Exemple #1
 def test_copy(self):
     # Ensure that modifying pm0 doesn't modify any other mapper created from it:
     pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5]', np.arange(5))
     pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5]', np.arange(5))
     pm2 = pm0.copy()
     pm0.portmap[('foo', 0)] = 10
     assert_series_equal(pm2.portmap, pm1.portmap)
Exemple #2
 def test_copy(self):
     # Ensure that modifying pm0 doesn't modify any other mapper created from it:
     pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5]', np.arange(5))
     pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5]', np.arange(5))
     pm2 = pm0.copy()
     pm0.portmap[('foo', 0)] = 10
     assert_series_equal(pm2.portmap, pm1.portmap)
Exemple #3
    def test_get_map(self):
        # Try to get selector that is in the mapper:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.get_map('/bar[0:5]').tolist(), range(5, 10))

        # Try to get selector that is not in the mapper:
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.get_map('/foo[5:10]').tolist(), [])
Exemple #4
    def test_inds_to_ports(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.inds_to_ports([4, 5]),
                                 [('foo', 4), ('bar', 0)])

        # With a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', range(10, 20))
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.inds_to_ports([14, 15]),
                                 [('foo', 4), ('bar', 0)])
Exemple #5
 def test_create(self):
     portmap = np.arange(5)
     pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5]', portmap)
     s = pd.Series(
         pd.MultiIndex(levels=[['foo'], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                       labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                       names=[0, 1]))
     assert_series_equal(pm.portmap, s)
Exemple #6
    def test_from_index(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(pm0.index)
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)

        # With a specified port map:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', list(range(5)) * 2)
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(pm0.index, list(range(5)) * 2)
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)

        # Ensure that modifying the map sequence used to create the
        # port mapper doesn't have the side effect of altering the created
        # mapper:
        index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[u'foo'], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                              labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                              names=[0, 1])
        portmap = np.arange(5)
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(index, portmap)
        portmap[0] = 10
        assert_array_equal(pm1.portmap.values, np.arange(5))
Exemple #7
    def test_from_index(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(pm0.index)
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)

        # With a specified port map:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', range(5)*2)
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(pm0.index, range(5)*2)
        assert_series_equal(pm0.portmap, pm1.portmap)

        # Ensure that modifying the map sequence used to create the
        # port mapper doesn't have the side effect of altering the created
        # mapper:
        index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[u'foo'], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                              labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
                              names=[0, 1])
        portmap = np.arange(5)
        pm1 = BasePortMapper.from_index(index, portmap)
        portmap[0] = 10
        assert_array_equal(pm1.portmap.values, np.arange(5))
Exemple #8
    def test_ports_to_inds(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        np.allclose(pm.ports_to_inds('/foo[4],/bar[0]'), [4, 5])

        # Nonexistent ports should return an empty index array:
        i = pm.ports_to_inds('/baz')
        assert len(i) == 0 and i.dtype == np.int_

        # With a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', list(range(10, 20)))
        np.allclose(pm.ports_to_inds('/foo[4],/bar[0]'), [14, 15])

        i = pm.ports_to_inds('/baz')
        assert len(i) == 0 and i.dtype == np.int_
Exemple #9
    def test_inds_to_ports(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.inds_to_ports([4, 5]), [('foo', 4),
                                                            ('bar', 0)])

        # With a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', list(range(10, 20)))
        self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.inds_to_ports([14, 15]), [('foo', 4),
                                                              ('bar', 0)])
Exemple #10
    def test_ports_to_inds(self):
        # Without a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        np.allclose(pm.ports_to_inds('/foo[4],/bar[0]'), [4, 5])

        # Nonexistent ports should return an empty index array:
        i = pm.ports_to_inds('/baz')
        assert len(i) == 0 and i.dtype == np.int64

        # With a specified port map:
        pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', range(10, 20))
        np.allclose(pm.ports_to_inds('/foo[4],/bar[0]'), [14, 15])

        i = pm.ports_to_inds('/baz')
        assert len(i) == 0 and i.dtype == np.int64
Exemple #11
    def test_equals(self):
        # Check that mappers containing the same ports/indices are deemed equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        assert pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert pm1.equals(pm0)

        # Check that mappers containing the same ports/indices in
        # different orders are deemed equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', list(range(10)))
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/bar[0:5],/foo[0:5]',
                             list(range(5, 10)) + list(range(5)))
        assert pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert pm1.equals(pm0)

        # Check that mappers containing different ports/indices are deemed non-equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[1:5]/bar[0]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        assert not pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert not pm1.equals(pm0)
Exemple #12
 def test_len(self):
     pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
     assert len(pm) == 10
Exemple #13
 def test_set_map(self):
     pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
     pm.set_map('/bar[0:5]', list(range(5)))
Exemple #14
    def test_equals(self):
        # Check that mappers containing the same ports/indices are deemed equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        assert pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert pm1.equals(pm0)

        # Check that mappers containing the same ports/indices in 
        # different orders are deemed equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]', range(10))
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/bar[0:5],/foo[0:5]', range(5, 10)+range(5))
        assert pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert pm1.equals(pm0)

        # Check that mappers containing different ports/indices are deemed non-equal:
        pm0 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[1:5]/bar[0]')
        pm1 = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
        assert not pm0.equals(pm1)
        assert not pm1.equals(pm0)
Exemple #15
 def test_set_map(self):
     pm = BasePortMapper('/foo[0:5],/bar[0:5]')
     pm.set_map('/bar[0:5]', range(5))
     self.assertSequenceEqual(pm.portmap.ix[5:10].tolist(), range(5))
Exemple #16
    def _init_port_dicts(self):
        Initial dictionaries of source/destination ports in current module.

        if self.print_timing:
            start = time.time()
        # Extract identifiers of source ports in the current module's interface
        # for all modules receiving output from the current module:
        self._out_port_dict_ids = {}
        self._out_port_dict_ids['gpot'] = {}
        self._out_port_dict_ids['spike'] = {}

        self._out_ids = self.routing_table.dest_ids(self.id)
        self._out_ranks = [self.rank_to_id.inv[i] for i in self._out_ids]
        for out_id in self._out_ids:
            self.log_info('extracting output ports for %s' % out_id)

            # Get interfaces of pattern connecting the current module to
            # destination module `out_id`; `int_0` is connected to the
            # current module, `int_1` is connected to the other module:
            pat = self.routing_table[self.id, out_id]['pattern']
            int_0 = self.routing_table[self.id, out_id]['int_0']
            int_1 = self.routing_table[self.id, out_id]['int_1']

            # Get ports in interface (`int_0`) connected to the current
            # module that are connected to the other module via the pattern:
            self._out_port_dict_ids['gpot'][out_id] = \
                gpuarray.to_gpu(self.pm['gpot'].ports_to_inds(pat.src_idx(int_0, int_1, 'gpot', 'gpot')))
            self._out_port_dict_ids['spike'][out_id] = \
                gpuarray.to_gpu(self.pm['spike'].ports_to_inds(pat.src_idx(int_0, int_1, 'spike', 'spike')))

        if self.print_timing:
            self.log_info('Elapsed time for extracting output ports: {:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start))
            start = time.time()
        # Extract identifiers of destination ports in the current module's
        # interface for all modules sending input to the current module:
        self._in_port_dict_ids = {}
        self._in_port_dict_ids['gpot'] = {}
        self._in_port_dict_ids['spike'] = {}

        # Extract indices corresponding to the entries in the transmitted
        # buffers that must be copied into the input port map data arrays; these
        # are needed to support fan-out:
        self._in_port_dict_buf_ids = {}
        self._in_port_dict_buf_ids['gpot'] = {}
        self._in_port_dict_buf_ids['spike'] = {}

        # Lengths of input buffers:
        self._in_buf_len = {}
        self._in_buf_len['gpot'] = {}
        self._in_buf_len['spike'] = {}

        self._in_ids = self.routing_table.src_ids(self.id)
        self._in_ranks = [self.rank_to_id.inv[i] for i in self._in_ids]
        for in_id in self._in_ids:
            self.log_info('extracting input ports for %s' % in_id)

            # Get interfaces of pattern connecting the current module to
            # source module `in_id`; `int_1` is connected to the current
            # module, `int_0` is connected to the other module:
            pat = self.routing_table[in_id, self.id]['pattern']
            int_0 = self.routing_table[in_id, self.id]['int_0']
            int_1 = self.routing_table[in_id, self.id]['int_1']

            # Get ports in interface (`int_1`) connected to the current
            # module that are connected to the other module via the pattern:
            self._in_port_dict_ids['gpot'][in_id] = \
                gpuarray.to_gpu(self.pm['gpot'].ports_to_inds(pat.dest_idx(int_0, int_1, 'gpot', 'gpot')))
            self._in_port_dict_ids['spike'][in_id] = \
                gpuarray.to_gpu(self.pm['spike'].ports_to_inds(pat.dest_idx(int_0, int_1, 'spike', 'spike')))

			# Get the integer indices associated with the connected source ports
            # in the pattern interface connected to the source module `in_d`;
            # these are needed to copy received buffer contents into the current
            # module's port map data array:
            src_idx_dup = pat.src_idx(int_0, int_1, 'gpot', 'gpot', duplicates=True)
            src_idx = OrderedDict.fromkeys(src_idx_dup).keys()
            self._in_port_dict_buf_ids['gpot'][in_id] = \
            src_idx_dup_s = pat.src_idx(int_0, int_1, 'spike', 'spike', duplicates=True)
            src_idx_s = OrderedDict.fromkeys(src_idx_dup_s).keys()
            self._in_port_dict_buf_ids['spike'][in_id] = \

            # The size of the input buffer to the current module must be the
            # same length as the output buffer of module `in_id`:
            self._in_buf_len['gpot'][in_id] = len(src_idx)
            self._in_buf_len['spike'][in_id] = len(src_idx_s)
            if self.print_timing:
                self.log_info('Elapsed time for extracting input ports: {:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start))