Exemple #1
def getDatepickerPath (): 
    returns the path of the datepicker js file with the correct locale
    import i18n
    staticdir = cherrypy.config.get('staticdir')
    lang = i18n.current_lang_url_component()
    locale = None
    locale1 = lang
    locale2 = lang[:2]
    for testlocale in (locale1, locale2):
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(staticdir, 'js', 'contrib', 'jquery.ui.datepicker', 'jquery.ui.datepicker-%s.js' % testlocale)):
            locale = ('contrib', 'jquery.ui.datepicker', 'jquery.ui.datepicker-%s.js' % testlocale)
    return locale
Exemple #2
def serve_static_css(fn):
    Translate urls defined in static css files into local urls
    taking locale and root prefix into account

    This is called above, broken out because CSS uses a simpler in-memory
    cache that's computationally cheaper, whereas JS uses an expensive i18n
    cache that we store on disk so it will persist between splunkweb restarts
    # make sure we keep cached copies for each locale/version tuple
    lang = i18n.current_lang_url_component()
    cache = serve_static_css.cache.setdefault(lang, {})

    # ensure file hasn't been modified since we cached it
    if fn in cache and cache[fn][0]==os.path.getmtime(fn):
        css = cache[fn][1]
        f = file(fn)   
        css = re.sub(r'([\s:]+url\([\'"]?)([^\)\'"]+)', lambda m: m.group(1)+make_url(m.group(2)), f.read(250000))
        cache[fn] = (os.path.getmtime(fn), css)
    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/css'
    cherrypy.response.headers['Last-Modified'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cache[fn][0]).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
Exemple #3
def generateSelfHelpLink(context=None):
    Generates the contexual URI to the splunk.com help system
    import i18n, urllib
    locale = i18n.current_lang_url_component()

    if not context:
        # generate standard help link by passing a keyword that is composed
        # of a cleansed URI (remove locale and namespace)
        context = cherrypy.request.path_info.strip('/').split('/')
        appContext = ''
        if context[0].startswith(locale):
        if context[0] in ('manager'):
        if context[0] in ('app'):
            appName = context[1]
            entity = en.getEntity('apps/local', appName)
            if filter((lambda x: x[0] == 'disable'), entity.links):
                # make sure it's not an internal Splunk app
                appVersion = entity.get('version')
                appContext = '[%s:%s]' % (appName, appVersion)
        context = appContext + '.'.join(context)

    uri = make_url('/help')
    params = {
        'license': 'free' if cherrypy.config.get('is_free_license') else 'pro',
        'installType': 'trial' if cherrypy.config.get('is_trial_license') else 'prod',
        'versionNumber': cherrypy.config.get('version_label'),
        'location': context,
        'skin': 'default',
        'locale': locale

    return uri + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)