Exemple #1
def test_pbc_becke_grid_dvol(rgrid_integrator, rgrid_transform):
    dtype = torch.float64
    nr = 40
    prec = 7
    radgrid = RadialGrid(nr, rgrid_integrator, rgrid_transform, dtype=dtype)
    sphgrid = LebedevGrid(radgrid, prec=prec)
    atompos = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], dtype=dtype)
    natoms = atompos.shape[0]
    lattice = Lattice(torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype) * 3)
    grid = PBCBeckeGrid([sphgrid] * natoms, atompos, lattice=lattice)

    dvol = grid.get_dvolume()  # (ngrid,)
    rgrid = grid.get_rgrid()  # (ngrid, ndim)
    ls = lattice.get_lattice_ls(rcut=5)  # (nls, ndim)
    atomposs = (atompos.unsqueeze(1) + ls).reshape(-1, 1,
                                                   3)  # (natoms * nls, ndim)

    # test gaussian integration
    fcn = torch.exp(-((rgrid - atomposs)**2).sum(dim=-1)).sum(dim=0)  # (ngrid)
    # fcn = rgrid[:, 0] * 0 + 1
    int1 = (fcn * dvol).sum()
    val1 = int1 * 0 + 2 * np.pi**1.5  # analytical function

    # TODO: rtol is relatively large, maybe inspect the Becke integration grid?
    assert torch.allclose(int1, int1 * 0 + val1, rtol=1e-2)
Exemple #2
def pbc_h1():
    # get the hamiltonian for pbc system
    # setup the environment
    pos = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
    atomz = 2
    atom = "He"
    bases = loadbasis("%d:3-21G" % atomz, dtype=dtype)
    atombases = [AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atomz, bases=bases, pos=pos)]
    kpts = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.2, 0.15]], dtype=dtype)

    # setup the lattice
    a = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=dtype) * 3
    latt = Lattice(a)

    # setup the auxbasis
    auxbases = loadbasis("%d:def2-sv(p)-jkfit" % atomz, dtype=dtype)
    atomauxbases = [AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atomz, bases=auxbases, pos=pos)]
    df = DensityFitInfo(method="gdf", auxbases=atomauxbases)

    # build the hamiltonian
    h = HamiltonCGTO_PBC(atombases, latt=latt, df=df, kpts=kpts,
                         lattsum_opt={"precision": 1e-8})

    # pyscf system build
    mol = pyscf.pbc.gto.C(atom="%s 0 0 0" % atom, a=a.numpy(), basis="3-21G", unit="Bohr", spin=0)
    df = pyscf.pbc.df.GDF(mol, kpts=kpts.detach().numpy())
    df.auxbasis = "def2-svp-jkfit"

    return h, df
Exemple #3
    def __init__(
            soldesc: Union[str, Tuple[AtomZsType, AtomPosType]],
            alattice: torch.Tensor,
            basis: Union[str, List[CGTOBasis], List[str],
            grid: Union[int, str] = "sg3",
            spin: Optional[ZType] = None,
            lattsum_opt: Optional[Union[PBCIntOption, Dict]] = None,
            dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float64,
            device: torch.device = torch.device('cpu'),
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._device = device
        self._grid_inp = grid
        self._grid: Optional[BaseGrid] = None
        charge = 0  # we can't have charged solids for now

        # get the AtomCGTOBasis & the hamiltonian
        # atomzs: (natoms,) dtype: torch.int or dtype for floating point
        # atompos: (natoms, ndim)
        atomzs, atompos = parse_moldesc(soldesc, dtype, device)
        allbases = _parse_basis(atomzs, basis)  # list of list of CGTOBasis
        atombases = [
            AtomCGTOBasis(atomz=atz, bases=bas, pos=atpos)
            for (atz, bas, atpos) in zip(atomzs, allbases, atompos)
        self._atombases = atombases
        self._atompos = atompos  # (natoms, ndim)
        self._atomzs = atomzs  # (natoms,) int-type
        nelecs_tot: torch.Tensor = torch.sum(atomzs)

        # get the number of electrons and spin and orbital weights
        nelecs, spin, frac_mode = _get_nelecs_spin(nelecs_tot, spin, charge)
        assert not frac_mode, "Fractional Z mode for pbc is not supported"
        _orb_weights, _orb_weights_u, _orb_weights_d = _get_orb_weights(
            nelecs, spin, frac_mode, dtype, device)

        # initialize cache
        self._cache = Cache()

        # save the system's properties
        self._spin = spin
        self._charge = charge
        self._numel = nelecs
        self._orb_weights = _orb_weights
        self._orb_weights_u = _orb_weights_u
        self._orb_weights_d = _orb_weights_d
        self._lattice = Lattice(alattice)
        self._lattsum_opt = PBCIntOption.get_default(lattsum_opt)
Exemple #4
def test_lattice():
    # testing various properties of the lattice object
    a = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0]], dtype=dtype)
    b = torch.inverse(a.T) * (2 * np.pi)
    latt = Lattice(a)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.lattice_vectors(), a)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.recip_vectors(), b)
    assert torch.allclose(latt.volume(), torch.det(a))

    # check the lattice_ls function returns the correct shape
    ls0 = latt.get_lattice_ls(rcut=1.5)  # (nb, ndim)
    assert ls0.ndim == 2
    assert ls0.shape[1] == 3

    # check the ls has no repeated coordinates
    ls0_dist = torch.norm(ls0[:, None, :] - ls0[None, :, :], dim=-1)  # (nb, nb)
    ls0_dist = ls0_dist + torch.eye(ls0_dist.shape[0], dtype=dtype)
    assert torch.all(ls0_dist.abs() > 1e-9)