Exemple #1
def main():
    #    t_psim, Y_psim =  mio.read_csv('bldc_startup_psim_1us_resolution.csv')
    #    mp.plot_output(t_psim, Y_psim, '.')

    freq_sim = 1e6  # simulation frequency
    compress_factor = 3
    time = pl.arange(0.0, 0.01, 1. / freq_sim)  # create time slice vector
    X = np.zeros((time.size, dm.sv_size))  # allocate state vector
    Xdebug = np.zeros((time.size, dm.dv_size))  # allocate debug data vector
    Y = np.zeros((time.size, dm.ov_size))  # allocate output vector
    U = np.zeros((time.size, dm.iv_size))  # allocate input vector
    X0 = [0, mu.rad_of_deg(0.1), 0, 0, 0]  #
    X[0, :] = X0
    W = [0, 1]
    for i in range(1, time.size):

        if i == 1:
            Uim2 = np.zeros(dm.iv_size)
            Uim2 = U[i - 2, :]

        Y[i - 1, :] = dm.output(X[i - 1, :],
                                Uim2)  # get the output for the last step
        U[i - 1, :] = ctl.run(0, Y[i - 1, :],
                              time[i -
                                   1])  # run the controller for the last step
        tmp = integrate.odeint(dm.dyn,
                               X[i - 1, :], [time[i - 1], time[i]],
                               args=(U[i - 1, :], W))  # integrate
        X[i, :] = tmp[1, :]  # copy integration output to the current step
        X[i, dm.sv_theta] = mu.norm_angle(
            X[i, dm.sv_theta])  # normalize the angle in the state
        tmp, Xdebug[i, :] = dm.dyn_debug(X[i - 1, :], time[i - 1], U[i - 1, :],
                                         W)  # get debug data
        print_simulation_progress(i, time.size)

    Y[-1, :] = Y[-2, :]
    U[-1, :] = U[-2, :]

    if compress_factor > 1:
        time = compress(time, compress_factor)
        Y = compress(Y, compress_factor)
        X = compress(X, compress_factor)
        U = compress(U, compress_factor)
        Xdebug = compress(Xdebug, compress_factor)

    mp.plot_output(time, Y, '-')
    #    pl.show()
    plt.figure(figsize=(10.24, 5.12))
    display_state_and_command(time, X, U)

    plt.figure(figsize=(10.24, 5.12))
    mp.plot_debug(time, Xdebug)

Exemple #2
def main():
#    t_psim, Y_psim =  mio.read_csv('bldc_startup_psim_1us_resolution.csv')
#    mp.plot_output(t_psim, Y_psim, '.')

    freq_sim = 1e6                              # simulation frequency
    compress_factor = 3
    time = pl.arange(0.0, 0.01, 1./freq_sim) # create time slice vector
    X = np.zeros((time.size, dm.sv_size))       # allocate state vector
    Xdebug = np.zeros((time.size, dm.dv_size))  # allocate debug data vector
    Y = np.zeros((time.size, dm.ov_size))       # allocate output vector
    U = np.zeros((time.size, dm.iv_size))       # allocate input vector
    X0 = [0, mu.rad_of_deg(0.1), 0, 0, 0]       #
    X[0,:] = X0
    W = [0, 1]
    for i in range(1,time.size):

        if i==1:
            Uim2 = np.zeros(dm.iv_size)
            Uim2 = U[i-2,:]

        Y[i-1,:] = dm.output(X[i-1,:], Uim2)                  # get the output for the last step
        U[i-1,:] = ctl.run(0, Y[i-1,:], time[i-1])            # run the controller for the last step
        tmp = integrate.odeint(dm.dyn, X[i-1,:], [time[i-1], time[i]], args=(U[i-1,:], W)) # integrate
        X[i,:] = tmp[1,:] # copy integration output to the current step
        X[i, dm.sv_theta] = mu.norm_angle( X[i, dm.sv_theta]) # normalize the angle in the state
        tmp, Xdebug[i,:] = dm.dyn_debug(X[i-1,:], time[i-1], U[i-1,:], W) # get debug data
        print_simulation_progress(i, time.size)

    Y[-1,:] = Y[-2,:]
    U[-1,:] = U[-2,:]

    if compress_factor > 1:
        time = compress(time, compress_factor)
        Y = compress(Y, compress_factor)
        X = compress(X, compress_factor)
        U = compress(U, compress_factor)
        Xdebug = compress(Xdebug, compress_factor)

    mp.plot_output(time, Y, '-')
#    pl.show()
    plt.figure(figsize=(10.24, 5.12))
    display_state_and_command(time, X, U)

    plt.figure(figsize=(10.24, 5.12))
    mp.plot_debug(time, Xdebug)

Exemple #3
def backemf(X,thetae_offset):
    phase_thetae = mu.norm_angle((X[sv_theta] * (NbPoles / 2.)) + thetae_offset)

    bemf_constant = mu.vpradps_of_rpmpv(Kv) # aka. ke in V/rad/s
    max_bemf = bemf_constant * X[sv_omega]

    bemf = 0.
    if 0. <= phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (1./6.)):
        bemf = (max_bemf / (math.pi * (1./6.))) * phase_thetae
    elif (math.pi/6.) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (5./6.)):
        bemf = max_bemf
    elif (math.pi * (5./6.)) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (7./6.)):
        bemf = -((max_bemf/(math.pi/6.))* (phase_thetae - math.pi))
    elif (math.pi * (7./6.)) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (11./6.)):
        bemf = -max_bemf
    elif (math.pi * (11./6.)) < phase_thetae <= (2.0 * math.pi):
        bemf = (max_bemf/(math.pi/6.)) * (phase_thetae - (2. * math.pi))
        print "ERROR: angle out of bounds can not calculate bemf {}".format(phase_thetae)

    return bemf
Exemple #4
def backemf(X, thetae_offset):
    phase_thetae = mu.norm_angle((X[sv_theta] * (NbPoles / 2.)) +

    bemf_constant = mu.vpradps_of_rpmpv(Kv)  # aka. ke in V/rad/s
    max_bemf = bemf_constant * X[sv_omega]

    bemf = 0.
    if 0. <= phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (1. / 6.)):
        bemf = (max_bemf / (math.pi * (1. / 6.))) * phase_thetae
    elif (math.pi / 6.) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (5. / 6.)):
        bemf = max_bemf
    elif (math.pi * (5. / 6.)) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (7. / 6.)):
        bemf = -((max_bemf / (math.pi / 6.)) * (phase_thetae - math.pi))
    elif (math.pi * (7. / 6.)) < phase_thetae <= (math.pi * (11. / 6.)):
        bemf = -max_bemf
    elif (math.pi * (11. / 6.)) < phase_thetae <= (2.0 * math.pi):
        bemf = (max_bemf / (math.pi / 6.)) * (phase_thetae - (2. * math.pi))
        print "ERROR: angle out of bounds can not calculate bemf {}".format(

    return bemf
Exemple #5
def run_hpwm_l_on_bipol(Sp, Y, t):
    elec_angle = mu.norm_angle(Y[dm.ov_theta] * dm.NbPoles/2)

    U = np.zeros(dm.iv_size)

    step = "none"

    # switching pattern based on the "encoder"
    # H PWM L ON pattern
    if 0. <= elec_angle <= (math.pi * (1./6.)): # second half of step 1
        # U off
        # V low
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "1b"
    elif (math.pi * (1.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (3.0/6.0)): # step 2
        # U hpwm
        # V low
        # W off
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hu = 1
            hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "2 "
    elif (math.pi * (3.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (5.0/6.0)): # step 3
        # U hpwm
        # V off
        # W low
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hu = 1
            hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 1
        step = "3 "
    elif (math.pi * (5.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (7.0/6.0)): # step 4
        # U off
        # V hpwm
        # W low
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hv = 1
            hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 1
        step = "4 "
    elif (math.pi * (7.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (9.0/6.0)): # step 5
        # U low
        # V hpwm
        # W off
        hu = 0
        lu = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hv = 1
            hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "5 "
    elif (math.pi * (9.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (11.0/6.0)): # step 6
        # U low
        # V off
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 1
        hv = 0
        lv = 0
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "6 "
    elif (math.pi * (11.0/6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi * (12.0/6.0)): # first half of step 1
        # U off
        # V low
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "1a"
        print 'ERROR: The electrical angle is out of range!!!'

    # Assigning the scheme phase values to the simulator phases
    # "Connecting the controller wires to the motor" ^^
    # This way we can for example decide which direction we want to turn the motor
    U[dm.iv_hu] = hu
    U[dm.iv_lu] = lu
    U[dm.iv_hv] = hw
    U[dm.iv_lv] = lw
    U[dm.iv_hw] = hv
    U[dm.iv_lw] = lv

    if debug:
        print 'time {} step {} eangle {} switches {}'.format(t, step, mu.deg_of_rad(elec_angle), U)

    return U
Exemple #6
def run_hpwm_l_on_bipol(Sp, Y, t):
    elec_angle = mu.norm_angle(Y[dm.ov_theta] * dm.NbPoles / 2)

    U = np.zeros(dm.iv_size)

    step = "none"

    # switching pattern based on the "encoder"
    # H PWM L ON pattern
    if 0. <= elec_angle <= (math.pi * (1. / 6.)):  # second half of step 1
        # U off
        # V low
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "1b"
    elif (math.pi * (1.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                                  (3.0 / 6.0)):  # step 2
        # U hpwm
        # V low
        # W off
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hu = 1
            hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "2 "
    elif (math.pi * (3.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                                  (5.0 / 6.0)):  # step 3
        # U hpwm
        # V off
        # W low
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hu = 1
            hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 1
        step = "3 "
    elif (math.pi * (5.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                                  (7.0 / 6.0)):  # step 4
        # U off
        # V hpwm
        # W low
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hv = 1
            hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 1
        step = "4 "
    elif (math.pi * (7.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                                  (9.0 / 6.0)):  # step 5
        # U low
        # V hpwm
        # W off
        hu = 0
        lu = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hv = 1
            hv = 0
        lv = 0
        hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "5 "
    elif (math.pi * (9.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                                  (11.0 / 6.0)):  # step 6
        # U low
        # V off
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 1
        hv = 0
        lv = 0
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "6 "
    elif (math.pi *
          (11.0 / 6.0)) < elec_angle <= (math.pi *
                                         (12.0 / 6.0)):  # first half of step 1
        # U off
        # V low
        # W hpwm
        hu = 0
        lu = 0
        hv = 0
        lv = 1
        if math.fmod(t, PWM_cycle_time) <= PWM_duty_time:
            hw = 1
            hw = 0
        lw = 0
        step = "1a"
        print("ERROR: The electrical angle is out of range!!!")

    # Assigning the scheme phase values to the simulator phases
    # "Connecting the controller wires to the motor" ^^
    # This way we can for example decide which direction we want to turn the motor
    U[dm.iv_hu] = hu
    U[dm.iv_lu] = lu
    U[dm.iv_hv] = hw
    U[dm.iv_lv] = lw
    U[dm.iv_hw] = hv
    U[dm.iv_lw] = lv

    if debug:
        print('time {} step {} eangle {} switches {}'.format(
            t, step, mu.deg_of_rad(elec_angle), U))

    return U