Exemple #1
def importModule(name):
	"needed because of a bug in python when dynamically loading a python module"

	if (len(name) == 0):
		return None
	if not name[0].isalpha():
		return None

	# Fast path: see if the module has already been imported.
	if sys.modules.has_key(name):
		return sys.modules[name]

	# If any of the following calls raises an exception,
	# there's a problem we can't handle

	# See if it's a built-in module.
	m = imp.init_builtin(name)
	if m:
		return m

	# See if it's a frozen module.
	m = imp.init_frozen(name)
	if m:
		return m

		# Search the default path (i.e. sys.path).
		fp, pathname, stuff = imp.find_module(name)
	except ImportError, param:
		Log.logDebug("Helper.importModule(): ImportError: " + str(param), 2)
		Log.logDebug("Helper.importModule(): failed to find module " + str(name), 1)
		return None
Exemple #2
def importModule(name):
    "needed because of a bug in python when dynamically loading a python module"

    if (len(name) == 0):
        return None
    if not name[0].isalpha():
        return None

    # Fast path: see if the module has already been imported.
    if sys.modules.has_key(name):
        return sys.modules[name]

    # If any of the following calls raises an exception,
    # there's a problem we can't handle

    # See if it's a built-in module.
    m = imp.init_builtin(name)
    if m:
        return m

    # See if it's a frozen module.
    m = imp.init_frozen(name)
    if m:
        return m

        # Search the default path (i.e. sys.path).
        fp, pathname, stuff = imp.find_module(name)
    except ImportError, param:
        Log.logDebug("Helper.importModule(): ImportError: " + str(param), 2)
            "Helper.importModule(): failed to find module " + str(name), 1)
        return None
Exemple #3
 def load_module(self,fullname):
         return sys.modules[fullname]
     except KeyError:
     if imp.is_builtin(fullname):
         mod = imp.init_builtin(fullname)
     elif imp.is_frozen(fullname):
         mod = imp.init_frozen(fullname)
         raise ImportError(fullname + " is not builtin or frozen")
     sys.modules[fullname] = mod
     return mod
Exemple #4
 def test_obscure_functions(self):
     import imp
     mod = imp.new_module('hi')
     assert mod.__name__ == 'hi'
     mod = imp.init_builtin(
     assert mod is None
     mod = imp.init_frozen('hello.world.this.is.never.a.frozen.module.name')
     assert mod is None
     assert imp.is_builtin('sys')
     assert not imp.is_builtin(
     assert not imp.is_frozen(
Exemple #5
    def load_module(self, name, stuff):
	file, filename, (suff, mode, type) = stuff
	if type == BUILTIN_MODULE:
	    return imp.init_builtin(name)
	if type == FROZEN_MODULE:
	    return imp.init_frozen(name)
	if type == C_EXTENSION:
	    return imp.load_dynamic(name, filename, file)
	if type == PY_SOURCE:
	    return imp.load_source(name, filename, file)
	if type == PY_COMPILED:
	    return imp.load_compiled(name, filename, file)
	raise ImportError, "Unrecognized module type (%s) for %s" % \
			   (`type`, name)
Exemple #6
def test_init_frozen():
    for name in temp_name:
        f = imp.init_frozen(name)
        if f != None :
            Fail("return object should be None!")
Exemple #7
 def test_init_frozen(self):
     for name in self.temp_name:
         f = imp.init_frozen(name)
Exemple #8
 def init_frozen(self, name): return imp.init_frozen(name)
 def get_frozen_object(self, name): return imp.get_frozen_object(name)
Exemple #9
 def init_frozen(self, name): return imp.init_frozen(name)
 def get_frozen_object(self, name): return imp.get_frozen_object(name)
Exemple #10
 def init_frozen(self, name):
     return imp.init_frozen(name)
Exemple #11
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, imp.init_frozen(self.input(0)))
Exemple #12
def import_module(name,
		  envLocals=None, envGlobals=None,
    """Primary service routine implementing 'import' with package nesting."""

    # The job is divided into a few distinct steps:
    # - Look for either an already loaded module or a file to be loaded.
    #   * if neither loaded module nor prospect file is found, raise an error.
    #   - If we have a file, not an already loaded module:
    #     - Load the file into a module.
    #     - Register the new module and intermediate package stubs.
    # (We have a module at this point...)
    # - Bind requested syms (module or specified 'from' defs) in calling env.
    # - Return the appropriate component.

    note("import_module: seeking '%s'%s" %
	 (name, ((inPkg and ' (in package %s)' % inPkg.__name__) or '')))

    # We need callers environment dict for local path and resulting module
    # binding.
    if not (envLocals or envGlobals):
	envLocals, envGlobals = exterior()

    modList = theMod = absNm = container = None

    # Get module obj if one already established, or else module file if not:

    if inPkg:
	# We've been invoked with a specific containing package:
	pkg, pkgPath, pkgNm = inPkg, inPkg.__dict__[PKG_PATH], inPkg.__name__
	relNm = name
	absNm = pkgNm + '.' + name
    elif name[:PKG_SHORT_NM_LEN+1] != PKG_SHORT_NM + '.':
	# name is NOT '__.something' - setup to seek according to specified
	# absolute name.
	pkg = __python__
	pkgPath = sys.path
	absNm = name
	relNm = absNm

	# name IS '__.' + something - setup to seek according to relative name,
	# in current package.

	relNm = name[len(PKG_SHORT_NM)+1:]	# Relative portion of name.
	    pkg = envGlobals[PKG_NM]	# The immediately containing package.
	    pkgPath = pkg.__dict__[PKG_PATH]
	    if pkg == __python__:	# At outermost package.
		absNm = relNm
		absNm = (pkg.__name__ + '.' + relNm)
	except KeyError:		# Missing package, path, or name.
	    note("Can't identify parent package, package name, or pkgpath")
	    pass							# ==v

    # Try to find existing module:
    if sys.modules.has_key(absNm):
	note('found ' + absNm + ' already imported')
	theMod = sys.modules[absNm]
	# Try for builtin or frozen first:
	theMod = imp.init_builtin(absNm)
	if theMod:
	    note('found builtin ' + absNm)
	    theMod = imp.init_frozen(absNm)
	    if theMod:
		note('found frozen ' + absNm)
	if not theMod:
	    if type(pkgPath) == types.StringType:
		pkgPath = [pkgPath]
	    modList = find_module(relNm, pkgPath, absNm)
	    if not modList:
		raise ImportError, "module '%s' not found" % absNm	# ===X
	    # We have a list of successively nested files leading to the
	    # module, register them as stubs:
	    container = register_module_nesting(modList, pkg)

	    # Load from file if necessary and possible:
	    modNm, modf, path, ty = modList[-1]
	    note('found type ' + modes[ty[2]] + ' - ' + absNm)

	    # Do the load:
	    theMod = load_module(absNm, ty[2], modf, inPkg)

	    # Loaded successfully - promote module to full module status:
	    register_module(theMod, theMod.__name__, pkgPath, pkg)

    # Have a loaded module, impose designated components, and return
    # appropriate thing - according to guido:
    # "Note that for "from spam.ham import bacon" your function should
    #  return the object denoted by 'spam.ham', while for "import
    #  spam.ham" it should return the object denoted by 'spam' -- the
    #  STORE instructions following the import statement expect it this
    #  way."
    if not froms:
	# Establish the module defs in the importing name space:
	(envLocals or envGlobals)[name] = theMod
	return (container or theMod)
	# Implement 'from': Populate immediate env with module defs:
	if froms == '*':
	    froms = theMod.__dict__.keys()	# resolve '*'
	for item in froms:
	    (envLocals or envGlobals)[item] = theMod.__dict__[item]
	return theMod
Exemple #13
def secimport(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
    # Fast path: let's see if it's already in sys.modules.
    # Two speed optimizations are worth mentioning:
    # - We use 'modules' instead of 'sys.modules'; this saves a
    #   dictionary look-up per call.
    # - It's also faster to use a try-except statement than
    #   to use modules.has_key(name) to check if it's there.
        return modules[name]
    except KeyError:

    # See if it's a built-in module
    m = imp.init_builtin(name)
    if m:
        return m

    # See if it's a frozen module
    m = imp.init_frozen(name)
    if m:
        return m

    # Search the default path (i.e. sys.path).
    # If this raises an exception, the module is not found --
    # let the caller handle the exception.
    fp, pathname, (suffix, mode, type) = imp.find_module(name)

    # See what we got...
    # Note that fp will be closed automatically when we return.
    # Extensions are written in C, and can just be loaded.
    if type == imp.C_EXTENSION:
        return imp.load_dynamic(name, pathname)
    # How do you handle files only present in source form?  I've
    # arbitrarily chosen to forbid secure importing of source code;
    # you will probably wish to change this in a real application.
    if type == imp.PY_SOURCE:
	print name, pathname
        raise ImportError, 'Importing of source files is forbidden by secure import'
    # For a compiled file, we'll check if there is a *.pys file
    # present in the same directory. 
    if type == imp.PY_COMPILED:
	testfile = pathname[:-4]+'.pys'
	    print testfile
	    secfile=open(testfile, 'rb')
	except IOError, tuple:
	    if (tuple[0]==2): pass	# Ignore 'file not found' error
	    else: raise IOError, tuple
	    # Check the signature
	    import marshal, RSA, md5
	    fp.close()			# Close the original *.pyc file
	    from testkey import *	# Get the key for verification
	    signature=marshal.load(secfile) # Read signature
	    data=secfile.read()		# Read code object
	    hash=md5.new(data).digest() # Compute its hash value
	    print 'sigcheck:', key.validate(hash, signature)
	    if (not key.validate(hash, signature)):
		raise ImportError, 'Signature check failed'
    	    secfile.seek(position)	# Rewind pointer to the
					# beginning of the code object
	    del secfile
	# Now we can happily import the compiled code object.
	return imp.load_compiled(name, pathname, fp)
Exemple #14
def test_init_frozen():
    for name in temp_name:
        f = imp.init_frozen(name)
        if f != None :
            Fail("return object should be None!")
Exemple #15
def secimport(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
    # Fast path: let's see if it's already in sys.modules.
    # Two speed optimizations are worth mentioning:
    # - We use 'modules' instead of 'sys.modules'; this saves a
    #   dictionary look-up per call.
    # - It's also faster to use a try-except statement than
    #   to use modules.has_key(name) to check if it's there.
        return modules[name]
    except KeyError:

    # See if it's a built-in module
    m = imp.init_builtin(name)
    if m:
        return m

    # See if it's a frozen module
    m = imp.init_frozen(name)
    if m:
        return m

    # Search the default path (i.e. sys.path).
    # If this raises an exception, the module is not found --
    # let the caller handle the exception.
    fp, pathname, (suffix, mode, type) = imp.find_module(name)

    # See what we got...
    # Note that fp will be closed automatically when we return.

    # Extensions are written in C, and can just be loaded.
    if type == imp.C_EXTENSION:
        return imp.load_dynamic(name, pathname)

    # For a compiled or source file, we'll check if there is a *.pys file
    # present in the same directory.
    if type == imp.PY_COMPILED or type == imp.PY_SOURCE:
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(pathname)
        testfile = root + '.pys'
            print testfile
            secfile=open(testfile, 'rb')
        except IOError, tuple:
            if (tuple[0]==2): pass      # Ignore 'file not found' error
            else: raise IOError, tuple
            # Check the signature (a signed hash of the code object).
            # We could sign the whole code object, but that would
            # require a huge key and would double the size of the
            # *.pys file.
            import marshal
            from Crypto.Hash import MD5
            fp.close()                  # Close the original *.pyc file
            from testkey import *       # Get the key for verification
            signature=marshal.load(secfile) # Read signature
            position=secfile.tell()     # Save position
            data=secfile.read()         # Read code object
            hash=MD5.new(data).digest() # Compute its hash value
            ##print 'sigcheck:', key.verify(hash, signature)
            if (not key.verify(hash, signature)):
                raise ImportError, 'Signature check of '+ testfile + ' failed'
            secfile.seek(position)      # Rewind pointer to the
                                        # beginning of the code object
            del secfile
        # Now we can happily import the compiled code object.
        return imp.load_compiled(name, pathname, fp)
Exemple #16
"""Import hook support.
Exemple #17
"""Import hook support.
Exemple #18
 def init_frozen(self, name):
     return imp.init_frozen(name)
Exemple #19
 def test_init_frozen(self):
     for name in self.temp_name:
         f = imp.init_frozen(name)