Exemple #1
    async def quote_alias(self, ctx: utils.Context,
                          quote_id: commands.clean_content,
                          alias: commands.clean_content):
        Adds an alias to a quote.

        # Grab data from db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            rows = await db(
                "SELECT * FROM user_quotes WHERE quote_id=$1 AND guild_id=$1",
                quote_id.lower(), ctx.guild.id)
        if not rows:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"There's no quote with the ID `{quote_id.upper()}`.")

        # Insert alias into db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            rows = await db("SELECT * FROM quote_aliases WHERE alias=$1",
            if rows:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"The alias `{alias}` is already being used.")
            await db(
                "INSERT INTO quote_aliases (quote_id, alias) VALUES ($1, $2)",
                quote_id.lower(), alias.lower())
        await ctx.send(
            f"Added the alias `{alias.upper()}` to quote ID `{quote_id.upper()}`."
Exemple #2
    async def create(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str, *,
                     value: commands.clean_content) -> None:
        """Create tags for your server.

        Example: tag create hello Hi! I am the bot responding!
        Complex usage: https://github.com/fourjr/rainbot/wiki/Tags
        if value.startswith('http'):
            if value.startswith('https://hasteb.in') and 'raw' not in value:
                value = 'https://hasteb.in/raw/' + value[18:]

            async with self.bot.session.get(value) as resp:
                value = await resp.text()

        if name in [i.qualified_name for i in self.bot.commands]:
            await ctx.send('Name is already a pre-existing bot command')
            await self.bot.db.update_guild_config(
                {'$push': {
                    'tags': {
                        'name': name,
                        'value': value
            await ctx.send(self.bot.accept)
Exemple #3
    async def _remove(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None, *, target: commands.clean_content):
        """ Remove a competition from a live-scores channel
        Either perform ls remove <league name> in the channel you wish to delete it from, or use
        ls remove #channel <league name> to delete it from another channel."""
        # Verify we have a valid livescores channel target.
        channel = ctx.channel if channel is None else channel
        if channel.id not in {i[1] for i in self.cache}:
            return await ctx.send(f'{channel.mention} is not set as a scores channel.')

        # Verify which league the user wishes to remove.
        target = target.strip("'\",")  # Remove quotes, idiot proofing.
        leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, channel.id)]
        matches = [i for i in leagues if target.lower() in i.lower()]
        index = await embed_utils.page_selector(ctx, matches)
        if index is None:
            return  # rip.
        target = matches[index]
        connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
        async with connection.transaction():
            await connection.execute(""" DELETE FROM scores_leagues WHERE (league,channel_id) = ($1,$2)""",
                                     target, channel.id)
        leagues = ", ".join(leagues)
        await ctx.send(f"✅ **{target}** was deleted from the tracked leagues for {channel.mention},"
                       f" the new tracked leagues list is: ```yaml\n{leagues}```\n")
        await self.bot.db.release(connection)
        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #4
 async def create(self, ctx, tag_name: commands.clean_content, *,
                  tag_value: commands.clean_content):
     tag_name = str(tag_name)
     if tag_name.lower() in ['remove', 'create']:
         return await ctx.send("Cannot make tag that is a tag command.")
     if len(tag_name.strip()
            ) > 100:  # tbh idk if this check is really a good one
         return await ctx.send("Tag name too long (100 or less characters)")
     if len(str(tag_value)) >= 1800:
         return await ctx.send("Tag value too long (1800 or less characters"
     g = mongo_setup.mod_and_logging_config.find_one(
         {'_id': ctx.guild.id}
     )  # if theres tags for ctx.guild, then the dict should be formatted like: {'tag name': {'author': user id, 'value': 'tag value'}}
     if not g:
         mongo_setup.tags.insert_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id
                                      })  # if theres no tags for ctx.guild
         g = mongo_setup.tags.find_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id})
     t = g.get(tag_name, None)  # checking if the tag is already in the dict
     if not t:
         d = {'value': tag_value, 'author': ctx.author.id}
         mongo_setup.tags.update_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id},
                                     {'$set': {
                                         tag_name: d
         return await ctx.send(f"Tag {tag_name} created!")
     await ctx.send(f"Tag {tag_name} already exists")
Exemple #5
 async def repeat(self, ctx, num: int, *, text: commands.clean_content):
     if "spam" not in ctx.channel.name:
         raise commands.BadArgument("This command is only "
                                    "available in spam channels.")
     ssplit = text.split("\\")
     suffix = ssplit[-1] if len(ssplit) > 1 else ""
     text = ssplit[0]
     num = min(num, 50)
     fmt = (text.replace("%count%",
                         "{0}").replace("%countBackwards%", "{1}").replace(
                             "%enumerate%", "{2}"))
     for i in range(1, num + 1):
         if i % 10 == 1 and i != 11:
             enumend = "st"
         elif i % 10 == 2 and i != 12:
             enumend = "nd"
         elif i % 10 == 3 and i != 13:
             enumend = "rd"
             enumend = "th"
         text = fmt.format(i, num - i + 1, f"{i}{enumend}")
         await ctx.send(text)
         await asyncio.sleep(2)
     if suffix:
         await ctx.send(suffix)
Exemple #6
    async def two_cats(self, ctx, *, text: commands.clean_content):
        """Write some text on two signs
        to write on both signs split the text with || or | if no separator is passed the text will be halved
        and written on both signs."""
        image = ImageDrawText(self.bot, "images/two_cats.jpg")
        text = ctx.emote_unescape(text)

            text, text_two = text.split("|", 1) or text.split("||", 1)

        except ValueError:
            index = len(text) // 2
            text_two = " ".join([text[index:]])
            text = " ".join([text[:index]])

            if not text:
                text = text_two
                # this is an invisible character
                text_two = "\u200b"

        text = self.string_splice(text, 41)
        text_two = self.string_splice(text_two, 41)

        image.font_setter(self.arial_unicode, 18, (6, 0, 15))
        text = image.text_wrap(text, 14)
        text_two = image.text_wrap(text_two, 14)
        rotate = 358
        await image.draw_text_on_image_rotated(text, [67, 217], rotate, True)
        await image.draw_text_on_image_rotated(text_two, [268, 232], rotate,

        file = discord.File(filename="sign.png", fp=image.save())
        await ctx.send(file=file)
 async def binTotxt(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content):
     """``binTotxt [hex code from .bin file]`` Converts .bin hex code into assembly."""
     if await self.checklol(ctx):
     content = content.replace("```\n", "").replace("```", "")
     out = (f"```c\nAddress\t\t\t  Memory  Content\n{'-'*49}\n" + "\n ".join(
         [(f'{int(j[0], 16)}\t{" ".join([str(bin(int(j[1], 16))).lstrip("0b").zfill(32)[m:m + 4] for m in range(0, 32, 4)])}'
           if len(j) > 1 else "")
          for j in [i.split() for i in content.split("\n")]]) + "```")
     await ctx.send(out)
Exemple #8
 async def clapup(
     text: commands.
     clean_content = 'you forgot to supply text :bigbrain10000:'):
     """clap 👏 up 👏 some 👏 text"""
     text = str(text)
     text = text.replace('.', '\u200B.')
     return await ctx.send(
         str(' \N{CLAPPING HANDS SIGN} '.join(text.split()))[:2000])
Exemple #9
    async def b(self, ctx, *, message: commands.clean_content):
        """This is a bad idea."""
        if 'b' in message.lower():
            return await ctx.send(
                message.replace('b', ':b:').replace('B', ':b:'))

        consonants = set(
            [x for x in message if x.lower() in "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"])
        await ctx.send(
                random.choice(tuple(consonants) if consonants else message),
Exemple #10
    async def cardexp(self,
                      ctx: commands.Context,
                      arg: commands.clean_content = ''):
        assert isinstance(arg, str)
        exp = self.bot.assets[Server.JP].card_exp_master

        def comma_number(n):
            return '{:,}'.format(n)

        def format_exp(e):
            return comma_number(e.total_exp).rjust(9)

        if not arg:
            embed = discord.Embed(title='Card Exp',
                                  description='```' +
                                  '\n'.join(f'Lvl {n}: {format_exp(exp[n])}'
                                            for n in range(10, 90, 10)) +
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                if arg.isnumeric():
                    level = int(arg)
                    level_total = exp[level].total_exp
                    desc = (
                        f'Total:  {comma_number(level_total)}\n'
                        f'Change: {comma_number(level_total - exp[level - 1].total_exp) if level > 1 else "N/A"}\n'
                    await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(
                        title=f'Card Exp Lvl {level}', description=desc))
                    start, end = arg.split('-')
                    start = int(start)
                    end = int(end)
                    if start > end:
                        await ctx.send('End exp is greater than start exp.')
                    start_exp = exp[start]
                    end_exp = exp[end]
                    change_amount = end_exp.total_exp - start_exp.total_exp
                    embed = discord.Embed(
                        title=f'Card Exp Lvl {start}-{end}',
                        f'Lvl {str(start).rjust(2)}: {format_exp(start_exp)}\n'
                        f'Lvl {str(end).rjust(2)}: {format_exp(end_exp)}\n'
                        f'Change: {comma_number(change_amount).rjust(9)}\n'
                    await ctx.send(embed=embed)

            except Exception:
                await ctx.send(f'Invalid card exp {arg}')
Exemple #11
    async def match(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content):
        """<person1>, <person2>|||Returns a match percentage between two people <3"""
        match = str(random.randint(0, 100))

        content = content.replace(", ", ",").replace(" ,", ",")
        if "," not in content:
            raise commands.UserInputError()

        content = content.split(",")
        left, right = content

        await self.Hamood.quick_embed(
            f"**{left}** and **{right}** are **{match}%** compatible.")
Exemple #12
    async def poll(self, ctx, *, options: commands.clean_content = ""):
        '''Create a poll for members in the channel to vote on.
        Separate options using the " | " character.'''
        options = options or await ctx.ask("Give a list of options for the poll, separated by the `|` character:")
        letters = ["🇦", "🇧", "🇨", "🇩", "🇪", "🇫", "🇬", "🇭", "🇮", "🇯"]
        options = dict(zip(letters, options.split("|")))
        self.ona.assert_(len(options) > 1, error="Only one option provided. Separate options with the `|` character.")
        embed = self.ona.embed("\n\n".join(f"{letter} {option}" for letter, option in options.items()),
                               title=f"{ctx.author.display_name}'s Poll")
        poll = await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention} React with ⏹ when you'd like to end the poll.", embed=embed)
        for letter in options:
            await poll.add_reaction(letter)
        await poll.add_reaction("⏹")

        def check(r, u):
            return u == ctx.author and r.message.id == poll.id and r.emoji == "⏹"
        await self.ona.wait_for("reaction_add", check=check)    # Continue only after author reacts with the stop emote
        votes = defaultdict(list)
        for reaction in (await ctx.channel.fetch_message(poll.id)).reactions:
            if reaction.custom_emoji or reaction.emoji not in options:   # Ignore miscellaneous reacts
            async for member in reaction.users().filter(lambda u: not u.bot):
                if not any(member == existing_member for emoji in votes for existing_member in votes[emoji]):
                    votes[reaction.emoji].append(member)    # Ignore duplicate votes
        if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).manage_messages:
            await poll.clear_reactions()
        await ctx.table({options[letter]: len(voters) for letter, voters in votes.items()},
                        title="final results", label="vote")
Exemple #13
    async def get(self, ctx:utils.Context, identifier:commands.clean_content):
        """Gets a quote from the database"""

        # Get quote from database
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            quote_rows = await db(
                """SELECT user_quotes.quote_id as quote_id, user_id, channel_id, message_id FROM user_quotes LEFT JOIN
                quote_aliases ON user_quotes.quote_id=quote_aliases.quote_id
                WHERE user_quotes.quote_id=$1 OR quote_aliases.alias=$1""",
        if not quote_rows:
            return await ctx.send(f"There's no quote with the identifier `{identifier.upper()}`.")

        # Get the message
        data = quote_rows[0]
        if data['channel_id'] is None:
            return await ctx.send("There's no quote channel set for that quote.")
        channel = self.bot.get_channel(data['channel_id'])
        if channel is None:
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote channel.")
            message = await channel.fetch_message(data['message_id'])
            assert message is not None
        except (AssertionError, discord.HTTPException):
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote message.")

        # Output to user
        return await ctx.send(embed=message.embeds[0])
Exemple #14
 async def choose(self, ctx, *, choices: commands.clean_content):
     '''choose! use , in between'''
     choices = choices.split(',')
     if len(choices) < 2:
         return await ctx.send('Not enough choices to pick from.')
     choices[0] = ' ' + choices[0]
     await ctx.send(str(random.choice(choices))[1:])
 async def spaceout(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content):
     """``spaceout [binary machine code]`` spaces out your binary code"""
     if await self.checklol(ctx):
     c = content.replace(" ", "").replace("```", "")
     x = " ".join([c[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(c), 4)])
     await ctx.send(f"```java\n{x}```")
Exemple #16
    async def alias_remove(self, ctx:utils.Context, alias:commands.clean_content):
        """Deletes an alias from a quote"""

        # Grab data from db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            await db("DELETE FROM quote_aliases WHERE alias=$1", alias.lower())
        return await ctx.send(f"Deleted alias `{alias.upper()}`.")
Exemple #17
    async def remind(self, ctx, *, argument: commands.clean_content):
        """remind yourself after given time in the channel the command
        was invoked in or privately with a reason or without"""
        args = argument.split("\n")
        time = args.pop(0)
        if args:
            reason = "\n".join(args).strip()[:self.char_limit]
            reason = "No Reason"

        kwargs = {'locales': ["de-BE"], 'settings': self.set}
        expected_date = dateparser.parse(time, **kwargs)

        if expected_date is None:
            msg = "No valid time format"
            await ctx.send(msg)

        current_date = datetime.now()
        difference = (expected_date - current_date).total_seconds()

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color.green())
        embed.description = "**Reminder registered:**"
        represent = expected_date.strftime(self.preset)

        if difference < 0:
            msg = "The timestamp has already passed"
            await ctx.send(msg)

        current_stamp = current_date.timestamp()
        expected_stamp = expected_date.timestamp()
        arguments = [ctx.author.id, ctx.channel.id, current_stamp, expected_stamp, reason]
        reminder = Timer(self.bot, arguments)

        if difference < 60:
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await asyncio.sleep(difference)
            await reminder.send()

            query = 'INSERT INTO reminder ' \
                    '(author_id, channel_id, creation, expiration, reason)' \
                    ' VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)'
            cursor = await self.bot.db.execute(query, arguments)
            reminder.id = cursor.lastrowid
            await self.bot.db.commit()

            if not self.current_reminder:
                self.current_reminder = reminder

                if reminder.expiration < self.current_reminder.expiration:

            logger.debug(f"reminder {reminder.id}: registered")
            embed.description = f"{embed.description[:-3]} (ID {reminder.id}):**"
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemple #18
 async def roll(self, ctx: Context, *, message: clean_content):
     display_name = get_name_string(ctx.message)
     if len(message) == 0:
         message = "1d6"
     message = message.strip()
         expression = DiceParser.parse_all.parse(message).or_die()
     except ParseError as e:
         await ctx.send(
             FAILURE_OUT.format(ping=display_name, body=f"```{e}```"))
     except ExcessiveDiceRollsError:
         await ctx.send(
                 body="_You requested an excessive number of dice rolls._",
     value = expression.value
         out = SUCCESS_OUT.format(
             f"`{repr(expression)}` | **{value}** ⟵ {clean_brackets(str(expression))}",
         await ctx.send(out)
     except OutputTooLargeError:
         await ctx.send(
                                body="_Your output was too large!_"))
Exemple #19
    async def memegen(self,
                      text: commands.clean_content = 'Вот такие пироги'):
        """Генератор мемов. *Сооруди свой топовый мем!*

        [!] Команда может быть выполнена лишь раз в 8 секунд.

        `:text` - текст (% - перенос вниз)
        __                                            __
        n!memegen Вот такие пироги
        string_list = text.split('%')

        templates = [f'templates/{x}' for x in os.listdir('templates/')]

        if len(string_list) == 1:
        elif len(string_list) >= 2:
        await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=f'{ctx.guild.id}.png'))
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
Exemple #20
    async def cryptoprice(self, ctx, cryptocurrency: commands.clean_content = 'bitcoin', \
                            currency: commands.clean_content = 'rub'):
        """Стоимость криптовалют.

        `:cryptocurrency` - имя криптовалюты
        `:currency` - имя валюты
        __                                            __
        n!cryptoprice bitcoin rub

        request = requests.get(f'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/{cryptocurrency}/?convert={currency}')
        resp = request.json()

        if type(resp) is dict:
            return await ctx.send(f'Что-то пошло не так.\n*Может быть, {ctx.author.mention} ввел несуществующую валюту?')

        price =  'price_' + currency.lower()


        except KeyError:
            await ctx.send(f'Что-то пошло не так.\n*Может быть, {ctx.author.mention} ввел несуществующую валюту?')

            embed = discord.Embed(color=0xF4F624, title=f'Стоимость криптовалюты {cryptocurrency}.',
                            description=f'USD: `{resp[0]["price_usd"]}`\n{currency.upper()}: `{resp[0][price]}`')
            embed.set_author(name=ctx.author.name, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemple #21
    async def encode_ascii85(self, ctx, *, input: commands.clean_content = None):
        if not input:
            input = await self.detect_file(ctx)

        await self.encryptout(
            ctx, "Text -> ASCII85", base64.a85encode(input.encode('UTF-8'))
Exemple #22
    async def encode_hex(self, ctx, *, input: commands.clean_content = None):
        if not input:
            input = await self.detect_file(ctx)

        await self.encryptout(
            ctx, "Text -> hex", binascii.hexlify(input.encode('UTF-8'))
Exemple #23
 async def say(self, ctx, *, message: commands.clean_content):
     message_components = message.split()
     if "@​everyone" in message_components or "@​here" in message_components:
         await ctx.send("Nice try noob")
     await ctx.send(message)
 async def choose(self, ctx, *, choices: commands.clean_content):
     '''Choose between multiple choices. Use `,` to seperate choices.'''
     choices = choices.split(',')
     if len(choices) < 2:
         return await ctx.send('Not enough choices to pick from.')
     choices[0] = ' ' + choices[0]
     await ctx.send(str(random.choice(choices))[1:])
 async def formatbin(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content):
     """``formatbin [binary machine code]`` tries to find format of machine code"""
     if await self.checklol(ctx):
     content = content.replace("```", "")
     output = self.format(content, True)
     await ctx.send(output)
Exemple #26
 async def choose(self, ctx, *, choices: commands.clean_content):
     """choose! use , in between
     • choices - the choices to choose from separated using ,"""
     choices = choices.split(",")
     choices[0] = " " + choices[0]
     await ctx.send(str(random.choice(choices))[1:])
Exemple #27
    async def encode_base32(self, ctx, *, input: commands.clean_content = None):
        if not input:
            input = await self.detect_file(ctx)

        await self.encryptout(
            ctx, "Text -> base32", base64.b32encode(input.encode('UTF-8'))
Exemple #28
    async def _remove(self, ctx,
                      channels: commands.Greedy[discord.TextChannel], *,
                      target: commands.clean_content):
        """ Remove a competition from an existing live-scores channel """
        # Verify we have a valid livescores channel target.
        channels = await self._pick_channels(ctx, channels)

        if not channels:
            return  # rip

        all_leagues = set()
        target = target.strip("'\",")  # Remove quotes, idiot proofing.

        for c in channels:  # Fetch All partial matches
            leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, c.id)]
            all_leagues |= set(
                [i for i in leagues if target.lower() in i.lower()])

        # Verify which league the user wishes to remove.
        all_leagues = list(all_leagues)
        index = await embed_utils.page_selector(ctx, all_leagues)
        if index is None:
            return  # rip.

        target = all_leagues[index]

        for c in channels:
            if c.id not in {i[1] for i in self.cache}:
                await ctx.reply(f'{c.mention} is not set as a scores channel.',

            connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
            async with connection.transaction():
                await connection.execute(
                    """ DELETE FROM scores_leagues WHERE (league,channel_id) = ($1,$2)""",
                    target, c.id)
            await self.bot.db.release(connection)
            leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, c.id)].copy()

            await ctx.reply(
                f"✅ **{target}** deleted from the tracked leagues for {c.mention}",
            await self.update_channel(c.guild.id, c.id)
            await send_leagues(ctx, c, leagues)
        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #29
    async def get_color_image(self, ctx, *, color_list: clean_content):
        Post a picture of a color or multiple colors
        when specifying multiple colors make sure colors that have a space in them
        like light blue are written using quotes like this `red "light blue" green`
        By default colors are concatenated horizontally. For vertical stacking
        use a newline like this
        {prefix}{name} red green
        blue yellow
        Which would have red and green on top and blue and yellow on bottom

        Color can be a
        \u200b \u200b \u200b• hex value (`#000000` or `0x000000`)
        \u200b \u200b \u200b• RGB tuple `(0,0,0)`
        \u200b \u200b \u200b• Color name. All compatible names are listed [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors_(compact))
        \u200b \u200b \u200b• Any of `invisible`, `none`, `transparent` for transparent spot
        color_list = [shlex.split(c) for c in color_list.split('\n')]
        lengths = map(len, color_list)
        if sum(lengths) > 100:
            raise BadArgument('Maximum amount of colors is 100')

        images = []
        hex_colors = []
        size = (50, 50)

        def do_the_thing():
            for colors in color_list:
                ims = []
                for color in colors:
                    color = self.color_from_str(color)
                        im = Image.new('RGBA', size, color)
                        if isinstance(color, tuple):
                            color = self.rgb2hex(*color)
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                        raise BadArgument(
                            f'Failed to create image using color {color}')


            if len(images) > 1:
                concat = self.stack_colors(images)
                concat = images[0]

            data = BytesIO()
            concat.save(data, 'PNG')
            return data

        data = await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(self.bot.threadpool,
        await ctx.send(' '.join(hex_colors),
                       file=discord.File(data, 'colors.png'))
Exemple #30
    async def decode_ascii85(self, ctx, *, input: commands.clean_content = None):
        if not input:
            input = await self.detect_file(ctx)

            await self.encryptout(ctx, "ASCII85 -> Text", base64.a85decode(input.encode('UTF-8')))
        except Exception:
            await ctx.send("Invalid ASCII85...")