def _create_opt_parser(self): option_parser = ReportScript._create_opt_parser(self) option_parser.add_option('--urlminversion', type='int', help='minimum version [%default]') return option_parser
def _create_opt_parser(self): option_parser = ReportScript._create_opt_parser(self) option_parser.add_option("--agreement", type="float", help="minimum acceptable agreement [%default]") option_parser.add_option( "--problemsonly", action="store_true", help="restrict listing to troubled archival units [%default]" ) option_parser.add_option( "--replserver", dest="replserver", type="int", help="mark as error archival units those with less replications on given servers [%default]", ) option_parser.add_option( "--repl", type="int", help="mark as error archival units those with less total known replications [%default]", ) return option_parser
def check_opts(self): ReportScript.check_opts(self, logopts=True) self.require_auids()
def __init__(self, argv0): ReportScript.__init__(self, argv0, "$Revision$", self.__class__.MYCONFIGS)
def process(self):"---")"Start Processing") if self.options.explainheaders: print ReportScript.explainheaders(self) return if self.options.dryrun: return opts = self.options.__dict__ print "# COMMAND", self.options._COMMAND for key in ["repl", "replserver", "agreement"]: if opts.has_key(key): print "#", key, opts.get(key) print "# " if self.options.problemsonly: print "# listing only archival units that appear to have a problem" print "# " masterAuIds = self.collectMasterAuIdInstances() print self.report_preamble() headers = self.options.reportheaders print "\t".join(headers) for mauid in masterAuIds: auids = LockssCacheAuId.objects.filter(Q(auId=mauid.auId), self.get_Q_caches()) repl = mauid.replication() replserver = auids.count() prof = { "auid": mauid.auId, "repl": repl, "lowrepl": repl < self.options.repl, "replserver": replserver, "lowreplserver": replserver < self.options.replserver, "nLowAgree": 0, "reportDate": {"min": None, "max": None}, "nausummary": None, "missingauinfo": False, "sizeMB": {"min": None, "max": None, "avg": None, "sum": None}, "diskMB": {"min": None, "max": None, "avg": None, "sum": None}, "agree": {"min": None, "max": None, "avg": None, "sum": None}, "caches": [], } nagree = 0 nlausum = 0 for au in auids: lau = au.getlocksscacheausummary() if lau: nlausum = nlausum + 1 if lau.agreement < self.options.agreement: prof["nLowAgree"] = prof["nLowAgree"] + 1 delta, prof["agree"] = self.add_value(lau.agreement, "agree", prof["agree"]) nagree = nagree + delta delta, prof["sizeMB"] = self.add_value(lau.contentSizeMB(), "sizeMB", prof["sizeMB"]) assert delta == 1, "%s sizeMB: %s" % (str(lau), str(prof["sizeMB"])) delta, prof["diskMB"] = self.add_value(lau.diskUsageMB, "sizeMB", prof["diskMB"]) assert delta == 1, "%s diskMB: %s" % (str(lau), str(prof["diskMB"])) delta, prof["reportDate"] = self.add_value(lau.reportDate, "reportDate", prof["reportDate"]) assert delta == 1, "%s reportDare: %s" % (str(lau), str(prof["reportDate"])) else: prof["missingauinfo"] = True prof["caches"].append( prof["caches"] = sorted(prof["caches"]) prof["nausummary"] = nlausum if nagree > 0: prof["agree"]["avg"] = prof["agree"]["sum"] / nagree if nlausum > 0: prof["sizeMB"]["avg"] = prof["sizeMB"]["sum"] / nlausum prof["diskMB"]["avg"] = prof["diskMB"]["sum"] / nlausum if (not self.options.problemsonly) or prof["lowrepl"] or prof["lowreplserver"] or prof["nLowAgree"] > 0: vals = [] for f in headers: keys = f.split(" ") if len(keys) == 1: v = prof[f] else: v = prof[keys[0]][keys[1]] if v.__class__ == float: v = "%.2f" % v elif v.__class__ == list: v = "\t".join(sorted(v)) vals.append(str(v)) print "\t".join(vals)"Stop Processing")
def process(self):"---")"Start Processing") if (self.options.dryrun): return if (self.options.explainheaders): print ReportScript.explainheaders(self); return; print "# COMMAND", self.options._COMMAND; print "# "; if (self.options.urlminversion > 1): print "# listing only urls with a version number greater equal than ", self.options.urlminversion print "# "; masterAuIds = self.collectMasterAuIdInstances() print self.report_preamble(); headers = self.options.reportheaders; fields = []; if ('reportDate' in headers): fields.append("urlReport") if ("auId" in headers or "cache" in headers ): fields.append("urlReport__auId") if ("cache" in headers ): fields.append("urlReport__auId__cache") relatedfields = ",".join(fields); caches = None; if (self.options.serverlist): caches = self.options.cachelist; for mauid in masterAuIds: print "\n# AUID %s" % mauid.auId mauidRepl = None; urlKnownRepl = None; qu = self.get_url_query(mauid, self.options.urlminversion, caches); urls = []; if (fields): urls = Url.objects.filter(qu).order_by('name').select_related(relatedfields); else: urls = Url.objects.filter(qu).order_by('name'); if (urls): print "\t".join(headers) for u in urls: vals = []; for h in headers: try: if (h == 'name'): vals.append( elif (h == 'size'): vals.append(str(u.size)) elif (h == 'version'): vals.append(str(u.version)) elif (h == 'auId'): vals.append(u.urlReport.auId.auId) elif (h == 'plugin'): vals.append(mauid.plugin) elif (h == 'baseUrl'): vals.append(mauid.baseUrl) elif (h == 'extraParams'): vals.append(mauid.extraParams) elif (h == 'reportDate'): vals.append(str(u.urlReport.reportDate)) elif (h == 'cache'): vals.append(str(u.urlReport.auId.cache)); elif (h == 'urlRepl'): repl = str(Url.objects.filter(; vals.append(str(repl)) elif (h == 'repl'): if (not mauidRepl): mauidRepl = str(mauid.replication()) vals.append(mauidRepl) elif (h == 'urlKnownRepl'): if (not urlKnownRepl): # number of cache aus for which we have a urlReport i qu = Q(auId__auId__exact=mauid.auId) urlKnownRepl = str(UrlReport.objects.filter(qu).count()) vals.append(urlKnownRepl) else: raise LockssError("Unknown report header %s" % h) except Exception as e: vals.append("#Error url_id=%d %s" % (, str(e))); print "\t".join(vals)"Stop Processing")
def __init__(self, arg0): ReportScript.__init__(self, arg0, '$Revision$', Report_urlprofile.MYCONFIGS)