Exemple #1
    async def quote_alias(self, ctx: utils.Context,
                          quote_id: commands.clean_content,
                          alias: commands.clean_content):
        Adds an alias to a quote.

        # Grab data from db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            rows = await db(
                "SELECT * FROM user_quotes WHERE quote_id=$1 AND guild_id=$1",
                quote_id.lower(), ctx.guild.id)
        if not rows:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"There's no quote with the ID `{quote_id.upper()}`.")

        # Insert alias into db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            rows = await db("SELECT * FROM quote_aliases WHERE alias=$1",
            if rows:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"The alias `{alias}` is already being used.")
            await db(
                "INSERT INTO quote_aliases (quote_id, alias) VALUES ($1, $2)",
                quote_id.lower(), alias.lower())
        await ctx.send(
            f"Added the alias `{alias.upper()}` to quote ID `{quote_id.upper()}`."
Exemple #2
 async def create(self, ctx, tag_name: commands.clean_content, *,
                  tag_value: commands.clean_content):
     tag_name = str(tag_name)
     if tag_name.lower() in ['remove', 'create']:
         return await ctx.send("Cannot make tag that is a tag command.")
     if len(tag_name.strip()
            ) > 100:  # tbh idk if this check is really a good one
         return await ctx.send("Tag name too long (100 or less characters)")
     if len(str(tag_value)) >= 1800:
         return await ctx.send("Tag value too long (1800 or less characters"
     g = mongo_setup.mod_and_logging_config.find_one(
         {'_id': ctx.guild.id}
     )  # if theres tags for ctx.guild, then the dict should be formatted like: {'tag name': {'author': user id, 'value': 'tag value'}}
     if not g:
         mongo_setup.tags.insert_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id
                                      })  # if theres no tags for ctx.guild
         g = mongo_setup.tags.find_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id})
     t = g.get(tag_name, None)  # checking if the tag is already in the dict
     if not t:
         d = {'value': tag_value, 'author': ctx.author.id}
         mongo_setup.tags.update_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id},
                                     {'$set': {
                                         tag_name: d
         return await ctx.send(f"Tag {tag_name} created!")
     await ctx.send(f"Tag {tag_name} already exists")
Exemple #3
    async def get(self, ctx:utils.Context, identifier:commands.clean_content):
        """Gets a quote from the database"""

        # Get quote from database
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            quote_rows = await db(
                """SELECT user_quotes.quote_id as quote_id, user_id, channel_id, message_id FROM user_quotes LEFT JOIN
                quote_aliases ON user_quotes.quote_id=quote_aliases.quote_id
                WHERE user_quotes.quote_id=$1 OR quote_aliases.alias=$1""",
        if not quote_rows:
            return await ctx.send(f"There's no quote with the identifier `{identifier.upper()}`.")

        # Get the message
        data = quote_rows[0]
        if data['channel_id'] is None:
            return await ctx.send("There's no quote channel set for that quote.")
        channel = self.bot.get_channel(data['channel_id'])
        if channel is None:
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote channel.")
            message = await channel.fetch_message(data['message_id'])
            assert message is not None
        except (AssertionError, discord.HTTPException):
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote message.")

        # Output to user
        return await ctx.send(embed=message.embeds[0])
Exemple #4
    async def cryptoprice(self, ctx, cryptocurrency: commands.clean_content = 'bitcoin', \
                            currency: commands.clean_content = 'rub'):
        """Стоимость криптовалют.

        `:cryptocurrency` - имя криптовалюты
        `:currency` - имя валюты
        __                                            __
        n!cryptoprice bitcoin rub

        request = requests.get(f'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/{cryptocurrency}/?convert={currency}')
        resp = request.json()

        if type(resp) is dict:
            return await ctx.send(f'Что-то пошло не так.\n*Может быть, {ctx.author.mention} ввел несуществующую валюту?')

        price =  'price_' + currency.lower()


        except KeyError:
            await ctx.send(f'Что-то пошло не так.\n*Может быть, {ctx.author.mention} ввел несуществующую валюту?')

            embed = discord.Embed(color=0xF4F624, title=f'Стоимость криптовалюты {cryptocurrency}.',
                            description=f'USD: `{resp[0]["price_usd"]}`\n{currency.upper()}: `{resp[0][price]}`')
            embed.set_author(name=ctx.author.name, icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemple #5
    async def _remove(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None, *, target: commands.clean_content):
        """ Remove a competition from a live-scores channel
        Either perform ls remove <league name> in the channel you wish to delete it from, or use
        ls remove #channel <league name> to delete it from another channel."""
        # Verify we have a valid livescores channel target.
        channel = ctx.channel if channel is None else channel
        if channel.id not in {i[1] for i in self.cache}:
            return await ctx.send(f'{channel.mention} is not set as a scores channel.')

        # Verify which league the user wishes to remove.
        target = target.strip("'\",")  # Remove quotes, idiot proofing.
        leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, channel.id)]
        matches = [i for i in leagues if target.lower() in i.lower()]
        index = await embed_utils.page_selector(ctx, matches)
        if index is None:
            return  # rip.
        target = matches[index]
        connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
        async with connection.transaction():
            await connection.execute(""" DELETE FROM scores_leagues WHERE (league,channel_id) = ($1,$2)""",
                                     target, channel.id)
        leagues = ", ".join(leagues)
        await ctx.send(f"✅ **{target}** was deleted from the tracked leagues for {channel.mention},"
                       f" the new tracked leagues list is: ```yaml\n{leagues}```\n")
        await self.bot.db.release(connection)
        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #6
    async def alias_remove(self, ctx:utils.Context, alias:commands.clean_content):
        """Deletes an alias from a quote"""

        # Grab data from db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            await db("DELETE FROM quote_aliases WHERE alias=$1", alias.lower())
        return await ctx.send(f"Deleted alias `{alias.upper()}`.")
Exemple #7
    async def quote_alias_remove(self, ctx: vbu.Context, alias: commands.clean_content):
        Deletes an alias from a quote.

        # Grab data from db
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            quote_rows = await db(
                """SELECT user_quotes.quote_id as quote_id, user_id, channel_id, message_id FROM user_quotes LEFT JOIN
                quote_aliases ON user_quotes.quote_id=quote_aliases.quote_id
                WHERE quote_aliases.alias=$1 AND guild_id=$2""",
                alias.lower(), ctx.guild.id
            if not quote_rows:
                return await ctx.send(f"There's no quote with the alias `{alias.upper()}`.")
            await db("DELETE FROM quote_aliases WHERE alias=$1", alias.lower())
        return await ctx.send(f"Deleted alias `{alias.upper()}`.")
Exemple #8
 async def nitro(self, ctx, *, emoji: commands.clean_content):
     """ Allows you to use nitro emojis """
     nitromote = discord.utils.find(
         lambda e: e.name.lower() == emoji.lower(), self.bot.emojis)
     if nitromote is None:
         return await ctx.send(
             f":warning: | **Sorry, no matches found for `{emoji.lower()}`**"
     await ctx.send(f"{nitromote}")
Exemple #9
 async def _help(self, ctx, *, cmd: commands.clean_content = None):
     """The help command.
     Use this to view other commands."""
     if cmd == "all":
         _all = True
         cmd = None
         _all = False
     if not cmd:
         embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.blurple())
         embed.set_author(name=f"{ctx.me.display_name}'s Commands.",
         embed.set_footer(text=f"Prefix: {ctx.prefix}")
         n = []
         for cog in self.bot.cogs.values():
             if sum(1 for n in cog.get_commands()
                    if not (n.hidden and not _all)) == 0:
             for cmd in self.formatter(cog.get_commands(),
         join = "".join(n)
         if len(join) < 2048:
             embed.description = join
             await ctx.reply(embed=embed)
                 await ctx.author.send("")
             except discord.Forbidden:
                 return await ctx.reply("Cannot DM you!")
             except discord.HTTPException:
             await ctx.message.add_reaction("\U0001f4ec")
             for chunk in [n[x:x + 25] for x in range(0, len(n), 25)]:
                 await ctx.author.send("".join(chunk))
         item = self.bot.get_cog(cmd.lower()) or self.bot.get_command(
         if not item:
             return await ctx.reply(
                 f"Couldn't find any cog/command named '{cmd}'.")
         await ctx.reply(embed=self.format_help_for(item))
Exemple #10
    async def default(self, ctx, mode, *, qry: commands.clean_content = None):
        """Set a default team or league for your server's lookup commands"""
        # Validate
        mode = mode.lower()
        if mode not in ["league", "team"]:
            return await ctx.reply(':no_entry_sign: Invalid default type specified, valid types are "league" or "team"',
        db_mode = "default_team" if mode == "team" else "default_league"
        if qry is None:
            connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
            async with connection.transaction():
                record = await connection.fetchrow("""
                    SELecT * FROM scores_settings
                    WHERE (guild_id) = $1
                    AND (default_league is NOT NULL OR default_team IS NOT NULL)
               """, ctx.guild.id)
            await self.bot.db.release(connection)
            if not record:
                return await ctx.reply(f"{ctx.guild.name} does not currently have a default team or league set.",
            league = "not set." if record["default_league"] is None else record["default_league"]
            team = "not set." if record["default_team"] is None else record["default_team"]
            return await ctx.reply(f"Your default league is: <{league}>\nYour default team is: <{team}>",
        if qry.lower() == "none":  # Intentionally set Null for DB entry
            url = None
        else:  # Find
            m = await ctx.reply(f'Searching for {qry}...', mention_author=False)
            fsr = await self._search(ctx, qry, mode=mode, status_message=m)
            if fsr is None:
            url = fsr.link
        connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
        async with connection.transaction():
            await connection.execute(
                f"""INSERT INTO scores_settings (guild_id,{db_mode})
                VALUES ($1,$2)

                ON CONFLICT (guild_id) DO UPDATE SET
                    {db_mode} = $2
                WHERE excluded.guild_id = $1
           """, ctx.guild.id, url)
        await self.bot.db.release(connection)
        if url is None:
            return await ctx.reply(f'Your commands will no longer use a default {mode}', mention_author=False)
            return await ctx.reply(f'Your commands will now use <{url}> as a default {mode}', mention_author=False)
Exemple #11
    async def rate(self, ctx: commands.Context, *,
                   thing: commands.clean_content):
        """Rates something out of 10

        `thing`: The thing to rate.
        rating = int(
            hashlib.md5(re.sub(r'\W+', '',
            16) % 11
        await ctx.send(f'I rate {thing} a {rating}/10.')
Exemple #12
    async def move(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content = None):
        """<coord> <coord>|||Used to move your chess peices, ex. 'e2 e4'. Can only be used if you are in a chess match!."""
        _id = str(ctx.guild.id) + str(ctx.author.id)
        if _id not in self.Hamood.active_games:
            return await ctx.send("`You are not currently in a game!`")

        msg = await self.Hamood.active_games[_id].game_update(
            move=content.lower().replace(" ", "").replace(",", ""))
        if msg is not None:
            await ctx.send(f"`{msg}`")
Exemple #13
    async def b(self, ctx, *, message: commands.clean_content):
        """This is a bad idea."""
        if 'b' in message.lower():
            return await ctx.send(
                message.replace('b', ':b:').replace('B', ':b:'))

        consonants = set(
            [x for x in message if x.lower() in "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"])
        await ctx.send(
                random.choice(tuple(consonants) if consonants else message),
Exemple #14
async def status(ctx, name: commands.clean_content):
    with open("text.json", "r") as read_file:
        usernames = json.load(read_file)
    memberid = ctx.message.author.id
    if ctx.message.mentions:
        return await ctx.send("No mentions allowed buddy")
    for x in usernames:
        if x.lower() == name.lower():
            honorem = usernames[x]['honorem']
            await ctx.send(f"{x} is a protectee, honorem: **{honorem}**.")
        await ctx.send(f"{name} is not a protectee.")
Exemple #15
    async def getitem(self, ctx: utils.Context, *,
                      item_name: commands.clean_content):
        Gets you an item from the server.

        # Get the item from the db
        item_name = item_name.lower()
        db = await self.bot.database.get_connection()
        acquire_information = await db(
            "SELECT * FROM guild_item_acquire_methods WHERE guild_id=$1 AND item_name=$2 AND acquired_by='Command'",
            ctx.guild.id, item_name)
        if not acquire_information:
            await db.disconnect()
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You can't acquire **{item_name}** items via the `getitem` command."
        acquire_information = acquire_information[0]

        # See if they hit the timeout
        last_run = self.last_command_run[(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id,
        if last_run + timedelta(
                seconds=acquire_information['acquire_per']) > dt.utcnow():
            cooldown_seconds = (
                (last_run +
                 timedelta(seconds=acquire_information['acquire_per'])) -
            cooldown_timevalue = utils.TimeValue(cooldown_seconds)
            await db.disconnect()
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You can't run this command again for another `{cooldown_timevalue.clean_spaced}`."
        self.last_command_run[(ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id,
                               item_name)] = dt.utcnow()

        # Add to database
        amount = random.randint(acquire_information['min_acquired'],
        await db(
            """INSERT INTO user_inventories (guild_id, user_id, item_name, amount)
            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) ON CONFLICT (guild_id, user_id, item_name)
            DO UPDATE SET amount=user_inventories.amount+excluded.amount""",
        await db.disconnect()
        return await ctx.send(f"You've received `{amount:,}x {item_name}`.")
Exemple #16
 async def nitro(self, ctx, *, emoji: commands.clean_content):
     """Allows you to use nitro emoji
     n.nitro thonk
     Will send a thonk emoji in chat
         await ctx.send(
             discord.utils.find(lambda e: e.name.lower() == emoji.lower(),
     except BaseException:
         await ctx.send(
             f":warning: | **Sorry, no matches found for `{emoji.lower()}`**",
Exemple #17
    async def _remove(self, ctx,
                      channels: commands.Greedy[discord.TextChannel], *,
                      target: commands.clean_content):
        """ Remove a competition from an existing live-scores channel """
        # Verify we have a valid livescores channel target.
        channels = await self._pick_channels(ctx, channels)

        if not channels:
            return  # rip

        all_leagues = set()
        target = target.strip("'\",")  # Remove quotes, idiot proofing.

        for c in channels:  # Fetch All partial matches
            leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, c.id)]
            all_leagues |= set(
                [i for i in leagues if target.lower() in i.lower()])

        # Verify which league the user wishes to remove.
        all_leagues = list(all_leagues)
        index = await embed_utils.page_selector(ctx, all_leagues)
        if index is None:
            return  # rip.

        target = all_leagues[index]

        for c in channels:
            if c.id not in {i[1] for i in self.cache}:
                await ctx.reply(f'{c.mention} is not set as a scores channel.',

            connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
            async with connection.transaction():
                await connection.execute(
                    """ DELETE FROM scores_leagues WHERE (league,channel_id) = ($1,$2)""",
                    target, c.id)
            await self.bot.db.release(connection)
            leagues = self.cache[(ctx.guild.id, c.id)].copy()

            await ctx.reply(
                f"✅ **{target}** deleted from the tracked leagues for {c.mention}",
            await self.update_channel(c.guild.id, c.id)
            await send_leagues(ctx, c, leagues)
        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #18
    async def mode(self,
                   channels: commands.Greedy[discord.TextChannel],
                   toggle: commands.clean_content = ""):
        """ Toggle Short mode or Embed mode for transfer data """
        channels = await self._pick_channels(ctx, channels)
        guild_cache = [i for i in self.cache if ctx.guild.id in i]

        if not toggle:
            if not channels:
                return await ctx.reply(
                    'This server has no transfer ticker channels set.',
            for c in channels:
                mode = "Short" if [i[2] for i in self.cache
                                   if c.id in i][0] else "Embed"
                await ctx.reply(f"{c.mention} is set to {mode} mode.",

        if toggle.lower() not in ["embed", "short"]:
            return await ctx.reply(
                f'🚫 Invalid mode "{toggle}", use either "embed" or "short"',

        update_toggle = True if toggle == "short" else False

        for c in channels:
            if c.id not in [i[1] for i in guild_cache]:
                await ctx.reply(
                    f"🚫 {c.mention} is not set as a transfer channel.",

            connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
            async with connection.transaction():
                await connection.execute(
                    """UPDATE transfers_channels SET short_mode = $1 WHERE (channel_id) = $2""",
                    update_toggle, c.id)
            await self.bot.db.release(connection)
            await ctx.reply(f"✅ {c.mention} was set to {toggle} mode",

        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #19
    async def emojilettres(self, ctx, *, texte: commands.clean_content):
        Permet de parler 🇨​🇴​🇲​🇲​🇪​ 🇨​🇦​
        texte = texte.lower()
        out = []

        for char in texte:
            if char in "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm":

        out = "".join(out)
        if len(out) > 2000:
            await ctx.send(await self.bot.safe_bin_post(out))
            await ctx.send(out)
Exemple #20
    async def graph(self, ctx, *, content: commands.clean_content):
        """<equation>, [equation], [equations]...|||Graphs given equations. Only 'x' can be used as a variable."""
        content = content.lower()
        content = content.split(", ") if ", " in content else [content]

        done = graph_eq(content)
        if isinstance(done, io.BytesIO):
            await self.Hamood.quick_embed(
                    "name": f"{ctx.author}'s Graph",
                    "icon_url": ctx.author.avatar.url,
            await self.Hamood.quick_embed(ctx,
                                          author={"name": "Could not graph"},
Exemple #21
    async def createitem(self, ctx: utils.Context, *,
                         item_name: commands.clean_content):
        Creates an item that people are able to get.

        item_name = item_name.lower()
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
                await db(
                    "INSERT INTO guild_items (guild_id, item_name) VALUES ($1, $2)",
                    ctx.guild.id, item_name)
            except asyncpg.UniqueViolationError:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"There's already an item with the name **{item_name}** in your guild."
        return await ctx.send(
            f"Added an item with name **{item_name}** to your guild. Add acquire methods with the `{ctx.clean_prefix}getitem {item_name}` command."
Exemple #22
    async def scores(self, ctx, *, search_query: commands.clean_content = ""):
        """ Fetch current scores for a specified league """
        embeds = []
        e = discord.Embed()
        e.colour = discord.Colour.blurple()
        if search_query:
            e.set_author(name=f'Live Scores matching "{search_query}"')
            e.set_author(name="Live Scores for all known competitions")

        e.timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()
        dtn = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M")
        q = search_query.lower()

        matches = [
            i for i in self.bot.games
            if q in (i.home + i.away + i.league + i.country).lower()

        if not matches:
            e.description = "No results found!"
            return await embed_utils.paginate(ctx, [e])

        game_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for i in matches:

        for league in game_dict:
            games = game_dict[league]
            if not games:
            output = f"**{league}**\n"
            discarded = 0
            for i in games:
                if len(output + i) < 1944:
                    output += i + "\n"
                    discarded += 1

            e.description = output + f"*and {discarded} more...*" if discarded else output
            e.description += f"\n*Time now: {dtn}\nPlease note this menu will NOT auto-update. It is a snapshot.*"
        await embed_utils.paginate(ctx, embeds)
Exemple #23
    async def quote_get(self, ctx: utils.Context,
                        identifier: commands.clean_content):
        Gets a quote from the guild's quote channel.

        # Get quote from database
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            quote_rows = await db(
                """SELECT user_quotes.quote_id as quote_id, user_id, channel_id, message_id FROM user_quotes LEFT JOIN
                quote_aliases ON user_quotes.quote_id=quote_aliases.quote_id
                WHERE user_quotes.quote_id=$1 OR quote_aliases.alias=$1""",
        if not quote_rows:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"There's no quote with the identifier `{identifier.upper()}`."

        # Get the message
        data = quote_rows[0]
        if data['channel_id'] is None:
            return await ctx.send(
                "There's no quote channel set for that quote.")
        channel = self.bot.get_channel(data['channel_id'])
        if channel is None:
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote channel.")
            message = await channel.fetch_message(data['message_id'])
            assert message is not None
        except (AssertionError, discord.HTTPException):
            return await ctx.send("I wasn't able to get your quote message.")

        # try to refresh the user name and icon of the embed by getting the user from the user ID in the DB
        quote_embed = message.embeds[0]
        quote_author = self.bot.get_user(data['user_id'])
        if quote_author:

        # Output to user
        return await ctx.send(embed=quote_embed)
Exemple #24
    async def mode(self,
                   channels: commands.Greedy[discord.TextChannel],
                   toggle: commands.clean_content = ""):
        """ Toggle Short mode or Embed mode for transfer data """
        channels = await self._pick_channels(ctx, channels)

        guild_cache = self.channel_cache[ctx.guild.id]

        if not toggle:
            replies = []
            for c in channels:
                mode = "Short" if guild_cache[c.id]["short_mode"] else "Embed"
                replies.append(f"{c.mention} is set to {mode} mode.")
            return await ctx.send("\n".join(replies))

        if toggle.lower() not in ["embed", "short"]:
            return await ctx.send(
                f'🚫 Invalid mode "{toggle}" specified, mode can either be "embed" or "short"'

        update_toggle = True if toggle == "short" else False

        replies = []
        connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
        async with connection.transaction():
            for c in channels:
                if c.id not in guild_cache:
                        f"🚫 {c.mention} is not a transfers channel.")

                await connection.execute(
                    """UPDATE transfers_channels (mode) VALUES ($1) WHERE (channel_id) = $2""",
                    update_toggle, c.id)
                replies.append(f"✅ {c.mention} was set to {toggle} mode")

        await ctx.send("\n".join(replies))
        await self.bot.db.release(connection)
        await self.update_cache()
Exemple #25
 async def roleinfo(self, ctx, *, msg: commands.clean_content):
     """Get more info about a specific role.
     You need to quote roles with spaces.
     You may also specify a server to check the role for.
     Aliases: rinfo, ri
     #guild = ctx.message.guild
     guild_roles = ctx.message.guild.roles
     for role in guild_roles:
         if msg.lower() == role.name.lower() or msg == role.id:
             all_users = [str(x) for x in role.members]
             all_users = ', '.join(all_users)
             em = discord.Embed(title='Role Info', color=role.color)
             em.add_field(name='Name', value=role.name)
             em.add_field(name='ID', value=role.id, inline=False)
             em.add_field(name='Users in this role',
             em.add_field(name='Role color hex value',
             em.add_field(name='Role color RGB value',
             em.add_field(name='Mentionable', value=role.mentionable)
             if len(role.members) >= 1:
                 em.add_field(name='All users',
                 em.add_field(name='All users',
                              value='There are no users in this role!',
             em.add_field(name='Created at',
                          value=role.created_at.__format__('%x at %X'))
             return await ctx.send(content=None, embed=em)
     await ctx.send('Could not find role ``{}``'.format(msg))
Exemple #26
 async def mock(self, ctx, *, msg: commands.clean_content):
     """dOeS thIS To yOuR meSsaGE"""
     await ctx.send("".join(
             map(lambda x: x if random.random() < 0.5 else x.upper(),
Exemple #27
    async def craftitem(self, ctx: utils.Context, *,
                        crafted_item_name: commands.clean_content):
        Crafts a new item from your current inventory.

        # See if there's a crafting recipe set up
        crafted_item_name = crafted_item_name.lower()
        async with self.bot.database() as db:
            item_craft_amount = await db(
                "SELECT * FROM craftable_items WHERE guild_id=$1 AND item_name=$2",
                ctx.guild.id, crafted_item_name)
            if not item_craft_amount:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"You can't acquire **{crafted_item_name}** items via the crafting."
            item_craft_ingredients = await db(
                "SELECT * FROM craftable_item_ingredients WHERE guild_id=$1 AND item_name=$2",
                ctx.guild.id, crafted_item_name)
            user_inventory = await db(
                "SELECT * FROM user_inventories WHERE guild_id=$1 AND user_id=$2",
                ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id)

        # Add in some dictionaries to make this a lil easier
        ingredients = {
            i['ingredient_name']: i['amount']
            for i in item_craft_ingredients
        inventory_original = {
            i['item_name']: i['amount']
            for i in user_inventory if i['item_name'] in ingredients
        inventory = inventory_original.copy()

        # See if they have enough of the items
        max_craftable_amount = []
        for ingredient, required_amount in ingredients.items():
            if inventory.get(ingredient, 0) - required_amount < 0:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"You don't have enough **{ingredient}** items to craft this."
                inventory.get(ingredient) // required_amount)
        max_craftable_amount = min(max_craftable_amount)

        # Make sure they wanna make it
        ingredient_string = [f"`{o}x {i}`" for i, o in ingredients.items()]
        await ctx.send(
            f"This craft gives you **{item_craft_amount[0]['amount_created']}x {crafted_item_name}** and is made from {', '.join(ingredient_string)}. You can make this between 0 and {max_craftable_amount} times - how many times would you like to craft this?"
            crafting_amount_message = await self.bot.wait_for(
                check=lambda m: m.channel.id == ctx.channel.id and m.author.id
                == ctx.author.id and m.content)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            return await ctx.send(
                "Timed out on crafting confirmation - please try again later.")

        # Get how many they want to craft, and make sure they can do it
            user_craft_amount = int(crafting_amount_message.content)
        except ValueError:
            their_value = await commands.clean_content().convert(
                ctx, crafting_amount_message.content)
            return await ctx.send(
                f"I couldn't convert `{their_value}` into an integer - please try again later."

        # See if they said 0
        if user_craft_amount <= 0:
            return await ctx.send("Alright, aborting crafting!")

        # Remove the right amounts from their inventory
        for ingredient, required_amount in ingredients.items():
            if inventory[ingredient] - (required_amount *
                                        user_craft_amount) < 0:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"You don't have enough **{ingredient}** items to craft this."
            inventory[ingredient] -= (required_amount * user_craft_amount)

        # Alter their inventory babey lets GO
        async with ctx.typing():
            async with self.bot.database() as db:
                for item, amount in inventory.items():
                    await db(
                        "UPDATE user_inventories SET amount=$4 WHERE guild_id=$1 AND user_id=$2 AND item_name=$3",
                        ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id, item, amount)
                await db(
                    """INSERT INTO user_inventories (guild_id, user_id, item_name, amount)
                    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) ON CONFLICT (guild_id, user_id, item_name)
                    DO UPDATE SET amount=user_inventories.amount+excluded.amount""",
                    ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id, crafted_item_name,
                    item_craft_amount[0]['amount_created'] * user_craft_amount)
        return await ctx.send(
            f"You've sucessfully crafted **{item_craft_amount[0]['amount_created'] * user_craft_amount:,}x {crafted_item_name}**."
Exemple #28
 async def lower(self, ctx, *, message: commands.clean_content):
     message = message.lower()
     await ctx.send(message)
Exemple #29
 async def tts(self, ctx, *, message: commands.clean_content):
     await ctx.trigger_typing()
     tts = gTTS(text=message.lower(), lang="en")
     await ctx.send(file=discord.File('cogs/data/out/out.wav'))
Exemple #30
    async def default(self, ctx, mode, *, qry: commands.clean_content = None):
        """ Set a default team or league for your server's lookup commands """
        # Validate
        mode = mode.lower()
        if mode not in ["league", "team"]:
            return await ctx.send(
                ':no_entry_sign: Invalid default type specified, valid types are "league" or "team"'
        mode = "default_team" if mode == "team" else "default_league"

        if qry is None:
            connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()
            record = await connection.fetchrow(
                SELecT * FROM scores_settings
                WHERE (guild_id) = $1
                AND (default_league is NOT NULL OR default_team IS NOT NULL)
            """, ctx.guild.id)
            await self.bot.db.release(connection)
            if not record:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"{ctx.guild.name} does not currently have a default team or league set."
            league = record["default_league"] if record[
                "default_league"] is not None else "not set."
            output = f"Your default league is: {league}"
            team = record["default_team"] if record[
                "default_team"] is not None else "not set."
            output += "\n" + team

            return await ctx.send(output)

        if qry.lower() == "none":  # Intentionally set Null for DB entry
            url = None
        else:  # Find
            await ctx.send(f'Searching for {qry}...', delete_after=5)
            fsr = await self._search(ctx, qry, mode=mode)

            if fsr is None:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"Couldn't find matching {mode} for {qry}, try searching for something else."

            url = fsr.link

        connection = await self.bot.db.acquire()

        async with connection.transaction():
            await connection.execute(
                f"""INSERT INTO scores_settings (guild_id,{mode})
                VALUES ($1,$2)

                ON CONFLICT (guild_id) DO UPDATE SET
                    {mode} = $2
                WHERE excluded.guild_id = $1
            """, ctx.guild.id, url)

        await self.bot.db.release(connection)

        if qry is not None:
            return await ctx.send(
                f'Your commands will now use <{url}> as a default {mode}')
            return await ctx.send(
                f'Your commands will no longer use a default {mode}')