def standardizeInstrumentHeaders(self, rc):
        This primitive is used to make the changes and additions to the
        keywords in the headers of NIRI data, specifically.
        # Instantiate the log
        log = logutils.get_logger(__name__)
        # Log the standard "starting primitive" debug message
        log.debug(gt.log_message("primitive", "standardizeInstrumentHeaders",
        # Define the keyword to be used for the time stamp for this primitive
        timestamp_key = self.timestamp_keys["standardizeInstrumentHeaders"]
        # Initialize the list of output AstroData objects
        adoutput_list = []
        # Loop over each input AstroData object in the input list
        for ad in rc.get_inputs_as_astrodata():
            # Check whether the standardizeInstrumentHeaders primitive has been
            # run previously
            if ad.phu_get_key_value(timestamp_key):
                log.warning("No changes will be made to %s, since it has "
                            "already been processed by "
                            "standardizeInstrumentHeaders" % ad.filename)
                # Append the input AstroData object to the list of output
                # AstroData objects without further processing
            # Standardize the headers of the input AstroData object. Update the
            # keywords in the headers that are specific to NIRI
            log.status("Updating keywords that are specific to NIRI")
            # Filter name (required for IRAF?)
              adinput=ad, descriptor="filter_name(stripID=True, pretty=True)",
              keyword="FILTER", extname="PHU")
            # Pixel scale
              adinput=ad, descriptor="pixel_scale()", extname="PHU")
            # Read noise (new keyword, should it be written?)
              adinput=ad, descriptor="read_noise()", extname="SCI")
            # Gain (new keyword, should it be written?)
              adinput=ad, descriptor="gain()", extname="SCI")
            # Non linear level
              adinput=ad, descriptor="non_linear_level()", extname="SCI")
            # Saturation level
              adinput=ad, descriptor="saturation_level()", extname="SCI")
            # Dispersion axis (new keyword, should it be written?)
            if "SPECT" in ad.types:
                  adinput=ad, descriptor="dispersion_axis()", extname="SCI")
            # Convention seems to be to multiply the exposure time by coadds in prepared data
              adinput=ad, descriptor="exposure_time()", extname="PHU")

            # Add the appropriate time stamps to the PHU
            gt.mark_history(adinput=ad, keyword=timestamp_key)
            # Change the filename
            ad.filename = gt.filename_updater(adinput=ad, suffix=rc["suffix"],
            # Append the output AstroData object to the list of output
            # AstroData objects 
        # Report the list of output AstroData objects to the reduction context
        yield rc