Exemple #1
def gv_layout(nodes,edges,mode="dot"):
	G = gv.graph("root")
	s = gv.graph(G,"test")
	for i in nodes:
		sg = "%02x %s"%(i,nodes[i][0])
		n = gv.node(s,sg)
		if nodes[i][0] in gv_colors:

	for i in edges:
		if i[0] in nodes and i[1] in nodes:
			e = gv.edge(G,"%02x %s"%(i[0],nodes[i[0]][0]),"%02x %s"%(i[1],nodes[i[1]][0]))
	gv.layout(G, mode)
# for debugging purposes
	devs = {}
	fn = gv.firstnode(G)
		devs[gv.nameof(fn)] = gv.getv(fn,"pos").split(",")
		print 'Failed in gv_render'
	for i in range(len(nodes)-1):
		fn = gv.nextnode(G,fn)
		devs[gv.nameof(fn)] = gv.getv(fn,"pos").split(",")

	return devs
Exemple #2
def gv_layout(nodes, edges, mode="dot"):
    G = gv.graph("root")
    s = gv.graph(G, "test")
    for i in nodes:
        sg = "%02x %s" % (i, nodes[i][0])
        n = gv.node(s, sg)
        if nodes[i][0] in gv_colors:
            gv.setv(n, "color", gv_colors[nodes[i][0]])
            gv.setv(n, "style", "filled")

    for i in edges:
        if i[0] in nodes and i[1] in nodes:
            e = gv.edge(G, "%02x %s" % (i[0], nodes[i[0]][0]),
                        "%02x %s" % (i[1], nodes[i[1]][0]))
            gv.setv(e, "dir", "none")
    gv.layout(G, mode)
    # for debugging purposes
    gv.render(G, 'svg', 'test.svg')
    devs = {}
    fn = gv.firstnode(G)
        devs[gv.nameof(fn)] = gv.getv(fn, "pos").split(",")
        print 'Failed in gv_render'
    for i in range(len(nodes) - 1):
        fn = gv.nextnode(G, fn)
        devs[gv.nameof(fn)] = gv.getv(fn, "pos").split(",")

    return devs
 def __iter__(self):
     cur = gv.firstedge(self.parent.handle)
     while gv.ok(cur):
         yield (decode_page(gv.nameof(gv.tailof(cur))), 
                decode_page(gv.nameof(gv.headof(cur)))), \
         cur = gv.nextedge(self.parent.handle, cur)
 def __iter__(self):
     """ Iterates over item attributes. """
     attr = gv.firstattr(self.handle)
     while gv.ok(attr):
         yield gv.nameof(attr), \
             decode_page(gv.getv(self.handle, attr))
         attr = gv.nextattr(self.handle, attr)
def GetAttrs(obj):
	while gsym:
	return attrs
 def __iter__(self):
     """ Iterate over all items, yielding Graphviz.<type> items
     handle = self.parent.handle
     cur = getattr(gv, "first%s" % self.type)(handle)
     nextitem = getattr(gv, "next%s" % self.type)
     while gv.ok(cur):
         yield self.get(gv.nameof(cur))
         cur = nextitem(handle, cur)
Exemple #7
def main():
    # create a new empty graph
    G = gv.digraph('G')
    # define a simple graph ( A->B )
    gv.edge(gv.node(G, 'A'), gv.node(G, 'B'))
    # compute a directed graph layout
    gv.layout(G, 'dot')
    # annotate the graph with the layout information
    # do something with the layout
    n = gv.firstnode(G)
    while n:
        print 'node ' + gv.nameof(n) + ' is at ' + gv.getv(n, 'pos')
        e = gv.firstout(n)
        while e:
            print 'edge ' + gv.nameof(gv.tailof(e)) + '->' + gv.nameof(
                gv.headof(e)) + ' is at ' + gv.getv(e, 'pos')
            e = gv.nextout(n, e)
        n = gv.nextnode(G, n)
Exemple #8
	def initialise_nodes(self):
		# Bake in the node attributes from 'dot' layout
		gv.layout(self.gvo, 'dot')
		# iterate over node attributes to get/set node positions
		# see gv.3python.pdf for more info
		# as well as https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-interest/2006q1/003182.html
		n = gv.firstnode(self.gvo)
		#store min and max x and y
		minx = 0
		miny = 0
		maxx = None
		maxy = None
		# store the node label and position as reported by Dot layout
		nodepos = {} # {<node object>:(x,y)}
		while gv.ok(n) : # check that the iterator returned by firstnode is ok
			label = gv.nameof(n)
			spos = gv.getv(n,'pos').split(',') # list of strings 
			(xpos,ypos) = [float(i) for i in spos] # convert to float
			node = self.dag.get_node_from_label(label)
			pos = node.get_position()
			if pos != None:
				# Set xpos and ypos if they are already defined in node.get_position()
				(xpos,ypos) = pos				
			print xpos, ypos
			# set min and max values
			if minx > xpos:
				minx = xpos
			if maxx < xpos:
				maxx = xpos
			if miny > ypos:
				miny = ypos
			if maxy < ypos:
				maxy = ypos
			nodepos[node] = (xpos, ypos)
			#change node before iteration
			n = gv.nextnode(self.gvo, n)
		print "min", minx, miny
		print "max", maxx, maxy
		# Set the position in all nodes
		for node, pos in nodepos.iteritems():			
    def _iterattrs(self, handle=""):
        """ Iterate over the attributes of a graph item.

        If no handle attribute is given, iterates over the attributes
        of the root graph
        if not handle:
            handle = self.handle
        attr = gv.firstattr(handle)
        while gv.ok(attr):
            yield gv.nameof(attr), decode_page(gv.getv(handle, attr))
            attr = gv.nextattr(handle, attr)
Exemple #10
	def _getNodesFromDAG(self):
		# Get the dotfile from the DAG
		dot = self.dag.get_dot()
		gvo = gv.readstring(dot)
		# Bake in the node attributes from 'dot' layout
		gv.layout(gvo, 'dot')
		# iterate over node attributes to get/set node positions
		# see gv.3python.pdf for more info
		# as well as https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-interest/2006q1/003182.html
		n = gv.firstnode(gvo)
				#store min and max x and y
		minx = 0
		miny = 0
		maxx = None
		maxy = None
		# store the node label and position as reported by Dot layout
		nodepos = {} # {<node object>:(x,y)}
		while gv.ok(n) : # check that the iterator returned by firstnode is ok
			label = gv.nameof(n)
			spos = gv.getv(n,'pos').split(',') # list of strings 
			(xpos,ypos) = [float(i) for i in spos] # convert to float
			node = self.dag.get_node_from_label(label)
			pos = node.get_position()
			if pos != None:
				# Set xpos and ypos if they are already defined in node.get_position()
				(xpos,ypos) = pos				
			# set min and max values
			if minx > xpos:
				minx = xpos
			if maxx < xpos:
				maxx = xpos
			if miny > ypos:
				miny = ypos
			if maxy < ypos:
				maxy = ypos
			nodepos[node] = (xpos, ypos)
			#change node before iteration
			n = gv.nextnode(gvo, n)
		# Set the position in all nodes and add them to the graph
		for node, pos in nodepos.iteritems():			
			label = self.dag.get_label_from_node(node)
			v_node = v_Node(label)
		bounding = self.graphview.scene().itemsBoundingRect()
		#self.graphview.fitInView(bounding, QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)
Exemple #11
 def name(self):
     return gv.nameof(self.handle)
Exemple #12
import sys
import gv

# create a new empty graph
G = gv.digraph('G')

# define a simple graph ( A->B )
gv.edge(gv.node(G, 'A'), gv.node(G, 'B'))

# compute a directed graph layout
gv.layout(G, 'dot')

# annotate the graph with the layout information

# do something with the layout
n = gv.firstnode(G)
while n:
    print 'node ' + gv.nameof(n) + ' is at ' + gv.getv(n, 'pos')
    e = gv.firstout(n)
    while e:
        print 'edge ' + gv.nameof(gv.tailof(e)) + '->' + gv.nameof(
            gv.headof(e)) + ' is at ' + gv.getv(e, 'pos')
        e = gv.nextout(n, e)
    n = gv.nextnode(G, n)
 def name(self):
     return gv.nameof(self.handle)
 def __str__(self):
     return "(u'" + decode_page(gv.nameof(gv.tailof(self.handle))) + \
            "', u'" + decode_page(gv.nameof(gv.headof(self.handle))) + "')"
 def __str__(self):
     """ Returns item name. """
     return "u'" + decode_page(gv.nameof(self.handle)) + "'"
Exemple #16
import sys
import gv

# create a new empty graph 
G = gv.digraph('G')

# define a simple graph ( A->B )
gv.edge(gv.node(G, 'A'),gv.node(G, 'B'))

# compute a directed graph layout
gv.layout(G, 'dot')

# annotate the graph with the layout information

# do something with the layout
n = gv.firstnode(G)
while n :
    print 'node '+gv.nameof(n)+' is at '+gv.getv(n,'pos')
    e = gv.firstout(n)
    while e :
	print 'edge '+gv.nameof(gv.tailof(e))+'->'+gv.nameof(gv.headof(e))+' is at '+gv.getv(e,'pos')
	e = gv.nextout(n,e)
    n = gv.nextnode(G,n)