Exemple #1
def test_multichange():

    # timing for performance test
    t0 = time.time()

    # sending data to main function
    data_path = "../data/result/test2_result"
    write_path = " ../data/result/test2_result"
    strain_num = 6268

    # calling the main function
    reader(data_path, write_path, strain_num)

    #   call(["bgzip","../data/result/test2_result_result.vcf"])

    # generatig checksums
    crossval_hash = hash("../data/test/test2.vcf.gz")
    result_hash = hash("../data/result/test2_result_result.vcf.gz")

    #validating checksums
    assert crossval_hash == result_hash

    # printing time outputs
    t1 = time.time()
    print " Extra test 1:" + str(t1 - t0)
Exemple #2
def test_multiChange():

    # timing the function for performance
    t0 = time.time()

    #sending data to main function
    data_path = "../data/result/test1_result"
    write_path = "../data/result/test1_result"
    strain_num = 6268

    #calling main function
    reader(data_path, write_path, strain_num)

    # compressing the results to .vcf.gz
    call(["bgzip", "../data/result/test1_result_result.vcf"])

    # generating checksum for validation
    test_hash = hash("../data/test/test1.vcf.gz")
    result_hash = hash("../data/result/test1_result_result.vcf.gz")

    # asserting test validation
    assert test_hash == result_hash

    #printing time results
    t1 = time.time()
    print "SNP Multichange time:" + str(t1 - t0)
Exemple #3
def test1_test():

    # timing the function for performance testing
    t0 = time.time()

    #sending data to main function
    data_path = "../data/test/test1"
    write_path = "../data/result/test1"
    strain_num = 6268

    #calling main function
    reader(data_path, write_path, strain_num)

    #compressing the file
    call(["bgzip", "../data/result/test1_result.vcf"])

    #asserting the results
    crossval_hash = hash("../data/cross_validation/test1_crossval.vcf.gz")
    result_hash = hash("../data/result/test1_result.vcf.gz")

    assert crossval_hash == result_hash

    #printing tie results
    t1 = time.time()
    print "Time for snp change :" + str(t1 - t0)
Exemple #4
def test2_test():

    # timing for performance test
    t0 = time.time()

    #sending data to main function
    data_path = "../data/test/test2"
    write_path = "../data/result/test2"
    strain_num = 6268

    # calling main fucntion
    reader(data_path, write_path, strain_num)

    # compressing file to .vcf.gz
    call(["bgzip", "../data/result/test2_result.vcf"])

    # generating checksums
    crossval_hash = hash("../data/cross_validation/test2_crossval.vcf.gz")
    result_hash = hash("../data/result/test2_result.vcf.gz")

    # validating checksums
    assert crossval_hash == result_hash

    #printing time results
    t1 = time.time()
    print "Indel test time: " + str(t1 - t0)
Exemple #5
def userSignup(args, sessid=0):
    # password or site-precookie
    # password is manually chosen, but site pre-cookie should be computed from hash(siteid + rootcookie)
    if not MULTIUSER and sessid > 0:
        raise ValueError("Multiuser not enabled, sessid > 0 not allowed.")

    password = args.password
    # global userid
    salt = randstr(SALTLEN)
    passwordhash = hash(password)
    # always compute checks to prevent timing attacks,
    # that could guess if password is in use.
    not_new = passwordhash in data.salts
    not_rare = ALLOWUSERPASSWORDS and not rare(password)
    if not_new or not_rare:
        raise ValueError(SIGNUPFAIL)

    userid = randstr(IDLEN)
    while(userid in data.users): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users?
        userid = randstr(IDLEN)

    username = args.username or ""
    email = args.email or ""

    if username in data.names:
        raise ValueError("Sorry, that username is taken.")

    if email in data.emails:
        raise ValueError("Sorry, that email address is taken.")

    sitecookie = hash(password + salt) # store this entire salt, because it is strictly private on the server.

    data.authhashes.addRow(*authHashes(userid, password, AUTHHASHES))
    data.cookies.addRow(sitecookie, userid, salt)
    data.salts.addRow(passwordhash, salt)
    data.users.addRow(userid, username, email, sitecookie)

    if len(username):
        data.names.addRow(username, userid)

    if len(email):
        data.emails.addRow(email, userid, False)

    print(f" New user created.")
    print(f" User Id: '{userid}'")
    print(f" SiteCookie: '{sitecookie}'")

    name = username
    if len(name) == 0:
        name = userid
    def estimateEdgeWeight(self, a, b):
        estimated_weight = math.inf
        for i in range(self.d):
            node_a = hash(a, self.order, i)
            node_b = hash(b, self.order, i)
            if self.matrices[i][node_a][node_b] < estimated_weight:
                estimated_weight = self.matrices[i][node_a][node_b]

        return estimated_weight
Exemple #7
def autoSignup(args, sessid=0):
    password = randstr(AUTOPASSLEN)
    passwordhash = hash(password)
    while(passwordhash in data.salts): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users?
        password = randstr(AUTOPASSLEN)
        passwordhash = hash(password)
    SignupArguments = namedtuple('Arguments', "username password email")
    signupargs = SignupArguments(args.username, password, args.email)
    userSignup(signupargs, sessid)
    print(" Password: " + password)
Exemple #8
def authHashes(userid, password, n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
        salt = randstr(SALTLEN)
        authcookie = hash(password + salt)
        authhash = hash(authcookie)
        publicsalt = salt[:SALTLEN-SALTSECRET]
    return result
Exemple #9
def updatePublicAccount(userid = None, currencylookup = None, newbalance = None, balancechange = None):
    # TODO test this
    if userid == None:
        raise ValueError("cannot update account for 'None' user.")
    if currencylookup == None:
        raise ValueError("cannot update a 'None' account.")
    if newbalance == None and balancechange == None:
        raise ValueError("newbalance or balancechange required to update account.")

    if newbalance != None and balancechange != None:
        raise ValueError("updatePublicAccount: newbalance and balancechange were both specified. Choose one, not both.")

    if not currencylookup in data.currencylookup:
        raise ValueError("updatePublicAccount: there was no matching currency for provided 'currencylookup'")

    currencyid = data.currencylookup[currencylookup].CurrencyId
    privacctid = userid + ":" + currencyid

    exists = privacctid in data.privaccts
    balance = 0

    pubacctid = None
    if exists:
        pubacctid = data.privaccts[privacctid].AcctId
        acct = data.pubaccts[pubacctid]
        balance = int(acct.Balance)
        pubacctid = randstr(IDLEN)
        while(pubacctid in data.pubaccts): #theoretically this could infinite loop, but when are we gonna have that many users?
            pubacctid = randstr(IDLEN)

    if balancechange != None:
        assert isinstance(balancechange, int), "balancechange was not an integer"
        newbalance = balance + balancechange

    assert isinstance(newbalance, int), "balancechange was not an integer"
    if newbalance < 0:
        raise ValueError("balance may not be less than zero.")

    user = data.users[userid]
    sitecookie = user.SiteCookie
    sitepostcookie = hash(sitecookie)

    acctversion = randstr(IDLEN)
    acctsecret = hash(pubacctid + ":" + acctversion + ":" + sitepostcookie)
    accthash = hash(pubacctid + ":" + userid + ":" + acctsecret)

    if exists:
        del data.pubaccts[pubacctid]
        data.privaccts.addRow(privacctid, pubacctid)
    data.pubaccts.addRow(pubacctid, acctversion, accthash, currencyid, newbalance)
 def addEdge(self, a, b, weight):
     for i in range(self.d):
         hashed_a = hash(a, self.order, i)
         hashed_b = hash(b, self.order, i)
         if hashed_a not in self.matrices[i]:
             self.matrices[i][hashed_a] = {}
         if hashed_b not in self.matrices[i][hashed_a]:
             self.matrices[i][hashed_a][hashed_b] = 0
         self.matrices[i][hashed_a][hashed_b] += weight
         if not self.directed:
             if hashed_b not in self.matrices[i]:
                 self.matrices[i][hashed_b] = {}
             if hashed_a not in self.matrices[i][hashed_b]:
                 self.matrices[i][hashed_b][hashed_a] = 0
             self.matrices[i][hashed_b][hashed_a] += weight
Exemple #11
def userLoginPassword(args, sessid=0):
    if not MULTIUSER and sessid > 0:
        raise ValueError("Multiuser not enabled, sessid > 0 not allowed.")
    password = args.password
    passwordhash = hash(password)
    if not passwordhash in data.salts:
        print("Unknown user password.")
    salt = data.salts[passwordhash].Salt
    cookie = hash(password + salt)
    # print("salt", salt)
    # print("cookie", cookie)
    CookieArguments = namedtuple('Arguments', "cookie")
    cookieargs = CookieArguments(cookie)
    userLoginCookie(cookieargs, sessid)
Exemple #12
def add(db, hash_value, file_path, label, verbose):
    if hash_value is None:
               bytes(file_path.stem if label is None else label, "utf-8"))
        if verbose:
            sys.stderr.write('New entry: "' + str(file_path) +
                             '" with label "' + label.decode("utf-8") + '"\n')
Exemple #13
    def append(self, node):

        new_head = 1
        if self.empty:
            self.empty = False
            new_head = self.head + 1

        self.data[new_head] = {}
        self.data[new_head]['pointer'] = self.head
        self.data[new_head]['node'] = node

        if new_head == 1:
            self.data[new_head]['hash'] = None
            self.data[new_head]['hash'] = hash(
                int(dict_to_binary(self.data[self.head])), self.generator,
                self.prime, self.length)

        node_to_sign = dict_to_text(self.data[new_head])
        z, c, t = sign(node_to_sign, self.pri_key, self.length, self.generator,
        self.data[new_head]['sign'] = (z, c, t)

        self.head = new_head
Exemple #14
 def __init__ (self, key, block_size = 64):
     self.block_size = block_size
     ipadblock = 0x36
     opadblock = 0x5c
 #    for i in range (0,block_size):
 #        ipad = (ipad << 8) + 0x36
 #        opad = (opad << 8) + 0x5c
     self.key = key
     self.keylen = 0
     self.keystr = ""
     while (key != 0):
         self.keystr = chr(key % 256) + self.keystr
         key >>= 8
         self.keylen += 1
     if (self.keylen > self.block_size):
         self.keyhash = hash()
         self.k0str = self.keyhash.parsing(self.keystr)
         self.k0str += chr(0) * (self.block_size- len(self.k0str))
         self.k0str = self.keystr  + chr(0) * (self.block_size - len(self.keystr))
         self.kistr = ""
         self.kostr = ""
     for i in range (0, len (self.k0str)):
         self.kistr += chr(ord (self.k0str[i]) ^ ipadblock)
         self.kostr += chr(ord (self.k0str[i]) ^ opadblock)
def create_content(db, id, name):
    pass_char_options = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!£$%&*@#-_+=?'
    password = ''
    salt = ''
    for i in range(16):
        password += pass_char_options[random.randint(
            len(pass_char_options) - 1)]
    for i in range(8):
        salt += pass_char_options[random.randint(1,
                                                 len(pass_char_options) - 1)]

    hashed_pass = hash.hash(password + salt)

    c = db.cursor()
    username = '******' % (name.lower()[0], name.lower()[name.index(' ') + 1:])
    email = '*****@*****.**' % (
        (name.lower()[0], name.lower()[name.index(' ') + 1:]))
        'INSERT INTO users (userid, username, name, hash, salt, email) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)',
        (id, username, name, hashed_pass, salt, email))
    date = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(28)

    for i in range(random.randrange(4, 8)):
        content = 'Some random text for item %d' % (i)
        title = 'Item %d' % (i)
        date = date + datetime.timedelta(random.randrange(1, 3),
                                         minutes=random.randrange(1, 120),
                                         hours=random.randrange(0, 6))

            'INSERT INTO posts (creator,date,title,content) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
            (id, date.timestamp(), title, content))
Exemple #16
def processURL(url):
    # Hash URL
    token = hash(url)

    siv.v2json(url, token)

    return token
Exemple #17
def main(verbose, database, mode, timestamp, label, path):
    """ Tool to lookup known file hashes """
    mode = 'c' if mode is None else mode

    if database == DEFAULT_DB_PATH:
        database_folder = database.split("/").pop()
        database = environ['HOME'] + "/" + database_folder

    db = plyvel.DB(database, create_if_missing=True)

    path = set(path)
    if len(path) == 0:

    for path in path:
        for file_path in walk_paths(path):
            hash_value = db.get(hash(file_path))

            if mode == 'a':
                add(db, hash_value, file_path, label, verbose)

            elif mode == 'c':
                check(timestamp, hash_value, file_path)

            elif mode == 'u':
                update(db, hash_value, file_path, verbose)

 def constructGraph(self, input_graph):
     # apply hash function on all nodes in graph
     # get buckets of nodes
     # convert the graph into its new representation
     for i in range(self.d):
         self.matrices[i] = {}
         matrix = self.matrices[i]
         for node in input_graph:
             hashed_node = hash(node, self.w, i)
             if hashed_node not in matrix:
                 matrix[hashed_node] = {}
             for adjacent_node in input_graph[node]:
                 hashed_adjacent_node = hash(adjacent_node, self.l, i)
                 if hashed_adjacent_node not in matrix[hashed_node]:
                     matrix[hashed_node][hashed_adjacent_node] = 0
                 matrix[hashed_node][hashed_adjacent_node] += input_graph[
Exemple #19
def find_most_similar(image, resource_dir='resources'):
    :param image - PIL resource
    :param resource_dir Resource directory
    :return Name of what the image probably is

    lst = []
    # Hash the image
    hashed_image = hash(image)

    # Go through all resources in resource directory
    for name in os.listdir(resource_dir):
        # Join the path names
        path = os.path.join(resource_dir, name)

        # Go through all images in new paths
        for fp in os.listdir(path):

            # Load other image
            compared = Image.open(os.path.join(path, fp))

            # If images are the same, return the name of the image
            if image == compared:
                return name
                # Otherwise append to the list the name, and hashed value comparison
                    'name': name,
                    'value': hash(compared) - hashed_image

    def comp(a):
        What key is the comparison being run on?
        return a['value']

    # Sort list with custom key

    # Return the most likely chance
    return lst[0]['name']
def generateProductMapping(product, productCodeMap = {}, duplicateList = []):
    key = hash.hash(product)
    if (key in productCodeMap and productCodeMap[key] != [product]):
        return 1
        productCodeMap[key] = [product]
        return 0
def titles_hash(data_path):
    movie_titles = hash(2**15)

    with open(data_path, 'r') as movies_csv:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(movies_csv)
        next(csv_reader, None)
        for row in csv_reader:
            movie_titles.add(int(row[0]), row[1])
    return movie_titles
def signup(email, password, push_token):
    salt = str(uuid.uuid4())
    password = hash.hash(password, salt)
    sql = """
        INSERT INTO User (email, salt, password, push_token)
            VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);
    query_db(sql, [email, salt, password, push_token])
    return query_db("SELECT * FROM User WHERE email=?;", [email], one=True)
def read_ratings(movies_data, ratings_data):

    movies_info = hash(2**15)
    users_info = hash(2**18)

    with open(movies_data, 'r') as movies_csv:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(movies_csv)
        next(csv_reader, None)
        for row in csv_reader:
            movies_info.add(int(row[0]), [row[2].split('|'), [], 0])

    with open(ratings_data, 'r') as ratings_csv:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(ratings_csv)
        next(csv_reader, None)
        for row in csv_reader:

            #movies_info operations

            data = movies_info.get(int(row[1]))[0]
            data[2] += 1
            movies_info.update(int(row[1]), data)

            #users_info operations

            data = users_info.get(int(row[0]))[0]
            if not data:
                users_info.add(int(row[0]), [[int(row[1])], [float(row[2])]])
                users_info.update(int(row[0]), data)

    for cell in movies_info.data:
        if cell != None:
            if cell[1][2]:
                sum = 0
                for rating in cell[1][1]:
                    sum += rating
                cell[1][1] = sum / cell[1][2]
                cell[1][1] = 0

    return movies_info, users_info
Exemple #24
def verify(message, z, c, t, length, generator, prime, pub_key):
    print("Verifying the signature")
    m_binary = ''.join(format(ord(i), 'b') for i in message)
    if c == hash(int(bin(t) + m_binary, 2), generator, prime, length):
        if (pow(pub_key, c, prime) * t) % prime == pow(generator, z, prime):
            return True
            return False
        return False
Exemple #25
def verify(message, z, c, t, length, generator, prime, pub_key):
    print("Verifying the signature")
    m_binary = ''.join(format(ord(i), 'b') for i in message)
    if c == hash(int(bin(t) + m_binary, 2), generator, prime, length):
        if (pow(pub_key, c, prime) * t) % prime == pow(generator, z, prime):
            return "Signs and message match"
            return "Signs are incorrect"
        return "Message is not the same"
Exemple #26
def webtext(url):
    i = url
    nr = requests.get(i)
    nowtext = hash.hash(nr.text)
    if nowtext != deftext:
        return (
            'There is a possibility that this page has been tampered with.')
        return ('OK')
Exemple #27
def verify(message, signature, public_key):
    # hash the message
    h = hash(message)

    # load the verification module
    verifier = DSS.new(public_key, 'deterministic-rfc6979')
        verifier.verify(h, signature)
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False
Exemple #28
def brute_force_random_find(h, l):
    c = 0
    s = ""
    while h != hash.hash(s):
        s = new_random_guess(l)
        c += 1
        if c % 1000000 == 0:
    return c, s
Exemple #29
def test3_test():

    #timing for performance test
    t0 = time.time()

    data_path = "../data/test/test3"
    write_path = " ../data/result/test3"
    strain_num = 6268

    print reader(data_path, write_path, strain_num)


    crossval_hash = hash("../data/cross_validation/test3_crossval.vcf.gz")
    result_hash = hash("../data/result/test3_result.vcf.gz")

    assert crossval_hash == result_hash
    t1 = time.time()
    print "Time for test 3:" + (t1-t0)
Exemple #30
def createCheck(args, sessid=0):
    userid = getUser(sessid)
    if userid == None:
        raise ValueError(f"You must be logged in to issue a check.")
    lookup = args.currency + ":" + NAMESPACE;
    currencyid = getCurrencyId(lookup)
    amt = int(args.amount)

    updatePublicAccount(userid, lookup, balancechange = -amt) 

    checksecret = randstr(IDLEN)
    checkhash = hash(checksecret)
    while(checkhash in data.checks):
        checksecret = randstr(IDLEN)
        checkhash = hash(checksecret)
    data.checks.addRow(checkhash, currencyid, amt)
    print(f"Check Secret: \"{checksecret}\"")
    print(f"Check issued for {amt} units of {lookup}")
Exemple #31
def login():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        name = request.form["name"]
        password = request.form["password"]
        user = db_session.query(User).filter_by(name=name).first()
        if user is None or user.password != hash(password):
            return render_template("login.html",
                                   error="Invalid Username or Password")
        session["name"] = name
        return redirect(url_for("dashboard"))
Exemple #32
def remove_multiples(p, n):
    print('removing multiples')
    prime = []
    htsize = n
    hash_table = [[]]*htsize
    for py in p:
        #print('processing ',py)
        py_hash = hash.hash(py[0], py[1], htsize)
        #print('checking entry ', py_hash, hash_table[py_hash])
        if py in hash_table[py_hash]:
        #print('appending ', py)
        py_mult = list(py)
        while py_mult[0] < n:
            #print('in while: ', py_mult, n)
            h = hash.hash(py_mult[0], py_mult[1], htsize)
            #print('appending ', py_mult, ' in position ', h)
            py_mult[0] += py[0]
            py_mult[1] += py[1]
    return prime
Exemple #33
def sign(message, key_storage='privatekey.pem'):
    # load the private key for signing:
    f = open(key_storage, 'rt')
    private_key = ECC.import_key(f.read())

    # hash the message
    h = hash(message)

    # sign with the private key
    signer = DSS.new(private_key, 'deterministic-rfc6979')
    signature = signer.sign(h)

    # reurn the signature
    return signature
Exemple #34
def execucao_hash(pag_tam, pag_quant):  # Método de execução da hash
    arquivo = open('dados.csv')
    linhas = csv.reader(arquivo)
    ini = time.time()
    auxhash = hash(pag_tam, pag_quant)
    for linha in linhas:
        if linha[0] == '+':
    linhas = csv.reader(arquivo)
    for linha in linhas:
        if linha[0] == '-':
    fim = time.time()
    return (fim - ini)
def generateProductMappingFromCSV(filename, productCodeMap = {},
                                  duplicateList = []):
    import csv

    with open(filename, 'rU') as productsFile:
        productsList = csv.reader(productsFile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        for row in productsList:
            product = ' '.join(row)
            key = hash.hash(product)
            if (key in productCodeMap and productCodeMap[key] != product):
                productCodeMap[key] = [product]

    return productCodeMap, duplicateList
Exemple #36
 def test_known(self):
   self.assertEqual(680131659347, hash.hash('leepadg'))
Exemple #37
 def update (self, mess):
     self.hash1 = hash()
     self.hash2 = hash()
     return self.hash2.parsing (self.kostr + self.hash1.parsing(self.kistr + mess))
Exemple #38
 def hash_function(self, key, size):
     return hash(key, size)