vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "room", "room")
# with displayArrow parameter the viewer will display velocity and acceleration of the center of the robot with 3D arrow. The length scale with the amplitude with a length of 1 for the maximal amplitude
v = vf.createViewer(displayArrows = True)
ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)

ps.addPathOptimizer ("RandomShortcut")
#select kinodynamic methods : 
# the Kinodynamic steering method require a planner that build directionnal roadmap (with oriented edges) as the trajectories cannot always be reversed. 

print (ps.solve ())

# display the computed roadmap. Note that the edges are all represented as straight line and may not show the real motion of the robot between the nodes : 

#Alternatively, use the following line instead of ps.solve() to display the roadmap as it's computed (note that it slow down a lot the computation)

# Highlight the solution path used in the roadmap

# remove the roadmap for the scene : 

r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","scene_jump_harder","scene_jump_harder")

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

#plotFrame (r, 'frame_group', [0,0,0], 0.6)

# First parabolas: vmax = 7m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(7)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 299 nodes
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff

pathSamples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pathId, 70, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_first", "friction_cone_SG2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_second", "friction_cone_SG2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pathId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone_WP2")


# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5  # DO NOT SOLVE FIRST PATH BEFORE
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 4216 nodes .... 37848 edges
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
r (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
r (q_goal)

ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)
ps.selectPathPlanner ("PRM")
ps.solve ()

from hpp_ros import PathPlayer
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)

pp (0)
pp (1)
class AbstractPathPlanner:

    rbprmBuilder = None
    ps = None
    v = None
    afftool = None
    pp = None
    extra_dof_bounds = None
    robot_node_name = None  # name of the robot in the node list of the viewer

    def __init__(self):
        self.v_max = -1  # bounds on the linear velocity for the root, negative values mean unused
        self.a_max = -1  # bounds on the linear acceleration for the root, negative values mean unused
        self.root_translation_bounds = [
        ] * 6  # bounds on the root translation position (-x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z)
        self.root_rotation_bounds = [
            -3.14, 3.14, -0.01, 0.01, -0.01, 0.01
        ]  # bounds on the rotation of the root (-z, z, -y, y, -x, x)
        # The rotation bounds are only used during the random sampling, they are not enforced along the path
        self.extra_dof = 6  # number of extra config appended after the joints configuration, 6 to store linear root velocity and acceleration
        self.mu = 0.5  # friction coefficient between the robot and the environment
        self.used_limbs = [
        ]  # names of the limbs that must be in contact during all the motion
        self.size_foot_x = 0  # size of the feet along the x axis
        self.size_foot_y = 0  # size of the feet along the y axis
        self.q_init = []
        self.q_goal = []

    def load_rbprm(self):
        Build an rbprmBuilder instance for the correct robot and initialize it's extra config size

    def set_configurations(self):
        self.q_init = self.rbprmBuilder.getCurrentConfig()
        self.q_goal = self.rbprmBuilder.getCurrentConfig()
        self.q_init[2] = self.rbprmBuilder.ref_height
        self.q_goal[2] = self.rbprmBuilder.ref_height

    def compute_extra_config_bounds(self):
        Compute extra dof bounds from the current values of v_max and a_max
        By default, set symmetrical bounds on x and y axis and bounds z axis values to 0
        # bounds for the extradof : by default use v_max/a_max on x and y axis and 0 on z axis
        self.extra_dof_bounds = [
            -self.v_max, self.v_max, -self.v_max, self.v_max, 0, 0,
            -self.a_max, self.a_max, -self.a_max, self.a_max, 0, 0

    def set_joints_bounds(self):
        Set the root translation and rotation bounds as well as the the extra dofs bounds

    def set_rom_filters(self):
        Define which ROM must be in collision at all time and with which kind of affordances
        By default it set all the roms in used_limbs to be in contact with 'support' affordances
        for limb in self.used_limbs:
            self.rbprmBuilder.setAffordanceFilter(limb, ['Support'])

    def init_problem(self):
        Load the robot, set the bounds and the ROM filters and then
        Create a ProblemSolver instance and set the default parameters.
        The values of v_max, a_max, mu, size_foot_x and size_foot_y must be defined before calling this method
        self.ps = ProblemSolver(self.rbprmBuilder)
        # define parameters used by various methods :
        if self.v_max >= 0:
            self.ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", self.v_max)
        if self.a_max >= 0:
            self.ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", self.a_max)
        if self.size_foot_x > 0:
            self.ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootX", self.size_foot_x)
        if self.size_foot_y > 0:
            self.ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/sizeFootY", self.size_foot_y)
        self.ps.setParameter("DynamicPlanner/friction", 0.5)
        # sample only configuration with null velocity and acceleration :
        self.ps.setParameter("ConfigurationShooter/sampleExtraDOF", False)

    def init_viewer(self,
                    reduce_sizes=[0, 0, 0],
        Build an instance of hpp-gepetto-viewer from the current problemSolver
        :param env_name: name of the urdf describing the environment
        :param env_package: name of the package containing this urdf (default to hpp_environments)
        :param reduce_sizes: Distance used to reduce the affordances plan toward the center of the plane
        (in order to avoid putting contacts closes to the edges of the surface)
        :param visualize_affordances: list of affordances type to visualize, default to none
        vf = ViewerFactory(self.ps)
        self.afftool = AffordanceTool()
        self.afftool.setAffordanceConfig('Support', [0.5, 0.03, 0.00005])
        self.afftool.loadObstacleModel("package://" + env_package + "/urdf/" +
                                       env_name + ".urdf",

        self.v = vf.createViewer(ghost=True, displayArrows=True)
        self.pp = PathPlayer(self.v)
        for aff_type in visualize_affordances:
            self.afftool.visualiseAffordances(aff_type, self.v,

    def init_planner(self, kinodynamic=True, optimize=True):
        Select the rbprm methods, and the kinodynamic ones if required
        :param kinodynamic: if True, also select the kinodynamic methods
        :param optimize: if True, add randomShortcut path optimizer (or randomShortcutDynamic if kinodynamic is also True)
        self.ps.selectPathValidation("RbprmPathValidation", 0.05)
        if kinodynamic:
        if optimize:
            if kinodynamic:

    def solve(self):
        Solve the path planning problem.
        q_init and q_goal must have been defined before calling this method
        if len(self.q_init) != self.rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize():
            raise ValueError(
                "Initial configuration vector do not have the right size")
        if len(self.q_goal) != self.rbprmBuilder.getConfigSize():
            raise ValueError(
                "Goal configuration vector do not have the right size")
        t = self.ps.solve()
        print("Guide planning time : ", t)

    def display_path(self, path_id=-1, dt=0.1):
        Display the path in the viewer, if no path specified display the last one
        :param path_id: the Id of the path specified, default to the most recent one
        :param dt: discretization step used to display the path (default to 0.1)
        if self.pp is not None:
            if path_id < 0:
                path_id = self.ps.numberPaths() - 1
            self.pp.dt = dt

    def play_path(self, path_id=-1, dt=0.01):
        play the path in the viewer, if no path specified display the last one
        :param path_id: the Id of the path specified, default to the most recent one
        :param dt: discretization step used to display the path (default to 0.01)
        if self.pp is not None:
            if path_id < 0:
                path_id = self.ps.numberPaths() - 1
            self.pp.dt = dt

    def hide_rom(self):
        Remove the current robot from the display
        self.v.client.gui.setVisibility(self.robot_node_name, "OFF")

    def show_rom(self):
        Add the current robot to the display
        self.v.client.gui.setVisibility(self.robot_node_name, "ON")

    def run(self):
        Must be defined in the child class to run all the methods with the correct arguments.
        # example of definition:
        # define initial and goal position
        self.q_init[:2] = [0, 0]
        self.q_goal[:2] = [1, 0]
        self.init_viewer("multicontact/ground", visualize_affordances=["Support"])

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0,1,0,1], 0.02) # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

plotFrame (r, "_", [0,0,1.5], 0.5)

# First parabolas: vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.312 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes ())

# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.9689 s
# Difficult init config
q1 = [1.45, 1.05, -0.8, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 1.0, -1.0, -0.85, 0.0, -0.65, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.9, 0.0, -0.6, -0.3, 0.7, -0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.1, -0.15, -0.1, 0.3, -0.418879, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, -0.8, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0]

q2 = [6.55, -2.91, 1.605, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 1.0, -0.4, -1.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.5, -0.2, 0.1, -0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

q2hard = [7.60, -2.41, 0.545, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, -0.4, -0.55, 0.0, -0.6, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -2.8, 0.0, 0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.4, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.1, 1.2, -0.4, 0.2, -0.3, 0.0, -0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.0]


# qf should be invalid
qf = [1, -3, 3, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2, 1.0, -0.4, -1.0, 0.0, -0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -1.5, -0.2, 0.1, -0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, -0.2, 0.6, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve ()

ps.solve ()

ps.optimizePath (0)

ps.optimizePath (0)

Exemple #7
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal[rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal[rank] = -0.5

vf.loadObstacleModel("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")



white = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
brown = [0.85, 0.75, 0.15, 0.5]
black = [0, 0, 0, 1]
r = vf.createViewer()
print ps.solve()

## Uncomment this to connect to a viewer server and play solution paths
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
pp = PathPlayer(robot.client, r)

# pp (1)
vmax = 8
mu = 1.2
#vmax = 6.5; mu = 0.5
#cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(mu); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(vmax)

toSeconds = np.array([60 * 60, 60, 1, 1e-3])
offsetOrientedPath = 2  # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2
imax = 3
f = open('results.txt', 'a')

# Assuming that seed in modified directly in HPP (e.g. in core::PathPlanner::solve or ProblemSolver constr)
for i in range(0, imax):
    print i
    solveTimeVector = ps.solve()
    solveTime = np.array(solveTimeVector).dot(toSeconds)
    pathId = ps.numberPaths() - offsetOrientedPath
    pathLength = ps.pathLength(pathId)
    pathNumberWaypoints = len(ps.getWaypoints(pathId))
    roadmapNumberNodes = ps.numberNodes()
    #TODO: number collisions (checked ???)
    #TODO: number parabola that has failed (because of which constraint ??)

    #ps.optimizePath (pathId)
    #prunePathId = ps.numberPaths()-1

    # Write important results #
    f.write('Try number: ' + str(i) + '\n')
    f.write('with parameters: vmax=' + str(vmax) + ' and mu=' + str(mu) + '\n')
Exemple #9
# pp (1)

# test
jp = [-4.016784835909555, -4.671737012514295, 0.9493205942691932, -0.19838422293030356, 0.17672477884262752, -0.35476407311266434, 0.8964120174695772]
ps.createPositionConstraint ("l_gripper", "l_gripper_tool_joint", "", [0,0,0], jp[:3], [1,1,1])
ps.client.problem.setGoalNumericalConstraints ("test",["l_gripper",], [0,])

# qq = [-3.2736323380281704, -4.919012557067956, -0.5645503720485425, 0.8253986172873397, 0.31, 2.4756472106318212, -0.10231121294734401, 0.5832544388135313, 0.9877368674476137, 0.351352194158052, -1.1240948972856866, 0.9832501749355624, -0.1822610586197337, -0.8650504112999698, 0.6602954608097523, -0.7510059283614456, 0.28134369878719734, 0.5218218893957427, 0.5020748972660279, 0.34837002692202573, 0.39307871732911037, 0.012744229982022303, 0.33261894418886817, -0.7484151440244099, -1.5567378515100605, -0.2601290957285226, -0.1203692551331449, -1.9576008301144934, 0.8124905337042794, -0.5829743842064892, -1.8222188044396315, -0.7752624281039475, -0.63163927013001, 0.5474106358659504, 0.11960478411037699, 0.2810869521336104, 0.45983350461154876, 0.3357266282624224, 0.026642845592760873, 0.34937864270125457]
# ps.addGoalConfig (qq)

time = list()
nbNode = list()
nbIter = 1
for i in range(nbIter):
    ps.clearRoadmap ()
    time.append (ps.solve ())
    print i, time[-1], nbNode[-1]

i = -1
while True:
        i = nbNode.index(2, i+1)
    except ValueError:
    indexes.append (i)

import numpy as np
m = np.mean(np.array(time)[indexes],0)
print (m[2]*1000 + m[3]) / 1000., "sec."
Exemple #10
class Agent(Client):
    robot = None
    platform = None
    index = 0
    ps = None
    # we load other agents as ghosts to reduce the computation time while planning
    ghosts = []
    ghost_urdf = ''
    ghost_package = ''
    # to avoid confusion, we use start and end instead of init and goal
    start_config = []
    end_config = []
    current_config = []  # this is not used for now
    permitted_plan = []  # this is the plan generated
    repeat = 0  # to help the selectProblem function

    # an agent should have a robot and the start and end configuration
    # to avoid confusion, we use start_config instead of init_config  and
    # end_confi instead of goal_config
    def __init__(self, robot, start, end):
        self.repeat = 0
        # print 'creating an agent of type ', robotType
        self.robot = robot
        self.start_config = start
        self.end_config = end
        self.current_config = self.start_config
        self.__plan_proposed = []

    # once all agents are generated, we may register the agents to a platform
    def registerPlatform(self, platform, index):
        self.platform = platform
        self.index = index

    # this function gives some information about the agent and robot it is managing
    def printInformation(self):
        print '-------------------------------------------'
        print 'name of the robot:\t', self.robot.name
        print 'configuration size:\t', self.robot.getConfigSize()
        print 'degree of freedom:\t', self.robot.getNumberDof()
        print 'mass of the robot:\t', self.robot.getMass()
        print 'the center of mass:\t', self.robot.getCenterOfMass()
        config = self.robot.getCurrentConfig()
        nm = self.robot.getJointNames()
        print 'there are ', len(nm), 'joint names in total. They are:'
        for i in range(len(nm)):
            lower = self.robot.getJointBounds(nm[i])[0]
            upper = self.robot.getJointBounds(nm[i])[1]
            print 'joint name: ', nm[
                i], '\trank in configuration:', self.robot.rankInConfiguration[
            print '\tlower bound: {0:.3f}'.format(
                lower), '\tupper bound: {0:.3f}'.format(upper)

    # set up the environment
    def setEnvironment(self):
        if self.platform.env != None:
            # self.ps.moveObstacle('airbase_link_0', [0,0, -3, 1,0,0,0])

    # load the other agents to the problem solver
    def loadOtherAgents(self):
        # print 'There are ', len(self.platform.agents), 'agents'
        #load ghost agents
        for a in self.platform.agents:
            if (a.index != self.index):
                # if it is not itself then load a ghost agent
                g = Ghost()
                    g.packageName, g.urdfName,
                    a.robot.name)  # it's the robot's name!!!
                # and then place it at the initial location of the agent
                # print self.robot.name, ' is now loading ', a.robot.name, ' as a ghost'
                config = a.current_config
                spec = self.getMoveSpecification(config)
                spec[2] = 0.3
                self.obstacle.moveObstacle(a.robot.name + 'base_link_0', spec)

    # load agents from the node
    def loadOtherAgentsFromNode(self, node):
        print 'There are ', len(self.platform.agents), 'agents'
        #load ghost agents
        for a in self.platform.agents:
            if (a.index != self.index):
                # if it is not itself then load a ghost agent
                g = Ghost()
                    g.packageName, g.urdfName,
                    a.robot.name)  # it's the robot's name!!!
                # and then place it at the initial location of the agent
                config = node.getAgentCurrentConfig(a.index)
                spec = self.getMoveSpecification(config)
                self.obstacle.moveObstacle(a.robot.name + 'base_link_0', spec)
                print self.robot.name, ' is now loading ', a.robot.name, ' as a ghost', 'it is at ', spec[
                    0], spec[1]

    # note that the default solver does not consider the position of other agents
    def startDefaultSolver(self):
        self.repeat += 1
        name = self.robot.name
        self.problem.selectProblem(str(self.index) + ' ' + str(self.repeat))
        self.robot = HyQ(name)
        self.ps = ProblemSolver(self.robot)

    # initialise a solver from a node, the node contains information about other agents and itself
    # this method is used when proposing plans while interacting with platform for MAS path planning
    def startNodeSolver(self, node):
        self.repeat += 1
        name = self.robot.name
        self.problem.selectProblem(str(self.index) + ' ' + str(self.repeat))
        self.robot = HyQ(name)
        self.ps = ProblemSolver(self.robot)
        cfg = node.getAgentCurrentConfig(self.index)
        print 'this iteration, the agent', name, 'starts from ', cfg[0], cfg[1]

    # this is only used when the agent takes too long (30 seconds) while planning
    def terminate_solving(self):

    # the solve method for problem solver but with a time bound
    def solve(self):
        # try catch -------------------
            t = Timer(30.0, self.terminate_solving)
            print 'solved: ', self.ps.solve()
        except Error as e:
            print e.msg
            print '***************\nfailed to plan within limited time\n**************'
            return -1

        # self.repeat += 1

    # store the path for two reasons:
    # 1. store as a default plan
    # 2. to continue the path
    def storePath(self, choice=0, segments=8):
        # always store the first one for now
        self.__plan_proposed = []
        for p in range(int(round(segments * self.ps.pathLength(choice)))):
                self.ps.configAtParam(choice, p * 1.0 / segments))

        # the last configuration is the goal configuration
        if self.ps.configAtParam(
                choice, self.ps.pathLength(choice)) == self.end_config:
        print 'stored; plan length: ', len(self.__plan_proposed)

    # this is hard colded for now for the airplane example, we should introduce an entry for the environment
    # class about it.
    def setBounds(self):
        self.robot.setJointBounds("base_joint_xy", [-35, 10, -2.6, 4.3])

    #the rest are just some helping functions
    def getConfigOfProposedPlanAtTime(self, index):
        return self.__plan_proposed[index]

    def getConfigOfPermittedPlanAtTime(self, index):
        return self.permitted_plan[index]

    def getProposedPlanLength(self):
        return len(self.__plan_proposed)

    def setPermittedPlan(self, plan):
        self.permitted_plan = plan

    def getPermittedPlanLength(self):
        return len(self.permitted_plan)

    # export the permitted plan to a specific file in the format
    # 	agent X
    # 	config 1
    # 	config 2
    # 	etc
    def exportPermittedPlan(self, filename):
        f = open(filename, 'a+')
        f.write('agent ' + str(self.index) + '\n')
        for p in self.permitted_plan:
            f.write(str(p)[1:-1] + '\n')

    # for the sake of manipulation, we return a copy of it
    def obtainPermittedPlan(self):
        return copy.copy(self.permitted_plan)

        # we will get only a copy of it, not the original one
        # to remind the difference, we use 'obtain' instead of 'get'
    def obtainProposedPlan(self):
        return copy.copy(
        )  #for some reason, sometimes the value would maybe changed???

    # to transfer the specification from 2D to 3D
    def getMoveSpecification(self, config):
        x = config[0]
        y = config[1]
        th = atan2(config[3], config[2])
        # print 'sin = ', self.init_config[3], ' cos = ', self.init_config[2], ' th = ', th
        return [x, y, 0, cos(th / 2), 0, 0, sin(th / 2)]

    # the function to compute a plan, exceptions are not handled in this simple demo
    def computePlan(self, node):
        if self.solve() != -1:
            self.__plan_proposed = self.__plan_proposed[node.progress_time::]
            print 'take the previous one and continue the searching'
            return -1

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

#plotFrame (r, 'frame_group', [0,0,0], 0.6)

# First parabolas: vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.312 s  388 nodes
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff

pathSamples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pathId, 70, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_first", "friction_cone_SG2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_second", "friction_cone_SG2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pathId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone_WP2")


# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(4.5)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.9689 s
import time

robot = Robot ('puzzle_robot') # object5
robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [-0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1])

ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
r = Viewer (ps)
cl = robot.client
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)

# Patchwork of path
q1 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
q2 = [0, 0, 0, 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
# equivalent to : [0, 0, 0, -0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781] q7
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)
ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()

q3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
# equivalent to : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1] q8
ps.setInitialConfig (q2); ps.addGoalConfig (q3)
ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()

q4 = [0, 0, 0, -0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
# equivalent to : [0, 0, 0, 0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781] q9
ps.setInitialConfig (q3); ps.addGoalConfig (q4)
ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()

q5 = [0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0]
# equivalent to : [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] q1, q10
ps.setInitialConfig (q4); ps.addGoalConfig (q5)
ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
Exemple #13

plotSphere(q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0, 1, 0, 1], 0.02)  # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2  # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

plotFrame(r, "_", [0, 0, 1.5], 0.5)

# First parabolas: vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 1.2
plotCone(q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2")
plotCone(q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve()  # 0.312 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths(
) - offsetOrientedPath  # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath(cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0, 0, 1, 1])
plotConeWaypoints(cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints(cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0, 0, 1, 1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints(pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes())

# Second parabolas: vmax = 6.5m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone(q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone")
plotCone(q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
Exemple #14
from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
gui = Viewer (ps)

gui.loadObstacleModel ('tp-rrt', "scene", "scene")

q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = q_init[0:2]=[-3.7, -4]; gui(q_init)
gui (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [15,2]
gui (q_goal)

#~ ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)
ps.selectPathPlanner ("PlannerTP")
ps.addPathOptimizer ("RandomShortcut")

t = ps.solve ()
print ("solving time", t)

from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, gui)

robot.setJointBounds('base_joint_xyz', [xStone-2, xStone+2, yEmu-1, yEmu+2, zEmu-0.5, zEmu+0.5])
# List of configs
q1 = [xStone+2, yEmu+0, zEmu, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
q2 = [xStone+1.5, yEmu+0.8, zEmu, 0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
q3 = [xStone+1, yEmu+1.4, zEmu, 0, 0, 0, 1]
q4 = [xStone+0.5, yEmu+1.7, zEmu, -0.707106781, 0, 0, 0.707106781]
#q5 = [xStone+0, yEmu+2, zEmu, -1, 0, 0, 0]
q5 = [xStone+0, yEmu+2, zEmu, -0.99, 0.14003571, 0.013, 0.011]
q6 = [xStone-0.5, yEmu+1.7, zEmu, -0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781]
q7 = [xStone-1, yEmu+1.4, zEmu, 0, 0, 0, -1]
q8 = [xStone-1.5, yEmu+0.8, zEmu, 0.707106781, 0, 0, -0.707106781]
q9 = [xStone-2, yEmu+0, zEmu, 1, 0, 0, 0]

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q2); ps.addGoalConfig (q3); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q3); ps.addGoalConfig (q4); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q4); ps.addGoalConfig (q5); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q5); ps.addGoalConfig (q6); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q6); ps.addGoalConfig (q7); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q7); ps.addGoalConfig (q8); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q8); ps.addGoalConfig (q9); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q9); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()

nInitialPath = ps.numberPaths()-1 #8

#ps.addPathOptimizer('RandomShortcut') #9
#ps.optimizePath (nInitialPath)
# Load obstacles in HPP
cl.obstacle.loadObstacleModel('gravity_description','gravity_decor','') # do not move (position in urdf)
cl.obstacle.loadObstacleModel('gravity_description','emu','') # loaded as an obstacle for now
position_emu= (0,-1,0.2,1,0,0,0)
cl.obstacle.moveObstacle ('emu_base', position_emu)

q1 = [-2, 0.01, 0.705, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 0.8, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.7, -0.8, 0.1, -0.523599, 0.1, -0.3, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.6, 0.1, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

q2 = [2, 0.01, 0.705, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 0.8, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.7, -0.8, 0.1, -0.523599, 0.1, -0.3, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.6, 0.1, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

qconf = [0, 0.01, 0.705, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.8, 0.8, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.7, -0.8, 0.1, -0.523599, 0.1, -0.3, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.174532, -0.174532, 0.6, 0.1, -0.453786, 0.872665, -0.418879, 0.2, -0.4, 0.0, -0.453786, 0.1, 0.7, 0.0]

# Problem
ps.setInitialConfig (q3)
ps.addGoalConfig (q2)
ps.solve () # 0-1
ps.setInitialConfig (q2)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.addGoalConfig (q2to4)
ps.solve () # 2-3
ps.setInitialConfig (q2to4)
cl.problem.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.addGoalConfig (q4)
ps.solve () # 4-5
p(1) #to play the solution

ps.solve ()
print "Solving time: "+str(end-begin)
q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0,1,0,1], 0.02) # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2
plotFrame (r, "_", [0,0,2.8], 0.5)

# First parabola(s): vmax = 6.8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.8)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.085 s
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes ())
cl.problem.getResultValues ()

# Second parabola(s): vmax = 5.3m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(5.3)
Exemple #18
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# q = [x, y] # limits in URDF file
q1 = [-2, 0]; q2 = [-0.2, 2]; q3 = [0.2, 2]; q4 = [2, 0]
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q2); ps.addGoalConfig (q3); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q3); ps.addGoalConfig (q4); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q4); ps.solve (); #3

q1 = [-2, 0]; q2 = [-1, 1]; q3 = [-1.2, 1.8]; q4 = [-0.2, 1.2];  q5 = [0.5, 1.9]
q6 = [2, 1.5]; q7 = [1, 0.5]; q8 = [2, 0]
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q2); ps.addGoalConfig (q3); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q3); ps.addGoalConfig (q4); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q4); ps.addGoalConfig (q5); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q5); ps.addGoalConfig (q6); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q6); ps.addGoalConfig (q7); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q7); ps.addGoalConfig (q8); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q8); ps.solve (); # 7

nInitialPath = ps.numberPaths()-1 #8

solver = ProblemSolver (robot)
print "diffusing planner (general RRT implementation)"

solver.setInitialConfig (q1)
solver.addGoalConfig (q2)

#mpc = MPClient()
#pc = mpc.precomputation
#cnames = pc.getNumericalConstraints (robot.getInitialConfig())
#solver.setNumericalConstraints ("stability-constraints", cnames)
## add obstacles
print "solve"
start_time = float(time.time())
solver.solve ()
end_time = float(time.time())
seconds = end_time - start_time
hours = seconds/3600
print("--- %s seconds ---" % seconds)
print("--- %s hours   ---" % hours)
print "replay path"
fname = "../data-traj/rrt-wall.tau"

pathplayer = PathPlayer (client, publisher)

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

plotSphere (q2, cl, r, "sphere1", [0,1,0,1], 0.02)
nPointsPlot = 60
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

plotFrame (r, "_", [0,0,3.1], 0.5)

# First parabola: vmax = 7m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(7)
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve ()
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints (cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [0,0,1,1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints (pahtId)))

# Second parabola: vmax = 7m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(7)
solveTime = ps.solve ()
pahtId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
samples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path1", [0.1,0.8,0.8,1])

q1 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q11, 0.001); q2 = cl.robot.projectOnObstacle (q22, 0.001)
robot.isConfigValid(q1); robot.isConfigValid(q2)

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

#plotFrame (r, 'frame_group', [0,0,0], 0.6)

# First parabola(s): vmax = 6.8m/s,  mu = 1.2
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(1.2); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(6.8)
solveTime = ps.solve () # 0.085 s
pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath # path without orientation stuff

pathSamples = plotSampleSubPath (cl, r, pathId, 70, "path0", [0,0,1,1])
plotCone (q1, cl, r, "cone_first", "friction_cone_SG2"); plotCone (q2, cl, r, "cone_second", "friction_cone_SG2")
plotConeWaypoints (cl, pathId, r, "cone_wp_group", "friction_cone_WP2")


# Second parabola(s): vmax = 5.3m/s,  mu = 0.5
cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(0.5); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(5.3)


plotSphere(q2, cl, r, "sphere_q2", [0, 1, 0, 1], 0.02)  # same as robot
nPointsPlot = 50
offsetOrientedPath = 2  # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2

# First parabola(s): vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 1.2
plotCone(q1, cl, r, "cone2", "friction_cone2")
plotCone(q2, cl, r, "cone22", "friction_cone2")
solveTime = ps.solve()
pahtId = ps.numberPaths(
) - offsetOrientedPath  # path without orientation stuff
samples = plotSampleSubPath(cl, r, pahtId, nPointsPlot, "path0", [1, 0, 0, 1])
plotConeWaypoints(cl, pahtId, r, "wp0", "friction_cone2")
plotSpheresWaypoints(cl, pahtId, r, "sphere_wp0", [1, 0, 0, 1], 0.02)
print "solve duration: " + str(solveTime)
print "path length: " + str(ps.pathLength(pahtId))
print "number of waypoints: " + str(len(ps.getWaypoints(pahtId)))
print "number of nodes: " + str(ps.numberNodes())

# Second parabola(s): vmax = 8m/s,  mu = 0.5
plotCone(q1, cl, r, "cone1", "friction_cone")
plotCone(q2, cl, r, "cone12", "friction_cone")
Exemple #23
q_init = robot.getCurrentConfig ()
q_goal = q_init [::]
q_init [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['torso_lift_joint']
q_init [rank] = 0.2
# r (q_init)

q_goal [0:2] = [-3.2, -4]
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['l_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_shoulder_lift_joint']
q_goal [rank] = 0.5
rank = robot.rankInConfiguration ['r_elbow_flex_joint']
q_goal [rank] = -0.5
# r (q_goal)

# r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")
ps.loadObstacleFromUrdf ("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen/")

ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)

print ps.solve ()

ps.addPathOptimizer ("RandomShortcut")

print ps.optimizePath (0)
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2)

vmax = 8; mu = 1.2
#vmax = 6.5; mu = 0.5
#cl.problem.setFrictionCoef(mu); cl.problem.setMaxVelocityLim(vmax)

toSeconds = np.array ([60*60,60,1,1e-3])
offsetOrientedPath = 2 # If remove oriented path computation in ProblemSolver, set to 1 instead of 2
f = open('results.txt','a')
# Assuming that seed in modified directly in HPP (e.g. in core::PathPlanner::solve or ProblemSolver constr)
for i in range(0, imax):
    print i
    ps.clearRoadmap ()
    solveTimeVector = ps.solve ()
    solveTime = np.array (solveTimeVector).dot (toSeconds)
    pathId = ps.numberPaths()-offsetOrientedPath
    pathLength = ps.pathLength (pathId)
    pathNumberWaypoints = len(ps.getWaypoints (pathId))
    roadmapNumberNodes = ps.numberNodes ()
    #TODO: number collisions (checked ???)
    #TODO: number parabola that has failed (because of which constraint ??)
    #ps.optimizePath (pathId)
    #prunePathId = ps.numberPaths()-1
    # Write important results #
    f.write('Try number: '+str(i)+'\n')
    f.write('with parameters: vmax='+str(vmax)+' and mu='+str(mu)+'\n')
qt = [0, 0, 0, math.sqrt (1/3.), math.sqrt (1/3.), 0.0, math.sqrt (1/3.)]
qt2 = [0, 0, 0, math.sqrt (1 - 0.95**2), 0.95, 0.0, 0.0]

Q.append (qt)
Q.append (qt2)
Q.append ( [0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0.14003571, 0.013, 0.011]) # to remove

for i in range(0, len(Q)):
    time.sleep (0.5)


for i in range(0, len(Q)-1):
    ps.setInitialConfig (Q[i]); ps.addGoalConfig (Q[i+1]); ps.solve (); ps.resetGoalConfigs ()

ps.setInitialConfig (Q[0]); ps.addGoalConfig (Q[len(Q)-1]); ps.solve ();

nInitialPath = ps.numberPaths()-1 #8

#ps.addPathOptimizer('RandomShortcut') #9
#ps.optimizePath (nInitialPath)

ps.optimizePath (nInitialPath)
ps = ProblemSolver (robot)
cl = robot.client

# Configs : [x, y, z, qw, qx, qy, qz, nx, ny, nz, theta]
q1 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
q2 = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (robot.client, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("animals_description","cave","cave")

ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve ()

# verif orientation:
r(ps.getWaypoints (0)[0]) # ref
r(ps.getWaypoints (1)[0]) # should be good...

index = cl.robot.getConfigSize () - 4

q = q1[::]
plotStraightLine ([q[index], q[index+1], q[index+2]], q, r, "normale")
plotCone (q1, cl, r, 0.5, 0.2, "cone1")
plotCone (q2, cl, r, 0.5, 0.2, "cone2")

r( ps.configAtParam(0,2) )
ps.getWaypoints (0)
Exemple #27
f = open(statusFilename,"w")
f.write("q_init= "+str(q_init)+"\n")
f.write("q_goal= "+str(q_goal)+"\n")

# Choosing RBPRM shooter and path validation methods.
# Choosing kinodynamic methods :

# Solve the planning problem :
t = ps.solve ()
print "Guide planning time : ",t

try :
    # display solution : 
    from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
    pp = PathPlayer (v)
except Exception:

# move the robot out of the view before computing the contacts
# with displayArrow parameter the viewer will display velocity and acceleration of the
# center of the robot with 3D arrow. The length scale with the amplitude with a length
# of 1 for the maximal amplitude.
v = vf.createViewer(displayArrows=True)

# select kinodynamic methods :
# the Kinodynamic steering method require a planner that build directionnal roadmap
# (with oriented edges) as the trajectories cannot always be reverse.


# display the computed roadmap. Note that the edges are all represented as straight line
# and may not show the real motion of the robot between the nodes :

# Alternatively, use the following line instead of ps.solve() to display the roadmap as
# it's computed (note that it slow down a lot the computation)
# v.solveAndDisplay('rm',1)

# Highlight the solution path used in the roadmap
v.displayPathMap("pm", 0)

# remove the roadmap for the scene :
# v.client.gui.removeFromGroup("rm",v.sceneName)
# v.client.gui.removeFromGroup("pm",v.sceneName)
res = ps.applyConstraints(q2)
if res[0]:
    q2proj = res[1]
    raise RuntimeError("Failed to apply constraint.")

import datetime as dt
totalTime = dt.timedelta(0)
totalNumberNodes = 0
for i in range(20):
    t1 = dt.datetime.now()
    t2 = dt.datetime.now()
    totalTime += t2 - t1
    print(t2 - t1)
    n = len(ps.client.problem.nodes())
    totalNumberNodes += n
    print("Number nodes: " + str(n))

print("Average time: " +
      str((totalTime.seconds + 1e-6 * totalTime.microseconds) / 20.))
print("Average number nodes: " + str(totalNumberNodes / 20.))

pp = PathPlayer(cl, r)
Exemple #30

from hpp.gepetto import Viewer, PathPlayer
r = Viewer (ps)
pp = PathPlayer (cl, r)
#r.loadObstacleModel ("robot_2d_description","environment_2d","environment_2d")
r.loadObstacleModel ("robot_2d_description","environment_2d_harder","environment_2d_harder")
#r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "labyrinth", "labyrinth")
#r.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps", "labyrinth2", "labyrinth2") 

# q = [x, y, dir.x, dir.y] # limits in URDF file
#q1 = [-1.3, 0.2]; q2 = [0.2, 0.2]; q3 = [5, -2.8]; q4 = [9, 2.2]; q5 = [12.4, -5.8];
#q1 = [-1.3, 0.2, 0]; q2 = [0.2, 0.2, 0]; q3 = [5, -2.8, 0]; q4 = [9, 2.2, 0]; q5 = [12.4, -5.8, 0];
q1 = [-1.3, 0.2, 0, 1];  q5 = [12.4, -5.8, 0, 1];
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q5); ps.solve ()

# with sub-paths
q1 = [-1.3, 0.2, 0, 1]; q2 = [0.2, 0.2, 0, 1]; q3 = [5, -2.8, 0, 1]; q4 = [9, 2.2, 0, 1];
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q2); ps.solve () # pp(0)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q2); ps.addGoalConfig (q3); ps.solve () # pp(1)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q3); ps.addGoalConfig (q4); ps.solve () # pp(2)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q4); ps.addGoalConfig (q5); ps.solve () # pp(3)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()
ps.setInitialConfig (q1); ps.addGoalConfig (q5); ps.solve () # pp(4)
ps.resetGoalConfigs ()