def setup_and_run(experiment_name, config, device): datasets = [load_dataset(task_config) for task_config in config['tasks']] for dataset in datasets: dataset['train_iter'] = iter(dataset['train_loader']) nets = [create_net(task_config, config['projectors']) for task_config in config['tasks']] num_projectors = sum([net.num_projectors for net in nets]) if num_projectors != 0: context = aggregate_context(nets) bias = config['projectors'].get('bias', False) alpha = config['optimization'].get('alpha', None) ignore_context = config['projectors'].get('ignore_context', False) frozen_context = config['projectors'].get('frozen_context', False) omni_projector = OmniProjector(config['projectors']['context_size'], config['projectors']['block_in'], config['projectors']['block_out'], num_projectors, config['optimization']['alternatives_per_generation'] + 1, context, bias=bias, alpha=alpha, ignore_context=ignore_context, frozen_context=frozen_context) else: omni_projector = None optimize(experiment_name, datasets, nets, omni_projector, config, device)
if options.run_deep_learning_using_keras: run_deep_learning(options) else: dataset_list = [] if options.dataset == dataset_list.append( elif options.dataset == dataset_list.append( else: dataset_list.append( dataset_list.append( for dataset in dataset_list: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, target_names, data_train_size_mb, data_test_size_mb = load_dataset( dataset, options) vectorizer, X_train, X_test = extract_text_features( X_train, X_test, options, data_train_size_mb, data_test_size_mb) if options.use_hashing: feature_names = None else: feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names() if options.chi2_select: select_k_best_using_chi2(X_train, y_train, X_test, feature_names, options) results = []
def run_magnet_loss(): ''' Test function for the magnet loss ''' m = 8 d = 8 k = 8 alpha = 1.0 batch_size = m * d global plotter plotter = VisdomLinePlotter( trainloader, testloader, trainset, testset, n_train = load_dataset(args) emb_dim = 2 n_epochs = 15 epoch_steps = len(trainloader) n_steps = epoch_steps * 15 cluster_refresh_interval = epoch_steps if args.mnist: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(LeNet(emb_dim)).cuda() if args.cifar10: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(VGG(depth=16, num_classes=emb_dim)) print(model) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), minibatch_magnet_loss = MagnetLoss() images = getattr(trainset, 'train_data') labels = getattr(trainset, 'train_labels') # Get initial embedding initial_reps = compute_reps(model, trainset, 400) if args.cifar10: labels = np.array(labels, dtype=np.float32) # Create batcher batch_builder = ClusterBatchBuilder(labels, k, m, d) batch_builder.update_clusters(initial_reps) batch_losses = [] batch_example_inds, batch_class_inds = batch_builder.gen_batch() trainloader.sampler.batch_indices = batch_example_inds _ = model.train() losses = AverageMeter() for i in tqdm(range(n_steps)): for batch_idx, (img, target) in enumerate(trainloader): img = Variable(img).cuda() target = Variable(target).cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() output, features = model(img) batch_loss, batch_example_losses = minibatch_magnet_loss( output, batch_class_inds, m, d, alpha) batch_loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Update loss index batch_builder.update_losses(batch_example_inds, batch_example_losses) batch_losses.append([0]) if not i % 1000: print(i, batch_loss) if not i % cluster_refresh_interval: print("Refreshing clusters") reps = compute_reps(model, trainset, 400) batch_builder.update_clusters(reps) if not i % 2000: n_plot = 10000 plot_embedding(compute_reps(model, trainset, 400)[:n_plot], labels[:n_plot], name=i) batch_example_inds, batch_class_inds = batch_builder.gen_batch() trainloader.sampler.batch_indices = batch_example_inds losses.update(batch_loss, 1) # Log the training loss if args.visdom: plotter.plot('loss', 'train', i,[0]) # Plot loss curve plot_smooth(batch_losses, "batch-losses")
def main(): # Decide device to use device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # Log path: verify existence of checkpoint dir, or create it if not osp.exists(args.checkpoint): ## what does actuallty does?? **** os.makedirs(args.checkpoint) print_to_log('\t '.join(LOG_HEADERS), LOG_PATH) # Reproducibility random.seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) ## what does a seed function actually does?? if device == 'cuda': torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) # txt file with all params print_training_params(args, osp.join(args.checkpoint, 'params.txt')) # Get datasets and dataloaders trainloader, testloader, trainset, testset, train_labels, test_labels, \ distrib_params, num_classes = load_dataset(args, magnet_training=True) # Params for each epoch epoch_steps = len(trainloader) print_freq = int(np.ceil(0.01 * epoch_steps)) ## what does np.ceil() does here?? cluster_refresh_interval = epoch_steps - 1 # Create model model = MODEL_INIT(num_classes=num_classes).to(device) print(model) if args.pretrained_path is not None: model = copy_pretrained_model( model, args.pretrained_path) ## from where is this function from ?? # Optimizer and scheduler optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), scheduler = MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=args.milestones) ## i have to learn what this thing does # Define criterion criterion = MagnetLoss(args.alpha) # Get batch builders and magnet_data dict magnet_assertions(train_labels, args.k, L=args.L, m=args.m) # Get batch builders batch_builder = get_batch_builders(model, trainset, train_labels, args.k, args.m, args.d, device, dataset_name=args.dataset) # Get magnet_data dict magnet_data = get_magnet_data(batch_builder, device, args, model, criterion, trainset, train_labels) if args.evaluate_ckpt is not None: final_attack_eval( model, testloader, testset, test_labels, checkpoint=args.checkpoint, distrib_params=distrib_params, device=device, evaluate_ckpt=args.evaluate_ckpt, alpha_step=ALPHA_STEP, L=args.L, seed=args.seed, normalize_probs=not args.not_normalize, restarts=args.restarts, attack_iters=args.iterations, ) return best_acc = -np.inf ## what does this thing do?? # Iterate through epochs for epoch in range(args.epochs): model, batch_builder, magnet_data, train_acc, test_acc, train_loss, \ test_loss = train_epoch( model, epoch, optimizer, trainloader, device, trainset, train_labels, testset, test_labels, batch_builder, print_freq, cluster_refresh_interval, criterion, magnet_data, distrib_params, hardcoded_eps=HARDCODED_EPS, minibatch_replays=args.minibatch_replays, actual_trades=args.actual_trades ) best_acc = max(best_acc, test_acc) # Report epoch and save current model report_epoch_and_save(args.checkpoint, epoch, model, train_acc, test_acc, train_loss, test_loss, magnet_data, args.save_all) # Update log with results update_log(optimizer, epoch, train_loss, train_acc, test_loss, test_acc, LOG_PATH) # Update scheduler scheduler.step() ## what is the scheduler step here ?? # Report best accuracy of all training print(f"Best accuracy: {best_acc:4.3f}")
def run_deep_learning_KerasDL1(options): manage_logs(options)"Program started...") dataset_list = get_dataset_list(options) results = {} for dataset in dataset_list: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, target_names, data_train_size_mb, data_test_size_mb = load_dataset(dataset, options) y_test, y_train = one_hot_enconder(dataset, options, y_test, y_train) vectorizer, X_train, X_test = extract_text_features(X_train, X_test, options, data_train_size_mb, data_test_size_mb) input_dim = X_train.shape[1] # Number of features model = Sequential() model.add(layers.Dense(10, input_dim=input_dim, activation='relu')) add_output_layer(dataset, model, options) compile_model(model) if not options.epochs: if dataset == epochs = 10 elif dataset == and options.use_imdb_multi_class_labels: epochs = 2 else: # IMDB_REVIEWS using binary classification epochs = 1 start = time() if not options.epochs: print('\n\nNUMBER OF EPOCHS USED: {}\n'.format(epochs)) history =, y_train, epochs=epochs, verbose=False, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), batch_size=10) else: print('\n\nNUMBER OF EPOCHS USED: {}\n'.format(options.epochs)) history =, y_train, epochs=options.epochs, verbose=False, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), batch_size=10) training_time = time() - start training_loss, training_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_train, y_train, verbose=False) start = time() test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=False) test_time = time() - start algorithm_name = "Deep Learning using Keras 1 (KERAS_DL1)" print_results(dataset, algorithm_name, training_loss, training_accuracy, test_loss, test_accuracy, training_time, test_time)'ggplot') if dataset == plot_history(history, 'KERAS_DL1', '20 NEWS') elif dataset == plot_history(history, 'KERAS_DL1', 'IMDB') print('\n') results[dataset] = dataset, algorithm_name, training_loss, training_accuracy, test_accuracy, training_time, test_time return results
def run_deep_learning_KerasDL2(options):"Program started...") dataset_list = get_dataset_list(options) results = {} for dataset in dataset_list: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, target_names, data_train_size_mb, data_test_size_mb = load_dataset(dataset, options) X_train = apply_nltk_feature_extraction(X_train, options, label='X_train') X_test = apply_nltk_feature_extraction(X_test, options, label='X_test') y_test, y_train = one_hot_enconder(dataset, options, y_test, y_train) print('\t===> Tokenizer: fit_on_texts(X_train)') max_features = 6000 tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=max_features) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(X_train) list_tokenized_train = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_train) maxlen = 130 print('\t===> X_train = pad_sequences(list_tokenized_train, maxlen={})'.format(max_features)) X_t = pad_sequences(list_tokenized_train, maxlen=maxlen) y = y_train embed_size = 128 print('\t===> Create Keras model') model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(max_features, embed_size)) model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(32, return_sequences=True))) model.add(GlobalMaxPool1D()) model.add(Dense(20, activation="relu")) model.add(Dropout(0.05)) add_output_layer(dataset, model, options) compile_model(model) batch_size = 100 if not options.epochs: if dataset == epochs = 15 elif dataset == and options.use_imdb_multi_class_labels: epochs = 2 else: # IMDB_REVIEWS using binary classification epochs = 3 # Test the model print('\t===> Tokenizer: fit_on_texts(X_test)') list_sentences_test = X_test list_tokenized_test = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(list_sentences_test) print('\t===> X_test = pad_sequences(list_sentences_test, maxlen={})'.format(max_features)) X_te = pad_sequences(list_tokenized_test, maxlen=maxlen) # Train the model start = time() if not options.epochs: print('\n\nNUMBER OF EPOCHS USED: {}\n'.format(epochs)) history =, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_data=(X_te, y_test)) else: print('\n\nNUMBER OF EPOCHS USED: {}\n'.format(options.epochs)) history =, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=options.epochs, validation_data=(X_te, y_test)) training_time = time() - start print('\t=====> Test the model: model.predict()') prediction = model.predict(X_te) y_pred = (prediction > 0.5) print_classification_report(options, y_pred, y_test, target_names) print_ml_metrics(options, y_pred, y_test) print_confusion_matrix(options, y_pred, y_test) training_loss, training_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_t, y, verbose=False) start = time() test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_te, y_test, verbose=False) test_time = time() - start algorithm_name = "Deep Learning using Keras 2 (KERAS_DL2)" print_results(dataset, algorithm_name, training_loss, training_accuracy, test_loss, test_accuracy, training_time, test_time)'ggplot') if dataset == plot_history(history, 'KERAS_DL2', '20 NEWS') elif dataset == plot_history(history, 'KERAS_DL2', 'IMDB') print('\n') results[dataset] = dataset, algorithm_name, training_loss, training_accuracy, test_accuracy, training_time, test_time return results
def load_task(task_config): dataset = load_dataset(tasks_config['dataset']) model = create_model(tasks_config['model']) return (dataset, model)
def main(): ######################################################################## # Set-up # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ print(sys.executable) torch.manual_seed(TORCH_SEED) torch.cuda.manual_seed(TORCH_SEED) np.random.seed(NUMPY_SEED) use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() # use_gpu = False device = torch.device("cuda" if use_gpu else "cpu") print('GPU id: {}, name: {}'.format( GPU_ID, torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device()))) trainloader, testloader, trainset, testset, num_classes = load_dataset( dataset_choice, batch_size_train, batch_size_test) classes = np.arange(0, 10) # classes = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] if train: since = time.time() # Define a Convolution Neural Network net = MnistModel(embedding_dim) if dataset_choice == 'ONLINE_PRODUCTS': net = Net(embedding_dim) net = # Define a Loss function and optimizer # cross_entropy = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() cross_entropy = nn.NLLLoss() center_loss_weight = cl_weight center_loss_module = CenterLoss(num_classes, embedding_dim, center_loss_weight) center_loss_module = if use_gpu: center_loss_module = center_loss_module.cuda() repulsive_loss_weight = rl_weight repulsive_loss_margin = rl_margin repulsive_loss_module = RepulsiveLoss(num_classes, embedding_dim, repulsive_loss_margin, repulsive_loss_weight) repulsive_loss_module = if use_gpu: repulsive_loss_module = repulsive_loss_module.cuda() criterion = [cross_entropy, center_loss_module, repulsive_loss_module] optimizer_net = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=cross_entropy_lr) optimizer_center = optim.SGD(center_loss_module.parameters(), lr=center_loss_lr) optimizer = [optimizer_net, optimizer_center] for epoch in range(num_epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times _, centers = train_epoch(net, trainloader, criterion, optimizer, epoch, num_classes, batch_size_train, device, use_gpu, show_plots, embedding_dim) print('Finished Training') time_elapsed = time.time() - since print('Training complete in {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format( time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60)), model_save_path) else: net = MnistModel() if use_gpu: net = net.cuda() net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path)) ######################################################################## # Run the network on the test data # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Test for one batch: embeddings_one_batch, labels_one_batch = test_one_batch( net, testloader, classes, use_gpu, Show=show_misclassified) # Test on the whole dataset: accuracy = test(net, testloader, device, use_gpu) # Classes that performed well, and the classes that did not: test_classwise(net, testloader, classes, device, use_gpu) # Test for retrieval k = 3 test_retrieval(net, testloader, device, k, use_gpu) ######################################################################## # Show embeddings # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # load up data x_data = y_data = labels_one_batch.cpu().numpy() # convert image data to float64 matrix. float64 is need for bh_sne x_data = np.asarray(x_data).astype('float64') x_data = x_data.reshape((x_data.shape[0], -1)) # perform t-SNE embedding # vis_data = tsne(x_data) vis_data = pca(x_data, 2) # plot the result if show_plots: visualize_better(vis_data, y_data) # logging if log: from utils.my_logging import save_run_info, prepare_log_dir log_dir = prepare_log_dir('logs') log_string = 'Dataset: {}\tEpochs: {}\tBatch size: {}\tEmbedding dim: {}\tCenter loss weigth: {:.3f}' \ '\tRepulsive loss weigth: {:.3f}\tCross entropy learning rate: {:.5f}\t' \ 'Center loss learning rate: {:.4f}\tRepulsive loss margin: {:.2f}\tAccuracy: {:.3f}'. \ format(dataset_choice, num_epochs, batch_size_train, embedding_dim, cl_weight, rl_weight, cross_entropy_lr, center_loss_lr, rl_margin, accuracy) save_run_info(log_string, log_dir) plot_data_better(vis_data, y_data, log_dir=log_dir)
def heatmap_plotting(print_correlation_matrix=True, plot_heatmap_values=True, show_plotting=True, save_plotting=True, plotting_path='heatmap.png', load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing=True, save_csv_correlation_matrix=False): # Dataset list datasets = [Datasets.IONOSPHERE, Datasets.ADULT, Datasets.WINE_QUALITY, Datasets.BREAST_CANCER_DIAGNOSIS] for dataset_name in datasets: if dataset_name == Datasets.IONOSPHERE: path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'datasets/data/ionosphere/') if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: X_np, y_np = load_ionosphere() else: # load all dataset columns X_np, y_np = load_dataset(path, header=None) X = pd.DataFrame(data=X_np) if dataset_name == Datasets.ADULT: if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: X_np, y_np = load_adult(run_one_hot_encoder=False) else: X_np, y_np = load_adult(run_one_hot_encoder=True) X = pd.DataFrame(data=X_np.astype(float)) if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: if dataset_name == Datasets.ADULT: X.columns = ['age', 'workclass', 'fnlwgt', 'education', 'education-num', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'hours-per-week', 'native-country'] if dataset_name == Datasets.WINE_QUALITY: X_np, y_np = load_wine_quality() X = pd.DataFrame(data=X_np) X.columns = ['fixed acidity', 'volatile acidity', 'citric acid', 'residual sugar', 'chlorides', 'free sulfur dioxide', 'total sulfur dioxide', 'density', 'pH', 'sulphates', 'alcohol'] if dataset_name == Datasets.BREAST_CANCER_DIAGNOSIS: path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'datasets/data/breast-cancer-wisconsin/') if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: X_np, y_np = load_breast_cancer_diagnosis() else: # load all dataset columns X_np, y_np = load_dataset(path, header=None, remove_question_mark=True) X = pd.DataFrame(data=X_np.astype(float)) if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: X.columns = ['Clump Thickness', 'Uniformity of Cell Size', 'Uniformity of Cell Shape', 'Marginal Adhesion', 'Single Epithelial Cell Size', 'Bare Nuclei', 'Bland Chromatin', 'Normal Nucleoli', 'Mitoses'] else: # load all dataset columns X.columns = ['Sample code number', 'Clump Thickness', 'Uniformity of Cell Size', 'Uniformity of Cell Shape', 'Marginal Adhesion', 'Single Epithelial Cell Size', 'Bare Nuclei', 'Bland Chromatin', 'Normal Nucleoli', 'Mitoses'] sns.set(style="white") # Compute the correlation matrix corr = X.corr() if print_correlation_matrix: print('\nCorrelation matrix:\n', corr) # Generate a custom diverging colormap cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True) heatmap_plot = sns.heatmap(corr, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, annot=plot_heatmap_values, cmap=cmap, vmax=.3, center=0, square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}) ax = plt.axes() file_name = if plot_heatmap_values: file_name = file_name + ' with values, ' else: file_name = file_name + ' without values, ' if load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: file_name = file_name + ' with extra pre-processing' else: file_name = file_name + ' without extra pre-processing' if save_csv_correlation_matrix: corr.to_csv(os.path.join(plotting_path, file_name) + '.csv') if dataset_name == Datasets.ADULT and not load_dataset_with_extra_pre_processing: ax.set_title( + ' using One-Hot-Enconder') else: ax.set_title( if show_plotting: if save_plotting: fig = heatmap_plot.get_figure() fig.savefig(os.path.join(plotting_path, file_name))