Exemple #1
  def save_message(self, sender, recipient, msgid, header, body, origcharset, recvfrom,  processed=0, bulkload=False):
    """import msg as part of transaction.
       if msg is correct then it is stored in base.
       if msg fails validation then it will be saved in bad messages' directory """

    if (len(body)+len(repr(header))) > MSGSIZELIMIT:
      raise FTNExcessiveMessageSize(len(body)+len(repr(header)), MSGSIZELIMIT)

    origdomname, origaddr = sender
    destdomname, destaddr = recipient


    #print "-"*79
    #print "="*79

    #  raise Exception("Verify senderaddress and destination address are listed. (area autocreate, destination is listed, ...)")

    origid = self.check_addr(origdomname, origaddr) # allow autocreate for source
    # no autocreate. only on request and if exists in uplink lists

    # database must have trigger to check address to be created for nodelist and area for echolist and uplinks

    if recvfrom:
      recvfrom_id = get_addr_id(self.db, self.FIDOADDR, recvfrom)
      recvfrom_id = None

    if not bulkload:

      # check domain's "verifysubscription" and if true refuse if not subscribed
      r=self.db.prepare("select verifysubscriptions from domains where id=$1")(destdom)
      if len(r) == 0:
        raise Exception("invalid domain after checkaddress ??? %d"%destdom)
      verify_subscription = r[0][0]

      if verify_subscription: # move to ftnaccess
        # check if message received from subscribed to the destination's address
        maypost, do_create = ftnaccess.may_post(self.db, recvfrom_id, (destdomname, destaddr))
        if maypost:
          print("posting allowed for %d (%d/%s) to %d/%s"%(recvfrom_id, self.FIDOADDR, recvfrom, destdom, destaddr))
          destid = self.check_addr(destdomname, destaddr) # check node in nodelist and area exists
          if do_create:
            print ("subscribe %s to %s %s as uplink"%(recvfrom, destdomname, destaddr))
            self.add_subscription(True, destdomname, destaddr, recvfrom)
          raise FTNNotSubscribed("%d/%s (id=%d)"%(self.FIDOADDR, recvfrom, recvfrom_id), "%d/%s"%(destdom, destaddr))
            # flaw: allow to flood with messages to non-existent addresses. should be checked with trigger in database
        #  (allow create node/point only if nodelisted, area only if listed on bone/uplinks)
        destid = self.check_addr(destdomname, destaddr) # check node in nodelist and area exists

    if len(self.db.prepare("select id from messages where msgid=$1")(msgid)):
      raise FTNDupMSGID(msgid)

    if not self.Q_msginsert:
      self.Q_msginsert = self.db.prepare("insert into messages (source, destination, msgid, header, body, "
            "origcharset, processed, receivedfrom, receivedtimestamp, numberfordestination) "
            "values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) returning id")

    if not self.Q_update_addr_msg:
      self.Q_update_addr_msg = self.db.prepare("update addresses set last=$2 where id=$1")

    if not self.Q_get_max_numfordest:
      self.Q_get_max_numfordest = self.db.prepare("select last from addresses where id=$1")

    with postgresql.alock.ExclusiveLock(self.db, IMPORTLOCK): # lock per all table messages
      # begin insert-lock
      # guarantees that for greater id greater timestamp
      timestamp = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
      print ("Transaction state", self.x.state, str(timestamp))
      if destdomname=="echo":
        numfordest = (self.Q_get_max_numfordest.first(destid) or 0) + 1
        numfordest = None
      new_msg=self.Q_msginsert(origid, destid, msgid, header, body, origcharset, processed, recvfrom_id, timestamp, numfordest)[0][0]
      print ("insert msg #", new_msg, "to address", destid, "number", numfordest)
      self.Q_update_addr_msg(destid, new_msg)
      # end insert-lock

    self.last_message_for_address[destid] = new_msg
Exemple #2
def import_tic(db, fullname, expect_addr=None, import_utime=None, ticdata=None, ignore_pw=False, skip_access_check=False):
  " specify older import_utime value to make imported file the status of aarchive "
  # if "TO" is present
  #   get from links with matching from and to addresses and verify password
  # if "TO" is absent
  #   get to and password from links by from. if two rows are fetched - refuse tic
  # in both cases refuse tic if no row fetched - tics are allowed for password links only
  if ticdata is None:
    filepath, filename = os.path.split(fullname)
    ticdata = read_tic(fullname)
    filepath = os.path.dirname(fullname)

  tic_src = get_optional(ticdata, "FROM")
  print ("from", tic_src)
  if tic_src is None:

  tic_dest = get_optional(ticdata, "TO")
  print ("to", tic_dest)

  if tic_src is None and tic_dest is None and skip_access_check:
    print ("Importing non-FTN file")
    src_id = None
    dest_id = None


    q="select l.address, l.my, l.authentication from links l"
    if tic_src:
      src_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["node"], tic_src)
      q += (" and" if q_args else " where") + " address=$%d"%(len(q_args)+1)
      src_id = None

    if tic_dest:
      dest_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["node"], tic_dest)
      q += (" and" if q_args else " where") + " my=$%d"%(len(q_args)+1)
      dest_id = None

    print (q)
    print (q_args)

    possible_links = db.prepare(q)(*q_args)
    if len(possible_links) > 1:
      raise WrongTic("ambiguos link %s->%s"%(str(tic_src),str(tic_dest)))

    if len(possible_links) == 0:
      raise WrongTic("no matching link %s->%s"%(str(tic_src),str(tic_dest)))

    src_id, dest_id, authinfo = possible_links[0]
    pw = authinfo.find("RobotsPassword").text

    print (src_id, dest_id, pw)

    if not ignore_pw:
      tic_passw = get_single(ticdata, "PW")
      if not ftnaccess.check_pw(pw, tic_passw):
        raise WrongTic("invalid password [%s] for %s"%(tic_passw,tic_src))

  # source and destination verified, now try to find file
  # but before we should check if link can post to specified area
  area = get_single(ticdata, "AREA").upper() # FTN areas must be uppercase
  print (area)
  if not skip_access_check:
    maypost = ftnaccess.may_post(db, src_id, ("fileecho", area))
    if not maypost:
      raise WrongTic("%s may not post to %s"%(tic_src, area))

  fname = os.path.split(get_single(ticdata, "FILE"))[1]

    fsize = get_single(ticdata, "SIZE", int)
  except BadTic:
    fsize = None

  fcrc = get_single(ticdata, "CRC", remove=False)

  print (fname, fsize, fcrc)
  ffullname=find_file(fname, filepath)
  if not os.path.exists(ffullname):
    raise NoFile("file %s does not exists"%ffullname)

  if fsize is not None and os.path.getsize(ffullname)!=fsize:
    raise NoFile("file %s size != %d"%(ffullname, fsize))

  fsize, checksum = sz_crc32(ffullname)

  if checksum != fcrc.upper():
    raise NoFile("file %s crc32 %s != %s"%(ffullname, checksum, fcrc))

  print ("file matches")
  if db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK is None:
    db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK=db.prepare("select oid from pg_class where relname='file_post'").first()
  with postgresql.alock.ExclusiveLock(db, db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK, 0):
    # calculate hash
    # verify if it exists in database
    # if not, post as new (new blob, new name, new destination)
    # if yes, register new name (if differ) and destination for file

    # check if it is not duplicate tic
    # select posting of same origin, area, filename, origin_record
    # if any has same filesize and hash - compare content and drop duplicate

    tic_origin = get_optional(ticdata, "ORIGIN")
    if tic_origin:
      with ftnimport.session(db) as sess:
        tic_origin_id = sess.check_addr("node", tic_origin)
      tic_origin_id = None

    area_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["fileecho"], area)

      tic_originrec = get_first(ticdata, "PATH")
    except BadTic as e:
      print ("PATH is missing, no dupe checking")
      print (e)
      tic_originrec = None

    if tic_originrec:
      print("check if tic is first %s %d %s %s"%((tic_origin, area_id, fname, tic_originrec)))

      for prev_f, prev_l, prev_h, prev_p in db.prepare("select f.id, f.length, f.sha512, p.id from files f inner join file_post p ON p.filedata=f.id "
          "where p.origin=$1 and p.destination=$2 and p.filename=$3 and p.origin_record=$4")(tic_origin_id, area_id, fname, tic_originrec):
        os.rename(ffullname, ffullname+".dup")
        if not fullname.endswith(".faketic"):
          os.rename(fullname, fullname+".dup")
        raise DupPost("similar posting %d, abandom"%prev_p, ffullname)
        # tic with the same first record of PATH - the same posting

    sha512 = hashlib.new("sha512")
    f=open(ffullname, "rb")
      if not z:

    oldf_id = db.prepare("select id from files where sha512=$1").first(sha512.digest())
    if oldf_id is None:
      print("new file content")
      if fsize<=262144:
        print ("save as bytea")
        newf_id = db.prepare("insert into files (length, sha512, content) values ($1, $2, $3) returning id").first(fsize, sha512.digest(), open(ffullname, "rb").read())
        print ("save as large object")
        with ftnimport.session(db) as sess:
          lo=sess.db.prepare("select lo_create(0)").first()
          print("created lo", lo,end='')
          lo_handle=sess.db.prepare("select lo_open($1, 131072)").first(lo)
          f=open(ffullname, "rb")
            if not z:
            print(".", end='', flush=True)
            if sess.db.prepare("select lowrite($1, $2)").first(lo_handle, z) != len(z):
              raise Exception("error writing file data to database")
          if sess.db.prepare("select lo_close($1)").first(lo_handle) != 0:
            raise Exception("error closing large object")

          newf_id = db.prepare("insert into files (length, sha512, lo) values ($1, $2, $3) returning id").first(fsize, sha512.digest(), lo)

      f_id = newf_id
      print("use old", oldf_id)
      f_id = oldf_id

    # add name for filedata
    is_with_name = db.prepare("select id from files where $1 = ANY(names) and id=$2").first(fname, f_id)
    if not is_with_name:
      fnameslen = int(db.prepare("select array_upper(names, 1) from files where id=$1").first(f_id) or 0)
      db.prepare("update files set names[$1]=$2 where id=$3")(fnameslen+1, fname, f_id)

    if import_utime is None:
      utime = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) # convert_post  time to float and use fractions if you have rate more than one file per some seconds 
      utime = int(import_utime)

    print ("post_time=", utime)

    db.prepare("insert into file_post (filedata, origin, destination, recv_from, recv_as, recv_timestamp, origin_record, filename, other, post_time) "
                    "values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, free_posttime($10))")\
      (f_id, tic_origin_id, area_id, src_id, dest_id, datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc), tic_originrec, fname, json.dumps(ticdata), utime)
    print ("inserted successfully")
    print ("unlink", ffullname)
    if not fullname.endswith(".faketic"):
      print ("unlink", fullname)
Exemple #3
def import_tic(db,
    " specify older import_utime value to make imported file the status of aarchive "
    # if "TO" is present
    #   get from links with matching from and to addresses and verify password
    # if "TO" is absent
    #   get to and password from links by from. if two rows are fetched - refuse tic
    # in both cases refuse tic if no row fetched - tics are allowed for password links only
    if ticdata is None:
        filepath, filename = os.path.split(fullname)
        ticdata = read_tic(fullname)
        filepath = os.path.dirname(fullname)

    tic_src = get_optional(ticdata, "FROM")
    print("TIC from:", tic_src)
    if tic_src is None:
        tic_src = expect_addr

    tic_dest = get_optional(ticdata, "TO")
    print("TIC to", tic_dest)

    if tic_src is None and tic_dest is None and skip_access_check:
        print("Importing non-FTN file")
        src_id = None
        dest_id = None


        q = "select l.address, l.my, l.authentication from links l"
        q_args = []
        if tic_src:
            src_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["node"], tic_src)
            q += (" and"
                  if q_args else " where") + " address=$%d" % (len(q_args) + 1)
            src_id = None

        if tic_dest:
            dest_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["node"],
            q += (" and"
                  if q_args else " where") + " my=$%d" % (len(q_args) + 1)
            dest_id = None

        #print (q)
        #print (q_args)

        possible_links = db.prepare(q)(*q_args)
        if len(possible_links) > 1:
            raise WrongTic("ambiguos link %s->%s" %
                           (str(tic_src), str(tic_dest)))

        if len(possible_links) == 0:
            raise WrongTic("no matching link %s->%s" %
                           (str(tic_src), str(tic_dest)))

        src_id, dest_id, authinfo = possible_links[0]
        pw = authinfo.find("RobotsPassword").text

        print("TIC src_id, dst_id, pw:", src_id, dest_id, pw)

        if not ignore_pw:
            tic_passw = get_single(ticdata, "PW")
            if not ftnaccess.check_pw(pw, tic_passw):
                raise WrongTic("invalid password [%s] for %s" %
                               (tic_passw, tic_src))

    # source and destination verified, now try to find file
    # but before we should check if link can post to specified area
    area = get_single(ticdata, "AREA").upper()  # FTN areas must be uppercase
    print("TIC area:", area)
    if not skip_access_check:
        maypost = ftnaccess.may_post(db, src_id, ("fileecho", area))
        if not maypost:
            raise WrongTic("%s may not post to %s" % (tic_src, area))

    fname = os.path.split(get_single(ticdata, "FILE"))[1]

        fsize = get_single(ticdata, "SIZE", int)
    except BadTic:
        fsize = None

    fcrc = get_single(ticdata, "CRC", remove=False)

    print("TIC name, size, crc:", fname, fsize, fcrc)
    ffullname = find_matching_file(filepath, fname, fsize, fcrc)

    if not os.path.exists(ffullname):
        raise NoFile("file %s does not exists" % ffullname)

    if fsize is not None and os.path.getsize(ffullname) != fsize:
        raise NoFile("file %s size != %d" % (ffullname, fsize))

    fsize, checksum = sz_crc32(ffullname)

    if checksum != fcrc.upper():
        raise NoFile("file %s crc32 %s != %s" % (ffullname, checksum, fcrc))

    print("file matches")
    if db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK is None:
        db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK = db.prepare(
            "select oid from pg_class where relname='file_post'").first()
    with postgresql.alock.ExclusiveLock(db, db.FECHOIMPORTLOCK, 0):
        # calculate hash
        # verify if it exists in database
        # if not, post as new (new blob, new name, new destination)
        # if yes, register new name (if differ) and destination for file

        # check if it is not duplicate tic
        # select posting of same origin, area, filename, origin_record
        # if any has same filesize and hash - compare content and drop duplicate

        tic_origin = get_optional(ticdata, "ORIGIN")
        if tic_origin:
            with ftnimport.session(db) as sess:
                tic_origin_id = sess.check_addr("node", tic_origin)
            tic_origin_id = None

        area_id = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains["fileecho"], area)

            tic_originrec = get_first(ticdata, "PATH")
        except BadTic as e:
            print("PATH is missing, no dupe checking")
            tic_originrec = None

        if tic_originrec:
            print("check if tic is first %s %d %s %s" %
                  ((tic_origin, area_id, fname, tic_originrec)))

            for prev_f, prev_l, prev_h, prev_p in db.prepare(
                    "select f.id, f.length, f.sha512, p.id from files f inner join file_post p ON p.filedata=f.id "
                    "where p.origin=$1 and p.destination=$2 and p.filename=$3 and p.origin_record=$4"
            )(tic_origin_id, area_id, fname, tic_originrec):
                os.rename(ffullname, ffullname + ".dup")
                if not fullname.endswith(".faketic"):
                    os.rename(fullname, fullname + ".dup")
                raise DupPost("similar posting %d, abandom" % prev_p,
                # tic with the same first record of PATH - the same posting

        sha512 = hashlib.new("sha512")
        f = open(ffullname, "rb")
        while (True):
            z = f.read(262144)
            if not z:

        oldf_id = db.prepare("select id from files where sha512=$1").first(
        if oldf_id is None:
            print("new file content")
            if fsize <= 262144:
                print("save as bytea")
                newf_id = db.prepare(
                    "insert into files (length, sha512, content) values ($1, $2, $3) returning id"
                ).first(fsize, sha512.digest(),
                        open(ffullname, "rb").read())
                print("save as large object")
                with ftnimport.session(db) as sess:
                    lo = sess.db.prepare("select lo_create(0)").first()
                    print("created lo", lo, end='')
                    lo_handle = sess.db.prepare(
                        "select lo_open($1, 131072)").first(lo)
                    f = open(ffullname, "rb")
                    while (True):
                        z = f.read(262144)
                        if not z:
                        print(".", end='', flush=True)
                        if sess.db.prepare("select lowrite($1, $2)").first(
                                lo_handle, z) != len(z):
                            raise Exception(
                                "error writing file data to database")
                    if sess.db.prepare("select lo_close($1)").first(
                            lo_handle) != 0:
                        raise Exception("error closing large object")

                    newf_id = db.prepare(
                        "insert into files (length, sha512, lo) values ($1, $2, $3) returning id"
                    ).first(fsize, sha512.digest(), lo)

            f_id = newf_id
            print("use old", oldf_id)
            f_id = oldf_id

        # add name for filedata
        is_with_name = db.prepare(
            "select id from files where $1 = ANY(names) and id=$2").first(
                fname, f_id)
        if not is_with_name:
            fnameslen = int(
                    "select array_upper(names, 1) from files where id=$1").
                first(f_id) or 0)
            db.prepare("update files set names[$1]=$2 where id=$3")(
                fnameslen + 1, fname, f_id)

        if import_utime is None:
            utime = int(
            )  # convert_post  time to float and use fractions if you have rate more than one file per some seconds
            utime = int(import_utime)

        print("post_time=", utime)

        db.prepare("insert into file_post (filedata, origin, destination, recv_from, recv_as, recv_timestamp, origin_record, filename, other, post_time) "
                        "values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, free_posttime($10))")\
          (f_id, tic_origin_id, area_id, src_id, dest_id, datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc), tic_originrec, fname, json.dumps(ticdata), utime)
        print("inserted successfully")
        print("unlink", ffullname)
        if not fullname.endswith(".faketic"):
            print("unlink", fullname)