def getKnownPlaneTracks(ignore_planes=[]): ''' Given the plane information outlines in loadKnownPlaneDict this will return a compisite dtype array with information about lat, lon, alt, and timing for each unique reported position of each plane in loadKnownPlaneDict. This can then be interpolated by the user at timestamps to get expected position corresponding to events in a run. ''' try: known_planes = info.loadKnownPlaneDict(ignore_planes=ignore_planes) output_tracks = {} calibrated_trigtime = {} for key in list(known_planes.keys()): runs = numpy.unique(known_planes[key]['eventids'][:, 0]) calibrated_trigtime[key] = numpy.zeros( len(known_planes[key]['eventids'][:, 0])) for run in runs: run_cut = known_planes[key]['eventids'][:, 0] == run reader = Reader(os.environ['BEACON_DATA'], run) eventids = known_planes[key]['eventids'][run_cut, 1] try: filename = createFile( reader ) #Creates an analysis file if one does not exist. Returns filename to load file. with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as file: calibrated_trigtime[key][run_cut] = file[ 'calibrated_trigtime'][...][eventids] except Exception as e: print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split( exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) print('Calculating calibrated trig times.') calibrated_trigtime[key][run_cut] = getEventTimes( reader, plot=False, smooth_window=101)[eventids] known_flight = known_planes[key]['known_flight'] all_vals = getTracks(min(calibrated_trigtime[key]), max(calibrated_trigtime[key]), 1000, hour_window=12)[1] vals = all_vals[all_vals['names'] == known_planes[key] ['known_flight']] vals = vals[numpy.unique(vals['timestamps'], return_index=True)[1]] output_tracks[key] = vals return known_planes, calibrated_trigtime, output_tracks except Exception as e: print('Error in getKnownPlaneTracksLatLon.') print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
if farm_mode == True: print('Farm Mode = True, no plots will be available') calculate_correlation_values = True #If True then the values we be newly calculated, if false then will try to load them from the existing files else: print('Farm Mode = False') calculate_correlation_values = False #If True then the values we be newly calculated, if false then will try to load them from the existing files #Parameters: #Curve choice is a parameter in the bi-delta template model that changes the timing of the input dela signal. curve_choice = 0 upsample_factor = 4 save_data = True if farm_mode == False: plt.close('all') run = int(sys.argv[1]) reader = Reader(datapath,run) #Prepare for Correlations reader.setEntry(0) waveform_times = reader.t() waveform_sample = waveform_sample, waveform_times = scipy.signal.resample(waveform_sample,len(waveform_sample)*upsample_factor,t=waveform_times) #upsample times to desired amount. cr_gen = crt.CosmicRayGenerator(waveform_times,t_offset=800.0,model='bi-delta') template_t, template_E = cr_gen.eFieldGenerator(plot=True,curve_choice=curve_choice) len_t = len(template_t) template_E = template_E/(numpy.std(template_E)*len_t) #Pre dividing to handle normalization of cross correlation. if calculate_correlation_values == True:
def getSpectData(datapath, run, event_limit, bin_size=10, trigger_type=1, group_fft=False): ''' This function obtains the data for a spectrogram. Parameters ---------- datapath : str The path to the data where the runs are stored. This is the same as the input to the reader class. run : int The run number to be loaded. event_limit : int This limits the number of events to load. Loads from beginning of run to end, so reducing this speeds up the calculation by cutting off the later portions of the run. bin_size : int This is the number of seconds to include in each time slice of the spectrogram. The average spectra will be computed per bin. Default is 10. trigger_type : int This is the trigger type of events included in the spectrogram. The default is 1. group_fft : bool This enables the fft calculation to be performed simultaneously for all events, rather than per waveform as they are loaded in. This may be faster but requires more memory. Default is False. Returns ------- reader : examples.beacon_data_reader.Reader This is the reader for the selected run. freqs : numpy.ndarray of floats This is the list of frequencies for corresponding to the y-axis of the spectrogram data. spectra_dbish_binned : dict This is the data corresponding to the spectrogram. Each entry in the dictionary contains the spectrogram data for a particular channel. This are returned in dB-like units. I.e. they are calculated as if the waveforms were in volts, but in reality the waveforms are in adu. Some there is some offset from these values to true dB units. ''' reader = Reader(datapath, run) N = reader.N() if event_limit == None else min(reader.N(), abs(event_limit)) print('\nReader:') d = tools.interpret.getReaderDict(reader) pprint(d) print('\nHeader:') h = tools.interpret.getHeaderDict(reader) pprint(h) print('\nStatus:') s = tools.interpret.getStatusDict(reader) pprint(s) if reader.N() == 0: print('No events found in the selected run.') else: def rfftWrapper(channel, waveform_times, *args, **kwargs): spec = numpy.fft.rfft(*args, **kwargs) real_power_multiplier = 2.0 * numpy.ones_like( spec ) #The factor of 2 because rfft lost half of the power except for dc and Nyquist bins (handled below). if len(numpy.shape(spec)) != 1: real_power_multiplier[:, [0, -1]] = 1.0 else: real_power_multiplier[[0, -1]] = 1.0 spec_dbish = 10.0 * numpy.log10( real_power_multiplier * spec * numpy.conj(spec) / len(waveform_times) ) #10 because doing power in log. Dividing by N to match monutau. return channel, spec_dbish waveform_times = reader.t() freq_step = 1.0 / (len(waveform_times) * (numpy.diff(waveform_times)[0] * 1e-9)) freqs = numpy.arange(len(waveform_times) // 2 + 1) * freq_step freq_nyquist = 1 / (2.0 * numpy.diff(waveform_times)[0] * 1e-9) if group_fft == True: waveforms = {} spectra_dbish = {} readout_times = [] for channel in range(8): if group_fft == True: waveforms['ch%i' % channel] = numpy.zeros( (N, reader.header().buffer_length), dtype=int) spectra_dbish['ch%i' % channel] = numpy.zeros( (N, reader.header().buffer_length // 2 + 1), dtype=float) print('') for event_index, eventid in enumerate( range(N if event_limit == None else event_limit)): sys.stdout.write('\r(%i/%i)' % (eventid + 1, N)) sys.stdout.flush() reader.setEntry(eventid) readout_times.append(getattr(reader.header(), 'readout_time')) for channel in range(8): if group_fft == True: waveforms['ch%i' % channel][event_index] = else: spectra_dbish['ch%i' % channel][event_index] = rfftWrapper( 'ch%i' % channel, waveform_times,[1] if group_fft == True: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=cpu_count()) as executor: thread_results = [] for channel in range(8): thread_results.append( executor.submit(rfftWrapper, 'ch%i' % channel, waveform_times, waveforms['ch%i' % channel])) print('Weaving threads') sys.stdout.flush() for index, future in enumerate( concurrent.futures.as_completed(thread_results)): spectra_dbish[future.result()[0]] = future.result()[1] print('%i/8 Channel FFTs Completed' % (index + 1)) bin_edges = numpy.arange(min(readout_times), max(readout_times) + bin_size, bin_size) bin_L_2d = numpy.tile(bin_edges[:-1], (len(readout_times), 1)) bin_R_2d = numpy.tile( numpy.roll(bin_edges, -1)[:-1], (len(readout_times), 1)) readout_times_2d = numpy.tile(readout_times, (len(bin_edges) - 1, 1)).T cut_2d = numpy.logical_and(readout_times_2d >= bin_L_2d, readout_times_2d < bin_R_2d).T del bin_L_2d del bin_R_2d del readout_times_2d spectra_dbish_binned = {} for channel in range(8): spectra_dbish_binned['ch%i' % channel] = numpy.zeros( (len(freqs), len(bin_edges) - 1)) for index, cut in enumerate(cut_2d): spectra_dbish_binned['ch%i' % channel][:, index] = numpy.mean( spectra_dbish['ch%i' % channel][cut], axis=0) spectra_dbish_binned['ch%i' % channel] = numpy.flipud(['ch%i' % channel], mask=numpy.isnan( spectra_dbish_binned['ch%i' % channel]))) return reader, freqs, spectra_dbish_binned
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 11] matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 2: run = int(sys.argv[1]) else: run = 1701 try: template_filenames = numpy.array( glob.glob(os.environ['BEACON_ANALYSIS_DIR'] + 'templates/*.csv')) run = int(run) plot = False reader = Reader(datapath, run) try: print(reader.status()) except Exception as e: print('Status Tree not present. Returning Error.') print('\nError in %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3]) print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) sys.exit(1) filename = createFile( reader ) #Creates an analysis file if one does not exist. Returns filename to load file. if filename is not None: with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as file:
#Output save_templates = False #General Prep channels = numpy.arange(8,dtype=int) #Main loop for run_index, run in enumerate(runs): if 'run%i'%run in list(known_pulser_ids.keys()): try: if 'run%i'%run in list(ignorable_pulser_ids.keys()): eventids = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i'%run][~numpy.isin(known_pulser_ids['run%i'%run],ignorable_pulser_ids['run%i'%run])]) else: eventids = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i'%run]) reader = Reader(datapath,run) reader.setEntry(eventids[0]) waveform_times = reader.t() dt = waveform_times[1]-waveform_times[0] waveform_times_padded_to_power2 = numpy.arange(2**(numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(len(waveform_times)))))*dt #Rounding up to a factor of 2 of the len of the waveforms USED FOR WAVEFORMS waveform_times_corr = numpy.arange(2*len(waveform_times_padded_to_power2))*dt #multiplying by 2 for cross correlation later. USED FOR CORRELATIONS if use_filter: filter_y_corr,freqs_corr = makeFilter(waveform_times_corr,crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, filter_order,plot_filter=True) filter_y_wf,freqs_wf = makeFilter(waveform_times_padded_to_power2,crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, filter_order,plot_filter=False) else: freqs_corr = numpy.fft.rfftfreq(len(waveform_times_corr), d=(waveform_times_corr[1] - waveform_times_corr[0])/1.0e9) freqs_wf = numpy.fft.rfftfreq(len(waveform_times_padded_to_power2), d=(waveform_times_padded_to_power2[1] - waveform_times_padded_to_power2[0])/1.0e9) df_corr = freqs_corr[1] - freqs_corr[0] #Note that this is the df for the padded correlation ffts and would not be the same as the one for the normal waveform ffts which have not been doubled in length.
sine_subtract = True sine_subtract_min_freq_GHz = 0.03 sine_subtract_max_freq_GHz = 0.09 sine_subtract_percent = 0.03 final_corr_length = 2**14 run = int(run) time_window = 5 * 60 #seconds frequency_bin_edges_MHz = numpy.arange(0, 150, 5) antennas_of_interest = numpy.array([4, 5]) trigger_types_of_interest = numpy.array([1, 3]) save = True plot = False reader = Reader(datapath, run) try: print(reader.status()) except Exception as e: print('Status Tree not present. Returning Error.') print('\nError in %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3]) print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) sys.exit(1) filename = createFile( reader ) #Creates an analysis file if one does not exist. Returns filename to load file.
save_time_delays = True save_template = False waveform_index_range = (None,500) hpol_pairs = numpy.array(list(itertools.combinations((0,2,4,6), 2))) vpol_pairs = numpy.array(list(itertools.combinations((1,3,5,7), 2))) pairs = numpy.vstack((hpol_pairs,vpol_pairs)) try: run = int(run) reader = Reader(datapath,run) try: print(reader.status()) except Exception as e: print('Status Tree not present. Returning Error.') print('\nError in %s'%inspect.stack()[0][3]) print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) sys.exit(1) tct = TemplateCompareTool(reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, waveform_index_range=(None,None), plot_filters=False,apply_phase_response=False) filename = createFile(reader) #Creates an analysis file if one does not exist. Returns filename to load file.
use_known_ids = True resample_factor = 1 #Filter settings crit_freq_low_pass_MHz = 75 crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = 35 filter_order = 6 plot_filter = True power_sum_cut_location = 50 #index power_sum_cut_value = 13000 #Events with larger power sum then this are ignored. peak_cut = 60 #At least one channel has to have a signal cross this thresh. for run_index, run in enumerate(runs): eventids = known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run] reader = Reader(datapath, run) waveform_times = reader.t() waveforms_upsampled = {} waveforms_raw = {} #Prepare filter reader.setEntry(98958) wf = wf, waveform_times = scipy.signal.resample(wf, len(wf) * resample_factor, t=reader.t()) dt = waveform_times[1] - waveform_times[0] filter_y, freqs = makeFilter(waveform_times, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, filter_order,
def alignSelectedEvents(self, plot_aligned_wf=False,save_template=False,plot_timedelays=True): ''' My plan is for this to be called when some events are circled in the plot. It will take those wf, align them, and plot the averaged waveforms. No filters will be applied. ''' if plot_timedelays == True: runs, counts = numpy.unique([self.ind][:,0],return_counts=True) run = runs[numpy.argmax(counts)] print('Only calculating template from run with most points circled: run %i with %i events circled'%(run,max(counts))) eventids =[self.ind][:,1][[self.ind][:,0] == run] coords = self.xys[self.ind] self.plotTimeDelays(self.xys[self.ind][:,0]*60,self.total_hpol_delays[self.ind],self.total_vpol_delays[self.ind]) _reader = Reader(datapath,run) crit_freq_low_pass_MHz = None low_pass_filter_order = None crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = None# 45 high_pass_filter_order = None# 12 waveform_index_range = (None,None) final_corr_length = 2**18 tct = TemplateCompareTool(_reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, waveform_index_range=waveform_index_range, plot_filters=False,apply_phase_response=True) tdc = TimeDelayCalculator(_reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, waveform_index_range=waveform_index_range, plot_filters=False,apply_phase_response=True) self.cor = Correlator(_reader, upsample=2**15, n_phi=360, n_theta=360, waveform_index_range=(None,None),crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, plot_filter=False,apply_phase_response=True) if True: print('TRYING TO MAKE CORRELATOR PLOT.') print(eventids) self.cor.animatedMap(eventids, 'both', '', plane_zenith=None,plane_az=None,hilbert=False, max_method=None,center_dir='E',save=False,dpi=300) times, averaged_waveforms = tct.averageAlignedSignalsPerChannel( eventids, align_method=0, template_eventid=eventids[0], plot=plot_aligned_wf,event_type=None) resampled_averaged_waveforms_original_length = numpy.zeros((8,len(_reader.t()))) for channel in range(8): resampled_averaged_waveforms_original_length[channel] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(times,averaged_waveforms[channel],kind='cubic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0)(reader.t()) if False: for channel in range(8): plt.figure() plt.title(str(channel)) for eventid in eventids: tct.setEntry(eventid) plt.plot(tct.t(),,label=str(eventid),alpha=0.8) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('t (ns)') plt.ylabel('adu') if save_template == True: filename_index = 0 filename = './generated_event_template_%i.csv'%filename_index existing_files = numpy.array(glob.glob('./*.csv')) while numpy.isin(filename,existing_files): filename_index += 1 filename = './generated_event_template_%i.csv'%filename_index numpy.savetxt(filename,resampled_averaged_waveforms_original_length, delimiter=",") print('Genreated template saved as:\n%s'%filename) tdc.calculateMultipleTimeDelays(eventids, align_method=8,hilbert=False,plot=True, colors=numpy.array(coords)[:,0]) return resampled_averaged_waveforms_original_length
except Exception as e: print('\nError in %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3]) print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) if __name__ == '__main__': try: plt.close('all') #Get timing info from real BEACON data for testing. run = 1509 known_pulser_ids = info.loadPulserEventids(remove_ignored=True) eventid = known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]['hpol'][0] reader = Reader(datapath, run) reader.setEntry(eventid) test_t = reader.t() test_pulser_adu = #Creating test signal cr_gen = CosmicRayGenerator(test_t, t_offset=800.0, model='bi-delta') for curve_choice in range(4): out_t, out_E = cr_gen.eFieldGenerator(plot=True, curve_choice=curve_choice) plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(test_t, test_pulser_adu, label='Pulser Signal') plt.ylabel('E (adu)') plt.xlabel('t (ns)')
numpy.rad2deg( numpy.arctan2(sources_ENU[source_key][1], sources_ENU[source_key][0]))) sort_cut = numpy.argsort(azimuths)[::-1] for index in sort_cut: print('%s : %0.3f' % (keys[index], azimuths[index])) run = 1650 colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] #DETERMINE THE TIME DELAYS TO BE USED IN THE ACTUAL CALCULATION print('Calculating time delays from') reader = Reader(datapath, run) ds = dataSlicerSingleRun(reader, impulsivity_dset_key, time_delays_dset_key, map_direction_dset_key,\ curve_choice=0, trigger_types=[2],included_antennas=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],include_test_roi=False,\ cr_template_n_bins_h=200,cr_template_n_bins_v=200,\ impulsivity_n_bins_h=200,impulsivity_n_bins_v=200,\ time_delays_n_bins_h=150,time_delays_n_bins_v=150,min_time_delays_val=-200,max_time_delays_val=200,\ std_n_bins_h=200,std_n_bins_v=200,max_std_val=9,\ p2p_n_bins_h=128,p2p_n_bins_v=128,max_p2p_val=128,\ snr_n_bins_h=200,snr_n_bins_v=200,max_snr_val=35) ds.addROI( 'Simple Template V > 0.7', {'cr_template_search_v': [0.7, 1.0]} ) # Adding 2 ROI in different rows and appending as below allows for "OR" instead of "AND" ds.addROI('Simple Template H > 0.7',
plot_td = False plot_original_length_templates = True save_time_delays = True save_template = False waveform_index_range = (None, 500) hpol_pairs = numpy.array(list(itertools.combinations((0, 2, 4, 6), 2))) vpol_pairs = numpy.array(list(itertools.combinations((1, 3, 5, 7), 2))) pairs = numpy.vstack((hpol_pairs, vpol_pairs)) try: run = int(run) reader = Reader(datapath, run) try: print(reader.status()) except Exception as e: print('Status Tree not present. Returning Error.') print('\nError in %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3]) print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) sys.exit(1) tct = TemplateCompareTool( reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length,
] #Filters here are attempting to correct for differences in signals from pulsers. low_pass_filter_order = [0, 8, 8, 8, 10, 8, 3, 8] crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = 65 high_pass_filter_order = 12 apply_phase_response = True hilbert = False #Load antenna position information from the script origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation() #Assuming default_deploy antennas_physical, antennas_phase_hpol, antennas_phase_vpol = info.loadAntennaLocationsENU( ) #Assuming default_deploy #Create a Reader object for the specific run. reader = Reader(datapath, run) print('The run associated with this reader is:') print( print('This run has %i events' % (reader.N())) #Create a TimeDelayCalculator object for the specified run. Note that if the above parameters haven't been change tdc_raw = TimeDelayCalculator(reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=None, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=None, low_pass_filter_order=None, high_pass_filter_order=None, plot_filters=False, apply_phase_response=False) #Plot raw event tdc_raw.plotEvent(eventids[0],
if __name__ == '__main__': plt.close( 'all' ) #Uncomment this if you want figures to be closed before this is run (helps if running multiple times in a row to avoid plot congestion). ''' Here we pick a run, create a reader, get the eventids, get which eventids correspond to which trigger type, then plot 1 event from each trigger type. ''' if True: plot_N_per_type = 2 #The number of events to plot her trigger type. Meant to demonstrate what looping over events might look like. #Get run and events you want to look at. run = 1650 #Create a Reader object for the specific run. reader = Reader(datapath, run) print('The run associated with this reader is:') print( print('This run has %i events' % (reader.N())) eventids = numpy.arange(reader.N()) trigger_type = loadTriggerTypes(reader) times = reader.t() #The times of a waveform in ns. Not upsampled. for trig_type in [1, 2, 3]: print('Plotting %i eventids of trig type %i' % (plot_N_per_type, trig_type)) trig_eventids = eventids[ trigger_type == trig_type] #All eventids of this trig type trig_eventids = numpy.sort( numpy.random.choice(trig_eventids, 2)
if type(known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]) is dict: eventids = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]) else: eventids = {} eventids['hpol'] = numpy.sort( known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]['hpol']) eventids['vpol'] = numpy.sort( known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]['vpol']) if ignore_eventids == True: if 'run%i' % run in list(ignorable_pulser_ids.keys()): if type(eventids) is dict: eventids = eventids[~numpy.isin( eventids, ignorable_pulser_ids['run%i' % run])] reader = Reader(datapath, run) reader.setEntry(eventids[0]) tdc = TimeDelayCalculator( reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order) time_shifts, corrs, pairs = tdc.calculateMultipleTimeDelays( eventids) for pair_index, pair in enumerate(pairs): if pair in hpol_pairs: all_hpol_delays[str(pair)] = numpy.append( all_hpol_delays[str(pair)],
datapath = os.environ['BEACON_DATA'] crit_freq_low_pass_MHz = None #95 #This new pulser seems to peak in the region of 85 MHz or so low_pass_filter_order = None #10 crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = None #50#None high_pass_filter_order = None #4#None apply_phase_response = False hilbert = False hpol_beam_delays = info.loadBeamDelays()[0] try: run = int(run) reader = Reader(datapath, run) N = reader.head_tree.Draw("Entry$", "trigger_type==%i" % 2, "goff") eventids = numpy.frombuffer(reader.head_tree.GetV1(), numpy.dtype('float64'), N).astype(int) filename = createFile( reader ) #Creates an analysis file if one does not exist. Returns filename to load file. #choose_eventid = 5194 #If none will run the full analysis, otherwise will just print plots relevant to that eventid. for choose_eventid in [None, 5194]: if filename is not None: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as file: if choose_eventid is None: rf_cut = file['trigger_type'][...] == 2
from pprint import pprint plt.ion() if __name__ == '__main__': plt.close('all') printCredit() # If your data is elsewhere, pass it as an argument datapath = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else os.environ['BEACON_DATA'] run = 1509 #Selects which run to examine eventids = numpy.array( [2401]) #numpy.array([90652,90674,90718,90766,90792,91019,91310]) for eventid in eventids: #eventid = None#numpy.array([1,2,3]) #If None then a random event id is selected. Can be array of eventids as well. reader = Reader(datapath, run) verbose = True # this is a random event if type(eventid) == None: eventid = numpy.array([numpy.random.randint(reader.N())]) elif type(eventid) == int: eventid = numpy.array([eventid]) elif type(eventid) == list: eventid = numpy.array(eventid) elif type(eventid) == numpy.ndarray: pass else: print('event id not set in valid way, setting to random') eventid = numpy.array([numpy.random.randint(reader.N())])
flagged_runs = {} for day_label in list(clean_days.keys()): flagged_runs[day_label] = [] flagged_runs_cfg = {} for day_label in list(clean_days.keys()): flagged_runs_cfg[day_label] = [] min_ts = [] max_ts = [] run_ids = [] print('') for run_index,run_label in enumerate(run_labels): if 'run' in run_label: run = int(run_label.split('run')[-1]) reader = Reader(datapath,run) if reader.N() == 0: continue sys.stdout.write('\r%i/%i'%(run_index+1,len(run_labels))) sys.stdout.flush() min_t = reader.head_tree.GetMinimum('readout_time')#utc.localize(datetime.fromtimestamp(reader.head_tree.GetMinimum('readout_time'))) max_t = reader.head_tree.GetMaximum('readout_time')#utc.localize(datetime.fromtimestamp(reader.head_tree.GetMaximum('readout_time'))) min_ts.append(min_t) max_ts.append(max_t) run_ids.append(run) for day_label in list(clean_days.keys()): cfg = numpy.array([],dtype=int) #Leading end in window.
if farm_mode == True: print('Farm Mode = True, no plots will be available') calculate_correlation_values = True #If True then the values we be newly calculated, if false then will try to load them from the existing files else: print('Farm Mode = False') calculate_correlation_values = False #If True then the values we be newly calculated, if false then will try to load them from the existing files #Parameters: #Curve choice is a parameter in the bi-delta template model that changes the timing of the input dela signal. curve_choice = 0 upsample_factor = 4 save_data = True if farm_mode == False: plt.close('all') run = int(sys.argv[1]) reader = Reader(datapath, run) #Prepare for Correlations reader.setEntry(0) waveform_times = reader.t() waveform_sample = waveform_sample, waveform_times = scipy.signal.resample( waveform_sample, len(waveform_sample) * upsample_factor, t=waveform_times) #upsample times to desired amount. cr_gen = crt.CosmicRayGenerator(waveform_times, t_offset=800.0, model='bi-delta') template_t, template_E = cr_gen.eFieldGenerator( plot=True, curve_choice=curve_choice)
line_count += 1 waveforms['ch%i'%channel] = numpy.array(y) return x,waveforms if __name__ == '__main__': #plt.close('all') # If your data is elsewhere, pass it as an argument # If your data is elsewhere, pass it as an argument datapath = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else os.environ['BEACON_DATA'] runs = numpy.array([793])#numpy.array([734,735,736,737,739,740,746,747,757,757,762,763,764,766,767,768,769,770,781,782,783,784,785,786,787,788,789,790,792,793]) #Selects which run to examine event_limit = 1 save_fig = True for run_index, run in enumerate(runs): reader = Reader(datapath,run) eventids = cc.getTimes(reader)[3] if event_limit is not None: if event_limit < len(eventids): eventids = eventids[0:event_limit] waveform_times, templates = loadTemplates(template_dirs['run%i'%run]['dir']) original_wf_len = int(reader.header().buffer_length) upsample_wf_len = original_wf_len*template_dirs['run%i'%run]['resample_factor'] corr_delay_times = numpy.arange(-upsample_wf_len+1,upsample_wf_len) #Setup Filter freqs = numpy.fft.rfftfreq(len(waveform_times), d=(waveform_times[1] - waveform_times[0])/1.0e9) b, a = scipy.signal.butter(template_dirs['run%i'%run]['filter_order'], template_dirs['run%i'%run]['crit_freq_low_pass_MHz']*1e6, 'low', analog=True) d, c = scipy.signal.butter(template_dirs['run%i'%run]['filter_order'], template_dirs['run%i'%run]['crit_freq_high_pass_MHz']*1e6, 'high', analog=True)
import itertools import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) plt.ion() if __name__ == '__main__': plt.close('all') # If your data is elsewhere, pass it as an argument datapath = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else os.environ['BEACON_DATA'] runs = numpy.array([1509]) event_min = 0 for run_index, run in enumerate(runs): print('Run %i' % run) reader = Reader(datapath, run) raw_approx_trigger_time, raw_approx_trigger_time_nsecs, trig_time, eventids = cc.getTimes( reader, trigger_type=3) rtimes = raw_approx_trigger_time - raw_approx_trigger_time[0] if False: #USE THIS TO SAVE ONCE YOU HAVE SELECTED THE CORRECT EVENT RANGE. #cut = numpy.logical_and(eventids > 4157, eventids < 5794) cut = numpy.logical_and(eventids > 4208, eventids < 6033) extra_text = 'site_2_bicone_vpol_17dB' numpy.savetxt('./run%i_pulser_eventids_%s.csv' % (run, extra_text), numpy.sort(eventids[cut]), delimiter=",") meas = {} for channel in range(8):
known_pulser_ids = info.loadPulserEventids(remove_ignored=True) #Prepare eventids eventids = {} eventids['hpol'] = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]['hpol']) eventids['vpol'] = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i' % run]['vpol']) all_eventids = numpy.sort( numpy.append(eventids['hpol'], eventids['vpol'])) hpol_eventids_cut = numpy.isin(all_eventids, eventids['hpol']) vpol_eventids_cut = numpy.isin(all_eventids, eventids['vpol']) #Set up tempalte compare tool used for making averaged waveforms for first pass alignment. reader = Reader(datapath, run) tct = TemplateCompareTool( reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, waveform_index_range=waveform_index_range, plot_filters=plot_filters, apply_phase_response=apply_phase_response) #First pass alignment to make templates. times, hpol_waveforms = tct.averageAlignedSignalsPerChannel( eventids['hpol'], align_method=0,
resample_factor = 100 #Filter settings crit_freq_low_pass_MHz = 75 crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = 15 filter_order = 6 plot_filter = True use_envelopes = False use_raw = True bins = 200 expected_timing_pm_tol = 20 #ns corr_plot = True for run_index, run in enumerate(runs): eventids = numpy.sort(known_pulser_ids['run%i'%run]) reader = Reader(datapath,run) waveform_times = reader.t() waveforms_upsampled = {} waveforms_raw = {} #Prepare filter reader.setEntry(eventids[0]) wf = if use_raw: if resample_factor != 1: print('\n!!!\nUsing raw waveforms for alignment. Setting the resample factor to 1.\n!!!\n') resample_factor = 1 wf , waveform_times = scipy.signal.resample(wf,len(wf)*resample_factor,t=reader.t()) dt = waveform_times[1] - waveform_times[0]