def test_pick_cameras(self):
        """Test picking cameras."""

        obj = copy.deepcopy(EXAMPLE_DATA)
        # add a new track with just camera 0 and 2
        track_to_add = SfmTrack(np.array([0, -2.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.array([20.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=2, m=np.array([60.0, 50.0]))

        # pick the cameras at index 0 and 2, and hence dropping camera at index 1.
        cams_to_pick = [0, 2]
        computed = GtsfmData.from_selected_cameras(obj, cams_to_pick)

        # test the camera has actually been dropped
        self.assertListEqual(computed.get_valid_camera_indices(), cams_to_pick)

        # test the camera objects
        self.assertEqual(computed.get_camera(0), obj.get_camera(0))
        self.assertEqual(computed.get_camera(2), obj.get_camera(2))

        # check the track
        self.assertEqual(computed.number_tracks(), 1)
            computed.get_track(0).equals(track_to_add, EQUALITY_TOLERANCE))
Exemple #2
def values_to_gtsfm_data(values: Values, initial_data: GtsfmData) -> GtsfmData:
    """Cast results from the optimization to GtsfmData object.

        values: results of factor graph optimization.
        initial_data: data used to generate the factor graph; used to extract information about poses and 3d points in
                      the graph.

        optimized poses and landmarks.
    result = GtsfmData(initial_data.number_images())

    # add cameras
    for i in initial_data.get_valid_camera_indices():
        result.add_camera(i, values.atPinholeCameraCal3Bundler(C(i)))

    # add tracks
    for j in range(initial_data.number_tracks()):
        input_track = initial_data.get_track(j)

        # populate the result with optimized 3D point
        result_track = SfmTrack(values.atPoint3(P(j)))

        for measurement_idx in range(input_track.number_measurements()):
            i, uv = input_track.measurement(measurement_idx)
            result_track.add_measurement(i, uv)


    return result
    def test_get_track(self):
        """Testing getter for track."""
        expected_track = SfmTrack(
            np.array([6.41689062, 0.38897032, -23.58628273]))
        expected_track.add_measurement(0, np.array([383.88000488, 15.2999897]))
        expected_track.add_measurement(1, np.array([559.75, 106.15000153]))

        computed = EXAMPLE_DATA.get_track(1)

        # comparing just the point because track equality is failing
        np.testing.assert_allclose(computed.point3(), expected_track.point3())
    def test_add_track_with_nonexistant_cameras(self):
        """Testing track addition where some cameras are not in tracks, resulting in failure."""
        gtsfm_data = copy.deepcopy(EXAMPLE_DATA)

        # add a track on camera #0 and #1, which exists in the data
        track_to_add = SfmTrack(np.array([0, -2.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.array([20.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=3, m=np.array(
            [60.0, 50.0]))  # this camera does not exist

    def test_add_track_with_valid_cameras(self):
        """Testing track addition when all cameras in track are already present."""

        gtsfm_data = copy.deepcopy(EXAMPLE_DATA)

        # add a track on camera #0 and #1, which exists in the data
        track_to_add = SfmTrack(np.array([0, -2.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.array([20.0, 5.0]))
        track_to_add.add_measurement(idx=1, m=np.array([60.0, 50.0]))

Exemple #6
    def run(
        cameras: Dict[int, PinholeCameraCal3Bundler],
        corr_idxs_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, int], np.ndarray],
        keypoints_list: List[Keypoints],
    ) -> SfmData:
        """Perform the data association.

            cameras: dictionary with image index as key, and camera object w/ intrinsics + extrinsics as value.
            corr_idxs_dict: dictionary, with key as image pair (i1,i2) and value as matching keypoint indices.
            keypoints_list: keypoints for each image.

            cameras and tracks as SfmData

        available_cams = np.array(list(cameras.keys()), dtype=np.uint32)

        # form few tracks randomly
        tracks = []
        num_tracks = random.randint(5, 10)

        for _ in range(num_tracks):
            # obtain 3D points for the track randomly
            point_3d = np.random.rand(3, 1)

            # create GTSAM's SfmTrack object
            sfmTrack = SfmTrack(point_3d)

            # randomly select cameras for this track
            selected_cams = np.random.choice(available_cams, self.min_track_len, replace=False)

            # for each selected camera, randomly select a point
            for cam_idx in selected_cams:
                measurement_idx = random.randint(0, len(keypoints_list[cam_idx]) - 1)
                measurement = keypoints_list[cam_idx].coordinates[measurement_idx]

                sfmTrack.add_measurement(cam_idx, measurement)


        # create the final SfmData object
        sfm_data = SfmData()
        for cam in cameras.values():

        for track in tracks:

        return sfm_data
def test_compute_track_reprojection_errors():
    """Ensure that reprojection error is computed properly within a track.

    # For camera 0:
    # [13] = [10,0,3]   [1,0,0 | 0]  [1]
    # [24] = [0,10,4] * [0,1,0 | 0] *[2]
    #  [1] = [0, 0,1]   [0,0,1 | 0]  [1]
    #                                [1]

    # For camera 1:
    # [-7] = [10,0,3]   [1,0,0 |-2]  [1]
    # [44] = [0,10,4] * [0,1,0 | 2] *[2]
    #  [1] = [0, 0,1]   [0,0,1 | 0]  [1]
    #                                [1]
    wTi0 = Pose3(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, 0, 0), np.zeros((3, 1)))
    wTi1 = Pose3(Rot3.RzRyRx(0, 0, 0), np.array([2, -2, 0]))

    f = 10
    k1 = 0
    k2 = 0
    u0 = 3
    v0 = 4

    K0 = Cal3Bundler(f, k1, k2, u0, v0)
    K1 = Cal3Bundler(f, k1, k2, u0, v0)

    track_camera_dict = {
        0: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler(wTi0, K0),
        1: PinholeCameraCal3Bundler(wTi1, K1)

    triangulated_pt = np.array([1, 2, 1])
    track_3d = SfmTrack(triangulated_pt)

    # in camera 0
    track_3d.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.array([13, 24]))
    # in camera 1
    track_3d.add_measurement(idx=1, m=np.array(
        [-8, 43]))  # should be (-7,44), 1 px error in each dim

    errors, avg_track_reproj_error = reproj_utils.compute_track_reprojection_errors(
        track_camera_dict, track_3d)

    expected_errors = np.array([0, np.sqrt(2)])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(errors, expected_errors)
    assert avg_track_reproj_error == np.sqrt(2) / 2
def test_get_average_point_color():
    """ Ensure 3d point color is computed as mean of RGB per 2d measurement."""
    # random point; 2d measurements below are dummy locations (not actual projection)
    triangulated_pt = np.array([1, 2, 1])
    track_3d = SfmTrack(triangulated_pt)

    # in camera 0
    track_3d.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.array([130, 80]))
    # in camera 1
    track_3d.add_measurement(idx=1, m=np.array([10, 60]))

    img0 = np.zeros((100, 200, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    img0[80, 130] = np.array([40, 50, 60])

    img1 = np.zeros((100, 200, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    img1[60, 10] = np.array([60, 70, 80])

    images = {0: Image(img0), 1: Image(img1)}

    r, g, b = image_utils.get_average_point_color(track_3d, images)
    assert r == 50
    assert g == 60
    assert b == 70
    def test_select_largest_connected_component(self, graph_largest_cc_mock):
        """Test pruning to largest connected component according to tracks.
        The function under test calles the graph utility, which has been mocked and we test the call against the mocked
        gtsfm_data = GtsfmData(5)
        cam = PinholeCameraCal3Bundler(Pose3(), Cal3Bundler())

        # add the same camera at all indices
        for i in range(gtsfm_data.number_images()):
            gtsfm_data.add_camera(i, cam)

        # add two tracks to create two connected components
        track_1 = SfmTrack(
            np.random.randn(3))  # track with 2 cameras, which will be dropped
        track_1.add_measurement(idx=0, m=np.random.randn(2))
        track_1.add_measurement(idx=3, m=np.random.randn(2))

        track_2 = SfmTrack(
            np.random.randn(3))  # track with 3 cameras, which will be retained
        track_2.add_measurement(idx=1, m=np.random.randn(2))
        track_2.add_measurement(idx=2, m=np.random.randn(2))
        track_2.add_measurement(idx=4, m=np.random.randn(2))


        largest_component_data = gtsfm_data.select_largest_connected_component(

        # check the graph util function called with the edges defined by tracks
        graph_largest_cc_mock.assert_called_once_with([(0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 4),
                                                       (2, 4)])

        # check the expected cameras coming just from track_2
        expected_camera_indices = [1, 2, 4]
        computed_camera_indices = largest_component_data.get_valid_camera_indices(
        self.assertListEqual(computed_camera_indices, expected_camera_indices)

        # check that there is just one track
        expected_num_tracks = 1
        computed_num_tracks = largest_component_data.number_tracks()
        self.assertEqual(computed_num_tracks, expected_num_tracks)

        # check the exact track
        computed_track = largest_component_data.get_track(0)
        self.assertTrue(computed_track.equals(track_2, EQUALITY_TOLERANCE))
Exemple #10
 def test_sfmTrack_roundtrip(self):
     obj = SfmTrack(Point3(1, 1, 0))
     obj.add_measurement(0, Point2(-1, 5))
     obj.add_measurement(1, Point2(6, 2))
Exemple #11
    def triangulate(
        self, track_2d: SfmTrack2d
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[SfmTrack], Optional[float], bool]:
        """Triangulates 3D point according to the configured triangulation mode.

            track: feature track from which measurements are to be extracted

            track with inlier measurements and 3D landmark. None returned if triangulation fails or has high error.
            avg_track_reproj_error: reprojection error of 3d triangulated point to each image plane
                Note: this may be "None" if the 3d point could not be triangulated successfully
                due to a cheirality exception or insufficient number of RANSAC inlier measurements
            is_cheirality_failure: boolean representing whether the selected 2d measurements lead
                to a cheirality exception upon triangulation
        if self.mode in [
            best_inliers = self.execute_ransac_variant(track_2d)

        elif self.mode == TriangulationParam.NO_RANSAC:
            best_inliers = np.ones(len(track_2d.measurements),
                                   dtype=bool)  # all marked as inliers

        inlier_idxs = (np.where(best_inliers)[0]).tolist()

        is_cheirality_failure = False
        if len(inlier_idxs) < 2:
            return None, None, is_cheirality_failure

        inlier_track = track_2d.select_subset(inlier_idxs)

        camera_track, measurement_track = self.extract_measurements(
            triangulated_pt = gtsam.triangulatePoint3(
        except RuntimeError:
            is_cheirality_failure = True
            return None, None, is_cheirality_failure

        # compute reprojection errors for each measurement
        reproj_errors = self.compute_track_reprojection_errors(
            inlier_track.measurements, triangulated_pt)

        # all the measurements should have error < threshold
        if not np.all(reproj_errors < self.reproj_error_thresh):
            return None, reproj_errors.mean(), is_cheirality_failure

        track_3d = SfmTrack(triangulated_pt)
        for i, uv in inlier_track.measurements:
            track_3d.add_measurement(i, uv)

        avg_track_reproj_error = reproj_errors.mean()
        return track_3d, avg_track_reproj_error, is_cheirality_failure