Exemple #1
class Interface(cmd.Cmd):    
    def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
        cmd.Cmd.prompt = '> '
        return cmd.Cmd.cmdloop(self, intro)
    def preloop(self):
        print chr(27) + "[2J"
        self.d = Dopy()
        print self.d.getPage()
    def postloop(self):

    def emptyline(self):
    def default(self, line):
    def precmd(self, line):
        print chr(27) + "[2J"
        return cmd.Cmd.precmd(self, line)
    def postcmd(self, stop, line):
        print self.d.getPage()
        return cmd.Cmd.postcmd(self, stop, line)

    def do_EOF(self, line):
        return True

    def do_tsk(self, line):
        """ Add a task. Default cmd, i.e. can just type and press enter """
        self.d.add(line.replace(':',' -'))
    def do_tag(self, line):
        """ 'tg [n...] [t...]' tags tasks n... with tags t... """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in n:
            for l in t:
                self.d.tag(k, l)

    def do_rm(self, line):
        """ Removes all stricken tasks permanently """
        #n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        #for k in n:
        #    self.d.rm(k)

    def do_showtag(self, line):
        """ Takes tag: show members of that tag; no args, show all """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in t:

    def do_mk(self, line):
        """  'mk n1 n2 ...' marks n1, n2, ... to be done next 'quest' """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in n:

    def do_stk(self, line):
        """ 'stk n1 n2 ...' strikes out n1, n2, ... """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in n:

    def do_urgent(self, line):
        """ 'urg n1 n2 ...' marks n1, n2 ... as urgent """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in n:

    def do_due(self, line):
        """ 'due n HHMM month/day/year' sets n's due date to that spec'd """
        n = int(line.split()[0])-1
        fmt = '%H%M %m/%d/%y'
        #date = time.mktime(time.strptime(' '.join(line.split()[1:]), fmt))
        date = datetime.strptime(' '.join(line.split()[1:]), fmt)
        #print date
        self.d.setStat(n, 'due', date)

    def do_est(self, line):
        """ 'est n d' sets completion time estimate of n to be hours """
        # forces focus to one element for now...
        n = int(line.split()[0])-1
        self.d.setStat(n, 'est', float(line.split()[1]))

    def do_proj(self, line):
        """ 'proj n d' marks task n as a project due in d days """
        # lazy, should make general 'extract date' function
        n = int(line.split()[0])-1
        #fmt = '%H%M %m/%d/%y'
        #date = datetime.strptime(' '.join(line.split()[1:]), fmt)
        date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=float(line.split()[1]))
        self.d.makeProject(n, date)

    def do_prog(self, line):
        """ 'prog n h' updates task n as having taken h hours of work """
        n = int(line.split()[0])-1
        hours = float(''.join(line.split()[1:]))
        self.d.markProgress(n, hours)

    #def do_splt(self, line):
    #    ''' Split a task into 2+. '''
    #    n, t = self.strip_index(line)
    #    for i in n:
    #        self.d.split(i) 

    #def do_reset(self, line):
    #    for t in self.d.tasks:
    #        t.attrs['do'] = 0

    def do_hlt(self, line):
        """ 'hlt n1 n2 ...' highlights (underlines) tasks n1, n2, ... """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        for k in n:

    def do_ins(self, line):
        """ 'ins n m' inserts task n before current line m """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line, SORT=False)
        if len(n) == 2 and len(t) == 0 and n[1] != 0:
            self.d.insert(n[0], n[1])
    def do_n(self, line):
        """ Go to the next page, if more than one page to show """
        self.d.page += 1

    def do_p(self, line):
        """ Go to the previous page, if more than one page to show """
        self.d.page -= 1

    def do_doit(self, line):
        """ Start a 'quest' of marked tasks """
        n, t = self.strip_index(line)
        if t != ['']: # hmm...
            for k in t:
        else: self.d.do()

    def strip_index(self, line, SORT=True):
        """ Return split-out numbers (assumed to be line #s) and tags """
        if line == '': return [-1], [line]
        args = line.split()
        n = [int(k)-1 for k in args if k.isdigit()]
        t = [k.replace(':',' -') for k in args if not k.isdigit()]
        t = [k for k in args if not k.isdigit()]
        if SORT:
            return sorted(n, reverse=True), t
            return n, t
Exemple #2
 def preloop(self):
     print chr(27) + "[2J"
     self.d = Dopy()
     print self.d.getPage()