def my_callback(request): rospy.loginfo("The Service move_bb8_in_square has been called") movebb8_object = MoveBB8() movebb8_object.move_square() rospy.loginfo("Finished service move_bb8_in_square that as called") return EmptyResponse( ) # the service response class, in this case EmptyResponse
def my_callback(request): rospy.loginfo('Service has been called') obj = MoveBB8() obj.move_bb8(request.duration) rospy.loginfo('Finished') response = MyCustomServiceMessageResponse() response.success = True return response
def my_callback(request): rospy.loginfo("The Service move_bb8_in_circle has been called") movebb8_object = MoveBB8() movebb8_object.move_bb8(request.duration) rospy.loginfo("Finished service move_bb8_in_circle") response = MyCustomServiceMessageResponse() response.success = True return response
def my_callback(request): print "My_callback has been called" x = MoveBB8() x.move_square(request.side, request.repetitions) response = BB8CustomServiceMessageResponse() response.success = True return response # the service Response class, in this case EmptyResponse
def my_callback(request): print "Request Data==> side=" + str(request.side) + ", repetitions=" + str( request.repetitions) my_response = BB8CustomServiceMessageResponse() move_square = MoveBB8() try: for i in range(request.repetitions): move_square.move_square(request.side) my_response.success = True except Exception as e: print e.message my_response.success = False rospy.loginfo('Finished service move bb8 in square') return my_response
def my_callback(request): rospy.loginfo("The Service move_bb8_in_square has been called") movebb8_object = MoveBB8() repetions_of_square = request.repetitions + 1 new_side = request.side for i in range(repetions_of_square): rospy.loginfo("Start Movement with side =" + str(new_side) + " Repetition = " + str(i)) movebb8_object.move_square(side=new_side) rospy.loginfo("Finished service move_bb8_in_square that was called called") response = BB8CustomServiceMessageResponse() response.success = True return response
def my_callback(request): rospy.loginfo("The Service move_bb8_in_square_custom has been called") movebb8_object = MoveBB8() # We need to add because if we ask 0 repetitions means to execute once, not zero times. repetitions_of_square = request.repetitions + 1 new_side = request.side for i in range(repetitions_of_square): rospy.loginfo("Start Movement with side = "+str(new_side)+"Repetition = "+str(i)) movebb8_object.move_square(side=new_side) rospy.loginfo("Finished service move_bb8_in_square that was called called") response = BB8CustomServiceMessageResponse() response.success = True return response
def squareCallback(request): rospy.loginfo("Lets initialize the robot move...") ##initializing our response object response = MyCustomServiceMessageResponse() #create the robot movement object square = MoveBB8() errors = 0 for i in range(request.repetitions): #movin with a side size try: square.movesinSquare(request.radius) except Exception as e: errors += 1 if errors == 0: response.success = True else: response.success = False return response
def my_callback(request): print "My_callback has been called" x = MoveBB8() x.move_square() return EmptyResponse() # the service Response class, in this case EmptyResponse
#! /usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyResponse # you import the service message python classes generated from Empty.srv. from move_bb8 import MoveBB8 def move_callback(request): print("move_callback has been called") moveBB8.move_square(0.7) print("move complete") return EmptyResponse( ) # the service Response class, in this case EmptyResponse #return MyServiceResponse(len(request.words.split())) rospy.init_node('service_server') #rate = rospy.Rate(4) moveBB8 = MoveBB8() print("Starting bb8_service") bb8_service = rospy.Service( '/bb8_service', Empty, move_callback ) # create the Service called my_service with the defined callback rospy.spin() # mantain the service open.
def squareCallback(request): rospy.loginfo("Lets initialize the robot move...") square = MoveBB8() square.movesinSquare() return EmptyResponse()
def my_callback(request): print "move_bb8_in_square has been called" moveBB = MoveBB8('/cmd_vel') moveBB.moveSquare() return EmptyResponse() # the service Response class, in this case EmptyResponse