Exemplo n.º 1
def get_json_data(url):
    Fetch JSON data from a URL and return the resulting dictionary.

    Displays a progress bar as it downloads.

    requests = import_requests()
    req = requests.get(url, stream=True)

    totalLength = req.headers.get('content-length')
    if totalLength is None:
        compression = req.headers.get('content-encoding')
        compression = (compression + "'ed") if compression else "uncompressed"
        print("Downloading {}: {}...".format(compression, url))
        jsData = req.content
        totalLength = int(totalLength)
        progBar = pbar.Progress(totalLength, 25)
        jsData = bytes()
        for data in req.iter_content():
            jsData += data
                postfix=lambda value, goal: \
                " {}/{}".format(

    return json.loads(jsData.decode())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def importListings(self, listings_file):
        Updates the market data (AKA the StationItem table) using listings.csv
        Writes directly to database.
        tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv
        tdenv.NOTE("Processing market data from {}: Start time = {}", listings_file, datetime.datetime.now())
        if not (self.dataPath / listings_file).exists():
            tdenv.NOTE("File not found, aborting: {}", (self.dataPath / listings_file))
        progress = 0
        total = 1
        if listings_file == LISTINGS:
            from_live = 0
            from_live = 1
        def blocks(f, size = 65536):
            while True:
                b = f.read(size)
                if not b: break
                yield b
        with open(str(self.dataPath / listings_file), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f:
            total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f)))

        with open(str(self.dataPath / listings_file), "rU") as fh:
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50)
            listings = csv.DictReader(fh)
            cur_station = -1
            station_items = dict()
            for listing in listings:
                if self.getOption("progbar"):
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")
                    progress += 1
                    print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r")        
                station_id = int(listing['station_id'])
                item_id = int(listing['commodity_id'])
                modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(listing['collected_at'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                demand_price = int(listing['sell_price'])
                demand_units = int(listing['demand'])
                demand_level = int(listing['demand_bracket']) if listing['demand_bracket'] != '' else -1
                supply_price = int(listing['buy_price'])
                supply_units = int(listing['supply'])
                supply_level = int(listing['supply_bracket']) if listing['supply_bracket'] != '' else -1
                if station_id != cur_station:
                    for item in station_items:
                        if not item:
                            self.execute("DELETE from StationItem WHERE station_id = ? and item_id = ?", (station_id, item))
                    del station_items, cur_station
                    cur_station = station_id
                    station_items = dict()
                    cursor = self.execute("SELECT item_id from StationItem WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,))
                    for item in cursor:
                        station_items[item] = False
                    del cursor
                station_items[item_id] = True
                result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM StationItem WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?", (station_id, item_id)).fetchone()
                if result:
                    updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
                    # When the dump file data matches the database, update to make from_live == 0.
                    if int(listing['collected_at']) == updated and listings_file == LISTINGS:
                        self.execute("""UPDATE StationItem
                                    SET from_live = 0
                                    WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?""",
                                    (station_id, item_id))
                    if int(listing['collected_at']) > updated:
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating:{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
                             station_id, item_id, modified,
                             demand_price, demand_units, demand_level,
                             supply_price, supply_units, supply_level)
                            self.execute("""UPDATE StationItem
                                    SET modified = ?,
                                     demand_price = ?, demand_units = ?, demand_level = ?,
                                     supply_price = ?, supply_units = ?, supply_level = ?,
                                     from_live = ?
                                    WHERE station_id = ? AND item_id = ?""",
                                    (modified, demand_price, demand_units, demand_level, supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live,
                                     station_id, item_id))
                        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                            tdenv.DEBUG1("Error on update.")
                    tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting:{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
                             station_id, item_id, modified,
                             demand_price, demand_units, demand_level,
                             supply_price, supply_units, supply_level)
                        self.execute("""INSERT INTO StationItem
                                (station_id, item_id, modified,
                                 demand_price, demand_units, demand_level,
                                 supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live)
                                VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )""",
                                (station_id, item_id, modified,
                                 demand_price, demand_units, demand_level,
                                 supply_price, supply_units, supply_level, from_live))
                    except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("Error on insert.")
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                while prog.value < prog.maxValue:
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")
        del from_live
        self.updated['Listings'] = True
        tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing market data. End time = {}", datetime.datetime.now())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def importStations(self):
        Populate the Station table using stations.jsonl
        Also populates the ShipVendor table if the option is set.
        Writes directly to database.
        tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv
        tdenv.NOTE("Processing Stations, this may take a bit: Start time = {}", datetime.datetime.now())
        if self.getOption('shipvend'):
            tdenv.NOTE("Simultaneously processing ShipVendors.")

        if self.getOption('upvend'):
            tdenv.NOTE("Simultaneously processing UpgradeVendors, this will take quite a while.")

        progress = 0
        total = 1
        def blocks(f, size = 65536):
            while True:
                b = f.read(size)
                if not b: break
                yield b

        with open(str(self.dataPath / self.stationsPath), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f:
            total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f)))
        with open(str(self.dataPath / self.stationsPath), "rU") as fh:
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50)
            for line in fh:
                if self.getOption("progbar"):
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")
                    progress += 1
                    print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r")        
                station = json.loads(line)
                # Import Stations
                station_id = station['id']
                name = station['name']
                system_id = station['system_id']
                ls_from_star = station['distance_to_star'] if station['distance_to_star'] else 0
                blackmarket = 'Y' if station['has_blackmarket'] else 'N'
                max_pad_size = station['max_landing_pad_size'] if station['max_landing_pad_size'] and station['max_landing_pad_size'] != 'None' else '?'
                market = 'Y' if station['has_market'] else 'N'
                shipyard = 'Y' if station['has_shipyard'] else 'N'
                modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                outfitting = 'Y' if station['has_outfitting'] else 'N'
                rearm = 'Y' if station['has_rearm'] else 'N'
                refuel = 'Y' if station['has_refuel'] else 'N'
                repair = 'Y' if station['has_repair'] else 'N'
                planetary = 'Y' if station['is_planetary'] else 'N'
                type_id = station['type_id'] if station['type_id'] else 0
                system = self.execute("SELECT System.name FROM System WHERE System.system_id = ?", (system_id,)).fetchone()[0].upper()
                result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM Station WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone()
                if result:
                    updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
                    if station['updated_at'] > updated:
                        tdenv.DEBUG0("{}/{} has been updated: {} vs {}", 
                                    system ,name, modified, result[0])
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},"
                                              " {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
                                    station_id, name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket,
                                    max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified, outfitting,
                                    rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id)
                        self.execute("""UPDATE Station
                                    SET name = ?, system_id = ?, ls_from_star = ?, blackmarket = ?,
                                    max_pad_size = ?, market = ?, shipyard = ?, modified = ?,
                                    outfitting = ?, rearm = ?, refuel = ?, repair = ?, planetary = ?, type_id = ?
                                    WHERE station_id = ?""", 
                                    (name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket,
                                     max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified,
                                     outfitting, rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id,
                        self.updated['Station'] = True
                    tdenv.DEBUG0("{}/{} has been added:", system ,name)
                    tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},"
                                              " {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}",
                        station_id, name, system_id, ls_from_star, blackmarket,
                        max_pad_size, market, shipyard, modified, outfitting,
                        rearm, refuel, repair, planetary, type_id)
                    self.execute("""INSERT INTO Station (
                                repair,planetary,type_id ) VALUES
                                ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """,
                    self.updated['Station'] = True
                #Import shipyards into ShipVendors if shipvend is set.
                if station['has_shipyard'] and self.getOption('shipvend'):
                    if not station['shipyard_updated_at']:
                        station['shipyard_updated_at'] = station['updated_at']
                    modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['shipyard_updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                    result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM ShipVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone()
                    if result:
                        updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
                        updated = 0
                    if station['shipyard_updated_at'] > updated:
                        self.execute("DELETE FROM ShipVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,))
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("{}/{} has shipyard, updating ships sold.", system, name)
                        for ship in station['selling_ships']:
                            # Make sure all the 'Mark N' ship names abbreviate 'Mark' as '<Name> Mk. <Number>'.
                            # Fix capitalization.
                            ship = ship.replace('MK', 'Mk').replace('mk','Mk').replace('mK','Mk')
                            # Fix no '.' in abbreviation.
                            if "Mk" in ship and "Mk." not in ship:
                                ship = ship.replace('Mk', 'Mk.')
                            # Fix no trailing space.
                            if "Mk." in ship and "Mk. " not in ship:
                                ship = ship.replace("Mk.", "Mk. ")
                            # Fix no leading space.
                            if "Mk." in ship and " Mk." not in ship:
                                ship = ship.replace("Mk.", " Mk.")
                                self.execute("""INSERT INTO ShipVendor
                                        ( ship_id,station_id,modified ) VALUES
                                        ( (SELECT Ship.ship_id FROM Ship WHERE Ship.name = ?), ?, ? ) """,
                            except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                        self.updated['ShipVendor'] = True
                #Import Outfitters into UpgradeVendors if upvend is set.
                if station['has_outfitting'] and self.getOption('upvend'):
                    if not station['outfitting_updated_at']:
                        station['outfitting_updated_at'] = station['updated_at']
                    modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(station['outfitting_updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                    result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM UpgradeVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,)).fetchone()
                    if result:
                        updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
                        updated = 0
                    if station['outfitting_updated_at'] > updated:
                        self.execute("DELETE FROM UpgradeVendor WHERE station_id = ?", (station_id,))
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("{}/{} has outfitting, updating modules sold.", system, name)
                        for upgrade in station['selling_modules']:
                                self.execute("""INSERT INTO UpgradeVendor
                                        ( upgrade_id,station_id,cost,modified ) VALUES
                                        ( ?, ?, (SELECT Upgrade.cost FROM Upgrade WHERE Upgrade.upgrade_id = ?), ? ) """,
                            except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                        self.updated['UpgradeVendor'] = True
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                while prog.value < prog.maxValue:
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")

        tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing Stations. End time = {}", datetime.datetime.now())
Exemplo n.º 4
    def importSystems(self):
        Populate the System table using systems_populated.jsonl
        Writes directly to database.
        tdb, tdenv = self.tdb, self.tdenv
        tdenv.NOTE("Processing Systems: Start time = {}", datetime.datetime.now())

        progress = 0
        total = 1
        def blocks(f, size = 65536):
            while True:
                b = f.read(size)
                if not b: break
                yield b

        with open(str(self.dataPath / self.systemsPath), "r",encoding = "utf-8",errors = 'ignore') as f:
            total += (sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f)))

        with open(str(self.dataPath / self.systemsPath), "rU") as fh:
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                prog = pbar.Progress(total, 50)
            for line in fh:
                if self.getOption("progbar"):
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")
                    progress += 1
                    print("\rProgress: (" + str(progress) + "/" + str(total) + ") " + str(round(progress / total * 100, 2)) + "%\t\t", end = "\r")        
                system = json.loads(line)
                system_id = system['id']
                name = system['name']
                pos_x = system['x']
                pos_y = system['y']
                pos_z = system['z']
                modified = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(system['updated_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                result = self.execute("SELECT modified FROM System WHERE system_id = ?", (system_id,)).fetchone()
                if result:
                    updated = timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(result[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple())
                    if system['updated_at'] > updated:
                        tdenv.DEBUG0("System '{}' has been updated: '{}' vs '{}'", name, modified, result[0])
                        tdenv.DEBUG1("Updating: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified)
                        self.execute("""UPDATE System
                                    SET name = ?,pos_x = ?,pos_y = ?,pos_z = ?,modified = ?
                                    WHERE system_id = ?""", 
                                    (name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified,
                        self.updated['System'] = True
                    tdenv.DEBUG0("System '{}' has been added.", name)
                    tdenv.DEBUG1("Inserting: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified)
                    self.execute("""INSERT INTO System
                                ( system_id,name,pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,modified ) VALUES
                                ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """,
                                (system_id, name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, modified))
                    self.updated['System'] = True
            if self.getOption("progbar"):
                while prog.value < prog.maxValue:
                    prog.increment(1, postfix=lambda value, goal: " " + str(round(value / total * 100)) + "%")
        tdenv.NOTE("Finished processing Systems. End time = {}", datetime.datetime.now())
Exemplo n.º 5
    def getBestHops(self, routes, restrictTo=None):
        Given a list of routes, try all available next hops from each

        Store the results by destination so that we pick the
        best route-to-point for each destination at each step.

        If we have two routes: A->B->D, A->C->D and A->B->D produces
        more profit, there's no point continuing the A->C->D path.

        tdb = self.tdb
        tdenv = self.tdenv
        avoidPlaces = getattr(tdenv, 'avoidPlaces', None) or ()
        assert not restrictTo or isinstance(restrictTo, set)
        maxJumpsPer = tdenv.maxJumpsPer
        maxLyPer = tdenv.maxLyPer
        maxPadSize = tdenv.padSize
        planetary = tdenv.planetary
        noPlanet = tdenv.noPlanet
        maxLsFromStar = tdenv.maxLs or float('inf')
        reqBlackMarket = getattr(tdenv, 'blackMarket', False) or False
        maxAge = getattr(tdenv, 'maxAge') or 0
        credits = tdenv.credits - (getattr(tdenv, 'insurance', 0) or 0)
        fitFunction = self.defaultFit
        capacity = tdenv.capacity
        maxUnits = getattr(tdenv, 'limit') or capacity

        bestToDest = {}
        safetyMargin = 1.0 - tdenv.margin
        unique = tdenv.unique
        loopInt = getattr(tdenv, 'loopInt', 0) or None

        # Penalty is expressed as percentage, reduce it to a multiplier
        if tdenv.lsPenalty:
            lsPenalty = tdenv.lsPenalty / 100
            lsPenalty = 0

        goalSystem = tdenv.goalSystem
        uniquePath = None

        restrictStations = set()
        if restrictTo:
            for place in restrictTo:
                if isinstance(place, Station):
                elif isinstance(place, System) and place.stations:

        # Are we doing direct routes?
        if tdenv.direct:
            if goalSystem and not restrictTo:
                restrictTo = (goalSystem, )
                restrictStations = set(goalSystem.stations)
            if avoidPlaces:
                restrictStations = set(
                    stn for stn in restrictStations
                    if stn not in avoidPlaces and \
                        stn.system not in avoidPlaces

            def station_iterator(srcStation):
                srcSys = srcStation.system
                srcDist = srcSys.distanceTo
                for stn in restrictStations:
                    stnSys = stn.system
                    yield Destination(stnSys, stn, (srcSys, stnSys),
            getDestinations = tdb.getDestinations

            def station_iterator(srcStation):
                yield from getDestinations(

        prog = pbar.Progress(len(routes), 25)
        connections = 0
        getSelling = self.stationsSelling.get
        for route in routes:
            if tdenv.progress:
            tdenv.DEBUG1("Route = {}", route.str())

            srcStation = route.lastStation
            startCr = credits + int(route.gainCr * safetyMargin)
            routeJumps = len(route.jumps)

            srcSelling = getSelling(srcStation.ID, None)
            srcSelling = tuple(values for values in srcSelling
                               if values[1] <= startCr)
            if not srcSelling:
                tdenv.DEBUG1("Nothing sold/affordable - next.")

            if goalSystem:
                origSystem = route.firstSystem
                srcSystem = srcStation.system
                srcDistTo = srcSystem.distanceTo
                goalDistTo = goalSystem.distanceTo
                origDistTo = origSystem.distanceTo
                srcGoalDist = srcDistTo(goalSystem)
                srcOrigDist = srcDistTo(origSystem)
                origGoalDist = origDistTo(goalSystem)

            if unique:
                uniquePath = route.route
            elif loopInt:
                uniquePath = route.route[-loopInt:-1]

            stations = (dest for dest in station_iterator(srcStation)
                        if dest.station != srcStation)
            if reqBlackMarket:
                stations = (d for d in stations
                            if d.station.blackMarket == 'Y')
            if uniquePath:
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station not in uniquePath)
            if restrictStations:
                stations = (d for d in stations
                            if d.station in restrictStations)
            if maxAge:
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge)
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge <= maxAge)
            if goalSystem:
                if bool(tdenv.unique):
                    stations = (d for d in stations
                                if d.system is not srcSystem)
                stations = (
                    d for d in stations
                    if d.system is goalSystem or d.distLy < srcGoalDist)

            if tdenv.debug >= 1:

                def annotate(dest):
                    tdenv.DEBUG1("destSys {}, destStn {}, jumps {}, distLy {}",
                                 dest.system.dbname, dest.station.dbname,
                                           for jump in dest.via), dest.distLy)
                    return True

                stations = (d for d in stations if annotate(d))

            for dest in stations:
                dstStation = dest.station

                connections += 1
                items = self.getTrades(srcStation, dstStation, srcSelling)
                if not items:
                trade = fitFunction(items, startCr, capacity, maxUnits)

                multiplier = 1.0
                # Calculate total K-lightseconds supercruise time.
                # This will amortize for the start/end stations
                dstSys = dest.system
                if goalSystem and dstSys is not goalSystem:
                    dstGoalDist = goalDistTo(dstSys)
                    # Biggest reward for shortening distance to goal
                    score = 5000 * origGoalDist / dstGoalDist
                    # bias towards bigger reductions
                    score += 50 * srcGoalDist / dstGoalDist
                    # discourage moving back towards origin
                    if dstSys is not origSystem:
                        score += 10 * (origDistTo(dstSys) - srcOrigDist)
                    # Gain per unit pays a small part
                    score += (trade.gainCr / trade.units) / 25
                    score = trade.gainCr
                if lsPenalty:
                    # Only want 1dp
                    cruiseKls = int(dstStation.lsFromStar / 100) / 10
                    # Produce a curve that favors distances under 1kls
                    # positively, starts to penalize distances over 1k,
                    # and after 4kls starts to penalize aggresively
                    # http://goo.gl/Otj2XP
                    penalty = ((cruiseKls**2) - cruiseKls) / 3
                    penalty *= lsPenalty
                    multiplier *= (1 - penalty)

                score *= multiplier

                dstID = dstStation.ID
                    # See if there is already a candidate for this destination
                    btd = bestToDest[dstID]
                except KeyError:
                    # No existing candidate, we win by default
                    bestRoute = btd[1]
                    bestScore = btd[5]
                    # Check if it is a better option than we just produced
                    bestTradeScore = bestRoute.score + bestScore
                    newTradeScore = route.score + score
                    if bestTradeScore > newTradeScore:
                    if bestTradeScore == newTradeScore:
                        bestLy = btd[4]
                        if bestLy <= dest.distLy:

                bestToDest[dstID] = (dstStation, route, trade, dest.via,
                                     dest.distLy, score)


        if connections == 0:
            raise NoHopsError(
                "No destinations could be reached within the constraints.")

        result = []
        for (dst, route, trade, jumps, ly, score) in bestToDest.values():
            result.append(route.plus(dst, trade, jumps, score))

        return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def download(
    Fetch data from a URL and save the output
    to a local file. Returns the response headers.

        TradeEnv we're working under

        URL we're fetching (http, https or ftp)

        Name of the local file to open.

        dict() of additional HTTP headers to send

        function to call on the first line

    requests = import_requests()
    tdenv.NOTE("Requesting {}".format(url))
    req = requests.get(url, headers=headers or None, stream=True)

    encoding = req.headers.get('content-encoding', 'uncompress')
    length = req.headers.get('content-length', None)
    transfer = req.headers.get('transfer-encoding', None)
    if transfer != 'chunked':
        # chunked transfer-encoding doesn't need a content-length
        if length is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Remote server replied with invalid content-length.")
        length = int(length)
        if length <= 0:
            raise TradeException(
                "Remote server gave an empty response. Please try again later."

    if tdenv.detail > 1:
        if length:
            tdenv.NOTE("Downloading {} {}ed data", makeUnit(length), encoding)
            tdenv.NOTE("Downloading {} {}ed data", transfer, encoding)
    tdenv.DEBUG0(str(req.headers).replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}"))

    # Figure out how much data we have
    if length and not tdenv.quiet:
        progBar = pbar.Progress(length, 20)
        progBar = None

    actPath = Path(localFile)
    tmpPath = Path("tmp/{}.dl".format(actPath.name))

    histogram = deque()

    fetched = 0
    lastTime = started = time.time()
    spinner, spinners = 0, [
        '.    ', '..   ', '...  ', ' ... ', '  ...', '   ..', '    .'
    with tmpPath.open("wb") as fh:
        for data in req.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize):
            fetched += len(data)
            if shebang:
                bangLine = data.decode().partition("\n")[0]
                tdenv.DEBUG0("Checking shebang of {}", bangLine)
                shebang = None
            if progBar:
                now = time.time()
                deltaT = max(now - lastTime, 0.001)
                lastTime = now
                if len(histogram) >= 15:
                histogram.append(len(data) / deltaT)
                    postfix=lambda value, goal: \
                            " {:>7s} [{:>7s}/s] {:>3.0f}% {:1s}".format(
                            makeUnit(sum(histogram) / len(histogram)),
                            (fetched * 100. / length),
                if deltaT > 0.200:
                    spinner = (spinner + 1) % len(spinners)
        tdenv.DEBUG0("End of data")
    if not tdenv.quiet:
        if progBar:
        elapsed = (time.time() - started) or 1
        tdenv.NOTE("Downloaded {} of {}ed data {}/s", makeUnit(fetched),
                   encoding, makeUnit(fetched / elapsed))

    # Swap the file into place
    if backup:
        bakPath = Path(localFile + ".bak")
        if bakPath.exists():
        if actPath.exists():
            actPath.rename(localFile + ".bak")
    if actPath.exists():

    return req.headers
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getBestHops(self, routes, restrictTo=None):
        Given a list of routes, try all available next hops from each

        Store the results by destination so that we pick the
        best route-to-point for each destination at each step.

        If we have two routes: A->B->D, A->C->D and A->B->D produces
        more profit, there's no point continuing the A->C->D path.

        tdb = self.tdb
        tdenv = self.tdenv
        avoidPlaces = getattr(tdenv, 'avoidPlaces', None) or ()
        assert not restrictTo or isinstance(restrictTo, set)
        maxJumpsPer = tdenv.maxJumpsPer
        maxLyPer = tdenv.maxLyPer
        maxPadSize = tdenv.padSize
        planetary = tdenv.planetary
        noPlanet = tdenv.noPlanet
        maxLsFromStar = tdenv.maxLs or float('inf')
        reqBlackMarket = getattr(tdenv, 'blackMarket', False) or False
        maxAge = getattr(tdenv, 'maxAge') or 0
        credits = tdenv.credits - (getattr(tdenv, 'insurance', 0) or 0)
        fitFunction = self.defaultFit
        capacity = tdenv.capacity
        maxUnits = getattr(tdenv, 'limit') or capacity

        bestToDest = {}
        safetyMargin = 1.0 - tdenv.margin
        unique = tdenv.unique
        loopInt = getattr(tdenv, 'loopInt', 0) or None

        # Penalty is expressed as percentage, reduce it to a multiplier
        if tdenv.lsPenalty:
            lsPenalty = max(min(tdenv.lsPenalty / 100, 1), 0)
            lsPenalty = 0

        goalSystem = tdenv.goalSystem
        uniquePath = None

        restrictStations = set()
        if restrictTo:
            for place in restrictTo:
                if isinstance(place, Station):
                elif isinstance(place, System) and place.stations:

        # Are we doing direct routes?
        if tdenv.direct:
            if goalSystem and not restrictTo:
                restrictTo = (goalSystem, )
                restrictStations = set(goalSystem.stations)
            if avoidPlaces:
                restrictStations = set(
                    stn for stn in restrictStations
                    if stn not in avoidPlaces and \
                        stn.system not in avoidPlaces

            def station_iterator(srcStation):
                srcSys = srcStation.system
                srcDist = srcSys.distanceTo
                for stn in restrictStations:
                    stnSys = stn.system
                    yield Destination(stnSys, stn, (srcSys, stnSys),
            getDestinations = tdb.getDestinations

            def station_iterator(srcStation):
                yield from getDestinations(

        prog = pbar.Progress(len(routes), 25)
        connections = 0
        getSelling = self.stationsSelling.get
        for route in routes:
            if tdenv.progress:
            tdenv.DEBUG1("Route = {}", route.str())

            srcStation = route.lastStation
            startCr = credits + int(route.gainCr * safetyMargin)
            routeJumps = len(route.jumps)

            srcSelling = getSelling(srcStation.ID, None)
            srcSelling = tuple(values for values in srcSelling
                               if values[1] <= startCr)
            if not srcSelling:
                tdenv.DEBUG1("Nothing sold/affordable - next.")

            if goalSystem:
                origSystem = route.firstSystem
                srcSystem = srcStation.system
                srcDistTo = srcSystem.distanceTo
                goalDistTo = goalSystem.distanceTo
                origDistTo = origSystem.distanceTo
                srcGoalDist = srcDistTo(goalSystem)
                srcOrigDist = srcDistTo(origSystem)
                origGoalDist = origDistTo(goalSystem)

            if unique:
                uniquePath = route.route
            elif loopInt:
                uniquePath = route.route[-loopInt:-1]

            stations = (dest for dest in station_iterator(srcStation)
                        if dest.station != srcStation)
            if reqBlackMarket:
                stations = (d for d in stations
                            if d.station.blackMarket == 'Y')
            if uniquePath:
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station not in uniquePath)
            if restrictStations:
                stations = (d for d in stations
                            if d.station in restrictStations)
            if maxAge:
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge)
                stations = (d for d in stations if d.station.dataAge <= maxAge)
            if goalSystem:
                if bool(tdenv.unique):
                    stations = (d for d in stations
                                if d.system is not srcSystem)
                stations = (
                    d for d in stations
                    if d.system is goalSystem or d.distLy < srcGoalDist)

            if tdenv.debug >= 1:

                def annotate(dest):
                    tdenv.DEBUG1("destSys {}, destStn {}, jumps {}, distLy {}",
                                 dest.system.dbname, dest.station.dbname,
                                           for jump in dest.via), dest.distLy)
                    return True

                stations = (d for d in stations if annotate(d))

            for dest in stations:
                dstStation = dest.station

                connections += 1
                items = self.getTrades(srcStation, dstStation, srcSelling)
                if not items:
                trade = fitFunction(items, startCr, capacity, maxUnits)

                multiplier = 1.0
                # Calculate total K-lightseconds supercruise time.
                # This will amortize for the start/end stations
                dstSys = dest.system
                if goalSystem and dstSys is not goalSystem:
                    dstGoalDist = goalDistTo(dstSys)
                    # Biggest reward for shortening distance to goal
                    score = 5000 * origGoalDist / dstGoalDist
                    # bias towards bigger reductions
                    score += 50 * srcGoalDist / dstGoalDist
                    # discourage moving back towards origin
                    if dstSys is not origSystem:
                        score += 10 * (origDistTo(dstSys) - srcOrigDist)
                    # Gain per unit pays a small part
                    score += (trade.gainCr / trade.units) / 25
                    score = trade.gainCr
                if lsPenalty:
                    # [kfsone] Only want 1dp

                    cruiseKls = int(dstStation.lsFromStar / 100) / 10

                    # Produce a curve that favors distances under 1kls
                    # positively, starts to penalize distances over 1k,
                    # and after 4kls starts to penalize aggresively
                    # http://goo.gl/Otj2XP

                    # [eyeonus] As aadler pointed out, this goes into negative
                    # numbers, which causes problems.
                    #penalty = ((cruiseKls ** 2) - cruiseKls) / 3
                    #penalty *= lsPenalty
                    #multiplier *= (1 - penalty)

                    # [eyeonus]:
                    # (Keep in mind all this ignores values of x<0.)
                    # The sigmoid: (1-(25(x-1))/(1+abs(25(x-1))))/4
                    # ranges between 0.5 and 0 with a drop around x=1,
                    # which makes it great for giving a boost to distances < 1Kls.
                    # The sigmoid: (-1-(50(x-4))/(1+abs(50(x-4))))/4
                    # ranges between 0 and -0.5 with a drop around x=4,
                    # making it great for penalizing distances > 4Kls.
                    # The curve: (-1+1/(x+1)^((x+1)/4))/2
                    # ranges between 0 and -0.5 in a smooth arc,
                    # which will be used for making distances
                    # closer to 4Kls get a slightly higher penalty
                    # then distances closer to 1Kls.
                    # Adding the three together creates a doubly-kinked curve
                    # that ranges from ~0.5 to -1.0, with drops around x=1 and x=4,
                    # which closely matches ksfone's intention without going into
                    # negative numbers and causing problems when we add it to
                    # the multiplier variable. ( 1 + -1 = 0 )
                    # You can see a graph of the formula here:
                    # https://goo.gl/sn1PqQ
                    # NOTE: The black curve is at a penalty of 0%,
                    # the red curve at a penalty of 100%, with intermediates at
                    # 25%, 50%, and 75%.
                    # The other colored lines show the penalty curves individually
                    # and the teal composite of all three.

                    def sigmoid(x):
                        return x / (1 + abs(x))

                    boost = (1 - sigmoid(25 * (cruiseKls - 1))) / 4
                    drop = (-1 - sigmoid(50 * (cruiseKls - 4))) / 4
                        penalty = (-1 + 1 /
                                   (cruiseKls + 1)**((cruiseKls + 1) / 4)) / 2
                    except OverflowError:
                        penalty = -0.5

                    multiplier += (penalty + boost + drop) * lsPenalty

                score *= multiplier

                dstID = dstStation.ID
                    # See if there is already a candidate for this destination
                    btd = bestToDest[dstID]
                except KeyError:
                    # No existing candidate, we win by default
                    bestRoute = btd[1]
                    bestScore = btd[5]
                    # Check if it is a better option than we just produced
                    bestTradeScore = bestRoute.score + bestScore
                    newTradeScore = route.score + score
                    if bestTradeScore > newTradeScore:
                    if bestTradeScore == newTradeScore:
                        bestLy = btd[4]
                        if bestLy <= dest.distLy:

                bestToDest[dstID] = (dstStation, route, trade, dest.via,
                                     dest.distLy, score)


        if connections == 0:
            raise NoHopsError(
                "No destinations could be reached within the constraints.")

        result = []
        for (dst, route, trade, jumps, ly, score) in bestToDest.values():
            result.append(route.plus(dst, trade, jumps, score))

        return result