Exemple #1
class SmoothScalarDistributionFromTags(ParameterSet):
    creates a smooth scalar distribution on a domain from region tags
    :ivar domain: domain
    :type domain: `esys.escript.Domain`
    :ivar default: default value 
    :ivar tag0: tag 0
    :type tag0: ``int``
    :ivar value0: value for tag 0
    :type value0: ``float``
    :ivar tag1: tag 1
    :type tag1: ``int``
    :ivar value1: value for tag 1
    :type value1: ``float``
    :ivar tag2: tag 2
    :type tag2: ``int``
    :ivar value2: value for tag 2
    :type value2: ``float``
    :ivar tag3: tag 3
    :type tag3: ``int``
    :ivar value3: value for tag 3
    :type value3: ``float``
    :ivar tag4: tag 4
    :type tag4: ``int``
    :ivar value4: value for tag 4
    :type value4: ``float``
    :ivar tag5: tag 5
    :type tag5: ``int``
    :ivar value5: value for tag 5
    :type value5: ``float``
    :ivar tag6: tag 6
    :type tag6: ``int``
    :ivar value6: value for tag 6
    :type value6: ``float``
    :ivar tag7: tag 7
    :type tag7: ``int``
    :ivar value7: value for tag 7
    :type value7: ``float``
    :ivar tag8: tag 8
    :type tag8: ``int``
    :ivar value8: value for tag 8
    :type value8: ``float``
    :ivar tag9: tag 9
    :type tag9: ``int``
    :ivar value9: value for tag 9
    :type value9: ``float``
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(SmoothScalarDistributionFromTags, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __update(self, tag, tag_value, value):
        if self.__pde == None:
            self.__pde = LinearPDE(self.domain, numSolutions=1)
        mask = Scalar(0., Function(self.domain))
        mask.setTaggedValue(tag, 1.)
        mask = wherePositive(abs(self.__pde.getRightHandSide()))
        value *= (1. - mask)
        value += tag_value * mask
        return value

    def out(self):
        returns a `esys.escript.Data` object
        Link against this method to get the output of this model.
        d = Scalar(self.default, Solution(self.domain))
        self.__pde = None
        if not self.tag0 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag0, self.value0, d)
        if not self.tag1 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag1, self.value1, d)
        if not self.tag2 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag2, self.value2, d)
        if not self.tag3 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag3, self.value3, d)
        if not self.tag4 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag4, self.value4, d)
        if not self.tag5 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag5, self.value5, d)
        if not self.tag6 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag6, self.value6, d)
        if not self.tag7 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag7, self.value7, d)
        if not self.tag8 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag8, self.value8, d)
        if not self.tag9 is None: d = self.__update(self.tag9, self.value9, d)
        return d
Exemple #2
class SmoothScalarDistributionFromTags(ParameterSet):
    creates a smooth scalar distribution on a domain from region tags
    :ivar domain: domain
    :type domain: `esys.escript.Domain`
    :ivar default: default value 
    :ivar tag0: tag 0
    :type tag0: ``int``
    :ivar value0: value for tag 0
    :type value0: ``float``
    :ivar tag1: tag 1
    :type tag1: ``int``
    :ivar value1: value for tag 1
    :type value1: ``float``
    :ivar tag2: tag 2
    :type tag2: ``int``
    :ivar value2: value for tag 2
    :type value2: ``float``
    :ivar tag3: tag 3
    :type tag3: ``int``
    :ivar value3: value for tag 3
    :type value3: ``float``
    :ivar tag4: tag 4
    :type tag4: ``int``
    :ivar value4: value for tag 4
    :type value4: ``float``
    :ivar tag5: tag 5
    :type tag5: ``int``
    :ivar value5: value for tag 5
    :type value5: ``float``
    :ivar tag6: tag 6
    :type tag6: ``int``
    :ivar value6: value for tag 6
    :type value6: ``float``
    :ivar tag7: tag 7
    :type tag7: ``int``
    :ivar value7: value for tag 7
    :type value7: ``float``
    :ivar tag8: tag 8
    :type tag8: ``int``
    :ivar value8: value for tag 8
    :type value8: ``float``
    :ivar tag9: tag 9
    :type tag9: ``int``
    :ivar value9: value for tag 9
    :type value9: ``float``
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        super(SmoothScalarDistributionFromTags, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __update(self,tag,tag_value,value):
        if self.__pde==None:
        return value

    def out(self):
        returns a `esys.escript.Data` object
        Link against this method to get the output of this model.
        if not self.tag0 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag0,self.value0,d)
        if not self.tag1 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag1,self.value1,d)
        if not self.tag2 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag2,self.value2,d)
        if not self.tag3 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag3,self.value3,d)
        if not self.tag4 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag4,self.value4,d)
        if not self.tag5 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag5,self.value5,d)
        if not self.tag6 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag6,self.value6,d)
        if not self.tag7 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag7,self.value7,d)
        if not self.tag8 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag8,self.value8,d)
        if not self.tag9 is None: d=self.__update(self.tag9,self.value9,d)
        return d
class MultiScale(object):
   problem description:
   D_ij u_j = -X_{ij,j} + Y_i
   Neumann boundary: d_ij u_j = n_j X_{ij} + y_i
   Dirichlet boundary: u_i = r_i where q_i > 0
   :var u: unknown vector, displacement
   :var X: old/current stress tensor
   :var Y: vector, body force
   :var y: vector, Neumann bc traction
   :var q: vector, Dirichlet bc mask
   :var r: vector, Dirichlet bc value
    def __init__(self,domain,dim,ng=1,useMPI=False,np=1,rho=2.35e3,mIds=False,\
      initialization of the problem, i.e. model constructor
      :param domain: type Domain, domain of the problem
      :param ng: type integer, number of Gauss points
      :param useMPI: type boolean, use MPI or not
      :param np: type integer, number of processors
      :param rho: type float, density of material
      :param mIds: a list contains membrane node IDs
      :param FEDENodeMap: a dictionary with FE and DE boundary node IDs in keys and values
      :param DE_ext: name of file which saves initial state of exterior DE domain
      :param FEDEBoundMap: a dictionary with FE and DE boundary element IDs in keys and values (deprecated)
      :param conf: type float, conf pressure on membrane
        self.__domain = domain
        self.__pde = LinearPDE(self.__domain,
        self.__numGaussPoints = ng
        self.__rho = rho
        self.__mIds = mIds
        self.__FEDENodeMap = FEDENodeMap
        self.__FEDEBoundMap = FEDEBoundMap
        self.__conf = conf
        self.__pool = get_pool(mpi=useMPI, threads=np)
        self.__scenes = self.__pool.map(initLoad, range(ng))
        self.__strain = escript.Tensor(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        self.__stress = escript.Tensor(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        self.__u = escript.Vector(0, escript.Solution(self.__domain))
        self.__u_last = escript.Vector(0, escript.Solution(self.__domain))
        self.__u_t = escript.Vector(0, escript.Solution(self.__domain))
        self.__dt = 0
        # ratio between timesteps in internal DE and FE domain
        self.__nsOfDE_int = 1
        # if FEDENodeMap is given, employ exterior DE domain
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            self.__sceneExt = self.__pool.apply(initLoadExt, (DE_ext, ))
            # ratio between timesteps in external DE and FE domain
            self.__nsOfDE_ext = 1
            # get interface nodal forces as boundary condition
            self.__FEf = self.__pool.apply(
                initNbc, (self.__sceneExt, self.__conf, mIds, FEDENodeMap))
         # get interface nodal tractions as boundary condition (deprecated)
         FENbc = self.__pool.apply(initNbc,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,mIds,FEDENodeMap))
         for FEid in FENbc.keys():
        # get stress tensor at material points
        s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D, self.__scenes)
        for i in xrange(ng):
            self.__stress.setValueOfDataPoint(i, s[i])

    def initialize(self,
      initialize the model for each time step, e.g. assign parameters
      :param b: type vector, body force on FunctionSpace, e.g. gravity
      :param f: type vector, boundary traction on FunctionSpace (FunctionOnBoundary)
      :param specified_u_mask: type vector, mask of location for Dirichlet boundary
      :param specified_u_val: type vector, specified displacement for Dirichlet boundary
        self.__pde.setValue(Y=b, y=f, q=specified_u_mask, r=specified_u_val)
        # if FEDENodeMap is given
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            # assign dt_FE/dt_DE_ext to self.__nsOfDE_ext
            dt_ext = self.__pool.apply(getScenetDt, (self.__sceneExt, ))
            self.__nsOfDE_ext = int(round(dt / dt_ext))
            print "Ratio between time step in FE and exterior DE domain: %1.1e" % self.__nsOfDE_ext
        dt_int = self.__pool.map(getScenetDt, self.__scenes)
        # assign a list of dt_FE/dt_DE_int to self.__nsOfDE_int
        self.__nsOfDE_int = numpy.round(numpy.array(dt) / dt_int).astype(int)
        print "Maximum ratio between time step in FE and interior DE domains: %1.1e" % max(
        if dt == 0:
            raise RuntimeError, "Time step in FE domain is not given"
        self.__dt = dt
        print "Time step in FE domain:%1.1e" % self.__dt

    def getDomain(self):
      return model domain
        return self.__domain

## below is Ning Guo's original script ##

    def getCurrentPacking(self, pos=(), time=0, prefix=''):
        if len(pos) == 0:
            # output all Gauss points packings
                            zip(self.__scenes, repeat(time), repeat(prefix)))
            # output selected Gauss points packings
            scene = [self.__scenes[i] for i in pos]
            self.__pool.map(outputPack, zip(scene, repeat(time),

    def getLocalVoidRatio(self):
        void = escript.Scalar(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        e = self.__pool.map(getVoidRatio2D, self.__scenes)
        for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
            void.setValueOfDataPoint(i, e[i])
        return void

    def getLocalAvgRotation(self):
        rot = escript.Scalar(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        r = self.__pool.map(avgRotation2D, self.__scenes)
        for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
            rot.setValueOfDataPoint(i, r[i])
        return rot

    def getLocalFabric(self):
        fabric = escript.Tensor(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        f = self.__pool.map(getFabric2D, self.__scenes)
        for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
            fabric.setValueOfDataPoint(i, f[i])
        return fabric

    def getCurrentStress(self):
      return current stress
      type: Tensor on FunctionSpace
        return self.__stress

    def getCurrentTangent(self):
      return current tangent operator
      type Tensor4 on FunctionSpace
        t = escript.Tensor4(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        st = self.__pool.map(getStressAndTangent2D, self.__scenes)
        for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
            t.setValueOfDataPoint(i, st[i][1])
        return t

    def getCurrentStrain(self):
      return current strain
      type: Tensor on FunctionSpace
        return self.__strain

    def exitSimulation(self):
        """finish the whole simulation, exit"""

## below is modified by Hongyang Cheng ##

    def setRHS(self, X, Y=escript.Data()):
      set right hande side of PDE, including X_{ij} and Y_i
      X: stress tensor at (n) time step
      Y: vector, (equivalent) body force at (n) time step
      Note that boundary force, if any, is set inhere
        # apply internal stress and equivalent body force
        self.__pde.setValue(X=X, Y=Y)
        # if exterior DE domain is given
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            FEf = self.getFEf()
            rhs = self.__pde.getRightHandSide()
            # !!!!!! apply boundary force to the right hande side of PDE
            for FEid in FEf.keys():
                rhs_i = rhs.getTupleForDataPoint(FEid)
                rhs_i_new = [sum(f) for f in zip(rhs_i, FEf[FEid])]
                rhs.setValueOfDataPoint(FEid, rhs_i_new)
        # consider Neumann boundary conditions
        rhs -= rhs * self.__pde.getCoefficient('q')
      # !!!!!! apply boundary traction to the right hand side of PDE (deprecated)
         self.__pde.setValue(X=X, Y=Y, y=self.__Nbc)

    def solve(self, damp=.2, dynRelax=False):
      solve the equation of motion in centeral difference scheme
        # get initial coordinate
        x = self.getDomain().getX()
        # density matrix
        kron = util.kronecker(self.getDomain().getDim())
        rho = self.__rho * kron
        # stress at (n) time step
        stress_last = self.getCurrentStress()
        # set coefficients for ODE
        # solve acceleration at (n) time step from ODE
        u_tt = self.__pde.getSolution()
        # update velocity at (n+1/2) time step
        self.__u_t = 1. / (2. + damp * self.__dt) * (
            (2. - damp * self.__dt) * self.__u_t + 2. * self.__dt * u_tt)
        # get displacement increment
        du = self.__dt * self.__u_t
        # update strain
        D = util.grad(du)
        self.__strain += D
        # update displacement and domain geometry at (n+1) time step
        self.__u += du
        self.__domain.setX(x + du)

        # !!!!!! apply displacement increment and get boundary force from DE exterior domain, if any
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            DEdu = self.getBoundaryDisplacement(du)
         # apply boundary velocity and get boundary traction (deprecated)
            # apply boundary velocity and return an asynResult object
            arFEfAndSceneExt = self.applyDisplIncrement_getForceDEM(
                DEdu=DEdu, dynRelax=dynRelax)

        # !!!!!! update stress and scenes from DEM part using strain at (n+1) time step
        self.__stress, self.__scenes = self.applyStrain_getStressDEM(
            st=D, dynRelax=dynRelax)
      # !!!!!! update scenes and return asynResult objects (deprecated)
      arScenes = self.applyStrain(st=D)
		# !!!!!! retrieve data from asyncResults
      # update interior DE scenes
      self.__scenes = arScenes.get()
      # assign new stresses to gauss points from interior DE scenes
      s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
        # if exterior DE domain is given, update scene and boundary force
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            self.__FEf, self.__sceneExt = arFEfAndSceneExt.get()
        return self.__u, self.__u_t

   apply strain to DEM packing and return a result object

    def applyStrain(self, st=escript.Data()):
        st = st.toListOfTuples()
        st = numpy.array(st).reshape(-1, 4)
        # load DEM packing with strain
        arScenes = self.__pool.map_async(
            shear2D, zip(self.__scenes, st, self.__nsOfDE_int))
        return arScenes

   apply strain to DEM packing and get stress

    def applyStrain_getStressDEM(self, st=escript.Data(), dynRelax=False):
        st = st.toListOfTuples()
        st = numpy.array(st).reshape(-1, 4)
        stress = escript.Tensor(0, escript.Function(self.__domain))
        # load DEM packing with strain
        scenes = self.__pool.map(
            shear2D, zip(self.__scenes, st, self.__nsOfDE_int,
        # return homogenized stress
        s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D, scenes)
        for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
            stress.setValueOfDataPoint(i, s[i])
        return stress, scenes

    #~ def applyDisplIncrement_getTractionDEM(self,DEdu=escript.Data()):
    #~ """
    #~ apply displacement increment to the external DE domain,
    #~ and get boundary traction from DE interface nodes
    #~ """
    #~ FENbc, sceneExt = self.__pool.apply( \
    #~ moveInterface_getTraction2D,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,DEdu, \
    #~ self.__mIds,self.__FEDENodeMap,self.__nsOfDE_ext))
    #~ Nbc=escript.Vector(0,escript.Solution(self.getDomain()))
    #~ for FEid in self.__FEDENodeMap.keys():
    #~ Nbc.setValueOfDataPoint(FEid,FENbc[FEid])
    #~ return Nbc, sceneExt

    def applyDisplIncrement_getForceDEM(self,
      apply displacement increment to the external DE domain,
      and get boundary force from DE interface nodes
        arFEfAndSceneExt = self.__pool.apply_async( \
                              moveInterface_getForce2D,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,DEdu,dynRelax, \
        return arFEfAndSceneExt

    def getBoundaryDisplacement(self, du):
      get a dictionary contains DE interface node ids and displacement increment
        # exchange FE-node ids (keys) with DE-node ids (values)
        DEdu = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.__FEDENodeMap.iteritems())
        for key in DEdu.keys():
            FEid = DEdu[key]
            DEdu[key] = du.getTupleForDataPoint(FEid)
        return DEdu

    def VTKExporter(self, vtkDir='./', t=0):
      export interactions in all DE scenes using vtk format
        # export interactions in RVEs
        #~ self.__pool.map(exportInt,zip(self.__scenes,repeat(vtkDir),repeat(t)))
        # export tensile forces in membrane
        self.__pool.apply(exportExt, (self.__sceneExt, self.__mIds, vtkDir, t))

    def getPDE(self):
      return partial differential equation
        return self.__pde

    def getSceneExt(self):
      return scene of exterior DE domain, if any
        return self.__sceneExt

    def getNbc(self):
      return Neumann boundary condition converted from exterior DE domain
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            Nbc = self.__Nbc
            Nbc = self.__pde.getCoefficient("y")
        return Nbc

    def getFEf(self):
      return boundary forces converted from exterior DE domain
        if self.__FEDENodeMap:
            FEf = self.__FEf
            raise RuntimeError, "No exterior DE domain!"
        return FEf

    def getNsOfDE_int(self):
      return a list of numbers of interior DE simulations per FE domain simulation
        return self.__nsOfDE_int

    def getNsOfDE_ext(self):
      return number of exterior DE simulations per FE domain simulation
        return self.__nsOfDE_ext

    def getMaxEigenvalue(self):
      return the max eigenvalue of the model
      type: float
        dom = self.getDomain()
        dim = dom.getDim()
        pdeKu_P = LinearPDE(dom, numEquations=dim, numSolutions=dim)
        T = self.getCurrentTangent()
        mtx = mmread('tempMTX.mtx')
        maxEigVal = max(eigs(mtx, k=1, return_eigenvectors=False, which='LR'))
        return maxEigVal.real

    def getBoundaryNodesPositions(self, tag_name="bound"):
      get a dictionary contains FE boundary node IDs and corresponding positions
      use data on "Solution" FunctionSpace to export FE node IDs (DataPoint IDs)
      note that though "ContinousFunction" and "Solution" FunctionSpace have save number of DataPoints,
      their numbering order are not the same!!!
      Therefore, always use coordiates and IDs of DataPoints on "Solution" for data communication
        tag = self.getDomain().getTag(tag_name)
        # get "Solution" FunctinonSpace
        fs = escript.Solution(self.getDomain())
        # get coordinates with "Solution" FunctionSpace numbering order
        # fs and fs.getX().getFunctionSpace() are the same
        x = fs.getX()
        # get domain FunctionSpace, note below is different from fs.getX().getFunctionSpace()
        domFS = fs.getDomain().getX().getFunctionSpace()
        num = x.getNumberOfDataPoints()
        pos = {}
        for i in xrange(num):
            refId = fs.getReferenceIDFromDataPointNo(i)
            # domain FunctionSpace DataPoint IDs = RefId-1
            if domFS.getTagFromDataPointNo(refId - 1) == tag:
                pos[i] = x.getTupleForDataPoint(i)
        return pos

    def getBoundaryDataPointIDsAndRefIDs(self):
      get a dictionary contains data point IDs and reference IDs on BoundaryOnFunction
      numbering order of reference IDs and interface elements need to be consistent
        # get "FunctionOnBoundary" FunctionSpace
        bfs = escript.FunctionOnBoundary(self.getDomain())
        # convert discrete reference IDs to continous numbers
        num = bfs.getX().getNumberOfDataPoints()
        FEDEBoundMap = {}
        n = 0
        for i in xrange(num):
            refID = bfs.getReferenceIDFromDataPointNo(i)
            if n != refID: newID = 2 * (refID - 1)
            else: newID = 2 * (refID - 1) + 1
            # save DataPoint IDs in keys and converted newIDs in values
            n = refID
            FEDEBoundMap[i] = newID
        return FEDEBoundMap

class MultiScale(object):
   problem description:
   D_ij u_j = -X_{ij,j} + Y_i
   Neumann boundary: d_ij u_j = n_j X_{ij} + y_i
   Dirichlet boundary: u_i = r_i where q_i > 0
   :var u: unknown vector, displacement
   :var X: old/current stress tensor
   :var Y: vector, body force
   :var y: vector, Neumann bc traction
   :var q: vector, Dirichlet bc mask
   :var r: vector, Dirichlet bc value
   def __init__(self,domain,dim,ng=1,useMPI=False,np=1,rho=2.35e3,mIds=False,\
      initialization of the problem, i.e. model constructor
      :param domain: type Domain, domain of the problem
      :param ng: type integer, number of Gauss points
      :param useMPI: type boolean, use MPI or not
      :param np: type integer, number of processors
      :param rho: type float, density of material
      :param mIds: a list contains membrane node IDs
      :param FEDENodeMap: a dictionary with FE and DE boundary node IDs in keys and values
      :param DE_ext: name of file which saves initial state of exterior DE domain
      :param FEDEBoundMap: a dictionary with FE and DE boundary element IDs in keys and values (deprecated)
      :param conf: type float, conf pressure on membrane
      # ratio between timesteps in internal DE and FE domain
      # if FEDENodeMap is given, employ exterior DE domain
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         # ratio between timesteps in external DE and FE domain 
         # get interface nodal forces as boundary condition
         self.__FEf = self.__pool.apply(initNbc,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,mIds,FEDENodeMap))
         # get interface nodal tractions as boundary condition (deprecated)
         FENbc = self.__pool.apply(initNbc,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,mIds,FEDENodeMap))
         for FEid in FENbc.keys():
      # get stress tensor at material points
      s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(ng):
   def initialize(self, b=escript.Data(), f=escript.Data(), specified_u_mask=escript.Data(), specified_u_val=escript.Data(), dt=0):
      initialize the model for each time step, e.g. assign parameters
      :param b: type vector, body force on FunctionSpace, e.g. gravity
      :param f: type vector, boundary traction on FunctionSpace (FunctionOnBoundary)
      :param specified_u_mask: type vector, mask of location for Dirichlet boundary
      :param specified_u_val: type vector, specified displacement for Dirichlet boundary
      # if FEDENodeMap is given
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
			# assign dt_FE/dt_DE_ext to self.__nsOfDE_ext
         dt_ext = self.__pool.apply(getScenetDt,(self.__sceneExt,))
         self.__nsOfDE_ext = int(round(dt/dt_ext))
         print "Ratio between time step in FE and exterior DE domain: %1.1e"%self.__nsOfDE_ext
      dt_int = self.__pool.map(getScenetDt,self.__scenes)
      # assign a list of dt_FE/dt_DE_int to self.__nsOfDE_int
      self.__nsOfDE_int = numpy.round(numpy.array(dt)/dt_int).astype(int)
      print "Maximum ratio between time step in FE and interior DE domains: %1.1e"%max(self.__nsOfDE_int)
      if dt == 0:
         raise RuntimeError,"Time step in FE domain is not given"
      self.__dt = dt
      print "Time step in FE domain:%1.1e"%self.__dt

   def getDomain(self):
      return model domain
      return self.__domain

## below is Ning Guo's original script ##
   def getCurrentPacking(self,pos=(),time=0,prefix=''):
      if len(pos) == 0:
         # output all Gauss points packings
         # output selected Gauss points packings
         scene = [self.__scenes[i] for i in pos]
   def getLocalVoidRatio(self):
      e = self.__pool.map(getVoidRatio2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
      return void
   def getLocalAvgRotation(self):
      r = self.__pool.map(avgRotation2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
      return rot
   def getLocalFabric(self):
      f = self.__pool.map(getFabric2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
      return fabric
   def getCurrentStress(self):
      return current stress
      type: Tensor on FunctionSpace
      return self.__stress

   def getCurrentTangent(self):
      return current tangent operator
      type Tensor4 on FunctionSpace
      st = self.__pool.map(getStressAndTangent2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
      return t
   def getCurrentStrain(self):
      return current strain
      type: Tensor on FunctionSpace
      return self.__strain
   def exitSimulation(self):
      """finish the whole simulation, exit"""

## below is modified by Hongyang Cheng ##

   def setRHS(self,X,Y=escript.Data()):
      set right hande side of PDE, including X_{ij} and Y_i
      X: stress tensor at (n) time step
      Y: vector, (equivalent) body force at (n) time step
      Note that boundary force, if any, is set inhere
      # apply internal stress and equivalent body force
      self.__pde.setValue(X=X, Y=Y)
      # if exterior DE domain is given
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         FEf = self.getFEf()
         rhs = self.__pde.getRightHandSide()
      # !!!!!! apply boundary force to the right hande side of PDE
         for FEid in FEf.keys():
            rhs_i = rhs.getTupleForDataPoint(FEid)
            rhs_i_new = [sum(f) for f in zip(rhs_i,FEf[FEid])]
      # consider Neumann boundary conditions
      rhs -= rhs*self.__pde.getCoefficient('q')

      # !!!!!! apply boundary traction to the right hand side of PDE (deprecated)
         self.__pde.setValue(X=X, Y=Y, y=self.__Nbc)
   def solve(self,damp=.2,dynRelax=False):
      solve the equation of motion in centeral difference scheme
      # get initial coordinate
      x = self.getDomain().getX()
      # density matrix
      kron = util.kronecker(self.getDomain().getDim())
      rho = self.__rho*kron
      # stress at (n) time step
      stress_last = self.getCurrentStress()
      # set coefficients for ODE
      # solve acceleration at (n) time step from ODE
      u_tt = self.__pde.getSolution()
      # update velocity at (n+1/2) time step
      self.__u_t = 1./(2.+damp*self.__dt)*((2.-damp*self.__dt)*self.__u_t + 2.*self.__dt*u_tt)
      # get displacement increment
      du = self.__dt*self.__u_t
      # update strain
      D = util.grad(du)
      self.__strain += D
      # update displacement and domain geometry at (n+1) time step
      self.__u += du

      # !!!!!! apply displacement increment and get boundary force from DE exterior domain, if any
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         DEdu = self.getBoundaryDisplacement(du)
         # apply boundary velocity and get boundary traction (deprecated)
         # apply boundary velocity and return an asynResult object

      # !!!!!! update stress and scenes from DEM part using strain at (n+1) time step
      self.__stress,self.__scenes = self.applyStrain_getStressDEM(st=D,dynRelax=dynRelax)
      # !!!!!! update scenes and return asynResult objects (deprecated)
      arScenes = self.applyStrain(st=D)
		# !!!!!! retrieve data from asyncResults
      # update interior DE scenes
      self.__scenes = arScenes.get()
      # assign new stresses to gauss points from interior DE scenes
      s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D,self.__scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
       # if exterior DE domain is given, update scene and boundary force
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         self.__FEf,self.__sceneExt = arFEfAndSceneExt.get()
      return self.__u, self.__u_t
   apply strain to DEM packing and return a result object
   def applyStrain(self,st=escript.Data()):
      st = st.toListOfTuples()
      st = numpy.array(st).reshape(-1,4)
      # load DEM packing with strain
      arScenes = self.__pool.map_async(shear2D,zip(self.__scenes,st,self.__nsOfDE_int))
      return arScenes

   apply strain to DEM packing and get stress
   def applyStrain_getStressDEM(self,st=escript.Data(),dynRelax=False):
      st = st.toListOfTuples()
      st = numpy.array(st).reshape(-1,4)
      stress = escript.Tensor(0,escript.Function(self.__domain))
      # load DEM packing with strain
      scenes = self.__pool.map(shear2D,zip(self.__scenes,st,self.__nsOfDE_int,repeat(dynRelax)))
      # return homogenized stress
      s = self.__pool.map(getStress2D,scenes)
      for i in xrange(self.__numGaussPoints):
      return stress,scenes

   #~ def applyDisplIncrement_getTractionDEM(self,DEdu=escript.Data()):
      #~ """
      #~ apply displacement increment to the external DE domain,
      #~ and get boundary traction from DE interface nodes
      #~ """
      #~ FENbc, sceneExt = self.__pool.apply( \
                        #~ moveInterface_getTraction2D,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,DEdu, \
                        #~ self.__mIds,self.__FEDENodeMap,self.__nsOfDE_ext))
      #~ Nbc=escript.Vector(0,escript.Solution(self.getDomain()))
      #~ for FEid in self.__FEDENodeMap.keys():
         #~ Nbc.setValueOfDataPoint(FEid,FENbc[FEid])
      #~ return Nbc, sceneExt
   def applyDisplIncrement_getForceDEM(self,DEdu=escript.Data(),dynRelax=False):
      apply displacement increment to the external DE domain,
      and get boundary force from DE interface nodes
      arFEfAndSceneExt = self.__pool.apply_async( \
                            moveInterface_getForce2D,(self.__sceneExt,self.__conf,DEdu,dynRelax, \
      return arFEfAndSceneExt
   def getBoundaryDisplacement(self,du):
      get a dictionary contains DE interface node ids and displacement increment
      # exchange FE-node ids (keys) with DE-node ids (values)
      DEdu = dict((v,k) for k,v in self.__FEDENodeMap.iteritems())
      for key in DEdu.keys():
         FEid = DEdu[key]
         DEdu[key] = du.getTupleForDataPoint(FEid)
      return DEdu
   def VTKExporter(self,vtkDir='./',t=0):
      export interactions in all DE scenes using vtk format
      # export interactions in RVEs
      #~ self.__pool.map(exportInt,zip(self.__scenes,repeat(vtkDir),repeat(t)))
      # export tensile forces in membrane
   def getPDE(self):
      return partial differential equation
      return self.__pde
   def getSceneExt(self):
      return scene of exterior DE domain, if any
      return self.__sceneExt
   def getNbc(self):
      return Neumann boundary condition converted from exterior DE domain
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         Nbc = self.__Nbc
         Nbc = self.__pde.getCoefficient("y")
      return Nbc

   def getFEf(self):
      return boundary forces converted from exterior DE domain
      if self.__FEDENodeMap:
         FEf = self.__FEf
         raise RuntimeError,"No exterior DE domain!"
      return FEf

   def getNsOfDE_int(self):
      return a list of numbers of interior DE simulations per FE domain simulation
      return self.__nsOfDE_int

   def getNsOfDE_ext(self):
      return number of exterior DE simulations per FE domain simulation
      return self.__nsOfDE_ext

   def getMaxEigenvalue(self):
      return the max eigenvalue of the model
      type: float
      dom = self.getDomain()
      dim = dom.getDim()
      pdeKu_P = LinearPDE(dom,numEquations=dim,numSolutions=dim)
      T = self.getCurrentTangent()
      mtx = mmread('tempMTX.mtx')
      maxEigVal = max(eigs(mtx,k=1,return_eigenvectors=False,which='LR'))
      return maxEigVal.real

   def getBoundaryNodesPositions(self,tag_name ="bound"):
      get a dictionary contains FE boundary node IDs and corresponding positions
      use data on "Solution" FunctionSpace to export FE node IDs (DataPoint IDs)
      note that though "ContinousFunction" and "Solution" FunctionSpace have save number of DataPoints,
      their numbering order are not the same!!!
      Therefore, always use coordiates and IDs of DataPoints on "Solution" for data communication
      tag = self.getDomain().getTag(tag_name)
      # get "Solution" FunctinonSpace
      fs = escript.Solution(self.getDomain())
      # get coordinates with "Solution" FunctionSpace numbering order
      # fs and fs.getX().getFunctionSpace() are the same
      x = fs.getX()
      # get domain FunctionSpace, note below is different from fs.getX().getFunctionSpace()
      domFS = fs.getDomain().getX().getFunctionSpace()
      num = x.getNumberOfDataPoints()
      pos = {}
      for i in xrange(num):
         refId = fs.getReferenceIDFromDataPointNo(i)
         # domain FunctionSpace DataPoint IDs = RefId-1
         if domFS.getTagFromDataPointNo(refId-1) == tag:
            pos[i] = x.getTupleForDataPoint(i)
      return pos

   def getBoundaryDataPointIDsAndRefIDs(self):
      get a dictionary contains data point IDs and reference IDs on BoundaryOnFunction
      numbering order of reference IDs and interface elements need to be consistent
      # get "FunctionOnBoundary" FunctionSpace
      bfs = escript.FunctionOnBoundary(self.getDomain())
      # convert discrete reference IDs to continous numbers
      num = bfs.getX().getNumberOfDataPoints()
      FEDEBoundMap = {}; n = 0
      for i in xrange(num):
         refID = bfs.getReferenceIDFromDataPointNo(i)
         if n != refID: newID = 2*(refID-1)
         else: newID = 2*(refID-1)+1
         # save DataPoint IDs in keys and converted newIDs in values
         n = refID; FEDEBoundMap[i] = newID
      return FEDEBoundMap
