class StackCells(swing.JFrame): def __init__(self): swing.JFrame.__init__(self, title="Stack Cells") self.__impD = IJ.getImage() self.setDefaultCloseOperation(swing.JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) self.__n=0 self.__widthl = "11" self.__iplist = [] self.__init = False self.__initDIA = False self.__initFLUO = False self.__skip = False self.__avg = True self.__mosa = True self.__maxfinder = True self.__appmedian = True self.__fire = True self.__align = True self.__alignC = False self.__enlarge = True self.__measures = True self.__sens = [] self.__listrois = [] self.__cellsrois = [] self.__Cutoff = 0 self.__labels = [] self.__maxraf = 100.0 self.__minraf = 0.0 self.__conEllipses = False self.__dictCells = {} self.__rm = RoiManager.getInstance() if (self.__rm==None): self.__rm = RoiManager() def run(self) : self.size=(1100, 400) self.contentPane.layout = awt.BorderLayout() self.__display = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(400, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__setDisplay() line = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED) northpanel1=swing.JPanel(awt.FlowLayout(awt.FlowLayout.LEFT)) northpanel1.setBorder(line) northpanel1.add(self.__display) new = swing.JButton("New", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed=self.__new) northpanel1.add(new) add = swing.JButton("Add", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed=self.__add) northpanel1.add(add) roiman = swing.JButton("Add Roi manager", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed= self.__addroi) northpanel1.add(roiman) end = swing.JButton("End", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed= self.__end) northpanel1.add(end) #grid = awt.GridLayout() #grid.setRows(2) #northpanel=swing.JPanel(grid) #northpanel.add(northpanel1) #northpanel2=swing.JPanel(awt.FlowLayout(awt.FlowLayout.LEFT)) grid0 = awt.GridLayout() grid0.setRows(6) northpanel2=swing.JPanel(grid0) northpanel2.setBorder(line) label=swing.JLabel("Label2") label.setText("Line width ?") northpanel2.add(label) self.__display2 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display2.text = "11" northpanel2.add(self.__display2) label=swing.JLabel("Label3") label.setText("Noise for peaks ?") northpanel2.add(label) self.__display3 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display3.text = "100" northpanel2.add(self.__display3) label=swing.JLabel("Label4") label.setText("Fluo threshold ?") northpanel2.add(label) self.__display4 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display4.text = "170" northpanel2.add(self.__display4) #northpanel3=swing.JPanel(awt.FlowLayout(awt.FlowLayout.LEFT)) #northpanel3.setBorder(line) label=swing.JLabel("Label5") label.setText("Min of length ?") northpanel2.add(label) self.__display5 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display5.text = "50" northpanel2.add(self.__display5) label=swing.JLabel("Label6") label.setText("Max of length ?") northpanel2.add(label) self.__display6 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display6.text = "500" northpanel2.add(self.__display6) dia = swing.JButton("DIA", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed= self.__dia) northpanel2.add(dia) fluo = swing.JButton("FLUO", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed= self.__fluo) northpanel2.add(fluo) southpanel=swing.JPanel(awt.FlowLayout(awt.FlowLayout.RIGHT)) southpanel.setBorder(line) help = swing.JButton("Help", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed=self.__help) self.__label=swing.JLabel("Label") southpanel.add(self.__label) close = swing.JButton("Close", size=(100, 70), actionPerformed=self.__close) southpanel.add(help) southpanel.add(close) grid = awt.GridLayout() grid.setRows(4) checkpanel=swing.JPanel(grid) checkpanel.setBorder(line) self.__box0=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction0) self.__box0.setText("Skip failed ROIs") self.__box0.setSelected(False) self.__box1=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction1) self.__box1.setText("Mosaic") self.__box1.setSelected(True) self.__box2=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction2) self.__box2.setText("Mean Projection") self.__box2.setSelected(True) self.__box3=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction3) self.__box3.setText("Max Finder") self.__box3.setSelected(True) self.__box4=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction4) self.__box4.setText("Median filter") self.__box4.setSelected(True) self.__box5=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction5) self.__box5.setText("Fire LUT") self.__box5.setSelected(True) self.__box6=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction6) self.__box6.setText("Auto Align Left") self.__box6.setSelected(True) self.__box7=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction7) self.__box7.setText("Auto Enlarge") self.__box7.setSelected(True) self.__box8=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction8) self.__box8.setText("Measures") self.__box8.setSelected(True) self.__box9=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction9) self.__box9.setText("Auto Align Center") self.__box9.setSelected(False) self.__box10=swing.JCheckBox(actionPerformed=self.__boxaction10) self.__box10.setText("Use ellipses") self.__box10.setSelected(False) checkpanel.add(self.__box0) checkpanel.add(self.__box1) checkpanel.add(self.__box2) checkpanel.add(self.__box3) checkpanel.add(self.__box4) checkpanel.add(self.__box5) checkpanel.add(self.__box6) checkpanel.add(self.__box7) checkpanel.add(self.__box8) checkpanel.add(self.__box9) checkpanel.add(self.__box10) grid = awt.GridLayout() grid.setRows(10) checkpanel2=swing.JPanel(grid) checkpanel2.setBorder(line) label=swing.JLabel("Label7") label.setText("Max of Solidity") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display7 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display7.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display7) label=swing.JLabel("Label8") label.setText("Min of Solidity") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display8 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display8.text = "0" checkpanel2.add(self.__display8) label=swing.JLabel("Label9") label.setText("Max of Area") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display9 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display9.text = "1447680" checkpanel2.add(self.__display9) label=swing.JLabel("Label10") label.setText("Min of Area") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display10 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display10.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display10) label=swing.JLabel("Label11") label.setText("Max of Circ") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display11 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display11.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display11) label=swing.JLabel("Label12") label.setText("Min of Circ") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display12 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display12.text = "0" checkpanel2.add(self.__display12) label=swing.JLabel("Label13") label.setText("Max of AR") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display13 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display13.text = "1392" checkpanel2.add(self.__display13) label=swing.JLabel("Label14") label.setText("Min of AR") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display14 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display14.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display14) label=swing.JLabel("Label15") label.setText("Max of Feret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display15 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display15.text = "1392" checkpanel2.add(self.__display15) label=swing.JLabel("Label16") label.setText("Min of Feret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display16 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display16.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display16) label=swing.JLabel("Label17") label.setText("Max of Mean") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display17 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display17.text = "65535" checkpanel2.add(self.__display17) label=swing.JLabel("Label18") label.setText("Min of Mean") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display18 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display18.text = "0" checkpanel2.add(self.__display18) label=swing.JLabel("Label19") label.setText("max ratio Axis/Feret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display19 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display19.text = str(self.__maxraf) checkpanel2.add(self.__display19) label=swing.JLabel("Label20") label.setText("Min ratio Axis/Feret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display20 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display20.text = str(self.__minraf) checkpanel2.add(self.__display20) label=swing.JLabel("Label21") label.setText("Max MinFeret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display21 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display21.text = "1392" checkpanel2.add(self.__display21) label=swing.JLabel("Label22") label.setText("Min MinFeret") checkpanel2.add(label) self.__display22 = swing.JTextField(preferredSize=(50, 30), horizontalAlignment=swing.SwingConstants.LEFT) self.__display22.text = "1" checkpanel2.add(self.__display22) self.contentPane.add(northpanel1, awt.BorderLayout.NORTH) self.contentPane.add(checkpanel, awt.BorderLayout.WEST) self.contentPane.add(northpanel2, awt.BorderLayout.CENTER) self.contentPane.add(southpanel, awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH) self.contentPane.add(checkpanel2, awt.BorderLayout.EAST) def __close(self, event): self.oked = True time.sleep(0.01) self.dispose() def __new(self, event): self.__init = True self.__n += 1 self.__name = "stackcells"+str(self.__n) self.__display.text = self.__name self.__sens[:] = [] self.__listrois[:] = [] self.__iplist[:] = [] self.__cellsrois[:] = [] self.__labels[:] = [] def __add(self, event): if ( not self.__init) : IJ.showMessage("", "please start a new stack") return if ( not self.__initDIA) : IJ.showMessage("", "please select an image for DIA") return if ( not self.__initFLUO) : IJ.showMessage("", "please select an image for FLUO") return self.__widthl = self.__display2.getText() roi = self.__impD.getRoi() if roi == None : IJ.showMessage("", "No selection") return if roi.getType() in [6,7] : nslice = self.__impD.getCurrentSlice() self.__impF.setSlice(nslice) self.__impF.setRoi(roi) elif roi.getType() in [2,4] : nslice = self.__impD.getCurrentSlice() self.__impF.setSlice(nslice) m=Morph(self.__impF, roi) m.setMidParams(10, 2) roi=m.MidAxis if roi == None : self.__display.text = "roi fail" if not self.__skip : IJ.showMessage("", "failed roi, please draw it as polyline") return #if roi.getType() != 6 : self.__impF.setRoi(roi) else : IJ.showMessage("", "This selection is not yet allowed") return self.__impF.setRoi(roi) straightener = Straightener() new_ip = straightener.straighten(self.__impF, roi, int(self.__widthl)) self.__iplist.append(new_ip) self.__labels.append(self.__isF.getShortSliceLabel(nslice)) self.__display.text = self.__name + " cell " + str(len(self.__iplist)) +" width="+str(new_ip.getWidth())+ " height="+ str(new_ip.getHeight()) roi.setPosition(self.__impD.getCurrentSlice()) self.__rm = RoiManager.getInstance() if (self.__rm==None): self.__rm = RoiManager() self.__rm.add(self.__impD, roi, len(self.__iplist)) self.__cellsrois.append((roi, self.__impD.getCurrentSlice())) #self.__rm.runCommand("Show All") IJ.selectWindow(self.__impD.getTitle()) def __end(self, event): if len(self.__iplist)==0 : IJ.showMessage("", "Stack is empty") return self.__ipw=[ ip.getWidth() for ip in self.__iplist ] self.__iph=[ ip.getHeight() for ip in self.__iplist ] maxw=max(self.__ipw) maxh=max(self.__iph) if self.__enlarge : resizelist = [ ip.resize(maxw, maxh, True) for ip in self.__iplist ] else : resizelist = [] for ip in self.__iplist : tempip = ShortProcessor(maxw, maxh) tempip.copyBits(ip, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY) resizelist.append(tempip) ims = ImageStack(maxw, maxh) #for ip in resizelist : ims.addSlice("", ip) for i in range(len(resizelist)) : ims.addSlice(self.__labels[i], resizelist[i]) self.__impRes = ImagePlus(self.__name, ims) self.__sens = [1 for i in range(len(self.__iplist)) ] if self.__appmedian :, "Median...", "radius=1 stack") if self.__align : self.__falign() if self.__avg : self.__favg() if self.__mosa : self.__fmosa() if self.__maxfinder : self.__fmaxfinder() if self.__fire :, "Fire", "") if self.__measures : self.__fmeasures() self.__sens[:] = [] self.__listrois[:] = [] self.__iplist[:] = [] self.__cellsrois[:] = [] self.__ipw[:] = [] self.__iph[:] = [] self.__init = False def __dia(self, event):"Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel")"Properties...", "channels=1 slices=1 frames=20 unit=pixel pixel_width=1.0000 pixel_height=1.0000 voxel_depth=1.0000 frame=[1 sec] origin=0,0"); self.__impD = IJ.getImage() self.__isD = self.__impD.getImageStack() self.__display.text = "DIA="+self.__impD.getTitle() self.__initDIA = True def __fluo(self, event):"Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel") self.__impF = IJ.getImage() self.__isF = self.__impF.getImageStack() self.__display.text = "FLUO="+self.__impF.getTitle() self.__initFLUO = True def __addroi(self, event) : if ( not self.__init) : IJ.showMessage("", "please start a new stack") return if ( not self.__initDIA) : IJ.showMessage("", "please select an image for DIA") return if ( not self.__initFLUO) : IJ.showMessage("", "please select an image for FLUO") return twres = TextWindow("measures-"+self.__name, "label\tname\tsol\tarea\tcirc\tAR\tFeret\taxis\traf\tdMajor\tdFeret\tdArea", "", 300, 450) tab="\t" self.__widthl = self.__display2.getText() IJ.selectWindow(self.__impF.getTitle()) self.__rm = RoiManager.getInstance() if (self.__rm==None): self.__rm = RoiManager() if self.__impF.getImageStackSize() > 1 : roisarray =[(roi, self.__rm.getSliceNumber(roi.getName())) for roi in self.__rm.getRoisAsArray()] else : roisarray =[(roi, 1) for roi in self.__rm.getRoisAsArray()] self.__rm.runCommand("reset") #self.__rm.runCommand("Delete") IJ.selectWindow(self.__impF.getTitle()) self.__maxraf=float(self.__display19.text) self.__minraf=float(self.__display20.text) count=1 for roielement in roisarray : roi = roielement[0] pos = roielement[1] lab = self.__impF.getImageStack().getShortSliceLabel(pos) if lab==None : lab=str(pos) if self.__conEllipses : IJ.selectWindow(self.__impF.getTitle()) self.__impF.setSlice(pos) self.__impF.setRoi(roi) self.__rm.runCommand("Add"), "Fit Ellipse", "") ellipse=self.__impF.getRoi() params = ellipse.getParams() ferets = ellipse.getFeretValues() imp2 = Duplicator().run(self.__impF,pos,pos), "Rotate... ", "angle="+str(ferets[1])+" grid=0 interpolation=Bilinear enlarge slice") temproi=Roi((imp2.getWidth()-ferets[0])/2.0,(imp2.getHeight()-ferets[2])/2.0,ferets[0],ferets[2]) imp2.setRoi(temproi) imp3 = Duplicator().run(imp2,1,1) ip3=imp3.getProcessor() if int(self.__display5.text) < ip3.getWidth() < int(self.__display6.text) : self.__iplist.append(ip3) self.__display.text = self.__name + " cell " + str(len(self.__iplist)) fer=Line(params[0],params[1],params[2],params[3]) self.__cellsrois.append((fer, pos)) self.__labels.append(self.__isF.getShortSliceLabel(pos)) m=Morph(self.__impF, roi) twres.append(lab+tab+str(roi.getName())+tab+str(m.Solidity)+tab+str(m.Area)+tab+str(m.Circ)+tab+str(m.AR)+tab+str(m.MaxFeret)+tab+str(fer.getLength())+tab+str(1)+tab+str(0)+tab+str(0)+tab+str(0)) self.__dictCells[count]=(str(roi.getName()), lab, roi) count=count+1 continue if roi.getType() in [6,7] : self.__impF.setSlice(pos) self.__impF.setRoi(roi) self.__rm.runCommand("Add") elif roi.getType() in [2,4] : self.__impF.setSlice(pos) self.__impF.setRoi(roi) m=Morph(self.__impF, roi) m.setMidParams(10, 2) midroi=m.MidAxis if midroi == None : continue raf = m.MaxFeret/midroi.getLength() if (self.__maxraf < raf) or (raf < self.__minraf) : continue maxsol = float(self.__display7.text) minsol = float(self.__display8.text) maxarea = float(self.__display9.text) minarea = float(self.__display10.text) maxcirc = float(self.__display11.text) mincirc = float(self.__display12.text) maxar = float(self.__display13.text) minar = float(self.__display14.text) maxfer = float(self.__display15.text) minfer = float(self.__display16.text) maxmean = float(self.__display17.text) minmean = float(self.__display18.text) maxmferet = float(self.__display21.text) minmferet = float(self.__display22.text) testsol = (minsol< m.Solidity < maxsol) testarea = (minarea< m.Area < maxarea) testcirc = (mincirc< m.Circ < maxcirc) testar = (minar< m.AR < maxar) testfer = (minfer< m.MaxFeret < maxfer) testmean = (minmean < m.Mean < maxmean) testmferet = (minmferet < m.MinFeret < maxmferet) #print minmferet , m.MinFeret , maxmferet test = (testsol+testarea+testcirc+testar+testfer+testmean+testmferet)/7 if test : fmaj, ffmx, fa =[],[],[] for r in m.getMidSegments(10, 40, 0) : if r == None : continue m2=Morph(self.__impF, r) fmaj.append(m2.Major) ffmx.append(m2.MaxFeret) fa.append(m2.Area) diffmajor, diffferet, diffarea = 0,0,0 if len(fa) > 4 : medfmaj = self.listmean(fmaj[1:-1]) medffmx = self.listmean(ffmx[1:-1]) medfa = self.listmean(fa[1:-1]) diffmajor = (max(fmaj[1:-1])-medfmaj)/medfmaj diffferet = (max(ffmx[1:-1])-medffmx)/medffmx diffarea = (max(fa[1:-1])-medfa)/medfa twres.append(lab+tab+str(roi.getName())+tab+str(m.Solidity)+tab+str(m.Area)+tab+str(m.Circ)+tab+str(m.AR)+tab+str(m.MaxFeret)+tab+str(midroi.getLength())+tab+str(m.MaxFeret/midroi.getLength())+tab+str(diffmajor)+tab+str(diffferet)+tab+str(diffarea)) #print lab+tab+str(roi.getName())+tab+str(m.Solidity)+tab+str(m.Area)+tab+str(m.Circ)+tab+str(m.AR)+tab+str(m.MaxFeret)+tab+str(midroi.getLength())+tab+str(m.MaxFeret/midroi.getLength())+tab+str(diffmajor)+tab+str(diffferet)+tab+str(diffarea) self.__impF.setRoi(roi) self.__rm.runCommand("Add") self.__impF.killRoi() self.__impF.setRoi(midroi) #self.__dictCells[str(roi.getName())]=(str(roi.getName()), lab, roi) self.__dictCells[count]=(str(roi.getName()), lab, roi) count=count+1 else : #print "test falls" continue else : print "out loop" continue straightener = Straightener() new_ip = straightener.straighten(self.__impF, midroi, int(self.__widthl)) if int(self.__display5.text) < new_ip.getWidth() < int(self.__display6.text) : self.__iplist.append(new_ip) self.__display.text = self.__name + " cell " + str(len(self.__iplist)) #print "add", roi.getName(), roi.getType() self.__cellsrois.append((midroi, pos)) self.__labels.append(self.__isF.getShortSliceLabel(pos)) #roisarray=self.__rm.getRoisAsArray() #self.__rm.runCommand("reset") #self.__rm.runCommand("Delete") self.__impD.killRoi() self.__impF.killRoi() IJ.selectWindow(self.__impD.getTitle()) def __boxaction0(self, event): self.__skip = event.getSource().isSelected() def __boxaction1(self, event): self.__mosa = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction2(self, event): self.__avg = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction3(self, event): self.__maxfinder = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction4(self, event): self.__appmedian = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction5(self, event): self.__fire = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction6(self, event): self.__align = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction7(self, event): self.__enlarge = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction8(self, event): self.__measures = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction9(self, event): self.__alignC = event.getSource().isSelected() #self.__setDisplay(str(event.getSource().text)+" is "+str(event.getSource().isSelected())) def __boxaction10(self, event): self.__conEllipses = event.getSource().isSelected() def __favg(self) : zp = ZProjector(self.__impRes) zp.setMethod(ZProjector.AVG_METHOD) zp.doProjection() imp = zp.getProjection() if self.__fire :, "Fire", "") def __fmosa(self) : mm = MontageMaker() imp = mm.makeMontage2(self.__impRes, 1, self.__impRes.getStackSize(), 1, 1, self.__impRes.getStackSize(), 1, 0, False) imp.setTitle("MONTAGE"+self.__name) if self.__fire :, "Fire", "") def __fmaxfinder(self) : #stack = self.__impRes.getStack() self.__impD.killRoi() self.__impF.killRoi() stack = self.__impF.getStack() n_slices = stack.getSize() #newstack=ImageStack(self.__impRes.getWidth(), self.__impRes.getHeight()) newstack=ImageStack(self.__impF.getWidth(), self.__impF.getHeight()) noise = self.__display3.text for index in range(1,n_slices+1): IJ.selectWindow(self.__impF.getTitle()) self.__impF.setSlice(index) ip = self.__impF.getProcessor() mf=MaximumFinder() ipmax = mf.findMaxima(ip, int(noise), 0, 0, False, False) newstack.addSlice("", ipmax) newimage=ImagePlus("max points"+self.__name, newstack) newimage.updateAndDraw() listip = [] maxh=self.__impRes.getHeight() for roi in self.__cellsrois : straightener = Straightener() newimage.setSlice(roi[1]) newimage.setRoi(roi[0]) #listip.append(straightener.straighten(newimage, roi[0], int(self.__widthl))) listip.append(straightener.straighten(newimage, roi[0], maxh)) ipw=[ ip.getWidth() for ip in listip ] iph=[ ip.getHeight() for ip in listip ] maxw=max(ipw) maxh=max(iph) if self.__enlarge : resizelist = [ ip.resize(maxw, maxh, True) for ip in listip ] elif self.__alignC : resizelist = [] for ip in listip : tempip = ByteProcessor(maxw, maxh) tempip.copyBits(ip, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY) resizelist.append(tempip) else : resizelist = [] for ip in listip : tempip = ByteProcessor(maxw, maxh) tempip.copyBits(ip, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY) resizelist.append(tempip) ims = ImageStack(maxw, maxh) #for ip in resizelist : ims.addSlice("", ip) for i in range(len(resizelist)) : ims.addSlice(self.__labels[i], resizelist[i]) self.__impMax = ImagePlus(self.__name+"-max", ims) stack = self.__impMax.getStack() # get the stack within the ImagePlus n_slices = stack.getSize() for index in range(1, n_slices+1): self.__impMax.killRoi() self.__impMax.setSlice(index) roi = self.__listrois[index-1] if self.__sens[index-1]<0 : self.__impMax.setRoi(roi) ip1 = self.__impMax.getProcessor() ip1.flipHorizontal() self.__impMax.killRoi() self.__impMax.updateAndDraw() ip = self.__impMax.getProcessor() for i in range(ip.getWidth()*ip.getHeight()) : if ip.getf(i) > 0 : ip.setf(i, 255) #else : ip.setf(i, 0), "8-bit", ""), "Options...", "iterations=2 count=1 black edm=Overwrite do=Close stack"), "Ultimate Points", "stack") self.__impMax.updateAndDraw() def __falign(self) : #self.__impRes=IJ.getImage() stack = self.__impRes.getStack() # get the stack within the ImagePlus n_slices = stack.getSize() # get the number of slices ic = ImageCalculator() w = self.__impRes.getWidth() h = self.__impRes.getHeight() self.__sens[:] = [] self.__listrois[:] = [] for index in range(1, n_slices+1): self.__impRes.setSlice(index) ip1 = stack.getProcessor(index) imp1 = ImagePlus("imp1-"+str(index), ip1) imp1sqr ="Multiply create 32-bit", imp1, imp1) IJ.setThreshold(imp1sqr, 1, 4294836225), "Create Selection", "") roi = imp1sqr.getRoi() rect=roi.getBounds() roi = Roi(rect) self.__listrois.append(roi) ipsqr = imp1sqr.getProcessor() is1 = ipsqr.getStatistics() self.__impRes.killRoi() if is1.xCenterOfMass > w/2.00 : self.__impRes.setRoi(roi) ip1 = self.__impRes.getProcessor() ip1.flipHorizontal() self.__impRes.killRoi() self.__sens.append(-1) else : self.__sens.append(1) self.__impRes.updateAndDraw() def __fmeasures(self) : self.__Cutoff = float(self.__display4.text) nslices = self.__impRes.getImageStackSize() rt = ResultsTable()"RT-"+self.__name) twpoints = TextWindow("points-"+self.__name, "index\tlabel\tname\tx\ty\taxis\tcellw\tcellh", "", 200, 450) twlabels = TextWindow("labels-"+self.__name, "index\tlabel\tname\tnpoints", "", 200, 450) isres = self.__impRes.getImageStack() for index in range(1, nslices+1): self.__impRes.setSlice(index) self.__impRes.killRoi() roi = self.__listrois[index-1] self.__impRes.setRoi(roi) analyser= Analyzer(self.__impRes, Analyzer.LABELS+Analyzer.CENTER_OF_MASS+Analyzer.CENTROID+Analyzer.INTEGRATED_DENSITY+Analyzer.MEAN+Analyzer.KURTOSIS+Analyzer.SKEWNESS+Analyzer.MIN_MAX+Analyzer.SLICE+Analyzer.STACK_POSITION+Analyzer.STD_DEV, rt) analyser.measure()"RT-"+self.__name) rect=roi.getBounds() ip = self.__impRes.getProcessor() xCoord = [] yCoord = [] currentPixel = [] m00 = 0.00 m10 = 0.00 m01 = 0.00 mc20 = 0.00 mc02 = 0.00 mc11 = 0.00 mc30 = 0.00 mc03 = 0.00 mc21 = 0.00 mc12 = 0.00 mc40 = 0.00 mc04 = 0.00 mc31 = 0.00 mc13 = 0.00 mm20 = 0.00 mm02 = 0.00 mm11 = 0.00 mm30 = 0.00 mm03 = 0.00 mm21 = 0.00 mm12 = 0.00 mm40 = 0.00 mm04 = 0.00 mm31 = 0.00 mm13 = 0.00 for y in range(rect.y, rect.y+rect.height, 1) : for x in range(rect.x, rect.x+rect.width, 1) : xCoord.append(x+0.5) yCoord.append(y+0.5) #pixel=ip.getf(x,y)-self.__Cutoff pixel = ip.getPixelValue(x,y)-self.__Cutoff if pixel < 0 : pixel = 0 currentPixel.append(pixel) m00 += currentPixel[-1] m10 += currentPixel[-1]*xCoord[-1] m01 += currentPixel[-1]*yCoord[-1] xm = m10/(m00+0.00000001) ym = m01/(m00+0.00000001) xc = rect.width/2.00 yc = rect.height/2.00 for i in range(rect.width*rect.height) : xcrel = xCoord[i]-xc ycrel = yCoord[i]-yc #mc20 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc) #mc02 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) #mc11 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) # #mc30 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc) #mc03 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) #mc21 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) #mc12 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) # #mc40 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc) #mc04 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) #mc31 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) #mc13 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc)*(yCoord[i]-yc) mc20 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*xcrel mc02 += currentPixel[i]*ycrel*ycrel mc11 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*ycrel mc30 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*xcrel*xcrel mc03 += currentPixel[i]*ycrel*ycrel*ycrel mc21 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*xcrel*ycrel mc12 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*ycrel*ycrel mc40 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*xcrel*xcrel*xcrel mc04 += currentPixel[i]*ycrel*ycrel*ycrel*ycrel mc31 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*xcrel*xcrel*ycrel mc13 += currentPixel[i]*xcrel*ycrel*ycrel*ycrel for i in range(rect.width*rect.height) : mm20 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm) mm02 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm11 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm30 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm) mm03 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm21 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm12 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm40 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm) mm04 += currentPixel[i]*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm31 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(yCoord[i]-ym) mm13 += currentPixel[i]*(xCoord[i]-xm)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym)*(yCoord[i]-ym) xxcVar = mc20/m00 yycVar = mc02/m00 xycVar = mc11/m00 xcSkew = mc30/(m00 * math.pow(xxcVar,(3.0/2.0))) ycSkew = mc03/(m00 * math.pow(yycVar,(3.0/2.0))) xcKurt = mc40 / (m00 * math.pow(xxcVar,2.0)) - 3.0 ycKurt = mc04 / (m00 * math.pow(yycVar,2.0)) - 3.0 ecc = (math.pow((mc20-mc02),2.0)+(4.0*mc11*mc11))/m00 xxmVar = mm20/m00 yymVar = mm02/m00 xymVar = mm11/m00 xmSkew = mm30/(m00 * math.pow(xxmVar,(3.0/2.0))) ymSkew = mm03/(m00 * math.pow(yymVar,(3.0/2.0))) xmKurt = mm40 / (m00 * math.pow(xxmVar,2.0)) - 3.0 ymKurt = mm04 / (m00 * math.pow(yymVar,2.0)) - 3.0 ecm = (math.pow((mm20-mm02),2.0)+(4.0*mm11*mm11))/m00 rt.addValue("xxcVar", xxcVar) rt.addValue("yycVar", yycVar) rt.addValue("xycVar", xycVar) rt.addValue("xcSkew", xcSkew) rt.addValue("ycSkew", ycSkew) rt.addValue("xcKurt", xcKurt) rt.addValue("ycKurt", ycKurt) rt.addValue("Ecc", ecc) rt.addValue("xxmVar", xxmVar) rt.addValue("yymVar", yymVar) rt.addValue("xymVar", xymVar) rt.addValue("xmSkew", xmSkew) rt.addValue("ymSkew", ymSkew) rt.addValue("xmKurt", xmKurt) rt.addValue("ymKurt", ymKurt) rt.addValue("Ecm", ecm) rt.addValue("roiw", rect.width) rt.addValue("roih", rect.height) rt.addValue("cellw", self.__ipw[index-1]) rt.addValue("cellh", self.__iph[index-1]) self.__impRes.killRoi() xCoord[:] = [] yCoord[:] = [] currentPixel[:] = [] points = [] points[:] = [] npointsmax = 0 #lab = self.__labels[index-1] nameroi = self.__dictCells[index][0] lab = self.__dictCells[index][1] self.__impMax.setSlice(index) ipmax = self.__impMax.getProcessor() for y in range(ipmax.getHeight()) : for x in range(ipmax.getWidth()) : if ipmax.getPixelValue(x,y) > 0 : #print str(index) #print lab #print nameroi #print str(x) #print str(y) #print str(self.__cellsrois[index-1][0].getLength()) #print str(self.__ipw[index-1]) #print str(self.__iph[index-1]) twpoints.append(str(index)+"\t"+lab+"\t"+nameroi+"\t"+str(x)+"\t"+str(y)+"\t"+str(self.__cellsrois[index-1][0].getLength())+"\t"+str(self.__ipw[index-1])+"\t"+str(self.__iph[index-1])) npointsmax+=1 rt.addValue("npoints", npointsmax) twlabels.append(str(index)+"\t"+lab+"\t"+nameroi+"\t"+str(npointsmax))"RT-"+self.__name)"RT-"+self.__name) def __setDisplay(self, val=""): self.__display.text = str(val) def setLabel(self, text): self.__label.setText(text) def listmean(self, l) : return float(sum(l)/len(l)) def listmedian(self, l) : s=l[:] s.sort() w=len(l) return float(s[(w-1)/2]) if (w%2 == 1) else float((s[w/2]+s[(w/2)-1]))/2 def __help(self, event): IJ.log(""" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New = Starts a new process with stacked cells Add = Adds un ROI as a new cell in the stack (poly segments line or a closed area ROI) Add Roi manager = adds all the ROIs contained in the roi manager End = Stops the stack process and generates images and results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line width = width of the cells in pixels. Noise for peaks = value passed to detect peaks function Fluo threshold = value of the background in the fluo image. Used for acurated calculus of moments. Min length = filter for small short cells Max length = filter for long cells -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIA = Select the image and click to set the source image for cells ROI FLUO = Select the image and click to set the image containig the fluorescence signal (if Add Roi manager selected, this is not take in to account) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skip failed ROIs = debug option Generate Mosaic = Generates a vertcal image with all the stacked cells Mean Projection = creates the projection of all cells by mean method Create maxFinder = uses the maxFinder function to generate peaks information Apply median = smooth the streched images by a 3x3 median filter Apply Fire LUT = shows all images with false colors (Fire LUT) Auto Align = Flip the cells to align the center of mass in the left part of the images Auto enlarge = Stretch the cell to fit the length of the longuest cell Generate measures = creates a text windows with measures parameters. """)
continue idx = tempvar.index(max(tempvar)) start = frame[0] metaphase = frame[idx+3] if (division - start > 15 and division - start < 100): if start>0: for spot in sortedTrack: # Fetch spot features directly from spot. x=spot.getFeature('POSITION_X') y=spot.getFeature('POSITION_Y') t=spot.getFeature('FRAME') roi2 = OvalRoi(x/dx - (6*dx), y/dy - (6*dy), 12, 12) roi2.setPosition(int(t)) rm.add(imp, roi2, nextRoi) nextRoi = nextRoi+1 resultstable.setValue("IMAGE_NAME", trackrowNumber, filename) resultstable.setValue("TRACK_ID", trackrowNumber, id) resultstable.setValue("START", trackrowNumber, start) resultstable.setValue("METAPHASE", trackrowNumber, metaphase) resultstable.setValue("END", trackrowNumber, division) trackrowNumber = trackrowNumber + 1 # plot = Plot(str(id), "slice", "mean", frame, var) # # break # imp.close()"Results")
idx = tempvar.index(max(tempvar)) start = frame[0] metaphase = frame[idx + 3] if (division - start > 15 and division - start < 100): if start > 0: for spot in sortedTrack: # Fetch spot features directly from spot. x = spot.getFeature('POSITION_X') y = spot.getFeature('POSITION_Y') t = spot.getFeature('FRAME') roi2 = OvalRoi(x / dx - (6 * dx), y / dy - (6 * dy), 12, 12) roi2.setPosition(int(t)) rm.add(imp, roi2, nextRoi) nextRoi = nextRoi + 1 resultstable.setValue("IMAGE_NAME", trackrowNumber, filename) resultstable.setValue("TRACK_ID", trackrowNumber, id) resultstable.setValue("START", trackrowNumber, start) resultstable.setValue("METAPHASE", trackrowNumber, metaphase) resultstable.setValue("END", trackrowNumber, division) trackrowNumber = trackrowNumber + 1 # plot = Plot(str(id), "slice", "mean", frame, var) # # break # imp.close()
def segmentation(imp, spot_data, channel, diameter_init, ES_tolerance, ES_area_max, ES_ctrl_pts, ES_iteration, repeat_max): # Open files cal = imp.getCalibration() manager = RoiManager.getInstance() if manager is None: manager = RoiManager() # Prepare log files for output options = IS.MEDIAN | IS.AREA | IS.MIN_MAX | IS.CENTROID | IS.PERIMETER | IS.ELLIPSE | IS.SKEWNESS convergence = [] Sintensity = [] for spot in spot_data: repeat = 0 flag = False spotID = int(spot[0]) Xcenter = (float(spot[1]) / cal.pixelWidth) Ycenter = (float(spot[2]) / cal.pixelHeight) Quality = float(spot[3]) diameter_init = float(spot[4] / cal.pixelWidth) * 2.0 while True: manager = RoiManager.getInstance() if manager is None: manager = RoiManager() Xcurrent = int(Xcenter - diameter_init / 2.0) Ycurrent = int(Ycenter - diameter_init / 2.0) Dcurrent1 = int(diameter_init * (1.2 - repeat / 10.0)) Dcurrent2 = int(diameter_init * (0.8 + repeat / 10.0)) roi = OvalRoi(Xcurrent, Ycurrent, Dcurrent1, Dcurrent2) imp.setPosition(channel) imp.setRoi(roi) Esnake_options1 = "target_brightness=Bright control_points=" + \ str(ES_ctrl_pts) + " gaussian_blur=0 " Esnake_options2 = "energy_type=Contour alpha=2.0E-5 max_iterations=" + \ str(ES_iteration) + " immortal=false", "E-Snake", Esnake_options1 + Esnake_options2) roi_snake = manager.getRoisAsArray() roi_ind = len(roi_snake) - 1 stats = IS.getStatistics( imp.getProcessor(), options, imp.getCalibration()) perimeter = roi_snake[roi_ind].getLength() * cal.pixelWidth circularity = 4.0 * 3.1417 * (stats.area / (perimeter * perimeter)) if stats.area > 17.0 and stats.area < ES_area_max and stats.skewness < -0.01 and circularity > 0.01 and stats.minor > 2.0 and boundaries(Xcenter, Ycenter, stats.xCentroid / cal.pixelWidth, stats.yCentroid / cal.pixelHeight, ES_tolerance): Sintensity = stats.median convergence.append(True) break if stats.median > 6000 and stats.area > 17.0 and stats.area < ES_area_max: Sintensity = stats.median convergence.append(True) break elif repeat > repeat_max:, roi_ind) manager.runCommand(imp, 'Delete') roi = OvalRoi(Xcenter + 1.0 - diameter_init / 2.0, Ycenter + 1.0 - diameter_init / 2.0, diameter_init, diameter_init) imp.setRoi(roi) manager.add(imp, roi, spotID) roi_snake.append(roi) stats = IS.getStatistics( imp.getProcessor(), options, imp.getCalibration()) Sintensity = stats.median convergence.append(False) break else: IJ.log('Area=' + str(stats.area) + ' Skewness=' + str(stats.skewness) + ' circularity=' + str(circularity) + ' Minor=' + str(stats.minor)), roi_ind) manager.runCommand(imp, 'Delete') repeat += 1 # End Spot-segmentation # End all Spots-segmentation manager.runCommand(imp, 'Show All') imp.setPosition(channel) color = imp.createImagePlus() ip = imp.getProcessor().duplicate() color.setProcessor("segmentation" + str(channel), ip) IJ.selectWindow("segmentation" + str(channel)) manager.moveRoisToOverlay(color) spot_optimal = manager.getRoisAsArray() manager.reset() for i in xrange(0, len(spot_optimal)): spot = spot_optimal[i] spot.setStrokeWidth(2) if convergence[i]: spot.setStrokeColor(Color.GREEN) else: spot.setStrokeColor(Color.MAGENTA) imp.setRoi(spot) manager.add(imp, spot, i) manager.runCommand(imp, 'Show All') imp.setPosition(channel)
manager = RoiManager() RoiManager(False) #sho the roi manager window, wierd interface i = 1 for currPoint in pointList: #print "point " + str(i) x, y, z = currPoint.split(",") #composite is interleaved with ch1/ch2 #if doComposite==1: # z *= 2 #a point roi (This seems to be in pixels???) pROI = PointRoi(int(x), int(y), imp1) imp1.setSliceWithoutUpdate(int(z)) manager.add(imp1, pROI, int(z)) #add WITH slice, I want the pROI to be a 3D point #manager.addRoi(pROI) #add WITHOUT slice i += 1 print "added " + str(i) + " pnts to roi manager" if do3d==1: #see: ps = [] #list of Point3f (pointList) cps = [] #list of Point3f of connection points (cPointList) lps = [] #list of backbone centerline points (lPointList) cell_diameter = 3 #right now in pixels, eventually in um #print "Setting Spine Points..." for currPoint in pointList: x, y, z = currPoint.split(",")
def tethered_cell(image_path, frame_number=100, frame_rate=100.0, CCW=1): """ parameter setting; frame rate (frame/sec) CCW = 1 : the motor rotation direction and the cell rotation direction on the image are same CCW = -1: the motor rotation direction and the cell rotation direction on the image are different """ opener = Opener() imp = opener.openImage(image_path) image_slice_number = imp.getNSlices() rm = RoiManager().getInstance() if image_slice_number < frame_number: # too short movie IJ.log('Number of frame of the movie is fewer than the number of frame that you selected') return False # create result directory result_path = image_path + '_tethered_cell_result' if os.path.lexists(result_path) is False: os.mkdir(result_path) #z projection; standard deviation, tethered cell shorws circle, 'Subtract Background...', 'rolling=5 light stack'), 'Median...', 'radius=2 stack'), 'Z Project...', 'stop=500 projection=[Standard Deviation]') zimp = IJ.getImage() IJ.saveAs(zimp, 'bmp', os.path.join(result_path,'STD_DEV.bmp')) # pick up tethered cell IJ.setAutoThreshold(zimp, 'MaxEntropy dark'), 'Convert to Mask', '')'Set Measurements...', "area centroid bounding shape feret's limit redirect=None decimal=3"), 'Analyze Particles...', 'size=30-Infinity circularity=0.88-1.00 show=Nothing display exclude clear include') zrt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable() IJ.saveAs('Results', os.path.join(result_path,'RoiInfo.csv')) #tcX and tcY are xy coordinates of tethered cell, tcdia is outer diameter of rotating tethered cell #add ROI into stack image for i in range(zrt.getCounter()): tcX = zrt.getValue('X', i) tcY = zrt.getValue('Y', i) tcdia = zrt.getValue('Feret', i) rm.add(imp, OvalRoi(tcX - tcdia/2.0, tcY - tcdia/2.0, tcdia + 1, tcdia + 1), i) #calculate rotation speed by ellipse fitting IJ.setAutoThreshold(imp, 'Li') for roi_number in range(rm.getCount()): t = [] XM = [] YM = [] theta = [] rotation_speed = [] area = [] imp.setRoi(rm.getRoi(roi_number)) cropped_imp = Duplicator().run(imp)'Set Measurements...', 'area mean center fit limit redirect=None decimal=3') rt = rm.multiMeasure(imp) # check cell is present while analysis. Don't a cell gose anywhare? for i in range(frame_number): area.append(rt.getValue('Area1', i)) if 0 in area: continue for i in range(frame_number): t.append((1/frame_rate)*i) XM.append(rt.getValue('XM1', i)) YM.append(rt.getValue('YM1', i)) theta.append(rt.getValue('Angle1', i)/180.0*math.pi) # convert to radian if i == 0: rotation_speed.append(0) else: # phase treatment, theta should be -pi ~ pi temp_rotation_speed = [theta[i] - theta[i-1], theta[i] - theta[i-1] + math.pi, theta[i] - theta[i-1] - math.pi, theta[i] - theta[i-1] + 2*math.pi, theta[i] - theta[i-1] - 2*math.pi] temp_rotation_speed = sorted(temp_rotation_speed, key = lambda x :abs(x) )[0] rotation_speed.append(CCW*temp_rotation_speed/(2.0*math.pi)*frame_rate) # write csv # earch columns indicate 1:index, 2:time(sec), 3:X-coordinate of center of mass(pixel), 4:Y-coordinate of center of mass (pixel), 5:Angle(Radian), 6:Rotation Speed(Hz) with open(os.path.join(result_path,'Roi' + str(roi_number) + '.csv'), 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['Index', 'time(s)', 'X', 'Y', 'Angle(rad)', 'Rotation Speed(Hz)']) for i in range(len(t)): writer.writerow([i, t[i], XM[i], YM[i], theta[i], rotation_speed[i]]) # plot x-y, t-x, t-y, t-rotation speed, save plot as bmp plotRotation(roi_number, result_path, t, XM, YM, rotation_speed) IJ.saveAs(cropped_imp, 'tiff', os.path.join(result_path,'Roi' + str(roi_number) + '.tiff')) rt.reset() # get analysis date and time dt = dtstr = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # wtite analysis setting with open(os.path.join(result_path,'analysis_setting.csv'), 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['Analysis Date','frame number','frame rate','CCW direction', 'Method','Auto threshold', 'Subtruct Background', 'Median filter']) writer.writerow([dtstr, frame_number, frame_rate, CCW, 'Ellipse', 'Li', '5.0', '2']) # save roi if rm.getCount() != 0: rm.runCommand('Save', os.path.join(result_path, '')) zimp.close() imp.close() rm.close() zrt.reset()
def channel_segmentation(infile, diameter, tolerance, repeat_max, Zrepeat=10): # ROI optimization by Esnake optimisation default_options = "stack_order=XYCZT color_mode=Grayscale view=Hyperstack""Bio-Formats Importer", default_options + " open=[" + infile + "]") imp = IJ.getImage() cal = imp.getCalibration() channels = [i for i in xrange(1, imp.getNChannels() + 1)] log = filename(infile) log = re.sub('.ids', '.csv', log) XZdrift, YZdrift = retrieve_Zdrift(log) XZpt = [i * imp.getWidth() / Zrepeat for i in xrange(1, Zrepeat - 1)] YZpt = [i * imp.getHeight() / Zrepeat for i in xrange(1, Zrepeat - 1)] # Prepare head output file for ch in channels: csv_name = 'ch' + str(ch) + log with open(os.path.join(folder6, csv_name), 'wb') as outfile: SegLog = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',') SegLog.writerow(['spotID', 'Xpos', 'Ypos', 'Zpos', 'Quality', 'area', 'intensity', 'min', 'max', 'std']) # Retrieve seeds from SpotDetector options = IS.MEDIAN | IS.AREA | IS.MIN_MAX | IS.CENTROID spots = retrieve_seeds(log) for ch in channels: for spot in spots: repeat = 0 # Spots positions are given according to calibration, need to # convert it to pixel coordinates spotID = int(spot[0]) Xcenter = int(float(spot[2]) / cal.pixelWidth) Ycenter = int(float(spot[3]) / cal.pixelHeight) Zcenter = float(spot[4]) / cal.pixelDepth Quality = float(spot[5]) # find closest grid location in Zdrift matrix Xpt = min(range(len(XZpt)), key=lambda i: abs(XZpt[i] - Xcenter)) Ypt = min(range(len(YZpt)), key=lambda i: abs(YZpt[i] - Ycenter)) # Calculate Z position according to SpotZ, calibration and # channel-specific Zdrift # Zshift = median([float(XZdrift[Xpt][ch - 1]), float(YZdrift[Ypt][ch - 1])]) / cal.pixelDepth correctZ = int(Zcenter - Zshift) imp.setPosition(ch, correctZ, 1) imp.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(0, 3000) while True: manager = RoiManager.getInstance() if manager is None: manager = RoiManager() roi = OvalRoi(Xcenter - diameter * (1.0 + repeat / 10.0) / 2.0, Ycenter - diameter * ( 1.0 + repeat / 10.0) / 2.0, diameter * (1.0 + repeat / 10.0), diameter * (1.0 + repeat / 10.0)) imp.setRoi(roi), "E-Snake", "target_brightness=Bright control_points=3 gaussian_blur=0 energy_type=Mixture alpha=2.0E-5 max_iterations=20 immortal=false") roi_snake = manager.getRoisAsArray()[0] imp.setRoi(roi_snake) stats = IS.getStatistics( imp.getProcessor(), options, imp.getCalibration()) manager.reset() if stats.area > 20.0 and stats.area < 150.0 and boundaries(Xcenter, Ycenter, stats.xCentroid / cal.pixelWidth, stats.yCentroid / cal.pixelHeight, tolerance): Sarea = stats.area Sintensity = stats.median Smin = stats.min Smax = stats.max Sstd = stats.stdDev break elif repeat > repeat_max: roi = OvalRoi(Xcenter - diameter / 2.0, Ycenter - diameter / 2.0, diameter, diameter) imp.setRoi(roi) manager.add(imp, roi, i) stats = IS.getStatistics( imp.getProcessor(), options, imp.getCalibration()) Sarea = stats.area Sintensity = stats.median Smin = stats.min Smax = stats.max Sstd = stats.stdDev break else: repeat += 1 # Save results csv_name = 'ch' + str(ch) + log with open(os.path.join(folder6, csv_name), 'ab') as outfile: SegLog = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',') SegLog.writerow([spotID, Xcenter, Ycenter, correctZ, Quality, Sarea, Sintensity, Smin, Smax, Sstd]) # End spot optimization # End spots # End channels IJ.selectWindow(filename(infile))"Close")
manager = RoiManager() RoiManager(False) #sho the roi manager window, wierd interface i = 1 for currPoint in pointList: #print "point " + str(i) x, y, z = currPoint.split(",") #composite is interleaved with ch1/ch2 #if doComposite==1: # z *= 2 #a point roi (This seems to be in pixels???) pROI = PointRoi(int(x), int(y), imp1) imp1.setSliceWithoutUpdate(int(z)) manager.add(imp1, pROI, int(z)) #add WITH slice, I want the pROI to be a 3D point #manager.addRoi(pROI) #add WITHOUT slice i += 1 print "added " + str(i) + " pnts to roi manager" if do3d == 1: #see: ps = [] #list of Point3f (pointList) cps = [] #list of Point3f of connection points (cPointList) lps = [] #list of backbone centerline points (lPointList) cell_diameter = 3 #right now in pixels, eventually in um #print "Setting Spine Points..." for currPoint in pointList: x, y, z = currPoint.split(",")
f = open(str(xFile)) for line in f: x.append(line.replace("\n","").split(",")) f.close() f = open(str(yFile)) for line in f: y.append(line.replace("\n","").split(",")) f.close() f = open(str(zFile)) for line in f: z.append(line.replace("\n","").split(",")) f.close() x.pop(0) y.pop(0) z.pop(0) imp = IJ.getImage() rm = RoiManager() IJ.log("Processing started") for point in x: IJ.log("\\Update:Processing Object {}/{}".format(x.index(point)+1,len(x))) for time in point: if len(time) < 10 and time != 'NA': imp.setZ(int(round(float(z[x.index(point)][x[x.index(point)].index(time)])))) imp.setT(x[x.index(point)].index(time)+1) rm.add(imp,PointRoi(int(round(float(time))),int(round(float(y[x.index(point)][x[x.index(point)].index(time)])))),x.index(point)+1)