"computed", "mean_methy_gaba", "Mean Methy Signal (GABAergic)", measurements=methy_gaba_mea, computeFunc=numpy.mean, annotation=None) # load CH Methylation th3 = TrackHub( "http://data.nemoarchive.org/nemoHub/Ecker_CH_Methylation_MajorCluster/") for m in th3.measurements: m.filehandler = mHandler mMgr.measurements.append(m) # Compute normalized CH Methylation track using the norm function mMgr.add_computed_measurement("computed", m.mid + "_norm", m.name + " - Norm", measurements=[m], computeFunc=norm, computeAxis=0, annotation=m.annotation) # Load ATAC peaks fmeasurements = mMgr.import_files(os.getcwd() + "/peaks.json", mHandler) # setup the app from the measurements manager # and run the app app = setup_app(mMgr) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8000)
from epivizfileserver import setup_app, MeasurementManager mgr = MeasurementManager() app = setup_app(mgr) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host="", port=8000)