def free_MB(path): """returns the amount of available space in MB. used to be in""" #tested. dsh_utils.db_print('ryw_xp:free_MB() entered...', 49) path = os.path.normpath(path) if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist(path, 'free_MB'): dsh_utils.give_bad_news( 'free_MB: try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist failed: ' + path, logging.critical) return 0 try: sectorsPerCluster,bytesPerSector,numFreeClusters,totalNumClusters = \ win32file.GetDiskFreeSpace(path) except: dsh_utils.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: failed to determine free disk space: '+path, logging.critical) return 0 sectorsPerCluster = long(sectorsPerCluster) bytesPerSector = long(bytesPerSector) numFreeClusters = long(numFreeClusters) totalNumClusters = long(totalNumClusters) freeMB = (numFreeClusters * sectorsPerCluster * bytesPerSector) / \ (1024 * 1024) return freeMB
def init_dump(): """initializes the dump file.""" # # makes the directory. # dumpDir = os.path.join( dsh_django_config.lookup('PHONE_DATA_DJANGO_PATH'), dsh_django_config.lookup('DB_DUMP_DIR')) if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist( dumpDir, 'dsh_dump.init: ' + dumpDir): dsh_django_utils.error_event( 'dsh_dump.init: failed to create dump dir: ' + dumpDir, errorLevel='CRT') return None # # determine the file name and open it. # randomName = dsh_utils.date_time_rand() fileName = randomName + '.py' tarName = randomName + '.tar' fullName = os.path.join(dumpDir, fileName) fullTarName = os.path.join(dumpDir, tarName) try: dumpFile = open(fullName, 'w') dumpFile.write('# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-\n') dumpFile.write('import datetime\n\n') except: dsh_django_utils.error_event( 'dsh_dump.init: failed to open file: ' + fullName, errorLevel='CRT') return None return (dumpFile, fullName, fullTarName)
def determine_recorded_file_name(caller, outgoingItem): # # I need to make a new item because that's where the new dsh_uid is. # item = Item( owner=caller, itype='I', followup_to=outgoingItem) # # the name has to be computed for placing in the django database. # so it's not done lightly. # incomingFullName = dsh_agi.make_full_unique_filename( item.dsh_uid, '', phoneNumber=caller.phone_number, orgAlias=caller.organization.alias, name=caller.__unicode__(), startWithRoot=True, uploadType='asterisk') dirName = os.path.dirname(incomingFullName) if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist( dirName, 'dsh_django1.determine_recorded_file_name: '): message = 'dsh_django1.dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist failed: '+\ dirName dsh_utils.give_bad_news(message, logging.critical) dsh_agi.report_event(message, reportLevel='CRT') return (item, None) dsh_utils.chmod_tree2(dirName, recurse=False) slnDir = os.path.join(dirName, 'sln') if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist( slnDir, 'dsh_django1.determine_recorded_file_name: '): message = 'dsh_django1.dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist failed: '+\ 'on slnDir: ' + slnDir dsh_utils.give_bad_news(message, logging.critical) dsh_agi.report_event(message, reportLevel='CRT') return (item, None) dsh_utils.chmod_tree2(slnDir, recurse=False) return (item,incomingFullName)
def setup_dirs(): """make voice directories if they don't exist already.""" outDir = dsh_config.lookup('voice_data_dir_out') if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist(outDir, 'dsh_simple1.setup_dirs: ' + 'outgoing dir '): return (False,None,None) miscDict = dsh_utils.get_misc_dict() yearMonth = miscDict['year_month'] inDir = dsh_config.lookup('voice_data_dir_in') inDir = os.path.join(inDir, yearMonth) if not dsh_utils.try_mkdir_ifdoesnt_exist(inDir, 'dsh_simple1.setup_dirs: ' + 'incoming dir '): return (False,None,None) return (True,outDir,inDir)