Exemple #1
 def kill_escaped(self):
     Kill all sprites related to a plane that left the aerospace.
     for plane in self.__planes.values():
         s = self.surface.get_rect()
         x, y = plane['sprites'][0].position
         if x < 0 or x > s.width or y < 0 or y > s.height:
             # This is the worst scenario
             msg = 'Tower? ... Tower? ... Aaaaahhhh!'
             event = S.PLANE_LEAVES_RANDOM
             colour = S.KO_COLOUR
             crossed = self.__get_crossed_gates(plane['plane'])
             # This might be better
             for gate in crossed:
                 msg = 'Tower? It doesn\'t seem we are where we should...'
                 event = S.PLANE_LEAVES_WRONG_GATE  #little better!
                 if gate.name == plane['plane'].destination and \
                    plane['plane'].altitude % 1000 == 0:
                     msg = 'Thank you tower, and good bye!'
                     colour = S.OK_COLOUR
                     event = S.PLANE_LEAVES_CORRECT_GATE  #yay! :)
             plane['plane'].pilot.say(msg, colour)
             self.gamelogic.remove_plane(plane['plane'], event)
             log.info('%s left aerospace under event %s' %
                      (plane['plane'].icao, event))
             log.debug('Data at exit was: %s' %
Exemple #2
 def msg_append(self, colour, text):
     Append a message to the console.
     wrapped = textwrap.wrap(text,
                             subsequent_indent=' ' * S.CONSOLE_INDENTATION)
     for line in wrapped:
         self.console_lines.append((colour, line))
Exemple #3
    def process_commands(self, commands):
        Process commands.

        This is a "subroutine" of ``execute`` which is also called by some of
        the procedures. This is such that is possible to process commands
        without triggering score events and setting flags (as it happens with

        This method will silently pass if the command name has not been
        recognised. This is to allow the method to process set of commands that
        also contains *procedures* (such LAND, TAKEOFF, etc...).
        pi = self.pilot
        pl = self.plane
        tc = self.pilot.target_conf
        for cname, (args, flags) in commands.items():
            log.info('%s executes: %s' %
                     (pl.icao, ' '.join((cname, repr(args), repr(flags)))))
            # PROCESS COMMANDS
            # Since flags are "universal" across commands (they all do the same
            # thing if they are called the same), it is possible to process
            # them separately.
            if cname == 'HEADING':
                assert len(args) == 1
                tc.heading = args[0]
                pi.status['veer_dir'] = \
            elif cname == 'ALTITUDE':
                tc.altitude = args[0]
            elif cname == 'SPEED':
                tc.speed = args[0]
            elif cname == 'ABORT':
            elif cname == 'SQUAWK':
                if pl.flags.on_ground:
                    pi.say('Currently at airport %s, our destination is %s' %
                              (pl.origin, pl.destination), S.OK_COLOUR)
                    pi.say('Currently heading %s, our destination is %s' %
                          (U.rint(pl.heading), pl.destination), S.OK_COLOUR)
                log.debug('process_commands() ignored: %s' % cname)
            # PROCESS FLAGS
            # Flags with the same name have the same meaning and therefore
            # can be processed independently from the command they are
            # associated with. Since they can modify the value set by their
            # command, they must follow the command processing
            if 'EXPEDITE' in flags:
                pi.status['haste'] = 'expedite'
            if 'LONG' in flags:
                pi.status['veer_dir'] *= -1  #invert direction
Exemple #4
 def _toggle_paused(self):
     Toggle the paused machine state.
     gl = self.gamelogic
     gl.machine_state = \
         [S.MS_RUN, S.MS_PAUSED][gl.machine_state == S.MS_RUN]
     if gl.machine_state == S.MS_PAUSED:
         log.debug('### GAME PAUSED ###')
         log.debug('### GAME RESUMED ###')
Exemple #5
 def __add_plane(self):
     Add an aeroplane to the game.
     kwargs = {}
     # Aeroplane model and specifications
     # Flight number and callsign
     # Origin and destionation. If for some reason the challenge engine
     # hasn't find a viable entry point for the challenge logic, it will
     # return False, and no aeroplane will be added to the game
     result = self.__generate_flight_plan()
     if not result:
     # Set the module of the velocity (until here a normalized vector)
     kwargs['velocity'] *= kwargs['max_speed']
     log.debug('About to add plane: %s' % kwargs)
     self.gamelogic.add_plane(Aeroplane(self.gamelogic.aerospace, **kwargs))
     self.plane_counter += 1
Exemple #6
 def make_decision(self):
     Make a decision if trying to land or not depending on whether the
     target runway is free or not. If free, return True and mark runway
     busy, otherwise return False.
     rman = self.plane.aerospace.runways_manager
     if rman.check_runway_free(self.port, self.rnwy):
         rman.use_runway(self.port, self.rnwy, self.plane)
         full_length_speed = float(self.rnwy['length'])/S.RUNWAY_BUSY_TIME
         self.taxiing_data = dict(
              speed = min(self.plane.landing_speed, full_length_speed),
              timer = S.RUNWAY_BUSY_TIME)
         log.debug('%s *positive* landing decision on %s %s' %
                   (self.plane.icao, self.port.iata, self.rnwy['name']))
         self.plane.flags.locked = True
         return True
     log.debug('%s *negative* landing decision on %s %s' %
               (self.plane.icao, self.port.iata, self.rnwy['name']))
     msg = 'Somebody is using our landing runway!!!'
     return False
Exemple #7
 def do(self, commands):
     Perform an order issued by the player.
     Input is a list of triplets each of them in the format:
     [command, [arg1, arg2, ...], [flag1, flag2, ...]].
     Return boolean.
     radio_last = self.last_radio_hash
     # Transform the commands in a more suitable dictionary form..
     commands = dict([(a, (b, c)) for a, b, c in commands])
     # ...perform validity checks...
     check = self.checker.check(commands)
     if check != True:
         log.debug('%s failed to execute %s. Message: %s'
                   % (self.plane.icao, commands, check))
         self.say(check, S.KO_COLOUR)
         return False
     # ..and eventually execute the commands!
     # If no radio feedback has been provided yet by any of the commands,
     # provide a generic affirmative answer.
     if radio_last == self.last_radio_hash:
         self.say(choice(self.AFFIRMATIVE_ANSWERS), S.OK_COLOUR)
     return True
Exemple #8
 def update(self):
     Guide a plane towards the ILS descent path and then makes it land.
     Return the phase of the landing sequence.
     pl = self.plane
     pi = self.pilot
     l = self.lander
     assert self.phase in (self.ABORTED, self.INTERCEPTING, self.MERGING,
                           self.MATCHING, self.GLIDING, self.TAXIING)
     if self.phase == self.INTERCEPTING:
         #BUG: if command is given too late the plane won't manage to
         #     turn into the vector
         log.debug('%s INTERCEPTING: md=%s fd=%s' % (pl.icao, l.md, l.fd))
         if pi.navigator.check_overshot(l.mp) == True:
             pi.target_conf.heading = l.foot
             self.phase = self.MERGING
     if self.phase == self.MERGING:
         log.debug('%s MERGING: head=%s t_head= %s fd=%s' % (pl.icao,
                   pl.heading, pi.target_conf.heading, l.fd))
         if pl.heading == pi.target_conf.heading:
             self.phase = self.MATCHING
     if self.phase == self.MATCHING:
         path_alt = l.path_alt
         alt_diff = path_alt - pl.altitude  #negative -> descend!
         log.debug('%s MATCHING: alt=%s path_alt=%s delta=%s fd=%s' %
                   (pl.icao, pl.altitude, path_alt, alt_diff, l.fd))
         secs_to_foot = l.fd / pl.speed
         # Abort if the plane is too fast to descend
         if abs(secs_to_foot * pl.climb_rate_limits[0]) < l.above_foot:
             msg = 'Plane is flying too fast to lose enough altitude'
             return self._abort_landing(msg)
         # If the delta to the path is less than the climbing/descending
         # capabilities of the aeroplane, consider it on slope...
         if alt_diff < 0 and alt_diff > pl.climb_rate_limits[0] or \
            alt_diff > 0 and alt_diff < pl.climb_rate_limits[1]:
             pl.position.z = path_alt
             self.phase = self.GLIDING
             if pi.navigator.check_overshot(l.bp):
                 msg = 'Plane too fast to slow down to landing speed'
         # ...otherwise tell it to climb/descend!!
             pi.target_conf.altitude = path_alt
     elif self.phase == self.GLIDING:
         log.debug('%s GLIDING: footalt=%s speed=%s t_speed=%s bd=%s fd=%s'
                   % (pl.icao, l.above_foot, pl.speed,
                      pi.target_conf.speed, l.bd, l.fd))
         # Abort if the plane is too fast to slow to landing speed
         if pi.navigator.check_overshot(l.bp):
             pi.target_conf.speed = pl.landing_speed
         # Make decision if below minimum altitude
         if not l.taxiing_data and l.above_foot <= S.DECISION_ALTITUDE:
         ticks = 1.0 * l.fd / pi.target_conf.speed / S.PING_IN_SECONDS
         z_step = 1.0 * l.above_foot / ticks
         pi.target_conf.altitude -= z_step
         if pl.position.z <= l.foot.z \
            or pi.navigator.check_overshot(l.foot):
             pl.flags.on_ground = True
             self.phase = self.TAXIING
             pi.target_conf.speed = l.taxiing_data['speed']
             if pl.destination == l.port.iata:
                 msg = 'Thank you tower, we\'ve hit home. Over and out!'
                 pi.say(msg, S.OK_COLOUR)
                 msg = 'Well, well... we just landed at the WRONG airport!'
                 pi.say(msg, S.KO_COLOUR)
     elif self.phase == self.TAXIING:
         log.debug('%s TAXIING: speed=%s fd=%s' % (pl.icao, pl.speed, l.fd))
         l.taxiing_data['timer'] -= S.PING_IN_SECONDS
         if l.taxiing_data['timer'] <= 0:
             if pl.destination == l.port.iata:
     return self.phase