def plot_clusters_all(self):
        plot clusters for all regions of japan 
        you can select the number of clusters and the time period you want 
        # auxiliar classes that we'll be needed 
        draw = Draw() 
        cat = Catalog()        

        # information relative to the regions
        BOUNDS = 0
        ZOOM_INDEX = 1
        ZOOM_VALUE = 9
        info = {}
        info["kanto"] =  [cat.get_kanto_bounds(), ZOOM_VALUE]
        #info["kansai"] = [cat.get_kansai_bounds(), ZOOM_VALUE]
        #info["tohoku"] = [cat.get_tohoku_bounds(), ZOOM_VALUE]
        #info["east_japan"] = [cat.get_east_japan_bounds(), ZOOM_VALUE]

        # list containing the number of clusters to plot and the time period to consider
        num_cluster = [10]
        time_period = [[0.0, 12 * 366 * 24.0 * 3600.0]] 

        # get all valid combinations
        combinations = list(itertools.product(info, num_cluster, time_period))
        REGION_IND = 0
        CLUSTER_IND = 1
        TIME_IND = 2

        # iterate through all combinations
        for comb in combinations: 
            # get region
            region = comb[REGION_IND]

            # folder we save the results into 
            folder = '../images/single_link/'

            # obtain array of quakes
            path = '../results/single_link/declustered_array_' + region
            quakes = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))

            # plot background for current region
            draw.plot_quakes_coast_slc(quakes, comb[TIME_IND], num_clusters = comb[CLUSTER_IND])
            call(["mv", "temp.png", folder + region + "_back_coast-1.png"])
            input("Edit the image and then press Enter")

            # plot cluster for the current data we have 
            self.plot_clusters(quakes, comb[CLUSTER_IND], comb[TIME_IND],  folder + region +"_back_coast-1.png")
            # save it in the correct format and do cleaning
            call(["mv", "temp.png", folder + region + "_clusters_coast.png"])