def find_meeting(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ Find meetings within a given time frame and add them to the meeting queue. """ meeting_url = "%ssi010.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&kaldatvon=%s&kaldatbis=%s" % (self.config.BASE_URL, start_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y"), end_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y"))"Getting meeting overview from %s", meeting_url) parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) r = self.get_url(meeting_url) if not r: return xml = r.text.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace') root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) for item in root[1].iterchildren(): raw_meeting = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): raw_meeting[e.tag] = e.text meeting = Meeting(numeric_id=int(raw_meeting['silfdnr']), identifier=int(raw_meeting['silfdnr'])) meeting.date_start = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisbvcs']) meeting.date_end = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisevcs']) meeting.identifier = raw_meeting['siname'] meeting.original_url = "%sto010.asp?SILFDNR=%s&options=4" % (self.config.BASE_URL, raw_meeting['silfdnr']) meeting.title = raw_meeting['sitext'] meeting.committee_name = raw_meeting['grname'] meeting.description = raw_meeting['sitext'] oid = self.db.save_meeting(meeting) self.meeting_queue.add(meeting.numeric_id)
def get_meetings_list(self, raw_calendar_data): meetings_list = [] for num, meeting in enumerate(self.raw_calendar_data, 1): num = num summary = self._get_summary(meeting) start = parse(meeting['start'].get('dateTime', meeting['start'].get('date'))) end = parse(meeting['end'].get('dateTime', meeting['end'].get('date'))) duration = end - start num_attendees = self._get_num_attendees(meeting.get('attendees')) m = Meeting(num, summary, start, end, duration, num_attendees) meetings_list.append(m) return meetings_list
def find_meeting(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ Find meetings within a given time frame and add them to the meeting queue. """ meeting_find_url = ( self.config['scraper']['allris']['meeting_find_url'] % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], start_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y"), end_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")))"Getting meeting overview from %s", meeting_find_url) parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() r = self.get_url(meeting_find_url) if not r: return xml = r.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').replace('</a>', '') xml = re.sub(r'<a href="([^"]*)" target="_blank" ?>', r'\1', xml) root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) for item in root: if item.tag == 'list': root = item break for item in root.iterchildren(): raw_meeting = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): if e.text: raw_meeting[e.tag] = h.unescape(e.text) else: raw_meeting[e.tag] = '' meeting = Meeting(originalId=int(raw_meeting['silfdnr'])) meeting.start = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisbvcs']) meeting.end = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisevcs']) = raw_meeting['siname'] meeting.originalUrl = ( "%sto010.asp?SILFDNR=%s&options=4" % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], raw_meeting['silfdnr'])) = raw_meeting['sitext'] meeting.organization_name = raw_meeting['grname'] # meeting.description = raw_meeting['sitext'] # WHAT TO DO WITH THIS self.db.save_meeting(meeting) self.meeting_queue.add(meeting.originalId)
def find_meeting(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ Find meetings within a given time frame and add them to the meeting queue. """ meeting_find_url = (self.config['scraper']['allris']['meeting_find_url'] % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], start_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y"), end_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")))"Getting meeting overview from %s", meeting_find_url) parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() r = self.get_url(meeting_find_url) if not r: return xml = r.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').replace('</a>', '') xml = re.sub(r'<a href="([^"]*)" target="_blank" ?>', r'\1', xml) root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) for item in root: if item.tag == 'list': root = item break for item in root.iterchildren(): raw_meeting = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): if e.text: raw_meeting[e.tag] = h.unescape(e.text) else: raw_meeting[e.tag] = '' meeting = Meeting(originalId=int(raw_meeting['silfdnr'])) meeting.start = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisbvcs']) meeting.end = self.parse_date(raw_meeting['sisevcs']) = raw_meeting['siname'] meeting.originalUrl = ("%sto010.asp?SILFDNR=%s&options=4" % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], raw_meeting['silfdnr'])) = raw_meeting['sitext'] meeting.organization_name = raw_meeting['grname'] # meeting.description = raw_meeting['sitext'] # WHAT TO DO WITH THIS self.db.save_meeting(meeting) self.meeting_queue.add(meeting.originalId)
def get_meeting(self, meeting_url=None, meeting_id=None): """ Load meeting details (e.g. agendaitems) for the given detail page URL or numeric ID """ meeting_url = "%sto010.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&SILFDNR=%s" % (self.config.BASE_URL, meeting_id)"Getting meeting %d from %s", meeting_id, meeting_url) r = self.get_url(meeting_url) if not r: return # If r.history has an item we have a problem if len(r.history): if r.history[0].status_code == 302:"Meeting %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_id) else: logging.error("Strange redirect %d from %s with status code %s", meeting_id, meeting_url, r.history[0].status_code) return xml = r.text.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace') parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) meeting = Meeting(numeric_id=meeting_id) # special area special = {} for item in root[0].iterchildren(): special[item.tag] = item.text # Woher kriegen wir das Datum? Nur über die Übersicht? #if 'sisb' in special: #if 'sise' in special: if 'saname' in special: if special['saname'] in self.config.MEETING_TYPE: meeting.type = self.config.MEETING_TYPE[special['saname']] else: logging.warn("String '%s' not found in MEETING_TYPE", special['saname']) # head area head = {} for item in root[0].iterchildren(): head[item.tag] = item.text if 'raname' in head: = head['raname'] if 'raort' in head: meeting.address = head['raort'] agendaitems = [] for item in root[2].iterchildren(): elem = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): elem[e.tag] = e.text section = [elem['tofnum'], elem['tofunum'], elem['tofuunum']] section = [x for x in section if x!="0"] elem['section'] = ".".join(section) agendaitem = Agendaitem() #agendaitem = elem['topnr'] agendaitem.numeric_id = int(elem['tolfdnr']) if elem['toostLang'] == u'öffentlich': agendaitem.public = True else: agendaitem.public = False agendaitem.title = elem['totext1'] # get agenda detail page # TODO: Own Queue time.sleep(self.config.WAIT_TIME) agendaitem_url = '%sto020.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&TOLFDNR=%s' % (self.config.BASE_URL, agendaitem.numeric_id)"Getting agendaitem %d from %s", agendaitem.numeric_id, agendaitem_url) agendaitem_r = self.get_url(agendaitem_url) if not agendaitem_r: return if len(agendaitem_r.history):"Agenda item %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_url) else: agendaitem_xml = agendaitem_r.text.encode('ascii','xmlcharrefreplace') agendaitem_parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) agendaitem_root = etree.fromstring(agendaitem_xml, parser=parser) add_agenda_item = {} for add_item in agendaitem_root[0].iterchildren(): if add_item.tag == "rtfWP" and len(add_item) > 0: try: agendaitem.resolution_text = etree.tostring(add_item[0][1][0]) except: logging.warn("Unable to parse resolution text at %s", agendaitem_url) else: add_agenda_item[add_item.tag] = add_item.text if 'voname' in add_agenda_item: # create paper with identifier agendaitem.paper = [Paper(numeric_id = int(elem['volfdnr']), title=add_agenda_item['voname'])] if add_agenda_item['vobetr'] != agendaitem.title: logging.warn("different values for title: %s and %s", agendaitem.title, add_agenda_item['vobetr']) if hasattr(self, 'paper_queue'): self.paper_queue.add(int(elem['volfdnr'])) elif int(elem['volfdnr']) is not 0: # create paper without identifier agendaitem.paper = [Paper(numeric_id = int(elem['volfdnr']))] if hasattr(self, 'paper_queue'): self.paper_queue.add(int(elem['volfdnr'])) if "nowDate" not in add_agenda_item: # something is broken with this so we don't store it logging.warn("Skipping broken agenda at ", agendaitem_url) else: # dereference result if add_agenda_item['totyp'] in self.config.RESULT_STRINGS: agendaitem.result = self.config.RESULT_STRINGS[add_agenda_item['totyp']] else: logging.warn("String '%s' not found in configured RESULT_STRINGS", add_agenda_item['totyp']) agendaitems.append(agendaitem) meeting.agendaitem = agendaitems oid = self.db.save_meeting(meeting)"Meeting %d stored with _id %s", meeting_id, oid)
def get_meeting(self, meeting_url=None, meeting_id=None): """ Load meeting details for the given detail page URL or numeric ID """ # Read either meeting_id or meeting_url from the opposite if meeting_id is not None: meeting_url = self.urls['SESSION_DETAIL_PRINT_PATTERN'] % meeting_id elif meeting_url is not None: parsed =['SESSION_DETAIL_PARSE_PATTERN'], meeting_url) meeting_id = parsed['meeting_id']"Getting meeting (session) %d from %s", meeting_id, meeting_url) meeting = Meeting(numeric_id=meeting_id) time.sleep(self.config.WAIT_TIME) response = self.get_url(meeting_url) if not response: return # forms for later document download mechanize_forms = mechanize.ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False) # seek(0) is necessary to reset response pointer. html = html = html.replace(' ', ' ') parser = etree.HTMLParser() dom = etree.parse(StringIO(html), parser) # check for page errors try: page_title = dom.xpath('//h1')[0].text if 'Fehlermeldung' in page_title:"Page %s cannot be accessed due to server error", meeting_url) return if 'Berechtigungsfehler' in page_title:"Page %s cannot be accessed due to permissions", meeting_url) return except: pass try: error_h3 = dom.xpath('//h3[@class="smc_h3"]')[0].text.strip() if 'Keine Daten gefunden' in error_h3:"Page %s does not contain any agenda items", meeting_url) return if 'Fehlercode: 1104' in error_h3:"Page %s cannot be accessed due to permissions", meeting_url) return except: pass meeting.original_url = meeting_url # Session title try: meeting.title = dom.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_TITLE'])[0].text except: logging.critical('Cannot find session title element using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_TITLE') raise TemplateError('Cannot find session title element using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_TITLE') # Committe link #try: # links = dom.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_COMMITTEE_LINK']) # for link in links: # href = link.get('href') # parsed =['COMMITTEE_DETAIL_PARSE_PATTERN'], href) # if parsed is not None: # meeting.committees = [Commitee(numeric_id=int(parsed['committee_id']))] # if hasattr(self, 'committee_queue'): # self.committee_queue.add(int(parsed['committee_id'])) #except: # logging.critical('Cannot find link to committee detail page using SESSION_DETAIL_COMMITTEE_LINK_XPATH') # raise TemplateError('Cannot find link to committee detail page using SESSION_DETAIL_COMMITTEE_LINK_XPATH') # Meeting identifier, date, address etc tds = dom.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_IDENTIFIER_TD']) if len(tds) == 0: logging.critical('Cannot find table fields using SESSION_DETAIL_IDENTIFIER_TD_XPATH at session ' + meeting_url) raise TemplateError('Cannot find table fields using SESSION_DETAIL_IDENTIFIER_TD_XPATH at session ' + meeting_url) else: for n in range(0, len(tds)): try: tdcontent = tds[n].text.strip() nextcontent = tds[n + 1].text.strip() except: continue if tdcontent == 'Sitzung:': meeting.identifier = nextcontent # We don't need this any more because it's scraped in committee detail page(?) #elif tdcontent == 'Gremium:': # meeting.committee_name = nextcontent elif tdcontent == 'Datum:': start = nextcontent end = nextcontent if tds[n + 2].text == 'Zeit:': if tds[n + 3].text is not None: times = tds[n + 3].text.replace(' Uhr', '').split('-') start = start + ' ' + times[0] if len(times) > 1: end = end + ' ' + times[1] else: end = start meeting.start = start meeting.end = end elif tdcontent == 'Raum:': meeting.address = " ".join(tds[n + 1].xpath('./text()')) elif tdcontent == 'Bezeichnung:': meeting.description = nextcontent if not hasattr(meeting, 'identifier'): logging.critical('Cannot find session identifier using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_IDENTIFIER_TD') raise TemplateError('Cannot find session identifier using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_IDENTIFIER_TD') # Agendaitems found_documents = [] rows = dom.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_AGENDA_ROWS']) if len(rows) == 0: logging.critical('Cannot find agenda using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_AGENDA_ROWS') raise TemplateError('Cannot find agenda using XPath SESSION_DETAIL_AGENDA_ROWS') meeting.agendaitem = [] else: agendaitems = [] agendaitem_id = None public = True agendaitem = None for row in rows: row_id = row.get('id') row_classes = row.get('class').split(' ') fields = row.xpath('td') number = fields[0].xpath('./text()') if len(number) > 0: number = number[0] else: # when theres a updated notice theres an additional spam number = fields[0].xpath('.//span/text()') if len(number) > 0: number = number[0] if number == []: number = None if row_id is not None: # Agendaitem main row # first: save agendaitem from before if agendaitem: agendaitems.append(agendaitem) # create new agendaitem agendaitem = Agendaitem(numeric_id=int(row_id.rsplit('_', 1)[1])) if number is not None: agendaitem.sequence_number = number # in some ris this is a link, sometimes not. test both. if len(fields[1].xpath('./a/text()')): agendaitem.title = "; ".join(fields[1].xpath('./a/text()')) elif len(fields[1].xpath('./text()')): agendaitem.title = "; ".join(fields[1].xpath('./text()')) # ignore no agendaitem information if agendaitem.title == 'keine Tagesordnungspunkte': agendaitem = None continue agendaitem.public = public # paper links links = row.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_AGENDA_ROWS_SUBMISSION_LINK']) papers = [] for link in links: href = link.get('href') if href is None: continue parsed =['SUBMISSION_DETAIL_PARSE_PATTERN'], href) if parsed is not None: paper = Paper(numeric_id=int(parsed['paper_id']), identifier=link.text) papers.append(paper) # Add paper to paper queue if hasattr(self, 'paper_queue'): self.paper_queue.add(int(parsed['paper_id'])) if len(papers): agendaitem.paper = papers """ Note: we don't scrape agendaitem-related documents for now, based on the assumption that they are all found via paper detail pages. All we do here is get a list of document IDs in found_documents """ # find links links = row.xpath('.//a[contains(@href,"getfile.")]') for link in links: if not link.xpath('.//img'): file_link = self.config.BASE_URL + link.get('href') document_id = file_link.split('id=')[1].split('&')[0] found_documents.append(document_id) # find forms forms = row.xpath('.//form') for form in forms: for hidden_field in form.xpath('input'): if hidden_field.get('name') != 'DT': continue document_id = hidden_field.get('value') found_documents.append(document_id) # Alternative für smc_tophz wegen Version 4.3.5 bi (Layout 3) elif ('smc_tophz' in row_classes) or (row.get('valign') == 'top' and row.get('debug') == '3'): # additional (optional row for agendaitem) label = fields[1].text value = fields[2].text if label is not None and value is not None: label = label.strip() value = value.strip() if label in ['Ergebnis:', 'Beschluss:', 'Beratungsergebnis:']: if value in self.config.RESULT_STRINGS: agendaitem.result = self.config.RESULT_STRINGS[value] else: logging.warn("String '%s' not found in configured RESULT_STRINGS", value) agendaitem.result = value elif label in ['Bemerkung:', 'Abstimmung:']: agendaitem.result_details = value # What's this? #elif label == 'Abstimmung:': # agendaitems[agendaitem_id]['voting'] = value else: logging.critical("Agendaitem info label '%s' is unknown", label) raise ValueError('Agendaitem info label "%s" is unknown' % label) elif 'smcrowh' in row_classes: # Subheading (public / nonpublic part) if fields[0].text is not None and "Nicht öffentlich" in fields[0].text.encode('utf-8'): public = False meeting.agendaitem = agendaitems # meeting-related documents containers = dom.xpath(self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_ATTACHMENTS']) for container in containers: classes = container.get('class') if classes is None: continue classes = classes.split(' ') if self.xpath['SESSION_DETAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CONTAINER_CLASSNAME'] not in classes: continue documents = [] rows = container.xpath('.//tr') for row in rows: if not row.xpath('.//form'): links = row.xpath('.//a') for link in links: # ignore additional pdf icon links if not link.xpath('.//img'): title = ' '.join(link.xpath('./text()')).strip() file_link = self.config.BASE_URL + link.get('href') document_id = file_link.split('id=')[1].split('&')[0] if document_id in found_documents: continue document = Document( identifier=document_id, numeric_id=document_id, title=title, original_url=file_link) document = self.get_document_file(document=document, link=file_link) if 'Einladung' in title: document_type = 'invitation' elif 'Niederschrift' in title: document_type = 'results_protocol' else: document_type = 'misc' documents.append({'relation': document_type, 'document': document}) found_documents.append(document_id) else: forms = row.xpath('.//form') for form in forms: title = " ".join(row.xpath('./td/text()')).strip() for hidden_field in form.xpath('input'): if hidden_field.get('name') != 'DT': continue document_id = hidden_field.get('value') # make sure to add only those which aren't agendaitem-related if document_id not in found_documents: document = Document( identifier=document_id, numeric_id=document_id, title=title ) # Traversing the whole mechanize response to submit this form for mform in mechanize_forms: for control in mform.controls: if == 'DT' and control.value == document_id: document = self.get_document_file(document, mform) if 'Einladung' in title: document_type = 'invitation' elif 'Niederschrift' in title: document_type = 'results_protocol' else: document_type = 'misc' documents.append({'relation': document_type, 'document': document}) found_documents.append(document_id) if len(documents): meeting.document = documents oid = self.db.save_meeting(meeting)"Meeting %d stored with _id %s", meeting_id, oid)
def get_paper(self, paper_url=None, paper_id=None): """ Load paper details for the paper given by detail page URL or numeric ID """ paper_url = ('%svo020.asp?VOLFDNR=%s' % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], paper_id))"Getting paper %d from %s", paper_id, paper_url) # Stupid re-try concept because AllRis sometimes misses # start < at tags at first request. try_counter = 0 while True: try: response = self.get_url(paper_url) if not response: return if "noauth" in response.url: logging.warn("Paper %s in %s seems to private", paper_id, paper_url) return text = response.text doc = html.fromstring(text) data = {} # Beratungsfolge-Table checken # lets hope we always have this table table = self.table_css(doc)[0] self.consultation_list_start = False last_headline = '' for line in table: if line.tag == 'tr': headline = line[0].text elif line.tag == 'td': headline = line.text else: logging.error("ERROR: Serious error in data table. " "Unable to parse.") if headline: headline = headline.split(":")[0].lower() if headline[-1] == ":": headline = headline[:-1] if headline == "betreff": value = line[1].text_content().strip() # There is some html comment with a script # tag in front of the text which we remove. value = value.split("-->")[1] # remove all multiple spaces from the string data[headline] = " ".join(value.split()) elif headline in [ 'verfasser', u'federführend', 'drucksache-art' ]: data[headline] = line[1].text.strip() elif headline in ['status']: data[headline] = line[1].text.strip() # related papers if len(line) > 2: if len(line[3]): # Gets originalId. is there something # else at this position? (will break) paper_id = line[3][0][0][1][0].get( 'href').split('=')[1].split('&')[0] data['relatedPaper'] = [ Paper(originalId=paper_id) ] # Lot's of scraping just because of the date (?) elif headline == "beratungsfolge": # The actual list will be in the next row # inside a table, so we only set a marker. self.consultation_list_start = True elif self.consultation_list_start: elem = line[0][0] # The first line is pixel images, so skip # it, then we need to jump in steps of two. amount = (len(elem) - 1) / 2 consultations = [] date_list = [] i = 0 item = None for elem_line in elem: if i == 0: i += 1 continue """ Here we need to parse the actual list which can have different forms. A complex example can be found at The first line is some sort of headline with the committee in question and the type of consultation. After that 0-n lines of detailed information of meetings with a date, transscript and decision. The first line has 3 columns (thanks to colspan) and the others have 7. Here we make every meeting a separate entry, we can group them together later again if we want to. """ # now we need to parse the actual list # those lists new_consultation = Consultation() new_consultation.status = \ elem_line[0].attrib['title'].lower() if len(elem_line) == 3: # The order is "color/status", name of # committee / link to TOP, more info we # define a head dict here which can be # shared for the other lines once we find # another head line we will create a new # one here. new_consultation.role = \ elem_line[2].text.strip() # Name of committee, e.g. # "Finanzausschuss", unfort. without id #'committee' : elem_line[1].text.strip(), # For some obscure reasons sometimes action # is missing. elif len(elem_line) == 2: # The order is "color/status", name of # committee / link to TOP, more info. status = \ elem_line[0].attrib['title'].lower() # We define a head dict here which can be # shared for the other lines once we find # another head line we will create a new # one here. # name of committee, e.g. # "Finanzausschuss", unfort. without id #'committee' : elem_line[1].text.strip(), elif len(elem_line) == 7: try: # This is about line 2 with lots of # more stuff to process. # Date can be text or a link with that # text. # We have a link (and ignore it). if len(elem_line[1]) == 1: date_text = elem_line[1][0].text else: date_text = elem_line[1].text date_list.append( datetime.datetime.strptime( date_text.strip(), "%d.%m.%Y")) if len(elem_line[2]): # Form with silfdnr and toplfdnr # but only in link (action= # "to010.asp?topSelected=57023") form = elem_line[2][0] meeting_id = form[0].attrib[ 'value'] new_consultation.meeting = [ Meeting(originalId=meeting_id) ] # Full name of meeting, e.g. # "A/31/WP.16 öffentliche/ # nichtöffentliche Sitzung des # Finanzausschusses" #item['meeting'] = \ # elem_line[3][0].text.strip() else: # No link to TOP. Should not be # possible but happens. # (TODO: Bugreport?) # Here we have no link but the text # is in the TD directly - will be # scaped as meeting. #item['meeting'] = \ # elem_line[3].text.strip() logging.warn( "AgendaItem in consultation " "list on the web page does not " "contain a link to the actual " "meeting at paper %s", paper_url) toplfdnr = None if len(elem_line[6]) > 0: form = elem_line[6][0] toplfdnr = form[0].attrib['value'] if toplfdnr: new_consultation.originalId = \ "%s-%s" % (toplfdnr, paper_id) # actually the id of the transcript new_consultation.agendaItem = \ AgendaItem( originalId=toplfdnr) # e.g. "ungeändert beschlossen" new_consultation.agendaItem.result \ = elem_line[4].text.strip() consultations.append( new_consultation) else: logging.error( "missing agendaItem ID in " "consultation list at %s", paper_url) except (IndexError, KeyError): logging.error( "ERROR: Serious error in " "consultation list. Unable to " "parse.") logging.error( "Serious error in consultation " "list. Unable to parse.") return [] i += 1 # Theory: we don't need this at all, because it's # scraped at meeting. #data['consultations'] = consultations # set the marker to False again as we have read it self.consultation_list_start = False last_headline = headline # We simply ignore the rest (there might not be much more # actually). # The actual text comes after the table in a div but it's not # valid XML or HTML this using regex. data['docs'] = self.body_re.findall(response.text) first_date = False for single_date in date_list: if first_date: if single_date < first_date: first_date = single_date else: first_date = single_date paper = Paper(originalId=paper_id) paper.originalUrl = paper_url = data['betreff'] paper.description = data['docs'] if 'drucksache-art' in data: paper.paperType = data['drucksache-art'] if first_date: paper.publishedDate = first_date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") # see theory above #if 'consultations' in data: # paper.consultation = data['consultations'] paper.auxiliaryFile = [] # get the attachments step 1 (Drucksache) file_1 = self.attachment_1_css(doc) if len(file_1): if file_1[0].value: href = ('%sdo027.asp' % self.config['scraper']['base_url']) original_id = file_1[0].value name = 'Drucksache' main_file = File(originalId=original_id, name=name) main_file = self.get_file(main_file, href, True) paper.mainFile = main_file # get the attachments step 2 (additional attachments) files = self.attachments_css(doc) if len(files) > 0: if len(files[0]) > 1: if files[0][1][0].text.strip() == "Anlagen:": for tr in files[0][2:]: link = tr[0][0] href = ("%s%s" % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], link.attrib["href"])) name = link.text path_tokens = link.attrib["href"].split('/') original_id = "%d-%d" % (int( path_tokens[4]), int(path_tokens[6])) aux_file = File(originalId=original_id, name=name) aux_file = self.get_file(aux_file, href) paper.auxiliaryFile.append(aux_file) print paper.auxiliaryFile if not len(paper.auxiliaryFile): del paper.auxiliaryFile oid = self.db.save_paper(paper) return except (KeyError, IndexError): if try_counter < 3:"Try again: Getting paper %d from %s", paper_id, paper_url) try_counter += 1 else: logging.error("Failed getting paper %d from %s", paper_id, paper_url) return
def get_meeting(self, meeting_url=None, meeting_id=None): """ Load meeting details (e.g. agendaitems) for the given detail page URL or numeric ID """ meeting_url = ("%sto010.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&SILFDNR=%s" % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], meeting_id))"Getting meeting %d from %s", meeting_id, meeting_url) r = self.get_url(meeting_url) if not r: return # If r.history has an item we have a problem if len(r.history): if r.history[0].status_code == 302:"Meeting %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_id) else: logging.error( "Strange redirect %d from %s with status code %s", meeting_id, meeting_url, r.history[0].status_code) return h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() xml = str(r.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) meeting = Meeting(originalId=meeting_id) # special area special = {} for item in root[0].iterchildren(): special[item.tag] = item.text # Woher kriegen wir das Datum? Nur über die Übersicht? #if 'sisb' in special: #if 'sise' in special: if 'saname' in special: meeting.type = special['saname'] # head area head = {} for item in root[1].iterchildren(): if item.text: head[item.tag] = h.unescape(item.text) else: head[item.text] = '' if 'sitext' in head: = head['sitext'] if 'raname' in head: = head['raname'] if 'raort' in head: meeting.address = head['raort'] agendaitems = [] for item in root[2].iterchildren(): elem = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): elem[e.tag] = e.text section = [elem['tofnum'], elem['tofunum'], elem['tofuunum']] section = [x for x in section if x != "0"] elem['section'] = ".".join(section) agendaitem = AgendaItem() agendaitem.originalId = int(elem['tolfdnr']) agendaitem.public = (elem['toostLang'] == u'öffentlich') = elem['totext1'] # get agenda detail page # TODO: Own Queue time.sleep(self.config['scraper']['wait_time']) agendaitem_url = ( '%sto020.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&TOLFDNR=%s' % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], agendaitem.originalId))"Getting agendaitem %d from %s", agendaitem.originalId, agendaitem_url) agendaitem_r = self.get_url(agendaitem_url) if not agendaitem_r: return if len(agendaitem_r.history):"Agenda item %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_url) else: agendaitem_xml = agendaitem_r.text.encode( 'ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # TODO: mixup of agendaitem_parser / parser below? agendaitem_parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) agendaitem_root = etree.fromstring(agendaitem_xml, parser=parser) add_agenda_item = {} for add_item in agendaitem_root[0].iterchildren(): if add_item.tag == "rtfWP" and len(add_item) > 0: try: agendaitem.resolution_text = h.unescape( etree.tostring(add_item[0][1][0])) except: logging.warn( "Unable to parse resolution text at " "%s", agendaitem_url) else: if add_item.text: add_agenda_item[add_item.tag] = h.unescape( add_item.text) if 'toptext' in add_agenda_item: = add_agenda_item['toptext'] # there are papers with id = 0. we don't need them. if int(elem['volfdnr']): consult_id = (unicode(agendaitem.originalId) + unicode(int(elem['volfdnr']))) consultation = Consultation(originalId=consult_id) paper_id = int(elem['volfdnr']) if 'voname' in add_agenda_item: consultation.paper = Paper( originalId=paper_id, name=add_agenda_item['voname']) else: consultation.paper = Paper(originalId=paper_id) agendaitem.consultation = [consultation] if 'vobetr' in add_agenda_item: if add_agenda_item['vobetr'] != logging.warn( "different values for name: %s and %s",, add_agenda_item['vobetr']) if hasattr(self, 'paper_queue'): self.paper_queue.add(int(elem['volfdnr'])) if 'totyp' in add_agenda_item: agendaitem.result = add_agenda_item['totyp'] agendaitems.append(agendaitem) meeting.agendaItem = agendaitems oid = self.db.save_meeting(meeting)"Meeting %d stored with _id %s", meeting_id, oid)
def get_meeting(self, meeting_url=None, meeting_id=None): """ Load meeting details (e.g. agendaitems) for the given detail page URL or numeric ID """ meeting_url = ("%sto010.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&SILFDNR=%s" % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], meeting_id))"Getting meeting %d from %s", meeting_id, meeting_url) r = self.get_url(meeting_url) if not r: return # If r.history has an item we have a problem if len(r.history): if r.history[0].status_code == 302:"Meeting %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_id) else: logging.error("Strange redirect %d from %s with status code %s", meeting_id, meeting_url, r.history[0].status_code) return h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() xml = str(r.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser) meeting = Meeting(originalId=meeting_id) # special area special = {} for item in root[0].iterchildren(): special[item.tag] = item.text # Woher kriegen wir das Datum? Nur über die Übersicht? #if 'sisb' in special: #if 'sise' in special: if 'saname' in special: meeting.type = special['saname'] # head area head = {} for item in root[1].iterchildren(): if item.text: head[item.tag] = h.unescape(item.text) else: head[item.text] = '' if 'sitext' in head: = head['sitext'] if 'raname' in head: = head['raname'] if 'raort' in head: meeting.address = head['raort'] agendaitems = [] for item in root[2].iterchildren(): elem = {} for e in item.iterchildren(): elem[e.tag] = e.text section = [elem['tofnum'], elem['tofunum'], elem['tofuunum']] section = [x for x in section if x != "0"] elem['section'] = ".".join(section) agendaitem = AgendaItem() agendaitem.originalId = int(elem['tolfdnr']) agendaitem.public = (elem['toostLang'] == u'öffentlich') = elem['totext1'] # get agenda detail page # TODO: Own Queue time.sleep(self.config['scraper']['wait_time']) agendaitem_url = ('%sto020.asp?selfaction=ws&template=xyz&TOLFDNR=%s' % (self.config['scraper']['base_url'], agendaitem.originalId))"Getting agendaitem %d from %s", agendaitem.originalId, agendaitem_url) agendaitem_r = self.get_url(agendaitem_url) if not agendaitem_r: return if len(agendaitem_r.history):"Agenda item %d from %s seems to be private", meeting_id, meeting_url) else: agendaitem_xml = agendaitem_r.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # TODO: mixup of agendaitem_parser / parser below? agendaitem_parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) agendaitem_root = etree.fromstring(agendaitem_xml, parser=parser) add_agenda_item = {} for add_item in agendaitem_root[0].iterchildren(): if add_item.tag == "rtfWP" and len(add_item) > 0: try: agendaitem.resolution_text = h.unescape( etree.tostring(add_item[0][1][0])) except: logging.warn("Unable to parse resolution text at " "%s", agendaitem_url) else: if add_item.text: add_agenda_item[add_item.tag] = h.unescape( add_item.text) if 'toptext' in add_agenda_item: = add_agenda_item['toptext'] # there are papers with id = 0. we don't need them. if int(elem['volfdnr']): consult_id = (unicode(agendaitem.originalId) + unicode(int(elem['volfdnr']))) consultation = Consultation(originalId=consult_id) paper_id = int(elem['volfdnr']) if 'voname' in add_agenda_item: consultation.paper = Paper( originalId=paper_id, name=add_agenda_item['voname']) else: consultation.paper = Paper(originalId=paper_id) agendaitem.consultation = [consultation] if 'vobetr' in add_agenda_item: if add_agenda_item['vobetr'] != logging.warn("different values for name: %s and %s",, add_agenda_item['vobetr']) if hasattr(self, 'paper_queue'): self.paper_queue.add(int(elem['volfdnr'])) if 'totyp' in add_agenda_item: agendaitem.result = add_agenda_item['totyp'] agendaitems.append(agendaitem) meeting.agendaItem = agendaitems oid = self.db.save_meeting(meeting)"Meeting %d stored with _id %s", meeting_id, oid)