def populate_planetary_file(): # Store formatted data in a local file - to be consumed by planetaryjs # We are storing the data in file as reading data from DB is very slow print_info("Storing pickled content to local file..") confirmed_records_qs = Record.objects.all().filter( stats_type='confirmed').values('latitude', 'longitude', 'country_region', 'latest_stats_value') confirmed_records = list(confirmed_records_qs) ConfirmedPickledFile = open('datasets/Confirmed.pickle', 'ab') pickle.dump(confirmed_records, ConfirmedPickledFile) ConfirmedPickledFile.close() print_info("Storing pickled content to local file..Done")
def populateWorldRecords(url, stats_type, countries_df): print_info(f"Fetching content for stats_type [{stats_type}]..") print_info(f"URL in use [{url}]") with requests.Session() as s: download = s.get(url) decoded_content = download.content.decode('utf-8') # local_file_name = f'datasets/{stats_type}.csv' # print_info(f"Writing dowloaded content to file[{local_file_name}]..") # with open(local_file_name, "w") as outfile: # outfile.write(decoded_content) # print_info("Writing summary to local file..Done") rows_fetched = list(csv.reader(decoded_content.splitlines(), delimiter=',')) print_info(f"Fetching content for stats_type [{stats_type}]..Done") # Handle header row header_row = rows_fetched.pop(0) # Header is the first row. header_row.pop(0) # Remove the value 'Province/State' header_row.pop(0) # Remove the value 'Country/Region' header_row.pop(0) # Remove the value 'Lat' header_row.pop(0) # Remove the value 'Long' latest_stats_date = rectifyDateFormat(header_row[-1]) # stats_dates_csv = stats_dates_csv = rectifyDateFormat(dates_csv=(",".join(header_row))) print_info("Creating objects..") objects_list = [] ignored_countries = [ 'Diamond Princess', 'West Bank and Gaza', 'Kosovo', 'MS Zaandam' ] for row in rows_fetched[:]: state_province = row.pop(0) country_region = row.pop(0) if (country_region in ignored_countries): country_alpha3 = '---' else: country_alpha3 = countries_df.loc[country_region, 'alpha3'] latitude = row.pop(0) longitude = row.pop(0) stats_type = stats_type stats_value_csv = ",".join(row) latest_stats_value = row[-1] or 0 # Create model Record instances obj = Record( state_province=state_province, country_region=country_region, country_alpha3=country_alpha3, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, stats_type=stats_type, latest_stats_date=latest_stats_date, latest_stats_value=latest_stats_value, stats_dates_csv=stats_dates_csv, stats_value_csv=stats_value_csv, ) objects_list.append(obj) print_info("Creating objects..Done") print_info(f"Total objects created = {len(objects_list)}") print_info(f"Inserting records for stats_type[{stats_type}]..") Record.objects.bulk_create(objects_list) print_info(f"Inserting records for stats_type[{stats_type}]..Done") return decoded_content
def truncate_records(): print_info("Truncating [RECORD] table..") Record.objects.all().delete() print_info("Truncating [RECORD] table..Done")
def write_to_file_summary_json(summary): print_info("Writing summary to local file[summary.json]..") with open("datasets/summary.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(summary, outfile) print_info("Writing summary to local file[summary.json]..Done")
def store_country_plotly_html(): summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) # Create a local simplified dict from topojson - like below # cntry = { "AFG": "Afghanistan", "ALB": "Albania", "DZA": "Algeria", "AND": "Andorra", "AGO": "Angola", "ATG": "Antigua", "ARG": "Argentina", "ARM": "Armenia", "AUS": "Australia", "AUT": "Austria", "AZE": "Azerbaijan", "BHS": "Bahamas", "BHR": "Bahrain", "BGD": "Bangladesh", "BRB": "Barbados", "BLR": "Belarus", "BEL": "Belgium", "BLZ": "Belize", "BEN": "Benin", "BTN": "Bhutan", "BOL": "Bolivia", "BIH": "Bosnia", "BWA": "Botswana", "BRA": "Brazil", "BRN": "Brunei", "BGR": "Bulgaria", "BFA": "Burkina", "BDI": "Burundi", "CPV": "CaboVerde", "KHM": "Cambodia", "CMR": "Cameroon", "CAN": "Canada", "CAF": "Central African Republic", "TCD": "Chad", "CHL": "Chile", "CHN": "China", "COL": "Colombia", "COM": "Comoros", "COG": "Congo", "COD": "Congo", "CRI": "Costa Rica", "CIV": "Côte d'Ivoire", "HRV": "Croatia", "CUB": "Cuba", "CYP": "Cyprus", "CZE": "Czechia", "DNK": "Denmark", "DJI": "Djibouti", "DMA": "Dominica", "DOM": "Dominican Rep", "ECU": "Ecuador", "EGY": "Egypt", "SLV": "El Salvador", "GNQ": "Guinea", "ERI": "Eritrea", "EST": "Estonia", "SWZ": "Eswatini", "ETH": "Ethiopia", "FJI": "Fiji", "FIN": "Finland", "FRA": "France", "GAB": "Gabon", "GMB": "Gambia", "GEO": "Georgia", "DEU": "Germany", "GHA": "Ghana", "GRC": "Greece", "GRD": "Grenada", "GTM": "Guatemala", "GIN": "Guinea", "GNB": "Guinea Bissau", "GUY": "Guyana", "HTI": "Haiti", "HND": "Honduras", "HUN": "Hungary", "ISL": "Iceland", "IND": "India", "IDN": "Indonesia", "IRN": "Iran", "IRQ": "Iraq", "IRL": "Ireland", "ISR": "Israel", "ITA": "Italy", "JAM": "Jamaica", "JPN": "Japan", "JOR": "Jordan", "KAZ": "Kazakhstan", "KEN": "Kenya", "KIR": "Kiribati", "PRK": "S Korea", "KOR": "N Korea", "KWT": "Kuwait", "KGZ": "Kyrgyzstan", "LAO": "Lao", "LVA": "Latvia", "LBN": "Lebanon", "LSO": "Lesotho", "LBR": "Liberia", "LBY": "Libya", "LIE": "Liechten stein", "LTU": "Lithuania", "LUX": "Luxembourg", "MDG": "Madagascar", "MWI": "Malawi", "MYS": "Malaysia", "MDV": "Maldives", "MLI": "Mali", "MLT": "Malta", "MHL": "Marshall Islands", "MRT": "Mauritania", "MUS": "Mauritius", "MEX": "Mexico", "FSM": "Micronesia", "MDA": "Moldova", "MCO": "Monaco", "MNG": "Mongolia", "MNE": "Montenegro", "MAR": "Morocco", "MOZ": "Mozambique", "MMR": "Myanmar", "NAM": "Namibia", "NRU": "Nauru", "NPL": "Nepal", "NLD": "Nether lands", "NZL": "New Zealand", "NIC": "Nicaragua", "NER": "Niger", "NGA": "Nigeria", "MKD": "North Macedonia", "NOR": "Norway", "OMN": "Oman", "PAK": "Pakistan", "PLW": "Palau", "PAN": "Panama", "PNG": "Papua New Guinea", "PRY": "Paraguay", "PER": "Peru", "PHL": "Philippines", "POL": "Poland", "PRT": "Portugal", "QAT": "Qatar", "ROU": "Romania", "RUS": "Russian", "RWA": "Rwanda", "KNA": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "LCA": "Saint Lucia", "VCT": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "WSM": "Samoa", "SMR": "San Marino", "STP": "Sao Tome and Principe", "SAU": "Saudi Arabia", "SEN": "Senegal", "SRB": "Serbia", "SYC": "Seychelles", "SLE": "Sierra Leone", "SGP": "Singapore", "SVK": "Slovakia", "SVN": "Slovenia", "SLB": "Solomon", "SOM": "Somalia", "ZAF": "South Africa", "SSD": "South Sudan", "ESP": "Spain", "LKA": "Sri Lanka", "SDN": "Sudan", "SUR": "Suriname", "SWE": "Sweden", "CHE": "Switzer land", "SYR": "Syria", "TJK": "Tajikistan", "TZA": "Tanzania", "THA": "Thailand", "TLS": "Timor Leste", "TGO": "Togo", "TON": "Tonga", "TTO": "Trinidad and Tobago", "TUN": "Tunisia", "TUR": "Turkey", "TKM": "Turkmeni stan", "TUV": "Tuvalu", "UGA": "Uganda", "UKR": "Ukraine", "ARE": "UAE", "GBR": "United Kingdom", "USA": "USA", "URY": "Uruguay", "UZB": "Uzbekistan", "VUT": "Vanuatu", "VEN": "Venezuela", "VNM": "Viet Nam", "YEM": "Yemen", "ZMB": "Zambia", "ZWE": "Zimbabwe" } cntry = {} for temp in geo_json_data['features']: cntry[temp['id']] = temp['properties']['name'] for country_alpha3 in cntry: if country_alpha3 not in summary_json['countriesSorted_Confirmed']: pass trend = {'confirmed': {}, 'recovered': {}, 'deaths': {}} print_info(f"Fetching records from DB for country[{country_alpha3}]..") records = Record.objects.filter( country_alpha3=country_alpha3).values_list('stats_type', 'stats_dates_csv', 'stats_value_csv') for record in records: stats_type = record[0] dates_list = record[1].split(",") values_list = record[2].split(",") for index, date_str in enumerate(dates_list): value = values_list[index] # date_obj = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")) date_obj = str(datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")) if date_obj in trend[stats_type]: trend[stats_type][date_obj] += int(value) else: trend[stats_type][date_obj] = int(value) print_info( f"Fetching records from DB for country[{country_alpha3}]..Done") confirmed_dates_list = list(trend['confirmed'].keys()) confirmed_dates_list.sort() confirmed_values_list = list(trend['confirmed'].values()) confirmed_values_list.sort() recovered_dates_list = list(trend['recovered'].keys()) recovered_dates_list.sort() recovered_values_list = list(trend['recovered'].values()) recovered_values_list.sort() deaths_dates_list = list(trend['deaths'].keys()) deaths_dates_list.sort() deaths_values_list = list(trend['deaths'].values()) deaths_values_list.sort() print_info('Generating the plot..') data = { "data": [ go.Scatter( x=confirmed_dates_list, y=confirmed_values_list, mode='lines+markers', name='Confirmed', line=dict(color='#3366CC'), marker=dict( color='#003366', size=4, # line=dict( # color='MediumPurple', # width=2 # ) ), ), go.Scatter( x=recovered_dates_list, y=recovered_values_list, mode='lines+markers', name='Recovered', line=dict(color='green'), marker=dict(color='darkgreen', size=4), ), go.Scatter( x=deaths_dates_list, y=deaths_values_list, mode='lines+markers', name='Deaths', line=dict(color='tomato'), marker=dict( color='red', size=4, ), ) ], "layout": go.Layout( margin={ 'l': 0, 'r': 0, 't': 0, 'b': 0 }, paper_bgcolor='#ffffff', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', height=350, # title="Trend", autosize=True, # xaxis_title='Time', # yaxis_title='Count' legend_orientation="h", xaxis1={ "gridcolor": "rgba(209, 187, 149, .5)", "zerolinecolor": "rgba(209, 187, 149, .8)" }, yaxis1={ "gridcolor": "rgba(209, 187, 149, .5)", "zerolinecolor": "rgba(209, 187, 149, .8)" }, ) } config = {'displayModeBar': False} plotly_div = plotly.offline.plot(data, include_plotlyjs=True, config=config, output_type='div') print_info('Generating the plot..Done') local_file_name = f"datasets/html/countries/{country_alpha3}/plotly.html" print_info( f"Writing generated plotly HTML in local file[{local_file_name}..") Path(f"datasets/html/countries/{country_alpha3}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: with open(local_file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(plotly_div) except Exception as e: print_error( f"Writing generated plotly HTML in local file[{local_file_name}]..Failed" )
def store_country_stats_table_html(): print_info("Generating stats table..") summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) # Create a local simplified dict from topojson - like below # cntry = { "AFG": "Afghanistan", "ALB": "Albania", "DZA": "Algeria", ..} cntry = {} for temp in geo_json_data['features']: cntry[temp['id']] = temp['properties']['name'] for country_alpha3 in cntry: if country_alpha3 not in summary_json['countriesSorted_Confirmed']: pass print_info(f"Generating stats HTML for [{country_alpha3}]..") records_list = [] records = Record.objects.filter( country_alpha3=country_alpha3).values_list('state_province', 'country_region', 'stats_type', 'latest_stats_date', 'latest_stats_value') records_dict = {} for record in records: state_province = record[0] or 'No data' country_region = record[1] stats_type = record[2] latest_stats_date = record[3] latest_stats_value = record[4] if state_province not in records_dict: records_dict[state_province] = {} if stats_type not in records_dict[state_province]: records_dict[state_province][stats_type] = {} records_dict[state_province][stats_type][ 'latest_stats_date'] = latest_stats_date records_dict[state_province][stats_type][ 'latest_stats_value'] = latest_stats_value table_rows_html = '' for state in records_dict: try: confirmed = records_dict[state]['confirmed'][ 'latest_stats_value'] except KeyError: confirmed = '-' try: recovered = records_dict[state]['recovered'][ 'latest_stats_value'] except KeyError: recovered = '-' try: deaths = records_dict[state]['deaths']['latest_stats_value'] except KeyError: deaths = '-' table_rows_html += f"<tr>" table_rows_html += f"<td>{state}</td>" table_rows_html += f"<td class='text-right text-warning'>{confirmed}</td>" table_rows_html += f"<td class='text-right text-success'>{recovered}</td>" table_rows_html += f"<td class='text-right text-danger'>{deaths}</td>" table_rows_html += f"</tr>" table_html = f'\ <table id="table-country-records" class="table table-sm">\ <thead>\ <tr>\ <td>State</td>\ <td class="text-right text-warning">Confirmed</td>\ <td class="text-right text-success">Recovered</td>\ <td class="text-right text-danger">Deaths</td>\ </tr>\ </thead>\ <tbody>{table_rows_html}</tbody>\ </table>' print_info(f"Generating stats HTML for {country_alpha3}..Done") local_file_name = f"datasets/html/countries/{country_alpha3}/stats.html" print_info( f"Writing generated table HTML in local file[{local_file_name}..") Path(f"datasets/html/countries/{country_alpha3}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(local_file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(table_html) print_info( f"Writing generated table HTML in local file[{local_file_name}]..Done" )
def store_world_stats_table_html(): print_info("Generating HTML for world stats table..") summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) # Create a local simplified dict from topojson - like below # cntry = { "AFG": "Afghanistan", "ALB": "Albania", "DZA": "Algeria", "AND": "Andorra", "AGO": "Angola", "ATG": "Antigua", "ARG": "Argentina", "ARM": "Armenia", "AUS": "Australia", "AUT": "Austria", "AZE": "Azerbaijan", "BHS": "Bahamas", "BHR": "Bahrain", "BGD": "Bangladesh", "BRB": "Barbados", "BLR": "Belarus", "BEL": "Belgium", "BLZ": "Belize", "BEN": "Benin", "BTN": "Bhutan", "BOL": "Bolivia", "BIH": "Bosnia", "BWA": "Botswana", "BRA": "Brazil", "BRN": "Brunei", "BGR": "Bulgaria", "BFA": "Burkina", "BDI": "Burundi", "CPV": "CaboVerde", "KHM": "Cambodia", "CMR": "Cameroon", "CAN": "Canada", "CAF": "Central African Republic", "TCD": "Chad", "CHL": "Chile", "CHN": "China", "COL": "Colombia", "COM": "Comoros", "COG": "Congo", "COD": "Congo", "CRI": "Costa Rica", "CIV": "Côte d'Ivoire", "HRV": "Croatia", "CUB": "Cuba", "CYP": "Cyprus", "CZE": "Czechia", "DNK": "Denmark", "DJI": "Djibouti", "DMA": "Dominica", "DOM": "Dominican Rep", "ECU": "Ecuador", "EGY": "Egypt", "SLV": "El Salvador", "GNQ": "Guinea", "ERI": "Eritrea", "EST": "Estonia", "SWZ": "Eswatini", "ETH": "Ethiopia", "FJI": "Fiji", "FIN": "Finland", "FRA": "France", "GAB": "Gabon", "GMB": "Gambia", "GEO": "Georgia", "DEU": "Germany", "GHA": "Ghana", "GRC": "Greece", "GRD": "Grenada", "GTM": "Guatemala", "GIN": "Guinea", "GNB": "Guinea Bissau", "GUY": "Guyana", "HTI": "Haiti", "HND": "Honduras", "HUN": "Hungary", "ISL": "Iceland", "IND": "India", "IDN": "Indonesia", "IRN": "Iran", "IRQ": "Iraq", "IRL": "Ireland", "ISR": "Israel", "ITA": "Italy", "JAM": "Jamaica", "JPN": "Japan", "JOR": "Jordan", "KAZ": "Kazakhstan", "KEN": "Kenya", "KIR": "Kiribati", "PRK": "S Korea", "KOR": "N Korea", "KWT": "Kuwait", "KGZ": "Kyrgyzstan", "LAO": "Lao", "LVA": "Latvia", "LBN": "Lebanon", "LSO": "Lesotho", "LBR": "Liberia", "LBY": "Libya", "LIE": "Liechten stein", "LTU": "Lithuania", "LUX": "Luxembourg", "MDG": "Madagascar", "MWI": "Malawi", "MYS": "Malaysia", "MDV": "Maldives", "MLI": "Mali", "MLT": "Malta", "MHL": "Marshall Islands", "MRT": "Mauritania", "MUS": "Mauritius", "MEX": "Mexico", "FSM": "Micronesia", "MDA": "Moldova", "MCO": "Monaco", "MNG": "Mongolia", "MNE": "Montenegro", "MAR": "Morocco", "MOZ": "Mozambique", "MMR": "Myanmar", "NAM": "Namibia", "NRU": "Nauru", "NPL": "Nepal", "NLD": "Nether lands", "NZL": "New Zealand", "NIC": "Nicaragua", "NER": "Niger", "NGA": "Nigeria", "MKD": "North Macedonia", "NOR": "Norway", "OMN": "Oman", "PAK": "Pakistan", "PLW": "Palau", "PAN": "Panama", "PNG": "Papua New Guinea", "PRY": "Paraguay", "PER": "Peru", "PHL": "Philippines", "POL": "Poland", "PRT": "Portugal", "QAT": "Qatar", "ROU": "Romania", "RUS": "Russian", "RWA": "Rwanda", "KNA": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "LCA": "Saint Lucia", "VCT": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "WSM": "Samoa", "SMR": "San Marino", "STP": "Sao Tome and Principe", "SAU": "Saudi Arabia", "SEN": "Senegal", "SRB": "Serbia", "SYC": "Seychelles", "SLE": "Sierra Leone", "SGP": "Singapore", "SVK": "Slovakia", "SVN": "Slovenia", "SLB": "Solomon", "SOM": "Somalia", "ZAF": "South Africa", "SSD": "South Sudan", "ESP": "Spain", "LKA": "Sri Lanka", "SDN": "Sudan", "SUR": "Suriname", "SWE": "Sweden", "CHE": "Switzer land", "SYR": "Syria", "TJK": "Tajikistan", "TZA": "Tanzania", "THA": "Thailand", "TLS": "Timor Leste", "TGO": "Togo", "TON": "Tonga", "TTO": "Trinidad and Tobago", "TUN": "Tunisia", "TUR": "Turkey", "TKM": "Turkmeni stan", "TUV": "Tuvalu", "UGA": "Uganda", "UKR": "Ukraine", "ARE": "UAE", "GBR": "United Kingdom", "USA": "USA", "URY": "Uruguay", "UZB": "Uzbekistan", "VUT": "Vanuatu", "VEN": "Venezuela", "VNM": "Viet Nam", "YEM": "Yemen", "ZMB": "Zambia", "ZWE": "Zimbabwe" } cntry = {} for temp in geo_json_data['features']: cntry[temp['id']] = temp['properties']['name'] html = '' for alpha3 in summary_json['countriesSorted_Confirmed']: if alpha3 == '---': continue if alpha3 in cntry: country = cntry[alpha3] else: country = alpha3 confirmed = summary_json['countries'][alpha3]['confirmed'] recovered = summary_json['countries'][alpha3]['recovered'] deaths = summary_json['countries'][alpha3]['deaths'] country_href = f"<a href='/country/{alpha3}'>{country}</a>" html += f"<tr>" html += f"<td>{country_href}</td>" html += f"<td class='text-right text-warning'>{confirmed}</td>" html += f"<td class='text-right text-success'>{recovered}</td>" html += f"<td class='text-right text-danger'>{deaths}</td>" html += f"</tr>" html += f"\n" table_html = f'\ <table id="table-count" class="table table-sm" style="width: 100%;max-height:180px;overflow:auto;">\ <thead>\ <tr>\ <td></td>\ <td class="text-right text-warning">Confirmed</td>\ <td class="text-right text-success">Recovered</td>\ <td class="text-right text-danger">Deaths</td>\ </tr>\ </thead>\ <tbody>{html}</tbody>\ </table>' print_info("Generating HTML for world stats table..") print_info( "Writing generated HTML in local file[datasets/html/world/world_stats_table.html].." ) local_file_name = f'datasets/html/world/world_stats_table.html' Path("datasets/html/world").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(local_file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(table_html) print_info( "Writing generated HTML in local file[datasets/html/world/world_stats_table.html]..Done" ) return table_html
def store_world_choropleth_map_html(): print_info("Generating HTML for world choropleth map..") summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) # We are directly manipulating geojson to add in confirmed/recovered/deaths # We need to manipulate the geojson as it is the one which choropleth consumes # Must be a better approach available - TBD # Manipulating geo-json data.. for obj in geo_json_data['features']: country_alpha2 = obj['id'] # AFG try: obj['properties']['confirmed'] = summary_json['countries'][ country_alpha2]['confirmed'] obj['properties']['recovered'] = summary_json['countries'][ country_alpha2]['recovered'] obj['properties']['deaths'] = summary_json['countries'][ country_alpha2]['deaths'] except: # These are the countries which are present in geojson but not in summary # which implies - these are the countries wherein covid has not been reported # No further action is needed pass # Manipulating geo-json data..Done countries_df = get_country_dataframes() beep = "Dummy|0" for country in summary_json['countries']: deaths = 0 confirmed = 0 recovered = 0 if ('deaths' in summary_json['countries'][country]): deaths = summary_json['countries'][country]['deaths'] if ('confirmed' in summary_json['countries'][country]): confirmed = summary_json['countries'][country]['confirmed'] if ('recovered' in summary_json['countries'][country]): recovered = summary_json['countries'][country]['recovered'] try: beep = beep + "\n" + "{}|{}".format( countries_df.loc[country, 'alpha3'], confirmed) except: beep = beep + "\n" + "{}|{}".format(country, confirmed) TESTDATA = StringIO(beep) unemployment_df = pd.read_csv(TESTDATA, sep="|", names=["State", "Unemployment"]) linearrrr = cm.LinearColormap(['#fac4c4', '#f8302e'], vmin=unemployment_df.Unemployment.min(), vmax=unemployment_df.Unemployment.max()) unemployment_dict = unemployment_df.set_index('State')['Unemployment'] color_dict = { key: linearrrr(unemployment_dict[key]) for key in unemployment_dict.keys() } m = folium.Map() folium.GeoJson( geo_json_data, style_function=lambda feature: { 'fillColor': color_dict[feature['id']] if feature['id'] in color_dict.keys() else '#262626', 'color': 'white', 'weight': 0.3, # 'dashArray': '5, 5', 'fillOpacity': 0.9, }, tooltip=folium.GeoJsonTooltip( fields=['name', 'confirmed', 'recovered', 'deaths'], aliases=['Country', 'Confirmed', 'Recovered', 'Deaths'], localize=True)).add_to(m) choropleth_map_html = m.get_root().render() print_info("Generating HTML for world choropleth map..Done") print_info( "Writing generated HTML in local file[datasets/html/world_choropleth.html].." ) local_file_name = f'datasets/html/world/world_choropleth.html' Path("datasets/html/world").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(local_file_name, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(choropleth_map_html) print_info( "Writing generated HTML in local file[datasets/html/world/world_choropleth.html]..Done" )
def populate_summary_tbl_n_file(): print_info("Computing summary from records fetched..") summary = {} summary['utc_dt'] = str( summary['totals'] = findSumAcrossAllCountries()['totals'] summary['countries'] = findSumAcrossEachCountry()['countries'] summary['trend_deaths'] = findTrend(stats_type='deaths') summary['trend_confirmed'] = findTrend(stats_type='confirmed') summary['trend_recovered'] = findTrend(stats_type='recovered') summary['countriesSorted_Deaths'] = findCountriesSorted( stats_type='deaths') summary['countriesSorted_Recovered'] = findCountriesSorted( stats_type='recovered') summary['countriesSorted_Confirmed'] = findCountriesSorted( stats_type='confirmed') print_info("Computing summary from records fetched..Done") # Truncate Summary table print_info("Truncating summary table..") Summary.objects.all().delete() print_info("Truncating summary table..Done") # Update Summary table print_info("Updating summary table..") obj = Summary(json_string=json.dumps(summary)) print_info("Updating summary table..Done") write_to_file_summary_json(summary=summary)
def populate_records_india( url=''): print_info("Handling India records..") Record.objects.filter(country_region='India').delete() # Globals states_lat_long = { "India": { "lat": 20.5937, "long": 78.9629 }, "Andhra Pradesh": { "lat": 15.9129, "long": 79.7400 }, "Assam": { "lat": 26.244156, "long": 92.537842 }, "Bihar": { "lat": 25.0961, "long": 85.3131 }, "Chandigarh": { "lat": 30.7333, "long": 76.7794 }, "Chhattisgarh": { "lat": 21.295132, "long": 81.828232 }, "Delhi": { "lat": 28.7041, "long": 77.1025 }, "Gujarat": { "lat": 22.309425, "long": 72.136230 }, "Haryana": { "lat": 29.238478, "long": 76.431885 }, "Himachal Pradesh": { "lat": 32.084206, "long": 77.571167 }, "Jammu and Kashmir": { "lat": 33.7782, "long": 76.5762 }, "Karnataka": { "lat": 15.317277, "long": 75.713890 }, "Kerala": { "lat": 10.850516, "long": 76.271080 }, "Ladakh": { "lat": 34.152588, "long": 77.577049 }, "Madhya Pradesh": { "lat": 23.473324, "long": 77.947998 }, "Maharashtra": { "lat": 19.601194, "long": 75.552979 }, "Odisha": { "lat": 20.940920, "long": 84.803467 }, "Puducherry": { "lat": 11.9416, "long": 79.8083 }, "Punjab": { "lat": 31.1471, "long": 75.3412 }, "Rajasthan": { "lat": 27.391277, "long": 73.432617 }, "Tamil Nadu": { "lat": 11.127123, "long": 78.656891 }, "Telangana": { "lat": 17.123184, "long": 79.208824 }, "Telengana": { "lat": 17.123184, "long": 79.208824 }, "Tripura": { "lat": 23.745127, "long": 91.746826 }, "Uttar Pradesh": { "lat": 28.207609, "long": 79.826660 }, "Uttarakhand": { "lat": 30.0668, "long": 79.0193 }, "West Bengal": { "lat": 22.978624, "long": 87.747803 } } state_wise_stats = {} # Fetch JSON data from url r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() for data in r_json['data']: date = data['day'] # 2020-03-10 for regional in data['regional']: state = regional['loc'] if (state in state_wise_stats.keys()): pass else: state_wise_stats[state] = {} state_wise_stats[state]['confirmed_csv'] = '' state_wise_stats[state]['recovered_csv'] = '' state_wise_stats[state]['deaths_csv'] = '' state_wise_stats[state]['dates_csv'] = '' # Handle the case where the state is not present in the states_lat_long dict if (state in states_lat_long.keys()): state_wise_stats[state]['lat'] = states_lat_long[state]['lat'] state_wise_stats[state]['long'] = states_lat_long[state][ 'long'] else: state_wise_stats[state]['lat'] = states_lat_long['India'][ 'lat'] state_wise_stats[state]['long'] = states_lat_long['India'][ 'long'] state_wise_stats[state]['recovered_csv'] = state_wise_stats[state][ 'recovered_csv'] + str(regional['discharged']) + "," state_wise_stats[state]['confirmed_csv'] = state_wise_stats[state][ 'confirmed_csv'] + str(regional['confirmedCasesIndian'] + regional['confirmedCasesForeign']) + "," state_wise_stats[state]['deaths_csv'] = state_wise_stats[state][ 'deaths_csv'] + str(regional['deaths']) + "," state_wise_stats[state]['dates_csv'] = state_wise_stats[state][ 'dates_csv'] + str(date) + "," state_wise_stats[state]['confirmed_latest'] = regional[ 'confirmedCasesIndian'] + regional['confirmedCasesForeign'] state_wise_stats[state]['recovered_latest'] = regional[ 'discharged'] state_wise_stats[state]['deaths_latest'] = regional['deaths'] state_wise_stats[state]['date_latest'] = str(date) # At this time, we have collected all the data into the state_wise_stats dict # Next step - Load data onto database using bulk insert # Bulk insert requires array of objects to be created objects_list = [] for state in state_wise_stats: # For each state, we create 3 objects - 1.Confirmed 2.Recovered 3.Deaths obj = Record( state_province=state, country_region='India', country_alpha3='IND', latitude=state_wise_stats[state]['lat'], longitude=state_wise_stats[state]['long'], stats_type='confirmed', latest_stats_date=state_wise_stats[state]['date_latest'], latest_stats_value=state_wise_stats[state]['confirmed_latest'], stats_dates_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['dates_csv'].rstrip(','), stats_value_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['confirmed_csv'].rstrip( ','), ) objects_list.append(obj) obj = Record( state_province=state, country_region='India', country_alpha3='IND', latitude=state_wise_stats[state]['lat'], longitude=state_wise_stats[state]['long'], stats_type='deaths', latest_stats_date=state_wise_stats[state]['date_latest'], latest_stats_value=state_wise_stats[state]['deaths_latest'], stats_dates_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['dates_csv'].rstrip(','), stats_value_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['deaths_csv'].rstrip(','), ) objects_list.append(obj) obj = Record( latitude=state_wise_stats[state]['lat'], longitude=state_wise_stats[state]['long'], stats_type='recovered', state_province=state, country_region='India', country_alpha3='IND', stats_dates_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['dates_csv'].rstrip(','), stats_value_csv=state_wise_stats[state]['recovered_csv'].rstrip( ','), latest_stats_date=state_wise_stats[state]['date_latest'], latest_stats_value=state_wise_stats[state]['recovered_latest']) objects_list.append(obj) print_info("Inserting INDIA records..") Record.objects.bulk_create(objects_list) print_info("Inserting INDIA records..Done") print_info("Handling India records..Done")
def coronafeed(request): print_info("Reading summary json from [datasets/summary.json]..") summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) print_info("Reading summary json from [datasets/summary.json]..Done") return JsonResponse(summary_json)
def home(request): print_info("Processing starts..") print_info("Reading pickled data..") ConfirmedPickledFile = open('datasets/Confirmed.pickle', 'rb') confirmed_records = pickle.load(ConfirmedPickledFile) print_info("Reading pickled data..Done") print_info("Fetching summary..") summary_json = json.loads(open('datasets/summary.json').read()) print_info("Fetching summary..Done") print_info("Fetching geo-json data..") geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) print_info("Fetching geo-json data..Done") print_info("Fetching HTML for counts table..") with open('datasets/html/world/world_stats_table.html') as file: table_html = print_info("Fetching HTML for counts table..Done") print_info( "Fetching choropleth HTML from [datasets/html/world_choropleth.html].." ) with open('datasets/html/world/world_choropleth.html') as file: choropleth_map_html = print_info( "Fetching choropleth HTML from [datasets/html/world_choropleth.html]..Done" ) print_info("Setting context variable..") context = { "data": confirmed_records, # used for sparks "summary": summary_json, # used for pings 'map_html': choropleth_map_html, 'table_html': table_html } print_info("Setting context variable..Done") return render(request, "index.html", context)
def country_home(request, name='default'): print_info("Fetching geo-json data..") geo_json_data = json.loads( open('datasets/GeoJsonWorldCountries.json').read()) print_info("Fetching geo-json data..Done") # Create a local simplified dict from topojson - like below # cntry = { "AFG": "Afghanistan", "ALB": "Albania", "DZA": "Algeria", "AND": "Andorra", "AGO": "Angola", "ATG": "Antigua", "ARG": "Argentina", "ARM": "Armenia", "AUS": "Australia", "AUT": "Austria", "AZE": "Azerbaijan", "BHS": "Bahamas", "BHR": "Bahrain", "BGD": "Bangladesh", "BRB": "Barbados", "BLR": "Belarus", "BEL": "Belgium", "BLZ": "Belize", "BEN": "Benin", "BTN": "Bhutan", "BOL": "Bolivia", "BIH": "Bosnia", "BWA": "Botswana", "BRA": "Brazil", "BRN": "Brunei", "BGR": "Bulgaria", "BFA": "Burkina", "BDI": "Burundi", "CPV": "CaboVerde", "KHM": "Cambodia", "CMR": "Cameroon", "CAN": "Canada", "CAF": "Central African Republic", "TCD": "Chad", "CHL": "Chile", "CHN": "China", "COL": "Colombia", "COM": "Comoros", "COG": "Congo", "COD": "Congo", "CRI": "Costa Rica", "CIV": "Côte d'Ivoire", "HRV": "Croatia", "CUB": "Cuba", "CYP": "Cyprus", "CZE": "Czechia", "DNK": "Denmark", "DJI": "Djibouti", "DMA": "Dominica", "DOM": "Dominican Rep", "ECU": "Ecuador", "EGY": "Egypt", "SLV": "El Salvador", "GNQ": "Guinea", "ERI": "Eritrea", "EST": "Estonia", "SWZ": "Eswatini", "ETH": "Ethiopia", "FJI": "Fiji", "FIN": "Finland", "FRA": "France", "GAB": "Gabon", "GMB": "Gambia", "GEO": "Georgia", "DEU": "Germany", "GHA": "Ghana", "GRC": "Greece", "GRD": "Grenada", "GTM": "Guatemala", "GIN": "Guinea", "GNB": "Guinea Bissau", "GUY": "Guyana", "HTI": "Haiti", "HND": "Honduras", "HUN": "Hungary", "ISL": "Iceland", "IND": "India", "IDN": "Indonesia", "IRN": "Iran", "IRQ": "Iraq", "IRL": "Ireland", "ISR": "Israel", "ITA": "Italy", "JAM": "Jamaica", "JPN": "Japan", "JOR": "Jordan", "KAZ": "Kazakhstan", "KEN": "Kenya", "KIR": "Kiribati", "PRK": "S Korea", "KOR": "N Korea", "KWT": "Kuwait", "KGZ": "Kyrgyzstan", "LAO": "Lao", "LVA": "Latvia", "LBN": "Lebanon", "LSO": "Lesotho", "LBR": "Liberia", "LBY": "Libya", "LIE": "Liechten stein", "LTU": "Lithuania", "LUX": "Luxembourg", "MDG": "Madagascar", "MWI": "Malawi", "MYS": "Malaysia", "MDV": "Maldives", "MLI": "Mali", "MLT": "Malta", "MHL": "Marshall Islands", "MRT": "Mauritania", "MUS": "Mauritius", "MEX": "Mexico", "FSM": "Micronesia", "MDA": "Moldova", "MCO": "Monaco", "MNG": "Mongolia", "MNE": "Montenegro", "MAR": "Morocco", "MOZ": "Mozambique", "MMR": "Myanmar", "NAM": "Namibia", "NRU": "Nauru", "NPL": "Nepal", "NLD": "Nether lands", "NZL": "New Zealand", "NIC": "Nicaragua", "NER": "Niger", "NGA": "Nigeria", "MKD": "North Macedonia", "NOR": "Norway", "OMN": "Oman", "PAK": "Pakistan", "PLW": "Palau", "PAN": "Panama", "PNG": "Papua New Guinea", "PRY": "Paraguay", "PER": "Peru", "PHL": "Philippines", "POL": "Poland", "PRT": "Portugal", "QAT": "Qatar", "ROU": "Romania", "RUS": "Russian", "RWA": "Rwanda", "KNA": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "LCA": "Saint Lucia", "VCT": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "WSM": "Samoa", "SMR": "San Marino", "STP": "Sao Tome and Principe", "SAU": "Saudi Arabia", "SEN": "Senegal", "SRB": "Serbia", "SYC": "Seychelles", "SLE": "Sierra Leone", "SGP": "Singapore", "SVK": "Slovakia", "SVN": "Slovenia", "SLB": "Solomon", "SOM": "Somalia", "ZAF": "South Africa", "SSD": "South Sudan", "ESP": "Spain", "LKA": "Sri Lanka", "SDN": "Sudan", "SUR": "Suriname", "SWE": "Sweden", "CHE": "Switzer land", "SYR": "Syria", "TJK": "Tajikistan", "TZA": "Tanzania", "THA": "Thailand", "TLS": "Timor Leste", "TGO": "Togo", "TON": "Tonga", "TTO": "Trinidad and Tobago", "TUN": "Tunisia", "TUR": "Turkey", "TKM": "Turkmeni stan", "TUV": "Tuvalu", "UGA": "Uganda", "UKR": "Ukraine", "ARE": "UAE", "GBR": "United Kingdom", "USA": "USA", "URY": "Uruguay", "UZB": "Uzbekistan", "VUT": "Vanuatu", "VEN": "Venezuela", "VNM": "Viet Nam", "YEM": "Yemen", "ZMB": "Zambia", "ZWE": "Zimbabwe" } cntry = {} for temp in geo_json_data['features']: cntry[temp['id']] = temp['properties']['name'] print_info("Fetching graph html..") with open(f'datasets/html/countries/{name}/plotly.html') as file: div_html = print_info("Fetching graph html..Done") print_info("Fetching states table html from local file..") # country_table_html = fetch_country_records(country_alpha3=name) with open(f'datasets/html/countries/{name}/stats.html') as file: country_table_html = print_info("Fetching states table html from local file..Done") context = { 'country': cntry[name], 'country_table_html': country_table_html, 'div_html': div_html } return render(request, "country/country_home.html", context)