Exemple #1
def process(seed, K):
    K is model order / number of zeros

    # create the dirac locations with many, many points
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    tk = np.sort(rng.rand(K)*period)

    # true zeros
    uk = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*tk/period)
    coef_poly = poly.polyfromroots(uk)   # more accurate than np.poly
    # estimate zeros
    uk_hat = np.roots(np.flipud(coef_poly))
    uk_hat_poly = poly.polyroots(coef_poly)
    uk_hat_mpmath = mpmath.polyroots(np.flipud(coef_poly), maxsteps=100, 
        cleanup=True, error=False, extraprec=50)

    # compute error
    min_dev_norm = distance(uk, uk_hat)[0]
    _err_roots = 20*np.log10(np.linalg.norm(uk)/min_dev_norm)

    min_dev_norm = distance(uk, uk_hat_poly)[0]
    _err_poly = 20*np.log10(np.linalg.norm(uk)/min_dev_norm)

    # for mpmath, need to compute error with its precision
    uk = np.sort(uk)
    uk_mpmath = [mpmath.mpc(z) for z in uk]
    uk_hat_mpmath = sorted(uk_hat_mpmath, key=cmp_to_key(compare_mpc))
    dev = [uk_mpmath[k] - uk_hat_mpmath[k] for k in range(len(uk_mpmath))]
    _err_mpmath = 20*mpmath.log(mpmath.norm(uk_mpmath) / mpmath.norm(dev), 

    return _err_roots, _err_poly, _err_mpmath
Exemple #2
    def visibility_first_derivative(self, posix_time):
        """Calculate the derivative of the visibility function of the satellite and the site at a
        given time.

            posix_time (float): The UNIX time to evaluate the derivative visibility function at.

            The value of the visibility function evaluated at the provided time.

        # Since most helper functions don't play well with mpmath floats we have to perform a lossy
        # conversion.
        posix_time = float(posix_time)
        sat_pos_vel = np.array(
            self.sat_irp.interpolate(posix_time)) * mp.mpf(1.0)
        site_pos = np.array(self.site_ecef) * mp.mpf(1.0)

        pos_diff = np.subtract(sat_pos_vel[0], site_pos)
        vel_diff = sat_pos_vel[1]

        site_normal_pos = site_pos / mp.norm(site_pos)
        site_normal_vel = [0, 0, 0]

        first_term = mp.mpf(
            ((1.0 / mp.norm(pos_diff)) * (mp.fdot(vel_diff, site_normal_pos) +
                                          mp.fdot(pos_diff, site_normal_vel))))

        second_term = mp.mpf(((1.0 / mp.power(
            (mp.norm(pos_diff)), 3)) * mp.fdot(pos_diff, vel_diff) *
                              mp.fdot(pos_diff, site_normal_pos)))

        return first_term - second_term
def run_stoch_eig(P, verbose=0):
    stoch_eig returns a stochastic vector x such that x P = x
    for an irreducible stochstic matrix P.
    if verbose > 1:
        print("original matrix (stoch_eig):\n", P)

    x = mp.stoch_eig(P)

    if verbose > 1:
        print("x\n", x)

    eps = mp.exp(0.8 * mp.log(mp.eps))  # From test_eigen.py

    # x is a left eigenvector of P with eigenvalue unity
    err0 = mp.norm(x*P-x, p=1)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("|xP - x| (stoch_eig):", err0)
    assert err0 < eps

    # x is a nonnegative vector
    if verbose > 0:
        print("min(x) (stoch_eig):", min(x))
    assert min(x) >= 0 - eps

    # 1-norm of x is one
    err1 = mp.fabs(mp.norm(x, p=1) - 1)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("||x| - 1| (stoch_eig):", err1)
    assert err1 < eps
Exemple #4
def _view_cone_calc(lat_geoc, lon_geoc, sat_pos, sat_vel, q_max, m):
    """Semi-private: Performs the viewing cone visibility calculation for the day defined by m.
    Note: This function is based on a paper titled "rapid satellite-to-site visibility determination
    based on self-adaptive interpolation technique"  with some variation to account for interaction
    of viewing cone with the satellite orbit.

        lat_geoc (float): site location in degrees at the start of POI
        lon_geoc (float): site location in degrees at the start of POI
        sat_pos (Vector3D): position of satellite (at the same time as sat_vel)
        sat_vel (Vector3D): velocity of satellite (at the same time as sat_pos)
        q_max (float): maximum orbital radius
        m (int): interval offsets (number of days after initial condition)

        Returns 4 numbers representing times at which the orbit is tangent to the viewing cone,

        ValueError: if any of the 4 formulas has a complex answer. This happens when the orbit and
        viewing cone do not intersect or only intersect twice.

    Note: With more analysis it should be possible to find a correct interval even in the case
        where there are only two intersections but this is beyond the current scope of the project.
    lat_geoc = (lat_geoc * mp.pi) / 180
    lon_geoc = (lon_geoc * mp.pi) / 180

    # P vector (also referred  to as orbital angular momentum in the paper) calculations
    p_unit_x, p_unit_y, p_unit_z = cross(sat_pos, sat_vel) / (mp.norm(sat_pos) * mp.norm(sat_vel))

    # Following are equations from Viewing cone section of referenced paper
    r_site_magnitude = earth_radius_at_geocetric_lat(lat_geoc)
    gamma1 = THETA_NAUGHT + mp.asin((r_site_magnitude * mp.sin((mp.pi / 2) + THETA_NAUGHT)) / q_max)
    gamma2 = mp.pi - gamma1

    # Note: atan2 instead of atan to get the correct quadrant.
    arctan_term = mp.atan2(p_unit_x, p_unit_y)
    arcsin_term_gamma, arcsin_term_gamma2 = [(mp.asin((mp.cos(gamma) - p_unit_z * mp.sin(lat_geoc))
                                             / (mp.sqrt((p_unit_x ** 2) + (p_unit_y ** 2)) *
                                              mp.cos(lat_geoc)))) for gamma in [gamma1, gamma2]]

    angle_1 = (arcsin_term_gamma - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_2 = (mp.pi - arcsin_term_gamma - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_3 = (arcsin_term_gamma2 - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_4 = (mp.pi - arcsin_term_gamma2 - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angles = [angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4]

    # Check for complex answers
    if any([not isinstance(angle, mp.mpf) for angle in angles]):
        raise ValueError()

    # Map all angles to 0 to 2*pi
    for idx in range(len(angles)):
        while angles[idx] < 0:
            angles[idx] += 2 * mp.pi
        while angles[idx] > 2 * mp.pi:
            angles[idx] -= 2 * mp.pi

    # Calculate the corresponding time for each angle and return
    return [mp.nint((1 / ANGULAR_VELOCITY_EARTH) * angle) for angle in angles]
Exemple #5
def rotate_3D_mp(x, y):
    xnorm = mpm.norm(x)
    ynorm = mpm.norm(y)
    cos = mpm.fdot(x,y)/(xnorm*ynorm)
    sin = mpm.sqrt(1.-cos**2)
    K = (y.T*x-x.T*y)/(xnorm*ynorm*sin)
    return mpm.eye(3) + sin*K + (1.-cos)*(K*K)
def run_gth_solve(A, verbose=0):
    gth_solve returns a stochastic vector x such that x A = 0
    for an irreducible transition rate matrix A.
    if verbose > 1:
        print("original matrix (gth_solve):\n", A)

    x = mp.gth_solve(A)

    if verbose > 1:
        print("x\n", x)

    eps = mp.exp(0.8 * mp.log(mp.eps))  # test_eigen.py

    # x is a solution to x A = 0
    err0 = mp.norm(x*A, p=1)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("|xA| (gth_solve):", err0)
    assert err0 < eps

    # x is a nonnegative vector
    if verbose > 0:
        print("min(x) (gth_solve):", min(x))
    assert min(x) >= 0 - eps

    # 1-norm of x is one
    err1 = mp.fabs(mp.norm(x, p=1) - 1)
    if verbose > 0:
        print("||x| - 1| (gth_solve):", err1)
    assert err1 < eps
Exemple #7
def test_poincare_reflect0():
    z = mpm.matrix([[0., 0., 0.5]])
    x = mpm.matrix([[0.1, -0.2, 0.1]])

    assert mpm.norm(poincare_reflect0(z, z)) < TOL

    y = poincare_reflect0(z, x)
    assert mpm.norm(poincare_reflect0(z, y) - x) < TOL
Exemple #8
def test_poincare_reflect():
    x = mpm.matrix([[0.3, -0.3, 0.0]])
    a = mpm.matrix([[0.5, 0., 0.0]])
    y = poincare_reflect(a, x)

    R = mpm.norm(a)
    r1 = mpm.norm(x - a)
    r2 = mpm.norm(y - a)
    assert R**2 - r1 * r2 < TOL
Exemple #9
def rotate_mp(pts, x, y):
    out = mpm.zeros(pts.rows, pts.cols)
    v = x/mpm.norm(x) 
    cos = mpm.fdot(x,y) / (mpm.norm(x), mpm.norm(y))
    sin = mpm.sqrt(1.-cos**2)
    u = y - mpm.fdot(v, y) * v 

    mat = mpm.eye(x.cols) - u.T * u - v.T * v \
        + cos * u.T * u - sin * v.T * u + sin * u.T * v + cos * v.T * v
    return mat
def sphericalknn(data, no_clusters):

    H = len(data)
    W = len(data[0])

    #calculating the mean to remove the dc component
    sum_sample = sum(data)
    norm_sample = np.linalg.norm(sum_sample)
    mean_sample = (sum_sample) / (norm_sample)

    #calculating global mean to get centroids of the clusters
    deviation = 0.01
    mean_global = np.zeros([no_clusters, W])
    for i in range(0, no_clusters):
        random_sample = np.random.rand(1, W) - 0.5
        random_norm = deviation * (np.random.rand())
        random_sample2 = (random_norm *
                          random_sample) / np.linalg.norm(random_sample)
        temp = mean_sample + random_sample2
        mean_global[i, :] = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp)

#calculating mean from spherical kmeans

    sum_sample3 = np.zeros([1, W])
    difference = 1
    epsilon = 0.01
    number = 100
    iteration = 0

    while (difference > epsilon):
        iteration = iteration + 1
        number2 = number
        #computing the nearest neighbour and assigning the points
        #E Step in EM algorithm
        mean_global2 = np.transpose(mean_global)
        value = np.dot(data, mean_global2)
        value_max = value.max(1)
        clusters = np.argmax(value, axis=1)

        #computing value of the function
        number = sum(value_max)

        #computing centroids for the clusters
        #M step in EM algorithm
        for i in range(0, no_clusters):
            sum_sample3 = sum(data[np.where(clusters == i)])
            if (mpmath.norm(sum_sample3) != 0):
                temp2 = sum_sample3 / mpmath.norm(
                    sum_sample3)  #np.linalg.norm(sum_sample3) #Check this
                mean_global[i, :] = temp2

        difference = abs(number - number2)

    return clusters
def refine_model_mdnewton_mpmath(low_dimensional_model,
                                 expected_quality=(0.1, 0.01, 1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-8,
                                                   1e-12, 1e-18, 1e-24),
                                 still_good=lambda v70: True,
    """Refines a model using mpmath's MDNewton() solver.

  For some solutions, this fails due to the critical point being not a 'generic'

    low_dimensional_model: A LowDimensionalModel.
    still_good: f(v70) -> bool, determines if the solution is still good.
    newton_steps: The number of multidimensional Newton steps to take.
    expected_quality: List of expected quality thresholds for each step.
      (Last entry implicitly repeats.)
    log10_stop_quality: Stop early if this quality-threshold is reached.
    norm: The `norm` parameter for mpmath.calculus.optimization.MDNewton().

    A refined LowDimensionalModel.

    ValueError, if the solution is no longer good.
    if len(low_dimensional_model.params) == 0:
        return low_dimensional_model

    def f_off(*model_vec):
        v70 = numpy.dot(low_dimensional_model.v70_from_params,
                        numpy.array(model_vec, dtype=mpmath.mpf))
        sinfo = scalar_sector_mpmath.mpmath_scalar_manifold_evaluator(v70)
        return tuple(sinfo.grad_potential)

    newton = mpmath.calculus.optimization.MDNewton(
        norm=lambda x: mpmath.norm(x, norm))
    newton_iter = iter(newton)
    for num_step in range(1, newton_steps + 1):
        opt, stationarity = next(newton_iter)
        opt_v70 = numpy.dot(low_dimensional_model.v70_from_params, opt)
        if mpmath.log(stationarity, 10) <= log10_stop_quality:
        expected_stationarity = expected_quality[min(
            len(expected_quality) - 1, num_step)]
        if stationarity > expected_stationarity:
            raise ValueError('Stationarity does not improve as expected: '
                             'seen=%.6g, wanted=%.6g, step=%d' %
                             (stationarity, expected_stationarity, num_step))
        if not still_good(opt_v70):
            raise ValueError('Solution is no longer good.')
        print('[MDNewton] Step %d: stat=%s' % (num_step, mpfmt(stationarity)))
    return LowDimensionalModel(
        params=numpy.array(opt, dtype=mpmath.mpf))
Exemple #12
def poincare_dist0(x, c=1.0, precision=None):
    ''' Distance from 0 to x in the Poincare model with curvature -1/c'''
    if precision is not None:
        mpm.mp.dps = precision
    x_norm = mpm.norm(x)
    sqrt_c = mpm.sqrt(c)
    return 2 / sqrt_c * mpm.atanh(x_norm / sqrt_c)
Exemple #13
    def are_nested(self, v1: NormalVector, r1: float, v2: NormalVector,
                   r2: float):
        from numpy.linalg import norm

        distance = norm(v1.get_coordinate() - v2.get_coordinate())

        return max(r1, r2) >= distance + min(r1, r2)
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, theta, phi, r=None, is_polar=True):
        from mpmath import mpf, mp, norm, fabs, chop

        if not r:
            r = Point._scale
            r *= Point._scale

        Point._can_change_the_scale = False
        mp.dps = Point._precision

        if not is_polar:

            self.x = mpf(theta)
            self.y = mpf(phi)
            self.z = mpf(r)
            self.norm = norm(self.get_coordinate(), 2)



            self.norm = fabs(r)
            self.theta = theta
            self.phi = phi


        # Setting float parameters

        self.floatx = float(self.x)
        self.floaty = float(self.y)
        self.floatz = float(self.z)
def test_gth_solve_fp():
    P = mp.fp.matrix([[-0.1, 0.075, 0.025],
                      [0.15, -0.2 , 0.05 ],
                      [0.25, 0.25 , -0.5 ]])
    x_expected = mp.fp.matrix([[0.625, 0.3125, 0.0625]])
    x = mp.fp.gth_solve(P)
    eps = mp.exp(0.8 * mp.log(mp.eps))  # test_eigen.py
    err0 = mp.norm(x-x_expected, p=1)
    assert err0 < eps
def test_stoch_eig_fp():
    P = mp.fp.matrix([[0.9 , 0.075, 0.025],
                      [0.15, 0.8  , 0.05 ],
                      [0.25, 0.25 , 0.5  ]])
    x_expected = mp.fp.matrix([[0.625, 0.3125, 0.0625]])
    x = mp.fp.stoch_eig(P)
    eps = mp.exp(0.8 * mp.log(mp.eps))  # test_eigen.py
    err0 = mp.norm(x-x_expected, p=1)
    assert err0 < eps
def newtonMethod(VF, X_start):
    X = X_start
    Y = getYacobyMatrix(VF, X)
    Y_1 = Y**-1
    while mp.norm(Y_1 * VF(X), 2) > eps:
        Y = getYacobyMatrix(VF, X)
        Y_1 = Y**-1
        X = X - (Y_1 * VF(X))
    return X
Exemple #18
    def has_intersection(self, v1: NormalVector, r1: float, v2: NormalVector,
                         r2: float):
        #   v1 and v2 are two distinict points on unit upper semisphere.It returns true if two balls B[v1, r1] and
        # B[v2, r2] has intersection on unit sphere and in this case answers will be returned as
        # up_intersect and down_intersect relative to Z - axis. It is O(1)

        from numpy import cross, dot
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        from math import sqrt

        t1 = r_to_dot(r1)
        t2 = r_to_dot(r2)

        u1 = v1.get_coordinate()
        u2 = v2.get_coordinate()
        t = dot(u1, u2)

        dot_equation_solution_on_u1u2 = ((t1 - t * t2) /
                                         (1 - t**2)) * u1 + ((t2 - t * t1) /
                                                             (1 - t**2)) * u2
        norm_on_u1u2 = norm(dot_equation_solution_on_u1u2)
        if norm_on_u1u2 > 1:
            return False, None, None

        perp = cross(u1, u2)
        perp /= norm(perp)

        if perp[2] < 0:
            perp *= -1

        perp_projection = sqrt(1 - norm_on_u1u2**2) * perp

        up = dot_equation_solution_on_u1u2 + perp_projection
        down = dot_equation_solution_on_u1u2 - perp_projection

        up_intersection = NormalVector(up[0], up[1], up[2], is_polar=False)
        down_intersection = NormalVector(down[0],

        return True, up_intersection, down_intersection
Exemple #19
    def visibility(self, posix_time):
        """Calculate the visibility function of the satellite and the site at a given time.

            posix_time (float): The time to evaluate the visibility function at

            The value of the visibility function evaluated at the provided time.

            This function assumes the FOV of the sensors on the satellite are 180 degrees

        # Since most helper functions don't play well with mpmath floats we have to perform a lossy
        # conversion.
        posix_time = float(posix_time)
        site_pos = np.array(self.site_ecef) * mp.mpf(1.0)
        site_normal_pos = site_pos / mp.norm(site_pos)
        sat_pos = self.sat_irp.interpolate(posix_time)[0]
        sat_site = np.subtract(sat_pos, site_pos)

        return mp.mpf(mp.fdot(sat_site, site_normal_pos) / mp.norm(sat_site))
Exemple #20
 def coherent_state(self, alpha, dtype=complex):
     from ..statevector import StateVector as sv
     x = numpy.empty(self.N1, dtype=dtype)
     x[0] = dtype("1")
     for n in range(1, self.N1):
         x[n] = x[n-1]*alpha/(n)**(0.5)
     if issubclass(dtype, complex):
         a = numpy.exp(-numpy.abs(alpha)**2/2.)
         import mpmath
         a = mpmath.exp(-mpmath.norm(alpha)**2/2)
     x = a*x[self.N0:self.N1]
     return sv(x, basis=self)
Exemple #21
def cg(vec_x, mat_a, vec_b, rtol, atol, max_times):
    dim = vec_x.rows
    r = vec_b - mat_a * vec_x
    p = r
    init_norm_r = mpmath.norm(r)
    old_norm_r = init_norm_r
    # メインループ
    for times in range(max_times):
        ap = mat_a * p
        alpha = (r.T * p)[0] / (p.T * ap)[0]
        vec_x = vec_x + alpha * p
        r = r - alpha * ap
        new_norm_r = mpmath.norm(r)
        beta = new_norm_r * new_norm_r / (old_norm_r * old_norm_r)
        # 収束判定
        print(times, mpmath.nstr(new_norm_r / init_norm_r))
        if (new_norm_r <= (rtol * init_norm_r + atol)):

        p = r + beta * p
        old_norm_r = new_norm_r

    return times, vec_x
Exemple #22
def test_mev():
    reim:{$[0>type x;1 0*x;2=count x;x;'`]};
    mc:{((x[0]*y 0)-x[1]*y 1;(x[0]*y 1)+x[1]*y 0)};
    mmc:{((.qml.mm[x 0]y 0)-.qml.mm[x 1]y 1;(.qml.mm[x 0]y 1)+.qml.mm[x 1]y 0)};
        if[2<>count wv:.qml.mev x;'`length];
        if[not all over prec>=abs
            mmc[flip vc;flip(flip')(reim'')flip x]-
            flip(w:reim'[wv 0])mc'vc:(flip')(reim'')(v:wv 1);'`check];
        / Normalize sign; LAPACK already normalized to real
        v*:1-2*0>{x a?max a:abs x}each vc[;0];
        (?'[prec>=abs w[;1];w[;0];w];?'[b;v;0n])};""")

    for A in eigenvalue_subjects:
        if A.rows <= 3:
            V = []
            for w, n, r in A.eigenvects():
                w = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(w))
                if len(r) == 1:
                    r = r[0]
                    r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
                    r = r.normalized() / sp.sign(max(r, key=abs))
                    r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
                    r = None
                V.extend([(w, r)] * n)
            V.sort(key=lambda (x, _): (-abs(x), -sp.im(x)))
            Am = mp.matrix(A)
            # extra precision for complex pairs to be equal in sort
            with mp.extradps(mp.mp.dps):
                W, R = mp.eig(Am)
            V = []
            for w, r in zip(W, (R.column(i) for i in range(R.cols))):
                w = mp.chop(w)
                with mp.extradps(mp.mp.dps):
                    _, S, _ = mp.svd(Am - w * mp.eye(A.rows))
                if sum(x == 0 for x in mp.chop(S)) == 1:
                    # nullity 1, so normalized eigenvector is unique
                    r /= mp.norm(r) * mp.sign(max(r, key=abs))
                    r = mp.chop(r)
                    r = None
                V.append((w, r))
            V.sort(key=lambda (x, _): (-abs(x), -x.imag))
        W, R = zip(*V)
        test("mev_[%sb" % "".join("0" if r is None else "1" for r in R),
             A, (W, [r if r is None else list(r) for r in R]),
Exemple #23
def test_mev():
    reim:{$[0>type x;1 0*x;2=count x;x;'`]};
    mc:{((x[0]*y 0)-x[1]*y 1;(x[0]*y 1)+x[1]*y 0)};
    mmc:{((.qml.mm[x 0]y 0)-.qml.mm[x 1]y 1;(.qml.mm[x 0]y 1)+.qml.mm[x 1]y 0)};
        if[2<>count wv:.qml.mev x;'`length];
        if[not all over prec>=abs
            mmc[flip vc;flip(flip')(reim'')flip x]-
            flip(w:reim'[wv 0])mc'vc:(flip')(reim'')(v:wv 1);'`check];
        / Normalize sign; LAPACK already normalized to real
        v*:1-2*0>{x a?max a:abs x}each vc[;0];
        (?'[prec>=abs w[;1];w[;0];w];?'[b;v;0n])};""")

    for A in eigenvalue_subjects:
        if A.rows <= 3:
            V = []
            for w, n, r in A.eigenvects():
                w = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(w))
                if len(r) == 1:
                    r = r[0]
                    r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
                    r = r.normalized() / sp.sign(max(r, key=abs))
                    r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
                    r = None
                V.extend([(w, r)]*n)
            V.sort(key=lambda (x, _): (-abs(x), -sp.im(x)))
            Am = mp.matrix(A)
            # extra precision for complex pairs to be equal in sort
            with mp.extradps(mp.mp.dps):
                W, R = mp.eig(Am)
            V = []
            for w, r in zip(W, (R.column(i) for i in range(R.cols))):
                w = mp.chop(w)
                with mp.extradps(mp.mp.dps):
                    _, S, _ = mp.svd(Am - w*mp.eye(A.rows))
                if sum(x == 0 for x in mp.chop(S)) == 1:
                    # nullity 1, so normalized eigenvector is unique
                    r /= mp.norm(r) * mp.sign(max(r, key=abs))
                    r = mp.chop(r)
                    r = None
                V.append((w, r))
            V.sort(key=lambda (x, _): (-abs(x), -x.imag))
        W, R = zip(*V)
        test("mev_[%sb" % "".join("0" if r is None else "1" for r in R), A,
             (W, [r if r is None else list(r) for r in R]), complex_pair=True)
Exemple #24
def poincare_dist(x, y, c=1.0, precision=None):
    The hyperbolic distance between points in the Poincare model with curvature -1/c 
            x, y: size 1xD mpmath matrix representing point in the D-dimensional ball |x| < 1
            precision (int): bits of precision to use
            mpmath float object. Can be converted back to regular float
    if precision is not None:
        mpm.mp.dps = precision
    x2 = mpm.fdot(x, x)
    y2 = mpm.fdot(y, y)
    xy = mpm.fdot(x, y)
    sqrt_c = mpm.sqrt(c)
    denom = 1 - 2 * c * xy + c**2 * x2 * y2
    norm = mpm.norm(
        (-(1 - 2 * c * xy + c * y2) * x + (1. - c * x2) * y) / denom)
    return 2 / sqrt_c * mpm.atanh(sqrt_c * norm)
Exemple #25
def solve_acos_bsin(a, b, c):
    #   It solves the equation  $ a cos(theta) + b sin(theta) = c $ for theta as the unknown.
    #   This has either two or no answer.  It is needed for the get_covered_phi function.
    #   It always returns the larger answer first.
    from numpy.linalg import norm
    from math import acos

    Norm = norm((a, b))
    if abs(c) > Norm:
        return None, None

    dot = c / Norm
    dtheta = acos(dot)

    if b >= 0:
        angle = acos(a / Norm)
        angle = -acos(a / Norm)

    upans = angle + dtheta
    downans = angle - dtheta

    return upans, downans
Exemple #26
            d_theta(angle_v, paramv['k'], paramv['R'], paramv['alpha'], An))

    beamshape = [
        20 * mpmath.log10(abs(each / dzero_value)) for each in dtheta_values

    beamshape_df = pd.DataFrame(data={
        'deg': np.degrees(np.float32(angles)),
        'd0dthet': np.float32(beamshape)

    error = beamshape - ka5['relonaxis_db']
    mean_error = np.float(np.mean(np.abs(error)))
    max_error = np.max(np.float32(np.abs(error)))
    matrixsolve_error = mpmath.norm(mpmath.residual(Mmn, An, bm))

    #print(f'Decimal precision: {decimalprec} \n Ntrend: {Ntrend}')
    print(f'Matrix solve error : {matrixsolve_error }')
    print(f'Mean abs error: {mean_error}, max error: {max_error}\n')

    # # %%
    #     an_candidate = mpmath.lu_solve(Mmn,bm)
    #     res_mat = mpmath.residual(Mmn, an_candidate, bm)
    #     res = mpmath.norm(res_mat)
    #     print(f'matrix error is: {np.float64(res)}')

    # %%
    # an_candidate, res = mpmath.qr_solve(Mmn,bm)
    # print(res)
    # #%%
Exemple #27
    def run(self,**kwargs):
        """Run the microkinetic model. If recalculate is True then
        data which is re-loaded will be used as an initial guess; otherwise it
        will be assumed to be correct."""
        for key in kwargs:
        #set numerical representation
        if self.numerical_representation == 'mpmath':
            import mpmath as mp
            mp.mp.dps = self.decimal_precision + 25 #pad decimal precision
            self._math = mp
            self._log_imports += "\nfrom mpmath import mpf \n\n"
            self._kB = mp.mpf('8.617332478e-5') #eV/K (from NIST)
            self._h = mp.mpf('4.135667516e-15') #eV s (from NIST)
            self._mpfloat = mp.mpf
            self._matrix = mp.matrix
            self._Axb_solver = mp.lu_solve
            self._math.infnorm = lambda x: mp.norm(x,'inf')
        elif self.numerical_representation in ['numpy','python']:
            self._log_imports += "\nfrom numpy import matrix \n\n"
            self._math = np
            self._math.infnorm = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x,np.inf)
            self._mpfloat = float
            def matrixT(*args,**kwargs):
                array = np.array(args[0])
                while 1 in array.shape:
                    sum_idx = array.shape.index(1)
                    array = array.sum(sum_idx)
                return array.T

            self._matrix = matrixT
            def Axb_solver(A,b):
                    return np.linalg.solve(A,b.T)
                except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    raise ZeroDivisionError
            self._Axb_solver = Axb_solver
            if self.decimal_precision > 15:
                'Warning: Max precision with numpy/python is 16 digits')
                self.decimal_precision = 15
            raise AttributeError(
            'Numerical representation must be mpmath, numpy, or python.')

        #set up interaction model
        if self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'first_order':
            interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.FirstOrderInteractions(self)
            response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function
            if not callable(response_func):
                int_function = getattr(interaction_model,
                interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function
            self.thermodynamics.__dict__['adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model

        elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'second_order':
            interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.SecondOrderInteractions(self)
            response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function
            if not callable(response_func):
                int_function = getattr(interaction_model,
                interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function
            self.thermodynamics.__dict__['adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model

        elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model in ['ideal',None]:
            self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions = None
            raise AttributeError(
                    'Invalid adsorbate_interaction_model specified.')


        #determine whether or not to (re-)solve model
        has_all = True
        for v in self.output_variables:
            if not hasattr(self,v+'_map'):
                has_all = False

        if not hasattr(self,'stdout'):
            #any re-loaded model will have stdout
            has_all = False

        if self._solved == self._token():
            #Do not solve the same model twice
            has_all = True

        elif has_all and not self.recalculate:
            #All data has been loaded and no verification => solved.
            self._solved = self._token()

            #Make "volcano plot"
            if hasattr(self,'descriptor_ranges') and hasattr(self,'resolution'):
            #Get rates at single points
            if hasattr(self,'descriptors'):
            #Get rates at multiple points
            if hasattr(self,'descriptor_values'):

            #Save long attrs in data_file
            for attr in dir(self):
                if (not attr.startswith('_') and
                        not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and
                        attr not in self._classes):
                    if (len(repr(getattr(self,attr))) > 
                        #line is too long for logfile -> put into pickle
            pickled_data = {}
            for attr in self._pickle_attrs:
                pickled_data[attr] = getattr(self,attr)

            #Make logfile
            log_txt = self._log_imports
            log_txt += self._header(exclude_outputs=self._pickle_attrs)
            self._stdout = '\n'.join(self._log_lines)
            log_txt += 'stdout = ' + '"'*3+self._stdout+'"'*3
            #this construction means that self.stdout will only be set
            #for models which have been re-loaded.
            self._solved = self._token()
            if hasattr(self,'log_file'):
                logfile = self.log_file
                name,suffix = self.setup_file.rsplit('.',1)
                if suffix != 'log':
                    suffix = 'log'
                    suffix = 'out'
                logfile = '.'.join([name,suffix])

            f = open(logfile,'w')

            if getattr(self,'create_standalone',None):
Exemple #28
from pylab import *
import mpmath

mpmath.mp.dps = 50     # higher precision for demonstration
a = [mpmath.sin(2.*mpmath.pi*n/Nv) for n in range(Nv)]
b = array(a)
print  b.dot(b) - Nv/2

b32= array(a,dtype=float32)
b64= array(a,dtype=float64)
b128= array(a,dtype=float128)

print  b32.dot(b32) - Nv/2.
print  b64.dot(b64) - Nv/2.
print  b128.dot(b128) - Nv/2.

print mpmath.norm(b) - mpmath.sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b32)  - sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b64)  - sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b128)  -sqrt(Nv/2)
Exemple #29
    'agm': [
        [lambda x, y: mp.agm(x) if y is None else mp.agm(x, y[0]), None]
    'matrix': [
            lambda x, y: mp.matrix(x) if isa(x, Vector) else mp.matrix(x)
            if y is None else mp.matrix(x, y[0]), None
    'matrix-ref': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: x[y[0], y[1], [0]], None]],
    'matrix-set': [
        [lambda x, y: matrix_set(x, y[0], y[1][0], y[1][1][0]), None]
    'zeros': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.zeros(x), None]],
    'ones': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.ones(x), None]],
    'eye': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.eye(x), None]],
    'diag': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.diag(x), None]],
    'randmatrix': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.randmatrix(x), None]],
    'matrix-inv': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: x**(-1), None]],
    'norm': [
        [lambda x, y: mp.norm(x) if y is None else mp.norm(x, y[0]), None]
    'mnorm': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.mnorm(x, y[0]), None]],
Exemple #30
mat_a = mpmath.zeros(dim, dim)
for i in range(dim):
    for j in range(dim):
        mat_a[i, j] = mpmath.mpf(dim - max(i, j))

mat_a = mat_a.T * mat_a
# print(mat_a)

# x = [1 2 ... dim]
vec_true_x = mpmath.matrix([i for i in range(1, dim + 1)])
# nprint(vec_true_x)

# b = A * x
vec_b = mat_a * vec_true_x

# CG法実行
# vec_x := 0
vec_x = mpmath.zeros(dim, 1)
start_time1 = time.time()
iterative_times, vec_x = cg(vec_x, mat_a, vec_b, 1.0e-20, 0.0, dim * 10)
time1 = time.time() - start_time1

relerr = mpmath.norm(vec_x - vec_true_x) / mpmath.norm(vec_true_x)
print('CG: iteration, time = ', iterative_times, time1, ', relerr(vec_x) = ',

# -------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2021 Tomonori Kouya
# All rights reserved.
# -------------------------------------
Exemple #31
    def make_polar_coordinate(self,
        # This function distribute points with polar coordinate on sphere.  This algorithm is O (n^2).
        # It also returns a phi above which we know north pole is a local maximum.

        from mpmath import mp, sin, cos, sqrt, pi, floor, mpf, asin
        from numpy import array, cross
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        from os import remove

        mp.dps = precision

        if is_twisted:
            name = "twisted_polar_coordinates_" + str(n)
            self.point_set = PointSet(name=name, address=self.output_folder)
            name = "polar_coordinates_" + str(n)
            self.point_set = PointSet(name=name, address=self.output_folder)

        self.points_address = self.point_set.point_file_address

        if not float(Point._log_scale) == log_scale:
            print("Point scale is", Point.get_scale())

        if not Point._precision == precision:

        phis = [0] * (n - 1)
        m = [0] * (n - 1)

        for j in range(n - 1):
            phis[j] = ((pi * (j + 1)) / n) - (pi / 2)
            m[j] = int(floor(mpf(".5") + sqrt(3) * n * cos(phis[j])))

        for j in range(n - 1):
            for i in range(m[j]):

                if is_twisted:
                    if j + 1 < n / 2:
                        shift = (2 * pi * (j + 1)) / (n * m[j])
                        shift = (2 * pi * (1 - mpf(j + 1) / mpf(n))) / m[j]
                    shift = 0

                theta = ((2 * pi * i) / m[j]) + shift

                new_point = Point(theta=theta, phi=phis[j])

        north_pole = Point(theta=0, phi=pi / 2)
        south_pole = Point(theta=0, phi=-pi / 2)

        self.min_discrepancy_distance = 1 / self.point_set.size

        # In below we get the confidence phi around the north pole

        highest_phi = -1
        for i in range(int(n / 2) - 1, n - 2):
            phi1 = phis[i]
            phi2 = phis[i + 1]

            v1 = array([mpf(0), cos(phi1), mpf(0)])
            v2 = array([2 * cos(phi1), mpf(0), sin(phi2) - sin(phi1)])

            normal_vector = cross(v1, v2)
            normal_vector /= norm(normal_vector)

            highest_phi = max(highest_phi, asin(abs(normal_vector[2])))

        return float(highest_phi)
db3 scaling coefficients
Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information (2002)
Howard L. Resnikoff, Raymond O.Jr. Wells
Table 10.3 page 263
db3 = [( _1 +    sqrt10 +    mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16,
       ( _5 +    sqrt10 + _3*mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16,
       (_10 - _2*sqrt10 + _2*mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16,
       (_10 - _2*sqrt10 - _2*mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16,
       ( _5 +    sqrt10 - _3*mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16,
       ( _1 +    sqrt10 -    mp.sqrt(_5 + _2*sqrt10))/_16]
db3 = np.array(db3)
D6 = db3

for a in [D2, D4, D6]:
    norm = mpmath.norm(a)
    assert mpmath.almosteq(norm, mp.sqrt(_2))

def wavelet_coefficients(a):
    # TODO: is this just true for Daubechies wavelets?
    N = len(a)
    return np.array([(-1)**k*a[N-1-k] for k in range(N)])

# maps from genus (i.e. vanishing moments) to the scaling coefficients 
daubechies_wavelets = {
    1: D2,
    2: D4,
    3: D6,

Exemple #33
def calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, probability=0.5, longest=True):
    This method calculates the principal axes of an ellipsoid as list of two
    fractional coordinate triples.
    Many thanks to R. W. Grosse-Kunstleve and P. D. Adams
    for their great publication on the handling of atomic anisotropic displacement
    R. W. Grosse-Kunstleve, P. D. Adams, J Appl Crystallogr 2002, 35, 477–480.

    F = ... * exp ( -2π²[ h²(a*)²U11 + k²(b*)²U22 + ... + 2hka*b*U12 ] )

    SHELXL atom:
    Name type  x      y      z    occ     U11 U22 U33 U23 U13 U12
    F3    4    0.210835   0.104067   0.437922  21.00000   0.07243   0.03058 =
       0.03216  -0.01057  -0.01708   0.03014
    >>> import mpmath as mpm
    >>> cell = (10.5086, 20.9035, 20.5072, 90, 94.13, 90)
    >>> coords = [0.210835,   0.104067,   0.437922]
    >>> uvals = [0.07243, 0.03058, 0.03216, -0.01057, -0.01708, 0.03014]
    >>> l = calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, longest=True)
    >>> print(mpm.nstr(l))
    [[0.24765096, 0.11383281, 0.43064756], [0.17401904, 0.09430119, 0.44519644]]
    >>> calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, longest=False)
    [[[0.24765096, 0.11383281, 0.43064756], [0.218406, 0.09626142, 0.43746127], [0.21924358, 0.10514684, 0.44886868]], [[0.17401904, 0.09430119, 0.44519644], [0.203264, 0.11187258, 0.43838273], [0.20242642, 0.10298716, 0.42697532]]]
    >>> cell = (10.5086, 20.9035, 20.5072, 90, 94.13, 90)
    >>> coords = [0.210835,   0.104067,   0.437922]
    >>> uvals = [0.07243, -0.03058, 0.03216, -0.01057, -0.01708, 0.03014]
    >>> calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, longest=True)
    Ellipsoid is non positive definite!

    >>> uvals = [0.07243, 0.03058, 0.03216, -0.01057, -0.01708]
    >>> calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, longest=False)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    Exception: 6 Uij values have to be supplied!

    >>> cell = (10.5086, 20.9035, 90, 94.13, 90)
    >>> coords = [0.210835,   0.104067,   0.437922]
    >>> uvals = [0.07243, 0.03058, 0.03216, -0.01057, -0.01708, 0.03014]
    >>> calc_ellipsoid_axes(coords, uvals, cell, longest=True)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    Exception: cell needs six parameters!

    :param coords: coordinates of the respective atom in fractional coordinates
    :type coords: list
    :param uvals: Uij valiues of the respective ellipsoid on fractional
                  basis like in cif and SHELXL format
    :type uvals: list
    :param cell: unit cell of the structure: a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma
    :type cell:  list
    :param probability: thermal probability of the ellipsoid
    :type probability: float or int
    :param longest: not always the length is important. make to False to
                    get all three coordiantes of the ellipsoid axes.
    :type longest: boolean

    from misc import A
    probability += 1
    # Uij is symmetric:
    if len(uvals) != 6:
        raise Exception('6 Uij values have to be supplied!')
    if len(cell) != 6:
        raise Exception('cell needs six parameters!')
    # orthogonalization matrix that transforms the fractional coordinates
    # with respect to a crystallographic basis system to coordinates
    # with respect to a Cartesian basis:
    A = A(cell).orthogonal_matrix
    Ucart = ufrac_to_ucart(A, cell, uvals)
    # print(Ucart)
    # E => eigenvalues, Q => eigenvectors:
    E, Q = mpm.eig(Ucart)
    # calculate vectors of ellipsoid axes  
    except ValueError:
        print('\nEllipsoid is non positive definite!\n')
        return False
    v1 = mpm.matrix([Q[0, 0], Q[1, 0], Q[2, 0]])
    v2 = mpm.matrix([Q[0, 1], Q[1, 1], Q[2, 1]])
    v3 = mpm.matrix([Q[0, 2], Q[1, 2], Q[2, 2]])
    v1i = v1 * (-1)
    v2i = v2 * (-1)
    v3i = v3 * (-1)
    # multiply probability (usually 50%)
    e1 = sqrt(E[0]) * probability
    e2 = sqrt(E[1]) * probability
    e3 = sqrt(E[2]) * probability
    # scale axis vectors to eigenvalues 
    v1, v2, v3, v1i, v2i, v3i = v1 * e1, v2 * e2, v3 * e3, v1i * e1, v2i * e2, v3i * e3
    # find out which vector is the longest:
    length = mpm.norm(v1)
    v = 0
    if mpm.norm(v2) > length:
        length = mpm.norm(v2)
        v = 1
    elif mpm.norm(v3) > length:
        length = mpm.norm(v3)
        v = 2
    # move vectors back to atomic position
    atom = A * mpm.matrix(coords)
    v1, v1i = v1 + atom, v1i + atom
    v2, v2i = v2 + atom, v2i + atom
    v3, v3i = v3 + atom, v3i + atom
    # go back into fractional coordinates:
    a1 = cart_to_frac(v1, cell)
    a2 = cart_to_frac(v2, cell)
    a3 = cart_to_frac(v3, cell)
    a1i = cart_to_frac(v1i, cell)
    a2i = cart_to_frac(v2i, cell)
    a3i = cart_to_frac(v3i, cell)
    allvec = [[a1, a2, a3], [a1i, a2i, a3i]]
    if longest:
        # only the longest vector
        return [allvec[0][v], allvec[1][v]]
        # all vectors:
        return allvec
 def test_left_eigen_vec(self):
     self.assertTrue(mp.norm(v - v*mp.mp.matrix(P), 'inf') <= TOL)
Exemple #35
# chebyshev approximation
start_2 = time.time()

sv_vector = mp.matrix(12, 2)
A_abs = mp.matrix(12)
for i in range(12):
    for j in range(12):
        A_abs[i, j] = abs(A[i, j])

for i in range(12):
    sv_vector[i, 0] = A_abs[i, i] - sum(A_abs[i, :])
    sv_vector[i, 1] = A_abs[i, i] - sum(A_abs[:, i])

s_min = min(max(sv_vector[:, 0]), max(sv_vector[:, 1]))
s_max = mp.sqrt(mp.norm(A, p=1) * mp.norm(A, p=10))
# S = mp.svd_r(A, compute_uv=False)
# delta = max(s_max, abs(1 - s_max))
m = 2
dim = 12
delta = s_min ** 2/ (s_max ** 2 + s_min ** 2)
# delta_2 = min(S) ** 2/ (max(S) ** 2 + min(S) ** 2)
# s_min, s_max = min(S), max(S)
interval = [-1, 1]
func = lambda x : mp.log(1 -  ((1 - 2 * delta) * x + 1) / 2)
coeffs = mp.chebyfit(func, interval, N=m)
# B = mp.eye(12) - A
B = 1/(s_max ** 2 + s_min ** 2) * A.T * A

def Han_algorithm(B, m, dim):
Exemple #36
    def run(self, **kwargs):
        """Run the microkinetic model. If recalculate is True then
        data which is re-loaded will be used as an initial guess; otherwise it
        will be assumed to be correct.

        :param recalculate: If True solve model again using previous results as initial guess
        :type recalculate: bool


        for key in kwargs:
            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

        #ensure resolution has the proper dimensions
        if not hasattr(self.resolution, '__iter__'):
            self.resolution = [self.resolution] * len(self.descriptor_names)

        #set numerical representation
        if self.numerical_representation == 'mpmath':
            import mpmath as mp
            mp.mp.dps = self.decimal_precision + 25  #pad decimal precision
            self._math = mp
            self._log_imports += "\nfrom mpmath import mpf \n\n"
            self._kB = mp.mpf('8.617332478e-5')  #eV/K (from NIST)
            self._h = mp.mpf('4.135667516e-15')  #eV s (from NIST)
            self._mpfloat = mp.mpf
            self._matrix = mp.matrix
            self._Axb_solver = mp.lu_solve
            self._math.infnorm = lambda x: mp.norm(x, 'inf')
        elif self.numerical_representation in ['numpy', 'python']:
            self._log_imports += "\nfrom numpy import matrix \n\n"
            self._math = np
            self._math.infnorm = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, np.inf)
            self._mpfloat = float

            def matrixT(*args, **kwargs):
                array = np.array(args[0])
                while 1 in array.shape:
                    sum_idx = array.shape.index(1)
                    array = array.sum(sum_idx)
                return array.T

            self._matrix = matrixT

            def Axb_solver(A, b):
                    return np.linalg.solve(A, b.T)
                except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    raise ZeroDivisionError

            self._Axb_solver = Axb_solver
            if self.decimal_precision > 15:
                print('Warning: Max precision with numpy/python is 16 digits')
                self.decimal_precision = 15
            raise AttributeError(
                'Numerical representation must be mpmath, numpy, or python.')

        #set up interaction model
        if self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'first_order':
            interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.FirstOrderInteractions(
            response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function
            if not callable(response_func):
                int_function = getattr(interaction_model,
                                       response_func + '_response')
                interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function
                'adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model

        elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model == 'second_order':
            interaction_model = catmap.thermodynamics.SecondOrderInteractions(
            response_func = interaction_model.interaction_response_function
            if not callable(response_func):
                int_function = getattr(interaction_model,
                                       response_func + '_response')
                interaction_model.interaction_response_function = int_function
                'adsorbate_interactions'] = interaction_model

        elif self.adsorbate_interaction_model in ['ideal', None]:
            self.thermodynamics.adsorbate_interactions = None
            raise AttributeError(
                'Invalid adsorbate_interaction_model specified.')


        #determine whether or not to (re-)solve model
        has_all = True
        for v in self.output_variables:
            if not hasattr(self, v + '_map'):
                has_all = False

        if not hasattr(self, 'stdout'):
            #any re-loaded model will have stdout
            has_all = False

        if self._solved == self._token() and not getattr(
                self, 'recalculate', None):
            #Do not solve the same model twice
            has_all = True

        elif has_all and not getattr(self, 'recalculate', None):
            #All data has been loaded and no verification => solved.
            self._solved = self._token()

            ran_dsa = False  #When no map exists, run descriptor space analysis first
            if not getattr(self, 'coverage_map', None):
                #Make "volcano plot"
                if getattr(self, 'descriptor_ranges', None) and getattr(
                        self, 'resolution', None):
                    ran_dsa = True

            #Get rates at single points
            if getattr(self, 'descriptors', None):
            #Get rates at multiple points
            if getattr(self, 'descriptor_values', None):

            #If a map exists, run descriptor space analysis last (so that single-point guesses are
            #not discarded)
            if not ran_dsa and getattr(self, 'descriptor_ranges',
                                       None) and getattr(
                                           self, 'resolution', None):

            #Save long attrs in data_file
            for attr in dir(self):
                if (not attr.startswith('_')
                        and not callable(getattr(self, attr))
                        and attr not in self._classes):
                    if (len(repr(getattr(self, attr))) >
                        #line is too long for logfile -> put into pickle
            pickled_data = {}
            for attr in self._pickle_attrs:
                pickled_data[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
            pickle.dump(pickled_data, open(self.data_file, 'w'))

            #Make logfile
            log_txt = self._log_imports
            log_txt += self._header(exclude_outputs=self._pickle_attrs)
            self._stdout = '\n'.join(self._log_lines)
            log_txt += 'stdout = ' + '"' * 3 + self._stdout + '"' * 3
            #this construction means that self.stdout will only be set
            #for models which have been re-loaded.
            self._solved = self._token()
            if hasattr(self, 'log_file'):
                logfile = self.log_file
                name, suffix = self.setup_file.rsplit('.', 1)
                if suffix != 'log':
                    suffix = 'log'
                    suffix = 'out'
                logfile = '.'.join([name, suffix])

            f = open(logfile, 'w')

            if getattr(self, 'create_standalone', None):
Exemple #37
def sarkar_embedding(tree, root, **kwargs):
    Embed a tree in the Poincare disc using Sarkar's algorithm 
    from "Low Distortion Delaunay Embedding of Trees in Hyperbolic Plane.
            tree (networkx.Graph) : The tree represented with int node labels.
                  Weighted trees should have the edge attribute "weight"
            root (int): The node to use as the root of the embedding 
        Keyword Args:
            weighted (bool): True if the tree is weighted (default True)
            tau (float): the scaling factor for distances. 
                        By default it is calculated based on statistics of the tree.
            epsilon (float): parameter >0 controlling distortion bound (default 0.1).
            precision (int): number of bits of precision to use.
                            By default it is calculated based on tau and epsilon.
            size N x 2 mpmath.matrix containing the coordinates of embedded nodes
    eps = kwargs.get("epsilon",0.1)
    weighted = kwargs.get("weighted", True)
    tau = kwargs.get("tau")
    max_deg = max(tree.degree)[1]

    if tau is None:
        tau = (1+eps)/eps * mpm.log(2*max_deg/ mpm.pi)
    prc = kwargs.get("precision")
    if prc is None:
        prc = _embedding_precision(tree,root,eps)
    mpm.mp.dps = prc
    n = tree.order()
    emb = mpm.zeros(n,2)
    place = []

    # place the children of root
    for i, v in enumerate(tree[root]):
        if weighted: 
            r = mpm.tanh( tau*tree[root][v]["weight"])
            r = mpm.tanh(tau)
        theta = 2*i*mpm.pi / tree.degree[root]
        emb[v,0] = r*mpm.cos(theta)
        emb[v,1] = r*mpm.sin(theta)
    # TODO parallelize this
    while place:
        u, v = place.pop() # u is the parent of v
        p, x = emb[u,:], emb[v,:]
        rp = poincare_reflect0(x, p, precision=prc)
        arg = mpm.acos(rp[0]/mpm.norm(rp))
        if rp[1] < 0:
            arg = 2*mpm.pi - arg
        theta = 2*mpm.pi / tree.degree[v]
        for w in tree[v]:
            if w == u: continue
            if weighted:
                r = mpm.tanh(tau*tree[v][w]["weight"])
                r = mpm.tanh(tau)
            w_emb = r * mpm.matrix([mpm.cos(arg+theta*i),mpm.sin(arg+theta*i)]).T
            w_emb = poincare_reflect0(x, w_emb, precision=prc)
            emb[w,:] = w_emb
    return emb
def characterize_solution(ss, _matrix):
    residues = residues_calc(ss, _matrix)
    sae_residues = norm(residues, 1)
    sse_residues = norm(residues, 2)
    return sae_residues, sse_residues
Exemple #39
def lyapunov_exponent(mathcalA, varphi, periodic_points, alg='basic', norm=2):

    k = max([len(word) for word in periodic_points])

    if alg == 'basic':
        approx_basic = []

        for n in range(1, k + 1):
            integral = sum([
                mpmath.log(mpmath.norm(cocycle(word, mathcalA), p=norm)) *
                weight(word, varphi) for word in periodic_points
                if len(word) == n
            normalization = sum([
                weight(word, varphi) for word in periodic_points
                if len(word) == n
            approx_basic.append(integral / (n * normalization))

        return approx_basic

    elif alg == 'pollicott':
        #Compute the operator trace for each periodic point
        op_trace = {
            word: operator_trace(cocycle(word, mathcalA), 0)[0]
            for word in periodic_points
        op_trace_der = {
            word: operator_trace(cocycle(word, mathcalA), 0)[1]
            for word in periodic_points

        #Compute traces for products of transfer operator put in dictionary indexed by power
        trace = [
            sum([(op_trace[word] * weight(word, varphi))
                 for word in periodic_points if len(word) == n])
            for n in range(1, k + 1)
        trace_der = [
            sum([(op_trace_der[word] * weight(word, varphi))
                 for word in periodic_points if len(word) == n])
            for n in range(1, k + 1)

        coefficients = [mpmath.mpf(1)]

        coefficients_der = [mpmath.mpf(0)]

        for n in range(1, k + 1):
            M = mpmath.matrix(n)
            Der_M = mpmath.matrix(n)
            for i in range(0, n):
                for j in range(0, n):
                    if j > i + 1:
                        M[i, j] = 0
                        Der_M[i, j] = 0
                    elif j == i + 1:
                        M[i, j] = n - j
                        Der_M[i, j] = 0
                        M[i, j] = trace[i - j]
                        Der_M[i, j] = trace_der[i - j]

            coefficients.append((((-1)**n) / mpmath.fac(n)) * mpmath.det(M))

            if n == 1:
                    (((-1)**n) / mpmath.fac(n)) * trace_der[0])
                #Use Jacobi's formula to compute derivative of coefficients
                    (((-1)**n) / mpmath.fac(n)) * trace_of(adj(M) * Der_M))

        approximation = []

        for n in range(1, k + 1):
                sum([coefficients_der[m] for m in range(1, n + 1)]) /
                sum([m * coefficients[m] for m in range(1, n + 1)]))

        return approximation

        return "Choices of algorithm are 'basic' and 'pollicott'"