Exemple #1
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    "Cleave a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, cleave the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
    if fileName == '':
        unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords(
        if len(unmodified) == 0:
            print("There are no carvable files in this folder.")
        fileName = unmodified[0]
    startTime = time.time()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(fileName) +
          ' is being cleaved.')
    cleaveGcode = getCraftedText(fileName)
    if cleaveGcode == '':
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_cleave.svg'
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
    suffixFileName = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, cleaveGcode)
    print('The cleaved file is saved as ' +
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to cleave the file.')
Exemple #2
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    "Export a gcode linear move file."
    fileName = fabmetheus_interpret.getFirstTranslatorFileNameUnmodified(
    if fileName == '':
    exportRepository = ExportRepository()
    startTime = time.time()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(fileName) +
          ' is being chain exported.')
    Filehandle = open('report.txt', 'w')
    Filehandle.write('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(fileName) +
                     ' is being chain exported.\n')
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind(
        '.')] + '_export.' + exportRepository.fileExtension.value
    gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText(fileName, '')
    procedures = skeinforge_craft.getProcedures('export', gcodeText)
    gcodeText = skeinforge_craft.getChainTextFromProcedures(
        fileName, procedures[:-1], gcodeText)
    if gcodeText == '':
    skeinforge_analyze.writeOutput(suffixFileName, gcodeText)
    if exportRepository.savePenultimateGcode.value:
        penultimateFileName = fileName[:fileName.
                                       rfind('.')] + '_penultimate.gcode'
        gcodec.writeFileText(penultimateFileName, gcodeText)
        print('The penultimate file is saved as ' +
    exportChainGcode = getCraftedTextFromText(gcodeText, exportRepository)
    replaceableExportChainGcode = None
    selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPluginModule(
    if selectedPluginModule == None:
        replaceableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
        if selectedPluginModule.isReplaceable():
            replaceableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(
            selectedPluginModule.writeOutput(suffixFileName, exportChainGcode)
    if replaceableExportChainGcode != None:
        replaceableExportChainGcode = getReplaced(replaceableExportChainGcode)
        gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, replaceableExportChainGcode)
        print('The exported file is saved as ' +
    if exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value != '':
        if replaceableExportChainGcode == None:
            replaceableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput(
        exec('print >> ' + exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value +
             ', replaceableExportChainGcode')
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to export the file.')
    Filehandle = open('report.txt', 'a')
    Filehandle.write('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
                     ' seconds to export the file.')
Exemple #3
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Carve a GNU Triangulated Surface file."
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) + ' is being carved.' )
	carveGcode = getCraftedText( fileName )
	if carveGcode == '':
	suffixFileName = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( fileName, '_carve.svg' )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, carveGcode )
	print( 'The carved file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print( 'It took %s to carve the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
	settings.openWebPage( suffixFileName )
def analyzeFile( fileName ):
	"Get file interpretion."
	startTime = time.time()
	carving = getCarving( fileName )
	if carving == None:
		return ''
	interpretGcode = str( carving )
	if interpretGcode == '':
	repository = settings.getReadRepository( InterpretRepository() )
	if repository.printInterpretion.value:
		print( interpretGcode )
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_interpret.' + carving.getInterpretationSuffix()
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFileName )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFileName ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, interpretGcode )
	print( 'The interpret file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print( 'It took %s to interpret the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
	textProgram = repository.textProgram.value
	if textProgram == '':
	if textProgram == 'webbrowser':
		settings.openWebPage( suffixFileName )
	textFilePath = '"' + os.path.normpath( suffixFileName ) + '"' # " to send in file name with spaces
	shellCommand = textProgram + ' ' + textFilePath
	print( 'Sending the shell command:' )
	print( shellCommand )
	commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
	if commandResult != 0:
		print( 'It may be that the system could not find the %s program.' % textProgram )
		print( 'If so, try installing the %s program or look for another one, like Open Office which can be found at:' % textProgram )
		print( 'http://www.openoffice.org/' )
		print( 'Open office writer can then be started from the command line with the command "soffice -writer".' )
def getWindowAnalyzeFile(fileName):
	"Get file interpretion."
	startTime = time.time()
	carving = getCarving(fileName)
	if carving == None:
		return None
	interpretGcode = str( carving )
	if interpretGcode == '':
		return None
	repository = settings.getReadRepository( InterpretRepository() )
	if repository.printInterpretion.value:
		print( interpretGcode )
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind('.') ] + '_interpret.' + carving.getInterpretationSuffix()
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, interpretGcode )
	print('The interpret file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(suffixFileName) )
	print('It took %s to interpret the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
	textProgram = repository.textProgram.value
	if textProgram == '':
		return None
	if textProgram == 'webbrowser':
		return None
	textFilePath = '"' + os.path.normpath(suffixFileName) + '"' # " to send in file name with spaces
	shellCommand = textProgram + ' ' + textFilePath
	print('Sending the shell command:')
	print( shellCommand )
	commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
	if commandResult != 0:
		print('It may be that the system could not find the %s program.' % textProgram )
		print('If so, try installing the %s program or look for another one, like Open Office which can be found at:' % textProgram )
		print('Open office writer can then be started from the command line with the command "soffice -writer".')
Exemple #6
	def writeOutput( self, fileName = ''):
		"Cleave a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, cleave the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
		startTime = time.time()
		print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(fileName) + ' is being cleaved.')
		repository = CleaveRepository()
		cleaveGcode = self.getCraftedText( fileName, '', repository )
		if cleaveGcode == '':
		suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind('.') ] + '_cleave.svg'
		suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
		suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
		suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
		gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, cleaveGcode )
		print('The cleaved file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(suffixFileName) )
		print('It took %s to cleave the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
		settings.openSVGPage( suffixFileName, repository.svgViewer.value )
Exemple #7
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Export a gcode linear move file."
	fileName = fabmetheus_interpret.getFirstTranslatorFileNameUnmodified( fileName )
	if fileName == '':
	exportRepository = ExportRepository()
	settings.getReadRepository( exportRepository )
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) + ' is being chain exported.' )
	Filehandle = open ('report.txt', 'w')
	Filehandle.write ('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) + ' is being chain exported.\n')
	Filehandle.close ()
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_export.' + exportRepository.fileExtension.value
	gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText( fileName, '' )
	procedures = skeinforge_craft.getProcedures( 'export', gcodeText )
	gcodeText = skeinforge_craft.getChainTextFromProcedures( fileName, procedures[ : - 1 ], gcodeText )
	if gcodeText == '':
	skeinforge_analyze.writeOutput( suffixFileName, gcodeText )
	if exportRepository.savePenultimateGcode.value:
		penultimateFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_penultimate.gcode'
		gcodec.writeFileText( penultimateFileName, gcodeText )
		print( 'The penultimate file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( penultimateFileName ) )
	exportChainGcode = getCraftedTextFromText( gcodeText, exportRepository )
	replaceableExportChainGcode = None
	selectedPluginModule = getSelectedPluginModule( exportRepository.exportPlugins )
	if selectedPluginModule == None:
		replaceableExportChainGcode = exportChainGcode
		if selectedPluginModule.isReplaceable():
			replaceableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
			selectedPluginModule.writeOutput( suffixFileName, exportChainGcode )
	if replaceableExportChainGcode != None:
		replaceableExportChainGcode = getReplaced( replaceableExportChainGcode )
		gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, replaceableExportChainGcode )
		print( 'The exported file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	if exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value != '':
		if replaceableExportChainGcode == None:
			replaceableExportChainGcode = selectedPluginModule.getOutput( exportChainGcode )
		exec( 'print >> ' + exportRepository.alsoSendOutputTo.value + ', replaceableExportChainGcode' )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to export the file.' )
	Filehandle = open ('report.txt', 'a')
	Filehandle.write ('It took '+ str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) )+' seconds to export the file.')
	Filehandle.close ()
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = ''):
	"Write the exported version of a gcode file."
	binary16ByteRepository = Binary16ByteRepository()
	settings.getReadRepository( binary16ByteRepository )
	gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText( fileName, gcodeText )
	skeinOutput = getOutput( gcodeText, binary16ByteRepository )
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind('.') ] + '.' + binary16ByteRepository.fileExtension.value
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, skeinOutput )
	print('The converted file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
Exemple #9
def writeOutput( fileName, gcodeText = '' ):
	"Write the exported version of a gcode file."
	gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText( fileName, gcodeText )
	repository = GcodeStepRepository()
	settings.getReadRepository( repository )
	output = getOutput( gcodeText, repository )
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_gcode_step.gcode'
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, output )
	print( 'The converted file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
Exemple #10
def writeOutput(fileName, gcodeText=''):
    "Write the exported version of a gcode file."
    gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText(fileName, gcodeText)
    repository = GcodeStepRepository()
    output = getOutput(gcodeText, repository)
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_gcode_step.gcode'
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, output)
    print('The converted file is saved as ' +
Exemple #11
def writeOutput(fileName, gcodeText=''):
    "Write the exported version of a gcode file."
    binary16ByteRepository = Binary16ByteRepository()
    gcodeText = gcodec.getGcodeFileText(fileName, gcodeText)
    skeinOutput = getOutput(gcodeText, binary16ByteRepository)
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind(
        '.')] + '.' + binary16ByteRepository.fileExtension.value
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, skeinOutput)
    print('The converted file is saved as ' +
Exemple #12
def writeOutput(fileName=''):
    "Chop a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, chop the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
    startTime = time.time()
    print('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(fileName) +
          ' is being chopped.')
    repository = ChopRepository()
    chopGcode = getCraftedText(fileName, '', repository)
    if chopGcode == '':
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_chop.svg'
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
    suffixFileName = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, chopGcode)
    print('The chopped file is saved as ' +
    print('It took %s to chop the file.' %
          euclidean.getDurationString(time.time() - startTime))
    settings.openSVGPage(suffixFileName, repository.svgViewer.value)
Exemple #13
def writeOutput( fileName = '' ):
	"Cleave a GNU Triangulated Surface file.  If no fileName is specified, cleave the first GNU Triangulated Surface file in this folder."
	if fileName == '':
		unmodified = gcodec.getFilesWithFileTypesWithoutWords( fabmetheus_interpret.getImportPluginFileNames() )
		if len( unmodified ) == 0:
			print( "There are no carvable files in this folder." )
		fileName = unmodified[ 0 ]
	startTime = time.time()
	print( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) + ' is being cleaved.' )
	cleaveGcode = getCraftedText( fileName )
	if cleaveGcode == '':
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_cleave.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFileName )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFileName ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, cleaveGcode )
	print( 'The cleaved file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to cleave the file.' )
	settings.openWebPage( suffixFileName )
Exemple #14
def analyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, repository = None ):
	"Write statistics for a gcode file."
	print( '' )
	print( '' )
	print( 'Statistics are being generated for the file ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) )
	if repository == None:
		repository = settings.getReadRepository( StatisticRepository() )
	skein = StatisticSkein()
	statisticGcode = skein.getCraftedGcode( gcodeText, repository )
	if repository.printStatistics.value:
		print( statisticGcode )
	if repository.saveStatistics.value:
		gcodec.writeFileMessageEnd( '.txt', fileName, statisticGcode, 'The statistics file is saved as ' )
	def execute(self):
		"Export the canvas as an svg file."
		svgFileName = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( self.fileName, self.suffix )
		boundingBox = self.canvas.bbox( settings.Tkinter.ALL ) # tuple (w, n, e, s)
		self.boxW = boundingBox[0]
		self.boxN = boundingBox[1]
		boxWidth = boundingBox[2] - self.boxW
		boxHeight = boundingBox[3] - self.boxN
		print('Exported svg file saved as ' + svgFileName )
		svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory( settings.__file__, os.path.join('templates', 'canvas_template.svg') )
		output = cStringIO.StringIO()
		lines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
		firstWordTable = {}
		firstWordTable['height="999px"'] = '		height="%spx"' % int( round( boxHeight ) )
		firstWordTable['<!--replaceLineWith_coloredLines-->'] = self.getCanvasLinesOutput()
		firstWordTable['replaceLineWithTitle'] = gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( self.fileName )
		firstWordTable['width="999px"'] = '		width="%spx"' % int( round( boxWidth ) )
		for line in lines:
			parseLineReplace( firstWordTable, line, output )
		gcodec.writeFileText( svgFileName, output.getvalue() )
		fileExtension = self.fileExtension.value
		svgViewer = self.svgViewer.value
		if svgViewer == '':
		if svgViewer == 'webbrowser':
			settings.openWebPage( svgFileName )
		svgFilePath = '"' + os.path.normpath( svgFileName ) + '"' # " to send in file name with spaces
		shellCommand = svgViewer + ' ' + svgFilePath
		if fileExtension == '':
			print('Sending the shell command:')
			print( shellCommand )
			commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
			if commandResult != 0:
				print('It may be that the system could not find the %s program.' % svgViewer )
				print('If so, try installing the %s program or look for another svg viewer, like Netscape which can be found at:' % svgViewer )
		convertedFileName = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( svgFilePath, '.' + fileExtension + '"')
		shellCommand += ' ' + convertedFileName
		print('Sending the shell command:')
		print( shellCommand )
		commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
		if commandResult != 0:
			print('The %s program could not convert the svg to the %s file format.' % ( svgViewer, fileExtension ) )
			print('Try installing the %s program or look for another one, like Image Magick which can be found at:' % svgViewer )
	def execute( self ):
		"Export the canvas as an svg file."
		svgFileName = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( self.fileName, self.suffix )
		boundingBox = self.canvas.bbox( settings.Tkinter.ALL ) # tuple (w, n, e, s)
		self.boxW = boundingBox[ 0 ]
		self.boxN = boundingBox[ 1 ]
		boxWidth = boundingBox[ 2 ] - self.boxW
		boxHeight = boundingBox[ 3 ] - self.boxN
		print( 'Exported svg file saved as ' + svgFileName )
		svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory( settings.__file__, os.path.join( 'templates', 'canvas_template.svg' ) )
		output = cStringIO.StringIO()
		lines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
		firstWordTable = {}
		firstWordTable[ 'height="999px"' ] = '		height="%spx"' % int( round( boxHeight ) )
		firstWordTable[ '<!--replaceLineWith_coloredLines-->' ] = self.getCanvasLinesOutput()
		firstWordTable[ 'replaceLineWithTitle' ] = gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( self.fileName )
		firstWordTable[ 'width="999px"' ] = '		width="%spx"' % int( round( boxWidth ) )
		for line in lines:
			parseLineReplace( firstWordTable, line, output )
		gcodec.writeFileText( svgFileName, output.getvalue() )
		fileExtension = self.fileExtension.value
		svgProgram = self.svgProgram.value
		if svgProgram == '':
		if svgProgram == 'webbrowser':
			settings.openWebPage( svgFileName )
		svgFilePath = '"' + os.path.normpath( svgFileName ) + '"' # " to send in file name with spaces
		shellCommand = svgProgram + ' ' + svgFilePath
		print( '' )
		if fileExtension == '':
			print( 'Sending the shell command:' )
			print( shellCommand )
			commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
			if commandResult != 0:
				print( 'It may be that the system could not find the %s program.' % svgProgram )
				print( 'If so, try installing the %s program or look for another one, like the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (Gimp) which can be found at:' % svgProgram )
				print( 'http://www.gimp.org/' )
		convertedFileName = gcodec.getFilePathWithUnderscoredBasename( svgFilePath, '.' + fileExtension + '"' )
		shellCommand += ' ' + convertedFileName
		print( 'Sending the shell command:' )
		print( shellCommand )
		commandResult = os.system( shellCommand )
		if commandResult != 0:
			print( 'The %s program could not convert the svg to the %s file format.' % ( svgProgram, fileExtension ) )
			print( 'Try installing the %s program or look for another one, like Image Magick which can be found at:' % svgProgram )
			print( 'http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php' )
def getWindowAnalyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, repository = None ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the settings."
	if gcodeText == '':
		return None
	if repository == None:
		repository = settings.getReadRepository( VectorwriteRepository() )
	startTime = time.time()
	vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getCarvedSVG( fileName, gcodeText, repository )
	if vectorwriteGcode == '':
		return None
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind('.') ] + '_vectorwrite.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, vectorwriteGcode )
	print('The vectorwrite file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(suffixFileName) )
	print('It took %s to vectorwrite the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
	settings.openSVGPage( suffixFileName, repository.svgViewer.value )
def analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText, repository=None):
    "Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the settings."
    if gcodeText == "":
        return ""
    if repository == None:
        repository = settings.getReadRepository(VectorwriteRepository())
    startTime = time.time()
    vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getCarvedSVG(fileName, gcodeText, repository)
    if vectorwriteGcode == "":
    suffixFileName = fileName[: fileName.rfind(".")] + "_vectorwrite.svg"
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(" ", "_")
    suffixFileName = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, vectorwriteGcode)
    print("The vectorwrite file is saved as " + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName(suffixFileName))
    print("It took %s to vectorwrite the file." % euclidean.getDurationString(time.time() - startTime))
Exemple #19
def analyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, repository = None ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the settings."
	if gcodeText == '':
		return ''
	if repository == None:
		repository = settings.getReadRepository( VectorwriteRepository() )
	startTime = time.time()
	vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getSVG( fileName, gcodeText, repository )
	if vectorwriteGcode == '':
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_vectorwrite.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFileName )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFileName ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, vectorwriteGcode )
	print( 'The vectorwrite file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to vectorwrite the file.' )
	settings.openWebPage( suffixFileName )
Exemple #20
def getWindowAnalyzeFileGivenText( fileName, gcodeText, repository = None ):
	"Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the settings."
	if gcodeText == '':
		return None
	if repository == None:
		repository = settings.getReadRepository( VectorwriteRepository() )
	startTime = time.time()
	vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getCarvedSVG( fileName, gcodeText, repository )
	if vectorwriteGcode == '':
		return None
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind('.') ] + '_vectorwrite.svg'
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFileName )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFileName ).replace(' ', '_')
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, vectorwriteGcode )
	print('The vectorwrite file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print('It took %s to vectorwrite the file.' % euclidean.getDurationString( time.time() - startTime ) )
	settings.openSVGPage( suffixFileName, repository.svgViewer.value )
def interpretFile( fileName ):
	"Get file interpretion."
	startTime = time.time()
	pluginModule = getInterpretPlugin( fileName )
	if pluginModule == None:
		return ''
	carving = pluginModule.getCarving( fileName )
	interpretGcode = str( carving )
	if interpretGcode == '':
	repository = settings.getReadRepository( InterpretRepository() )
	if repository.printInterpretion.value:
		print( interpretGcode )
	suffixFileName = fileName[ : fileName.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_interpret.' + carving.getInterpretationSuffix()
	suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname( suffixFileName )
	suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename( suffixFileName ).replace( ' ', '_' )
	suffixFileName = os.path.join( suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName )
	gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFileName, interpretGcode )
	print( 'The interpret file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( suffixFileName ) )
	print( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to interpret the file.' )
	def getReplacedSVGTemplate( self, fileName, procedureName, rotatedBoundaryLayers ):
		"Get the lines of text from the layer_template.svg file."
#( layers.length + 1 ) * (margin + sliceDimY * unitScale + txtHeight) + margin + txtHeight + margin + 110
		cornerMaximum = self.carving.getCarveCornerMaximum()
		cornerMinimum = self.carving.getCarveCornerMinimum()
		self.extent = cornerMaximum - cornerMinimum
		self.addRotatedLoopLayersToOutput( rotatedBoundaryLayers )
		svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory( __file__, os.path.join( 'templates', 'layer_template.svg' ) )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'layerThickness', self.getRounded( self.carving.getCarveLayerThickness() ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxX', self.getRounded( cornerMaximum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minX', self.getRounded( cornerMinimum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxY', self.getRounded( cornerMaximum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minY', self.getRounded( cornerMinimum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxZ', self.getRounded( cornerMaximum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minZ', self.getRounded( cornerMinimum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		lines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
		self.margin = getParameterFromJavascript( lines, 'margin', self.margin )
		self.textHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( lines, 'textHeight', self.textHeight )
		javascriptControlsWidth = getParameterFromJavascript( lines, 'javascripControlBoxX', 510.0 )
		noJavascriptControlsHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( lines, 'noJavascriptControlBoxY', 110.0 )
		controlTop = len( rotatedBoundaryLayers ) * ( self.margin + self.extent.y * self.unitScale + self.textHeight ) + 2.0 * self.margin + self.textHeight
#	width = margin + (sliceDimX * unitScale) + margin;
		width = 2.0 * self.margin + max( self.extent.x * self.unitScale, javascriptControlsWidth )
		summarizedFileName = gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( fileName ) + ' SVG Slice File'
		noJavascriptControlsTagString = '	<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(%s, %s)">' % ( self.getRounded( self.margin ), self.getRounded( controlTop ) )
		firstWordTable = {}
		firstWordTable[ 'height="999px"' ] = '	height="%spx"' % self.getRounded( controlTop + noJavascriptControlsHeight + self.margin )
		firstWordTable[ 'width="999px"' ] = '	width="%spx"' % self.getRounded( width )
		firstWordTable[ '<!--replaceLineWith_boundaryLayerLines-->' ] = self.output.getvalue()
		firstWordTable[ '<!--replaceLineWith_emptyString-->' ] = ''
		firstWordTable[ '<!--replaceLineWith_noJavascriptControls-->' ] = noJavascriptControlsTagString
		firstWordTable[ '<!--replaceLineWith_sliceVariableLines-->' ] = self.getInitializationForOutputSVG( procedureName )
		replaceWithTable = {}
		replaceWithTable[ 'replaceWith_Title' ] = summarizedFileName
		replaceWithTable[ 'replaceWith_dimX' ] = self.getRounded( self.extent.x )
		replaceWithTable[ 'replaceWith_dimY' ] = self.getRounded( self.extent.y )
		replaceWithTable[ 'replaceWith_dimZ' ] = self.getRounded( self.extent.z )
		output = cStringIO.StringIO()
		for line in lines:
			parseLineReplaceWithTable( firstWordTable, line, output, replaceWithTable )
		return output.getvalue()
Exemple #23
def analyzeFileGivenText(fileName, gcodeText, repository=None):
    "Write scalable vector graphics for a gcode file given the settings."
    if gcodeText == '':
        return ''
    if repository == None:
        repository = settings.getReadRepository(VectorwriteRepository())
    startTime = time.time()
    vectorwriteGcode = VectorwriteSkein().getSVG(fileName, gcodeText,
    if vectorwriteGcode == '':
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind('.')] + '_vectorwrite.svg'
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
    suffixFileName = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, vectorwriteGcode)
    print('The vectorwrite file is saved as ' +
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to vectorwrite the file.')
def interpretFile(fileName):
    "Get file interpretion."
    startTime = time.time()
    pluginModule = getInterpretPlugin(fileName)
    if pluginModule == None:
        return ''
    carving = pluginModule.getCarving(fileName)
    interpretGcode = str(carving)
    if interpretGcode == '':
    repository = settings.getReadRepository(InterpretRepository())
    if repository.printInterpretion.value:
    suffixFileName = fileName[:fileName.rfind(
        '.')] + '_interpret.' + carving.getInterpretationSuffix()
    suffixDirectoryName = os.path.dirname(suffixFileName)
    suffixReplacedBaseName = os.path.basename(suffixFileName).replace(' ', '_')
    suffixFileName = os.path.join(suffixDirectoryName, suffixReplacedBaseName)
    gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFileName, interpretGcode)
    print('The interpret file is saved as ' +
    print('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) +
          ' seconds to interpret the file.')