def rand_map_flat(shape, wcs, ps, lmax=None, lens=True, aberrate=True, beta=None, dir=None, seed=None, dtype=None, verbose=False, recenter=False, pad=0): """Simulate a random flat-sky map. The input spectrum should be [{phi,T,E,B},{phi,T,E,b},nl] of lens is True, and just [{T,E,B},{T,E,B},nl] otherwise.""" if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 if dir is None: dir = aberration.dir_equ if beta is None: beta = aberration.beta ctype = np.result_type(dtype, 0j) if verbose: print "Generating unlensed cmb" # No position calculation necessary if we're not lensing or aberrating. if not lens and not aberrate: return enmap.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps, seed=seed) # Otherwise we must deal with various displacements if aberrate: pad += np.pi * beta * 1.2 pad_pix = int(pad / enmap.pixsize(shape, wcs)**0.5) if pad_pix > 0: if verbose: print "Padding" template = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, np.int16) template, pslice = enmap.pad(template, pad_pix, return_slice=True) pshape, pwcs = template.shape, template.wcs else: pshape, pwcs = shape, wcs # Simulate (padded) lensing map if lens: maps = enmap.rand_map((ps.shape[0], ) + pshape[-2:], pwcs, ps) phi, unlensed = maps[0], maps[1:] if verbose: print "Lensing" m = lensing.lens_map_flat(unlensed, phi) else: m = enmap.rand_map((ps.shape[0], ) + pshape[-2:], pwcs, ps) # Then handle aberration if necessary if aberrate: if verbose: print "Computing aberration displacement" pos = m.posmap() pos = enmap.samewcs( aberration.remap(pos[1::-1], dir=dir, beta=beta, recenter=recenter), pos) amp = pos[3] pos = pos[1::-1] if verbose: print "Interpolating aberration" m = enmap.samewcs(, mask_nan=False), m) if verbose: print "Applying modulation" m *= amp if pad_pix > 0: if verbose: print "Unpadding" m = m[pslice] return m
def getKappaSZ(bSims,snap,massIndex,px,thetaMapshape): b = bSims PIX = 2048 maps, z, kappaSimDat, szMapuKDat, projectedM500, trueM500, trueR500, pxInRad, pxInRad = b.getMaps(snap,massIndex,freqGHz=150.) pxIn = pxInRad * 180.*60./np.pi hwidth = PIX*pxIn/2. print "At redshift ", z , " stamp is ", hwidth ," arcminutes wide." # input pixelization shapeSim, wcsSim = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=pxIn*arcmin, proj="car") kappaSim = enmap.enmap(kappaSimDat,wcsSim) szMapuK = enmap.enmap(szMapuKDat,wcsSim) # downgrade to native shapeOut, wcsOut = enmap.geometry(pos=[[-hwidth*arcmin,-hwidth*arcmin],[hwidth*arcmin,hwidth*arcmin]], res=px*arcmin, proj="car") kappaMap = enmap.project(kappaSim,shapeOut,wcsOut) szMap = enmap.project(szMapuK,shapeOut,wcsOut) print thetaMapshape print szMap.shape if szMap.shape[0]>thetaMapshape[0]: kappaMap = enmap.project(kappaSim,thetaMapshape,wcsOut) szMap = enmap.project(szMapuK,thetaMapshape,wcsOut) else: diffPad = ((np.array(thetaMapshape) - np.array(szMap.shape))/2.+0.5).astype(int) apodWidth = 25 kappaMap = enmap.pad(enmap.apod(kappaMap,apodWidth),diffPad)[:-1,:-1] szMap = enmap.pad(enmap.apod(szMap,apodWidth),diffPad)[:-1,:-1] # print szMap.shape assert szMap.shape==thetaMap.shape # print z, projectedM500 # pl = Plotter() # pl.plot2d(kappaMap) # pl.done("output/kappasim.png") # pl = Plotter() # pl.plot2d(szMap) # pl.done("output/szsim.png") # sys.exit() # print "kappaint ", kappaMap[thetaMap*60.*180./np.pi<10.].mean() return kappaMap,szMap
def sim_srcs(shape, wcs, srcs, beam, omap=None, dtype=None, nsigma=5, rmax=None, method="loop", mmul=1, return_padded=False): """Simulate a point source map in the geometry given by shape, wcs for the given srcs[nsrc,{dec,ra,T...}], using the beam[{r,val},npoint], which must be equispaced. If omap is specified, the sources will be added to it in place. All angles are in radians. The beam is only evaluated up to the point where it reaches exp(-0.5*nsigma**2) unless rmax is specified, in which case this gives the maximum radius. mmul gives a factor to multiply the resulting source model by. This is mostly useful in conction with omap. method can be "loop" or "vectorized", but "loop" is both faster and uses less memory, so there's no point in using the latter. The source simulation is sped up by using a source lookup grid. """ if omap is None: omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype) ishape = omap.shape omap = omap.preflat ncomp = omap.shape[0] # In keeping with the rest of the functions here, srcs is [nsrc,{dec,ra,T,Q,U}]. # The beam parameters are ignored - the beam argument is used instead amps = srcs[:,2:2+ncomp] poss = srcs[:,:2].copy() # Rewind positions to let us use flat-sky approximation for distance calculations #wcs = enmap.enlib.wcs.fix_wcs(wcs) ref = np.mean(, wcs, corner=False)[:,1]) poss[:,1] = utils.rewind(poss[:,1], ref) beam = expand_beam(beam, nsigma, rmax) rmax = nsigma2rmax(beam, nsigma) # Pad our map by rmax, so we get the contribution from sources # just ourside our area. We will later split our map into cells of size cres. Let's # adjust the padding so we have a whole number of cells cres = utils.nint(rmax/omap.pixshape()) epix = cres-(omap.shape[-2:]+2*cres)%cres padding = [cres,cres+epix] wmap, wslice = enmap.pad(omap, padding, return_slice=True) # Overall we will have this many grid cells cshape = wmap.shape[-2:]/cres # Find out which sources matter for which cells srcpix = wmap.sky2pix(poss.T).T pixbox= np.array([[0,0],wmap.shape[-2:]],int) nhit, cell_srcs = build_src_cells(pixbox, srcpix, cres) posmap = wmap.posmap() model = eval_srcs_loop(posmap, poss, amps, beam, cres, nhit, cell_srcs) # Update our work map, through our view if mmul != 1: model *= mmul wmap += model if not return_padded: # Copy out omap[:] = wmap[wslice] # Restore shape omap = omap.reshape(ishape) return omap else: return wmap.reshape(ishape[:-2]+wmap.shape[-2:]), wslice
def lens_map_flat(cmb_map, phi_map): raw_pix = cmb_map.pixmap() + enmap.grad_pix(phi_map) # And extract the interpolated values. Because of a bug in map_pixels with # mode="wrap", we must handle wrapping ourselves. npad = int( np.ceil( max(np.max(-raw_pix), np.max(raw_pix - np.array(cmb_map.shape[-2:])[:, None, None])))) pmap = enmap.pad(cmb_map, npad, wrap=True) return enmap.samewcs( utils.interpol(pmap, raw_pix + npad, order=4, mode="wrap"), cmb_map)
def init_geometry(ishape,iwcs): modlmap = enmap.modlmap(ishape,iwcs) bin_edges = np.arange(args.kellmin,args.kellmax, binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) if args.beam<1e-5: kbeam = None else: kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,args.beam) lmax = modlmap.max() ells = np.arange(2,lmax,1) wnoise_TT = ells*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2. wnoise_PP = 2.*wnoise_TT nT = modlmap*0.+(args.noise*(np.pi/180./60.))**2. nP = 2.*nT ncomp = 3 if pol else 1 ps = np.zeros((ncomp,ncomp,ells.size)) ps[0,0] = wnoise_TT if pol: ps[1,1] = wnoise_PP ps[2,2] = wnoise_PP oshape = (3,)+ishape if pol else ishape if not(args.flat) and args.noise_pad>1.e-5: # Pad noise sim geometry pad_width_deg = args.noise_pad pad_width = pad_width_deg * np.pi/180. res = maps.resolution(oshape[-2:],iwcs) pad_pixels = int(pad_width/res) template = enmap.zeros(oshape,iwcs) btemplate = enmap.pad(template,pad_pixels) bshape,bwcs = btemplate.shape,btemplate.wcs del template del btemplate ngen = maps.MapGen(bshape,bwcs,ps) else: ngen = maps.MapGen(oshape,iwcs,ps) tmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.tellmin,lmax=args.tellmax) pmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.pellmin,lmax=args.pellmax) kmask = maps.mask_kspace(ishape,iwcs,lmin=args.kellmin,lmax=args.kellmax) qest = lensing.qest(ishape,iwcs,theory,noise2d=nT,beam2d=kbeam,kmask=tmask,noise2d_P=nP,kmask_P=pmask,kmask_K=kmask,pol=pol,grad_cut=None,unlensed_equals_lensed=True) taper,w2 = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees = args.taper_width,pad_width_degrees = args.pad_width) fc = maps.FourierCalc(oshape,iwcs,iau=args.iau) purifier = maps.Purify(ishape,iwcs,taper) if args.purify else None return qest,ngen,kbeam,binner,taper,fc,purifier
def draw(self, shape, wcs, window=False, nsigma=10, pad=False): m = enmap.zeros((3, ) + shape[-2:], wcs) w = np.max(self.widths) * nsigma # Find all sources that enter even partially into our area ipos = np.array([ enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, self.pos - w, corner=True, safe=True), enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, self.pos + w, corner=True, safe=True) ]).astype(int) ipos = np.sort(ipos, 0) ashape = np.array(shape[-2:]) mask = np.all(ipos[1] >= 0, 0) & np.all( ipos[0] < ashape[:, None], 0) & np.all( ipos[1] - ipos[0] < ashape[:, None], 0) nmask = np.sum(mask) if nmask == 0: return m if pad: # We will include enough pixels on each side that we avoid # truncating any part of the source ipos2 = np.array([ enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, self.pos[:, mask] - w * 2, corner=True, safe=True), enmap.sky2pix(shape, wcs, self.pos[:, mask] + w * 2, corner=True, safe=True) ]).astype(int) npad = np.maximum( 0, [-np.min(ipos2, (0, 2)), np.max(ipos2, (0, 2)) - ashape]) m, mslice = enmap.pad(m, npad, return_slice=True) for i, (pos, amp, width, ibeam) in enumerate( zip(self.pos.T[mask], self.amps.T[mask], self.widths.T[mask], self.ibeam.T[mask])): # Find necessary bounding box sub = m.submap([pos - w, pos + w]) if sub.size == 0: continue add_gauss(sub, pos, amp, ibeam) # Optinally apply window function if window: m = enmap.apply_window(m) if pad: m = m[mslice] return m
def combine_tiles(ipathfmt, opathfmt, combine=2, downsample=2, itile1=(None, None), itile2=(None, None), tyflip=False, txflip=False, pad_to=None, comm=None, verbose=False): """Given a set of tiles on disk at locaiton ipathfmt % {"y":...,"x"...}, combine them into larger tiles, downsample and write the result to opathfmt % {"y":...,"x":...}. x and y must be contiguous and start at 0. reftile[2] indicates the tile coordinates of the first valid input tile. This needs to be specified if not all tiles of the logical tiling are physically present. tyflip and txflip indicate if the tiles coordinate system is reversed relative to the pixel coordinates or not." """ # Expand combine and downsample to 2d combine = np.zeros(2, int) + combine downsample = np.zeros(2, int) + downsample if pad_to is not None: pad_to = np.zeros(2, int) + pad_to # Handle optional mpi rank, size = (comm.rank, comm.size) if comm is not None else (0, 1) # Find the range of input tiles itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt, itile1, itile2) # Read the first tile to get its size information ibase = enmap.read_map(ipathfmt % {"y": itile1[0], "x": itile1[1]}) * 0 # Find the set of output tiles we need to consider otile1 = itile1 / combine otile2 = (itile2 - 1) / combine + 1 # And loop over them oyx = [(oy, ox) for oy in range(otile1[0], otile2[0]) for ox in range(otile1[1], otile2[1])] for i in range(rank, len(oyx), size): oy, ox = oyx[i] # Read in all associated tiles into a list of lists rows = [] for dy in range(combine[0]): iy = oy * combine[0] + dy if iy >= itile2[0]: continue cols = [] for dx in range(combine[1]): ix = ox * combine[1] + dx if ix >= itile2[1]: continue if iy < itile1[0] or ix < itile1[1]: # The first tiles are missing on disk, but are # logically a part of the tiling. Use ibase, # which has been zeroed out. cols.append(ibase) else: itname = ipathfmt % {"y": iy, "x": ix} cols.append(enmap.read_map(itname)) if txflip: cols = cols[::-1] rows.append(cols) # Stack them next to each other into a big tile if tyflip: rows = rows[::-1] omap = enmap.tile_maps(rows) # Downgrade if necessary if np.any(downsample > 1): omap = enmap.downgrade(omap, downsample) if pad_to is not None: # Padding happens towards the end of the tiling, # which depends on the flip status padding = np.array( [[0, 0], [pad_to[0] - omap.shape[-2], pad_to[1] - omap.shape[-1]]]) if tyflip: padding[:, 0] = padding[::-1, 0] if txflip: padding[:, 1] = padding[::-1, 1] omap = enmap.pad(omap, padding) # And output otname = opathfmt % {"y": oy, "x": ox} utils.mkdir(os.path.dirname(otname)) enmap.write_map(otname, omap) if verbose: print otname