class SimpleEntries: def __init__(self): self.testMain = testMain() self.userDB = UserDB() self.entryDB = EntryDB() self.roleDB = RoleDB() u = self.userDB.add("criswell", "password", "Sam Hart") u1 = self.userDB.add("charles", "password", "Charles Xavier") u2 = self.userDB.add("leif", "password", "Lief Ericsson") u3 = self.userDB.add("barf", "password", "Barfy Barferson") u4 = self.userDB.add("squiddy", "password", "Squidward Tentacles") editors = ['charles', 'leif', 'barf', 'squiddy'] all_groups = ['junkbar', 'dollarbillyall', 'coldnwet'] for g in all_groups: self.userDB.add_group(g) role_names = ['tomato', 'spaghetti', 'nuts'] role_desc = ['Tomato Paste', 'Swirly Cheesy', 'Hardcore Nuts'] for x in range(len(role_names)): self.roleDB.add_role( role_names[x], role_desc[x]) parents = [] for e in entries: parent = None if randint(0,5) > 3 and len(parents) > 1: parent = parents[randint(0,len(parents)-1)] print("A parent is {0}".format(parent)) try: entry = self.entryDB.add(e[0], e[1], u, None, e[2], e[3], e[5], parent) if e[4]: self.entryDB.add_tag(e[4], entry) if randint(0,5) > 2: parents.append(entry) if randint(0,5) > 2: for ed in sample(editors, randint(1,len(editors)-1)): self.entryDB.update_editor(ed, entry) except: print("Dropping an entry due to some entryDB problem (likely duplicate URL") print("because of random URL generation- Should be safe to ignore)\n") pass # stupid, but for our tests we don't care we just may get duplicate URLs def __del__(self): del(self.testMain) def run(self, debug): print("mainApp.jinja_env") print("-----------------") print("\nmainApp.jinja_loader") print("___________________") print("\n%s" % mainApp.jinja_loader.searchpath)"", debug=debug)
def test_AssignRole(self): user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() u = user_db.add("jontest", "pass", "Jon Q. Testuser") g = user_db.add_group('test_group') user_db.add_to_group(u, g) r = role_db.add_role('test_role', 'test role', get_activity_dict(True)) role_db.assign_role(u, g, r) all_roles = set(rm.role for rm in role_db.get_roles(u)) self.assertTrue(r in all_roles)
def nofilter_getactivities(r): """ Given a role, return the activities that role can do. @param r: The role @return: A dict containing the activities """ role_db = RoleDB() return role_db.get_activities(r)
def static_page(): """ Render the administrative static page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() event_log = EventLog() icebox = Icebox() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP']) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) can_admin_static = 'make_static' in all_activities can_admin_static_now = 'make_static_now' in all_activities if is_admin or can_admin_static: if request.method == 'POST': if 'sched_rebuild' in request.form: event_log.add('rebuild_static', flash(_('Full site rebuild scheduled.')) elif 'incr_build' in request.form: icebox.generate_pages() flash(_('New/updated pages generated.')) elif 'rebuild_now' in request.form: if can_admin_static_now: icebox.generate_pages(True) flash(_('Full site rebuilt')) else: flash(_('Not authorized for full site rebuild', 'error')) return render_template('admin_static.html', state=get_state(), can_admin_static=can_admin_static, can_admin_static_now=can_admin_static_now, title=_('Administrate Static Site'), sched_rebuild_text=_('Schedule a full site rebuild'), sched_rebuild_button=_('Schedule'), incr_build_text=_('Perform an incremental build'), incr_build_button=_('Incremental'), rebuild_now_text=_('Perform a full rebuild now'), rebuild_now_button=_('Rebuild')) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def admin_new_group(): """ Renders the new group page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) if 'new_group' in all_activities: group = user_db.create_temp_empty_group() if 'cancel' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_group.admin_group_page')) elif 'submit' in request.form: gname = request.form.get('group_name', None) = gname group.description = request.form.get('description', None) if gname is not None and gname != '': g = user_db.get_group(gname) if g is None: try: group = user_db.add_group(, group.description) flash(_('Group "{0}" added.'.format(gname))) return redirect(url_for( 'admin_group.admin_group_page')) except DuplicateGroup: flash(_( 'Group name "{0}" is already in use!'.format( gname)), 'error') else: flash(_("Group name cannot be empty!"), 'error') return render_template('admin_group.html', group=group, state=get_state(), title=_('Edit Group'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), submit_button=_('Submit'), can_edit_groups=True) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def _role_test(entry, activity): """ Test to determine if an entry can have activity performed against it by the current_user :param entry: The entry to check against. :param activity: The activity to check. :returns: True if they can, false if not. """ if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): role_db = RoleDB() rm = role_db.get_roles(current_user) for m in rm: if m.group_id == entry.group_id: activities = role_db.get_activities(m.role) if activities.get(activity, False): return True return False
def setup_DB(): """ Called when the DB is to be initialized. Should only be called once. """ event_log = EventLog() sc = _SiteConfig() userDB = UserDB() roleDB = RoleDB() mainDB.create_all() event_log.add('db_setup', -1, True) default_group = userDB.add_group(mainApp.config['DEFAULT_GROUP'], mainApp.config['DEFAULT_GROUP_DESC']) default_acts = get_activity_dict(False) default_acts.update(mainApp.config['DEFAULT_ROLE_ACTIVITIES']) dummy = roleDB.add_role( mainApp.config['DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME'], mainApp.config['DEFAULT_ROLE_DESC'], default_acts) user = userDB.add(mainApp.config['ADMIN_USER'], mainApp.config["ADMIN_PASSWD"], mainApp.config['ADMIN_FULLNAME']) admin_group = userDB.add_group(mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP'], mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP_DESC'], if not userDB.update_primary(user, admin_group): raise SetupError( 'Could not assign the admin user "{0}" primary group to the ' \ 'admin group "{1}"!'.format(user, admin_group)) # By default, the admin is part of the top level group as well as default dummy = userDB.add_group(mainApp.config['TOP_LEVEL_GROUP'], mainApp.config['TOP_LEVEL_GROUP_DESC'], userDB.add_to_group(user, default_group) admin_role = get_activity_dict(True) role = roleDB.add_role( mainApp.config['ADMIN_ROLE_NAME'], mainApp.config['ADMIN_ROLE_DESC'], admin_role) roleDB.assign_role(user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP'], role) roleDB.assign_role(user, mainApp.config['TOP_LEVEL_GROUP'], role) roleDB.assign_role(user, mainApp.config['DEFAULT_GROUP'], role) sc.add(mainApp.noink_version, mainApp.config['SITE_NAME'], mainApp.config['SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL']) event_log.add('db_finish', -1, True)
def test_AssignRole(self): user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() u = user_db.add("jontest", "pass", "Jon Q. Testuser") g = user_db.add_group('test_group') user_db.add_to_group(u, g) r = role_db.add_role('test_role', 'test role', get_activity_dict(True)) role_db.assign_role(u, g, r) all_roles_1st = set(rm.role for rm in role_db.get_roles(u)) was_in_before = r in all_roles_1st role_db.revoke_role(u, g, r) all_roles_2nd = set(rm.role for rm in role_db.get_roles(u)) not_in_after = r not in all_roles_2nd self.assertTrue(was_in_before and not_in_after)
def add(self, username, password, fullname, bio="", group=None, active=False): ''' Adds a user to the database. @param username: The username to add, must be unique. @param password: The password to use. @param fullname: The user's full name @param bio: The user's bio (optional) @param group: The user's primary group (optional) @param active: Whether the user is active or not @return The user object for the user crated. ''' try: exists = self.find_user_by_name(username) except: exists = False if exists: raise DuplicateUser("{0} already exists in database with id '{1}'". format(username, str(exists))) else: from noink.role_db import RoleDB role_db = RoleDB() passHash = mainCrypt.generate_password_hash(password) u = User(username, fullname, bio, passHash) if group is None: group = self.get_group(mainApp.config['DEFAULT_GROUP']) u.primary_group = group = active mainDB.session.add(u) mainDB.session.commit() self.eventLog.add('add_user',, True, None, username) self.add_to_group(u, group) role_db.assign_role(u, group, mainApp.config['DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME']) return u
def event_viewer(): """ Render the event viewer. """ page_num = int(request.args.get('page', 0)) per_page = int(request.args.get('per_page', 20)) user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() event_log = EventLog() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP']) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) can_view_logs = 'view_logs' in all_activities if is_admin or can_view_logs: events = event_log.find_recent_by_num(per_page, page_num * per_page) count = event_log.count() total_pages = 0 if count > per_page: total_pages = int(ceil(float(count) / float(per_page))) return render_template('admin_events.html', events=events, state=get_state(), page_num=page_num, per_page=per_page, title=_('Event log'), total_pages=total_pages) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def admin_new_role(): """ Renders the new role page """ role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) if 'new_role' in all_activities: role = role_db.create_temp_empty_role() if 'cancel' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_role.admin_role_page')) elif 'submit' in request.form: rname = request.form.get('role_name', None) = rname role.description = request.form.get('description', None) updated_acts = request.form.getlist('activities') ract = get_activity_dict(False) for a in updated_acts: ract[a] = True role = role_db.update_temp_role_activities(role, ract) if rname is not None and rname != '': r = role_db.get_role(rname) if r is None: try: role = role_db.add_role(, role.description, ract) flash(_('Role "{0}" added.'.format(rname))) return redirect(url_for( 'admin_role.admin_role_page')) except DuplicateRole: flash(_('Role name "{0}" is already in use!'.format( rname)), 'error') return render_template('admin_role.html', role=role, state=get_state(), title=_('Edit Role'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), submit_button=_('Submit'), can_edit_roles=True, activities=activities) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def admin_group_page(gid): """ Renders the group page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP']) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) can_view_groups = 'view_groups' in all_activities can_edit_groups = 'edit_group' in all_activities if is_admin or can_view_groups: if gid is None: if request.method == "POST": if 'delete' in request.form: gids = request.form.getlist('select') for gid in gids: try: user_db.delete_group(int(gid)) flash(_('Group with ID "{0}" deleted.'.format( gid))) except GroupNotFound: flash(_('"{0}" group id not found!'.format( gid)), 'error') elif 'new' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_group.admin_new_group')) groups = user_db.get_all_groups() return render_template('list_groups.html', groups=groups, state=get_state(), can_view_groups=can_view_groups, can_edit_groups=can_edit_groups, title=_('All Groups'), delete_button=_('Delete'), new_button=_('New'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), del_title=_('Delete Group(s)'), del_warn=_('Deleting groups is a permanent action. '\ 'Are you sure?')) else: if request.method == "POST": if 'cancel' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_group.admin_group_page')) elif 'submit' in request.form: group = user_db.get_group(gid) if group is not None: = request.form.get('group_name', group.description = request.form.get('description', group.description) user_db.update_group(group) group = user_db.get_group(gid) if group is not None: return render_template('admin_group.html', group=group, state=get_state(), title=_('Edit Group'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), submit_button=_('Submit'), can_edit_groups=can_edit_groups) else: flash(_('Group "{0}" not found!'.format(gid)), 'error') return redirect(url_for("admin_group.admin_group_page")) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def _edit_post(eid=None): """ Edit a post """ # FIXME - This method has kind of gotten monsterous. Refactor. user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() entry_db = EntryDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): all_groups = set(user_db.get_users_groups(current_user)) all_roles = role_db.get_roles(current_user) role_groups = set( for m in all_roles) role_by_groups = dict(((, role_db.get_activities(m.role)) for m in all_roles)) # The available groups are ones which they are both a part of AND which # they have a role in! avail_groups = all_groups & role_groups groups = [] if current_user.primary_group in avail_groups: # Make sure primary group is first in the list, if it's there #avail_groups.remove(current_user.primary_group) groups.append(current_user.primary_group) groups.extend(avail_groups) parent_group = None parent = None if 'parent' in request.values: parent = entry_db.find_by_id(request.values['parent']) parent_group = # If everything else fails, we default to the top level if parent_group is None: parent_group = user_db.get_group(mainApp.config['TOP_LEVEL_GROUP']) if parent_group in avail_groups and parent_group in role_by_groups: if role_by_groups[parent_group].get('new_post', False): entry = None tags = [] if eid is None: if request.method == "POST": entry = process_entry_object(parent) if "tags" in request.form: tags = [x.strip() for x in request.form['tags'].split(',') if x != ''] if "submit" in request.form: entry_db.add_entry_object(entry) if len(tags) > 0: entry_db.add_tag(tags, entry) return redirect(url_for('node.show_node', else: entry = entry_db.find_by_id(eid) if entry is None: return render_template('noink_message.html', state=get_state(), title=_('Entry not found!'), message=_( 'The entry "{0}" was not found!'.format(eid))) if request.method == "POST": entry = update_entry_object(entry) if "tags" in request.form: tags = [x.strip() for x in request.form['tags'].split(',') if x != ''] if "submit" in request.form: entry_db.update_entry(entry) entry_db.update_editor(current_user, entry) if len(tags) > 0: entry_db.add_tag(tags, entry) return redirect(url_for('node.show_node', else: for tm in entry.tagmap: tags.append(tm.tag.tag) return render_template('new_post.html', state=get_state(), groups=groups, entry=entry, tags=tags, is_edit=True, title=_('New Post'), submit_button=_('Submit'), preview_button=_('Preview')) else: return not_authorized() else: return not_authorized() return render_template('noink_message.html', state=get_state(), title=_('Not authorized'), message=_('You must be logged in as a user to access this page!'))
def test_AddRole(self): role_db = RoleDB() r1 = role_db.add_role("test_role", "A test role", get_activity_dict(True)) r2 = role_db.get_role("test_role") self.assertEqual(,
def list_users(): """ Renders the list users page """ page_num = int(request.args.get("page", 0)) per_page = mainApp.config["NUM_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE"][0] user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config["ADMIN_GROUP"]) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) can_edit_users = "edit_user" in all_activities if is_admin or "view_users" in all_activities: if request.method == "POST": if "new" in request.form: return redirect(url_for("admin_user.new_user")) elif "delete" in request.form: uids = request.form.getlist("select") for uid in uids: try: user_db.delete(int(uid)) flash(_('User with ID "{0}" deleted.'.format(uid))) except UserNotFound: flash(_('"{0}" user id not found!'.format(uid)), "error") elif "update" in request.form: uids = {int(i): True for i in request.form.getlist("active")} if len(uids) > 0: users = user_db.get_all_users() for u in users: if in uids: = True else: = False user_db.update_user(u) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() users = user_db.get_all_users() total_pages = 0 if len(users) > per_page: total_pages = int(ceil(float(len(users)) / float(per_page))) return render_template( "list_users.html", users=users, state=get_state(), page_num=page_num, total_pages=total_pages, can_edit_users=can_edit_users, is_admin=is_admin, title=_("Users"), delete_button=_("Delete"), update_button=_("Update"), new_button=_("New User"), del_title=_("Delete User(s)"), cancel_button=_("Cancel"), del_warn=_("Deleting users is a permanent action. " "Are you sure?"), ) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def new_user(): """ Dialog for new user. """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config["ADMIN_GROUP"]) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) if "new_user" in all_activities: user = user_db.create_temp_empty_user() groups = user_db.get_all_groups() if "cancel" in request.form: return redirect(request.args.get("next") or url_for("admin.admin_page")) elif "update" in request.form: password = _check_password(request.form.get("password", None), request.form.get("pcheck", None)) = _check_username(request.form.get("name", None)) user.fullname = request.form.get("fullname", None) = request.form.get("bio", None) g = user_db.get_group(request.form.get("primary_group", None)) user.primary_group_id = = request.form.get("active", None) == "on" # Validation if is not None: if password is not None: if g is not None: u = user_db.add(, password, user.fullname,, g, flash(_('User "{0}" added.'.format( return redirect(url_for("admin_user.admin_user_page", else: flash(_("Invalid group")) else: flash(_("Passwords do not match!")) else: flash(_("Username invalid")) return render_template( "admin_new_user.html", state=get_state(), user=user, groups=groups, title=_("Add new user"), can_edit_users=True, is_admin=is_admin, submit_button=_("Add"), cancel_button=_("Cancel"), ) else: return _not_auth() return _not_auth()
def admin_user_page(uid): """ Renders the user admin page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): # Gather permissions for currently logged in user # cur_all_groups = set(user_db.get_users_groups(current_user)) cur_rolemap = role_db.get_roles(current_user) admin_group = user_db.get_group(mainApp.config["ADMIN_GROUP"]) is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, admin_group) gs = set(user_db.get_all_groups()) avail_roles = role_db.get_all_roles() avail_roles_by_group = dict() for g in gs: avail_roles_by_group[] = list(avail_roles) cur_roles_by_group = _get_roles_by_group(cur_rolemap, avail_roles_by_group) user = None group = [] if uid is None: uid = # We do this because ptherwise we get a proxy to the object user = user_db.get_user( else: user = user_db.get_user(uid) if user is None: return render_template( "noink_message.html", state=get_state(), title=_("User not found!"), message=_('User with ID "{0}" was not found!'.format(uid)), ) else: group = user_db.get_users_groups(user) all_groups = set(user_db.get_users_groups(user)) rolemap = role_db.get_roles(user) avail_groups = list(gs - all_groups) user_roles = set() for m in rolemap: user_roles.add(m.role) roles_by_group = _get_roles_by_group(rolemap, avail_roles_by_group) # # DETERMINE PERMISSIONS MORE SPECIFICALLY # can_edit_users = False if in cur_roles_by_group: for rm in cur_roles_by_group[]: acts = role_db.get_activities(rm.role) can_edit_users = acts.get("edit_user") if is_admin or uid == if request.method == "POST": if "form_id" in request.form: if request.form["form_id"] == "general": # # PASSWORD UPDATE # if request.form.get("password", "") != "": password = _check_password( request.form.get("password", None), request.form.get("pcheck", None) ) if password != "" and password is not None: user_db.update_password(user, password) flash(_("Updated password")) else: flash(_("Passwords do not match!")) # # NAME UPDATE # if request.form.get("name", != new_name = _check_username(request.form.get("name", if new_name != and new_name is not None: = new_name flash(_("User name updated")) else: flash(_('"{0}" user already exists!'.format(new_name)), "error") # # FULLNAME & BIO UPDATE # user.fullname = request.form.get("fullname", user.fullname) = request.form.get("bio", # # PRIMARY GROUP # primary_group = request.form.get("primary_group", None) if primary_group is not None and primary_group != if user_db.update_primary(user, primary_group): flash(_("Updated primary group")) else: flash(_("Failed to update primary group"), "error") # # ACTIVE # active = request.form.get("active", None) == "on" if isinstance(active, bool): if active != = active flash(_("User active setting changed")) # # UPDATE DATABASE # user_db.update_user(user) elif request.form["form_id"] == "groups": # # UPDATE GROUP MEMBERSHIPS # if "delete" in request.form: rm_g = user_db.get_group(int(request.form["delete"])) if isinstance(rm_g, Group): if user_db.remove_from_group(user, rm_g): flash(_('User removed from group "{0}".'.format( group = user_db.get_users_groups(user) all_groups = set(group) avail_groups = list(gs - all_groups) else: print("HERE") flash( _( 'Unable to remove user "{0}" from' ' group "{1}".'.format(, ) ) else: flash( _( 'Unable to remove user "{0}" from' 'group "{1}".'.format(, request.form["delete"]) ) ) elif "add" in request.form: add_g = user_db.get_group(request.form.get("add_group", None)) if isinstance(add_g, Group): user_db.add_to_group(user, add_g) group = user_db.get_users_groups(user) all_groups = set(group) avail_groups = list(gs - all_groups) if add_g in group: flash(_('Added user to group "{0}".'.format( else: flash( _('Problem adding user "{0} to ' 'group "{1}"!'.format(,, "error", ) else: flash(_('Unable to find group "{0}"!'.format(request.form["add"])), "error") elif request.form["form_id"] == "roles": # # UPDATE ROLE MEMBERSHIP # if "delete" in request.form: rm_r = role_db.get_role(int(request.form["delete"])) g = user_db.get_group(int(request.form.get("group", -1))) if isinstance(rm_r, Role) and isinstance(g, Group): rolemap = role_db.get_rolemapping(user, g, rm_r) if rolemap is not None: role_db.revoke_role(user, g, rm_r) roles_by_group[].remove(rolemap) avail_roles_by_group[].append(rm_r) flash(_('Role "{0}" revoked.'.format( else: flash(_("Role not assigned to user."), "error") else: flash(_("Problem finding role or group.", "error")) elif "add" in request.form: g = user_db.get_group(int(request.form.get("group", -1))) r = role_db.get_role(request.form.get("add_role", None)) if isinstance(r, Role) and isinstance(g, Group): role_db.assign_role(user, g, r) rolemap = role_db.get_rolemapping(user, g, r) if r in avail_roles_by_group[]: avail_roles_by_group[].remove(r) if not in roles_by_group: roles_by_group[] = [] if rolemap not in roles_by_group[]: roles_by_group[].append(rolemap) flash( _( 'Role "{0}" assigned for user "{1}"' ' with group "{2}".'.format(,, ) ) else: flash(_("Problem finding role or group.", "error")) else: return render_template( "noink_message.html", state=get_state(), title=_("Form error"), message=_( "There was a problem identifying form " "elements. If this problem persists, contact" " your site administrator" ), ) # render the admin user page for uid user return render_template( "admin_user.html", state=get_state(), user=user, groups=group, avail_groups=avail_groups, is_admin=is_admin, role_map=rolemap, avail_roles=avail_roles, roles_by_group=roles_by_group, title=_("User Account"), avail_roles_by_group=avail_roles_by_group, can_edit_users=can_edit_users, submit_button=_("Update"), ) return _not_auth()
def admin_role_page(rid): """ Renders the role admin page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP']) all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) can_view_roles = 'view_roles' in all_activities can_edit_roles = 'edit_roles' in all_activities if is_admin or can_view_roles: if rid is None: if request.method == 'POST': if 'delete' in request.form: rids = request.form.getlist('select') for rid in rids: try: role_db.delete_role(int(rid)) flash(_('Role with ID "{0}" deleted'.format( rid))) except RoleNotFound: flash(_('"{0}" role id not found!'.format( rid)), 'error') elif 'new' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_role.admin_new_role')) roles = role_db.get_all_roles() return render_template('list_roles.html', roles=roles, state=get_state(), can_view_roles=can_view_roles, can_edit_roles=can_edit_roles, title=_('All Roles'), delete_button=_('Delete'), new_button=_('New'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), activities=activities, del_title=_('Delete Roles(s)'), del_warn=_('Deleting roles is a permanent action. '\ 'Are you sure?')) else: if request.method == "POST": if 'cancel' in request.form: return redirect(url_for('admin_role.admin_role_page')) elif 'submit' in request.form: role = role_db.get_role(rid) if role is not None: = request.form.get('role_name', role.description = request.form.get('description', role.description) updated_acts = request.form.getlist('activities') ract = get_activity_dict(False) for a in updated_acts: ract[a] = True role = role_db.update_temp_role_activities( role, ract) role_db.update_role(role) return redirect(url_for( 'admin_role.admin_role_page')) role = role_db.get_role(rid) if role is not None: return render_template('admin_role.html', role=role, state=get_state(), title=_('Edit Role'), cancel_button=_('Cancel'), submit_button=_('Submit'), can_edit_roles=True, activities=activities) else: return _not_auth() else: return _not_auth()
def admin_page(): """ Renders the admin page """ user_db = UserDB() role_db = RoleDB() if current_user.is_authenticated() and current_user.is_active(): links = OrderedDict() is_admin = user_db.in_group(current_user, mainApp.config['ADMIN_GROUP']) roles_by_group = {} all_roles = set() all_activities = set() for m in role_db.get_roles(current_user): if m.group_id not in roles_by_group: roles_by_group[m.group_id] = set() roles_by_group[m.group_id].add(m.role_id) all_roles.add(m.role_id) acts = role_db.get_activities(m.role_id) for act in acts: if acts[act]: all_activities.add(act) personal_and_group = _('Personal and Group Settings') links[personal_and_group] = [] # # Personal User and Group items # if 'edit_self' in all_activities: links[personal_and_group].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_user.admin_user_page"), 'text' : _('My User Settings'), 'desc' : _('Adjust your personal user settings.') }) if 'new_user' in all_activities: links[personal_and_group].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_user.new_user"), 'text' : _('Create New User'), 'desc' : _('Create a new user.') }) if 'view_users' in all_activities: links[personal_and_group].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_user.list_users"), 'text' : _('List All Users'), 'desc' : _('View all users and administrate them') }) if 'view_groups' in all_activities: links[personal_and_group].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_group.admin_group_page"), 'text' : _('Edit Groups'), 'desc' : _('View and edit all groups') }) if 'view_roles' in all_activities: links[personal_and_group].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_role.admin_role_page"), 'text' : _('Edit roles'), 'desc' : _('View and edit all roles') }) entries = _('Entries') links[entries] = [] # # Entries # if 'new_post' in all_activities: links[entries].append({ 'url' : url_for("post.new_post"), 'text' : _('New entry'), 'desc' : _('Create a new entry') }) sysadmin = _('System Administrative') links[sysadmin] = [] # # System # if 'view_log' in all_activities: links[sysadmin].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_events.event_viewer"), 'text' : _('View log'), 'desc' : _('View the events log') }) if 'make_static' in all_activities: links[sysadmin].append({ 'url' : url_for("admin_static.static_page"), 'text' : _('Generate static site'), 'desc' : _('Generate the static site') }) return render_template('admin.html', state=get_state(), links=links, is_admin=is_admin, title=_('Admin')) return render_template('noink_message.html', state=get_state(), title=_('Not authorized'), message=_('You must be logged in as a user to access this page!'))