def main(arglist): # Process cmdline args parser = tools.parser parser.description = help parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter args = tools.parser.parse_args(arglist) plugin, plugin_args = lyman.determine_engine(args) # Load up the lyman info subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) project = lyman.gather_project_info() # Create the workflow object method = project["normalization"] wf_func = getattr(anatwarp, "create_{}_workflow".format(method)) normalize = wf_func(project["data_dir"], subject_list) normalize.base_dir = os.path.join(project["working_dir"], "warp") # Put crashdumps somewhere out of the way nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) # Execute the workflow lyman.run_workflow(normalize, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(normalize.base_dir)
def get_subject_order(exp): subjects = lyman.determine_subjects([exp + "_subjects"]) accs = pd.Series(index=subjects, dtype=np.float) for subj in subjects: fname = "decoding_analysis/{}_{}_ifs.pkz".format(subj, exp) accs.ix[subj] = moss.load_pkl(fname).acc return list(accs.sort(inplace=False, ascending=False).index)
def main(arglist): # Parse the command line args = parse_args(arglist) # Load the lyman data subjects = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) contrasts = exp["contrast_names"] z_thresh = exp["cluster_zthresh"] # Get the full correct name for the experiment if args.experiment is None: exp_name = project["default_exp"] else: exp_name = args.experiment exp_base = exp_name if args.altmodel is not None: exp_name = "-".join([exp_base, args.altmodel]) # Group-level # =========== if args.level == "group": temp_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name, args.output, args.regspace, "{contrast}") if args.regspace == "fsaverage": sig_thresh = -np.log10(stats.norm.sf(z_thresh)) sig_thresh = np.round(sig_thresh) * 10 corr_sign = exp["surf_corr_sign"] sig_name = "" % (sig_thresh, corr_sign) stat_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm", sig_name) mask_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/mask.mgh") png_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}/osgm/zstat_threshold.png") else: stat_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.zstat1_threshold.mgz") mask_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.group_mask.mgz") png_temp = op.join(temp_base, "zstat1_threshold_surf.png") corr_sign = "pos" contrast_loop("fsaverage", contrasts, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp, args, z_thresh, corr_sign) # Subject-level # ============= elif args.level == "subject": temp_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name, "{subj}", "ffx", args.regspace, "smoothed/{contrast}") mask_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.mask.mgz") stat_temp = op.join(temp_base, "{hemi}.zstat1.mgz") png_temp = op.join(temp_base, "zstat1_surf.png") for subj in subjects: contrast_loop(subj, contrasts, stat_temp, mask_temp, png_temp, args, 1.96, "abs")
def main(arglist): args = parse_args(arglist) if args.subjects is None: args.subjects = lyman.determine_subjects() for subj in args.subjects: print "Running subject", subj searchlight_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, "dksort", subj, "mvpa/searchlight") if not op.exists(searchlight_dir): os.mkdir(searchlight_dir) vol_fname = op.join(searchlight_dir, "dimension_dksort_pfc.nii.gz") if "fit" in and (not op.exists(vol_fname) or args.overwrite): print " Doing searchlight" mask_img, X, y, runs = load_data(subj) s = SearchLight(mask_img, radius=10, n_jobs=10, estimator=LogisticRegression(), cv=LeaveOneLabelOut(runs)), y) out_img = nib.Nifti1Image(s.scores_, s.mask_img.get_affine()) out_img.to_filename(vol_fname) surf_fnames = [ op.join(searchlight_dir, "lh.dimension_dksort_pfc.mgz"), op.join(searchlight_dir, "rh.dimension_dksort_pfc.mgz") ] if "surf" in and (not all(map(op.exists, surf_fnames)) or args.overwrite): print " Doing surfreg" reg_fname = op.join(analysis_dir, "dksort", subj, "preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat") for i, hemi in enumerate(["lh", "rh"]): cmdline = [ "mri_vol2surf", "--mov", vol_fname, "--reg", reg_fname, "--trgsubject", "fsaverage", "--projfrac-avg", "0", "1", ".1", "--surf-fwhm", "5", "--hemi", hemi, "--o", surf_fnames[i] ] sp.check_output(" ".join(cmdline), shell=True)
def main(arglist): args = parse_args(arglist) if args.subjects is None: args.subjects = lyman.determine_subjects() for subj in args.subjects: print "Running subject", subj searchlight_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, "dksort", subj, "mvpa/searchlight") if not op.exists(searchlight_dir): os.mkdir(searchlight_dir) vol_fname = op.join(searchlight_dir, "dimension_dksort_pfc.nii.gz") if "fit" in and (not op.exists(vol_fname) or args.overwrite): print " Doing searchlight" mask_img, X, y, runs = load_data(subj) s = SearchLight(mask_img, radius=10, n_jobs=10, estimator=LogisticRegression(), cv=LeaveOneLabelOut(runs)), y) out_img = nib.Nifti1Image(s.scores_, s.mask_img.get_affine()) out_img.to_filename(vol_fname) surf_fnames = [op.join(searchlight_dir, "lh.dimension_dksort_pfc.mgz"), op.join(searchlight_dir, "rh.dimension_dksort_pfc.mgz")] if "surf" in and (not all(map(op.exists, surf_fnames)) or args.overwrite): print " Doing surfreg" reg_fname = op.join(analysis_dir, "dksort", subj, "preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat") for i, hemi in enumerate(["lh", "rh"]): cmdline = ["mri_vol2surf", "--mov", vol_fname, "--reg", reg_fname, "--trgsubject", "fsaverage", "--projfrac-avg", "0", "1", ".1", "--surf-fwhm", "5", "--hemi", hemi, "--o", surf_fnames[i]] sp.check_output(" ".join(cmdline), shell=True)
def main(arglist): # Find the subjects for this execution args = parse_args(arglist) subjects = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) # Find the project details proj = lyman.gather_project_info() data_dir = proj["data_dir"] # Make images for each subject for subj in subjects: # Make sure the output directory exists out_dir = op.join(data_dir, subj, "snapshots") if not op.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) # Do each chunk of reporting surface_images(out_dir, subj) curvature_normalization(data_dir, subj) volume_images(data_dir, subj)
def main(arglist): # Process cmdline args args = tools.parser.parse_args(arglist) plugin, plugin_args = lyman.determine_engine(args) # Load up the lyman info subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) project = lyman.gather_project_info() # Create the workflow object normalize = anatwarp.create_anatwarp_workflow( project["data_dir"], subject_list) normalize.base_dir = project["working_dir"] normalize.config["execution"]["crashdump_dir"] = "/tmp" # Execute the workflow lyman.run_workflow(normalize, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(normalize.base_dir)
def main(arglist): # Find the subjects for this execution args = parse_args(arglist) subjects = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) # Find the project details proj = lyman.gather_project_info() data_dir = proj["data_dir"] # Make images for each subject for subj in subjects: # Make sure the output directory exists out_dir = op.join(data_dir, subj, "snapshots") if not op.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) # Do each chunk of reporting inflated_surfaces(out_dir, subj, args.close) curvature_normalization(data_dir, subj, args.close) volume_images(data_dir, subj)
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) # Set up the SUBJECTS_DIR for Freesurfer os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Subject is always highest level of parameterization subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) subj_source = tools.make_subject_source(subject_list) # Get the full correct name for the experiment if args.experiment is None: exp_name = project["default_exp"] else: exp_name = args.experiment exp_base = exp_name if args.altmodel is not None: exp_name = "-".join([exp_base, args.altmodel]) # Set roots of output storage data_dir = project["data_dir"] analysis_dir = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) working_dir = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) # Create symlinks to the preproc directory for altmodels if not op.exists(analysis_dir): os.makedirs(analysis_dir) if exp_base != exp_name: for subj in subject_list: subj_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, subj) if not op.exists(subj_dir): os.makedirs(subj_dir) link_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, subj, "preproc") if not op.exists(link_dir): preproc_dir = op.join("../..", exp_base, subj, "preproc") os.symlink(preproc_dir, link_dir) # For later processing steps, are we using smoothed inputs? smoothing = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" # Also define the regspace variable here space = args.regspace # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Preprocessing Workflow # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create workflow in function defined elsewhere in this package preproc, preproc_input, preproc_output = wf.create_preprocessing_workflow( exp_info=exp) # Collect raw nifti data preproc_templates = dict(timeseries=exp["source_template"]) if exp["partial_brain"]: preproc_templates["whole_brain_template"] = exp["whole_brain_template"] preproc_source = Node(SelectFiles(preproc_templates, base_directory=project["data_dir"]), "preproc_source") # Convenience class to handle some sterotyped connections # between run-specific nodes (defined here) and the inputs # to the prepackaged workflow returned above preproc_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(preproc, subj_source, preproc_source, preproc_input) preproc_inwrap.connect_inputs() # Store workflow outputs to persistant location preproc_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "preproc_sink") # Similar to above, class to handle sterotyped output connections preproc_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(preproc, subj_source, preproc_sink, preproc_output) preproc_outwrap.set_subject_container() preproc_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(exp["n_runs"]) preproc_outwrap.sink_outputs("preproc") # Set the base for the possibly temporary working directory preproc.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly execute the workflow, depending on the command line lyman.run_workflow(preproc, "preproc", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Timeseries Model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a modelfitting workflow and specific nodes as above model, model_input, model_output = wf.create_timeseries_model_workflow( name=smoothing + "_model", exp_info=exp) model_base = op.join(analysis_dir, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/") model_templates = dict( timeseries=op.join(model_base, smoothing + "_timeseries.nii.gz"), realign_file=op.join(model_base, "realignment_params.csv"), artifact_file=op.join(model_base, "artifacts.csv"), ) if exp["design_name"] is not None: design_file = exp["design_name"] + ".csv" regressor_file = exp["design_name"] + ".csv" model_templates["design_file"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "design", design_file) if exp["regressor_file"] is not None: regressor_file = exp["regressor_file"] + ".csv" model_templates["regressor_file"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "design", regressor_file) model_source = Node(SelectFiles(model_templates), "model_source") model_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(model, subj_source, model_source, model_input) model_inwrap.connect_inputs() model_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "model_sink") model_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(model, subj_source, model_sink, model_output) model_outwrap.set_subject_container() model_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(exp["n_runs"]) model_outwrap.sink_outputs("model." + smoothing) # Set temporary output locations model.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly execute the workflow lyman.run_workflow(model, "model", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Across-Run Registration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Is this a model or timeseries registration? regtype = "timeseries" if (args.timeseries or args.residual) else "model" # Retrieve the right workflow function for registration # Get the workflow function dynamically based on the space warp_method = project["normalization"] flow_name = "%s_%s_reg" % (space, regtype) reg, reg_input, reg_output = wf.create_reg_workflow(flow_name, space, regtype, warp_method, args.residual) # Define a smoothing info node here. Use an iterable so that running # with/without smoothing doesn't clobber working directory files # for the other kind of execution smooth_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["smoothing"]), iterables=("smoothing", [smoothing]), name="smooth_source") # Set up the registration inputs and templates reg_templates = dict( masks="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/functional_mask.nii.gz", means="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/mean_func.nii.gz", ) if regtype == "model": reg_base = "{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/" reg_templates.update(dict( copes=op.join(reg_base, "cope*.nii.gz"), varcopes=op.join(reg_base, "varcope*.nii.gz"), sumsquares=op.join(reg_base, "ss*.nii.gz"), )) else: if args.residual: ts_file = op.join("{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/", "results/res4d.nii.gz") else: ts_file = op.join("{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/", "{smoothing}_timeseries.nii.gz") reg_templates.update(dict(timeseries=ts_file)) reg_lists = reg_templates.keys() if space == "mni": aff_ext = "mat" if warp_method == "fsl" else "txt" reg_templates["warpfield"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "normalization/warpfield.nii.gz") reg_templates["affine"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "normalization/affine." + aff_ext) rigid_stem = "{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/func2anat_" if warp_method == "ants" and space == "mni": reg_templates["rigids"] = rigid_stem + "tkreg.dat" else: reg_templates["rigids"] = rigid_stem + "flirt.mat" # Define the registration data source node reg_source = Node(SelectFiles(reg_templates, force_lists=reg_lists, base_directory=analysis_dir), "reg_source") # Registration inputnode reg_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(reg, subj_source, reg_source, reg_input) reg_inwrap.connect_inputs() # The source node also needs to know about the smoothing on this run reg.connect(smooth_source, "smoothing", reg_source, "smoothing") # Set up the registration output and datasink reg_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "reg_sink") reg_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(reg, subj_source, reg_sink, reg_output) reg_outwrap.set_subject_container() reg_outwrap.sink_outputs("reg.%s" % space) # Reg has some additional substitutions to strip out iterables # and rename the timeseries file reg_subs = [("_smoothing_", "")] reg_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions(reg_subs) # Add dummy substitutions for the contasts to make sure the DataSink # reruns when the deisgn has changed. This accounts for the problem where # directory inputs are treated as strings and the contents/timestamps are # not hashed, which should be fixed upstream soon. contrast_subs = [(c, c) for c in exp["contrast_names"]] reg_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions(contrast_subs) reg.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly run registration workflow and clean up lyman.run_workflow(reg, "reg", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Across-Run Fixed Effects Model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dynamically get the workflow wf_name = space + "_ffx" ffx, ffx_input, ffx_output = wf.create_ffx_workflow(wf_name, space, exp["contrast_names"]) ext = "_warp.nii.gz" if space == "mni" else "_xfm.nii.gz" ffx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/reg", space, "{smoothing}/run_*") ffx_templates = dict( copes=op.join(ffx_base, "cope*" + ext), varcopes=op.join(ffx_base, "varcope*" + ext), masks=op.join(ffx_base, "functional_mask" + ext), means=op.join(ffx_base, "mean_func" + ext), dofs="{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/results/dof", ss_files=op.join(ffx_base, "ss*" + ext), timeseries="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/{smoothing}_timeseries.nii.gz", ) ffx_lists = ffx_templates.keys() # Space-conditional inputs if space == "mni": bg = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}/normalization/brain_warp.nii.gz") reg = op.join(os.environ["FREESURFER_HOME"], "average/mni152.register.dat") else: bg = "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1/mean_func.nii.gz" reg = "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat" ffx_templates["anatomy"] = bg ffx_templates["reg_file"] = reg # Define the ffxistration data source node ffx_source = Node(SelectFiles(ffx_templates, force_lists=ffx_lists, base_directory=analysis_dir), "ffx_source") # Fixed effects inutnode ffx_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(ffx, subj_source, ffx_source, ffx_input) ffx_inwrap.connect_inputs() # Connect the smoothing information ffx.connect(smooth_source, "smoothing", ffx_source, "smoothing") # Fixed effects output and datasink ffx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "ffx_sink") ffx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(ffx, subj_source, ffx_sink, ffx_output) ffx_outwrap.set_subject_container() ffx_outwrap.sink_outputs("ffx.%s" % space) # Fixed effects has some additional substitutions to strip out interables ffx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([ ("_smoothing_", ""), ("flamestats", "") ]) ffx.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly run fixed effects workflow lyman.run_workflow(ffx, "ffx", args) # -------- # # Clean-up # -------- # if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats, signal import statsmodels.api as sm import nibabel as nib import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from surfer import Brain import moss from moss import glm from moss.nipy import VolumeImg import lyman subjects = lyman.determine_subjects() project = lyman.gather_project_info() data_dir = project["data_dir"] analysis_dir = project["analysis_dir"] exp = project["default_exp"] design_temp = op.join(data_dir, "{}/design/{}.csv") class SlicePlotter(object): """Object to generate single slice images or mosaics of volume results.""" def __init__(self, model, contrast, corrected=True, stat_thresh=2.3, stat_range=(2, 5),
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel, args) # Set up the SUBJECTS_DIR for Freesurfer os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Subject is always highest level of parameterization subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) subj_source = tools.make_subject_source(subject_list) # Get the full correct name for the experiment if args.experiment is None: exp_name = project["default_exp"] else: exp_name = args.experiment exp_base = exp_name if args.altmodel is not None: exp_name = "-".join([exp_base, args.altmodel]) # Set roots of output storage data_dir = project["data_dir"] analysis_dir = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) working_dir = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) # Create symlinks to the preproc directory for altmodels if not op.exists(analysis_dir): os.makedirs(analysis_dir) if exp_base != exp_name: for subj in subject_list: subj_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, subj) if not op.exists(subj_dir): os.makedirs(subj_dir) link_dir = op.join(analysis_dir, subj, "preproc") if not op.exists(link_dir): preproc_dir = op.join("../..", exp_base, subj, "preproc") os.symlink(preproc_dir, link_dir) # For later processing steps, are we using smoothed inputs? smoothing = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" # Also define the regspace variable here space = args.regspace # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Preprocessing Workflow # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create workflow in function defined elsewhere in this package preproc, preproc_input, preproc_output = wf.create_preprocessing_workflow( exp_info=exp) # Collect raw nifti data preproc_templates = dict(timeseries=exp["source_template"]) if exp["partial_brain"]: preproc_templates["whole_brain"] = exp["whole_brain_template"] if exp["fieldmap_template"]: preproc_templates["fieldmap"] = exp["fieldmap_template"] preproc_source = Node( SelectFiles(preproc_templates, base_directory=project["data_dir"]), "preproc_source") # Convenience class to handle some sterotyped connections # between run-specific nodes (defined here) and the inputs # to the prepackaged workflow returned above preproc_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(preproc, subj_source, preproc_source, preproc_input) preproc_inwrap.connect_inputs() # Store workflow outputs to persistant location preproc_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "preproc_sink") # Similar to above, class to handle sterotyped output connections preproc_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(preproc, subj_source, preproc_sink, preproc_output) preproc_outwrap.set_subject_container() preproc_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(exp["n_runs"]) preproc_outwrap.sink_outputs("preproc") # Set the base for the possibly temporary working directory preproc.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly execute the workflow, depending on the command line lyman.run_workflow(preproc, "preproc", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Timeseries Model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a modelfitting workflow and specific nodes as above model, model_input, model_output = wf.create_timeseries_model_workflow( name=smoothing + "_model", exp_info=exp) model_base = op.join(analysis_dir, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/") model_templates = dict( timeseries=op.join(model_base, smoothing + "_timeseries.nii.gz"), realign_file=op.join(model_base, "realignment_params.csv"), nuisance_file=op.join(model_base, "nuisance_variables.csv"), artifact_file=op.join(model_base, "artifacts.csv"), ) if exp["design_name"] is not None: design_file = exp["design_name"] + ".csv" regressor_file = exp["design_name"] + ".csv" model_templates["design_file"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "design", design_file) if exp["regressor_file"] is not None: regressor_file = exp["regressor_file"] + ".csv" model_templates["regressor_file"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "design", regressor_file) model_source = Node(SelectFiles(model_templates), "model_source") model_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(model, subj_source, model_source, model_input) model_inwrap.connect_inputs() model_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "model_sink") model_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(model, subj_source, model_sink, model_output) model_outwrap.set_subject_container() model_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(exp["n_runs"]) model_outwrap.sink_outputs("model." + smoothing) # Set temporary output locations model.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly execute the workflow lyman.run_workflow(model, "model", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Across-Run Registration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Is this a model or timeseries registration? regtype = "timeseries" if (args.timeseries or args.residual) else "model" # Are we registering across experiments? cross_exp = args.regexp is not None # Retrieve the right workflow function for registration # Get the workflow function dynamically based on the space warp_method = project["normalization"] flow_name = "%s_%s_reg" % (space, regtype) reg, reg_input, reg_output = wf.create_reg_workflow( flow_name, space, regtype, warp_method, args.residual, cross_exp) # Define a smoothing info node here. Use an iterable so that running # with/without smoothing doesn't clobber working directory files # for the other kind of execution smooth_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["smoothing"]), iterables=("smoothing", [smoothing]), name="smooth_source") # Set up the registration inputs and templates reg_templates = dict( masks="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/functional_mask.nii.gz", means="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/mean_func.nii.gz", ) if regtype == "model": # First-level model summary statistic images reg_base = "{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/" reg_templates.update( dict( copes=op.join(reg_base, "cope*.nii.gz"), varcopes=op.join(reg_base, "varcope*.nii.gz"), sumsquares=op.join(reg_base, "ss*.nii.gz"), )) else: # Timeseries images if args.residual: ts_file = op.join("{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/", "results/res4d.nii.gz") else: ts_file = op.join("{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/", "{smoothing}_timeseries.nii.gz") reg_templates.update(dict(timeseries=ts_file)) reg_lists = list(reg_templates.keys()) # Native anatomy to group anatomy affine matrix and warpfield if space == "mni": aff_ext = "mat" if warp_method == "fsl" else "txt" reg_templates["warpfield"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "normalization/warpfield.nii.gz") reg_templates["affine"] = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}", "normalization/affine." + aff_ext) else: if args.regexp is None: tkreg_base = analysis_dir else: tkreg_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], args.regexp) reg_templates["tkreg_rigid"] = op.join(tkreg_base, "{subject_id}", "preproc", "run_1", "func2anat_tkreg.dat") # Rigid (6dof) functional-to-anatomical matrices rigid_stem = "{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/func2anat_" if warp_method == "ants" and space == "mni": reg_templates["rigids"] = rigid_stem + "tkreg.dat" else: reg_templates["rigids"] = rigid_stem + "flirt.mat" # Rigid matrix from anatomy to target experiment space if args.regexp is not None: targ_analysis_dir = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], args.regexp) reg_templates["first_rigid"] = op.join(targ_analysis_dir, "{subject_id}", "preproc", "run_1", "func2anat_flirt.mat") # Define the registration data source node reg_source = Node( SelectFiles(reg_templates, force_lists=reg_lists, base_directory=analysis_dir), "reg_source") # Registration inputnode reg_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(reg, subj_source, reg_source, reg_input) reg_inwrap.connect_inputs() # The source node also needs to know about the smoothing on this run reg.connect(smooth_source, "smoothing", reg_source, "smoothing") # Set up the registration output and datasink reg_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "reg_sink") reg_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(reg, subj_source, reg_sink, reg_output) reg_outwrap.set_subject_container() reg_outwrap.sink_outputs("reg.%s" % space) # Reg has some additional substitutions to strip out iterables # and rename the timeseries file reg_subs = [("_smoothing_", "")] reg_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions(reg_subs) # Add dummy substitutions for the contasts to make sure the DataSink # reruns when the deisgn has changed. This accounts for the problem where # directory inputs are treated as strings and the contents/timestamps are # not hashed, which should be fixed upstream soon. contrast_subs = [(c, c) for c in exp["contrast_names"]] reg_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions(contrast_subs) reg.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly run registration workflow and clean up lyman.run_workflow(reg, "reg", args) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Across-Run Fixed Effects Model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dynamically get the workflow wf_name = space + "_ffx" ffx, ffx_input, ffx_output = wf.create_ffx_workflow(wf_name, space, exp["contrast_names"], exp_info=exp) ext = "_warp.nii.gz" if space == "mni" else "_xfm.nii.gz" ffx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/reg", space, "{smoothing}/run_*") ffx_templates = dict( copes=op.join(ffx_base, "cope*" + ext), varcopes=op.join(ffx_base, "varcope*" + ext), masks=op.join(ffx_base, "functional_mask" + ext), means=op.join(ffx_base, "mean_func" + ext), dofs="{subject_id}/model/{smoothing}/run_*/results/dof", ss_files=op.join(ffx_base, "ss*" + ext), timeseries="{subject_id}/preproc/run_*/{smoothing}_timeseries.nii.gz", ) ffx_lists = list(ffx_templates.keys()) # Space-conditional inputs if space == "mni": bg = op.join(data_dir, "{subject_id}/normalization/brain_warp.nii.gz") reg = op.join(os.environ["FREESURFER_HOME"], "average/mni152.register.dat") else: reg_dir = "{subject_id}/reg/epi/{smoothing}/run_1" bg = op.join(reg_dir, "mean_func_xfm.nii.gz") reg = op.join(reg_dir, "func2anat_tkreg.dat") ffx_templates["anatomy"] = bg ffx_templates["reg_file"] = reg # Define the ffxistration data source node ffx_source = Node( SelectFiles(ffx_templates, force_lists=ffx_lists, base_directory=analysis_dir), "ffx_source") # Fixed effects inutnode ffx_inwrap = tools.InputWrapper(ffx, subj_source, ffx_source, ffx_input) ffx_inwrap.connect_inputs() # Connect the smoothing information ffx.connect(smooth_source, "smoothing", ffx_source, "smoothing") # Fixed effects output and datasink ffx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=analysis_dir), "ffx_sink") ffx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(ffx, subj_source, ffx_sink, ffx_output) ffx_outwrap.set_subject_container() ffx_outwrap.sink_outputs("ffx.%s" % space) # Fixed effects has some additional substitutions to strip out interables ffx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([("_smoothing_", ""), ("flamestats", "")]) ffx.base_dir = working_dir # Possibly run fixed effects workflow lyman.run_workflow(ffx, "ffx", args) # -------- # # Clean-up # -------- # if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(working_dir)
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) ### Set up group info ## Regular design group_info = pd.read_csv(group_filepath) # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) # Additional code (deletion caught by Dan dillon) subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list print(group_info) print(subject_list) groups = [group_info[group_info.subid == x].reset_index().at[0,'group'] for x in subject_list] group_vector = [1 if sub == "group1" else 2 for sub in groups] # 1 for group1, 2 for group2 # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group1_mean=[int(sub == 'group1') for sub in groups], group2_mean=[int(sub == 'group2') for sub in groups]) print(regressors) # DECIDE WHICH CONTRAST YOU WANT HERE: contrasts = [[contrast_name, "T", ["group1_mean", "group2_mean"], contrast_vals]] print('Using this contrast:') print(contrast_name) print(contrast_vals) # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow_groups( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp, group_vector) else: mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_surface_ols_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, exp) # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update(dict( varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update(dict( reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1", "func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]) ]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join([anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([ (r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "") ]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) ### Set up group info ## Regular design # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) print subject_list subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list # load in covariate for source accuracy analysis # cov = pd.read_csv('/Volumes/group/awagner/sgagnon/AP/results/df_sourceAcc.csv') # cov_col = 'mean_acc' # load in covariate (subids and value for each subject (in cov_col)) cov = pd.read_csv(cov_filepath) cov = cov.loc[cov.subid.isin(subject_list)] # prune for those in this analysis cov[cov_col] = (cov[cov_col] - cov[cov_col].mean()) / cov[cov_col].std() # zscore print cov.describe() cov_reg = [cov[cov.subid == x].reset_index().at[0, cov_col] for x in subject_list] # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group_mean=[int(1) for sub in subject_list], z_covariate=cov_reg) print regressors contrasts = [["cov", "T", ["group_mean", "z_covariate"], [0, 1]]] # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp) else: print 'run mni!' # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update(dict( varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update(dict( reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1", "func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]) ]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join([anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([ (r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "") ]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import moss import lyman if __name__ == "__main__": subjects = dict(dots=lyman.determine_subjects(["dots_subjects"]), sticks=lyman.determine_subjects(["sticks_subjects"])) # ----- Combine decoding results rois = ["ifs", "mfc"] decoding_data = {} for exp, subj_list in subjects.iteritems(): # Set up the dataframe for this experiment idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([subj_list, rois], names=["subj", "roi"]) exp_df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["acc", "chance", "pctile"], dtype=np.float) # Load the data for each subject/roi for subj, roi in idx: fname = "decoding_analysis/{}_{}_{}.pkz".format(subj, exp, roi) res = moss.load_pkl(fname) exp_df.ix[subj, roi] = [res.acc, res.chance, res.acc_pctile] decoding_data[exp] = exp_df
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) ### Set up group info ## Regular design # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) print subject_list subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list # load in covariate for source accuracy analysis # cov = pd.read_csv('/Volumes/group/awagner/sgagnon/AP/results/df_sourceAcc.csv') # cov_col = 'mean_acc' # load in covariate for cort analysis cov = pd.read_csv( '/Volumes/group/awagner/sgagnon/AP/data/cortisol/cort_percentchange_testbaseline_controlassay.csv' ) cov_col = 'cort_controlassay' cov = cov.loc[cov.subid.isin( subject_list)] # prune for those in this analysis cov[cov_col] = (cov[cov_col] - cov[cov_col].mean()) / cov[cov_col].std() # zscore print cov.describe() cov_reg = [ cov[cov.subid == x].reset_index().at[0, cov_col] for x in subject_list ] # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group_mean=[int(1) for sub in subject_list], z_covariate=cov_reg) print regressors contrasts = [["cov", "T", ["group_mean", "z_covariate"], [0, 1]]] # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp) else: print 'run mni!' # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update( dict(varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update( dict(reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1", "func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode( SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([(mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")])]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join( [anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([(r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "")]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
def __init__(self, subject_list, experiment, roi_name, orig_type, force_serial=False, debug=False): # Set up basic info self.subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(subject_list) project = lyman.gather_project_info() self.experiment = experiment self.roi_name = roi_name self.orig_type = orig_type self.debug = debug if debug: print "Setting up for %d subjects" % len(subject_list) print "Experiment name:", experiment print "ROI name:", roi_name # Set up directories if project["default_exp"] is not None and experiment is None: experiment = project["default_exp"] self.experiment = experiment self.data_dir = project["data_dir"] self.anal_dir = project["analysis_dir"] # Set up temporary output self.temp_dir = mkdtemp() # Set the SUBJECTS_DIR variable for Freesurfer os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = self.data_dir # Set up parallel execution self.parallel = False if force_serial: = map else: try: rc = Client() self.dv = rc[:] = self.dv.map_async # Push SUBJECTS_DIR to engines self.dv.execute("import os") self.dv["data_dir"] = self.data_dir self.dv.execute("os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = data_dir") self.parallel = True except (TimeoutError, IOError): = map if debug: print "Set to run in %s" % ("parallel" if self.parallel else "serial") # Set up some persistent templates self.epi_template = op.join(self.anal_dir, self.experiment, "%(subj)s", "preproc/run_1/mean_func.nii.gz") self.fov_template = op.join(self.anal_dir, self.experiment, "%(subj)s", "preproc/run_1/functional_mask.nii.gz") self.reg_template = op.join(self.anal_dir, self.experiment, "%(subj)s", "preproc/run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat") self.out_template = op.join(self.data_dir, "%(subj)s", "masks/%s.nii.gz" % self.roi_name) if debug: print "EPI template: %s" % self.epi_template print "Reg template: %s" % self.reg_template print "Output template: %s" % self.out_template # Ensure the output directory will exist for subj in self.subject_list: mask_dir = op.join(self.data_dir, subj, "masks") if not op.exists(mask_dir): os.mkdir(mask_dir)
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel, args) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group_mean=[1] * len(subject_list)) contrasts = [["group_mean", "T", ["group_mean"], [1]]] # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp) else: mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_surface_ols_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, exp) # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update(dict( varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update(dict( reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/reg/epi/", ffxsmooth, "run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode(SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]) ]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join([anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([ (r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "") ]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats, signal import statsmodels.api as sm import nibabel as nib import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from surfer import Brain import moss from moss import glm from moss.nipy import VolumeImg import lyman subjects = lyman.determine_subjects() project = lyman.gather_project_info() data_dir = project["data_dir"] analysis_dir = project["analysis_dir"] exp = project["default_exp"] design_temp = op.join(data_dir, "{}/design/{}.csv") class SlicePlotter(object): """Object to generate single slice images or mosaics of volume results.""" def __init__(self, model, contrast, corrected=True, stat_thresh=2.3, stat_range=(2, 5), stat_cmap="OrRd_r", stat_alpha=.85, sharp=False, label_slices=True): """Initialize the object but do not plot anything yet.""" anat_img = nib.load(op.join(data_dir, "average_anat.nii.gz"))
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel, args) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group_mean=[1] * len(subject_list)) contrasts = [["group_mean", "T", ["group_mean"], [1]]] # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp) else: mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_surface_ols_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, exp) # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update( dict(varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update( dict(reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/reg/epi/", ffxsmooth, "run_1/func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode( SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([(mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")])]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join( [anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([(r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "")]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
def main(arglist): """Main function for workflow setup and execution.""" args = parse_args(arglist) # Get and process specific information project = lyman.gather_project_info() exp = lyman.gather_experiment_info(args.experiment, args.altmodel) if args.experiment is None: args.experiment = project["default_exp"] if args.altmodel: exp_name = "-".join([args.experiment, args.altmodel]) else: exp_name = args.experiment # Make sure some paths are set properly os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = project["data_dir"] # Set roots of output storage anal_dir_base = op.join(project["analysis_dir"], exp_name) work_dir_base = op.join(project["working_dir"], exp_name) nipype.config.set("execution", "crashdump_dir", project["crash_dir"]) ### Set up group info ## Regular design group_info = pd.read_csv(group_filepath) # Subject source (no iterables here) subject_list = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) # Additional code (deletion caught by Dan dillon) subj_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["subject_id"]), name="subj_source") subj_source.inputs.subject_id = subject_list print(group_info) print(subject_list) groups = [ group_info[group_info.subid == x].reset_index().at[0, 'group'] for x in subject_list ] group_vector = [1 if sub == "group1" else 2 for sub in groups] # 1 for group1, 2 for group2 # Set up the regressors and contrasts regressors = dict(group1_mean=[int(sub == 'group1') for sub in groups], group2_mean=[int(sub == 'group2') for sub in groups]) print(regressors) # DECIDE WHICH CONTRAST YOU WANT HERE: contrasts = [[ contrast_name, "T", ["group1_mean", "group2_mean"], contrast_vals ]] print('Using this contrast:') print(contrast_name) print(contrast_vals) # Subject level contrast source contrast_source = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["l1_contrast"]), iterables=("l1_contrast", exp["contrast_names"]), name="contrast_source") # Group workflow space = args.regspace wf_name = "_".join([space, args.output]) if space == "mni": mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_volume_mixedfx_workflow_groups( wf_name, subject_list, regressors, contrasts, exp, group_vector) else: mfx, mfx_input, mfx_output = wf.create_surface_ols_workflow( wf_name, subject_list, exp) # Mixed effects inputs ffxspace = "mni" if space == "mni" else "epi" ffxsmooth = "unsmoothed" if args.unsmoothed else "smoothed" mfx_base = op.join("{subject_id}/ffx/%s/%s/{l1_contrast}" % (ffxspace, ffxsmooth)) templates = dict(copes=op.join(mfx_base, "cope1.nii.gz")) if space == "mni": templates.update( dict(varcopes=op.join(mfx_base, "varcope1.nii.gz"), dofs=op.join(mfx_base, "tdof_t1.nii.gz"))) else: templates.update( dict(reg_file=op.join(anal_dir_base, "{subject_id}/preproc/run_1", "func2anat_tkreg.dat"))) # Workflow source node mfx_source = MapNode( SelectFiles(templates, base_directory=anal_dir_base, sort_filelist=True), "subject_id", "mfx_source") # Workflow input connections mfx.connect([ (contrast_source, mfx_source, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (contrast_source, mfx_input, [("l1_contrast", "l1_contrast")]), (subj_source, mfx_source, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]), (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("copes", "copes")]) ]), if space == "mni": mfx.connect([ (mfx_source, mfx_input, [("varcopes", "varcopes"), ("dofs", "dofs")]), ]) else: mfx.connect([(mfx_source, mfx_input, [("reg_file", "reg_file")]), (subj_source, mfx_input, [("subject_id", "subject_id")])]) # Mixed effects outputs mfx_sink = Node(DataSink(base_directory="/".join( [anal_dir_base, args.output, space]), substitutions=[("/stats", "/"), ("/_hemi_", "/"), ("_glm_results", "")], parameterization=True), name="mfx_sink") mfx_outwrap = tools.OutputWrapper(mfx, subj_source, mfx_sink, mfx_output) mfx_outwrap.sink_outputs() mfx_outwrap.set_mapnode_substitutions(1) mfx_outwrap.add_regexp_substitutions([(r"_l1_contrast_[-\w]*/", "/"), (r"_mni_hemi_[lr]h", "")]) mfx.connect(contrast_source, "l1_contrast", mfx_sink, "container") # Set a few last things mfx.base_dir = work_dir_base # Execute lyman.run_workflow(mfx, args=args) # Clean up if project["rm_working_dir"]: shutil.rmtree(project["working_dir"])
redirect, send_file) import lyman project = lyman.gather_project_info() default_exp = project["default_exp"] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-subjects", nargs="*") parser.add_argument("-experiment", default=default_exp) parser.add_argument("-port", type=int, default=5000) parser.add_argument("-external", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-debug", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) subjects = lyman.determine_subjects(args.subjects) exp_base = args.experiment app = Flask(__name__) def basic_info(experiment=exp_base): """Basic information needed before any report options are set.""" experiments = list_experiments() exp = experiment_info(experiment) subjects_size = min(len(subjects), 10) runs = range(1, exp["n_runs"] + 1) contrasts = exp["contrast_names"]