Exemple #1
def test_pbc_becke_grid_dvol(rgrid_integrator, rgrid_transform):
    dtype = torch.float64
    nr = 40
    prec = 7
    radgrid = RadialGrid(nr, rgrid_integrator, rgrid_transform, dtype=dtype)
    sphgrid = LebedevGrid(radgrid, prec=prec)
    atompos = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], dtype=dtype)
    natoms = atompos.shape[0]
    lattice = Lattice(torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype) * 3)
    grid = PBCBeckeGrid([sphgrid] * natoms, atompos, lattice=lattice)

    dvol = grid.get_dvolume()  # (ngrid,)
    rgrid = grid.get_rgrid()  # (ngrid, ndim)
    ls = lattice.get_lattice_ls(rcut=5)  # (nls, ndim)
    atomposs = (atompos.unsqueeze(1) + ls).reshape(-1, 1,
                                                   3)  # (natoms * nls, ndim)

    # test gaussian integration
    fcn = torch.exp(-((rgrid - atomposs)**2).sum(dim=-1)).sum(dim=0)  # (ngrid)
    # fcn = rgrid[:, 0] * 0 + 1
    int1 = (fcn * dvol).sum()
    val1 = int1 * 0 + 2 * np.pi**1.5  # analytical function

    # TODO: rtol is relatively large, maybe inspect the Becke integration grid?
    assert torch.allclose(int1, int1 * 0 + val1, rtol=1e-2)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(
            soldesc: Union[str, Tuple[AtomZsType, AtomPosType]],
            alattice: torch.Tensor,
            basis: Union[str, List[CGTOBasis], List[str],
            grid: Union[int, str] = "sg3",
            spin: Optional[ZType] = None,
            lattsum_opt: Optional[Union[PBCIntOption, Dict]] = None,
            dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float64,
            device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu'),
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._device = device
        self._grid_inp = grid
        self._grid: Optional[BaseGrid] = None
        charge = 0  # we can't have charged solids for now

        # get the AtomCGTOBasis & the hamiltonian
        # atomzs: (natoms,) dtype: torch.int or dtype for floating point
        # atompos: (natoms, ndim)
        atomzs, atompos = parse_moldesc(soldesc, dtype, device)
        allbases = _parse_basis(atomzs, basis)  # list of list of CGTOBasis
        atombases = [
            AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atz, bases=bas, pos=atpos)
            for (atz, bas, atpos) in zip(atomzs, allbases, atompos)
        self._atombases = atombases
        self._atompos = atompos  # (natoms, ndim)
        self._atomzs = atomzs  # (natoms,) int-type
        nelecs_tot: torch.Tensor = torch.sum(atomzs)

        # get the number of electrons and spin and orbital weights
        nelecs, spin, frac_mode = _get_nelecs_spin(nelecs_tot, spin, charge)
        assert not frac_mode, "Fractional Z mode for pbc is not supported"
        _orb_weights, _orb_weights_u, _orb_weights_d = _get_orb_weights(
            nelecs, spin, frac_mode, dtype, device)

        # initialize cache
        self._cache = Cache()

        # save the system's properties
        self._spin = spin
        self._charge = charge
        self._numel = nelecs
        self._orb_weights = _orb_weights
        self._orb_weights_u = _orb_weights_u
        self._orb_weights_d = _orb_weights_d
        self._lattice = Lattice(alattice)
        self._lattsum_opt = PBCIntOption.get_default(lattsum_opt)
Exemple #3
def pbc_h1():
    # get the hamiltonian for pbc system
    # setup the environment
    pos = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
    atomz = 2
    atom = "He"
    bases = loadbasis("%d:3-21G" % atomz, dtype=dtype)
    atombases = [AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atomz, bases=bases, pos=pos)]
    kpts = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.15]], dtype=dtype)

    # setup the lattice
    a = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=dtype) * 3
    latt = Lattice(a)

    # setup the auxbasis
    auxbases = loadbasis("%d:def2-sv(p)-jkfit" % atomz, dtype=dtype)
    atomauxbases = [AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atomz, bases=auxbases, pos=pos)]
    df = DensityFitInfo(method="gdf", auxbases=atomauxbases)

    # build the hamiltonian
    h = HamiltonCGTO_PBC(atombases, latt=latt, df=df, kpts=kpts,
                         lattsum_opt={"precision": 1e-8})

    # pyscf system build
    mol = pyscf.pbc.gto.C(atom="%s 0 0 0" % atom, a=a.numpy(), basis="3-21G", unit="Bohr", spin=0)
    df = pyscf.pbc.df.GDF(mol, kpts=kpts.detach().numpy())
    df.auxbasis = "def2-svp-jkfit"

    return h, df
Exemple #4
def test_lattice():
    # testing various properties of the lattice object
    a = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0]], dtype=dtype)
    b = torch.inverse(a.T) * (2 * np.pi)
    latt = Lattice(a)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.lattice_vectors(), a)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.recip_vectors(), b)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.volume(), torch.det(a))

    # check the lattice_ls function returns the correct shape
    ls0 = latt.get_lattice_ls(rcut=1.5)  # (nb, ndim)
    assert ls0.ndim == 2
    assert ls0.shape[1] == 3

    # check the ls has no repeated coordinates
    ls0_dist = torch.norm(ls0[:, None, :] - ls0[None, :, :], dim=-1)  # (nb, nb)
    ls0_dist = ls0_dist + torch.eye(ls0_dist.shape[0], dtype=dtype)
    assert torch.all(ls0_dist.abs() > 1e-9)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, atomgrid: List[LebedevGrid], atompos: torch.Tensor,
                 lattice: Lattice):
        # atomgrid: list with length (natoms)
        # atompos: (natoms, ndim)

        assert atompos.shape[0] == len(atomgrid), \
            "The lengths of atomgrid and atompos must be the same"
        assert len(atomgrid) > 0
        self._dtype = atomgrid[0].dtype
        self._device = atomgrid[0].device

        # get the normalized coordinates
        a = lattice.lattice_vectors()  # (nlvec=ndim, ndim)
        b = lattice.recip_vectors() / (
            2 * np.pi)  # (ndim, ndim) just the inverse of lattice vector.T

        new_atompos_lst: List[torch.Tensor] = []
        new_rgrids: List[torch.Tensor] = []
        new_dvols: List[torch.Tensor] = []
        for ia, atomgr in enumerate(atomgrid):
            atpos = atompos[ia]
            rgrid = atomgr.get_rgrid() + atpos  # (natgrid, ndim)
            dvols = atomgr.get_dvolume()  # (natgrid)

            # ugrid is the normalized coordinate
            ugrid = torch.einsum("cd,gd->gc", b, rgrid)  # (natgrid, ndim)

            # get the shift required to make the grid point inside the lattice
            ns = -ugrid.floor().to(
            )  # (natgrid, ndim) # ratoms + ns @ a will be the new atompos

            # ns_unique: (nunique, ndim), ns_unique_idx: (natgrid,), ns_count: (nunique)
            ns_unique, ns_unique_idx, ns_count = torch.unique(
                ns, dim=0, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)

            # ignoring the shifts with only not more than 8 points (following pyscf)
            significant_uniq_idx = ns_count > 8  # (nunique)
            significant_idx = significant_uniq_idx[ns_unique_idx]  # (natgrid,)
            ns_unique = ns_unique[significant_uniq_idx, :]  # (nunique2, ndim)
            ls_unique = torch.matmul(ns_unique.to(a.dtype),
                                     a)  # (nunique2, ndim)

            # flag the unaccepted points with -1
            flag = -1
            ns_unique_idx[~significant_idx] = flag  # (natgrid)

            # get the coordinate inside the lattice
            ls = torch.matmul(ns.to(a.dtype), a)
            rg = rgrid + ls  # (natgrid, ndim)

            # get the new atom pos
            new_atpos = atompos[ia] + ls_unique  # (nunique2, ndim)

            # separate the grid points that corresponds to the different atoms
            for idx in torch.unique(ns_unique_idx):
                if idx == flag:
                at_idx = ns_unique_idx == idx
                new_rgrids.append(rg[at_idx, :])  # list of (natgrid2, ndim)
                new_dvols.append(dvols[at_idx])  # list of (natgrid2,)

        self._rgrid = torch.cat(new_rgrids, dim=0)  # (ngrid, ndim)
        dvol_atoms = torch.cat(new_dvols, dim=0)  # (ngrid)
        new_atompos = torch.cat(new_atompos_lst, dim=0)  # (nnewatoms, ndim)
        watoms = _get_atom_weights(new_rgrids, new_atompos)  # (ngrid,)
        self._dvolume = dvol_atoms * watoms
Exemple #6
class Sol(BaseSystem):
    Describe the system of a solid (i.e. periodic boundary condition system).

    * soldesc: str or 2-elements tuple
        Description of the molecule system.
        If string, it can be described like ``"H 1 0 0; H -1 0 0"``.
        If tuple, the first element of the tuple is the Z number of the atoms while
        the second element is the position of the atoms: ``(atomzs, atomposs)``.
    * basis: str, CGTOBasis, list of str, or CGTOBasis
        The string describing the gto basis. If it is a list, then it must have
        the same length as the number of atoms.
    * grid: int
        Describe the grid.
        If it is an integer, then it uses the default grid with specified level
        of accuracy.
    * spin: int, float, torch.Tensor, or None
        The difference between spin-up and spin-down electrons.
        It must be an integer or ``None``.
        If ``None``, then it is ``num_electrons % 2``.
        For floating point atomzs and/or charge, the ``spin`` must be specified.
    * charge: int, float, or torch.Tensor
        The charge of the molecule.
    * orb_weights: SpinParam[torch.Tensor] or None
        Specifiying the orbital occupancy (or weights) directly. If specified,
        ``spin`` and ``charge`` arguments are ignored.
    * dtype: torch.dtype
        The data type of tensors in this class.
    * device: torch.device
        The device on which the tensors in this class are stored.
    def __init__(
            soldesc: Union[str, Tuple[AtomZsType, AtomPosType]],
            alattice: torch.Tensor,
            basis: Union[str, List[CGTOBasis], List[str],
            grid: Union[int, str] = "sg3",
            spin: Optional[ZType] = None,
            lattsum_opt: Optional[Union[PBCIntOption, Dict]] = None,
            dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float64,
            device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu'),
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._device = device
        self._grid_inp = grid
        self._grid: Optional[BaseGrid] = None
        charge = 0  # we can't have charged solids for now

        # get the AtomCGTOBasis & the hamiltonian
        # atomzs: (natoms,) dtype: torch.int or dtype for floating point
        # atompos: (natoms, ndim)
        atomzs, atompos = parse_moldesc(soldesc, dtype, device)
        allbases = _parse_basis(atomzs, basis)  # list of list of CGTOBasis
        atombases = [
            AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atz, bases=bas, pos=atpos)
            for (atz, bas, atpos) in zip(atomzs, allbases, atompos)
        self._atombases = atombases
        self._atompos = atompos  # (natoms, ndim)
        self._atomzs = atomzs  # (natoms,) int-type
        nelecs_tot: torch.Tensor = torch.sum(atomzs)

        # get the number of electrons and spin and orbital weights
        nelecs, spin, frac_mode = _get_nelecs_spin(nelecs_tot, spin, charge)
        assert not frac_mode, "Fractional Z mode for pbc is not supported"
        _orb_weights, _orb_weights_u, _orb_weights_d = _get_orb_weights(
            nelecs, spin, frac_mode, dtype, device)

        # initialize cache
        self._cache = Cache()

        # save the system's properties
        self._spin = spin
        self._charge = charge
        self._numel = nelecs
        self._orb_weights = _orb_weights
        self._orb_weights_u = _orb_weights_u
        self._orb_weights_d = _orb_weights_d
        self._lattice = Lattice(alattice)
        self._lattsum_opt = PBCIntOption.get_default(lattsum_opt)

    def densityfit(self,
                   method: Optional[str] = None,
                   auxbasis: Optional[BasisInpType] = None) -> BaseSystem:
        Indicate that the system's Hamiltonian uses density fit for its integral.

        method: Optional[str]
            Density fitting method. Available methods in this class are:

            * ``"gdf"``: Density fit with gdf compensating charge to perform
                the lattice sum. Ref https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4998644 (default)

        auxbasis: Optional[BasisInpType]
            Auxiliary basis for the density fit. If not specified, then it uses
        if method is None:
            method = "gdf"
        if auxbasis is None:
            # TODO: choose the auxbasis properly
            auxbasis = "cc-pvtz-jkfit"

        # get the auxiliary basis
        assert auxbasis is not None
        auxbasis_lst = _parse_basis(self._atomzs, auxbasis)
        atomauxbases = [
            AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atz, bases=bas, pos=atpos)
            for (atz, bas,
                 atpos) in zip(self._atomzs, auxbasis_lst, self._atompos)

        # change the hamiltonian to have density fit
        df = DensityFitInfo(method=method, auxbases=atomauxbases)
        self._hamilton = HamiltonCGTO_PBC(
        return self

    def get_hamiltonian(self) -> BaseHamilton:
        Returns the Hamiltonian that corresponds to the system, i.e.
        return self._hamilton

    def set_cache(self,
                  fname: str,
                  paramnames: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> BaseSystem:
        Setup the cache of some parameters specified by `paramnames` to be read/written
        on a file.
        If the file exists, then the parameters will not be recomputed, but just
        loaded from the cache instead.
        Cache is usually used for repeated calculations where the cached parameters
        are not changed (e.g. running multiple systems with slightly different environment.)

        fname: str
            The file to store the cache.
        paramnames: list of str or None
            List of parameter names to be read/write from the cache.
        self._cache.set(fname, paramnames)
        return self

    def get_orbweight(
        polarized: bool = False
    ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, SpinParam[torch.Tensor]]:
        if not polarized:
            return self._orb_weights
            return SpinParam(u=self._orb_weights_u, d=self._orb_weights_d)

    def get_nuclei_energy(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        # self._atomzs: (natoms,)
        # self._atompos: (natoms, ndim)

        # r12: (natoms, natoms)
        r12_inf = safe_cdist(self._atompos,
        r12 = safe_cdist(self._atompos, self._atompos, add_diag_eps=True)
        z12 = self._atomzs.unsqueeze(-2) * self._atomzs.unsqueeze(
            -1)  # (natoms, natoms)

        precision = self._lattsum_opt.precision
        eta = self._lattice.estimate_ewald_eta(precision) * 2
        vol = self._lattice.volume()
        rcut = scipy.special.erfcinv(
            float(vol.detach()) * eta * eta / (2 * np.pi) * precision) / eta
        gcut = scipy.special.erfcinv(
            precision * np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2 / eta) * 2 * eta

        # get the shift vector in real space and in reciprocal space
        ls = self._lattice.get_lattice_ls(rcut=rcut,
                                          exclude_zeros=True)  # (nls, ndim)
        # gv: (ngv, ndim), gvweights: (ngv,)
        gv, gvweights = self._lattice.get_gvgrids(gcut=gcut,
        gv_norm2 = torch.einsum("gd,gd->g", gv, gv)  # (ngv)

        # get the shift in position
        atpos_shift = self._atompos - ls.unsqueeze(-2)  # (nls, natoms, ndim)
        r12_ls = safe_cdist(atpos_shift,
                            self._atompos)  # (nls, natoms, natoms)

        # calculate the short range
        short_range_comp1 = torch.erfc(
            eta * r12_ls) / r12_ls  # (nls, natoms, natoms)
        short_range_comp2 = torch.erfc(eta * r12) / r12_inf  # (natoms, natoms)
        short_range1 = torch.sum(z12 * short_range_comp1)  # scalar
        short_range2 = torch.sum(z12 * short_range_comp2)  # scalar
        short_range = short_range1 + short_range2

        # calculate the long range sum
        coul_g = 4 * np.pi / gv_norm2 * gvweights  # (ngv,)
        # this part below is quicker, but raises warning from pytorch
        si = torch.exp(
            1j *
            torch.matmul(self._atompos, gv.transpose(-2, -1)))  # (natoms, ngv)
        zsi = torch.einsum("a,ag->g", self._atomzs.to(si.dtype), si)  # (ngv,)
        zexpg2 = zsi * torch.exp(-gv_norm2 / (4 * eta * eta))
        long_range = torch.einsum("a,a,a->", zsi.conj(), zexpg2,
                                  coul_g.to(zsi.dtype)).real  # (scalar)

        # # alternative way to compute the long-range part
        # r12_pair = self._atompos.unsqueeze(-2) - self._atompos  # (natoms, natoms, ndim)
        # long_range_exp = torch.exp(-gv_norm2 / (4 * eta * eta)) * coul_g  # (ngv,)
        # long_range_cos = torch.cos(torch.einsum("gd,abd->gab", gv, -r12_pair))  # (ngv, natoms, natoms)
        # long_range = torch.sum(long_range_exp[:, None, None] * long_range_cos * z12)  # scalar

        # background interaction
        vbar1 = -torch.sum(self._atomzs**2) * (2 * eta / np.sqrt(np.pi))
        vbar2 = -torch.sum(self._atomzs)**2 * np.pi / (eta * eta * vol)
        vbar = vbar1 + vbar2  # (scalar)

        eii = short_range + long_range + vbar
        return eii * 0.5

    def setup_grid(self) -> None:
        self._grid = get_predefined_grid(self._grid_inp,

    def get_grid(self) -> BaseGrid:
        if self._grid is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Please run mol.setup_grid() first before calling get_grid()")
        return self._grid

    def requires_grid(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def getparamnames(self, methodname: str, prefix: str = "") -> List[str]:

    ################### properties ###################
    def atompos(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self._atompos

    def atomzs(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self._atomzs

    def atommasses(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        # returns the atomic mass (only for non-isotope for now)
        return torch.tensor(
            [get_atom_mass(int(atomz)) for atomz in self._atomzs],

    def spin(self) -> ZType:
        return self._spin

    def charge(self) -> ZType:
        return self._charge

    def numel(self) -> ZType:
        return self._numel

    def efield(self) -> Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]]:
        # solid with external efield has not been implemented
        return None