Exemple #1
def tristate():
    from myhdl import TristateSignal
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    x = TristateSignal(True)  # single bit
    y = TristateSignal(intbv(0))  # intbv with undefined width
    z = TristateSignal(intbv(0)[8:])  # intbv with fixed width

    inst = genTristate(clk, x, y, z)
    return inst
    def bench(self, obuf=None):
        if obuf:
            toVerilog(tristate_obuf_i, obuf)
            A, Y, OE = obuf.interface()
            inst = setupCosimulation(name='tristate_obuf_i',
            Y = TristateSignal(True)
            A = Signal(True)
            OE = Signal(False)
            toVerilog(tristate_obuf, A, Y, OE)
            inst = setupCosimulation(name='tristate_obuf', **toVerilog.portmap)

        # inst = tristate_obuf(A, Y, OE)

        def stimulus():
            yield delay(1)
            # print now(), A, OE, Y
            self.assertEqual(Y, None)

            OE.next = True
            yield delay(1)
            # print now(), A, OE, Y
            self.assertEqual(Y, A)

            A.next = not A
            yield delay(1)
            # print now(), A, OE, Y
            self.assertEqual(Y, A)

            OE.next = False
            yield delay(1)
            # print now(), A, OE, Y
            self.assertEqual(Y, None)

            raise StopSimulation

        return instances()
Exemple #3
        dict(pins=(70, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(44, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(45, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(48, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(43, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(55, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(59, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(39, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),

    def get_flow(self, top=None):
        return ISE(brd=self, top=top)
Exemple #4

# the default port map
# @todo: should be able to extact this from the board
# @todo: definition:
# @todo: portmap = brd.map_ports(de0nano_converters)
de0nano_converters.portmap = {
    'clock': Clock(0, frequency=50e6),
    'reset': Reset(0, active=0, async=True),
    'led': Signal(intbv(0)[8:]),
    'adc_cs_n': Signal(bool(1)),
    'adc_saddr': Signal(bool(1)),
    'adc_sdat': Signal(bool(1)),
    'adc_sclk': Signal(bool(1)),
    'i2c_sclk': Signal(bool(1)),
    'i2c_sdat': TristateSignal(bool(0)),
    'g_sensor_cs_n': Signal(bool(1)),
    'g_sensor_int': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_on': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_resetn': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_csn': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_rs': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_wrn': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_rdn': Signal(bool(1)),
    'lcd_data': Signal(intbv(0)[16:])

def build():
    global brd, flow
    brd = get_board('de0nano')
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, num_banks=4, addr_width=12, data_width=16, ver='sdr'):

        # signals in the interface
        self.frequency = 0.            # @todo:
        self.clk = Signal(bool(0))     # interface clock
        self.cke = Signal(bool(0))     # clock enable
        self.cs = Signal(bool(0))      # chip select
        self.cas = Signal(bool(0))     # column address strobe
        self.ras = Signal(bool(0))     # row address strobe
        self.we = Signal(bool(0))      # write strobe
        self.bs = Signal(intbv(0)[2:]) # bank select
        self.addr = Signal(intbv(0)[addr_width:])
        self.dqm = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqml = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqmh = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dq = TristateSignal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        # the controller and SDRAM bi-dir bus drivers
        self.dqo = self.dq.driver()
        self.dqi = self.dq.driver()

        # the following separate write and read buses are
        # not used in an actual device.  They are used by
        # the model for debug and testing.
        self.wdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        self.rdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])

        # configurations for the SDRAM interfacing with
        self.num_banks = num_banks
        self.addr_width = addr_width
        self.data_width = data_width
        self.ver = ver

        # saved read, transactors save the read data here
        self.read_data = None

        # generic commands for a DRAM, override these for specific (S)DRAM devices
        # @todo: attribute of the interface or global definition?
        self.Commands = enum(
            "NOP",  # no operation, ignore all inputs
            "ACT",  # activate a row in a particular bank
            "RD",   # read, initiate a read burst to an active row
            "WR",   # write, initial a write burst to an active row
            "PRE",  # precharge, close a row in a particular bank
            "REF",  # refresh, start a refresh operation
            # extended commands (???)
            "LMR",  # load mode register

        # extract the default timing parameters, all parameters in ns
        # but convert to "ps" like ticks.
        cycles = {}
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            cycles[k] = (v * (self.clock_frequency / 1e9))
            # @todo: if 'ddr' in self.ver: cycles[k] *= 2

        # add the cycle numbers to the
        for k, v in cycles.items():
            # majority of the timing parameters are maximum times,
            # floor error on the side of margin ...
            self.__dict__['cyc_'+k] = int(floor(v))

        # convert the time parameters to simulation ticks
        # @todo: where to get the global simulation step?
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            self.__dict__['tick_'+k] = int(ceil(v * 1000))
Exemple #6
class SDRAMInterface(object):
    clock_frequency = 100e6
    timing = {  # all timing parameters in ns
        'init': 200000.0,   # min init interval
        'ras': 45.0,        # min interval between active precharge commands
        'rcd': 20.0,        # min interval between active R/W commands
        'ref': 64000000.0,  # max refresh interval
        'rfc': 65.0,        # refresh operaiton duration
        'rp': 20.0,         # min precharge command duration
        'xsr': 75.0,        # exit self-refresh time
        'wr': 55.0,         # @todo ...

    addr_width = 12   # SDRAM address width
    data_width = 16   # SDRAM data width

    def __init__(self, num_banks=4, addr_width=12, data_width=16, ver='sdr'):

        # signals in the interface
        self.frequency = 0.            # @todo:
        self.clk = Signal(bool(0))     # interface clock
        self.cke = Signal(bool(0))     # clock enable
        self.cs = Signal(bool(0))      # chip select
        self.cas = Signal(bool(0))     # column address strobe
        self.ras = Signal(bool(0))     # row address strobe
        self.we = Signal(bool(0))      # write strobe
        self.bs = Signal(intbv(0)[2:]) # bank select
        self.addr = Signal(intbv(0)[addr_width:])
        self.dqm = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqml = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqmh = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dq = TristateSignal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        # the controller and SDRAM bi-dir bus drivers
        self.dqo = self.dq.driver()
        self.dqi = self.dq.driver()

        # the following separate write and read buses are
        # not used in an actual device.  They are used by
        # the model for debug and testing.
        self.wdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        self.rdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])

        # configurations for the SDRAM interfacing with
        self.num_banks = num_banks
        self.addr_width = addr_width
        self.data_width = data_width
        self.ver = ver

        # saved read, transactors save the read data here
        self.read_data = None

        # generic commands for a DRAM, override these for specific (S)DRAM devices
        # @todo: attribute of the interface or global definition?
        self.Commands = enum(
            "NOP",  # no operation, ignore all inputs
            "ACT",  # activate a row in a particular bank
            "RD",   # read, initiate a read burst to an active row
            "WR",   # write, initial a write burst to an active row
            "PRE",  # precharge, close a row in a particular bank
            "REF",  # refresh, start a refresh operation
            # extended commands (???)
            "LMR",  # load mode register

        # extract the default timing parameters, all parameters in ns
        # but convert to "ps" like ticks.
        cycles = {}
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            cycles[k] = (v * (self.clock_frequency / 1e9))
            # @todo: if 'ddr' in self.ver: cycles[k] *= 2

        # add the cycle numbers to the
        for k, v in cycles.items():
            # majority of the timing parameters are maximum times,
            # floor error on the side of margin ...
            self.__dict__['cyc_'+k] = int(floor(v))

        # convert the time parameters to simulation ticks
        # @todo: where to get the global simulation step?
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            self.__dict__['tick_'+k] = int(ceil(v * 1000))

    def get_data_driver(self, dir='o'):
        if dir == 'o':
            drv = self.dqo
            drv = self.dqi
        return drv

    def get_command(self):
        """ extract the current command from based in the interface signals
        Command table
          cs  ras  cas  we  dqm
          H   X    X    X   X    : NOP  (command inhibit)
          L   H    H    H   X    : NOP
          L   H    H    L   X    :      (burst term)
          L   H    L    H   X    : RD
          L   H    L    L   X    : WR
          L   L    H    H   X    : ACT
          L   L    H    L   X    : PRE
          L   L    L    H   X    : REF  (auto refresh)
          L   L    L    L   X    : LRM  (load mode register)
        cs, ras, cas, we, dqm = (self.cs, self.ras, self.cas,
                                 self.we, self.dqm)
        cmd = self.Commands.NOP
        if not cs:
            if ras and not cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.RD
            elif ras and not cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.WR
            elif not ras and cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.ACT
            elif not ras and cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.PRE
            elif not ras and not cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.REF
            elif not ras and not cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.LRM
        return cmd

    def _set_cmd(self, cmd):

    def _nop(self):
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = True
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge

    def _activate(self, row_addr):
        self.addr.next = row_addr
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = False
        self.cas.next = True
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge

    def _write(self, addr, val):
        self.addr.next = addr
        self.wdq.next = val     # transaction bus only
        self.dqo.next = val     # host side driver (controller)
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = False
        self.we.next = False
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.dqo.next = None

    def _read(self, addr):
        self.addr.next = addr
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = False
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge
        if self.dq is not None and self.dqo is None:
            self.rdq.next = self.dq

    def write(self, val, row_addr, col_addr, bankid=0, burst=1):
        """ Controller side write
        This is a transaction generator, this generator is used to
        emulate a host write to an SDRAM device.

        @todo: complete burst transaction
        Not convertible.
        # start on the posedge of the interface clock
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.bs.next = bankid
        self.cke.next = True
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._activate(row_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._write(col_addr, val)
        yield self._nop()
        self.cke.next = False

    def read(self, row_addr, col_addr, bankid=0, burst=1):
        """ Controller side read
        This is a transaction generator, this genertor is used to
        emulate a host read to an SDRAM device.

        @todo: complete burst transaction
        Not convertible.
        # start of the posedge of the interface clock
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.bs.next = bankid
        self.cke.next = True
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._activate(row_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._read(col_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        self.cke.next = False
        self.read_data = int(self.rdq)

    def get_read_data(self):
        return self.read_data
Exemple #7
class SDRAMInterface(object):
    clock_frequency = 100e6
    timing = {  # all timing parameters in ns
        'init': 200000.0,  # min init interval
        'ras': 45.0,  # min interval between active precharge commands
        'rcd': 20.0,  # min interval between active R/W commands
        'ref': 64000000.0,  # max refresh interval
        'rfc': 65.0,  # refresh operaiton duration
        'rp': 20.0,  # min precharge command duration
        'xsr': 75.0,  # exit self-refresh time
        'wr': 55.0,  # @todo ...

    addr_width = 12  # SDRAM address width
    data_width = 16  # SDRAM data width

    def __init__(self, num_banks=4, addr_width=12, data_width=16, ver='sdr'):

        # signals in the interface
        self.frequency = 0.  # @todo:
        self.clk = Signal(bool(0))  # interface clock
        self.cke = Signal(bool(0))  # clock enable
        self.cs = Signal(bool(0))  # chip select
        self.cas = Signal(bool(0))  # column address strobe
        self.ras = Signal(bool(0))  # row address strobe
        self.we = Signal(bool(0))  # write strobe
        self.bs = Signal(intbv(0)[2:])  # bank select
        self.addr = Signal(intbv(0)[addr_width:])
        self.dqm = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqml = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqmh = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dq = TristateSignal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        # the controller and SDRAM bi-dir bus drivers
        self.dqo = self.dq.driver()
        self.dqi = self.dq.driver()

        # the following separate write and read buses are
        # not used in an actual device.  They are used by
        # the model for debug and testing.
        self.wdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        self.rdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])

        # configurations for the SDRAM interfacing with
        self.num_banks = num_banks
        self.addr_width = addr_width
        self.data_width = data_width
        self.ver = ver

        # saved read, transactors save the read data here
        self.read_data = None

        # generic commands for a DRAM, override these for specific (S)DRAM devices
        # @todo: attribute of the interface or global definition?
        self.Commands = enum(
            "NOP",  # no operation, ignore all inputs
            "ACT",  # activate a row in a particular bank
            "RD",  # read, initiate a read burst to an active row
            "WR",  # write, initial a write burst to an active row
            "PRE",  # precharge, close a row in a particular bank
            "REF",  # refresh, start a refresh operation
            # extended commands (???)
            "LMR",  # load mode register

        # extract the default timing parameters, all parameters in ns
        # but convert to "ps" like ticks.
        cycles = {}
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            cycles[k] = (v * (self.clock_frequency / 1e9))
            # @todo: if 'ddr' in self.ver: cycles[k] *= 2

        # add the cycle numbers to the
        for k, v in cycles.items():
            # majority of the timing parameters are maximum times,
            # floor error on the side of margin ...
            self.__dict__['cyc_' + k] = int(floor(v))

        # convert the time parameters to simulation ticks
        # @todo: where to get the global simulation step?
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            self.__dict__['tick_' + k] = int(ceil(v * 1000))

    def get_data_driver(self, dir='o'):
        if dir == 'o':
            drv = self.dqo
            drv = self.dqi
        return drv

    def get_command(self):
        """ extract the current command from based in the interface signals
        Command table
          cs  ras  cas  we  dqm
          H   X    X    X   X    : NOP  (command inhibit)
          L   H    H    H   X    : NOP
          L   H    H    L   X    :      (burst term)
          L   H    L    H   X    : RD
          L   H    L    L   X    : WR
          L   L    H    H   X    : ACT
          L   L    H    L   X    : PRE
          L   L    L    H   X    : REF  (auto refresh)
          L   L    L    L   X    : LRM  (load mode register)
        cs, ras, cas, we, dqm = (self.cs, self.ras, self.cas, self.we,
        cmd = self.Commands.NOP
        if not cs:
            if ras and not cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.RD
            elif ras and not cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.WR
            elif not ras and cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.ACT
            elif not ras and cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.PRE
            elif not ras and not cas and we:
                cmd = self.Commands.REF
            elif not ras and not cas and not we:
                cmd = self.Commands.LRM
        return cmd

    def _set_cmd(self, cmd):

    def _nop(self):
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = True
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge

    def _activate(self, row_addr):
        self.addr.next = row_addr
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = False
        self.cas.next = True
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge

    def _write(self, addr, val):
        self.addr.next = addr
        self.wdq.next = val  # transaction bus only
        self.dqo.next = val  # host side driver (controller)
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = False
        self.we.next = False
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.dqo.next = None

    def _read(self, addr):
        self.addr.next = addr
        self.cs.next = False
        self.ras.next = True
        self.cas.next = False
        self.we.next = True
        yield self.clk.posedge
        if self.dq is not None and self.dqo is None:
            self.rdq.next = self.dq

    def write(self, val, row_addr, col_addr, bankid=0, burst=1):
        """ Controller side write
        This is a transaction generator, this generator is used to
        emulate a host write to an SDRAM device.

        @todo: complete burst transaction
        Not convertible.
        # start on the posedge of the interface clock
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.bs.next = bankid
        self.cke.next = True
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._activate(row_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._write(col_addr, val)
        yield self._nop()
        self.cke.next = False

    def read(self, row_addr, col_addr, bankid=0, burst=1):
        """ Controller side read
        This is a transaction generator, this generator is used to
        emulate a host read to an SDRAM device.

        @todo: complete burst transaction
        Not convertible.
        # start of the posedge of the interface clock
        yield self.clk.posedge
        self.bs.next = bankid
        self.cke.next = True
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._activate(row_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        yield self._read(col_addr)
        yield self._nop()
        self.cke.next = False
        self.read_data = int(self.rdq)

    def get_read_data(self):
        return self.read_data
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, num_banks=4, addr_width=12, data_width=16, ver='sdr'):

        # signals in the interface
        self.frequency = 0.  # @todo:
        self.clk = Signal(bool(0))  # interface clock
        self.cke = Signal(bool(0))  # clock enable
        self.cs = Signal(bool(0))  # chip select
        self.cas = Signal(bool(0))  # column address strobe
        self.ras = Signal(bool(0))  # row address strobe
        self.we = Signal(bool(0))  # write strobe
        self.bs = Signal(intbv(0)[2:])  # bank select
        self.addr = Signal(intbv(0)[addr_width:])
        self.dqm = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqml = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dqmh = Signal(bool(0))
        self.dq = TristateSignal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        # the controller and SDRAM bi-dir bus drivers
        self.dqo = self.dq.driver()
        self.dqi = self.dq.driver()

        # the following separate write and read buses are
        # not used in an actual device.  They are used by
        # the model for debug and testing.
        self.wdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])
        self.rdq = Signal(intbv(0)[data_width:])

        # configurations for the SDRAM interfacing with
        self.num_banks = num_banks
        self.addr_width = addr_width
        self.data_width = data_width
        self.ver = ver

        # saved read, transactors save the read data here
        self.read_data = None

        # generic commands for a DRAM, override these for specific (S)DRAM devices
        # @todo: attribute of the interface or global definition?
        self.Commands = enum(
            "NOP",  # no operation, ignore all inputs
            "ACT",  # activate a row in a particular bank
            "RD",  # read, initiate a read burst to an active row
            "WR",  # write, initial a write burst to an active row
            "PRE",  # precharge, close a row in a particular bank
            "REF",  # refresh, start a refresh operation
            # extended commands (???)
            "LMR",  # load mode register

        # extract the default timing parameters, all parameters in ns
        # but convert to "ps" like ticks.
        cycles = {}
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            cycles[k] = (v * (self.clock_frequency / 1e9))
            # @todo: if 'ddr' in self.ver: cycles[k] *= 2

        # add the cycle numbers to the
        for k, v in cycles.items():
            # majority of the timing parameters are maximum times,
            # floor error on the side of margin ...
            self.__dict__['cyc_' + k] = int(floor(v))

        # convert the time parameters to simulation ticks
        # @todo: where to get the global simulation step?
        for k, v in self.timing.items():
            self.__dict__['tick_' + k] = int(ceil(v * 1000))
 def __init__(self):
     self.Y = TristateSignal(True)
     self.A = Signal(False)
     self.OE = Signal(False)
Exemple #10
 def get_portmap(self, top=None, **kwargs):
     pp = FPGA.get_portmap(self, top, **kwargs)
     pp['init_b'] = TristateSignal(False)
     print 'hacked pp', pp
     return pp
Exemple #11
class Mojo(FPGA):
    vendor = 'xilinx'
    family = 'spartan6'
    device = 'XC6SLX9'
    package = 'TQG144'
    speed = '-2'
    version = 3
    _name = 'mojov'
    no_startup_jtag_clock = True

    default_clocks = {
        # clk in documentation (?)
        'clock': dict(frequency=50e6, pins=(56, ), iostandard='LVTTL')

    default_resets = {
        # rst_n in documentation
        'reset': dict(active=0, isasync=True, pins=(38, ), iostandard='LVTTL')

    default_ports = {
        # on-board led
        dict(pins=(70, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(44, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(45, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(48, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(43, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(55, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(59, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),
        dict(pins=(39, ), iostandard='LVTTL'),

    def get_flow(self, top=None):
        return ISE(brd=self, top=top)