def addClient(self, clientElement): """ Adds a client described in the espML to the database. @return It returns the exact same element received, though with the espid field populated with the new clients espid. """ try: clientNetID = clientElement.getNetid() clientDescription = clientElement.getDescription() clientType = clientElement.getType() ssock = StringIO.StringIO() clientElement.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql( "INSERT INTO Clients (netid, description, type, xml) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (clientNetID, clientDescription, clientType, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement clientEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Clients', clientEspID, clientElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added client EspID: %s, NetID: %s" % ( clientEspID, clientNetID, )) clientElement.setEspid(str(clientEspID)) return clientElement
def addClient(self, clientElement): """ Adds a client described in the espML to the database. @return It returns the exact same element received, though with the espid field populated with the new clients espid. """ try: clientNetID = clientElement.getNetid() clientDescription = clientElement.getDescription() clientType = clientElement.getType() ssock = StringIO.StringIO() clientElement.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Clients (netid, description, type, xml) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"%(clientNetID, clientDescription, clientType, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement clientEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Clients', clientEspID, clientElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added client EspID: %s, NetID: %s"%(clientEspID, clientNetID,)) clientElement.setEspid(str(clientEspID)) return clientElement
def addSystem(self, systemElement): """ Adds a system described in the espML to the database. If the system exists already, then it will be deleted and added again with the new values. This could be made more intelligent in the future where we update only the parts which changed. """ try: systemNetID = systemElement.getNetid() fields = systemElement.getField() sqlError = self.sql("SELECT * FROM Systems WHERE netid='%s'"%(systemNetID,)) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError)) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement ## if len(self.fetchAll())>=1: ## #system uri already exists ## logging.warning("System with URI %s already exists. Delete it for recreation!", systemURI) ## sqlError = self.deleteSystem(espml) ## if sqlError[0] < 0: ## print "\tcould not delete old entry!\n\t%s"%(sqlError[1],) ## return (-1, "Entry already exists and could not be deleted!") ## #return (-2, "System URI already exists.") ssock = StringIO.StringIO() systemElement.export(ssock, 0) # process access and privacy control accessControlId = -1 accessControlElement = systemElement.getAccesscontrol() if accessControlElement: (accessControlId, errormsg) = self.insertAccessControl(accessControlElement) if accessControlId == -1: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error(ttype="accessControlError", message="could not insert access control: %s"%(errormsg,), number=11) return errorElement privacyControlId = -1 privacyControlElement = systemElement.getPrivacycontrol() if privacyControlElement: (privacyControlId, errormsg) = self.insertPrivacyControl(privacyControlElement) if privacyControlId == -1: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error(ttype="privacyControlError", message="could not insert privacy control: %s"%(errormsg,), number=11) return errorElement sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Systems (netid, accesscontrolid, privacycontrolid, xml) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, '%s')"%(systemNetID, accessControlId, privacyControlId, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement systemEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Systems', systemEspID, systemElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement for field in fields: ssock = StringIO.StringIO() field.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Fields (systemEspID, fieldKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(systemEspID, str(field.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement fieldId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Fields', fieldId, field.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement for platform in field.getPlatform(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() platform.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Platforms (fieldId, platformKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(fieldId, str(platform.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement platformId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Platforms', platformId, platform.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement for sensor in platform.getSensor(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() sensor.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Sensors (platformId, sensorKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(platformId, str(sensor.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sensorId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Sensors', sensorId, sensor.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement #associate a mediator. for now, we just choose the nearest mediator we can find. systemLocationElement = systemElement.getLocation() systemPoint = systemLocationElement.getPoint() if not systemPoint: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error(ttype="locationerror", message="The system location needs to be a point!", number=1) pos = systemPoint[0].getPos().split(',') systemLat = float(pos[0]) systemLong = float(pos[1]) sqlError = self.sql("SELECT l.referenceId, ABS(p.latitude-%f)+ABS(p.longitude-%f) as dist \ FROM Points as p, Locations as l, Mediators as m \ WHERE AND l.referenceId=m.espid ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1"%(systemLat, systemLong)) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sqlResults = self.fetchAll() if not sqlResults: self.rollback() logging.error("No Mediator Error") errorElement = espml.error(ttype="mediatorerror", message="Sorry, we couldn't find a mediator for you. Please try again later.", number=1) return errorElement mediatorEspID = sqlResults[0][0] sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO MediatorSystems (mediatorEspId, systemEspId, description, xml) VALUES (%d, %d, '', '<system><espid>%d</espid><description /></system>')"%(mediatorEspID, systemEspID, systemEspID)) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement"Added mediator %s to system %s"%(mediatorEspID, systemEspID)) self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added system EspID: %s, NetID: %s"%(systemEspID, systemNetID,)) systemElement.setEspid(str(systemEspID)) return systemElement
def listSystems(self, location): """ Returns all the systems which are within the polygon described in the location parameter. The location parameter is a location xml object. """ for polygon in location.getPolygon(): polygonList = polygon.getPoslist().strip().split(' ') #we only want lat/long polygonList = [[float(x) for x in e.strip().split(',')][:2] for e in polygonList] latList = [e[0] for e in polygonList] longList = [e[1] for e in polygonList] #get all the lines and produce the XML for the fields in the systems. sqlError = self.sql("SELECT sys.netid,,,,,, l.referenceId, p.latitude, p.longitude, pl.xml FROM Systems as sys, Fields as f, Platforms as pl, Sensors as s, Locations as l, Points as p WHERE l.referenceTable='Platforms' AND AND AND AND AND f.systemEspId=sys.espid AND p.latitude>=%f AND p.latitude<=%f AND p.longitude>=%f AND p.longitude<=%f ORDER BY"%(min(latList), max(latList), min(longList), max(longList))) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError)) errorElement = error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sqlResults = self.fetchAll() points = [] for point in sqlResults: if self._point_inside_polygon(point[7], point[8], polygonList): points.append(point) queryDoc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() queryElement = queryDoc.createElementNS("", "query") queryDoc.appendChild(queryElement) systemHits = [] first = 1 activeFieldId = -1 activeSystemURI = '' fieldXml = '' #print points for point in points: #build the response query xml document if (point[1] != activeFieldId) or (point[0] != activeSystemURI): if not first: #create the sytemXML systemXml = """ <system> <id>"""+str(activeSystemURI)+"""</id> """ + fieldXml + """ </field> </system>""" systemHits.append(systemXml) first = 0 sqlError = self.sql("SELECT xml FROM Fields WHERE id=%d"%(point[1])) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError)) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement #remove the platforms from the field XML since we want to add onlythe ones which are inside the polygon fieldXml = self.filterElements(self.fetchOne()[0], 'platform') activeSystemURI = point[0] activeFieldId = point[1] fieldXml = self.addPlatform(fieldXml, point[-1]) if not first: systemXml = """ <system> <id>"""+str(activeSystemURI)+"""</id> """ + fieldXml + """ </field> </system>""" systemHits.append(systemXml) queryXml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <esp xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="espml.xsd"> <response type="systems"> """ + '\n'.join(systemHits) + """ </response> <response type="mediator"> </response> </esp>""" doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(queryXml) return doc.toxml()
def addMediator(self, mediatorElement): """ Adds a mediator described in the espML to the database. @return It returns the exact same element received, though with the espid field populated with the new mediators espid. """ try: mediatorNetID = mediatorElement.getNetid() mediatorDescription = mediatorElement.getDescription() mediatorType = mediatorElement.getType() ssock = StringIO.StringIO() mediatorElement.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Mediators (netid, description, type, xml) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"%(mediatorNetID, mediatorDescription, mediatorType, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement mediatorEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Mediators', mediatorEspID, mediatorElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0]<0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement for systemElement in mediatorElement.getSystem(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() systemElement.export(ssock, 0) systemEspID = systemElement.getEspid() systemDescription = systemElement.getDescription() sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO MediatorSystems (mediatorEspId, systemEspId, description, xml) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s')"%(int(mediatorEspID), int(systemEspID), systemDescription, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s"%(sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added mediator EspID: %s, NetID: %s"%(mediatorEspID, mediatorNetID,)) mediatorElement.setEspid(str(mediatorEspID)) return mediatorElement
def listSystems(self, location): """ Returns all the systems which are within the polygon described in the location parameter. The location parameter is a location xml object. """ for polygon in location.getPolygon(): polygonList = polygon.getPoslist().strip().split(' ') #we only want lat/long polygonList = [[float(x) for x in e.strip().split(',')][:2] for e in polygonList] latList = [e[0] for e in polygonList] longList = [e[1] for e in polygonList] #get all the lines and produce the XML for the fields in the systems. sqlError = self.sql( "SELECT sys.netid,,,,,, l.referenceId, p.latitude, p.longitude, pl.xml FROM Systems as sys, Fields as f, Platforms as pl, Sensors as s, Locations as l, Points as p WHERE l.referenceTable='Platforms' AND AND AND AND AND f.systemEspId=sys.espid AND p.latitude>=%f AND p.latitude<=%f AND p.longitude>=%f AND p.longitude<=%f ORDER BY" % (min(latList), max(latList), min(longList), max(longList))) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError)) errorElement = error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sqlResults = self.fetchAll() points = [] for point in sqlResults: if self._point_inside_polygon(point[7], point[8], polygonList): points.append(point) queryDoc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() queryElement = queryDoc.createElementNS( "", "query") queryDoc.appendChild(queryElement) systemHits = [] first = 1 activeFieldId = -1 activeSystemURI = '' fieldXml = '' #print points for point in points: #build the response query xml document if (point[1] != activeFieldId) or (point[0] != activeSystemURI): if not first: #create the sytemXML systemXml = """ <system> <id>""" + str(activeSystemURI) + """</id> """ + fieldXml + """ </field> </system>""" systemHits.append(systemXml) first = 0 sqlError = self.sql("SELECT xml FROM Fields WHERE id=%d" % (point[1])) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError)) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement #remove the platforms from the field XML since we want to add onlythe ones which are inside the polygon fieldXml = self.filterElements(self.fetchOne()[0], 'platform') activeSystemURI = point[0] activeFieldId = point[1] fieldXml = self.addPlatform(fieldXml, point[-1]) if not first: systemXml = """ <system> <id>""" + str(activeSystemURI) + """</id> """ + fieldXml + """ </field> </system>""" systemHits.append(systemXml) queryXml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <esp xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="espml.xsd"> <response type="systems"> """ + '\n'.join(systemHits) + """ </response> <response type="mediator"> </response> </esp>""" doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(queryXml) return doc.toxml()
def addMediator(self, mediatorElement): """ Adds a mediator described in the espML to the database. @return It returns the exact same element received, though with the espid field populated with the new mediators espid. """ try: mediatorNetID = mediatorElement.getNetid() mediatorDescription = mediatorElement.getDescription() mediatorType = mediatorElement.getType() ssock = StringIO.StringIO() mediatorElement.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql( "INSERT INTO Mediators (netid, description, type, xml) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (mediatorNetID, mediatorDescription, mediatorType, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement mediatorEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Mediators', mediatorEspID, mediatorElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement for systemElement in mediatorElement.getSystem(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() systemElement.export(ssock, 0) systemEspID = systemElement.getEspid() systemDescription = systemElement.getDescription() sqlError = self.sql( "INSERT INTO MediatorSystems (mediatorEspId, systemEspId, description, xml) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s')" % (int(mediatorEspID), int(systemEspID), systemDescription, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added mediator EspID: %s, NetID: %s" % ( mediatorEspID, mediatorNetID, )) mediatorElement.setEspid(str(mediatorEspID)) return mediatorElement
def addSystem(self, systemElement): """ Adds a system described in the espML to the database. If the system exists already, then it will be deleted and added again with the new values. This could be made more intelligent in the future where we update only the parts which changed. """ try: systemNetID = systemElement.getNetid() fields = systemElement.getField() sqlError = self.sql("SELECT * FROM Systems WHERE netid='%s'" % (systemNetID, )) if sqlError: logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError)) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement ## if len(self.fetchAll())>=1: ## #system uri already exists ## logging.warning("System with URI %s already exists. Delete it for recreation!", systemURI) ## sqlError = self.deleteSystem(espml) ## if sqlError[0] < 0: ## print "\tcould not delete old entry!\n\t%s"%(sqlError[1],) ## return (-1, "Entry already exists and could not be deleted!") ## #return (-2, "System URI already exists.") ssock = StringIO.StringIO() systemElement.export(ssock, 0) # process access and privacy control accessControlId = -1 accessControlElement = systemElement.getAccesscontrol() if accessControlElement: (accessControlId, errormsg) = self.insertAccessControl(accessControlElement) if accessControlId == -1: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error( ttype="accessControlError", message="could not insert access control: %s" % (errormsg, ), number=11) return errorElement privacyControlId = -1 privacyControlElement = systemElement.getPrivacycontrol() if privacyControlElement: (privacyControlId, errormsg) = self.insertPrivacyControl(privacyControlElement) if privacyControlId == -1: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error( ttype="privacyControlError", message="could not insert privacy control: %s" % (errormsg, ), number=11) return errorElement sqlError = self.sql( "INSERT INTO Systems (netid, accesscontrolid, privacycontrolid, xml) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, '%s')" % (systemNetID, accessControlId, privacyControlId, ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement systemEspID = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Systems', systemEspID, systemElement.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError[1], number=10) return errorElement for field in fields: ssock = StringIO.StringIO() field.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Fields (systemEspID, fieldKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(systemEspID, str(field.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement fieldId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Fields', fieldId, field.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement for platform in field.getPlatform(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() platform.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Platforms (fieldId, platformKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(fieldId, str(platform.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement platformId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Platforms', platformId, platform.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement for sensor in platform.getSensor(): ssock = StringIO.StringIO() sensor.export(ssock, 0) sqlError = self.sql("INSERT INTO Sensors (platformId, sensorKey, xml) VALUES (" +\ "%d, '%s', '%s')"%(platformId, str(sensor.getId()), ssock.getvalue())) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sensorId = self.insertId() sqlError = self.insertLocation('Sensors', sensorId, sensor.getLocation()) if sqlError[0] < 0: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement #associate a mediator. for now, we just choose the nearest mediator we can find. systemLocationElement = systemElement.getLocation() systemPoint = systemLocationElement.getPoint() if not systemPoint: self.rollback() errorElement = espml.error( ttype="locationerror", message="The system location needs to be a point!", number=1) pos = systemPoint[0].getPos().split(',') systemLat = float(pos[0]) systemLong = float(pos[1]) sqlError = self.sql( "SELECT l.referenceId, ABS(p.latitude-%f)+ABS(p.longitude-%f) as dist \ FROM Points as p, Locations as l, Mediators as m \ WHERE AND l.referenceId=m.espid ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1" % (systemLat, systemLong)) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement sqlResults = self.fetchAll() if not sqlResults: self.rollback() logging.error("No Mediator Error") errorElement = espml.error( ttype="mediatorerror", message= "Sorry, we couldn't find a mediator for you. Please try again later.", number=1) return errorElement mediatorEspID = sqlResults[0][0] sqlError = self.sql( "INSERT INTO MediatorSystems (mediatorEspId, systemEspId, description, xml) VALUES (%d, %d, '', '<system><espid>%d</espid><description /></system>')" % (mediatorEspID, systemEspID, systemEspID)) if sqlError: self.rollback() logging.error("SQLError: %s" % (sqlError[1])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="sqlerror", message=sqlError, number=10) return errorElement"Added mediator %s to system %s" % (mediatorEspID, systemEspID)) self.commit() except Exception: #some python error occured. rollback the db self.rollback() import traceback #traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback.print_exc() logging.error("Unexpected Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0])) errorElement = espml.error(ttype="unexpected error", message=sys.exc_info()[0], number=1) return errorElement"Successfully added system EspID: %s, NetID: %s" % ( systemEspID, systemNetID, )) systemElement.setEspid(str(systemEspID)) return systemElement