def get_node_list(service_name, ports=[], minimum=1, labels = []): # It takes in a service name and an optional list of port names and returns the list of IP addresses/hostname of the containers of that service. For each port specified, in order, it will append :<port number> to each host with the external port number. For example, if you want to return the list of ZooKeeper endpoints with their client ports: # get_node_list('zookeeper', ports=['client']) -> ['', ''] nodes = [] service_groups = etcd_driver.get_service_groups(service_name) for group in service_groups: try: group_labels = ast.literal_eval(group) fits_label_query = Set(labels).issubset(Set(group_labels)) if fits_label_query: group_containers = etcd_driver.get_group_container_names(service_name, group) for container_name in group_containers: container_info = etcd_driver.get_container_info(service_name, group, container_name) host = str(container_info['instance_host']) portlist = "" for port in ports: p = get_specific_port(container_info['service_name'], container_info['instance_name'], port) p = ":" + p portlist = portlist + p nodes.append(str(host + portlist)) except Exception as failure: # print 'getting group labels failed '+str(failure) print 'failed' print failure return nodes
def get_specific_port(service, container, port, default='default'): # to retrieve the external port number of a specific named port of a given container. container_encoded_labels = str(sorted(decode_marathon_id(container)['labels'])) container_info = etcd_driver.get_container_info(service, container_encoded_labels, container) port_mappings = container_info['port_mapping'] port_mapping = port_mappings.get(port) if port_mapping is None: return default return port_mapping['external'][1].replace('/tcp', '')
def get_all_data(): data = {} service_names = etcd_driver.get_service_names() for service_name in service_names: service_dict = {} service_groups = etcd_driver.get_service_groups(service_name) for group in service_groups: group_containers = [] for container_name in etcd_driver.get_group_container_names(service_name, group): container_data = {} container_data['name'] = container_name container_data['info'] = etcd_driver.get_container_info(service_name, group, container_name) group_containers.append(container_data) service_dict[group] = group_containers data[service_name] = service_dict return data
def get_all_etcd_data(): data = {} service_names = etcd_driver.get_service_names() for service_name in service_names: service_dict = {} service_groups = etcd_driver.get_service_groups(service_name) for group in service_groups: if etcd_driver.group_exists(service_name, group) and group != "": print 'adding this group' print service_name print group group_containers = [] for container_name in etcd_driver.get_group_container_names(service_name, group): container_data = {} container_data['name'] = container_name container_data['info'] = etcd_driver.get_container_info(service_name, group, container_name) group_containers.append(container_data) group_config = etcd_driver.get_group_config(service_name, group) service_dict[group] = {'containers': group_containers, 'config':group_config} data[service_name] = service_dict return data
def get_specific_host(service, container): # which can be used to return the hostname or IP address of a specific container from a given service, and container_encoded_labels = str(sorted(decode_marathon_id(container)['labels'])) container_info = etcd_driver.get_container_info(service, container_encoded_labels, container) return container_info['instance_host']