def pareto_distribution(): "Pareto distribution barchart of Defects Types" from draws import draw_barchart # get defects per type by remove_phase q = db.psp_project.completed!=None # only account finished ones! q &= db.psp_project.project_id==db.psp_defect.project_id q &= db.psp_defect.remove_phase != '' # ignore won't fix defects rows = db(q).select("quantity"), db.psp_defect.type.with_alias("defect_type"), db.psp_defect.remove_phase.with_alias("remove_phase"), groupby=(db.psp_defect.type, db.psp_defect.remove_phase)) # dict: (defect_type: [missed, found] defect_count_per_type = dict([(t, [0, 0]) for t in PSP_DEFECT_TYPES]) defect_count = 0 for row in rows: # detect if the defect was found in review (before compile) if PSP_PHASES.index("compile") <= PSP_PHASES.index(row.remove_phase): defect_count_per_type[int(row.defect_type)][0] += int(row.quantity) else: defect_count_per_type[int(row.defect_type)][1] += int(row.quantity) defect_count += int(row.quantity) bars = [] for defect_type, (missed, found) in defect_count_per_type.items(): bars.append((defect_type, missed / float(defect_count) * 100., found / float(defect_count) * 100.)) # sort types by percentage of defect descendent order: bars.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]+x[2], reverse=True) x_tick_labels = [bar[0] for bar in bars] x_heights_missed = [bar[1] for bar in bars] x_heights_found = [bar[2] for bar in bars] title = "Defects missed in Code Review" y_label = "Percentage of Defects" x_label = "Defect Type Category" values = [("Missed", 0.35, 'r', x_heights_missed), ("Found", 0.35, 'y', x_heights_found),] text = '\n'.join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k,v in sorted(PSP_DEFECT_TYPES.items())]) if request.extension == "html": return {"values": values, "title": title, "y_label": y_label, "x_tick_labels": x_tick_labels} else: return draw_barchart(values, title, y_label, x_label, x_tick_labels, text=text, autolabel=False, body=request.body)
def average_fix_time(): "Average fix time barchart of Defects Types per Phase" from draws import draw_barchart, get_colours # get defects per type by remove_phase q = db.psp_project.completed!=None # only account finished ones! q &= db.psp_project.project_id==db.psp_defect.project_id q &= db.psp_defect.remove_phase != '' # ignore won't fix defects rows = db(q).select("quantity"), db.psp_defect.type.with_alias("defect_type"), db.psp_defect.fix_time.sum().with_alias("subtotal_fix_time"), db.psp_defect.remove_phase.with_alias("remove_phase"), groupby=(db.psp_defect.type, db.psp_defect.remove_phase)) # dict: (defect_type: [missed, found] fixtime_per_phase_per_type = dict([(t, dict([(p, 0) for p in PSP_PHASES])) for t in PSP_DEFECT_TYPES]) defect_count_per_type = dict([(t, 0) for t in PSP_DEFECT_TYPES]) for row in rows: # detect if the defect was found in review (before compile) fixtime_per_phase_per_type[int(row.defect_type)][row.remove_phase] += int(row.subtotal_fix_time) defect_count_per_type[int(row.defect_type)] += int(row.quantity) bars = [] colours = get_colours(len(PSP_DEFECT_TYPES)) values = [] for defect_type, colour in zip(sorted(PSP_DEFECT_TYPES), colours): heights = [] for phase in PSP_PHASES: if defect_count_per_type[defect_type]: avg = fixtime_per_phase_per_type[defect_type][phase]/float(defect_count_per_type[defect_type])/60. else: avg = 0 heights.append(avg) values.append((PSP_DEFECT_TYPES[defect_type], 0.09, colour, heights)) x_tick_labels = [p for p in PSP_PHASES] title = "Average Fix Time" y_label = "Average Fix Time (minutes)" x_label = "Phase" if request.extension == "html": return {"values": values, "title": title, "y_label": y_label, "x_tick_labels": x_tick_labels} else: return draw_barchart(values, title, y_label, x_label, x_tick_labels, stacked=False, autolabel=False, body=request.body)