Exemple #1
    def update(self, req, id, body):
        """Update a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        if not body or 'security_service' not in body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        security_service_data = body['security_service']
        valid_update_keys = ('description', 'name')

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'show',
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        if security_service['status'].lower() in ['new', 'inactive']:
            update_dict = security_service_data
            update_dict = dict([(key, security_service_data[key])
                                for key in valid_update_keys
                                if key in security_service_data])

        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update', security_service)
        security_service = db.security_service_update(context, id, update_dict)
        return self._view_builder.detail(req, security_service)
Exemple #2
    def update(self, req, id, body):
        """Update a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        if not body or 'security_service' not in body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        security_service_data = body['security_service']
        valid_update_keys = (

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update',
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        if self._share_servers_dependent_on_sn_exist(context, id):
            for item in security_service_data:
                if item not in valid_update_keys:
                    msg = _("Cannot update security service %s. It is "
                            "attached to share network with share server "
                            "associated. Only 'name' and 'description' "
                            "fields are available for update.") % id
                    raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update', security_service)
        security_service = db.security_service_update(
            context, id, security_service_data)
        return self._view_builder.detail(req, security_service)
Exemple #3
    def update(self, req, id, body):
        """Update a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        if not body or 'security_service' not in body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        security_service_data = body['security_service']
        valid_update_keys = ('description', 'name')

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update',
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        if self._share_servers_dependent_on_sn_exist(context, id):
            for item in security_service_data:
                if item not in valid_update_keys:
                    msg = _("Cannot update security service %s. It is "
                            "attached to share network with share server "
                            "associated. Only 'name' and 'description' "
                            "fields are available for update.") % id
                    raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)

        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update', security_service)
        security_service = db.security_service_update(context, id,
        return self._view_builder.detail(req, security_service)
    def update(self, req, id, body):
        """Update a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        if not body or 'security_service' not in body:
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

        security_service_data = body['security_service']
        valid_update_keys = (

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'show',
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        if security_service['status'].lower() in ['new', 'inactive']:
            update_dict = security_service_data
            update_dict = dict([(key, security_service_data[key])
                                for key in valid_update_keys
                                if key in security_service_data])

        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'update', security_service)
        security_service = db.security_service_update(context, id, update_dict)
        return self._view_builder.detail(req, security_service)
Exemple #5
    def show(self, req, id):
        """Return data about the given security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']
            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'show',
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        return self._view_builder.detail(req, security_service)
    def delete(self, req, id):
        """Delete a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        LOG.audit(_("Delete security service with id: %s"),
                  id, context=context)

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
            policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME,
                                'delete', security_service)
            db.security_service_delete(context, id)
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
        except exception.InvalidShare:
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden()

        return webob.Response(status_int=202)
Exemple #7
    def delete(self, req, id):
        """Delete a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        LOG.info(_("Delete security service with id: %s"), id, context=context)

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        share_nets = db.share_network_get_all_by_security_service(context, id)
        if share_nets:
            # Cannot delete security service
            # if it is assigned to share networks
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'delete', security_service)
        db.security_service_delete(context, id)

        return webob.Response(status_int=202)
Exemple #8
    def delete(self, req, id):
        """Delete a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        LOG.info("Delete security service with id: %s", id, context=context)

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        share_nets = db.share_network_get_all_by_security_service(context, id)
        if share_nets:
            msg = _("Cannot delete security service. It is "
                    "assigned to share network(s)")
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg)
        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME, 'delete', security_service)
        db.security_service_delete(context, id)

        return webob.Response(status_int=http_client.ACCEPTED)
Exemple #9
    def delete(self, req, id):
        """Delete a security service."""
        context = req.environ['manila.context']

        LOG.info(_LI("Delete security service with id: %s"),
                 id, context=context)

            security_service = db.security_service_get(context, id)
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

        share_nets = db.share_network_get_all_by_security_service(
            context, id)
        if share_nets:
            # Cannot delete security service
            # if it is assigned to share networks
            raise exc.HTTPForbidden()
        policy.check_policy(context, RESOURCE_NAME,
                            'delete', security_service)
        db.security_service_delete(context, id)

        return webob.Response(status_int=202)