def get_json_data(url): """ Fetch JSON data from a URL and return the resulting dictionary. Displays a progress bar as it downloads. """ requests = import_requests() req = requests.get(url, stream=True) totalLength = req.headers.get('content-length') if totalLength is None: compression = req.headers.get('content-encoding') compression = (compression + "'ed") if compression else "uncompressed" print("Downloading {}: {}...".format(compression, url)) jsData = req.content else: totalLength = int(totalLength) progBar = pbar.Progress(totalLength, 25) jsData = bytes() for data in req.iter_content(): jsData += data progBar.increment( len(data), postfix=lambda value, goal: \ " {}/{}".format( makeUnit(value), makeUnit(goal), )) progBar.clear() return json.loads(jsData.decode())
def importListings(self, listings_file): """ Updates the market data (AKA the StationItem table) using listings.csv Writes directly to database. """ tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv tdenv.NOTE("Processing market data from {}: Start time = {}", listings_file, if not (self.dataPath / listings_file).exists(): tdenv.NOTE("File not found, aborting: {}", (self.dataPath / listings_file)) return progress = 0 total = 1 if listings_file == LISTINGS: from_live = 0 else: from_live = 1 def blocks(f, size = 65536): while True: b = if not b: break yield b with open(str(self.dataPath / listings_file), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f: total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f))) with open(str(self.dataPath / listings_file), "rU") as fh: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50) listings = csv.DictReader(fh) cur_station = -1 station_items = dict() for listing in listings: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") else: progress += 1 print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r") station_id = int(listing['station_id']) item_id = int(listing['commodity_id']) modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(listing['collected_at'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') demand_price = int(listing['sell_price']) demand_units = int(listing['demand']) demand_level = int(listing['demand_bracket']) if listing['demand_bracket'] != '' else -1 supply_price = int(listing['buy_price']) supply_units = int(listing['supply']) supply_level = int(listing['supply_bracket']) if listing['supply_bracket'] != '' else -1 if station_id != cur_station: for item in station_items: if not item: self.execute("DELETE from StationItem WHERE station_id = ? and item_id = ?", (station_id, item)) del station_items, cur_station cur_station = station_id station_items = dict() cursor = self.execute("SELECT item_id from StationItem WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)) for item in cursor: station_items[item] = False del cursor station_items[item_id] = True result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM StationItem WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?", (station_id, item_id)).fetchone() if result: updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) # When the dump file data matches the database, update to make from_live == 0. if int(listing['collected_at']) == updated and listings_file == LISTINGS: self.execute("""UPDATE StationItem SET from_live = 0 WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?""", (station_id, item_id)) if int(listing['collected_at']) > updated: tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating:{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", station_id, item_id, modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level) try: self.execute("""UPDATE StationItem SET modified = ?, demand_price = ?, demand_units = ?, demand_level = ?, supply_price = ?, supply_units = ?, supply_level = ?, from_live = ? WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?""", (modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live, station_id, item_id)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: tdenv.DEBUG1("Error on update.") else: tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting:{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", station_id, item_id, modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level) try: self.execute("""INSERT INTO StationItem (station_id, item_id, modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )""", (station_id, item_id, modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: tdenv.DEBUG1("Error on insert.") if self.getOption("progbar"): while prog.value < prog.maxValue: prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") prog.clear() del from_live self.updated['Listings'] = True tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing market data. End time = {}",
def importStations(self): """ Populate the Station table using stations.jsonl Also populates the ShipVendor table if the option is set. Writes directly to database. """ tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv tdenv.NOTE("Processing Stations, this may take a bit: Start time = {}", if self.getOption('shipvend'): tdenv.NOTE("Simultaneously processing ShipVendors.") if self.getOption('upvend'): tdenv.NOTE("Simultaneously processing UpgradeVendors, this will take quite a while.") progress = 0 total = 1 def blocks(f, size = 65536): while True: b = if not b: break yield b with open(str(self.dataPath / self.stationsPath), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f: total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f))) with open(str(self.dataPath / self.stationsPath), "rU") as fh: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50) for line in fh: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") else: progress += 1 print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r") station = json.loads(line) # Import Stations station_id = station['id'] name = station['name'] system_id = station['system_id'] ls_from_star = station['distance_to_star'] if station['distance_to_star'] else 0 blackmarket = 'Y' if station['has_blackmarket'] else 'N' max_pad_size = station['max_landing_pad_size'] if station['max_landing_pad_size'] and station['max_landing_pad_size'] != 'None' else '?' market = 'Y' if station['has_market'] else 'N' shipyard = 'Y' if station['has_shipyard'] else 'N' modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') outfitting = 'Y' if station['has_outfitting'] else 'N' rearm = 'Y' if station['has_rearm'] else 'N' refuel = 'Y' if station['has_refuel'] else 'N' repair = 'Y' if station['has_repair'] else 'N' planetary = 'Y' if station['is_planetary'] else 'N' type_id = station['type_id'] if station['type_id'] else 0 system = self.execute("SELECT FROM System WHERE System.system_id = ?", (system_id,)).fetchone()[0].upper() result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM Station WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone() if result: updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) if station['updated_at'] > updated: tdenv.DEBUG0("{}/{} has been updated: {} vs {}", system ,name, modified, result[0]) tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}," " {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", station_id, name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket, max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified, outfitting, rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id) self.execute("""UPDATE Station SET name = ?, system_id = ?, ls_from_star = ?, blackmarket = ?, max_pad_size = ?, market = ?, shipyard = ?, modified = ?, outfitting = ?, rearm = ?, refuel = ?, repair = ?, planetary = ?, type_id = ? WHERE station_id = ?""", (name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket, max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified, outfitting, rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id, station_id)) self.updated['Station'] = True else: tdenv.DEBUG0("{}/{} has been added:", system ,name) tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}," " {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", station_id, name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket, max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified, outfitting, rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id) self.execute("""INSERT INTO Station ( station_id,name,system_id,ls_from_star, blackmarket,max_pad_size,market,shipyard, modified,outfitting,rearm,refuel, repair,planetary,type_id ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """, (station_id,name,system_id,ls_from_star, blackmarket,max_pad_size,market,shipyard, modified,outfitting,rearm,refuel, repair,planetary,type_id)) self.updated['Station'] = True #Import shipyards into ShipVendors if shipvend is set. if station['has_shipyard'] and self.getOption('shipvend'): if not station['shipyard_updated_at']: station['shipyard_updated_at'] = station['updated_at'] modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['shipyard_updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM ShipVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone() if result: updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) else: updated = 0 if station['shipyard_updated_at'] > updated: self.execute("DELETE FROM ShipVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)) tdenv.DEBUG1("{}/{} has shipyard, updating ships sold.", system, name) for ship in station['selling_ships']: # Make sure all the 'Mark N' ship names abbreviate 'Mark' as '<Name> Mk. <Number>'. # Fix capitalization. ship = ship.replace('MK', 'Mk').replace('mk','Mk').replace('mK','Mk') # Fix no '.' in abbreviation. if "Mk" in ship and "Mk." not in ship: ship = ship.replace('Mk', 'Mk.') # Fix no trailing space. if "Mk." in ship and "Mk. " not in ship: ship = ship.replace("Mk.", "Mk. ") # Fix no leading space. if "Mk." in ship and " Mk." not in ship: ship = ship.replace("Mk.", " Mk.") tdenv.DEBUG2("ship_id:{},station_id:{},modified:{}", ship, station_id, modified) try: self.execute("""INSERT INTO ShipVendor ( ship_id,station_id,modified ) VALUES ( (SELECT Ship.ship_id FROM Ship WHERE = ?), ?, ? ) """, (ship, station_id, modified)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: continue self.updated['ShipVendor'] = True #Import Outfitters into UpgradeVendors if upvend is set. if station['has_outfitting'] and self.getOption('upvend'): if not station['outfitting_updated_at']: station['outfitting_updated_at'] = station['updated_at'] modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['outfitting_updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM UpgradeVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone() if result: updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) else: updated = 0 if station['outfitting_updated_at'] > updated: self.execute("DELETE FROM UpgradeVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)) tdenv.DEBUG1("{}/{} has outfitting, updating modules sold.", system, name) for upgrade in station['selling_modules']: tdenv.DEBUG2("upgrade_id:{},station_id:{},modified:{}", upgrade, station['id'], modified) try: self.execute("""INSERT INTO UpgradeVendor ( upgrade_id,station_id,cost,modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, (SELECT Upgrade.cost FROM Upgrade WHERE Upgrade.upgrade_id = ?), ? ) """, (upgrade, station_id, upgrade, modified)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: continue self.updated['UpgradeVendor'] = True if self.getOption("progbar"): while prog.value < prog.maxValue: prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") prog.clear() tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing Stations. End time = {}",
def importSystems(self): """ Populate the System table using systems_populated.jsonl Writes directly to database. """ tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv tdenv.NOTE("Processing Systems: Start time = {}", progress = 0 total = 1 def blocks(f, size = 65536): while True: b = if not b: break yield b with open(str(self.dataPath / self.systemsPath), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f: total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f))) with open(str(self.dataPath / self.systemsPath), "rU") as fh: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50) for line in fh: if self.getOption("progbar"): prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") else: progress += 1 print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r") system = json.loads(line) system_id = system['id'] name = system['name'] pos_x = system['x'] pos_y = system['y'] pos_z = system['z'] modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(system['updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM System WHERE system_id = ?", (system_id,)).fetchone() if result: updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) if system['updated_at'] > updated: tdenv.DEBUG0("System '{}' has been updated: '{}' vs '{}'", name, modified, result[0]) tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified) self.execute("""UPDATE System SET name = ?,pos_x = ?,pos_y = ?,pos_z = ?,modified = ? WHERE system_id = ?""", (name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified, system_id)) self.updated['System'] = True else: tdenv.DEBUG0("System '{}' has been added.", name) tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified) self.execute("""INSERT INTO System ( system_id,name,pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,modified ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """, (system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified)) self.updated['System'] = True if self.getOption("progbar"): while prog.value < prog.maxValue: prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%") prog.clear() tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing Systems. End time = {}",
def getBestHops(self, routes, restrictTo=None): """ Given a list of routes, try all available next hops from each route. Store the results by destination so that we pick the best route-to-point for each destination at each step. If we have two routes: A->B->D, A->C->D and A->B->D produces more profit, there's no point continuing the A->C->D path. """ tdb = self.tdb tdenv = self.tdenv avoidPlaces = getattr(tdenv, 'avoidPlaces', None) or () assert not restrictTo or isinstance(restrictTo, set) maxJumpsPer = tdenv.maxJumpsPer maxLyPer = tdenv.maxLyPer maxPadSize = tdenv.padSize planetary = tdenv.planetary noPlanet = tdenv.noPlanet maxLsFromStar = tdenv.maxLs or float('inf') reqBlackMarket = getattr(tdenv, 'blackMarket', False) or False maxAge = getattr(tdenv, 'maxAge') or 0 credits = tdenv.credits - (getattr(tdenv, 'insurance', 0) or 0) fitFunction = self.defaultFit capacity = tdenv.capacity maxUnits = getattr(tdenv, 'limit') or capacity bestToDest = {} safetyMargin = 1.0 - tdenv.margin unique = tdenv.unique loopInt = getattr(tdenv, 'loopInt', 0) or None # Penalty is expressed as percentage, reduce it to a multiplier if tdenv.lsPenalty: lsPenalty = tdenv.lsPenalty / 100 else: lsPenalty = 0 goalSystem = tdenv.goalSystem uniquePath = None restrictStations = set() if restrictTo: for place in restrictTo: if isinstance(place, Station): restrictStations.add(place) elif isinstance(place, System) and place.stations: restrictStations.update(place.stations) # Are we doing direct routes? if if goalSystem and not restrictTo: restrictTo = (goalSystem, ) restrictStations = set(goalSystem.stations) if avoidPlaces: restrictStations = set( stn for stn in restrictStations if stn not in avoidPlaces and \ stn.system not in avoidPlaces ) def station_iterator(srcStation): srcSys = srcStation.system srcDist = srcSys.distanceTo for stn in restrictStations: stnSys = stn.system yield Destination(stnSys, stn, (srcSys, stnSys), srcDist(stnSys)) else: getDestinations = tdb.getDestinations def station_iterator(srcStation): yield from getDestinations( srcStation, maxJumps=maxJumpsPer, maxLyPer=maxLyPer, avoidPlaces=avoidPlaces, maxPadSize=maxPadSize, maxLsFromStar=maxLsFromStar, noPlanet=noPlanet, planetary=planetary, ) prog = pbar.Progress(len(routes), 25) connections = 0 getSelling = self.stationsSelling.get for route in routes: if tdenv.progress: prog.increment(1) tdenv.DEBUG1("Route = {}", route.str()) srcStation = route.lastStation startCr = credits + int(route.gainCr * safetyMargin) routeJumps = len(route.jumps) srcSelling = getSelling(srcStation.ID, None) srcSelling = tuple(values for values in srcSelling if values[1] <= startCr) if not srcSelling: tdenv.DEBUG1("Nothing sold/affordable - next.") continue if goalSystem: origSystem = route.firstSystem srcSystem = srcStation.system srcDistTo = srcSystem.distanceTo goalDistTo = goalSystem.distanceTo origDistTo = origSystem.distanceTo srcGoalDist = srcDistTo(goalSystem) srcOrigDist = srcDistTo(origSystem) origGoalDist = origDistTo(goalSystem) if unique: uniquePath = route.route elif loopInt: uniquePath = route.route[-loopInt:-1] stations = (dest for dest in station_iterator(srcStation) if dest.station != srcStation) if reqBlackMarket: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.blackMarket == 'Y') if uniquePath: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station not in uniquePath) if restrictStations: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station in restrictStations) if maxAge: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge) stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge <= maxAge) if goalSystem: if bool(tdenv.unique): stations = (d for d in stations if d.system is not srcSystem) stations = ( d for d in stations if d.system is goalSystem or d.distLy < srcGoalDist) if tdenv.debug >= 1: def annotate(dest): tdenv.DEBUG1("destSys {}, destStn {}, jumps {}, distLy {}", dest.system.dbname, dest.station.dbname, "->".join(jump.str() for jump in dest.via), dest.distLy) return True stations = (d for d in stations if annotate(d)) for dest in stations: dstStation = dest.station connections += 1 items = self.getTrades(srcStation, dstStation, srcSelling) if not items: continue trade = fitFunction(items, startCr, capacity, maxUnits) multiplier = 1.0 # Calculate total K-lightseconds supercruise time. # This will amortize for the start/end stations dstSys = dest.system if goalSystem and dstSys is not goalSystem: dstGoalDist = goalDistTo(dstSys) # Biggest reward for shortening distance to goal score = 5000 * origGoalDist / dstGoalDist # bias towards bigger reductions score += 50 * srcGoalDist / dstGoalDist # discourage moving back towards origin if dstSys is not origSystem: score += 10 * (origDistTo(dstSys) - srcOrigDist) # Gain per unit pays a small part score += (trade.gainCr / trade.units) / 25 else: score = trade.gainCr if lsPenalty: # Only want 1dp cruiseKls = int(dstStation.lsFromStar / 100) / 10 # Produce a curve that favors distances under 1kls # positively, starts to penalize distances over 1k, # and after 4kls starts to penalize aggresively # penalty = ((cruiseKls**2) - cruiseKls) / 3 penalty *= lsPenalty multiplier *= (1 - penalty) score *= multiplier dstID = dstStation.ID try: # See if there is already a candidate for this destination btd = bestToDest[dstID] except KeyError: # No existing candidate, we win by default pass else: bestRoute = btd[1] bestScore = btd[5] # Check if it is a better option than we just produced bestTradeScore = bestRoute.score + bestScore newTradeScore = route.score + score if bestTradeScore > newTradeScore: continue if bestTradeScore == newTradeScore: bestLy = btd[4] if bestLy <= dest.distLy: continue bestToDest[dstID] = (dstStation, route, trade, dest.via, dest.distLy, score) prog.clear() if connections == 0: raise NoHopsError( "No destinations could be reached within the constraints.") result = [] for (dst, route, trade, jumps, ly, score) in bestToDest.values(): result.append(, trade, jumps, score)) return result
def download( tdenv, url, localFile, headers=None, backup=False, shebang=None, chunkSize=4096, ): """ Fetch data from a URL and save the output to a local file. Returns the response headers. tdenv: TradeEnv we're working under url: URL we're fetching (http, https or ftp) localFile: Name of the local file to open. headers: dict() of additional HTTP headers to send shebang: function to call on the first line """ requests = import_requests() tdenv.NOTE("Requesting {}".format(url)) req = requests.get(url, headers=headers or None, stream=True) req.raise_for_status() encoding = req.headers.get('content-encoding', 'uncompress') length = req.headers.get('content-length', None) transfer = req.headers.get('transfer-encoding', None) if transfer != 'chunked': # chunked transfer-encoding doesn't need a content-length if length is None: raise Exception( "Remote server replied with invalid content-length.") length = int(length) if length <= 0: raise TradeException( "Remote server gave an empty response. Please try again later." ) if tdenv.detail > 1: if length: tdenv.NOTE("Downloading {} {}ed data", makeUnit(length), encoding) else: tdenv.NOTE("Downloading {} {}ed data", transfer, encoding) tdenv.DEBUG0(str(req.headers).replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}")) # Figure out how much data we have if length and not tdenv.quiet: progBar = pbar.Progress(length, 20) else: progBar = None actPath = Path(localFile) tmpPath = Path("tmp/{}.dl".format( histogram = deque() fetched = 0 lastTime = started = time.time() spinner, spinners = 0, [ '. ', '.. ', '... ', ' ... ', ' ...', ' ..', ' .' ] with"wb") as fh: for data in req.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize): fh.write(data) fetched += len(data) if shebang: bangLine = data.decode().partition("\n")[0] tdenv.DEBUG0("Checking shebang of {}", bangLine) shebang(bangLine) shebang = None if progBar: now = time.time() deltaT = max(now - lastTime, 0.001) lastTime = now if len(histogram) >= 15: histogram.popleft() histogram.append(len(data) / deltaT) progBar.increment( len(data), postfix=lambda value, goal: \ " {:>7s} [{:>7s}/s] {:>3.0f}% {:1s}".format( makeUnit(value), makeUnit(sum(histogram) / len(histogram)), (fetched * 100. / length), spinners[spinner] ) ) if deltaT > 0.200: spinner = (spinner + 1) % len(spinners) tdenv.DEBUG0("End of data") if not tdenv.quiet: if progBar: progBar.clear() elapsed = (time.time() - started) or 1 tdenv.NOTE("Downloaded {} of {}ed data {}/s", makeUnit(fetched), encoding, makeUnit(fetched / elapsed)) # Swap the file into place if backup: bakPath = Path(localFile + ".bak") if bakPath.exists(): bakPath.unlink() if actPath.exists(): actPath.rename(localFile + ".bak") if actPath.exists(): actPath.unlink() tmpPath.rename(actPath) req.close() return req.headers
def getBestHops(self, routes, restrictTo=None): """ Given a list of routes, try all available next hops from each route. Store the results by destination so that we pick the best route-to-point for each destination at each step. If we have two routes: A->B->D, A->C->D and A->B->D produces more profit, there's no point continuing the A->C->D path. """ tdb = self.tdb tdenv = self.tdenv avoidPlaces = getattr(tdenv, 'avoidPlaces', None) or () assert not restrictTo or isinstance(restrictTo, set) maxJumpsPer = tdenv.maxJumpsPer maxLyPer = tdenv.maxLyPer maxPadSize = tdenv.padSize planetary = tdenv.planetary noPlanet = tdenv.noPlanet maxLsFromStar = tdenv.maxLs or float('inf') reqBlackMarket = getattr(tdenv, 'blackMarket', False) or False maxAge = getattr(tdenv, 'maxAge') or 0 credits = tdenv.credits - (getattr(tdenv, 'insurance', 0) or 0) fitFunction = self.defaultFit capacity = tdenv.capacity maxUnits = getattr(tdenv, 'limit') or capacity bestToDest = {} safetyMargin = 1.0 - tdenv.margin unique = tdenv.unique loopInt = getattr(tdenv, 'loopInt', 0) or None # Penalty is expressed as percentage, reduce it to a multiplier if tdenv.lsPenalty: lsPenalty = max(min(tdenv.lsPenalty / 100, 1), 0) else: lsPenalty = 0 goalSystem = tdenv.goalSystem uniquePath = None restrictStations = set() if restrictTo: for place in restrictTo: if isinstance(place, Station): restrictStations.add(place) elif isinstance(place, System) and place.stations: restrictStations.update(place.stations) # Are we doing direct routes? if if goalSystem and not restrictTo: restrictTo = (goalSystem, ) restrictStations = set(goalSystem.stations) if avoidPlaces: restrictStations = set( stn for stn in restrictStations if stn not in avoidPlaces and \ stn.system not in avoidPlaces ) def station_iterator(srcStation): srcSys = srcStation.system srcDist = srcSys.distanceTo for stn in restrictStations: stnSys = stn.system yield Destination(stnSys, stn, (srcSys, stnSys), srcDist(stnSys)) else: getDestinations = tdb.getDestinations def station_iterator(srcStation): yield from getDestinations( srcStation, maxJumps=maxJumpsPer, maxLyPer=maxLyPer, avoidPlaces=avoidPlaces, maxPadSize=maxPadSize, maxLsFromStar=maxLsFromStar, noPlanet=noPlanet, planetary=planetary, ) prog = pbar.Progress(len(routes), 25) connections = 0 getSelling = self.stationsSelling.get for route in routes: if tdenv.progress: prog.increment(1) tdenv.DEBUG1("Route = {}", route.str()) srcStation = route.lastStation startCr = credits + int(route.gainCr * safetyMargin) routeJumps = len(route.jumps) srcSelling = getSelling(srcStation.ID, None) srcSelling = tuple(values for values in srcSelling if values[1] <= startCr) if not srcSelling: tdenv.DEBUG1("Nothing sold/affordable - next.") continue if goalSystem: origSystem = route.firstSystem srcSystem = srcStation.system srcDistTo = srcSystem.distanceTo goalDistTo = goalSystem.distanceTo origDistTo = origSystem.distanceTo srcGoalDist = srcDistTo(goalSystem) srcOrigDist = srcDistTo(origSystem) origGoalDist = origDistTo(goalSystem) if unique: uniquePath = route.route elif loopInt: uniquePath = route.route[-loopInt:-1] stations = (dest for dest in station_iterator(srcStation) if dest.station != srcStation) if reqBlackMarket: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.blackMarket == 'Y') if uniquePath: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station not in uniquePath) if restrictStations: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station in restrictStations) if maxAge: stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge) stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge <= maxAge) if goalSystem: if bool(tdenv.unique): stations = (d for d in stations if d.system is not srcSystem) stations = ( d for d in stations if d.system is goalSystem or d.distLy < srcGoalDist) if tdenv.debug >= 1: def annotate(dest): tdenv.DEBUG1("destSys {}, destStn {}, jumps {}, distLy {}", dest.system.dbname, dest.station.dbname, "->".join(jump.str() for jump in dest.via), dest.distLy) return True stations = (d for d in stations if annotate(d)) for dest in stations: dstStation = dest.station connections += 1 items = self.getTrades(srcStation, dstStation, srcSelling) if not items: continue trade = fitFunction(items, startCr, capacity, maxUnits) multiplier = 1.0 # Calculate total K-lightseconds supercruise time. # This will amortize for the start/end stations dstSys = dest.system if goalSystem and dstSys is not goalSystem: dstGoalDist = goalDistTo(dstSys) # Biggest reward for shortening distance to goal score = 5000 * origGoalDist / dstGoalDist # bias towards bigger reductions score += 50 * srcGoalDist / dstGoalDist # discourage moving back towards origin if dstSys is not origSystem: score += 10 * (origDistTo(dstSys) - srcOrigDist) # Gain per unit pays a small part score += (trade.gainCr / trade.units) / 25 else: score = trade.gainCr if lsPenalty: # [kfsone] Only want 1dp cruiseKls = int(dstStation.lsFromStar / 100) / 10 # Produce a curve that favors distances under 1kls # positively, starts to penalize distances over 1k, # and after 4kls starts to penalize aggresively # # [eyeonus] As aadler pointed out, this goes into negative # numbers, which causes problems. #penalty = ((cruiseKls ** 2) - cruiseKls) / 3 #penalty *= lsPenalty #multiplier *= (1 - penalty) # [eyeonus]: # (Keep in mind all this ignores values of x<0.) # The sigmoid: (1-(25(x-1))/(1+abs(25(x-1))))/4 # ranges between 0.5 and 0 with a drop around x=1, # which makes it great for giving a boost to distances < 1Kls. # # The sigmoid: (-1-(50(x-4))/(1+abs(50(x-4))))/4 # ranges between 0 and -0.5 with a drop around x=4, # making it great for penalizing distances > 4Kls. # # The curve: (-1+1/(x+1)^((x+1)/4))/2 # ranges between 0 and -0.5 in a smooth arc, # which will be used for making distances # closer to 4Kls get a slightly higher penalty # then distances closer to 1Kls. # # Adding the three together creates a doubly-kinked curve # that ranges from ~0.5 to -1.0, with drops around x=1 and x=4, # which closely matches ksfone's intention without going into # negative numbers and causing problems when we add it to # the multiplier variable. ( 1 + -1 = 0 ) # # You can see a graph of the formula here: # # NOTE: The black curve is at a penalty of 0%, # the red curve at a penalty of 100%, with intermediates at # 25%, 50%, and 75%. # The other colored lines show the penalty curves individually # and the teal composite of all three. def sigmoid(x): return x / (1 + abs(x)) boost = (1 - sigmoid(25 * (cruiseKls - 1))) / 4 drop = (-1 - sigmoid(50 * (cruiseKls - 4))) / 4 try: penalty = (-1 + 1 / (cruiseKls + 1)**((cruiseKls + 1) / 4)) / 2 except OverflowError: penalty = -0.5 multiplier += (penalty + boost + drop) * lsPenalty score *= multiplier dstID = dstStation.ID try: # See if there is already a candidate for this destination btd = bestToDest[dstID] except KeyError: # No existing candidate, we win by default pass else: bestRoute = btd[1] bestScore = btd[5] # Check if it is a better option than we just produced bestTradeScore = bestRoute.score + bestScore newTradeScore = route.score + score if bestTradeScore > newTradeScore: continue if bestTradeScore == newTradeScore: bestLy = btd[4] if bestLy <= dest.distLy: continue bestToDest[dstID] = (dstStation, route, trade, dest.via, dest.distLy, score) prog.clear() if connections == 0: raise NoHopsError( "No destinations could be reached within the constraints.") result = [] for (dst, route, trade, jumps, ly, score) in bestToDest.values(): result.append(, trade, jumps, score)) return result