Exemple #1
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.tslc is None:
             self.tslc = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (self.ICAO_address, ) = _get_struct_I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.callsign = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.callsign = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 46
         ) = _get_struct_2d4f2B2i2H().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.position is None:
             self.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
         if self.outline_color is None:
             self.outline_color = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
         if self.fill_color is None:
             self.fill_color = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
         if self.lifetime is None:
             self.lifetime = genpy.Duration()
         if self.points is None:
             self.points = None
         if self.outline_colors is None:
             self.outline_colors = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.ns = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.ns = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 81
         ) = _struct_3i3d5fB4f2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.outline_colors = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 16
             ) = _struct_4f.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #3
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.goal is None:
       self.goal = None
     if self.initial_point is None:
       self.initial_point = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
     if self.desired is None:
       self.desired = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
     if self.actual_pose is None:
       self.actual_pose = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
     if self.running_time is None:
       self.running_time = genpy.Duration()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.goal = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
       _v28 = val1.header
       start = end
       end += 4
       (_v28.seq,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v29 = _v28.stamp
       _x = _v29
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += 4
       (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
       start = end
       end += length
       if python3:
         _v28.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
         _v28.frame_id = str[start:end]
       _v30 = val1.pose
       _v31 = _v30.position
       _x = _v31
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v32 = _v30.orientation
       _x = _v32
       start = end
       end += 32
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z, _x.w,) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v33 = val1.wrench_or_stiffness
       _v34 = _v33.force
       _x = _v34
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v35 = _v33.torque
       _x = _v35
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 6
       (_x.isForceX, _x.isForceY, _x.isForceZ, _x.isTorqueX, _x.isTorqueY, _x.isTorqueZ,) = _struct_6B.unpack(str[start:end])
       val1.isForceX = bool(val1.isForceX)
       val1.isForceY = bool(val1.isForceY)
       val1.isForceZ = bool(val1.isForceZ)
       val1.isTorqueX = bool(val1.isTorqueX)
       val1.isTorqueY = bool(val1.isTorqueY)
       val1.isTorqueZ = bool(val1.isTorqueZ)
       _v36 = val1.time_from_start
       _x = _v36
       start = end
       end += 8
       (_x.secs, _x.nsecs,) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.initial_point.header.seq, _x.initial_point.header.stamp.secs, _x.initial_point.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.initial_point.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.initial_point.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 130
     (_x.initial_point.pose.position.x, _x.initial_point.pose.position.y, _x.initial_point.pose.position.z, _x.initial_point.pose.orientation.x, _x.initial_point.pose.orientation.y, _x.initial_point.pose.orientation.z, _x.initial_point.pose.orientation.w, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.force.x, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.force.y, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.force.z, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.x, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.y, _x.initial_point.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.z, _x.initial_point.isForceX, _x.initial_point.isForceY, _x.initial_point.isForceZ, _x.initial_point.isTorqueX, _x.initial_point.isTorqueY, _x.initial_point.isTorqueZ, _x.initial_point.time_from_start.secs, _x.initial_point.time_from_start.nsecs, _x.desired.header.seq, _x.desired.header.stamp.secs, _x.desired.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_13d6B2i3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.initial_point.isForceX = bool(self.initial_point.isForceX)
     self.initial_point.isForceY = bool(self.initial_point.isForceY)
     self.initial_point.isForceZ = bool(self.initial_point.isForceZ)
     self.initial_point.isTorqueX = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueX)
     self.initial_point.isTorqueY = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueY)
     self.initial_point.isTorqueZ = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueZ)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.desired.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.desired.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 130
     (_x.desired.pose.position.x, _x.desired.pose.position.y, _x.desired.pose.position.z, _x.desired.pose.orientation.x, _x.desired.pose.orientation.y, _x.desired.pose.orientation.z, _x.desired.pose.orientation.w, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.force.x, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.force.y, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.force.z, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.x, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.y, _x.desired.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.z, _x.desired.isForceX, _x.desired.isForceY, _x.desired.isForceZ, _x.desired.isTorqueX, _x.desired.isTorqueY, _x.desired.isTorqueZ, _x.desired.time_from_start.secs, _x.desired.time_from_start.nsecs, _x.actual_pose.header.seq, _x.actual_pose.header.stamp.secs, _x.actual_pose.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_13d6B2i3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.desired.isForceX = bool(self.desired.isForceX)
     self.desired.isForceY = bool(self.desired.isForceY)
     self.desired.isForceZ = bool(self.desired.isForceZ)
     self.desired.isTorqueX = bool(self.desired.isTorqueX)
     self.desired.isTorqueY = bool(self.desired.isTorqueY)
     self.desired.isTorqueZ = bool(self.desired.isTorqueZ)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.actual_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.actual_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 126
     (_x.actual_pose.pose.position.x, _x.actual_pose.pose.position.y, _x.actual_pose.pose.position.z, _x.actual_pose.pose.orientation.x, _x.actual_pose.pose.orientation.y, _x.actual_pose.pose.orientation.z, _x.actual_pose.pose.orientation.w, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.force.x, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.force.y, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.force.z, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.x, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.y, _x.actual_pose.wrench_or_stiffness.torque.z, _x.actual_pose.isForceX, _x.actual_pose.isForceY, _x.actual_pose.isForceZ, _x.actual_pose.isTorqueX, _x.actual_pose.isTorqueY, _x.actual_pose.isTorqueZ, _x.actual_pose.time_from_start.secs, _x.actual_pose.time_from_start.nsecs, _x.effort_sq_error,) = _struct_13d6B2id.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.actual_pose.isForceX = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceX)
     self.actual_pose.isForceY = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceY)
     self.actual_pose.isForceZ = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceZ)
     self.actual_pose.isTorqueX = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueX)
     self.actual_pose.isTorqueY = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueY)
     self.actual_pose.isTorqueZ = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueZ)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.requested_joint_efforts = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.actual_joint_efforts = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.running_time.secs, _x.running_time.nsecs,) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly
    set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend
    use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message
    changes.  You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.

    The available fields are:

    :param args: complete set of field values, in .msg order
    :param kwds: use keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
    to set specific fields.
        if args or kwds:
            super(Status, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
            #message fields cannot be None, assign default values for those that are
            if self.header is None:
                self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            if self.hardware_id is None:
                self.hardware_id = ''
            if self.mcu_uptime is None:
                self.mcu_uptime = genpy.Duration()
            if self.connection_uptime is None:
                self.connection_uptime = genpy.Duration()
            if self.drivers_active is None:
                self.drivers_active = False
            if self.driver_external_stop_present is None:
                self.driver_external_stop_present = False
            if self.driver_external_stop_stopped is None:
                self.driver_external_stop_stopped = False
            if self.measured_battery is None:
                self.measured_battery = 0.
            if self.measured_12v is None:
                self.measured_12v = 0.
            if self.measured_5v is None:
                self.measured_5v = 0.
            if self.drive_current is None:
                self.drive_current = 0.
            if self.user_current is None:
                self.user_current = 0.
            if self.computer_current is None:
                self.computer_current = 0.
            if self.total_current is None:
                self.total_current = 0.
            if self.total_current_peak is None:
                self.total_current_peak = 0.
            if self.total_power_consumed is None:
                self.total_power_consumed = 0.
            self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            self.hardware_id = ''
            self.mcu_uptime = genpy.Duration()
            self.connection_uptime = genpy.Duration()
            self.drivers_active = False
            self.driver_external_stop_present = False
            self.driver_external_stop_stopped = False
            self.measured_battery = 0.
            self.measured_12v = 0.
            self.measured_5v = 0.
            self.drive_current = 0.
            self.user_current = 0.
            self.computer_current = 0.
            self.total_current = 0.
            self.total_current_peak = 0.
            self.total_power_consumed = 0.
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly
    set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend
    use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message
    changes.  You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.

    The available fields are:

    :param args: complete set of field values, in .msg order
    :param kwds: use keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
    to set specific fields.
        if args or kwds:
            super(Marker, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
            #message fields cannot be None, assign default values for those that are
            if self.header is None:
                self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            if self.ns is None:
                self.ns = ''
            if self.id is None:
                self.id = 0
            if self.type is None:
                self.type = 0
            if self.action is None:
                self.action = 0
            if self.pose is None:
                self.pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
            if self.scale is None:
                self.scale = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
            if self.color is None:
                self.color = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
            if self.lifetime is None:
                self.lifetime = genpy.Duration()
            if self.frame_locked is None:
                self.frame_locked = False
            if self.points is None:
                self.points = []
            if self.colors is None:
                self.colors = []
            if self.text is None:
                self.text = ''
            if self.mesh_resource is None:
                self.mesh_resource = ''
            if self.mesh_use_embedded_materials is None:
                self.mesh_use_embedded_materials = False
            self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
            self.ns = ''
            self.id = 0
            self.type = 0
            self.action = 0
            self.pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
            self.scale = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
            self.color = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
            self.lifetime = genpy.Duration()
            self.frame_locked = False
            self.points = []
            self.colors = []
            self.text = ''
            self.mesh_resource = ''
            self.mesh_use_embedded_materials = False
Exemple #6
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.t is None:
             self.t = genpy.Time()
         if self.d is None:
             self.d = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.caller_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.caller_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.orig_caller_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.orig_caller_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.str = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.str = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 58
         ) = _struct_bhiqBHIQfd2I2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #7
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.capture_time is None:
       self.capture_time = genpy.Time()
     if self.timetrack is None:
       self.timetrack = genpy.Duration()
     if self.center is None:
       self.center = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
     if self.keypoints is None:
       self.keypoints = None
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 16
     (_x.capture_time.secs, _x.capture_time.nsecs, _x.timetrack.secs, _x.timetrack.nsecs,) = _struct_2I2i.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 16
     self.bb = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float32, count=4)
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 32
     (_x.center.x, _x.center.y, _x.center.z, _x.size, _x.rotation,) = _struct_3d2f.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.keypoints = []
     for i in range(0, 5):
       val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
       _x = val1
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (self.confidence,) = _struct_f.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.name = str[start:end]
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.goal is None:
             self.goal = None
         if self.initial_point is None:
             self.initial_point = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
         if self.desired is None:
             self.desired = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
         if self.actual_pose is None:
             self.actual_pose = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
         if self.actual_force is None:
             self.actual_force = geometry_msgs.msg.Wrench()
         if self.running_time is None:
             self.running_time = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.goal = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()
             _v11 = val1.header
             start = end
             end += 4
             (_v11.seq, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v12 = _v11.stamp
             _x = _v12
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _struct_2I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 _v11.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 _v11.frame_id = str[start:end]
             _v13 = val1.pose
             _v14 = _v13.position
             _x = _v14
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v15 = _v13.orientation
             _x = _v15
             start = end
             end += 32
             ) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v16 = val1.wrench_or_stiffness
             _v17 = _v16.force
             _x = _v17
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v18 = _v16.torque
             _x = _v18
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 6
             ) = _struct_6B.unpack(str[start:end])
             val1.isForceX = bool(val1.isForceX)
             val1.isForceY = bool(val1.isForceY)
             val1.isForceZ = bool(val1.isForceZ)
             val1.isTorqueX = bool(val1.isTorqueX)
             val1.isTorqueY = bool(val1.isTorqueY)
             val1.isTorqueZ = bool(val1.isTorqueZ)
             _v19 = val1.forceDirection
             _x = _v19
             start = end
             end += 32
             ) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v20 = val1.time_from_start
             _x = _v20
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.initial_point.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.initial_point.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 162
         ) = _struct_13d6B4d2i3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.initial_point.isForceX = bool(self.initial_point.isForceX)
         self.initial_point.isForceY = bool(self.initial_point.isForceY)
         self.initial_point.isForceZ = bool(self.initial_point.isForceZ)
         self.initial_point.isTorqueX = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueX)
         self.initial_point.isTorqueY = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueY)
         self.initial_point.isTorqueZ = bool(self.initial_point.isTorqueZ)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.desired.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.desired.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 162
         ) = _struct_13d6B4d2i3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.desired.isForceX = bool(self.desired.isForceX)
         self.desired.isForceY = bool(self.desired.isForceY)
         self.desired.isForceZ = bool(self.desired.isForceZ)
         self.desired.isTorqueX = bool(self.desired.isTorqueX)
         self.desired.isTorqueY = bool(self.desired.isTorqueY)
         self.desired.isTorqueZ = bool(self.desired.isTorqueZ)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.actual_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.actual_pose.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 206
         ) = _struct_13d6B4d2i7d.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.actual_pose.isForceX = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceX)
         self.actual_pose.isForceY = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceY)
         self.actual_pose.isForceZ = bool(self.actual_pose.isForceZ)
         self.actual_pose.isTorqueX = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueX)
         self.actual_pose.isTorqueY = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueY)
         self.actual_pose.isTorqueZ = bool(self.actual_pose.isTorqueZ)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.requested_joint_efforts = struct.unpack(
             pattern, str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.actual_joint_efforts = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
     if python3:
         codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
         if self.trajectory is None:
             self.trajectory = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory()
         if self.path_tolerance is None:
             self.path_tolerance = None
         if self.goal_tolerance is None:
             self.goal_tolerance = None
         if self.goal_time_tolerance is None:
             self.goal_time_tolerance = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.trajectory.joint_names = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1 = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.trajectory.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             s = struct.Struct(pattern)
             end += s.size
             val1.positions = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             s = struct.Struct(pattern)
             end += s.size
             val1.velocities = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             s = struct.Struct(pattern)
             end += s.size
             val1.accelerations = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             s = struct.Struct(pattern)
             end += s.size
             val1.effort = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
             _v4 = val1.time_from_start
             _x = _v4
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.path_tolerance = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.name = str[start:end]
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.goal_tolerance = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.name = str[start:end]
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.time_from_start is None:
             self.time_from_start = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 6
         ) = _struct_3h.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.positions = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.velocities = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.accelerations = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.effort = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #11
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.time_from_start is None:
             self.time_from_start = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.type, ) = _get_struct_b().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.args = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.args = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.wait, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         self.wait = bool(self.wait)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.positions = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.velocities = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.accelerations = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.effort = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.transforms is None:
       self.transforms = None
     if self.velocities is None:
       self.velocities = None
     if self.accelerations is None:
       self.accelerations = None
     if self.time_from_start is None:
       self.time_from_start = genpy.Duration()
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.transforms = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Transform()
       _v19 = val1.translation
       _x = _v19
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v20 = val1.rotation
       _x = _v20
       start = end
       end += 32
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z, _x.w,) = _struct_4d.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.velocities = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
       _v21 = val1.linear
       _x = _v21
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v22 = val1.angular
       _x = _v22
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     self.accelerations = []
     for i in range(0, length):
       val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist()
       _v23 = val1.linear
       _x = _v23
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
       _v24 = val1.angular
       _x = _v24
       start = end
       end += 24
       (_x.x, _x.y, _x.z,) = _struct_3d.unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 8
     (_x.time_from_start.secs, _x.time_from_start.nsecs,) = _struct_2i.unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.command is None:
             self.command = pr2_msgs.msg.LaserTrajCmd()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.command.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.command.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.command.profile = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.command.profile = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.command.position = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.command.time_from_start = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = genpy.Duration()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 16
         ) = _get_struct_2d().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #14
    # for time and duration we want to extract the slots
    # we want genpy to get the list of slots (rospy.Time doesnt have it)
    # NOTE : slots_types in genpy indicate int32 which is wrong for Time, but correct for Duration
    # Until this is fixed we will treat Time and Duration as "special" like genpy does...
        Sanitizer(lambda v=None: genpy.Time(
                  if v is not None else genpy.Time()),
            'secs': rosfield_typechecker.get('uint32'),
            'nsecs': rosfield_typechecker.get('uint32')
        Sanitizer(lambda v=None: genpy.Duration(
                  if v is not None else genpy.Duration()),
            'secs': rosfield_typechecker.get('int32'),
            'nsecs': rosfield_typechecker.get('int32')

# TODO : common message types with "special type" when we have to rely on custom typechecker construction:
# - std_msgs/Header
# -
Exemple #15
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.window_start is None:
       self.window_start = genpy.Time()
     if self.window_stop is None:
       self.window_stop = genpy.Time()
     if self.period_mean is None:
       self.period_mean = genpy.Duration()
     if self.period_stddev is None:
       self.period_stddev = genpy.Duration()
     if self.period_max is None:
       self.period_max = genpy.Duration()
     if self.stamp_age_mean is None:
       self.stamp_age_mean = genpy.Duration()
     if self.stamp_age_stddev is None:
       self.stamp_age_stddev = genpy.Duration()
     if self.stamp_age_max is None:
       self.stamp_age_max = genpy.Duration()
     end = 0
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.topic = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.topic = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.node_pub = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.node_pub = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.node_sub = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.node_sub = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 76
     (_x.window_start.secs, _x.window_start.nsecs, _x.window_stop.secs, _x.window_stop.nsecs, _x.delivered_msgs, _x.dropped_msgs, _x.traffic, _x.period_mean.secs, _x.period_mean.nsecs, _x.period_stddev.secs, _x.period_stddev.nsecs, _x.period_max.secs, _x.period_max.nsecs, _x.stamp_age_mean.secs, _x.stamp_age_mean.nsecs, _x.stamp_age_stddev.secs, _x.stamp_age_stddev.nsecs, _x.stamp_age_max.secs, _x.stamp_age_max.nsecs,) = _struct_4I15i.unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.timestamp is None:
             self.timestamp = genpy.Time()
         if self.max_time is None:
             self.max_time = genpy.Duration()
         if self.mean_time is None:
             self.mean_time = genpy.Duration()
         if self.variance_time is None:
             self.variance_time = genpy.Duration()
         if self.time_last_control_loop_overrun is None:
             self.time_last_control_loop_overrun = genpy.Time()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.name = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.type = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.type = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 45
         ) = _struct_2IB7i2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.running = bool(self.running)
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #17
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly
    set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend
    use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message
    changes.  You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.

    The available fields are:

    :param args: complete set of field values, in .msg order
    :param kwds: use keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
    to set specific fields.
    if args or kwds:
      super(TopicStatistics, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
      #message fields cannot be None, assign default values for those that are
      if self.topic is None:
        self.topic = ''
      if self.node_pub is None:
        self.node_pub = ''
      if self.node_sub is None:
        self.node_sub = ''
      if self.window_start is None:
        self.window_start = genpy.Time()
      if self.window_stop is None:
        self.window_stop = genpy.Time()
      if self.delivered_msgs is None:
        self.delivered_msgs = 0
      if self.dropped_msgs is None:
        self.dropped_msgs = 0
      if self.traffic is None:
        self.traffic = 0
      if self.period_mean is None:
        self.period_mean = genpy.Duration()
      if self.period_stddev is None:
        self.period_stddev = genpy.Duration()
      if self.period_max is None:
        self.period_max = genpy.Duration()
      if self.stamp_age_mean is None:
        self.stamp_age_mean = genpy.Duration()
      if self.stamp_age_stddev is None:
        self.stamp_age_stddev = genpy.Duration()
      if self.stamp_age_max is None:
        self.stamp_age_max = genpy.Duration()
      self.topic = ''
      self.node_pub = ''
      self.node_sub = ''
      self.window_start = genpy.Time()
      self.window_stop = genpy.Time()
      self.delivered_msgs = 0
      self.dropped_msgs = 0
      self.traffic = 0
      self.period_mean = genpy.Duration()
      self.period_stddev = genpy.Duration()
      self.period_max = genpy.Duration()
      self.stamp_age_mean = genpy.Duration()
      self.stamp_age_stddev = genpy.Duration()
      self.stamp_age_max = genpy.Duration()
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.twists is None:
             self.twists = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.twists = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = dwb_msgs.msg.TrajectoryScore()
             _v7 = val1.traj
             _v8 = _v7.velocity
             _x = _v8
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v7.poses = []
             for i in range(0, length):
                 val3 = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose2D()
                 _x = val3
                 start = end
                 end += 24
                 ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             _v7.time_offsets = []
             for i in range(0, length):
                 val3 = genpy.Duration()
                 _x = val3
                 start = end
                 end += 8
                 ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             val1.scores = []
             for i in range(0, length):
                 val2 = dwb_msgs.msg.CriticScore()
                 start = end
                 end += 4
                 (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
                 start = end
                 end += length
                 if python3:
                     val2.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                     val2.name = str[start:end]
                 _x = val2
                 start = end
                 end += 8
                 ) = _get_struct_2f().unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (val1.total, ) = _get_struct_f().unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 4
         ) = _get_struct_2H().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly
    set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend
    use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message
    changes.  You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.

    The available fields are:

    :param args: complete set of field values, in .msg order
    :param kwds: use keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
    to set specific fields.
        if args or kwds:
            super(TestPrimitives, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
            #message fields cannot be None, assign default values for those that are
            if self.caller_id is None:
                self.caller_id = ''
            if self.orig_caller_id is None:
                self.orig_caller_id = ''
            if self.str is None:
                self.str = ''
            if self.b is None:
                self.b = 0
            if self.int16 is None:
                self.int16 = 0
            if self.int32 is None:
                self.int32 = 0
            if self.int64 is None:
                self.int64 = 0
            if self.c is None:
                self.c = 0
            if self.uint16 is None:
                self.uint16 = 0
            if self.uint32 is None:
                self.uint32 = 0
            if self.uint64 is None:
                self.uint64 = 0
            if self.float32 is None:
                self.float32 = 0.
            if self.float64 is None:
                self.float64 = 0.
            if self.t is None:
                self.t = genpy.Time()
            if self.d is None:
                self.d = genpy.Duration()
            self.caller_id = ''
            self.orig_caller_id = ''
            self.str = ''
            self.b = 0
            self.int16 = 0
            self.int32 = 0
            self.int64 = 0
            self.c = 0
            self.uint16 = 0
            self.uint32 = 0
            self.uint64 = 0
            self.float32 = 0.
            self.float64 = 0.
            self.t = genpy.Time()
            self.d = genpy.Duration()
Exemple #20
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
     codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
         if self.web_go_to is None:
             self.web_go_to = pal_web_msgs.msg.WebGoTo()
         if self.question_tts is None:
             self.question_tts = pal_interaction_msgs.msg.TtsGoal()
         if self.asr_timeout is None:
             self.asr_timeout = genpy.Duration()
         if self.retry_tts is None:
             self.retry_tts = pal_interaction_msgs.msg.TtsGoal()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.web_go_to.type, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.web_go_to.value = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.web_go_to.value = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.text.section = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.text.section = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.text.key = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.text.key = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.text.lang_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.text.lang_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.question_tts.text.arguments = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = pal_interaction_msgs.msg.I18nArgument()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.section = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.section = str[start:end]
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.key = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.key = str[start:end]
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.expanded = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.expanded = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.rawtext.text = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.rawtext.text = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.rawtext.lang_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.rawtext.lang_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.question_tts.speakerName = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.question_tts.speakerName = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 8
          ) = _get_struct_d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.valid_asr_inputs = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1 = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.asr_language = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.asr_language = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 9
         ) = _get_struct_2iB().unpack(str[start:end])
         self.retry_asr = bool(self.retry_asr)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.text.section = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.text.section = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.text.key = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.text.key = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.text.lang_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.text.lang_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.retry_tts.text.arguments = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = pal_interaction_msgs.msg.I18nArgument()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.section = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.section = str[start:end]
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.key = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.key = str[start:end]
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.expanded = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
                 val1.expanded = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.rawtext.text = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.rawtext.text = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.rawtext.lang_id = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.rawtext.lang_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.retry_tts.speakerName = str[start:end].decode(
                 'utf-8', 'rosmsg')
             self.retry_tts.speakerName = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 9
         ) = _get_struct_dB().unpack(str[start:end])
         self.wait_for_interaction = bool(self.wait_for_interaction)
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #21
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.mcu_uptime is None:
             self.mcu_uptime = genpy.Duration()
         if self.connection_uptime is None:
             self.connection_uptime = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.hardware_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.hardware_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 59
         ) = _get_struct_4i3B8fd().unpack(str[start:end])
         self.drivers_active = bool(self.drivers_active)
         self.driver_external_stop_present = bool(
         self.driver_external_stop_stopped = bool(
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #22
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.source_time is None:
             self.source_time = genpy.Time()
         if self.timeout is None:
             self.timeout = genpy.Duration()
         if self.target_time is None:
             self.target_time = genpy.Time()
         end = 0
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.target_frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.target_frame = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.source_frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.source_frame = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 24
         ) = _struct_2I2i2I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.fixed_frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.fixed_frame = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.advanced, ) = _struct_B.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.advanced = bool(self.advanced)
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.pose is None:
             self.pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
         if self.wrench_or_stiffness is None:
             self.wrench_or_stiffness = geometry_msgs.msg.Wrench()
         if self.time_from_start is None:
             self.time_from_start = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 118
         ) = _struct_13d6B2i.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.isForceX = bool(self.isForceX)
         self.isForceY = bool(self.isForceY)
         self.isForceZ = bool(self.isForceZ)
         self.isTorqueX = bool(self.isTorqueX)
         self.isTorqueY = bool(self.isTorqueY)
         self.isTorqueZ = bool(self.isTorqueZ)
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #24
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.target is None:
             self.target = geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped()
         if self.pointing_axis is None:
             self.pointing_axis = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
         if self.min_duration is None:
             self.min_duration = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.target.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.target.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 48
         ) = _get_struct_6d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.pointing_frame = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.pointing_frame = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 16
         ) = _get_struct_2id().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #25
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.pose is None:
             self.pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
         if self.scale is None:
             self.scale = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3()
         if self.color is None:
             self.color = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
         if self.lifetime is None:
             self.lifetime = genpy.Duration()
         if self.points is None:
             self.points = None
         if self.colors is None:
             self.colors = None
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.ns = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.ns = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 117
         ) = _get_struct_3i10d4f2iB().unpack(str[start:end])
         self.frame_locked = bool(self.frame_locked)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.colors = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = std_msgs.msg.ColorRGBA()
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 16
             ) = _get_struct_4f().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.text = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.text = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.mesh_resource = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.mesh_resource = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 1
         (self.mesh_use_embedded_materials, ) = _get_struct_B().unpack(
         self.mesh_use_embedded_materials = bool(
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #26
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.coreStats is None:
             self.coreStats = None
         if self.uptime is None:
             self.uptime = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _struct_3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.name = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.coreStats = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = nasa_r2_common_msgs.msg.SystemCore()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1.id = str[start:end]
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 17
             ) = _struct_2dB.unpack(str[start:end])
             val1.failure = bool(val1.failure)
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         pattern = '<%sd' % length
         start = end
         end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
         self.coreTemps = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end],
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 44
         ) = _struct_3d2i3I.unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   :param numpy: numpy python module
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.segment_time is None:
       self.segment_time = genpy.Duration()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.num_coeffs, _x.segment_time.secs, _x.segment_time.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3i().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.x = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.y = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.z = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
     self.yaw = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.float64, count=length)
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e) #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #28
 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
 :param numpy: numpy python module
         if self.header is None:
             self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
         if self.wrench is None:
             self.wrench = geometry_msgs.msg.Wrench()
         if self.application_point is None:
             self.application_point = geometry_msgs.msg.Point()
         if self.duration is None:
             self.duration = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.link_name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
             self.link_name = str[start:end]
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 80
         ) = _get_struct_9d2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #29
 def deserialize(self, str):
   unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
   :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
   codecs.lookup_error("rosmsg").msg_type = self._type
     if self.header is None:
       self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header()
     if self.control_command_delay is None:
       self.control_command_delay = genpy.Duration()
     if self.control_computation_time is None:
       self.control_computation_time = genpy.Duration()
     if self.trajectory_execution_left_duration is None:
       self.trajectory_execution_left_duration = genpy.Duration()
     if self.low_level_feedback is None:
       self.low_level_feedback = quadrotor_msgs.msg.LowLevelFeedback()
     if self.reference_state is None:
       self.reference_state = quadrotor_msgs.msg.TrajectoryPoint()
     if self.state_estimate is None:
       self.state_estimate = nav_msgs.msg.Odometry()
     end = 0
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 12
     (_x.header.seq, _x.header.stamp.secs, _x.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 38
     (_x.autopilot_state, _x.control_command_delay.secs, _x.control_command_delay.nsecs, _x.control_computation_time.secs, _x.control_computation_time.nsecs, _x.trajectory_execution_left_duration.secs, _x.trajectory_execution_left_duration.nsecs, _x.trajectories_left_in_queue, _x.low_level_feedback.header.seq, _x.low_level_feedback.header.stamp.secs, _x.low_level_feedback.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_B6iB3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.low_level_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.low_level_feedback.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 6
     (_x.low_level_feedback.battery_voltage, _x.low_level_feedback.battery_state, _x.low_level_feedback.control_mode,) = _get_struct_f2B().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sh'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.low_level_feedback.motor_speeds = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     pattern = '<%sd'%length
     start = end
     s = struct.Struct(pattern)
     end += s.size
     self.low_level_feedback.thrust_mapping_coeffs = s.unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 292
     (_x.reference_state.time_from_start.secs, _x.reference_state.time_from_start.nsecs, _x.reference_state.pose.position.x, _x.reference_state.pose.position.y, _x.reference_state.pose.position.z, _x.reference_state.pose.orientation.x, _x.reference_state.pose.orientation.y, _x.reference_state.pose.orientation.z, _x.reference_state.pose.orientation.w, _x.reference_state.velocity.linear.x, _x.reference_state.velocity.linear.y, _x.reference_state.velocity.linear.z, _x.reference_state.velocity.angular.x, _x.reference_state.velocity.angular.y, _x.reference_state.velocity.angular.z, _x.reference_state.acceleration.linear.x, _x.reference_state.acceleration.linear.y, _x.reference_state.acceleration.linear.z, _x.reference_state.acceleration.angular.x, _x.reference_state.acceleration.angular.y, _x.reference_state.acceleration.angular.z, _x.reference_state.jerk.linear.x, _x.reference_state.jerk.linear.y, _x.reference_state.jerk.linear.z, _x.reference_state.jerk.angular.x, _x.reference_state.jerk.angular.y, _x.reference_state.jerk.angular.z, _x.reference_state.snap.linear.x, _x.reference_state.snap.linear.y, _x.reference_state.snap.linear.z, _x.reference_state.snap.angular.x, _x.reference_state.snap.angular.y, _x.reference_state.snap.angular.z, _x.reference_state.heading, _x.reference_state.heading_rate, _x.reference_state.heading_acceleration, _x.state_estimate.header.seq, _x.state_estimate.header.stamp.secs, _x.state_estimate.header.stamp.nsecs,) = _get_struct_2i34d3I().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.state_estimate.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.state_estimate.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
     start = end
     end += 4
     (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += length
     if python3:
       self.state_estimate.child_frame_id = str[start:end].decode('utf-8', 'rosmsg')
       self.state_estimate.child_frame_id = str[start:end]
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 56
     (_x.state_estimate.pose.pose.position.x, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.position.y, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.position.z, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.orientation.x, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.orientation.y, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.orientation.z, _x.state_estimate.pose.pose.orientation.w,) = _get_struct_7d().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 288
     self.state_estimate.pose.covariance = _get_struct_36d().unpack(str[start:end])
     _x = self
     start = end
     end += 48
     (_x.state_estimate.twist.twist.linear.x, _x.state_estimate.twist.twist.linear.y, _x.state_estimate.twist.twist.linear.z, _x.state_estimate.twist.twist.angular.x, _x.state_estimate.twist.twist.angular.y, _x.state_estimate.twist.twist.angular.z,) = _get_struct_6d().unpack(str[start:end])
     start = end
     end += 288
     self.state_estimate.twist.covariance = _get_struct_36d().unpack(str[start:end])
     return self
   except struct.error as e:
     raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  # most likely buffer underfill
Exemple #30
 def deserialize(self, str):
 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
 :param str: byte array of serialized message, ``str``
         if self.trajectory is None:
             self.trajectory = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory()
         if self.path_tolerance is None:
             self.path_tolerance = None
         if self.goal_tolerance is None:
             self.goal_tolerance = None
         if self.goal_time_tolerance is None:
             self.goal_time_tolerance = genpy.Duration()
         end = 0
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 12
         ) = _get_struct_3I().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += length
         if python3:
             self.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end].decode(
             self.trajectory.header.frame_id = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.trajectory.joint_names = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1 = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1 = str[start:end]
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.trajectory.points = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.positions = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.velocities = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.accelerations = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             pattern = '<%sd' % length
             start = end
             end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
             val1.effort = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
             _v2 = val1.time_from_start
             _x = _v2
             start = end
             end += 8
             ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.path_tolerance = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1.name = str[start:end]
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         start = end
         end += 4
         (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
         self.goal_tolerance = []
         for i in range(0, length):
             val1 = control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance()
             start = end
             end += 4
             (length, ) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
             start = end
             end += length
             if python3:
                 val1.name = str[start:end].decode('utf-8')
                 val1.name = str[start:end]
             _x = val1
             start = end
             end += 24
             ) = _get_struct_3d().unpack(str[start:end])
         _x = self
         start = end
         end += 8
         ) = _get_struct_2i().unpack(str[start:end])
         return self
     except struct.error as e:
         raise genpy.DeserializationError(e)  #most likely buffer underfill