class HCSR04:
    """Control a HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor.

    Example use:


        import time
        import board

        import adafruit_hcsr04

        sonar = adafruit_hcsr04.HCSR04(trigger_pin=board.D2, echo_pin=board.D3)

        while True:
            except RuntimeError:
    def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, *, timeout=0.1):
        :param trigger_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
            ``Trig`` pin on the HC-SR04.
        :type trig_pin: microcontroller.Pin
        :param echo_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
            ``Echo`` pin on the HC-SR04.
        :type echo_pin: microcontroller.Pin
        :param float timeout: Max seconds to wait for a response from the
            sensor before assuming it isn't going to answer. Should *not* be
            set to less than 0.05 seconds!
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._trig = DigitalInOut(trigger_pin)
        self._trig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo = PulseIn(echo_pin)
            self._echo = DigitalInOut(echo_pin)
            self._echo.direction = Direction.INPUT

    def __enter__(self):
        """Allows for use in context managers."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        """Automatically de-initialize after a context manager."""

    def deinit(self):
        """De-initialize the trigger and echo pins."""

    def distance(self):
        """Return the distance measured by the sensor in cm.

        This is the function that will be called most often in user code. The
        distance is calculated by timing a pulse from the sensor, indicating
        how long between when the sensor sent out an ultrasonic signal and when
        it bounced back and was received again.

        If no signal is received, we'll throw a RuntimeError exception. This means
        either the sensor was moving too fast to be pointing in the right
        direction to pick up the ultrasonic signal when it bounced back (less
        likely), or the object off of which the signal bounced is too far away
        for the sensor to handle. In my experience, the sensor can detect
        objects over 460 cm away.

        :return: Distance in centimeters.
        :rtype: float
        return self._dist_two_wire(
        )  # at this time we only support 2-wire meausre

    def _dist_two_wire(self):
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo.clear()  # Discard any previous pulse values
        self._trig.value = True  # Set trig high
        time.sleep(0.00001)  # 10 micro seconds 10/1000/1000
        self._trig.value = False  # Set trig low

        pulselen = None
        timestamp = time.monotonic()
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            while not self._echo:
                # Wait for a pulse
                if (time.monotonic() - timestamp) > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            pulselen = self._echo[0]
            # OK no hardware pulse support, we'll just do it by hand!
            # hang out while the pin is low
            while not self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            timestamp = time.monotonic()
            # track how long pin is high
            while self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            pulselen = time.monotonic() - timestamp
            pulselen *= 1000000  # convert to us to match pulseio
        if pulselen >= 65535:
            raise RuntimeError("Timed out")

        # positive pulse time, in seconds, times 340 meters/sec, then
        # divided by 2 gives meters. Multiply by 100 for cm
        # 1/1000000 s/us * 340 m/s * 100 cm/m * 2 = 0.017
        return pulselen * 0.017
Exemple #2
class GroveUltrasonicRanger:
    """Control a Grove ultrasonic range sensor.

	Example use:


		import time
		import board

		import grove_ultrasonic_ranger

		sonar = grove_ultrasonic_ranger.GroveUltrasonicRanger(sig_pin=board.D2)

		while True:
			except RuntimeError as e:
				print("Retrying due to exception =", e)
    def __init__(self, sig_pin, unit=1.0, timeout=1.0):
		:param sig_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
			``Sig`` pin on the GroveUltrasonicRanger.
		:type sig_pin: microcontroller.Pin
		:param float unit: pass in conversion factor for unit conversions from cm
			for example 2.54 would convert to inches.
		:param float timeout: Max seconds to wait for a response from the
			sensor before assuming it isn't going to answer. Should *not* be
			set to less than 0.05 seconds!
        self._unit = unit
        self._timeout = timeout * TICKS_PER_SEC

        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._sig = PulseIn(sig_pin)
            self._sig = DigitalInOut(sig_pin)
            self._sig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self._sig.value = False  # Set trig low

    def __enter__(self):
        """Allows for use in context managers."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        """Automatically de-initialize after a context manager."""

    def deinit(self):
        """De-initialize the sig pin."""

    def distance(self):
        """Return the distance measured by the sensor in cm (or user specified units.)

		This is the function that will be called most often in user code. The
		distance is calculated by timing a pulse from the sensor, indicating
		how long between when the sensor sent out an ultrasonic signal and when
		it bounced back and was received again.

		If no signal is received, we'll throw a RuntimeError exception. This means
		either the sensor was moving too fast to be pointing in the right
		direction to pick up the ultrasonic signal when it bounced back (less
		likely), or the object off of which the signal bounced is too far away
		for the sensor to handle. In my experience, the sensor can detect
		objects over 460 cm away.

		:return: Distance in centimeters (can be divided by a unit conv factor.)
		:rtype: float
        return self._dist_one_wire()

    def _dist_one_wire(self):
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._sig.clear()  # Discard any previous pulse values
            #self._sig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self._sig.value = True  # Set trig high
            time.sleep(0.00001)  # 10 micro seconds 10/1000/1000
            self._sig.value = False  # Set trig low
            self._sig.direction = Direction.INPUT

        pulselen = None
        timestamp = MONOTONIC_TICKS()
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            while not self._sig:
                # Wait for a pulse
                if (MONOTONIC_TICKS() - timestamp) > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Timed out (pulseio waiting for a pulse)")
            pulselen = self._sig[0]
            # OK no hardware pulse support, we'll just do it by hand!
            # hang out while the pin is low
            while not self._sig.value:
                if MONOTONIC_TICKS() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    self._sig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Timed out (gpio, waiting for pulse leading edge)")
            timestamp = MONOTONIC_TICKS()
            # track how long pin is high
            while self._sig.value:
                if MONOTONIC_TICKS() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    self._sig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Timed out (gpio, waiting for pulse trailing edge)")
            pulselen = MONOTONIC_TICKS() - timestamp
            self._sig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            pulselen *= (1000000 / TICKS_PER_SEC
                         )  # convert to us to match pulseio
        if pulselen >= 65535:
            raise RuntimeError("Timed out (unreasonable pulse length)")

        # positive pulse time, in seconds, times 340 meters/sec, then
        # divided by 2 gives meters. Multiply by 100 for cm
        # 1/1000000 s/us * 340 m/s * 100 cm/m * 2 = 0.017
        # Divide by the supplied unit conversion factor
        return (pulselen * 0.017) / self._unit
class RunGo:

    groundColor_list = ((128, 128, 128), (255, 0, 0), (128, 128, 0),
                        (0, 255, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 0, 255), (128, 0, 128))
    groundColor_name = ('White', 'Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Cyan', 'Blue',

    def __init__(self, enButtons=True):
        self._buttonA = None
        self._buttonB = None
        self._enbuttons = False
        if enButtons:
            self._enbuttons = True
            self._buttonA = DigitalInOut(board.IO43)
            self._db_buttonA = Debouncer(self._buttonA, 0.01, True)
            self._buttonB = DigitalInOut(board.IO44)
            self._db_buttonB = Debouncer(self._buttonB, 0.01, True)

        # 3x Neopixels RGB pixels: IO0
        self._pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel( board.IO0, 3,  \
                    brightness=0.5, auto_write=False, pixel_order=neopixel.GRB )
        self._colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)]
        for i in range(3):
            self._pixels[i] = self._colors[i]
        self._pixelsRotationDt = 0.2
        self._pixelsRotationSt = time.monotonic()
        # Sense color Sensor (颜色传感器):  IO7
        self._colorSensor = AnalogIn(board.IO7)
        # Lighting Sensor (光强度传感器):  IO8--leftLightSensor, IO9--rightLightSensor
        self._leftLightSensor = AnalogIn(board.IO8)
        self._rightLightSensor = AnalogIn(board.IO9)
        # left and right head-LED: IO17--rightHeadLED, IO18--leftHeadLED
        self._leftHeadLED = DigitalInOut(board.IO18)
        self._leftHeadLED.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self._leftHeadLED.value = 0
        self._rightHeadLED = DigitalInOut(board.IO17)
        self._rightHeadLED.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self._rightHeadLED.value = 0
        # Ultrasonic module (超声波模块):  IO11--trig, IO10--echo
        self._timeout = 0.1
        self._trig = DigitalInOut(board.IO11)
        self._trig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self._trig.value = 0
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo = PulseIn(board.IO10)
            self._echo = DigitalInOut(board.IO10)
            self._echo.direction = Direction.INPUT
        # Tracking sensors (循迹传感器): IO4--rightTracker, IO3--rightTracker
        self._leftTracker = DigitalInOut(board.IO4)
        self._leftTracker.direction = Direction.INPUT
        self._rightTracker = DigitalInOut(board.IO3)
        self._rightTracker.direction = Direction.INPUT
        # Motor (Right):  IO41--rightMotor1IN, IO42--rightMotor2IN
        self._rightMotor1IN = PWMOut(board.IO41, frequency=100, duty_cycle=0)
        self._rightMotor2IN = PWMOut(board.IO42, frequency=100, duty_cycle=0)
        # Motor (Left):  IO12--leftMotor1IN, IO40--leftMotor2IN
        self._leftMotor1IN = PWMOut(board.IO12, frequency=100, duty_cycle=0)
        self._leftMotor2IN = PWMOut(board.IO40, frequency=100, duty_cycle=0)

    # state of button A
    def button_A(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-A on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-A 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_A:
                    print('A be pressed')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return not self._buttonA.value
            return False

    # state of button B
    def button_B(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-B on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-B 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_B:
                    print('B be pressed')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return not self._buttonB.value
            return False

    def buttons_update(self):
        """ to update the state of Button-A, and Button-B on the RunGo
        this example to update the state of Button-A, and Button-B 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_A_wasPressed:
                    print('A be pressed')
                if car.button_B_wasPressed:
                    print('B be pressed')
        if self._enbuttons:

    def button_A_wasPressed(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-A on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-A 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_A_wasPressed:
                    print('A be pressed')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonA.wasPressed
            return False

    def button_A_wasReleased(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-A on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-A 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_A_wasReleased:
                    print('A be released')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonA.wasReleased
            return False

    def button_A_pressedFor(self, t_s):
        """ to check the state of Button-A on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-A 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_A_pressedFor(2.0):
                    print('A be preased longly over 2.0 second')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonA.pressedFor(t_s)
            return False

    def button_B_wasPressed(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-B on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-B 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_B_wasPressed:
                    print('B be pressed')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonB.wasPressed
            return False

    def button_B_wasReleased(self):
        """ to check the state of Button-B on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-B 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_B_wasReleased:
                    print('B be released')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonB.wasReleased
            return False

    def button_B_pressedFor(self, t_s):
        """ to check the state of Button-B on the RunGo
        this example to check the state of Button-B 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                if car.button_B_pressedFor(2.0):
                    print('B be preased longly over 2.0 second')
        if self._enbuttons:
            return self._db_buttonB.pressedFor(t_s)
            return False

    def pixels(self):
        """ to control the pixels[0..2] on the bottom of RunGo
        this example to control the color of three RGB LEDs 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            colors = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,0,255)]
            while True:
                for i in range(3):
                    car.pixels[i] = colors[i]
                # round colors
                tc = colors[0]
                colors[0] = colors[1]
                colors[1] = colors[2]
                colors[2] = tc
        return self._pixels

    def pixelsColor(self):
        c = (self._colors[0], self._colors[1], self._colors[2])
        return c

    def pixelsColor(self, colors):
        ln = min(len(colors), 3)
        for i in range(ln):
            self._pixels[i] = colors[i]
            self._colors[i] = colors[i]

    def pixelsRotation(self, dt=None):
        if not dt == None:
            self._pixelsRotationDt = dt
        et = time.monotonic()
        if (et - self._pixelsRotationSt) >= self._pixelsRotationDt:
            self._pixelsRotationSt = et
            tc = self._colors[0]
            self._colors[0] = self._colors[1]
            self._colors[1] = self._colors[2]
            self._colors[2] = tc
            for i in range(3):
                self._pixels[i] = self._colors[i]

    def motor(self, lspeed=50, rspeed=-50):
        """ Dual DC-Motor control interface to achieve forward, backward, turn left and turn right
        this example to demostrate car forward, backward, turn left and turn right
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            car.motor(50, 50)   # forward with 50 speed (max-speed: 255)
            time.sleep(1.2)     # runing time (1.2s)
            car.motor(-50, -50) # backward with 50 speed (max-speed: 255)
            time.sleep(1.2)     # runing time (1.2s)
            car.motor(-50, 50)  # turn left with car center
            time.sleep(2.0)     # runing time (2s)
            car.motor(50, -50)  # turn right with car center
            time.sleep(2.0)     # runing time (2s)
            print("program done!")
        lspeed = min(lspeed, 255)
        lspeed = max(-255, lspeed)
        ldir = 0x01 if lspeed < 0 else 0x00  # 正反转: 0x00,CCW, 0x01,CW
        lspeed = abs(lspeed)
        lspeed = lspeed * 255  # 0~65535
        rspeed = min(rspeed, 255)
        rspeed = max(-255, rspeed)
        rdir = 0x01 if rspeed < 0 else 0x00  # 正反转: 0x00,CCW, 0x01,CW
        rspeed = abs(rspeed)
        rspeed = rspeed * 255  # 0~65535
        if rdir == 0x01:
            self._rightMotor2IN.duty_cycle = rspeed
            self._rightMotor1IN.duty_cycle = 0
        if rdir == 0x0:
            self._rightMotor1IN.duty_cycle = rspeed
            self._rightMotor2IN.duty_cycle = 0
        if ldir == 0x01:
            self._leftMotor1IN.duty_cycle = lspeed
            self._leftMotor2IN.duty_cycle = 0
        if ldir == 0x0:
            self._leftMotor2IN.duty_cycle = lspeed
            self._leftMotor1IN.duty_cycle = 0

    def moveTime(self, mtdir=0, mtspeed=50, mt=2.0):
        """ Dual DC-Motor control interface to achieve forward, backward, turn left and turn right
        this example to demostrate car forward, backward, turn left and turn right
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            car.moveTime(0, 50, 1.2)   # forward with 50 speed, and running 1.2s
            car.moveTime(1, 50, 1.2)   # backward with 50 speed, and running 1.2s
            car.moveTime(2, 50, 2.0)   # turn left with car center, , and running 2.0s
            car.moveTime(3, 50, 2.0)   # turn right with car center, , and running 2.0s
            print("program done!")
        if mtdir >= 0 and mtdir <= 3:
            self.move(mtdir, mtspeed)
            self.motor(0, 0)

    def move(self, mdir=0, mspeed=50):
        """ Dual DC-Motor control interface to car move(forward, backward, turn left and turn right)
        this example to demostrate car move 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            car.move(0, 50)   # forward with 50 speed, and running 1.2s
            time.sleep(1.2)   # runing time (1.2s)
            car.move(1, 50)   # backward with 50 speed, and running 1.2s
            time.sleep(1.2)   # runing time (1.2s)
            car.move(2, 50)   # turn left with car center, , and running 2.0s
            time.sleep(2.0)   # runing time (2.0s)
            car.move(3, 50)   # turn right with car center, , and running 2.0s
            time.sleep(2.0)   # runing time (2.0s)
            print("program done!")
        sp = abs(mspeed)
        if mdir == 0:  # Forward
            self.motor(sp, sp)
        elif mdir == 1:  # Backward
            self.motor(-sp, -sp)
        elif mdir == 2:  # Rotate-Left
            self.motor(-sp, sp)
        elif mdir == 3:  # Rotate-Right
            self.motor(sp, -sp)

    def stop(self):
        # stop car
        self.motor(0, 0)

    def leftLightSensor(self):
        """ get the brightness value of the left-lighting-sensor
        this example to get the brightness of left lighting sensor 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
        return self._leftLightSensor.value

    def rightLightSensor(self):
        """ get the brightness value of the right-lighting-sensor
        this example to get the brightness of right lighting sensor 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
        return self._rightLightSensor.value

    def _getRawRGB_light(self):
        __colorComps = ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255))
        __bt = self._pixels.brightness
        self._pixels.brightness = 1.0
        __Craw = [0, 0, 0]
        i = 0
        for cc in __colorComps:
            self.pixels[0] = cc
            __Craw[i] = int(self._colorSensor.value * 255 // (2**16))
            i += 1
        self._pixels.brightness = __bt
        return __Craw[0], __Craw[1], __Craw[2]

    def _rgb2hsv(r, g, b):
        __rR, __rG, __rB = r / 255, g / 255, b / 255
        __Cmax, __Cmin = max(__rR, __rG, __rB), min(__rR, __rG, __rB)
        __Cdelta = __Cmax - __Cmin
        V = __Cmax  # HSV: Value
        if __Cmax == 0.0:
            S = 0.0  # HSV: Saturation
            S = __Cdelta / __Cmax  # HSV: Saturation
        if __Cdelta == 0.0:
            H = 0  # HSV: Hue
        elif __Cmax == __rR:
            H = 60 * (((__rG - __rB) / __Cdelta) % 6)  # HSV: Hue [--Red++]
        elif __Cmax == __rG:
            H = 60 * (((__rB - __rR) / __Cdelta) + 2)  # HSV: Hue [--Green++]
            H = 60 * (((__rR - __rG) / __Cdelta) + 4)  # HSV: Hue [--Blue++]
        H = int(H)
        return H, S, V

    def groundColorID(self):
        rawR, rawG, rawB = self._getRawRGB_light()
        H, S, V = self._rgb2hsv(rawR, rawG, rawB)
        if S < 0.075:
            return 0  # white
        if H < 30 or H >= 330:  # 330~359, 0~29
            return 1  # red
        elif H >= 30 and H < 90:  # 30~89
            return 2  # yellow
        elif H >= 90 and H < 150:  # 90~149
            return 3  # green
        elif H >= 150 and H < 210:  # 150~209
            return 4  # cyan
        elif H >= 210 and H < 270:  # 210~269
            return 5  # blue
        else:  # 270~329
            return 6  # purple

    def groundColor(self):
        return self.groundColor_name[self.groundColorID]

    def groundColorValue(self):
        return self.groundColor_list[self.groundColorID]

    def leftHeadLED(self):
        """ get the status value of the left-head-led
        this example to get the state of left head LED 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                car.leftHeadLED = not car.leftHeadLED
        return self._leftHeadLED.value

    def leftHeadLED(self, value):
        """ to control the left-head-led on or off
        this example to control the state of left head LED 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                car.leftHeadLED = not car.leftHeadLED
        self._leftHeadLED.value = value

    def rightHeadLED(self):
        """ get the status value of the right-head-led
        this example to get the state of right head LED 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                car.rightHeadLED = not car.rightHeadLED
        return self._rightHeadLED.value

    def rightHeadLED(self, value):
        """ to control the right-head-led on or off
        this example to control the state of right head LED 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
                car.rightHeadLED = not car.rightHeadLED
        self._rightHeadLED.value = value

    def distance(self):
        """Return the distance measured by the sensor in cm.
        This is the function that will be called most often in user code. The
        distance is calculated by timing a pulse from the sensor, indicating
        how long between when the sensor sent out an ultrasonic signal and when
        it bounced back and was received again.
        If no signal is received, we'll throw a RuntimeError exception. This means
        either the sensor was moving too fast to be pointing in the right
        direction to pick up the ultrasonic signal when it bounced back (less
        likely), or the object off of which the signal bounced is too far away
        for the sensor to handle. In my experience, the sensor can detect
        objects over 460 cm away.
        :return: Distance in centimeters.
        :rtype: float
        this example to control the state of right head LED 
        To use with the IoTs2:
        .. code-block:: python
            import time
            from hiibot_iots2_rungo import RunGo
            car = RunGo()
            while True:
        return self._dist_two_wire(
        )  # at this time we only support 2-wire meausre

    def _dist_two_wire(self):
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo.clear()  # Discard any previous pulse values
        self._trig.value = True  # Set trig high
        time.sleep(0.00001)  # 10 micro seconds 10/1000/1000
        self._trig.value = False  # Set trig low
        pulselen = 65535
        ok_echo = True
        timestamp = time.monotonic()
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            while not self._echo:
                # Wait for a pulse
                if (time.monotonic() - timestamp) > self._timeout:
                    ok_echo = False
                    break  # output a error result vs stop running
                    #raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            if ok_echo:
                pulselen = self._echo[0]
            # OK no hardware pulse support, we'll just do it by hand!
            # hang out while the pin is low
            while not self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    #raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            timestamp = time.monotonic()
            # track how long pin is high
            while self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    #raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            pulselen = time.monotonic() - timestamp
            pulselen *= 1000000  # convert to us to match pulseio
        if pulselen >= 65535:
            ok_echo = False
            #raise RuntimeError("Timed out")

        # positive pulse time, in seconds, times 340 meters/sec, then
        # divided by 2 gives meters. Multiply by 100 for cm
        # 1/1000000 s/us * 340 m/s * 100 cm/m * 2 = 0.017
        return pulselen * 0.017

    def leftTracker(self):
        return l sensor status: True/1, no-reflected signal, maybe just above the black line
                                False/0, the state of the reflected signal
        return self._leftTracker.value

    def rightTracker(self):
        return r sensor status: True/1, no-reflected signal, maybe just above the black line
                                False/0, the state of the reflected signal
        return self._rightTracker.value

    def tracking(self, lr_mode=0):
        lr_mode: 0, the width of back-line greater than the width between the l and r sensors 
                 3, the width of white-line greater than the width between the l and r sensors
                 1, a barrow back-line be used, and l sensor be used to track
                 2, a barrow back-line be used, and r sensor be used to track
        if lr_mode == 0:
            return self._leftTracker.value and self._rightTracker.value
        elif lr_mode == 1:
            return self._leftTracker.value and not self._rightTracker.value
        elif lr_mode == 2:
            return not self._leftTracker.value and self._rightTracker.value
        elif lr_mode == 3:
            return not self._leftTracker.value and not self._rightTracker.value
            return False

    def trackSide(self, side=0, lr_mode=1):
        if side == 0 and lr_mode == 0:
            return self._leftTracker.value
        elif side == 0 and lr_mode == 1:
            return not self._leftTracker.value
        elif side == 1 and lr_mode == 0:
            return not self._rightTracker.value
        elif side == 1 and lr_mode == 1:
            return self._rightTracker.value
            return False
Exemple #4
class HCSR04:
    """Control a HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor.

    Example use:


        import time
        import board

        import adafruit_hcsr04

        sonar = adafruit_hcsr04.HCSR04(trigger_pin=board.D2, echo_pin=board.D3)

        while True:
            except RuntimeError:
    def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, *, timeout=0.1):
        :param trigger_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
            ``Trig`` pin on the HC-SR04.
        :type trig_pin: microcontroller.Pin
        :param echo_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
            ``Echo`` pin on the HC-SR04.
        :type echo_pin: microcontroller.Pin
        :param float timeout: Max seconds to wait for a response from the
            sensor before assuming it isn't going to answer. Should *not* be
            set to less than 0.05 seconds!
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._trig = DigitalInOut(trigger_pin)
        self._trig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo = PulseIn(echo_pin)
            self._echo = DigitalInOut(echo_pin)
            self._echo.direction = Direction.INPUT

    def __enter__(self):
        """Allows for use in context managers."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        """Automatically de-initialize after a context manager."""

    def deinit(self):
        """De-initialize the trigger and echo pins."""

    def distance(self):
        """Return the distance measured by the sensor in cm.

        This is the function that will be called most often in user code. The
        distance is calculated by timing a pulse from the sensor, indicating
        how long between when the sensor sent out an ultrasonic signal and when
        it bounced back and was received again.

        If no signal is received, we'll throw a RuntimeError exception. This means
        either the sensor was moving too fast to be pointing in the right
        direction to pick up the ultrasonic signal when it bounced back (less
        likely), or the object off of which the signal bounced is too far away
        for the sensor to handle. In my experience, the sensor can detect
        objects over 460 cm away.

        :return: Distance in centimeters.
        :rtype: float
        return self._dist_two_wire()  # at this time we only support 2-wire meausre

    def _dist_two_wire(self):
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            self._echo.clear()       # Discard any previous pulse values
        self._trig.value = True  # Set trig high
        time.sleep(0.00001)      # 10 micro seconds 10/1000/1000
        self._trig.value = False # Set trig low

        pulselen = None
        timestamp = time.monotonic()
        if _USE_PULSEIO:
            while not self._echo:
                # Wait for a pulse
                if (time.monotonic() - timestamp) > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            pulselen = self._echo[0]
            # OK no hardware pulse support, we'll just do it by hand!
            # hang out while the pin is low
            while not self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            timestamp = time.monotonic()
            # track how long pin is high
            while self._echo.value:
                if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
                    raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
            pulselen = time.monotonic() - timestamp
            pulselen *= 1000000 # convert to us to match pulseio
        if pulselen >= 65535:
            raise RuntimeError("Timed out")

        # positive pulse time, in seconds, times 340 meters/sec, then
        # divided by 2 gives meters. Multiply by 100 for cm
        # 1/1000000 s/us * 340 m/s * 100 cm/m * 2 = 0.017
        return pulselen * 0.017