def get_inv_status(path):
    Updates dictionary where invoice number is a key and value is a string that represents actual status
    of invoice
    :param path: path to excel file that contains list of invoices to be checked
    :return: updates REQUESTED_INVOICE_STATUSES dictionary with data query
    for invoice in DataFile.load_invoices(file_path=path):
        if invoice in GFIS_DATA.keys() and not None:
            REQUESTED_INVOICE_STATUSES[invoice] = \
                f'Scheduled due {GFIS_DATA[invoice][0]}, payment: {GFIS_DATA[invoice][1]}'
        elif invoice in COMBINED_DATA.keys():
        elif invoice not in COMBINED_DATA.keys():
            REQUESTED_INVOICE_STATUSES[invoice] = 'Missing'