Exemple #1
def mpi_pow_int(s, n, prec):
    sa, sb = s
    if n < 0:
        return mpi_div((fone, fone), mpi_pow_int(s, -n, prec + 20), prec)
    if n == 0:
        return (fone, fone)
    if n == 1:
        return s
    # Odd -- signs are preserved
    if n & 1:
        a = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Even -- important to ensure positivity
        sas = mpf_sign(sa)
        sbs = mpf_sign(sb)
        # Nonnegative?
        if sas >= 0:
            a = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_floor)
            b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
        # Nonpositive?
        elif sbs <= 0:
            a = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_floor)
            b = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_ceiling)
        # Mixed signs?
            a = fzero
            # max(-a,b)**n
            sa = mpf_neg(sa)
            if mpf_ge(sa, sb):
                b = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_ceiling)
                b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #2
def mpi_pow_int(s, n, prec):
    sa, sb = s
    if n < 0:
        return mpi_div((fone, fone), mpi_pow_int(s, -n, prec+20), prec)
    if n == 0:
        return (fone, fone)
    if n == 1:
        return s
    # Odd -- signs are preserved
    if n & 1:
        a = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Even -- important to ensure positivity
        sas = mpf_sign(sa)
        sbs = mpf_sign(sb)
        # Nonnegative?
        if sas >= 0:
            a = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_floor)
            b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
        # Nonpositive?
        elif sbs <= 0:
            a = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_floor)
            b = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_ceiling)
        # Mixed signs?
            a = fzero
            # max(-a,b)**n
            sa = mpf_neg(sa)
            if mpf_ge(sa, sb):
                b = mpf_pow_int(sa, n, prec, round_ceiling)
                b = mpf_pow_int(sb, n, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #3
def mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec):
    wp = prec + 20
    xa = from_str(x, wp, round_floor)
    xb = from_str(x, wp, round_ceiling)
    #ya = from_str(y, wp, round_floor)
    y = from_str(y, wp, round_ceiling)
    assert mpf_ge(y, fzero)
    if percent:
        y = mpf_mul(MAX(mpf_abs(xa), mpf_abs(xb)), y, wp, round_ceiling)
        y = mpf_div(y, from_int(100), wp, round_ceiling)
    a = mpf_sub(xa, y, prec, round_floor)
    b = mpf_add(xb, y, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #4
def mpi_from_str_a_b(x, y, percent, prec):
    wp = prec + 20
    xa = from_str(x, wp, round_floor)
    xb = from_str(x, wp, round_ceiling)
    #ya = from_str(y, wp, round_floor)
    y = from_str(y, wp, round_ceiling)
    assert mpf_ge(y, fzero)
    if percent:
        y = mpf_mul(MAX(mpf_abs(xa), mpf_abs(xb)), y, wp, round_ceiling)
        y = mpf_div(y, from_int(100), wp, round_ceiling)
    a = mpf_sub(xa, y, prec, round_floor)
    b = mpf_add(xb, y, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #5
def mpi_square(s, prec=0):
    sa, sb = s
    if mpf_ge(sa, fzero):
        a = mpf_mul(sa, sa, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_ceiling)
    elif mpf_le(sb, fzero):
        a = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_mul(sa, sa, prec, round_ceiling)
        sa = mpf_neg(sa)
        sa, sb = mpf_min_max([sa, sb])
        a = fzero
        b = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #6
def mpi_square(s, prec=0):
    sa, sb = s
    if mpf_ge(sa, fzero):
        a = mpf_mul(sa, sa, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_ceiling)
    elif mpf_le(sb, fzero):
        a = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_floor)
        b = mpf_mul(sa, sa, prec, round_ceiling)
        sa = mpf_neg(sa)
        sa, sb = mpf_min_max([sa, sb])
        a = fzero
        b = mpf_mul(sb, sb, prec, round_ceiling)
    return a, b
Exemple #7
def mpi_atan2(y, x, prec):
    ya, yb = y
    xa, xb = x
    # Constrained to the real line
    if ya == yb == fzero:
        if mpf_ge(xa, fzero):
            return mpi_zero
        return mpi_pi(prec)
    # Right half-plane
    if mpf_ge(xa, fzero):
        if mpf_ge(ya, fzero):
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_floor)
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xa, prec, round_floor)
        if mpf_ge(yb, fzero):
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xa, prec, round_ceiling)
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Upper half-plane
    elif mpf_ge(ya, fzero):
        b = mpf_atan2(ya, xa, prec, round_ceiling)
        if mpf_le(xb, fzero):
            a = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_floor)
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_floor)
    # Lower half-plane
    elif mpf_le(yb, fzero):
        a = mpf_atan2(yb, xa, prec, round_floor)
        if mpf_le(xb, fzero):
            b = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Covering the origin
        b = mpf_pi(prec, round_ceiling)
        a = mpf_neg(b)
    return a, b
Exemple #8
def mpi_atan2(y, x, prec):
    ya, yb = y
    xa, xb = x
    # Constrained to the real line
    if ya == yb == fzero:
        if mpf_ge(xa, fzero):
            return mpi_zero
        return mpi_pi(prec)
    # Right half-plane
    if mpf_ge(xa, fzero):
        if mpf_ge(ya, fzero):
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_floor)
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xa, prec, round_floor)
        if mpf_ge(yb, fzero):
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xa, prec, round_ceiling)
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Upper half-plane
    elif mpf_ge(ya, fzero):
        b = mpf_atan2(ya, xa, prec, round_ceiling)
        if mpf_le(xb, fzero):
            a = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_floor)
            a = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_floor)
    # Lower half-plane
    elif mpf_le(yb, fzero):
        a = mpf_atan2(yb, xa, prec, round_floor)
        if mpf_le(xb, fzero):
            b = mpf_atan2(ya, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
            b = mpf_atan2(yb, xb, prec, round_ceiling)
    # Covering the origin
        b = mpf_pi(prec, round_ceiling)
        a = mpf_neg(b)
    return a, b
Exemple #9
def MAX(x, y):
    if mpf_ge(x, y):
        return x
    return y
Exemple #10
def MAX(x, y):
    if mpf_ge(x, y):
        return x
    return y
Exemple #11
def mpci_gamma(z, prec, type=0):
    (a1, a2), (b1, b2) = z

    # Real case
    if b1 == b2 == fzero and (type != 3 or mpf_gt(a1, fzero)):
        return mpi_gamma(z, prec, type), mpi_zero

    # Estimate precision
    wp = prec + 20
    if type != 3:
        amag = a2[2] + a2[3]
        bmag = b2[2] + b2[3]
        if a2 != fzero:
            mag = max(amag, bmag)
            mag = bmag
        an = abs(to_int(a2))
        bn = abs(to_int(b2))
        absn = max(an, bn)
        gamma_size = max(0, absn * mag)
        wp += bitcount(gamma_size)

    # Assume type != 1
    if type == 1:
        (a1, a2) = mpi_add((a1, a2), mpi_one, wp)
        z = (a1, a2), (b1, b2)
        type = 0

    # Avoid non-monotonic region near the negative real axis
    if mpf_lt(a1, gamma_min_b):
        if mpi_overlap((b1, b2), (gamma_mono_imag_a, gamma_mono_imag_b)):
            # TODO: reflection formula
            #if mpf_lt(a2, mpf_shift(fone,-1)):
            #    znew = mpci_sub((mpi_one,mpi_zero),z,wp)
            #    ...
            # Recurrence:
            # gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z
            znew = mpi_add((a1, a2), mpi_one, wp), (b1, b2)
            if type == 0:
                return mpci_div(mpci_gamma(znew, prec + 2, 0), z, prec)
            if type == 2:
                return mpci_mul(mpci_gamma(znew, prec + 2, 2), z, prec)
            if type == 3:
                return mpci_sub(mpci_gamma(znew, prec + 2, 3),
                                mpci_log(z, prec + 2), prec)

    # Use monotonicity (except for a small region close to the
    # origin and near poles)
    # upper half-plane
    if mpf_ge(b1, fzero):
        minre = mpc_loggamma((a1, b2), wp, round_floor)
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2, b1), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a1, b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a2, b2), wp, round_ceiling)
    # lower half-plane
    elif mpf_le(b2, fzero):
        minre = mpc_loggamma((a1, b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2, b2), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a2, b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a1, b2), wp, round_ceiling)
    # crosses real axis
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2, fzero), wp, round_ceiling)
        # stretches more into the lower half-plane
        if mpf_gt(mpf_neg(b1), b2):
            minre = mpc_loggamma((a1, b1), wp, round_ceiling)
            minre = mpc_loggamma((a1, b2), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a2, b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a2, b2), wp, round_floor)

    w = (minre[0], maxre[0]), (minim[1], maxim[1])
    if type == 3:
        return mpi_pos(w[0], prec), mpi_pos(w[1], prec)
    if type == 2:
        w = mpci_neg(w)
    return mpci_exp(w, prec)
Exemple #12
def mpi_lt(s, t):
    sa, sb = s
    ta, tb = t
    if mpf_lt(sb, ta): return True
    if mpf_ge(sa, tb): return False
    return None
Exemple #13
def mpi_lt(s, t):
    sa, sb = s
    ta, tb = t
    if mpf_lt(sb, ta): return True
    if mpf_ge(sa, tb): return False
    return None
Exemple #14
def mpci_gamma(z, prec, type=0):
    (a1,a2), (b1,b2) = z

    # Real case
    if b1 == b2 == fzero and (type != 3 or mpf_gt(a1,fzero)):
        return mpi_gamma(z, prec, type), mpi_zero

    # Estimate precision
    wp = prec+20
    if type != 3:
        amag = a2[2]+a2[3]
        bmag = b2[2]+b2[3]
        if a2 != fzero:
            mag = max(amag, bmag)
            mag = bmag
        an = abs(to_int(a2))
        bn = abs(to_int(b2))
        absn = max(an, bn)
        gamma_size = max(0,absn*mag)
        wp += bitcount(gamma_size)

    # Assume type != 1
    if type == 1:
        (a1,a2) = mpi_add((a1,a2), mpi_one, wp); z = (a1,a2), (b1,b2)
        type = 0

    # Avoid non-monotonic region near the negative real axis
    if mpf_lt(a1, gamma_min_b):
        if mpi_overlap((b1,b2), (gamma_mono_imag_a, gamma_mono_imag_b)):
            # TODO: reflection formula
            #if mpf_lt(a2, mpf_shift(fone,-1)):
            #    znew = mpci_sub((mpi_one,mpi_zero),z,wp)
            #    ...
            # Recurrence:
            # gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z
            znew = mpi_add((a1,a2), mpi_one, wp), (b1,b2)
            if type == 0: return mpci_div(mpci_gamma(znew, prec+2, 0), z, prec)
            if type == 2: return mpci_mul(mpci_gamma(znew, prec+2, 2), z, prec)
            if type == 3: return mpci_sub(mpci_gamma(znew, prec+2, 3), mpci_log(z,prec+2), prec)

    # Use monotonicity (except for a small region close to the
    # origin and near poles)
    # upper half-plane
    if mpf_ge(b1, fzero):
        minre = mpc_loggamma((a1,b2), wp, round_floor)
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2,b1), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a1,b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a2,b2), wp, round_ceiling)
    # lower half-plane
    elif mpf_le(b2, fzero):
        minre = mpc_loggamma((a1,b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2,b2), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a2,b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a1,b2), wp, round_ceiling)
    # crosses real axis
        maxre = mpc_loggamma((a2,fzero), wp, round_ceiling)
        # stretches more into the lower half-plane
        if mpf_gt(mpf_neg(b1), b2):
            minre = mpc_loggamma((a1,b1), wp, round_ceiling)
            minre = mpc_loggamma((a1,b2), wp, round_ceiling)
        minim = mpc_loggamma((a2,b1), wp, round_floor)
        maxim = mpc_loggamma((a2,b2), wp, round_floor)

    w = (minre[0], maxre[0]), (minim[1], maxim[1])
    if type == 3:
        return mpi_pos(w[0], prec), mpi_pos(w[1], prec)
    if type == 2:
        w = mpci_neg(w)
    return mpci_exp(w, prec)