from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

import gittip
from gittip.billing.payday import Payday
from gittip import testing, wireup
from mock import patch

# commaize

simplate = testing.load_simplate('/about/stats.html')
commaize = simplate.pages[0]['commaize']

def test_commaize_commaizes():
    actual = commaize(1000.0)
    assert actual == "1,000", actual

def test_commaize_commaizes_and_obeys_decimal_places():
    actual = commaize(1000, 4)
    assert actual == "1,000.0000", actual

# chart of giving

def test_get_chart_of_giving_handles_a_tip():
    tip = ("foo", "bar", "3.00", True)
    expected = ( [[Decimal('3.00'), 1, Decimal('3.00'), 1.0, Decimal('1')]]
               , 1.0, Decimal('3.00')
    with testing.setup_tips(tip):
Exemple #2
 def setUp(self):
     super(Harness, self).setUp()
     simplate = load_simplate('/about/stats.html')
     self.commaize = simplate.pages[0]['commaize']
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from gittip import wireup
from gittip.testing import load, load_simplate, serve_request, tip_graph
from gittip.billing.payday import Payday
from gittip.participant import Participant
from mock import patch

# commaize

simplate = load_simplate('/about/stats.html')
commaize = simplate.pages[0]['commaize']

def test_commaize_commaizes():
    actual = commaize(1000.0)
    assert actual == "1,000", actual

def test_commaize_commaizes_and_obeys_decimal_places():
    actual = commaize(1000, 4)
    assert actual == "1,000.0000", actual

# chart of giving

def check_chart_of_receiving(participant_id):
    return Participant(participant_id).get_chart_of_receiving()

def test_get_chart_of_receiving_handles_a_tip():
 def setUp(self):
     super(Harness, self).setUp()
     simplate = load_simplate('/about/stats.html')
     self.commaize = simplate.pages[0]['commaize']
from datetime import datetime

from mock import patch

from gittip.billing.payday import Payday
from gittip import testing
from gittip import wireup

# commaize

simplate = testing.load_simplate("/about/stats.html")
commaize = simplate.pages[0]["commaize"]

def test_commaize_commaizes():
    actual = commaize(1000.0)
    assert actual == "1,000", actual

def test_commaize_commaizes_and_obeys_decimal_places():
    actual = commaize(1000, 4)
    assert actual == "1,000.0000", actual

# rendering

class TestStatsPage(testing.GittipBaseTest):
    def get_stats_page(self):
        response = testing.serve_request("/about/stats.html")