Exemple #1
def solve_cylp(model, B_vectors, weights, ray, chunksize):
    Worker process for LP_solver_cylp_mp.

    model : CyClpModel
        Model of the LP Problem, see :py:func:`LP_solver_cylp_mp`
    B_vectors : matrix
        Matrix containing B vectors, see :py:func:`construct_B_vectors`
    weights : array
    ray : int
        Starting ray.
    chunksize : int
        Number of rays to process.

    soln : array
        Solution to LP problem.

    See Also
    LP_solver_cylp_mp : Parent function.
    LP_solver_cylp : Single Process Solver.

    from cylp.cy.CyClpSimplex import CyClpSimplex
    from cylp.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPModel, CyLPArray

    n_gates = weights.shape[1] // 2
    n_rays = B_vectors.shape[0]
    soln = np.zeros([chunksize, n_gates])

    # import LP model in solver
    s = CyClpSimplex(model)

    # disable logging in multiprocessing anyway
    s.logLevel = 0

    i = 0
    for raynum in range(ray, ray + chunksize):
        # set new B_vector values for actual ray
        # set new weights (objectives) for actual ray
        # solve with dual method, it is faster
        # extract primal solution
        soln[i, :] = s.primalVariableSolution['x'][n_gates: 2 * n_gates]
        i = i + 1

    return soln
Exemple #2
def solve_cylp(model, B_vectors, weights, ray, chunksize):
    Worker process for LP_solver_cylp_mp.

    model : CyClpModel
        Model of the LP Problem, see :py:func:`LP_solver_cylp_mp`
    B_vectors : matrix
        Matrix containing B vectors, see :py:func:`construct_B_vectors`
    weights : array
    ray : int
        Starting ray.
    chunksize : int
        Number of rays to process.

    soln : array
        Solution to LP problem.

    See Also
    LP_solver_cylp_mp : Parent function.
    LP_solver_cylp : Single Process Solver.

    from cylp.cy.CyClpSimplex import CyClpSimplex
    from cylp.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPModel, CyLPArray

    n_gates = weights.shape[1] // 2
    n_rays = B_vectors.shape[0]
    soln = np.zeros([chunksize, n_gates])

    # import LP model in solver
    s = CyClpSimplex(model)

    # disable logging in multiprocessing anyway
    s.logLevel = 0

    i = 0
    for raynum in range(ray, ray + chunksize):
        # set new B_vector values for actual ray
        # set new weights (objectives) for actual ray
        # solve with dual method, it is faster
        # extract primal solution
        soln[i, :] = s.primalVariableSolution['x'][n_gates:2 * n_gates]
        i = i + 1

    return soln
Exemple #3
def LP_solver_cylp(A_Matrix, B_vectors, weights, really_verbose=False):
    Solve the Linear Programming problem given in Giangrande et al, 2012 using
    the CyLP module.

    A_Matrix : matrix
        Row augmented A matrix, see :py:func:`construct_A_matrix`
    B_vectors : matrix
        Matrix containing B vectors, see :py:func:`construct_B_vectors`
    weights : array
    really_verbose : bool
        True to print CLP messaging. False to suppress.

    soln : array
        Solution to LP problem.

    See Also
    LP_solver_cvxopt : Solve LP problem using the CVXOPT module.
    LP_solver_pyglpk : Solve LP problem using the PyGLPK module.

    from cylp.cy.CyClpSimplex import CyClpSimplex
    from cylp.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPModel, CyLPArray

    n_gates = weights.shape[1] // 2
    n_rays = B_vectors.shape[0]
    soln = np.zeros([n_rays, n_gates])

    # Create CyLPModel and initialize it
    model = CyLPModel()
    G = np.matrix(A_Matrix)
    h = CyLPArray(np.empty(B_vectors.shape[1]))
    x = model.addVariable('x', G.shape[1])
    model.addConstraint(G * x >= h)
    #c = CyLPArray(np.empty(weights.shape[1]))
    c = CyLPArray(np.squeeze(weights[0]))
    model.objective = c * x

    # import model in solver
    s = CyClpSimplex(model)
    # disable logging
    if not really_verbose:
            s.logLevel = 0

    for raynum in range(n_rays):

        # set new B_vector values for actual ray
        # set new weights (objectives) for actual ray
        # solve with dual method, it is faster
        # extract primal solution
        soln[raynum, :] = s.primalVariableSolution['x'][n_gates: 2 * n_gates]

    # apply smoothing filter on a per scan basis
    soln = smooth_and_trim_scan(soln, window_len=5, window='sg_smooth')
    return soln
Exemple #4
def LP_solver_cylp(A_Matrix, B_vectors, weights, really_verbose=False):
    Solve the Linear Programming problem given in Giangrande et al, 2012 using
    the CyLP module.

    A_Matrix : matrix
        Row augmented A matrix, see :py:func:`construct_A_matrix`
    B_vectors : matrix
        Matrix containing B vectors, see :py:func:`construct_B_vectors`
    weights : array
    really_verbose : bool
        True to print CLP messaging. False to suppress.

    soln : array
        Solution to LP problem.

    See Also
    LP_solver_cvxopt : Solve LP problem using the CVXOPT module.
    LP_solver_pyglpk : Solve LP problem using the PyGLPK module.

    from cylp.cy.CyClpSimplex import CyClpSimplex
    from cylp.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPModel, CyLPArray

    n_gates = weights.shape[1] // 2
    n_rays = B_vectors.shape[0]
    soln = np.zeros([n_rays, n_gates])

    # Create CyLPModel and initialize it
    model = CyLPModel()
    G = np.matrix(A_Matrix)
    h = CyLPArray(np.empty(B_vectors.shape[1]))
    x = model.addVariable('x', G.shape[1])
    model.addConstraint(G * x >= h)
    #c = CyLPArray(np.empty(weights.shape[1]))
    c = CyLPArray(np.squeeze(weights[0]))
    model.objective = c * x

    # import model in solver
    s = CyClpSimplex(model)
    # disable logging
    if not really_verbose:
        s.logLevel = 0

    for raynum in range(n_rays):

        # set new B_vector values for actual ray
        # set new weights (objectives) for actual ray
        # solve with dual method, it is faster
        # extract primal solution
        soln[raynum, :] = s.primalVariableSolution['x'][n_gates:2 * n_gates]

    # apply smoothing filter on a per scan basis
    soln = smooth_and_trim_scan(soln, window_len=5, window='sg_smooth')
    return soln