuple("DefaultConfig", ["core"])

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["nagios", "cmc"])
def test_cfg(request, web, site):
    config = DefaultConfig(core=request.param)
    site.set_config("CORE", config.core, with_restart=True)

    print("Applying default config")
    web.add_host("test-host", attributes={
        "ipaddress": "",
        "tag_agent": "no-agent",
Exemple #34
    class Scheduler(threading.Thread):
        Event = collections.namedtuple('Event', ['timestamp', 'data'])
        Event.__eq__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp == other.timestamp
        Event.__ne__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp != other.timestamp
        Event.__gt__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp > other.timestamp
        Event.__ge__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp >= other.timestamp
        Event.__lt__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp < other.timestamp
        Event.__le__ = lambda self, other: self.timestamp <= other.timestamp

        def __init__(self):
            """Reentrant lock to allow locked method calling locked method."""
            super(Bot.Scheduler, self).__init__()
            self._eventq = []
            self._lock = threading.RLock()
            self._event_handler = None

        def _locked(fn):
            def k(self, *args, **kwargs):
                with self._lock:
                    return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return k

        def _insert_event(self, data, when):
            ev = self.Event(when, data)
            bisect.insort(self._eventq, ev)
            return ev

        def _remove_event(self, event):
            # Find event according to its timestamp.
            # Index returned should be one behind.
            i = bisect.bisect(self._eventq, event)

            """ Having two events with identical timestamp is unlikely but possible.
            I am going to move forward and compare timestamp AND object address
            to make sure the correct object is found."""

            while i > 0:
                i -= 1
                e = self._eventq[i]

                if e.timestamp != event.timestamp:
                    raise exception.EventNotFound(event)
                elif id(e) == id(event):

            raise exception.EventNotFound(event)

        def _pop_expired_event(self):
            if not self._eventq:
                return None

            if self._eventq[0].timestamp <= time.time():
                return self._eventq.pop(0)
                return None

        def event_at(self, when, data):
            Schedule some data to emit at an absolute timestamp.

            :type when: int or float
            :type data: dictionary
            :return: an internal Event object
            return self._insert_event(data, when)

        def event_later(self, delay, data):
            Schedule some data to emit after a number of seconds.

            :type delay: int or float
            :type data: dictionary
            :return: an internal Event object
            return self._insert_event(data, time.time() + delay)

        def event_now(self, data):
            Emit some data as soon as possible.

            :type data: dictionary
            :return: an internal Event object
            return self._insert_event(data, time.time())

        def cancel(self, event):
            Cancel an event.

            :type event: an internal Event object

        def run(self):
            while 1:
                e = self._pop_expired_event()
                while e:
                    if callable(
                        d =  # call the data-producing function
                        if d is not None:

                    e = self._pop_expired_event()

        def run_as_thread(self):
            self.daemon = True

        def on_event(self, fn):
            self._event_handler = fn
Exemple #35
    def _mock_head(url):
        from collections import namedtuple

        HeadInfo = namedtuple('HeadInfo', ['headers'])
        return HeadInfo(headers={})
Exemple #36
# Copyright (C) 2018 Google Inc.
# Licensed under <see LICENSE file>

from collections import namedtuple

CacheEntry = namedtuple('CacheEntry', 'model_plural class_name cache_type')
MappingEntry = namedtuple('MappingEntry', 'class_name attr polymorph')

def resource(model_plural, class_name, cache_type='memcache'):
    return CacheEntry(model_plural, class_name, cache_type)

def mapping(class_name, attr, polymorph=False):
    return MappingEntry(class_name, attr, polymorph)

def all_cache_entries():
    ret = [
        resource('access_groups', 'AccessGroup'),
        resource('audits', 'Audit'),
        resource('custom_attribute_values', 'CustomAttributeValue'),
        resource('categorizations', 'Categorization'),
        resource('category_bases', 'CategoryBase'),
        resource('comments', 'Comment'),
        resource('control_categories', 'ControlCategory'),
        resource('control_assertions', 'ControlAssertion'),
        resource('contexts', 'Context'),
        resource('controls', 'Control'),
        resource('assessments', 'Assessments'),
        resource('assessment_templates', 'AssessmentTemplate'),
Exemple #37
    correct = 0
    total = 0
    for data in TEST_LOADER:
        ins, labels = data
        ins, labels = ins.cuda(), labels.cuda()
        outputs = sentiment_net(Variable(ins))
        _, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
        total += labels.size(0)
        correct += (predicted == labels).sum()
    test_acc = correct / total
    return dev_acc, test_acc

Result = namedtuple('Result', 'hidden_dim learning_rate weight_decay dev test')
for hidden_layer_dim in HIDDEN_LAYER_DIMS:
    for learning_rate in LEARNING_RATES:
        for weight_decay in WEIGHT_DECAYS:
            start = time.time()
            print('Hidden Layer Dimension: '+str(hidden_layer_dim)+' Learning Rate: '+str(learning_rate)+' Weight Decay: '+str(weight_decay))
            dev_acc, test_acc = train(hidden_layer_dim, learning_rate, weight_decay)
            print('Dev Accuracy: ', dev_acc)
            RESULTS.append(Result(hidden_layer_dim, learning_rate, weight_decay, dev_acc, test_acc))
            print('Time: ', time.time() - start)
RESULTS = sorted(RESULTS, key=lambda x:, reverse=True)
print('Best Result:', RESULTS[0])

# Graphs
Exemple #38
# DistributedDelegate and so can be used directly in cross-tower mode.
class Mirrored(DistributedDelegate):
    """Holds a map from device to values which are kept in sync."""
    def _get_cross_tower(self):
        device = device_util.canonicalize(device_util.current())
        if device in self._index:
            return self._index[device]
        return list(self._index.values())[0]

def _assign_on_device(device, variable, tensor):
    with ops.device(device):
        return variable.assign(array_ops.identity(tensor))

DistributedVarOp = collections.namedtuple("DistributedVarOp",
                                          ["name", "graph", "type"])

class DistributedVariable(DistributedDelegate):
    """Holds a map from device to variables."""

    # TODO(josh11b): Support changing the set of variables if e.g. if new
    # devices are joining or a device is to leave.

    def __init__(self, index):
        # Child class must set self._primary_var before calling
        # super(...).__init__(index).
        self._common_name =":")[0]
        # Use a weakref to make it easy to map from the contained values
        # to the container without introducing a reference cycle.
        for v in six.itervalues(index):
Exemple #39
from collections import namedtuple
import testcase

case = namedtuple("Testcase", ["Input", "Output"])

class Testcase(testcase.Testcase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.testcases = []
        self.testcases.append(case(Input=([1, 2, 0, 3, 0], 1), Output=3))
        self.testcases.append(case(Input=([3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 7, 3, 4, 7], 3), Output=3))
        self.testcases.append(case(Input=([1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6], 3), Output=3))

    def get_testcases(self):
        return self.testcases
Exemple #40
    # Builds and run test
    archery build --targets=all --targets=test build
    # Arrow's cpp cmake configuration
    conf = CppConfiguration(**kwargs)
    # This is a closure around cmake invocation, e.g. calling ``
    # yields a directory ready to be run with the generator
    cmake_def = CppCMakeDefinition(src.cpp, conf)
    # Create build directory
    build =, force=force)

    for target in targets:

LintCheck = namedtuple('LintCheck', ('option_name', 'help'))

lint_checks = [
    LintCheck('clang-format', "Format C++ files with clang-format."),
    LintCheck('clang-tidy', "Lint C++ files with clang-tidy."),
    LintCheck('cpplint', "Lint C++ files with cpplint."),
    LintCheck('iwyu', "Lint changed C++ files with Include-What-You-Use."),
              "Format and lint Python files with autopep8 and flake8."),
    LintCheck('numpydoc', "Lint Python files with numpydoc."),
    LintCheck('cmake-format', "Format CMake files with"),
              "Check all sources files for license texts via Apache RAT."),
    LintCheck('r', "Lint R files."),
    LintCheck('rust', "Lint Rust files."),
    LintCheck('docker', "Lint Dockerfiles with hadolint."),
Exemple #41
class ParameterSet(namedtuple('ParameterSet', 'values, marks, id')):
    def param(cls, *values, **kw):
        marks = kw.pop('marks', ())
        if isinstance(marks, MarkDecorator):
            marks = marks,
            assert isinstance(marks, (tuple, list, set))

        def param_extract_id(id=None):
            return id

        id = param_extract_id(**kw)
        return cls(values, marks, id)

    def extract_from(cls, parameterset, legacy_force_tuple=False):
        :param parameterset:
            a legacy style parameterset that may or may not be a tuple,
            and may or may not be wrapped into a mess of mark objects

        :param legacy_force_tuple:
            enforce tuple wrapping so single argument tuple values
            don't get decomposed and break tests


        if isinstance(parameterset, cls):
            return parameterset
        if not isinstance(parameterset, MarkDecorator) and legacy_force_tuple:
            return cls.param(parameterset)

        newmarks = []
        argval = parameterset
        while isinstance(argval, MarkDecorator):
                argval.markname, argval.args[:-1], argval.kwargs)))
            argval = argval.args[-1]
        assert not isinstance(argval, ParameterSet)
        if legacy_force_tuple:
            argval = argval,

        if newmarks:

        return cls(argval, marks=newmarks, id=None)

    def _for_parametrize(cls, argnames, argvalues, function, config):
        if not isinstance(argnames, (tuple, list)):
            argnames = [x.strip() for x in argnames.split(",") if x.strip()]
            force_tuple = len(argnames) == 1
            force_tuple = False
        parameters = [
            ParameterSet.extract_from(x, legacy_force_tuple=force_tuple)
            for x in argvalues]
        del argvalues

        if not parameters:
            mark = get_empty_parameterset_mark(config, argnames, function)
                values=(NOTSET,) * len(argnames),
        return argnames, parameters
Exemple #42
for _uri, _prefix in DEFAULT_NAMESPACES:
    ET.register_namespace(_prefix, _uri)

XPACKET_BEGIN = b"""<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>\n"""

XMP_EMPTY = b"""<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="pikepdf">
 <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">

XPACKET_END = b"""<?xpacket end="w"?>\n"""


XmpContainer = namedtuple('XmpContainer', ['rdf_type', 'py_type', 'insert_fn'])

    XmpContainer('Bag', set, set.add),
    XmpContainer('Seq', list, list.append),

# These are the illegal characters in XML 1.0. (XML 1.1 is a bit more permissive,
# but we'll be strict to ensure wider compatibility.)
re_xml_illegal_chars = re.compile(

# Repeat this to avoid circular from top package's pikepdf.__version__
    pikepdf_version = _get_distribution(__name__).version
Exemple #43
                buf_len = 0
            buf_len += data_len
        if buf:
            msg_number += 1
        return msg_number

    def get_func_for_call(self, call_name):
        Return callable object implementing the named call, or None.
        return self.factory.get_func_for_call(call_name)

ClientCallState = collections.namedtuple(
    'ClientCallState', ('d', 'cancel_dc', 'streaming_cb'))

class ClientProtocol(Protocol):
    default_timeout = 60 * 60   # 1h

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ClientProtocol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Key: call ID. Value: ClientCallState.
        self.calls = {}

    def send_early_error(self, error):
        Clients don't respond to invalid messages.

from collections import namedtuple

# actual solution
n = int(input())
Student = namedtuple('Student', input())
total = 0
for _ in range(n):
    pupil = Student(*input().split())
    total += int(pupil.MARKS)

print(total / n)

# some examples of usage:
# a very fun usage
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x,y')
pt1 = Point(1, 2)
pt2 = Point(3, 4)
# mock dot product
dot_product = pt1.x * pt2.x + pt1.y * pt2.y

# another interesting usage.
Car = namedtuple('Car', 'PRICE Mileage Color Make')
myCar = Car(30000, Mileage=35, Color='Silver', Make=2020)
# wtf! wow, that's so nice.
# damn! this is so convenient
newCar = Car(*[24000, 21, 'Black', 2013])
import os
import threading

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from ycmd import responses
from ycmd.completers.general.filename_completer import ( GetPathType,
                                                         GetPathTypeName )
from ycmd.utils import GetModificationTime, ListDirectory

""" Represents single include completion candidate.
name is the name/string of the completion candidate,
entry_type is an integer indicating whether the candidate is a
'File', 'Dir' or both (See EXTRA_INFO_MAP in filename_completer). """
IncludeEntry = namedtuple( 'IncludeEntry', [ 'name', 'entry_type' ] )

class IncludeList( object ):
  Helper class for combining include completion candidates from
  several include paths.
  self._includes is a dictionary whose keys are
  IncludeEntry `name`s and values are IncludeEntry `entry_type`s.

  def __init__( self ):
    self._includes = defaultdict( int )

  def AddIncludes( self, includes ):
Exemple #46

class PeerStatus(Enum):
    CLOSED = 1
    TEMP = 2
    PEER = 3

class EndpointStatus(Enum):
    # Endpoint will be used for peering
    PEERING = 1
    # Endpoint will be used to request peers
    TOPOLOGY = 2

EndpointInfo = namedtuple('EndpointInfo',
                          ['status', 'time', "retry_threshold"])

StaticPeerInfo = namedtuple('StaticPeerInfo',
                            ['time', 'retry_threshold', 'count'])




# This is the protocol version number.  It should only be incremented when
# there are changes to the network protocols, as well as only once per
# release.
Exemple #47
from import AbstractIO
from ..conversion import (dxl_code_all, dxl_decode_all, decode_error,
                          dxl_to_model, position_range)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# With this logger you should always provide as extra:
# - the port
# - the baudrate
# - the timeout

_DxlControl = namedtuple('_DxlControl', ('name',
                                         'address', 'length', 'nb_elem',
                                         'dxl_to_si', 'si_to_dxl',
                                         'getter_name', 'setter_name'))

class _DxlAccess(object):
    readonly, writeonly, readwrite = range(3)

class AbstractDxlIO(AbstractIO):
    """ Low-level class to handle the serial communication with the robotis motors. """

    __used_ports = set()
    __controls = []
    _protocol = None
Exemple #48
from collections import namedtuple

# Use this named tuple in your to give your stations a name
URI = namedtuple("URI", "uri name")
uris = [URI('x-sonosapi-radio:<the_first_uri>', "Radio Station 1"),
        URI('x-sonosapi-radio:<the_second_uri>',  "Radio Station 2"),
        URI('x-sonos-spotify:<a_spotify_uri>', "My Cool Playlist"),

rooms = [("A room"),
         ("Some other room"),
         ("A room", "Some other room"),
         ("Room 3", "A room", "A different room entirely"),
Exemple #49

    # ---------- form_blob() end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ************ PROGRAM BODY *********************************************************************************************

ave = 20

# Load inputs --------------------------------------------------------------------
image = misc.imread('./../images/raccoon_eye.jpg', flatten=True).astype(int)
height, width = image.shape

# Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
start_time = time()

nt_blob = namedtuple('blob', 'I Derts sign alt rng box map root_blob seg_')
frame_of_blobs = image_to_blobs(image)

# from intra_blob_debug import intra_blob_hypot  # not yet functional, comment-out to run
# frame_of_blobs = intra_blob(hypot_g, frame_of_blobs)  # evaluate for deeper clustering inside each blob, recursively

# DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from DEBUG import draw, over_draw, map_blobs, map_blob, map_segment, empty_map
# draw('./../debug/root_blobs', map_blobs(frame_of_blobs))

from intra_comp import intra_comp, hypot_g
from comp_range import comp_range
from comp_angle import comp_angle
from comp_gradient import comp_gradient
#     maxJerk = 30
# waypoints = [
#     pf.Waypoint(0.5 * X_ROBOT_LENGTH,           Y_WALL_TO_START + 0.5 * Y_ROBOT_WIDTH,       0),
#     pf.Waypoint(X_WALL_TO_SWITCH_CENTER - 4,    Y_WALL_TO_START + 0.5 * Y_ROBOT_WIDTH - 1.5, 0),
#     pf.Waypoint(X_WALL_TO_SWITCH_CENTER,        Y_WALL_TO_START + 0.5 * Y_ROBOT_WIDTH + 2,   pf.d2r(90.0)),
# ]
# GeneratePath(os.path.dirname(__file__), "left_start_left_switch", waypoints, settings)

PathFinderSettings = namedtuple("PathFinderSettings", ["order", "samples", "period", "maxVelocity", "maxAcceleration", "maxJerk"])
settings = PathFinderSettings(order=pf.FIT_HERMITE_QUINTIC,

# The waypoints are entered as X, Y, and Theta.  +X is forward, +Y is left, and +Theta is measured from +X to +Y
xOffset = 0.5 * X_ROBOT_LENGTH
yOffset = -(Y_WALL_TO_START + 0.5 * Y_ROBOT_WIDTH)

waypoints = [
    pf.Waypoint(xOffset, yOffset, 0),
    pf.Waypoint(X_WALL_TO_SWITCH_CENTER - 48 /12,  18 / 12 + yOffset, 0),
    pf.Waypoint(X_WALL_TO_SWITCH_CENTER,           -24 / 12 + yOffset, pf.d2r(90.0)),
Exemple #51
import re
import shutil
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree

import generate_v14_compatible_resources

from util import build_utils

# Import jinja2 from third_party/jinja2
    1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../third_party'))
from jinja2 import Template  # pylint: disable=F0401

# Represents a line from a R.txt file.
TextSymbolsEntry = collections.namedtuple(
    'RTextEntry', ('java_type', 'resource_type', 'name', 'value'))

def _ParseArgs(args):
    """Parses command line options.

    An options object as from optparse.OptionsParser.parse_args()
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()

                      help='the path to android jar file.')
    parser.add_option('--aapt-path', help='path to the Android aapt tool')
    parser.add_option('--non-constant-id', action='store_true')
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import itertools
import typing

from cached_property import cached_property

from .. import utils, consts

Size = namedtuple("Size", "height,width")

class Cell:
    def __init__(self, row, col, style, value, row_height, col_width):
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self.value = value = style
        self.row_height = row_height
        self.col_width = col_width

    def move(self, row, col):
        self.row += row
        self.col += col

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.row == other.row and self.col == other.col
                and self.value == other.value and ==

    def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        return "Cell({}, {}, {})".format(self.row, self.col, self.value)
import os
import sys
import re
import math
import cv2
import numpy as np
import collections 
import as data
import random
import torch


DataPath = collections.namedtuple('DataPath', ['imgfile_fullpath', 'ptfile_fullpath'])
ImgWithLabel = collections.namedtuple('ImgWithLabel', ['img', 'label'])

class FaceDataSet(data.Dataset):
    def __init__(self, root, load_size =300):
        super(FaceDataSet, self).__init__()        
        self.all_data = []
        self.dst_size = 128
        self.src_map = {}
Exemple #54
class Block(collections.namedtuple('Block', ['scope', 'unit_fn', 'args'])):
    """A named tuple describing a ResNet block.
Exemple #55
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""anyconfig globals.
import collections
import anyconfig.init

PACKAGE = "anyconfig"
AUTHOR = "Satoru SATOH <*****@*****.**>"
VERSION = "0.9.4"

LOGGER = anyconfig.init.getLogger(PACKAGE)

IOI_KEYS = "src type path processor opener".split()
IOInfo = collections.namedtuple("IOInfo", IOI_KEYS)

            (None, "path", "pathlib.Path", "stream")

class UnknownParserTypeError(RuntimeError):
    """Raise if no parsers were found for given type."""
    def __init__(self, forced_type):
        msg = "No parser found for type '%s'" % forced_type
        super(UnknownParserTypeError, self).__init__(msg)

class UnknownFileTypeError(RuntimeError):
    """Raise if not parsers were found for given file path."""
    def __init__(self, path):
Exemple #56
class User(namedtuple("User", USER_FIELDS)):
Exemple #57
from os import environ
from collections import namedtuple

MySQLConfig = namedtuple('MySQLConfig', 'host port user password db')

def read_mysql_config():
    Reads the environment variables injected by docker/docker-compose/virtualenv to connect to the mysql database.
    return MySQLConfig(host=environ.get('MSQL_HOST', None),
                       port=int(environ.get('MSQL_PORT', 0)),
                       user=environ.get('MSQL_USER', None),
                       password=environ.get('MSQL_PWD', None),
                       db=environ.get('MSQL_DATABASE', None))

def read_config():
    return {
        "max_rating": float(environ.get('MAX_RATING', 1)),
        "min_rating": float(environ.get('MIN_RATING', 0)),
        float(environ.get('POS_CUTOFF', 0))  # rating > cutoff -> 1, sonst -1
Exemple #58
"""This file defines a transition.
Transition from state A to state B includes
  -- observation_tm1 - observation at time t - 1
  -- action_tm1      - action at time t - 1
  -- reward_t        - reward at time t for taking action_tm1 while at observation_tm1
  -- observation_t   - observation at time t.
  -- legal_moves_t   - legal moves for observation_t
  -- terminal_t      - whether the transition is terminal.
from collections import namedtuple

Transition = namedtuple(
    ["observation_tm1", "action_tm1", "reward_t", "observation_t", "legal_moves_t", "terminal_t"])
Exemple #59
    arr = extract(dstore, 'rupture_info')
    if export.sanity_check:
        bad = view('bad_ruptures', dstore)
        if len(bad):  # nonempty
            print(text_table(bad), file=sys.stderr)
    comment = dstore.metadata
    writers.write_csv(dest, arr, comment=comment)
    return [dest]

# ####################### export hazard curves ############################ #

HazardCurve = collections.namedtuple('HazardCurve', 'location poes')

def export_hmaps_csv(key, dest, sitemesh, array, comment):
    Export the hazard maps of the given realization into CSV.

    :param key: output_type and export_type
    :param dest: name of the exported file
    :param sitemesh: site collection
    :param array: a composite array of dtype hmap_dt
    :param comment: comment to use as header of the exported CSV file
    curves = util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, array)
    writers.write_csv(dest, curves, comment=comment)
    return [dest]
Exemple #60
Uses the official Khronos-XML specs to generate a
GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader made for your needs. Glad currently supports
the languages C, D, Nim and Volt.
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import sys

from glad.opener import URLOpener
from glad.spec import SPECS
import glad.lang

Version = namedtuple('Version', ['major', 'minor'])

logger = logging.getLogger('glad')

def main():
    import os.path
    import argparse
    from argparse import ArgumentParser

    opener = URLOpener()

    def get_spec(value):
        if value not in SPECS:
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unknown specification')